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September 30, 2024: Moving Help
Posted by The Story Lover

'Goos' PNG

I would like to say thank you to everyone who has graciously donated to help me move to Massachusetts! We are in the final stretch and we are just a bit shy of our goal.

We need a bit more funds to pay for the gas for the moving truck. Gas prices in my area have started going up, hopefully, that is just here. 

Any amount that you can donate will be a tremendous help in getting me to cleaner air.

Thank you,


The Story Lover

August 14, 2024: Help TSL Move to Healthier Air in Massachusetts
Posted by The Story Lover

Greetings Friends and Fort Family! I am in the process of attempting to improve my living conditions so I can continue the work I do for our online reader community and I do need to ask for help. I need to relocate to Massachusetts in approximately a month or so. I am moving because I am being priced out of where I am living now. I am also moving for health reasons as the air where I am living is not safe for me to breathe for too many months of the year. This is because of the wildfires around me that cause poor air quality for too many months of the year. The poor air quality wreaks havoc on my Asthma. Where I am moving has much cleaner air and no wildfires to concern me. The Medical System there is far better than where I live now.

I am asking for funds to rent a truck, gas for the truck and lodgings for the trip. Jeff P. will be flying out here to help drive me to Massachusetts. Jeff has arranged a place for me to live that is substantially cheaper than where I am now as well as to have friends nearby to help with some of the daily tasks that are simply becoming more difficult than they should be due to the declining condition of my current environment.

I would greatly appreciate any donations to help defer the cost of moving. Any amount would be awesome!

Thanks for caring,


Help TSL Move To Massachussetts

August 10, 2024: August 10th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off, we have Ch 41-44 of Mayfield Magic and Ch 30-32 of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD.  We also have Ch 12-14 of Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein by the Voyagers Authors. Juju brings us Ch 9 of Old Souls. Finishing the list of updates off, we have Ch 16 of CSV-DSM Part 2 from ACFan and Ch 1-2 of a short story titled Jacob Grisirm from Zarek A Dragon. Check back soon for more updates.

June 5, 2024: Please help us look out for an extended family member!
Posted by JeffsFort

It would mean so much if you could take a look at our GoFundMe, “Support for Comicality's Mother in a Very Difficult Time”. Comicality's unexpected passing has hit us all very hard but his mother is now being overwhelmed with his final expenses while at the same time dealing with the loss of his income. Please donate or share with others—any help gets her closer to getting her head back above water. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support as we look out for the person who to Comicality was a rock through some very rough times.

Here’s the link:


April 19, 2024: Comicality
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

It is with a sad heart that I write this News Post, True's Fandom was the first of the Fort Family of Sites to have the honour of hosting works by Comicality. Unfortunately, I have the sad task of informing you the readers of this site that Comicality passed away in the comfort of his family on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024. Comsie will be remembered forever for the unique and creative person that he was. Comsie was an inspirational person and was the reason that a lot of us started writing and are still writing.

Comsie will be sorely missed!

I want to thank TrueFan posthumously for getting Comsie's permission to host his stories on a Fort Family Site, that was and is an amazing honour.

Originally Posted by JeffsFort

In every chat and website I've had to make this announcement, I've struggled. This isn't going to be any different. Earlier this evening I received a phone call from one of Comicality’s relatives. As many of you may know, he has been very sick on and off for over a year now which was the result of a failing liver. I was informed that on Tuesday, 04/16 he lost his battle and quietly passed away, taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete.

We are going to have a discussion in the office and figure out what we can/should do to keep all of the projects we've worked on with him alive like this site. Almost 6 years ago I got to see firsthand how much work he put into everything he did to entertain us all when we aided in reviving his IMAGINE Magazine. His persistence and level of dedication re-lit that flame for myself and even though the magazine was supposed to simply be hosted by us, I’ve had my hand on the wheel and followed along as he pointed. It’s hard to imagine moving forward without him, but we do want to move forward for him. Myself and the entire team (real and 3D) are all brokenhearted and need our vision to clear so we can do his work justice.

– Rest in Peace Coms, We’ll continue to safeguard all that you created until we join you on the other side.

If you would like to leave a public message or meet others who have been touched by Comicality’s work, go to the memorial posted over on and leave a message. Comicality was hosted there and always worked hard to support the community. Go check it out.

Take care,


April 15, 2024: April 15th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It's time for updates once again. To start things off, we have Ch 11 of Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein from the Voyagers Authors. Next, we have Ch 28 of the Edrich of Haluken by Jules Porter. We also have Ch 39-40 of Mayfield Magic and Ch 29 of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD. From Myke D we have Ch 6 of Myka’s Quest and Ch 12 of Lost Souls. Finishing things off we have Ch 18 of Lagniappe by Boudreaux and from The Story Lover we have a character list from Dragon Earl: Book One. Check back soon for more updates.

April 8, 2024: Donation Time
Posted by The Story Lover

Hello Readers,

It's TSL again with hat in hand, yes it is that time of year again when we ask you our loyal readers to help keep our sites up and running. You may well know our sites are run almost entirely on your generous donations! When your donations do not cover all of the cost, the difference comes out of our pockets. We have no ADs on our sites and no Premium Tiers! There is no charge to our authors for hosting their stories nor any charge for you the readers to read them. We would appreciate it if you could find a way to donate any amount to keep our sites AD-free and running. So please check between your couch cushions and under your car seats any amount will be gratefully accepted. No amount is too small. We thank you very much for all of your help over the years.

To sweeten the pot a bit, we are running the following promotion again, simply put, make a $10 USD donation get a free Joel Book.

Have you considered helping to keep these sites up and running? Are you also a fan of Ted Louis' "Joel" series? Well, Ted has informed us that he found a case of assorted Joel books. Yeah, "actual" in print books! He decided that anyone willing to make a $10 or larger donation within the US to the hosting service paying the bills for the Fort Family Community of sites, he is willing to send you your very own copy of a random book in the series, autographed by Ted Louis himself as a thank you!

What to do:

1. Click on and click on "Donate Now".

2. Make a qualifying donation of $10 or more.

3,. Email your name and mailing address to

4. Once the donation has been confirmed, Ted Louis will send a random autographed copy of one of his books to you directly.

(One book per donation. This offer will be withdrawn once the limited number of books has been sent. The early bird gets the worm! Unfortunately, only US residents due to expensive international shipping :( We'll take down the offer as soon as we confirm that no copies remain.)

March 6, 2024: March 6th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It's time for updates once again. To start the updates off, we have Ch 8-10 of Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein by the Voyagers Authors. We then have Ch 17-27 of Edrich of Haluken by Jules Porter. We also have Ch 35-37 of Mayfield Magic and Ch 27-28 of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD. Finally, from The Story Lover’s Tales of Kyle Esparar we have All I Want For Christmas Is... . Check back soon for more updates.

January 22, 2024: A Submission Lost In Cyberspace :(
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

Unfortunately,  a Thanksgiving Short Story Submission by Paladin was lost in Cyberspace. It was submitted in time and processed properly, however, when the story was returned to the author it never arrived! The author contacted the indomitable TSL, who was able to get me in contact with the author.

Paladin's story is now live and available for your reading pleasure.

Keep Christmas in your hearts every day,


Fred De Elf PNG


January 17, 2024: January 17th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off, we have two Societal Commentaries from The Story Lover with War Or Peace and Dear Mommy & Daddy. We Also have Ch 9-16 of the Edrich of Haluken by Jules Porter. DouglasDD brings us Ch 31-34 of Mayfield Magic. We also have a short story from Myke D titled Child Stars. The Voyagers Authors bring us Ch 6-7 of Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein and finishing off the updates we have an update to the Mikyvis Chronicles by ACFan and TheEggman with Ch 3 of A Clan Vacation as well as Ch 1-4 of Infinite Love by JM Taylor. Check back soon for more updates.

December 2, 2023: Oops, I forgot to anounce the Sumissions Announcement!
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

The following authors submitted their Short Stories for this Thanksgiving Event.

ACFan submitted his migraine-inducing story called TaDaoaSMiSwtbInkIhtIfotPD-AC. The name alone gave Santa a headache. Why the extremely long title, twice as long as TSL's longest title? ACFan decided to write a Short Story that tackled all of the event's themes, and somehow he succeeded. It is worth a read.

TSL submitted another one of his alcohol-infused submissions that again featured Wild Turkey prominently. Yes, both versions of Wild Turkey. TSL swears that no Wild Turkeys were harmed during the creation of his Short Story. Oh, you want to know the title hang on a sec while I consult the Library of Congress. Oh yeah, here it is Thanksgiving At Denny's® Again! ~ TSL

I apologize for forgetting to post this on time, however, the EggNog has been flowing freely here at the North Pole.

Happy Reading,

Fred The Elf PNG

November 29, 2023: October 12th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off, we have two Societal Commentaries from TSL with War Or Peace and Dear Mommy & Daddy. We then have Ch 9-11 of Edrich of Haluken by Jules Porter as well as Ch 31-33 of Mayfield Magic by DouglasDD. Finishing things off, we have Ch 5 of Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein from the Voyagers Authors, as well as a short story from Myke D called Child Stars. Check back soon for more updates.

November 16, 2023: Thanksgiving 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event Update
Posted by The Story Lover

Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

Due to popular demand, the Thanksgiving Short Story Deadline has been moved to Midnight Wednesday, November 22, 2023. [Actually, TSL needed more time, so his problem is now your help.]

Happy Authoring,


Fred The Elf

October 12, 2023: October 12th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off, we have three updates from Boudreaux. We have Dear Diary Ch 39, Ch 9 of Gifts, and Ch 17 of Lagniappe. From Jules Porter we have Ch 1-8 of Edrich of Haluken. We also have Ch 5 of Voyagers: SS Pegasus and Ch 4 of Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein from the Voyagers Authors. The Story Lover brings us Ode To The Dragon Earl. Finishing off the updates, we have Ch 30 of Mayfield Magic by DouglasDD and Ch 10 of ACE - Artificial Intelligence by Myke D. Check back soon from more updates.

October 7, 2023: Thanksgiving 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Attention All Readers:

The long, long-awaited Fall Short Story Event has arrived and it is a humdinger of an event. There are more choices of what to write than you can shake a stick at. This event starts today and ends at Midnight PST on Saturday, November 18th, 2023.

This event's themes are as follows: Thanksgiving At Denny's® Again!, Thanksgiving With The Brother I Never Knew I Had, Thanksgiving on the Planet Denny's®, and last but not least Thanksgiving On A Spaceship Marooned In Space.

For the completely fearless authors out there ACFan has issued a challenge to all entrants and the challenge is this, join him in writing a Short Story to this Theme: Thanksgiving at Denny's® again on a Spaceship Marooned In Space With the Brother I never knew I had, that I found on the Planet Denny's®.

The Guidelines are straightforward as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words, give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Saturday, November 18th at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author who wants to enter; non-fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event.

As always, this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred DeElf PNG

September 13, 2023: September 13th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off we have a good bit of updates from the Voyagers Authors starting with a Space Fleet Database, Prologue, and Ch 1-3 of Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein. Also, from the Voyagers Authors we have a Duty Roster ~ Other Ships, and Chapters 1-4 of Voyagers: SS Pegasus. DouglasDD brings us Ch 26-29 of Mayfield Magic and Ch 24-26 of Emerald City Boys. We also have a Societal Commentary from The Story Lover titled Are Fictional Characters Real? Part Two. Finishing up the updates, we have Ch 76-83 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound as well as a Preface to a story by Jules Porter called Edrich of Haluken. That’s all for now, check back soon for more updates.

September 1, 2023: What?!? A Free Joel Book???
Posted by JeffsFort

Have you considered helping to keep these sites up and running? Are you also a fan of Ted Louis' "Joel" series? Well, Ted has informed us that he found a case of assorted Joel books. Yeah, "actual" in print books! He decided that anyone willing to make a $10 or larger donation within the US to the hosting service paying the bills for the Fort Family Community of sites, he is willing to send you your very own copy of a random book in the series, autographed by Ted Louis himself as a thank you!

What to do:

1. Click on and click on "Donate Now".

2. Make a qualifying donation of $10 or more.

3,. Email your name and mailing address to

4. Once the donation has been confirmed, Ted Louis will send a random autographed copy of one of his books to you directly.

(One book per donation. This offer will be withdrawn once the limited number of books has been sent. The early bird gets the worm! Unfortunately, only US residents due to expensive international shipping :( We'll take down the offer as soon as we confirm that no copies remain.)



July 27, 2023: July 27th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off, we have Ch 23 of Emerald City Boys and Ch 21-25 of Mayfield Magic by DouglasDD. We also Have Ch 75 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. To finish off the updates, we have some chapters from the two new series by the Voyagers Authors. From the Voyagers: SS Pegasus series we have the Space Fleet Regulations, Cover Page and Synopsis. Uniforms, a Duty Roster for those on the Ship as well as those on Earth, as well as the Pegasus Class Ship Specs. From the Voyagers: SS Robert Heinlein series, we have the Cover Page and Synopsis, and Earhart Class Ship Specs. Check back soon for more updates.

May 31, 2023: May 31st Updates
Posted by D Barber

After a delay, it’s time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 16 of Lagniappe by Boudreaux as well as Ch 73-74 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Myke D brings us Ch 22 of The Touch and Ch 2 of The Legends of Blood - Volume Two. DouglasDD brings us Ch 18-20 of Mayfield Magic as well as Ch 22 of Emerald City Boys. Finishing things off, we have Ch 30 of Outside the lines by Comicality and Ch 3 of Voyagers Book III by the Voyagers Authors

April 4, 2023: Changing of the Guard at *True's Fandom*
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi everyone!

I wanted to reach out to regular readers here at True's Fandom as well as those who circulate throughout the Fort Family of hosting sites. One exceptionally difficult job is finding someone willing to take over the work started by a community/family member who we all miss. We all know that TrueFan (Lenny) put a lot of himself into his own work as an author as well as in growing his site. In the few years that True's Fandom has existed, he has amassed an impressive library that signifies the personality of those hosted on the site as well as give many newer authors a jumping-off point or even a home base. When we lose a site owner, we can maintain the hosting so the work isn't lost and active authors can still contribute but, we need to find someone who is willing to carry the torch lit by its creator. Today I am very happy to announce someone who not only is willing to take the wheel but, if given the opportunity, someone I believe Lenny would have chosen himself as his successor.

For those of you who are readers both at True's Fandom as well as many of our other hosting sites, author "Garret D. M." who has been a very close friend of many of us, including Lenny, has accepted our request for him to take over his online "Dad's" site and I know for a fact, this would make TrueFan himself both very happy as well as very proud. Garret brings with him new ideas & new direction as well as the ability to pay tribute to a man who quite literally was his online Dad, which is awesome!

So please join us all in welcoming Garret D.M. as one of our newest site owners and let's all support him as he learns to drive the vehicle Lenny and his hosted authors have built! 

- Jeff

February 23, 2023: Feb 22nd Updates
Posted by D Barber

Time for updates once again. To start things off we have two updates from ACFan with Ch 11 of Life Renewed – Revised and Ch 15 of CSV-DSM Part 2. Next is DouglasDD with CH 14-17 of Mayfield Magic. We also have Ch 2 of Voyagers Book III by the Voyagers Authors. Finally, we have 3 updates from The Story Lover. First is a Societal Commentary titled. I am A Real Man! . Next is Beyond This Place There Be Dragons from Dragon Earl: Book Two, and finally we have a Dragon Quote By John Lennon from Dragon Earl: Book Two. Check back soon for more updates.

February 8, 2023: Februrary 8th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off, there have been multiple updates by the Voyagers Authors as they start work on Book 3. There have been updates to the Duty Rosters for Space Fleet Academy and Aliens Encountered, as well as updates to the lists of Families on the Sooloo as well as the Uniforms and Space Fleet Regulations. There is also a Galactapedia, Glossary, and Calendars created for Book 3 as well. Finally, for updates from the Voyagers Authors, we have Ch 1 of Voyagers Book 3. There have also been updates from other authors as well, with Ch 10 of Life Renewed – Revised by ACFan and Ch 10-13 of Mayfield Magic by DouglasDD. Check back soon for more updates.  

February 4, 2023: That time of year again
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Authors and Readers,


It is that time of year again. Yes, it is time for our Annual Pledge Drive to keep the lights on and our Fort Family of sites servers running.

So please give us a helping hand to keep our sites alive. No donation is too big or too small, all donations are greatly accepted and appreciated.

Remember none of our sites have ads or Premium Fees!

Please help us keep our founder August Christopher's dream alive.


To Donate just click on the Donate Button in the left side panel on any site.


Thank you for your help over the years,


The Fort Family Admins

January 12, 2023: January 11th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It's time for the first Update Post of the new Year. To start things off we have Ch 70-72 of Three Finger Cove Book 6 by Chowhound. We also have some updates from The Lonely Kitten, with Ch 1-2 of A Brand New Start and Ch 1 of The Prophecy of Ascrya. There is also updates from DouglasDD as well with Ch 21 of Emerald City Boys and Ch 9 of Mayfield Magic. Finally, we have multiple updates from the Voyagers Authors as they End book 2 with Ch 31 of Voyagers Book 2 and Start Book 3 with The Cover Page and Synopsis of Book 3 as well as the SS Sooloo Ship Specs and Duty Rosters for Earth, SS Soolo, SS Endurance, SS Stephen William Hawking, SS Endurance, and SS Darastix and the SS Joseph Hooker. Check back soon for more updates.

November 27, 2022: R.I.P. True Fan
Posted by The Story Lover

The Fort Family is truly saddened by the loss of the Author and Site Owner True Fan. He will be sorely missed.

We are extending our sincerest condolences to his family, co-authors, and readers.

His site will be maintained as a memorial to him.

Requiescat in Pace,

The Fort Family Admins

November 27, 2022: True Fan
Posted by Zarek Dragon

Hey, Everyone,

I have some very sad news. Our friend and fellow writer, True Fan passed away last night. His husband called me, but was too upset to talk, so he had the nurse speak to me. Apparently, his heart stopped around 8ish, and after performing CPR for 30 minutes, there was still no response. We will miss him, but we find joy in knowing he's not feeling any more pain or suffering. The nurse did say that when he died, he didn't suffer; it was quick.


I don't know what this means for Voyagers, Douglas DD and I will have to discuss it. Whatever we do, I hope we honor True Fan. Next chapter will be delayed as we are dealing with our grief.


November 19, 2022: November 19th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 1 of De Jongen met het Verhaal by Stannie. Next, we have Ch 7-8 of Mayfield Magic and Ch 20 of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD. We also have Ch 30 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors. Finishing things off we have Ch 1 of The Legends of Blood - Volume Two and Ch 11 of Lost Souls by Myke D. Check back soon for more updates.

October 18, 2022: Fort Family Sites under attack?
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi everyone,

As some of you may have noticed, we have been experiencing intermittent outages with a small handful of our story siites as recently as earlier today. These outages are a result of a service that we utilize being hacked, which is affecting some functionality of the sites and triggering malware scanners within our service. It is being addressed but as with any attack of this nature, we can't offer a timeframe of when we are "in the clear" as we are simply reacting when trouble pops up as software needs to be developed to address this new issue moving forward.

For now, be sure you keep copies of everything that is newly posted on your site as an attack could force a site to restore from a recent backup, which 'could' reverse the addition of new material. Site owners, you will be contacted if this action is performed on your site. Get in touch with one of us if you have any questions or concerns.

Together we built The Fort Family and together we defend it!
- Jeff


October 14, 2022: October 14th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for more updates. To start things off, we have Ch 38 of Dear Diary by Boudreaux. Next, we have Ch 4-6 of Mayfield Magic by DouglasDD. We also have Ch 11-14 of CSV-DSM part 2 by ACFan. To finish off the updates, we have Ch 21 of The Touch - Volume 1 by Myke D. Check back soon for more updates.

August 27, 2022: August 27th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It's time for updates once again. To start things off, we have Ch 10 of Lost Souls by Myke D. Next, we have Ch 29 of Waiting Outside The Lines by Comicality. We also have Ch 67-69 Of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have Ch 3 of Mayfield Magic by DouglasDD and Ch 29 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors. Finishing off the updates is a double update from Boudreaux with Ch 15 of Lagniappe and Ch 11 of Twists Of Time. Check back soon for more updates.

August 5, 2022: Possible Stability Issue
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Fort Family!

As many of you may be unaware, on Thursday evening our service provider was one of many who experienced a complete outage that took our entire community down for a short period of time. I won't go into any details but we are not complaining about the speed in which this issue was addressed. The reason for this post is to request that any major site updates or important chapter postings should be postponed to allow for temporary fixes to receive permanent repairs. Where the work continues, I would consider all of our sites "Read Only" for a day or two. I will attempt a current backup as a "Just Incase" but, if we experience DNS issues resulting from the outage, new work could be lost.

So please join us in thanking those involved in such a speedy recovery but to be safe, do some reading and let your readers angrily stare at your newest cliffhanger one or two more days. 🤣


July 30, 2022: July 30th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It's time for updates once again. From DouglasDD we have Ch 1-2 of Mayfield Magic, as well as Ch 19 of Emerald City Boys. From Myke D we have Ch 20 of The Touch – Volume 1, Ch 9 of ACE – Artificial Intelligence, and Ch 8 of Be The One – Awakening. Finishing up the updates, we have Ch 28 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors and Ch 66 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Check back soon for more updates.

June 17, 2022: June17th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It's time for updates once again, to start things off we have Ch 76-77 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 17-18 Of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD. We also have Ch 26-27 of Voyagers Book 2 and the Duty Rosters for the SS Darastix and Space Fleet Academy from the Voyagers Authors. Check Back soon for more updates.

April 29, 2022: April 29th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It's time for updates. To start things off, we have Ch 15-16 of Emerald City Boys and Ch 74-75 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 25 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors. We also have Ch 10-11 of Neon by William King. Finishing off the updates, we have Ch 42 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Check back soon for more updates.

April 8, 2022: April 8th Updates
Posted by D Barber

This week’s update list is short, but still great. To start off the list, we have Ch 24 of Voyagers Book 2 as well as Ajagaron Calendar for Year 2335 from the Voyagers Authors. Next, we have Ch 41 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish off the updates, we have 2 double updates from 2 great authors. We have Ch 64-65 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound and Ch 72-73 Of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Check back soon for more updates.

March 25, 2022: March 25th Updates
Posted by D Barber

This week’s updates start with Ch 70-71 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 14 of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD. Next, we have an update to the Explorer Class Ship Specs by the Voyagers Authors. Myke D brings us Ch 9 of Lost Souls. We also have a poem from The Story Lover tiled Why? And Ch 8 of Old Souls by Juju. Finishing off the updates we have Ch 25 of Flea Market Sausage and Ch 8 of Gifts by Boudreaux as well as Ch 61-63 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Check back soon for More updates.

February 18, 2022: February 18th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Time for updates once again. To start things off, we have Ch 6-7 of Old Souls by Juju. Next, we have Ch 40 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Finishing off the update we have Ch 13 of Emerald City Boys and Ch 69 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD as well as Ch 23 of Voyagers Book II by the Voyagers Authors. Check back soon for more updates.

February 4, 2022: February 4th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 41 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. Next, we have Ch 14 of Lagniappe by Boudreaux. We also have some updates from Ruwen Rouhs with the Cover page and Synopsis for Josua and Lukas ~ Boys Uprooted by War as well as Ch 1 of Rainboy's Family. DouglasDD brings us multiple updates as well, with Ch 67-68 of Mayfield Titans as well as Ch 11-12 of Emerald City Boys. There is also Ch 5 of Commander Kid by Jeff P and Ch 5 of Myka’s Quest by Myke D. Finishing off the updates is Ch 23 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors and Ch 5 of Old Souls by Juju. Check back soon for more updates.

January 7, 2022: January 7th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for more updates. To start things off we have Ch 3-4 of Old Souls by Juju. Next, we have Ch 39 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter as well as Ch 28 of Waiting Outside The Lines by Comicality.We also have Ch 22 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors. To finish off the updates we have two updates from ACFan and TheEggman from the Mikyvis Chronicles titled Honeymoon: Intermission and Honeymoon Ch 3. Check back soon for more updates.

January 2, 2022: A Belated Merry Christmas!
Posted by The Story Lover

January 1, 2022: December 31st Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 17-18 of Fantasy Faire and Ch 24 of Flea Market Sausage by Boudreaux. Next, we have Ch 54-60 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have Ch 38 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter and Ch 21 of Voyagers Book 2 by The Voyagers Authors. To Finish things off we have Ch 2 of Old Souls by Juju, Ch 19 of The Touch - Volume 1 by MykeD. and a Societal Commentary by The Story Lover Titled The Secret Bigot Inside Us All. I hope every has a good New Years and remember to check back soon for new chapters.

December 10, 2021: December 10th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 9 of Life Renewed-Revised by ACFan Next, we have multiple updates from DouglasDD with Ch 62-65 Of Mayfield Titans and Ch 9-10 of Emerald City Boys. We also have two updates from Juju with Ch 50 of Heart Strings and Ch 1 of Old Souls. To finish off the list of updates we have Ch 39-40 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes and Ch 8 of Lost Souls by Myke D. Check back soon for more updates.

November 21, 2021: 2021 Christmas Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Fred De Elf

We are thrilled to announce our Christmas Short Story Event for 2021, and the first Event of 2021.

This year's themes are: Christmas In Outer Space, Christmas On Mars etc., and because Uncle AC begged, Christmas at Dennys® On [Name Your Planet].

The Guidelines are straightforward as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words, give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 20th at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter; non-fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2021 Christmas Short Story Event.

And now something special for this year's event Flash Fiction! The Themes are: A Horse for Christmas, An Elf For Christmas etc.

The rules are the same except for the word count, which is a Maximum of 500 Words!

As always, this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred the Elf PNG

November 12, 2021: November 12th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 60-61 of Mayfield Titans as well as Ch 8 of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 43-49 of Heart Strings by Juju. We also have some updates from the Voyagers Authors which are Ch 20 from Voyagers Book 2, an A-to-Z Duty Roster as well as one for Book 1 and Book 2 and there is also a Duty Roster for the SS Sooloo and the SS Joseph Hooker. Finishing off the updates we have Ch 53 of Three Finger Cove Book 6 by Chowhound and Ch 37 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Keep checking back for more updates.

October 15, 2021: October 15th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have two updates from the Voyagers Authors with Ch 19 and the Darastixian Calendar from Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors. We also have another double update from DouglasDD with Ch 59 of Mayfield Titans as well as Ch 7 of Emerald City Boys. To finish things off we have Ch 41-42 of Heart Strings by Juju as well as a Tutorial by Zarek Dragon titled Seven Easy Steps to Changing a Character's Eye Color. Check back soon for more updates.

October 1, 2021: October 1st Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 40 of Heart Strings by Juju. Next, we have Ch 18 of Voyagers Book 2 from the Voyagers Authors. We also have two updates from DouglasDD with Ch 6 of Emerald City Boys and Ch 58 of Mayfield Titans. Finally, we have Ch 36 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Check back soon for more updates.

September 24, 2021: September 24th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 52 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Next, we have a commentary on Sept 11th titled My Story by Night Auditor. We also have Ch 17 of Voyagers Book 2 as well as an updated Glossary for Book 2 from the Voyagers Authors. To finish off the updates we have Ch 38-39 of Heart Strings by Juju and Ch 7 of Book 1 of Boise Idaho by Garret D.M. Check back soon for more updates.

September 10, 2021: September 10th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have two updates from Juju with Ch 23-25 of Duncan: Out Of Exile as well as a Ch 12-16 and a Memorial chapter of Banish the Nightmares. Next, we have Ch 50-51 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. To finish off the updates we have two updates from DouglasDD with Ch 57 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 5 from Emerald City Boys. Check back soon for more updates.

September 1, 2021: Donations Needed
Posted by The Story Lover

Due to the ongoing Pandemic, a lot of us have gone through financial difficulties. The Fort Family of Sites has been affected by those financial difficulties as well. In fact, for the last eighteen months, we have been running in the red. Due to quite a few of our sites coming up for renewal over the next couple of months, we will go far enough in the red that it will be untenable.

So, please donate to support our Author Hosting and keep all of our sites online. All donations large or small will be greatly appreciated. Anything you can give to support The Fort Family of Sites will go a long way to keep the sites online and Ad-Free.

Thank you for your generosity.

TSL for the Fort Family of Sites.

August 27, 2021: August 27th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. First, we have three stories from Juju that have updates with Ch 7-11 of Banish the Nightmares, Ch 1-9 of DUNCAN: Out of Exile and Ch 37 of Heart Strings. Next, we have Ch 16 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors. We also have Ch 2 of Honeymoon from the Mikyvis Chronicles by ACFan and TheEggman. Finally, we have Ch 35 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Check back soon for more updates.

August 13, 2021: August 13th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 2-3 from Emerald City Boys as well as Ch 54-55 from Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 34-35 of Heart Strings as well as Ch 4-6 of Banish the Nightmares by Juju. We also have Ch 27 of Waiting Outside The Lines by Comicality and Ch 37 of Dear Diary by Boudreaux. To finish thins off we have Ch 3 of Jesse’s Story by Brynmor, Ch 18 from the Touch – Volume 1 by Myke D and from the Voyagers Authors a Book 2 Glossary for Voyagers Book 2. Check back soon for more updates.

July 30, 2021: July 30th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 52-53 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 1 of Emerald City Boys by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 33 of Heart Strings as well as the Prologue and first three chapters of Banish the Nightmares by Juju. To finish off the updates we have Ch 34 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Check back soon for more updates.

July 9, 2021: July 9th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have a Poem from the Story Lover that’s titled And A Child Shall Lead Them. This Poem was the one used at the end of Book 3 of Memories. Next, we have Ch 45-49 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have Ch 4 of Commander Kid by Jeff P. Finally, we have Ch 17 of The Touch – Volume 1 by Myke D as well as a chapter of the Mikyvis Chronicles titled Honeymoon Chapter One. Check back next week for more updates.

June 25, 2021: June 25th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. Starting things off we have Ch 50-51 of Mayfield Titans as well as Ch 43 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 38 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. We then have a Societal Commentary by The Story Lover titled Discrimination Hurts Us All! As well as Ch 33 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish things off we have Ch 15 of Voyagers book 2  by the Voyagers Authors as well as Ch 44 of Memories Part 3 by ACFan. This chapter of Memories is also the final chapter of Part 3 as well. Check back soon for more updates.

June 4, 2021: June 4th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have multiple updates from DouglasDD with Ch 46-49 of Mayfield Titans, as well as a Prologue for his new story Emerald City Boys. There is also Ch 32 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. The Story Lover brings us a Free Verse titled Another Star In The Sky. To finish things off we have Ch 9-10 of CSV-DSM Part 2 by ACFan and Brynmor brings us Ch 6b of Digital Refresh. Check back soon for more updates

May 15, 2021: May 14th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 43-46 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 42 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. We also have Ch 41-44 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. There is also Ch 14 of Voyagers Book II from the Voyagers Authors and Ch 37 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. Finally there is an update from the late great author Juju with Ch 32 of Heart Strings. Check back soon for more updates.

April 23, 2021: April 23rd Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 38-40 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound as well as  Ch 7 of Lost Souls by Myke D. There is also Ch 41-42 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Finally there is Ch 36 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes and Ch 6A of Digital Refresh of Brynmor. Check back soon for more updates.

April 9, 2021: April 9th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start to start things off we have Ch 36-40 of Mayfield Titans as well as Ch 41 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. We also have Ch 34-37 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Boudreaux brings us Ch 13 of Lagniappe as well as Ch 17 of Expanding Horizons. To finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 7 of  Be The One – Awakening by Myke D and Ch 31 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter.

March 19, 2021: March 19th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 40 of Piano Forte as well as Ch 34-35 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 31-33 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have Ch 35 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes as well as Ch 28 of The Legends of Blood - Part Three by Myke D. To finish off the updates for the week we have a two-part update to Memories with Ch 43a-43B of Memories Part 3 by ACFan. Check back soon for more updates.

March 10, 2021: Zarek Dragon Update!!!
Posted by Zarek Dragon

10 March 2021

Ugh... my least favorite expression, "I know how he feels..." lol Seriously, though, True DOES have an idea of how I feel. As soon as they told me, I lost two toes, I said, "Hey, that means, I lost a little weight." Next day, a nurse asked if I could wiggle my toes, and I told her only eight. I wasn't sure where the two I lost were. They were lost. i refused to let myself get depressed over this as there was nothing I could do to bring them back. My greatest source of depression during this time was missing my Shinobi.

I am home, healing nicely, according to the doctors, and can't wait until my four-legged friend comes home.

Thank you everyone who prayed for me...

Zarek Alexander Dragon

March 6, 2021: Zarek Dragon update
Posted by TrueFan

Zarek Dragon had surgery on his foot due to an infection. The result was he lost 2 toes because there was no way to cure the infection. It became a matter of life or limb... or digits as the case was... I know how he feels...


Two weeks ago, I must have smacked the little toe on my remaining foot and it is not doing well... I have an appointment on Tuesday to determine what course of treatment would be appropriate.

March 5, 2021: March 5th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 31-32 of Mayfield Titans as well as Ch 40 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. Next we have Ch 16 from The Touch – Part 1 by Myke D. We also have Ch 34 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. To finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 29-30 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound as well as Ch 11 of The Goden Bridge Chronicle by Beldo Mercier

February 19, 2021: Februrary 19th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have a triple update from DouglasDD with Ch 29-30 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 39 of Piano Forte. Next, we have a double update from Myke D with Ch 6 of Lost Souls and Ch 27 of The Legends of Blood – Part Three. Finally, we have Ch 27 of Untouchable by the great author Comicality. Check back next week for more update.

February 12, 2021: Februrary 12th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 27-29 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. We have two updates from Boudreaux with Ch 7 of Gifts and Ch 16 of Expanding Horizons. Finally, to finish off the updates Myke D. has posted a Front Cover for his great story ACE - Artificial Intelligence. Check back soon for more updates.

January 29, 2021: January 29th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have an update from August N with Ch 6-7 of his great story The Surface of Things. Next, we have Ch 33 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes as well as Ch 26 of Waiting Outside The Lines by the great author Comicality. Finishing off the updates for this week we have Ch 25-26 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Check back soon for more updates.

January 23, 2021: Well, I'm Back!
Posted by JM Taylor

Hello Family,

It's been a long while, too long. But, I'm back and I've posted new chapters to my story. Please, enjoy. And as always I'm open to comments, and suggestions/ Please message me here or on the server with feedback, it's more than welcomed.

Love and Peace, 


January 22, 2021: January 22nd Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for more updates. To start things off we have Ch 23-24 of Mayfield Titans as well as Ch 38 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 31 of Heart Strings by Juju. We also have Ch 30 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Finally, we have Ch 37-38 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Check back soon for more updates.

January 8, 2021: January 8th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Before I start with the updates, I hope everyone had a good New Years and I am also hoping this year is starting off well for you. To start things off we have Ch 21-22 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 8 of Life Renewed – Revised by ACFan as well as Chapters 24-26 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Myke D. brings us Ch 7 of Ace - Artificial Intelligence and Ch 26 of The Legends of Blood – Part 3. To finish off the updates we have Ch 32 of Dante My Inferno by BillyYes. Check back soon for more updates.

December 27, 2020: December 27th Updates
Posted by D Barber

 Before I start with the updates, I want to say that I hope everyone had a good Christmas and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year as well. To start off the list of updates we have Ch 31 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. We also have Ch 5 of Lost Souls by Myke D. Chowhound has brought us Chapters 22-23 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove and Juju has brought us Ch 30 of Heart Strings as well. There were multiple authors that wrote for the Christmas 2020 Short Story event some of which are posted on the Fandom but for the full list as well as lists from past story events you can check out . The Short Stories on the Fandom include CSU Dennys Christmas 2020 AC by ACFan, Is Santa Claus Real? TSL by The Story Lover, The Night Before Christmas 2020 TSL ,JP by the Story Lover and Jeff P, and Joey's First Christmas Tree, A Clan Short Christmas & A Trip to Denny's ~ JP by Jeff P.

December 21, 2020: Christmas 2020 Short Story Event Deadline Update
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Attention Everyone,

Due to my throwing my back out loading Santa's Sleigh, I have moved the Deadline to Wednesday, December 23rd at Midnight PST (Pacific Standard Time). That way my Elven Editing Team and I, will have time to finish their edits and for me to make sure that all the stories get posted on time. Christmas Morning that is.

Have fun writing,

Fred The Elf JPG

December 18, 2020: December 18th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have two updates from Myke D. with Ch 15 of The Touch – Volume 1 and Ch 25 of The Legends Of Blood Pt 3. Next, we have Ch 29 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish off the updates we have another set of updates from DouglasDD with Ch 20 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 37 of Piano Forte. I hope everyone has a good Christmas and I will be back soon with more updates.

December 10, 2020: Christmas 2020 Short Story Event Addendum
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Elf Mask PNG

Hello Authors, Writers, Readers, Those Thinking About Writing,

Due to your overwhelming requests, the Big Guy has decided to add another Theme to this Year's Christmas Short Story Event:

The New Theme is Christmas At Denny's® or A Denny's® Christmas, either one will work.

All the guidelines are still the same, so sharpen your pencils and fill your ink bottles, times awasting.

Don't forget, you don't need to be a hosted author to submit a story, so if you have been thing about writing a story, come and join the fun.

Fred JPG

November 27, 2020: November 27th Updates
Posted by D Barber

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving with turkey, ham, and all kinds of other good foods. Now its time for a list of updates to your favorite stories that you can check out in between food comas. To Start things off we have Ch 13 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors as well as Ch 12 of Lagniappe by Boudreaux. Next is a big update from Myke D with Ch 4 of Myka’s Quest, Ch 24 of The Legends of Blood – Part 3 and Ch 4 of Lost Souls. We also have Ch 3 of Commander Kid by Jeff P. as well as Ch 7 of Life Renewed – Revised by ACFan. To finish off the list of updates so far, we have Chapters 18-21 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound and Ch 19 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Make sure to keep checking back because there are more updates to come.

November 21, 2020: November 21st Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates again. To start things off we have Ch 29 of Heart Strings by Juju. Next is Ch 36 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. Then we have Ch 30 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. To finish off the updates we have Ch 3 of Lost Souls by Myke D and multiple updates from Brynmor. Brynmor has brought us Ch 2 of Southern Runners, Ch 2 of Jesse’s Story, Ch 5 of Digital Refresh, Ch 1 of Franklin Goes to School, and Ch 3 of Beginnings. Check back next week for more updates.

November 18, 2020: Christmas 2020 Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

We have been quarantined here at the North Pole Elf Mask PNG since we are also Social Distancing getting access to our Internet Computer has been daunting, however, I finally succeeded so without further ado here are this year's themes:

What I Want for Christmas, A Dragon Earl Christmas*, A Clan Short Christmas*, Is Santa Claus Real?


The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 20th at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2020 Christmas Short Story Event.

As always this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred The Elf Avatar JPG

* The Stories A Dragon Earl Christmas & A Clan Short Christmas, would include characters from their individual copyrighted stories and/or universes. Stories written for this event will be considered Non-Canon FanFic, unless the Universe Creators decide otherwise. (Yes, they just may like your work enough to validate it in the actual story universe. It can and has happened before!) Be sure to contact any author before you write their characters into your story, to get their consent. Don't worry, they don't bite...we think.

IMPORTANT: Characters from the following stories are considered Off-Limits by the originating author: Ark, Lost Souls, Out Of The Past, and Joel from Sa'ren is Off-Limits (but you can contact the author about other characters).

November 15, 2020: True’s Fandom wishing you a Happy Birthday.
Posted by TrueFan

Happy 21st birthday, Akeentia...


(Yes, my nose just a tad browner...)

November 13, 2020: November 13th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates again. To start things off we have Ch 18 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Next, we have a Societal Commentary from The Story Lover titled Get Off Your A$$ & Do Something! We also have Ch 29 of Heart Strings by Juju. To finish off the updates for this week we have 3 updates from Myke D. Those are Ch 6 of Ace – Artificial Intelligence, Ch 23 of The Legends of Blood – Part 3, and Ch 2 of Lost Souls. Check back next week for more updates

November 7, 2020: November 6th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 16-17 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We then have a triple update as well as a new story from Boudreaux with Ch 6 of Gifts, Ch 16 of Fantasy Faire, and Ch 1 from When I Learned. The Story lover brings us a Societal Commentary titled A 3-Way Knockout Punch. Finishing off the updates for this week is Ch 28 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter and Myke D. brings us an update and a new story as well with Ch 6 of Be The One - Awakening and Ch 1 of The Lost Souls. Check back next week for more updates.

October 30, 2020: October 30th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It is time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 13-17 of Three Finger Cove Book 6 by Chowhound. Next, we have Ch 22 of Legends of Blood – Part 3 by Myke D. DouglasDD brings us Ch 16-17 of Mayfield Titans. To finish off the updates we have Ch 2 of Commander Kid by Jeff P. Check back soon for more updates

October 16, 2020: October 16th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 15 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Next, we have two updates from Boudreaux with Ch 15 of Fantasy Faire and Ch 11 of Lagniappe. Garret D.M. brings us Ch 6 of Boise ID Book 1. To finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 3 of Myka’s Quest by Myke D. Check back next week for more updates.

October 2, 2020: October 2nd Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again so here we go. To start things off we have Ch 27 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Next is Ch 11-12 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have two updates from DouglasDD with Ch 14 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 35 of Piano Forte. Garret D. M. brings us Ch 5 of Book 1 of Boise ID. Finishing off the updates we have a story from an author who has started back writing after a hiatus and multiple updates from another author. The great author JeffP brings us Ch 1 of Commander Kid and Myke D. Brings us Ch 14 of The Touch - Volume 1 and Ch 2 of Myka’s Quest. Myke also brings us the  Cast Lists for his stories The Legends of Blood – Part 1, The Legends of Blood – Part 2, The Legend of Blood- Part 3, and The Touch – Volume 1. Hope everyone has a great week and check back next week for more updates.

September 25, 2020: September 25th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates. To start off the updates for this week we have ACFan with Ch 6 of the Life Renewed – Revised. Next, we have Three updates from Myke D with Myka’s Fall, Ch 5 of Ace – Artificial Intelligence, and Ch 21 from The Legends of Blood – Part 3. To finish off the updates for the week we have Ch 20 of Still Another Chance Book 4 from Zarek Dragon and finally we have a Societal Commentary from The Story Lover titled Rain Showers Bring Meadows of Wildflowers. Check back next week for more updates.

September 18, 2020: September 18th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Another week has gone by and that means there is another batch of stories for you to check out. To start things off as DouglasDD has posted as well, there is an update to his story with Ch 13 of Mayfield Titans. He also has brought us Ch 34 of Piano Forte as well. Myke D brings us two updates with Ch 20 of Legends of Blood - Part Three, and Ch 5 of Be The One – Awakening. To finish off updates for the week we have Ch 10 of Three Finger Cove Book 6 by Chowhound. Check back next week for more updates and if you love a story make sure to let the author know.

September 13, 2020: Mayfield Titans
Posted by Douglas DD

Chapter 13 of Mayfield Titans, "The Miller Family",  has been posted.  I love getting reader feedback.  -Douglas-

September 12, 2020: September 11th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Another week another batch of updates for you. To start things off we have Ch 8-9 of Three Finger Cove Book 6 by Chowhound. Next, we have Ch 12 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD as well as Ch 28 of Heart Strings by Juju. To finish off the updates we have 5 updates from Myke D. We have Ch 3-4 of Ace – Artificial Intelligence, Ch 13 of The Touch – Volume 1, Ch 19 of The Legends of Blood Pt 2, and Ch 4 of Be The One – Awakening. Check back next week for more updates.

August 28, 2020: August 28th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates and we have some great ones for you. We have three updates to Myke D’s great stories with Ch 2 of Ace - Artificial Intelligence, Ch 12 of The Touch - Volume 1, and Ch 18 of The Legends of Blood - Part 2. We also have Ch 6-7 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound to finish off the updates for this week. Check back next week for more updates and if you like a story please make sure to email the author and let him know, for most it’s the only payment they receive from all the hard work they put in writing these great stories.

August 21, 2020: August 21st Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off I would like the welcome the Author Myke D. to the Fandom. He is a great author and I cannot wait to see more updates from him. We have Three updates from Myke with Ch 17 from The legends of Blood-Pt 2, Ch 11 from The Touch-Volume 1, and Ch 1 of Ace-Artificial Intelligence. We also have Ch 27 of Heart Strings by Juju, Ch 4-5 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, and Ch 26 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish off the updates for this week we have two updates from DouglasDD with Ch 33 of Piano Forte and Ch 11 of Mayfield Titans. I’ll be back soon with more updates for you.

August 7, 2020: August 7th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 2-3 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound.  Next is Ch 25 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter and Ch 19 of Book 4 of Still Another Chance by Zarek Dragon. We also Have a Societal Commentary titled Are Fictional Characters Real? by The Story Lover. Boudreaux brings us Four updates to his stories with Ch 23 of Flea Market Sausage, Ch 5 of Gifts, Ch 14 of Fantasy Faire and Ch 10 of Lagniappe. To finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 42 of Memories Pt 3 from ACFan, Ch 25 of Waiting Outside the Lines by Comicality, and Ch 10 of Mayfield Titans by DouglassDD. Hope everyone has a great week and I’ll be back soon with more updates.

July 25, 2020: July 24th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for more updates. To start off with I wanted to give you an update on Truefan. He is now home and recovering so keep him in your prayers. For updates this week we have Ch 12 from Voyagers Book II by the Voyagers Authors. We also have two updates from DouglasDD with Ch 9 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 32 of Piano Forte. To finish off updates for this week we have Ch 26 of Heart Strings by Juju. I will be back next week with more updates

July 17, 2020: July 17th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for updates again. Before I start with the updates, I want to remind everyone to keep Truefan in your prayers as he recovers. Updates on his condition will be posted as we hear them. To start off updates for the week we have Ch 8 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD. Next, we have Ch 24 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish off the updates for the week we have the finishing of one book and the starting of another from Chowhound with Ch 67 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove and Ch 1 of Book 6 of Three Finger Cove. I hope everyone has a good weekend and I will be back soon with more updates.

July 16, 2020: True Fan Needs Your Support
Posted by The Story Lover

I have just been informed that True Fan suffered a stroke last Friday, he is having trouble seeing, he will be heading to rehab in the next day or so. Please keep him in thoughts and send positive thoughts his way.

Take care,


July 10, 2020: July 10th Updates
Posted by D Barber

It is time once again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 41 of Memories Pt 3 by ACFan. Next is Ch 23 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. We also have Ch 7 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD and Ch 25 of Heart Strings by Juju. Finally, we have Ch 65-66 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound and Ch 2 of Dragon Earl: Horus and Tana by The Story Lover

July 1, 2020: TrueFan Update
Posted by TrueFan

Hello all,

I figured it was time for an update. As many of you know, I have been dealing with respiratory and Congestive Heart Failure since March. Ten days ago, I was back in the emergency room. It seems I had yet another mild heart attack, in addition to pneumonia, and of course, my CHF was in bad shape.

So, I spent 8 days in the hospital.

I'm at home now and feel 1000% better than I have in a long time. I want to thank all of you who emailed me with your support, it makes me really know that I have a community behind me.

I hope you all (at least the Americans) have a safe 4th of July.

I will leave you all with these words of wisdom:

He who drinks a 5th on the 4th, seldom go forth on the fifth.


June 19, 2020: June 19th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates. To start things off we have Ch 1 of The Parselmage Necromancer by Boudreaux. Next we have Ch 11 of Voyagers Book II by the Voyagers Authors. DouglasDD brings us two updates with Ch 6 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 31 of Piano Forte. Finally, we have Ch 62-64 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Come back next week for more updates and if you like a story make sure to email the author to let them know.

June 5, 2020: June 5th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates, to start things off we have Ch 5 of Mayfield Titans and Ch 30 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. We also have Ch 59-61 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. To finish off the updates for this week we have three updates from Boudreaux with Ch 9 of Lagniappe, Ch 10 of Twists of Time, and Ch 13 of Fantasy Faire. Come back next week for more updates.

May 29, 2020: May 29th Updates
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for more updates. To start off the updates for this week we have the great ACFan who posted Ch 40 of Memories Part 3. Chowhound brings us Ch 58 from Book 5 of Three Finger Cove. We also have Ch 4 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD and Ch 24 of Heart Strings by Juju. To finish off this weeks updates we have Ch 22 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. I hope everyone is staying safe and I'll be back soon with more updates.

May 25, 2020: Scheduled Server Maintenance Notice!
Posted by JeffsFort

Between 2am EST and 6am EST on May 26, the wizards who provide our hosting will be casting a new integrity spell on the rack-mounted totem that contains all of our characters. This is done to ensure not too many of them escape or cause too much havoc on our realm. It may be difficult to reach the sites with your computer as they perform this ritual but if you are able to peer into ethereal realms, you shouldn’t have a problem. If not, I'd suggest you use your own wizardry and save a few chapters locally to get you through.

This ritual should take about 30 minutes for most of our sites. Maybe about a DAY for The Story Lover's Home as Dragons are much more difficult to contain and really do like messing with the wizards. <snicker> 

We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, both in lost reading time and should you become overrun with the group who plans out this time of year to escape normally. Our hopes and gratitude go out to the wizards tasked with this responsibility!

May 9, 2020: May 8th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week, another batch of updates. To start things off we have two updates from a brand-new author Tyco C with May The 4th Be With you and Pictures. We also have Ch 10 from Voyagers Book II by The Voyagers Authors. Chowhound brings us Ch 55-56 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove. Finally, we have Ch 3 of Mayfield Titans by DouglasDD, Ch 21 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter, and Ch 26 of Untouchable by Comicality. Check back in next week for more updates.

May 4, 2020: Happy Star Wars Day
Posted by Tycho_C

Since today is May 4th, I decied to post a little something I cooked up for Star Wars Day. I hope you all enjoy 

May 1, 2020: May 1st Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have Ch 54-55 of Three Finger Cove from Chowhound. Next we have Ch 29 of Piano Forte from DouglasDD. To finish things off we have two updates from Garret D.M. with the Cover Page 2.0 as well as Ch 4 from his series Boise ID Book 1. I hope everyone is staying safe and I will be back next week with more updates.

April 25, 2020: April 24th Update
Posted by D Barber

I hope everyone is staying safe during this pandemic by staying at home and only leaving when necessary and practicing social distancing and other safety measures when you must go out. This week we have had a good bit of updates from the great author DouglasDD. He has posted Ch 1-2 of Mayfield Titans, and Ch 10-12 of Aiden Book 1. Juju has also posted an update this week with Ch 23 of Heart Strings. Everyone stay safe and I will be back soon with more great updates.

April 10, 2020: April 10th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off we have an update from TrueFan with Ch 8 of FCS: Las Vegas. We then have another Societal Commentary by The Story Lover with The Dream. Finally, we have updates to two great series with Ch 28 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD and Ch 28 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. I hope everyone has a good Easter and check back next week for more updates

April 5, 2020: TrueFan Update
Posted by TrueFan

Greetings all:

I hope you are all doing well during our enforced vacation from work and school. Hopefully, things will return back to normal sooner rather than later.

First off, I wanted to express my thanks to all those individuals working to keep us all safe and healthy during this pandemic. The work they do is important to all of us.

To update you on my condition. As has previously been reported, I spent some time in the hospital in the past month. 13 days to be exact. No, I did not contract COVID-19, but I was having some major respiratory issues. It seems that fluid began to accumulate in the sack surrounding my right lung, impeding its function. They were finally able to drain off 1.5 liters of fluid. I’ve been home for a week now and am recovering exceptionally quickly.

Thanks to all of you who wrote emails expressing your best wishes.

So, stay safe and healthy in the coming weeks, and READ a ton of stories… you might even want to write one yourself!

All my best,


April 3, 2020: April 3rd Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off this week Ch 50-53 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. There is also Ch 27 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD and Ch 22 of Heart Strings by Juju. Finally, we have Ch 20 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy and we will be back next week with more updates.

March 27, 2020: March 27th Fandom Update
Posted by D Barber

I hope everyone is healthy and safe in these trying times. Hopefully these updates will help to make your day just a tiny bit better. To start things off we have Ch 9 of Book 2 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors. We also have Ch 21 of Heart Strings by Juju. DouglasDD brings us Ch 26-27 of Piano Forte as well and to finish things off we have A societal Commentary by The Story Lover titled Why Did You Leave? I hope everyone has a safe week and I will be back next week with more updates.

March 20, 2020: TrueFan in Hospital Update
Posted by D Barber

Just a quick update on how TrueFan is doing. He’s still in the hospital. He had went in on March 14th with difficulty breathing. Initial diagnosis was merely an exacerbation of His COPD, but that was updated to pneumonia.

Three days ago, they did a CT scan of his chest and found fluid in the lining of his lungs. They called it a Pleural Effusion. The plan is to drain the fluid some time today, then see if it refills, if so, they will figure out what to do. If not, he could go home either Sunday or Monday.

March 15, 2020: TrueFan in Hospital
Posted by D Barber

Just an update to let everyone know that TrueFan is in the hospital due to problems with his heart. They are running tests now and an update will be posted later as more is found out. Please make sure to keep True in your prayers.

March 6, 2020: March 6th Update
Posted by D Barber

To start off updates this week we have an update to the Duty Roster for the SS Endurance from Voyagers Book II. We also have Ch 48-49 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. To finish off the updates for this week we have two updates from Boudreaux with Ch 12 of Fantasy Faire and Ch 15 of Expanding Horizons. Make sure if you love a story to email the author and let them know as its about the only thanks they receive for all the work they put into their great stories.

February 29, 2020: Feburary 28th Update
Posted by D Barber

After a brief hiatus from updates were back again with more stories to check out/ To start things off we have Ch 18 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter and Ch 27 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. We also have Ch 44-47 of Book Five of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. The Voyagers Authors have released Ch 8 of Voyagers Book II. To finish off the updates for this week we have two Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover titled Our Digital & Electronic Prisons and The Dearth or Death of Common Courtesy. I hope everyone has a good week and make sure if you love a story to let the author or authors who wrote it know.

February 7, 2020: February 7th Update
Posted by D Barber

To start off updates for this week we have Ch 25 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. We also have A Societal Commentary from TSL titled A Note To Readers and Authors, From TSL. The Voyagers Authors bring us Ch 7-8 of Voyagers. Comicality brings us Ch 24-25 of Untouchable and Finally we have Ch 20 of Heart Strings by Juju

February 5, 2020: Voyagers Book II changes
Posted by TrueFan

Due to what some readers thought was a duplicate scene in Chapters Six and Seven of Voyagers Book ][, we have made some edits to those two chapters to help  them understand, the "duplication" is a matter of helping our readers understand the continuality of the chapters. As such, scenes that happened prior to the "duplicate" scene were moved to prior to it in Chapter Six, and what would have been a continuation of Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, in its entirity, was moved to Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight WAS going to be published this coming Sunday, so hopefully, you enjoy reading this continuation a little early. As for the new Chapter Eight, it will be published when Chapter Nine was originally planned.

We apologize if this confuses anyone, but we believe all of you are intelligent enough to understand and agree that this decision was best for all readers.

Thank you for your continued support, and we are anxious to hear your opinions about these changes.

The Voyagers' Authors,

January 31, 2020: January 31st Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates. To start things off this week we have an updated Roster for Other Ships for Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyagers Authors. ACFan brings us Ch 39-B of Memories Part 3. We also have Ch 36 Of Dear Diary from Boudreaux. To finish off the update for this week we have Ch 17 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter and a Societal Commentary from TSL titled Monsters Are Real! AKA Listen Closely by Christina Brinsley. I hope everyone had a good weekend and that the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow this weekend so that summer comes earlier.

January 24, 2020: December 24th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates. To start things off we have two updates from the Voyager Authors with Ch 5-6 of Voyager Book 2. Sean E brings us Ch 26 of The Scars Above My Heart, BillyYes brings us Ch 26 of Dante, My Inferno as well. We also have an update from the great ACFan with Ch 39 of Memories Book 3. To finish off the list of updates this week we have Ch 19 of Heart Strings by Juju and Ch 39-43 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Hope you all had a good week and I’ll see you back next week for more updates.


January 21, 2020: Voyagers Universe Turns 3
Posted by TrueFan

Happy January 21st all. Three years ago today, Zarek Dragon, DouglasDD and I embarked on a mission… a mission to create a new story universe and Voyagers was born. Today we will be releasing Chapter 6 of Voyagers Book ][. Our thanks go out to all of you who have made Voyagers so successful.


Creator, Voyagers Universe


January 10, 2020: January 10th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its that time again for more updates. To start things off we have two updates to the Duty Roster from the Voyagers Authors with updates to the Aliens Encountered as well as the Duty Roster of the SS Darastix. We also have Ch 16 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter, Ch 18 of Heart Strings by Juju, and Ch 24-25 of the Scars Above My Heart by Sean E. To finish off the list of updates for this week we have Ch 24 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD as well as a Societal Commentary from TSL titled How To Pi$$ Off A Site Owner Or Author. I hope to see everyone back here next week.

January 4, 2020: January 4th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates so here we go. First off, we have Sean E with Ch 21-23 of The Scars Above My Heart and What I needed for Christmas. The Voyagers Authors bring us Ch 4 from Voyagers Book 2 an update to the Uniforms worn in the Voyagers Series as well as the Duty roster of the SS Stephen William Hawking. ACFan has brought us Ch 38 of Memories Part 3, A video of the before and after look of the Schaffer House and a Societal Commentary titled A Note To Readers. To finish off the updates for this week Chowhound brings us Ch 36-38 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove. I hope everyone had a great New Years and I hope you’ll check back next week for more updates.

December 27, 2019: Two New Authors
Posted by TrueFan

Thanks to TSL and The Story Lover's Home, True's Fandom is happy to include two new fantastic authors. Ruwen Rouhs' native language is German, but his stories are quite well written. I am happy to welcome him to the Fandom.  In addition, I found Sean E.'s entry into the F.R.E.D. Christmas Short Story Event and knew I wanted to include his work on this site. Over the coming days, you will find more of his works and I highly recommend them.

Make sure you let them know by email (as well as all of our other authors) how much you like their work!

My thanks again go out to TSL for agreeing to allow me to co-host these stories.


December 27, 2019: December 27th Update
Posted by D Barber

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. First on the list of updates for this week is Ch 23 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. Then we have an update to the Duty Roster by the Voyagers Author and finally we have Christmas with Tyler by TrueFan. TrueFan’s story is also one of the stories from the Christmas Short story event all of which can be found here. I hope everyone has a good New Years as well. Check back next week for more updates.

December 22, 2019: Christmas Short Story Event Submissions Due Tonight
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

Don't forget your submissions are due tonight. 

And don't worry if you don't receive an acknowledgement right away there is a bad cold bug sweeping through the North Pole, but have no fear we will get all of the submissions posted on Chrismas Day.  (Since we may be sleeping and not watching our inbox ((hint, hint) your late entries juts might get posted.) Unfortunately, due to our bad cold, we won't be able to edit any of the submissions.

The Themes for this year's Christmas Short Story Event are as follows:  All I Want For Christmas Is, What Christmas Means To Me, and My Favourite Denny's® Christmas.

The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 22nd at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Christmas Short Story Event.
  7. If you need suggestions just email ACFan

As always this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

December 21, 2019: December 21st Update
Posted by D Barber

Before I post what’s been updated, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. To start things off we have a double update from Boudreaux with Ch 14 of Expanding Horizons as well as Ch 8 of Lagniappe. There is also an update to the list of Families on the Sooloo by the Voyagers Authors. I also want to remind everyone that the deadline for the Christmas Short Story Event is due by Midnight December 22 PST. Hope everyone has a Happy Holidays and I will see y’all next week.

December 21, 2019: That time of Year... again
Posted by TrueFan

Well, it's that time of year again... the Holiday season. I wanted to take a moment to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy holiday season. This has been a great year for True's Fandom and I am looking forward, with all your your help, on 2020 being even bigger.


Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you all.

TrueFan and the Staff of True's Fandom.

December 15, 2019: Christmas Short Story Event Submissions Due In Eight Days
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Carolers Small PNG

Dear Readers and Authors,

This is just a friendly reminder that the Christmas Short Stoy Event Submissions are due by Midnight December 22nd PST.  So get the keyboards working and write your Christmas Short Story Masterpiece. ACFan is trying to find time to write bout what he calls a Grand Slam Pizza?

In case you forgot this year's themes are: All I Want For Christmas, What Christmas Means to Me, and My Favourite Christmas at Denny's®.  And yes you can combine the themes into a single story, just make it longer than 500 words give or take a gazillion.

Have fun writing, and don't forget this event is open to everyone, so spread the word!

Here is the email address to submit your stories to with the subject, your story title with your initials appended.

Happy writing,

Fred Avatar PNG

December 14, 2019: December 13th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates. To start things off this week we have three updates from the Voyagers Authors with an update to the Duty Roster for the SS Sooloo, an updated Glossary for Book 2 and an update to Ch 3 of Book 2 as well. There is also an update from Chowhound with Ch 34-35 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove. To finish things off we have Ch 15 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter as well as Ch 17 of Heart Strings by Juju. Hope everyone has a great week and we’ll see you back next week for more updates.

December 4, 2019: 2019 Christmas Short Story Event ~ A Treasury of Christmas Stories ~ Official Announcement
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

The Themes for this year's Christmas Short Story Event are as follows:  All I Want For Christmas Is, What Christmas Means To Me, and My Favourite Denny's® Christmas.

The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 22nd at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Christmas Short Story Event.
  7. If you need suggestions just email ACFan

As always this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

November 30, 2019: November 30th Update
Posted by D Barber

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving eating all the good food and being with family and friends. Its time again to let you know what stories have been added to the site so here we go. To start things off we have Ch 22 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD as well as A Societal Commentary from TSL titled The Power of Words. We also have some submissions from the A Brother For Thanksgiving short story eventas TSL stated in his news post with submissions from Crazy Cajun, Talo Segura, ACFan, Art  West, Ilúvantír, Paul Shroder, JeffsFort, Zarek Dragon, True Fan, Jonah Timoty Campbell-Forte & Timmy Short, and  Neal Richards & 'Goos' as well as two 'Welsh' versions of ACFan and Ilúvantír's entries. There is also a thanksgiving themed Denny’s story by TSL that was added titled A Wild Turkey For Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you back next week for more updates.

November 28, 2019: A Brother For Thanksgiving Short Stories & More Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

Thanks to all of you that submitted your Short Stories including a  first time F.R.E.D. submitter Talo Segura.

We have submissions from Crazy Cajun, Talo Segura, ACFan, Art  West, Ilúvantír, Paul Shroder, JeffsFort, Zarek Dragon, True Fan, Jonah Timoty Campbell-Forte & Timmy Short, and  Neal Richards & 'Goos'. Those were the authors that stayed within the guidelines, well sorta.

With a little bit of electronic trickery, we also have 'Welsh' versions of ACFan and Ilúvantír's stories. We can't guarantee the accuracy of those versions.

It seems that Mr. TSL decided that it wasn't Thanksgiving without a, Denny's® Story so he submitted one. However, it isn't included in this year's Fall 2019 Short Story Universe as it doesn't fit the guidelines by a country mile.

Before I forget this is ACFan's first solo Event Submission and it is one that you won't easily forget.

Happy Reading and Happy Thanksgiving,

Fred Avatar JPG

Folks what Fred forgot to mention was that this was the second-largest event in Fort Family History! Thanks to everyone that submitted a Short Story.

All of the submissions and a lot more are available at F.R.E.D. so don't forget to visit him. ;)

Happy reading,


November 28, 2019: HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Posted by TrueFan

Greetings alll...


I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving Holiday (at least those in the USA).  Even if you don't celebrate this particular holiday where you live, I feel it is important to periodically take a moment to reflect on the good that has come into our lives and to do more of whatever helped that to happen. Conversely, we should be cognizant of what we've done that may have caused ill or bad to happen.

Personally, I am thankful for being here, with all of you. This community is truly an extended family.


In the US, Thanksgiving is really the kickoff of the holiday season. Take a moment to reflect, you may find we all have more to be thankful than we realize.


Fred the Elf should have the Thanksgiving Short Story event stories posted shortly, as usual, they will be co-hosted on the Fandom.

Happy Holidays,


November 22, 2019: November 22nd Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week another batch of updates. To start things off this week we have Ch 2 of Voyagers Book 2 by the Voyager Authors. Then we have a big update from Chowhound with Ch 28-33 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove. To finish off this weeks updates we have Ch 16 of Heart Strings by Juju as well as Ch 24 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. Check back

November 15, 2019: November 15th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for updates. To start things off we have a double update from Boudreaux. He has graced us with updates to two of his great stories with Ch 7 of Lagniappe as well as Ch 12 of Book 3 of Finding My Way Home. To finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 14 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter and Ch 21 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. Be sure to check back next week for more updates.

November 10, 2019: A Brother For Thanksgiving Update & More
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

There are only sixteen days left to get your Fall Short Story Event submission written. All submissions are due by Midnight PST on November 25th. The theme is A Brother for Thanksgiving. So get busy writing.

Now for the 'More':

This year's Christmas Short Story Event has Three Themes, yes you read that right Three Themes! The themes are as follows: All I Want For Christmas Is, What Christmas Means to Me, and My Favourite Denny's® Christmas. 

The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 22,d at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Christmas Short Story Event.
  7. If you need suggestions just email ACFan

Happy Writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

November 8, 2019: November 8th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for more updates. To start things off for this week we have Ch 1 of Book 2 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors. Next is a poem by The Story Lover titled Prophecy of the Dragon Lords. To finish things off this week we have Ch 23 of The Mayfield Episodes by DouglasDD and finally we have Ch 6 of Life Guarding by Night Auditor. Thats all for this week, come back next week for more updates.

November 1, 2019: November 1st Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates once again. To start things off this week we have two updates from DouglasDD. First up is Ch 20 of Piano Forte and next is Ch 22 of the Mayfield Episodes. Juju brings us Ch 15 of Heart Strings and to finish off the updates for the week we have Ch 13 from Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Come back next week for more updates and make sure to let an author know  how much you love their story as it’s the only paycheck they receive for all the work they put into creating what you read.

October 25, 2019: October 25th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again to see what new chapters have been added to the site. To start things off with we have Ch 27 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We then have a Social Commentary titled I let the Light In and I Am Glad by The Story Lover. DouglasDD brings us Ch 20-21 of the Mayfield Episodes as well. To finish things off the Voyagers Authors bring us the four chapters relating to Voyagers Book 2. Those chapters are the Cover Page & Synopsis, Prologue, SS Sooloo ~ Explorer Class Ship Specs, and the Galactapedia. Well that’s all for now. Come back next week for more updates.

October 12, 2019: 2019 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Brother For Thanksgiving ~ Update and Oops
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

First the Oops, it seems that I inadvertently left off an important piece of information in the guidelines for this event, so here it is: All submissions should be titled A Brother For Thanksgiving XX with the Xs being the author's initials.  For example, my story would have the filename of A Brother For Thanksgiving FTE,for Fred the Elf. Yes, I know my initials have three letters, but I didn't want to use three Xs for obvious reasons.

Now on to the update,  so far we have three entries and they are all completely different, and I do mean completely different, in fact, one of the authors followed the instructions, 'be as crazy with your ideas as you want' to the extreme. It is a fanciful piece of twisted imagination, so fanciful in fact that I hope we don't get any more like it. ;)

Some of you may never eat Pizza again after reading this story.Winking Image PNG

Readers don't forget that this event is open to you as well if you have ever wanted to write a story this is your chance. In fact, several of our Fort Family Authors got their start as authors in one of these events. So give it a try, you just might be amazed by the results.

Happy writing,

Fred the Elf

Fred The Elf Avatar JPG

October 11, 2019: October 11th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time once again to check out the new chapters that have been added to the site. To start things off we have Ch 23 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. We also have Ch 26 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. Then there is Ch 14 of Heart Strings by Juju as well as Ch 12 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish off the updates for this week we have two updates from Boudreaux with Ch 11 of Book 3 of Finding My Way Home and Ch 13 of Expanding Horizons. Well that’s all for this week so I’ll see y’all next week with more updates for you to check out

October 5, 2019: 2019 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Brother For Thanksgiving
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

I am proud to announce that we have a theme for the 2019 Fall Shor Story Event ~ A Brother For Thanksgiving.

The setup: On the day before Thanksgiving, while I was in the kitchen preparing my son Patrick's after-school snack, Patrick came home and another kid with him. Instead of saying his usual 'Hi Daddy, I'm home', his greeting nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Hi Daddy, this is my new Brother, Ben!"

  1. The same guidelines apply the Short Story should be between 500 and 15,000 words, be as crazy with your ideas as you want. The main thing is to have fun writing the story. 
  2. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  3. Submissions are due by Monday, November 25th, all submissions will be posted on Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28th.
    1. By Midnight PDT ~ Both  of Goofy's hands are pointing straight up, for you 24-hour people 0:00 Give or take 5,000 seconds
  4. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Fall Short Story Event.
  5. The title of the story should be A Brother For Thanksgiving. with the Author's Initials appended to it.

Happy writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

October 4, 2019: Touching Base
Posted by TrueFan

Hey all...

Just wanted to give you guys an update. As many of you know, I was in the hospital in June and underwent an amputation of my left leg. Subsequently, I developed an infection and on 9/11/19, was re-admitted to the hospital.

After surgery to clean out the infection, I was admitted to a Rehab facility, where I have been for the past couple of weeks. So...

They finally removed the stitches from my stump yesterday and I was told today that I will be going home, most likely, next week on Tuesday.

I want to thank all of you who have emailed me sending their well wishes. I will let you all know of future developments.


October 4, 2019: October 4th Update
Posted by D Barber

This week we have a good bit of updates for you to check out. To start things off, we have Ch 13 of Heart Strings by Juju. DouglasDD brings us Ch 19 of Piano Forte as well as Ch 17-19 of The Mayfield Episodes. We also have Ch 11 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish off the updates for this week we have a big update from Chowhound with Ch 21-25 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove. That’s all for this week make sure to check back next week for more updates.

September 14, 2019: September 14th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its another week of updates including one big update from TSL. To start things off we have Ch 16 of The Mayfield Episodes by DouglasDD. Zarek  Dragon brings us two updates with Ch 18 of Book Four of Another Chance  as well as Ch 4 of My Foster Father. We also have a big update from The Story Lover with Ch 2 of Horus and Tana which is a part of the Dragon Earl series. Hope everyone has a great week and I will be back next week with more updates for you to check out.

September 6, 2019: September 6th Update
Posted by D Barber

We’ve got a good bit of updates for you this week. To start things off we have Ch 22 of Dante, My Inferno from BillyYes as well as Ch 12 of Heart Strings from Juju. Chapters 14-15 of the Mayfield Episodes by DouglasDD as well as Ch 10 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter is also live as well. To finish things off we have six chapters from Zarek Dragon for his story My Foster Father. Those chapters are Those in my life, Tested, Brandicus, Results, My Class Schedule, and Eric’s Story. Make sure to check all these great stories out and I will be back next week with more updates for Y’all.

August 30, 2019: August 30th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for more great updates and this week there is a good bit of them. To start things off we have Marks Dilemma and Aaron Bolt, which are part of a new series by Zarek Dragon called If I was Divinely Created... We also have the Prologue and Ch 1 of My Foster Father by Zarek Dragon as well. Chowhound brings us Ch 19-20 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove. DouglasDD brings us an update to his Mayfield Episodes Series with Ch 13 titled Broken Boys (part 2). Finally we have two updates from Boudreaux with Ch 6 of Lagniappe and Ch 11 of Fantasy Faire. Make sure to let these authors know if you enjoy their works as it’s basically the only thanks they get.

August 23, 2019: August 23rd Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for another batch of updates for y’all to check out. To start things off with we have Ch 12 of The Mayfield Episodes as well as Ch 18 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. We then have a big update from the Voyager Authors with Ch 40A-40B of Voyagers. We also have Ch 11 of Heart Strings by Juju as well as Ch 9 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. Hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see y’all back here next week for more great updates

August 16, 2019: August 16th Update
Posted by D Barber

It’s time for more updates for y’all to check out. To start things off we have Ch 17 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD, Ch 37 of Memories Part 3 by ACFan, and Ch 17 of Book 4 of Still Another Chance by Zarek Dragon. We also have Ch 17-18 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, Ch 11 of The Mayfield Episodes by DouglasDD, and to finish things off we have Ch 21 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. Hope to see y’all back here next week for more updates and make sure to email an author if you love their work as it’s the only thanks most of them get for the time and hard work they put into writing the stories you enjoy.

August 2, 2019: August 2nd Update
Posted by D Barber

It’s that time again, time for updates for y’all to check out. Hope everyone had a good week. To start things off we have Ch 4-5 of Life Guarding by Night Auditor, Ch 9-10 of The Mayfield Episodes by DouglasDD as well as Ch 10 of Heart Strings by Juju. To finish off the updates we have a triple chapter post with Ch 14-16 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. I hope everyone has a good week and I will see y’all back here next week for more updates.

July 19, 2019: July 19th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for updates again, I hope everyone had a good week. To start things off we have an edited version of Ch 4 of Book 2 of Castaway Hotel by Bill W. We also have 3 updates from Boudreaux, Ch 35 of Dear Diary, Ch 9 of Twists Of Time and Ch 5 of Lagniappe. Night Auditor brings us Ch 2-3 of his series Life Guarding and Jules Porter brings us Ch 8 of Mending Wounded Hearts. To Finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 9 of Heart Strings by Juju. Hope everyone has a great week and I will see y’all back here next week for more great updates.

July 12, 2019: July 12th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week has gone by and that means there’s another batch of stories for y’all to check out. To start things off we have Ch 7 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter, Ch 12-13 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have Ch 39 of Voyagers as well as a chapter on Earth’s History in the Voyagers Universe by the Voyagers Authors. DouglasDD brings us Ch 8 of The Mayfield Episodes and to finish off the updates this week we have a new author who has published the first chapter of his story. Night Auditor has brought us Ch 1 of his story Life Guarding. Make sure to let him as well as the other authors know how much you enjoyed reading their work. That’s all for now but I will be back next week with more updates for y’all to check out.

July 7, 2019: Welcome to another new Author
Posted by TrueFan

Night Auditor has joined TruesFandom as a new author. I've seen the first 5 chapters of his new story entitled "Life Guarding" and it's pretty good. He will post the first chapter on Tuesday.


I hope you all enjoy his story and make sure to give him feedback at




July 6, 2019: July 5th Update
Posted by D Barber

 I hope everyone had a happy 4th of July. This week’s updates are rather small but they’re still a great batch of stories for y’all to check out. To start things off we have Ch 8 of Heart Strings by Juju. We have two updates to stories by the great DouglassDD, Ch 16 of Piano Forte and Ch 7 of The Mayfield Episodes is live for y’all to enjoy. To finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 20 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes and Ch 5 of the revised edition of Life Renewed by ACFan

June 28, 2019: June 28th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for another batch of stories for y’all to read. To start things off we have Ch 19 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. We also have Ch 7 of Heart Strings by Juju as well as Ch 38 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors. To finish off the list of updates this week we have Ch 10-11 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, Ch 16 of Book 4 of Still Another Chance by Zarek Dragon and Ch 4-6 of The Mayfield Episodes by DouglasDD. Hope everyone has a good week and I’ll be back next week with another list of updates for y’all to enjoy.

June 16, 2019: Positive thoughts needed for three authors
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

Please keep Adam, Brynmor, and True Fan in your thoughts and send them lots of energy.

Adam and Brynmor have been hospitalized, and they are now recovering.

True Fan had an operation this morning to resolve the clotting problem in one of his legs, he got through the surgery and is recovering. Unfortunately, they had to remove part of his left leg. He is in good spirits, however, please keep sending him positive energy.

If there are any readers and other authors needing positive thoughts and energy please let me know.

Hugs JPG

Stay well,


June 14, 2019: TrueFan Update
Posted by The Story Lover


True's surgery wasn't successful and they are now reviewing their options. Please send him lots of positive thoughts and energy while he and his doctors' figure out how to proceed.


June 14, 2019: June 14th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time again for another set of wonderful updates for y’all to check out. I would also like y’all to keep Truefan in your prayers as his surgery date was changed to yesterday and we are still waiting to hear how it went. Our first update this week is Ch 6 of Heart Strings by Juju, then we have Ch 15 of Piano Forte as week as Ch 3 of The Mayfield Episodes by Douglas DD. To finish off things this week we have Ch 7-9 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. See y’all next week with more updates.

June 13, 2019: Positive Thoughts For Truefan
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers and Authors,

True Fan has been hospitalized for the last week or so, due to heart and blood clot issues. He was scheduled for surgery this morning to try and resolve the clot issue in one of his legs. Please keep him in your thoughts and send positive energy his way.



June 7, 2019: June 7th Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for another batch of updates from our great authors. To start things off we have Ch 15 from Book 4 of Still Another Chance as well as Those You’ve Met by Zarek Dragon. We also have two Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover titled Words To Live By and Pride Day ~ Good Bad or Indifferent? We also have Ch 5-6 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter. To finish off the updates for this week we have Ch 37 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors and Ch 7 from FCS: Las Vegas. Make sure to let the authors of these great works know how much you love their work. Also, I hope everyone has a good week and will see you here next week for more great updates from great authors.

May 31, 2019: May 31st Update
Posted by D Barber

Another Week has gone by and that means another set of updates for y’all to check out. To start things off this week we have Ch 5 of Heart Strings by Juju, Ch 14 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD, and Episodes 1-2 of The Mayfield Episodes by DouglasDD has been added as well. Ch 36 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors has also been added. We also have a Quadruple update from Boudreaux. He has posted Ch 12 of Expanding Horizons, Ch 10 of Fantasy Faire, Ch 22 of Flea Market Sausage and Ch 4 of Gifts. To Finish off the updates this week we have Ch 17-18 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes. Hope y’all enjoy the updates and be sure to check back next week for more great updates.

May 27, 2019: Spring Short Story Event ~ A Story Mashup ~ Is Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

We have three fantastic stories from the Spring Short Story Event ~ A Story Mashup; available now for your reading pleasure.

We have The Lost Dragon Down Under Memories, by The Story Lover.

Next, we have A Penny On The Dragon, by Jeff P.

And finally, by Zarek A. Dragon, we have Another Voyager.

Dragon, Dragon, and Dragon; coincidence, maybe, or maybe not?

Happy reading,


May 27, 2019: A Couple Announcements
Posted by TrueFan

First off, I wanted to wish each of you a very happy Memorial Day Weekend. Memorial Day, formerly known as Armastice Day, is a holiday in the United States were we honor those who have laid their lives down in our Military Services to ensure the freedoms Americans sometimes take for granted. One of my Editors served many years in the United States Navy, I am sure there are many others in the Fort Family. I wanted to wish each and every Veteran a very happy Memorial Day and offer my sincere thanks for their service.

Now that I’ve said that, there are two announcements I wanted to make. Voyagers Chapter 36 - Calls Home was made live minutes ago.

In addition, DouglasDD has posted the first chapter of his Mayfield Episodes is now live. I hope you enjoy both of these stories... 


May 24, 2019: Memorial Day Weekend Update
Posted by D Barber

Its time for the weekly update and on this Memorial Day weekend there are a good bit of stories for you to check out. To start things off we have Ch 13 of Piano Forte by Douglas DD, Chapters 4-6 of Book Five of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, and Ch 4 of Heart Strings by Juju. We also have Ch 16-17 of Dante My Inferno by BillyYes, Ch 4 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter, Ch 10 from Book Three of Finding My Way Home by Boudreaux and Ch 35 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors. To finish off this big list of updates We have Ch 36 of Memories Part 3 By ACFan and The Interlude of Book 2 of Dragon Earl by The Story Lover. Make sure you take time this weekend to Remember and Honor those who have fought for your Freedom. Their Sacrifice allows you the Freedom to do many things you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend and I’ll see y’all again next week with more great updates.

May 24, 2019: Official Deadlines Approaching For The Spring Short Story Events
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Attention Readers and Authors,

The Official Deadline for the Spring Short Story Mashup Event is Midnight Pacific Daylight Time, (Both of Mickey's hand are pointing straight up) So don't forget to get your submissions in.

The Official Deadline for our Second Spring Short Story Event ~ Pride Day ~ Good Bad Or Indifferent is now Midnight PDT Memorial Day May 27, 2019. Yup, you have an extra three hours to pen your masterpiece(s)

Our Production Team is ready and waiting, so send those submissions in to Subject the appropriate Spring Short Story Event.

Happy writing,


May 13, 2019: update
Posted by Tycho_C

Happy Monday all and for your enjoyment chapter 16 of Dante

May 3, 2019: May 3rd Update
Posted by D Barber

Another Week another batch of updates for y’all to read. To start things off this week we have Ch 3 of Book 5 of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have a Roster of Those on Earth from Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors. Juju has brought us Ch 3 of his story Heart Strings. To Finish out the list of updates for this week we have Ch 3 of Mending Wounded Hearts by Jules Porter and a new story by Zarek Dragon called The Air Boy whose first chapter titled BMT  has been added for you to read. Hope you all have a great weekend and hope to see y’all back next week 

May 3, 2019: Our Second Spring Short Story Event ~ Pride Day - Good, Bad, or Indifferent
Posted by The Story Lover

Posted by Fred DeElve

Pride Day - Good, Bad, or Indifferent:

Do you celebrate it? Should it be Celebrated? Why or Why Not? How Do you Celebrate it? We are looking for insightful words about something that has a lot of people talking about it.

All entries should be in by Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2019, at 9:00 PM PDT (give or take a day or three.)

Entries should be between 500 to 15,000 words give or take.

Send your submission to Spring Short Story Pride Event.

Stories will be posted on June 1, 2019, the start of Pride Month.

Happy Writing,

May 1, 2019: Soring Short Story Event Reminder
Posted by The Story Lover

Fred asked me to post this reminder:

Posted by Fred DeElve

What is it? Well, you take two different stories by two different authors (The Fine Print - They can be the same author if you want.), put them together and run with it. As always, you must have permission from the authors involved to use their story and characters. For Example - Sentenced to Haven, Dragons Across Space, The Operant Unconscious Memories, Another Priorities, or you can create your own title. However, you do need to give attribution to the authors whose stories you are combining. Have fun go wild and crazy. Did I say have fun yet? Yeah, do that!

I will post stories Monday, May 27, 2019, on Memorial Day.

  1. All entries should be in by Friday, May 24, 2019, at 9:00 PM PDT (give or take a day or three.)
  2. Entries should be between 500 to 15,000 words give or take.
  3. Send all submissions to Spring Short Story Event.

Happy Writing,

Fred De Elf JPG

April 26, 2019: April 26th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week has gone by and that means another batch of stories are ready for you to check out. To start off things we have the great writer Jules Porter who is sharing two of his great stories with us. Those stories are Let Me Tell You About Bob - The Salvation of a Gay Teen and Mending Wounded Hearts. If you love those stories be sure to check another Fort Family site for more great stories. The Voyagers Authors have been busy as well. They’ve posted Ch 34 of Voyagers as well as updated the Duty Roster of the SS Sooloo and have also brought us a listing of the Families Aboard the Sooloo as well as a list of the Aliens Encountered so far. The Story Lover has brought us another of his Societal Commentaries titled Words To Live By and to finish things off this week we have Ch 15 of Dante My Inferno by BillyYes. Make sure to check back again next week for more stories and make sure if you read something and love it or if it touched your heart to let the Authors know as it’s the best feeling to them when someone says they love their story or they were impacted in a positive way by it.

April 24, 2019: Welcome to yet another new Author!
Posted by TrueFan

TruesFandom would like to welcome yet another fantastic author courtesy of Jeff's Fort.

Jules Porter currently has two stories he is sharing with us.

Let Me Tell You About Bob - The Salvation of a Gay Teen and Mending Wounded Hearts. I am certain you will enjoy these stories as much as I have. Don't forget to email the author to let him know what you think!


April 24, 2019: Voyagers Duty Roster
Posted by Zarek Dragon

We have removed the Aliens Encountered from the  Duty Roster, and made modifications to it. The Aliens are almost as numerous as the Crew of the Sooloo, so they have earned their own page... Aliens Encountered.

Down the road, we may move "Those left on Earth" to their own page, as well, leaving only those who live or have lived on the Sooloo's Duty Roster. Those who have lived but no longer live aboard the Sooloo will have their own section at the bottom, much like how I did Kuc for the Endeavor.

We are also discussing a possible spinoff story, but nothing has been decided. If we do, we will run Voyagers and Voyagers: (Ship Name) simultaneously, posting chapters in between each other. What do you think of the idea? Who do you think should be the captain, One of the Soolo Senior Officers or a new Captain? Should any of the Sooloo's crew transfer to the ship? Let us know what you think at Authors of Voyagers.

Zarek A Dragon

April 22, 2019: Happy Easter
Posted by Tycho_C

Looks like the easter bunny came a little late but he did drop off a present for you all a new ch of Danta My Inferno. Also Happy Easter to all

April 19, 2019: April 19th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week another batch of updates. To start things off this week Douglas DD brings us Ch 12 of Piano Forte. Juju brings us Chapters 1-2 of Heart Strings as well a re-edited Ch 1 of The Music In the painting. The Duty Roster of the SS Sooloo by the Voyagers Authors has also been updated as well. BillyYes brings us a re-edited Ch 14 of his story Dante, My Inferno. We also have a Social Commentary by The Story Lover titled Who Will Answer and to finish off the updates this week Boudreaux brings us Ch 9 of his story Fantasy Faire. As an early Easter present, I have also been informed that Ch 34 of Voyages will be made live around midnight pacific time. I hope everyone has a good weekend as well as a great Easter and hope to see you back here next week for more great stories.

April 12, 2019: April 12th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week has gone by and there is another batch of updates ready for you to check out. To start things off with we have Chapters 13-14 of Dante My Inferno by BillyYes. Juju brings us Chapters 20-21, which are the final chapters of his great story, The Music in the Painting. We also have Two updates from the Voyager Authors as well, Chapter 33 Communications as well as a Glossary for certain words and phrases in the story. To finish things off for this week we have Chapter 8 of the First Shadow Assassin by Shadow Assassin. I also have it on good authority that the next chapter of Voyagers, which is being written as I type this, should be ready and posted on 4/20 so there is that to look forward too while you go about your week. Hope everyone has a great week and hope to see you here next week.

April 5, 2019: April 5th Update
Posted by D Barber

Just a small update this week. To start things off with we have a great short story titled My Childhood Best Friend by Zarek A Dragon. Next, we have Chapters 69-70 of Book Four of Three Finger Cove by the wonderful Chowhound. Finally, we have an update to a longtime favorite with Chapters 5-7 of The First Shadow Assassin by Shadow Assassin. Make sure to check out all the great updates and if you love a story make sure to let the author know. Hope everyone has a great week and hope to see you back here next week.

April 2, 2019: Spring Short Story Event ~ A Story Mashup:
Posted by The Story Lover

Posted by Fred DeElve

What is it? Well, you take two different stories by two different authors (The Fine Print - They can be the same author if you want.), put them together and run with it. As always, you must have permission from the authors involved to use their story and characters. For Example - Sentenced to Haven, Dragons Across Space, The Operant Unconscious Memories, Another Priorities, or you can create your own title. However, you do need to give attribution to the authors whose stories you are combining. Have fun go wild and crazy. Did I say have fun yet? Yeah, do that!

I will post stories Monday, May 27, 2019, on Memorial Day.

  1. All entries should be in by Friday, May 24, 2019, at 9:00 PM PDT (give or take a day or three.)
  2. Entries should be between 500 to 15,000 words give or take.
  3. Send all submissions to Spring Short Story Event.

Happy Writing,

Fred De Elf JPG

March 31, 2019: Fort Family Announcement
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Family!

As one of our favorite holidays is right on top of us, I'm afraid our plans for it have been unavoidably put off. We got an announcement from our hosting service that there will be some much-needed maintenance being performed on the machines that we rely on for hosting. Which means we can expect intermittent outages throughout the day. Now at first, we thought "Hmmm... Maybe THIS was intended as an April Fool's joke..." before we considered how serious our hosting service takes their job. So, even though all year long we have been planning something a bit out there to make up for missing past April Fool's opportunities, we regretfully need to let it go this year. For those of us who think THIS is an April Fool's joke, we have trained you well but, this year that training will not serve you as well as it should.

I also want to remind you all that tomorrow, our hosted author "Garrett D.M." ships out to boot camp with the United States Army. I hope you all were able to send him off with good wishes and I personally can't wait to hear some of the stories he comes home with. Those of you who would like to send him a quick message to wish him luck, you can reach him at his listed email: I'm sure he would appreciate knowing that we are all with him in spirit.

Til the next update,
- Jeff P. -

March 29, 2019: March 29th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week down and another batch of updates is here for you to read. Apart from the Updates by Tyco_C which were Memories Part 3 Ch 35 By ACFan and Chapters 9-12 of Dante My Inferno by BillyYes, we also have The Ships Register for the FCS Atlantic Fleet from ACFan as well. There is also Chapter 4 of The First Shadow Assassin by Shadow Assassin as well as Ch 19 of The Music in the Painting by Juju and Ch 11 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD. To finish off the Updates this week we have two new updates from The Story Lover, A Societal Commentary Titled Death Came Knocking At My Door: I Sent Him Packing! and a story titled The Woodpecker and I. Hope everyone has a great week and a fun April Fools Day and we’ll see y’all back here next week.

March 24, 2019: update
Posted by Tycho_C

Looks like the boys from clan short are back at it.  Also who would have thought the Clan Short surface fleet would grow from four ships to eight ships.  Also it seems that JuJu has a new story out which I find amazing, also ch  11 and 12 of Dante are up for your reading pleasure. 

March 23, 2019: March 22nd Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week and another batch of new chapters for y’all to read. To start things off I want to welcome our new staff member Tyco_C. Hopefully between the two of us we will be able to make sure everything is taken care of while True deals with his health issues. I know we both wish for him to feel better soon. As for the updates this week aside from Chapters 7-8 of Dante My Inferno by BillyYes that Tyco_C has already posted in an update we have Chapters 67 and 68 of Book Four of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound and Chapters 17 and 18 of The Music in the Painting by Juju. Juju also has a new story which is for now exclusive to the Fandom. Chapters 1 and 2 of Heart Strings is available for your enjoyment. To finish off the updates for this week Ch 31 and 32 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors is available for you to read and enjoy. I hope everybody has a good week and hope to see y’all back here next week

March 22, 2019: Lightning CAN strike twice
Posted by TrueFan

Juju has been hiding something important from all of us...

As he's been posting his story Music in the Painting he has been working on another story. This story, called Heart Strings proves that lightning can strike twice.

I am pulling Eminent Domain and releasing the first two chapters of this story early. His initial intent was to hold it until "Music" was done, but when I reviewed the first 9 chapters I felt it was too good to sit invisible to the rest of us.

I did get permission from him to publish Chapters One and Two of this story as a tease. You will have to wait until the last few chapters of "Music" are posted to see more. Please make sure you tell him what you think of this new story.

I will say this though... The dialogue from his main character may seem a bit odd to you until you realize he's writing an Irish brogue accent... keep that in mind and it makes a bit more sense.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I am...

Until "Music" is finished, "Heart Strings" will be exclusively available on



March 22, 2019: March 21st 2019
Posted by Tycho_C

Well all the wait is over and chapters 7 and 8 of Dante My Inferno are up with more coming soon. 

March 20, 2019: Here we grow again
Posted by TrueFan

I want you all to join me in welcoming a new Staff Member to True's Fandom.

With my health issues of late, I have found that time involved to do editing on various posts have been slipping... so, in addition to DBarber, I am adding another STAFF member to the site.

Join me in welcoming Tycho_C to the True's Fandom Staff. Tycho will be helping with the editing of new submission for new authors or those who need assistance in posting their new chapters.

I am EXCITED to have him join us!


March 8, 2019: March 8th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week has gone by and that means another batch of chapters are ready for y’all to read. To start things off we have the much-anticipated Chapter 3 of Boise ID by Garret D. M. and then we have Ch 66 of Book Four of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound. We also have a chapter from the Voyagers Authors on Space Fleet Regulations as well as Ch 3 of The First Shadow Assassin by Shadow Assassin. To wrap up this week’s batch of new stories we have Ch 23 of Untouchable by Comicality and finally Ch 34 of Memories Part 3 by ACFan. Hope y’all have a great week and if you are enjoying a story that’s posted make it a point to send an email to the author letting them know that your enjoying their work. It will really make their day.

March 2, 2019: March 1st Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week and another batch of great stories for you to check out. To start things off we have Chapters 9 and 10 Of Piano Forte by DouglasDD, then we have Chapters 63 through 65 of Three Finger Cove Book Four by Chowhound. We also have Chapter 30 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors, Chapter 14 of Book Four of Still Another Chance by Zarek Dragon, and finally a Poem by The Story Lover titled The Shadows Of My Mind. I would also like to  take a chance to thank the site owners such as True and ACFan, The Story Lover, JeffP and the others for allowing me to work with them. Its such a great Honor and I enjoy working on things to help them out. I also want to thank all the readers as well because the reason each site is successful is because of the great readers who love to read what these great authors write.

February 21, 2019: Update
Posted by TrueFan

Well, after another week in the hospital, I am back at home and trying to get back into the swing of things.

This trip was a bit longer than usual since not only did they find another arterial clot (3rd one) in my left leg, they also found 3 others. They implanted stents in the arteries on both legs.

Spending a week away from home was hell, I'll tell you. Even having my laptop with me, things just didn't go as expected and I got little done. I will be working toward catching up on my backlog and hope to get it all accomplished in the next week. For those of you who are waiting for me to review/edit chapters, I can only apologize. This past week and the several weeks leading up to it have put a damper on my time to get real work done. It can only improve.

I wanted to offer thanks to D.Barber for taking up some of the slack in getting the weekly updates posted, it's taken one task off my load and I truly appreciate it... and him.

Thanks to all of you, both Authors and Readers, for your understanding.



February 15, 2019: Februrary 15th Update
Posted by D Barber

I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day and to start things off we have two valentine’s Day stories,  Cupid's A Stubborn Bastard by Juju and Abandoned At Denny's: A Love Story by The Story Lover. We also have  six new chapters of  The Music in the Painting By Juju and we also have three updates to the wonderful Hearts Across Space Series by The Story Lover, He has added a Cover Page, Information about the Errata VI: The Alexander Class Dreadnought, and a new chapter titled  Activation What, Who? There is also Ch 29 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors, Ch 62  of Book Four of  Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, and finally Ch 9 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD

February 2, 2019: Februrary 1st Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week gone by, another great set of updates for you to check out. First up is Ch 61 of Book Four of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, Then Ch 3 of Gifts as well as Ch 8 of Fantasy Faire and Ch 4 of Lagniappe by Boudreaux. Finally, we have Ch 2 of The First Shadow Assassin by Shadow Assassin. Hope everyone has a great week and I also hope the groundhog predicts an early spring and not more winter weather tomorrow.

January 25, 2019: January 25th Update
Posted by D Barber

Another week another bunch of great stories to read. To start things off this week we have We Don't Need A Wall, But We Do Need: by The Story Lover, Ch 60 of Book Four of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, Chapters 8-9 of The Music in the Painting by Juju, Four new poems by The Lonely Kitten, Chapters 32-33 of Memories part 3 by ACFan, Chapter 8 of Piano Forte by DouglasDD, and Finally Ch28 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors. Hope everyone has a great week and don’t forget there is still time to submit short stories for the Valentine's Day Short Story Event.

January 25, 2019: Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! Update
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers and Authors,

This year's Valentine's Day Short Story Event is titled ~ Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! 

The event starts now and runs through January 31, 2018, for unedited stories and February 7th for edited stories. I will post all stories on Valentine's Day February 14th.

Please send all your submissions (yes multiple submissions are allowed) to  Elfmail <> with the subject of Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019.

If you need an idea of what this event is about check out this really cute Short Video In A Heartbeat it just may spark your muse.


Happy Reading,

January 21, 2019: Voyagers Celebrates it's 2nd Anniversary
Posted by TrueFan

Today, January 21, 2019, marks the 2nd anniversary of a story called "Voyagers." When we first started this story, we never expected it to take off the way it has. We have now amassed so many loyal readers that it’s become almost an obsession with the three authors to come up with more and different adventures for the crew of the Sooloo. There have been several twists that when we planned out the series we’d never imagined, but this is the stuff of exploration, never knowing what will be beyond the next FTL jump.

The characters have developed differently than what we imagined them as they have changed and become more than characters in a story. They have become family and have grown physically and emotionally as all boys do as they grow. We hope you’ve enjoyed the first two years, and we plan on continuing this adventure to infinity… and beyond (thanks for the line, Buzz Lightyear!)

I also should note that while Voyagers did have some success, it wasn’t until we moved from 'The Site That Shall Not Be Named' to that we saw a meteoric rise in readership. So we definitely wanted to acknowledge TSL and the rest of the Fort Family of Sites who co-host Voyagers and thank them for all their help and support.

And, at the risk of sounding like a debutante at an Academy Awards ceremony giving an acceptance speech, I feel I’d be remiss if I didn’t recognize the most important part of the Voyagers phenomenon, and that would be our loyal readers, many of whom take the time to send their comments to us each and every chapter. Thank you all.


January 18, 2019: January 18th Update
Posted by D Barber

January 13, 2019: Proof Positive
Posted by TrueFan


So, proof positive...

A ways back, we had an unfortunate event that caused our database for True's Fandom to crash. Whereas the cause was found and corrected and we had thought we were able to recover all of the stories that were on the site, it appears that there were a few that we missed.

I have been in contact with those authors who had stories that somehow didn't make it back from that crash and as of tonight, I am adding those stories back to the site.

I have added two poems by Pwyll at this point and will be adding stories by Corin and A Lonely Kitten. Some tonight and some over the next two or so days.

Keep an eye on the NEWEST Chapters listing and check out these poems and stories, they're all good reads.


January 11, 2019: January 11th Update
Posted by D Barber

This week includes a good bit of updates. First, we have Ch 58 of Three Finger Cove Book Four by Chowhound. Next, we have Ch 27 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors and an update to the Galactipedia by them as well. Also, we have Ch 7 of The Music in the Painting by Juju. Then, we have Ch 7 of Piano Fore by DouglasDD, and finally, we have Ch 1 of The First Shadow Assassin by Shadow Assassin. Hope everyone has a good weekend and don’t forget to check out the info on the short story event if you’re interested.

January 9, 2019: Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! Our Valentine's Day Short Story Event For 2019
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers and Authors,

This year's Valentine's Day Short Story Event is titled ~ Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! 

The event starts now and runs through January 31, 2018, for unedited stories and February 7th for edited stories. I will post all stories on Valentine's Day February 14th.
The Rules:

  1. The short stories must be between 500 words and 15,000 words

  2. The Short Story should be about how Cupid Won't Give Up, as he keeps shooting arrows at someone in the closet.

  3. Many of us have been in this position. Suddenly, your heart reaches out for the one person who you simply can’t risk telling how you feel. When your heart betrays you, can you build up the courage to follow it or do you continue to fight?

  4. This event is open to all readers and authors.

  5. Authors must authorize the Fort Family of Sites, by written permission to host their stories.

So put on your writing caps and get writing, more details to follow.

Happy Reading,


January 4, 2019: January 4th Update
Posted by D Barber

I hope eveyone had a great New Years. This Weeks update may be small, but the stories contained within are great. First off, we have the great author ACFan with Chapter 31 of Memories Part 3, Next is the wonderful Chowhound with Chapter 57 of Three Finger Cove Book Four, and Finally we have the magnificent author DouglasDD with Chapter 6 of Piano Forte. Make sure to take time and check out each of these wonderful updates.

December 28, 2018: New Year's Update
Posted by D Barber

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is looking forward to the new year which is only a short while away. To start off the updates we have chapters 3-6 of The Music in the Painting by Juju, Chapter 6 of Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes, Chapter 56 of Book 4 of Thee Finger Cove by Chowhound, Part 2 of Chapter 26 of Voyagers by the Voyagers Authors, Chapter 12 of Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon, Chapter 25 of Book Two of Priorities by TrueFan, Chapter 13 A and B of Dragon Earl by the Story Lover, Make sure to also check out the  Christmas short stories written by multiple authors  which you can find on the Fort Readers Event District. Hope everyone has a great new years.

December 25, 2018: The Christmas Short Story Event Plus One Is Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

All Nineteen Twenty of this year's Christmas Short Story Event Submissions are now live here on The Fort Readers Event District!

Santa & I owe our author NCNesturfer our most abject and humblest of apologies, I made his story invisible while I checked on some special formatting and in my rush to get all of the chapters posted, I forgot to switch the status to Publish, before I clicked the Save Button.

So please enjoy this latest addition to our Christmas Short Story Event.  This has been our most successful event yet, thank you, authors!

All of these stories will be appearing on their author's Home Site as soon as we get a slight crosslinking issue resolved.

Enjoy all of these amazing stories that the authors have worked hard creating for you, please take a few moments to say thank you by sending them an email.

Happy Reading,


December 25, 2018: The Christmas Short Story Event Is Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

All Nineteen of this year's Christmas Short Story Event Submissions are now live here on The Fort Readers Event District!

All of these stories will be appearing on their author's Home Site as soon as we get a slight crosslinking issue resolved.

Enjoy all of these amazing stories that the authors have worked hard creating for you, please take a few moments to say thank you by sending them an email.

Happy Reading,

P.S. Thanks to TSL for twisting so many authors arms to get their Short Stories.


December 21, 2018: Fandom Christmas Update
Posted by D Barber


First off, I want to thank the wonderful True Fan for inviting me to be part of the staff on this great site. Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful holiday so far like I am. Also, during this sometimes-stressful time of year please remember the golden rule “Treat others as you would yourself”. You never know when what you say or do will make someone’s day. As for site updates for December so far  we have Chapters 53 through  55 of Book Four of Three Finger Cove by Chowhound, Chapters 4 and 5 of Piano Forte by Douglas DD, Chapter 6 of Fantasy Faire by Boudreaux, Part 1 of Chapter 25 of Voyagers, and finally  Chapters 8-22 of Untouchable by Comicality, Finally, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

December 20, 2018: Update
Posted by TrueFan

Just wanted to pop my head up and send a shout out to all of you. This has been one of the toughest months I've had in a very long time. Due to family health issues, not to mention some of my own... added to having to work on getting my brother moved into a new place has had me tied up far more than usual. I apologize for being so 'incommunicado' but it was not to be avoided.

In an effort to make sure you are all not feeling forgotten, I have arranged for some help with the site. Effective today, DBarber will be joining the staff of the Fandom. He will primarily be responsible for communicating with our readers in the way of a weekly post of new chapters. In addition, he is a good resource for other tasks if you can't reach me for some reason.  As usual, you can send email to me at or to DBarber at

I hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday season!


December 16, 2018: Christmas Short Story Event Submission Reminder
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

Next Saturday is the 'official' submission deadline, all of your wonderful Christmas Short Stories 'should' be submitted by Midnight that night.

*** News Flash ***

My nice assistant 'Goos' says that he will fly any late entries directly to my inbox here at the North Pole so if you are close to finishing or even just getting started he will make sure that I get your submission in time to post.

*** End News Flash***

The theme for this years Christmas Short Event is A True Spirit of Christmas, What The Christmas Experience Truly Should Be.  The guidelines are simple all Short Stories should fit the theme or at least be in the neighbourhood. All stories must meet the standard Submissions Guidelines located HERE. The word count should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take three or four (um...thousand? < giggle >). If in doubt Fred takes 'Cinmon Crumbles' as bribes.  Don't forget to give the Fort Family of Sites permission to host your Short Story, also make sure that your Author name & Copyright Date is in your Short Story as well.

All submissions should be submitted by Midnite PST, December 22, 2018, All submissions will be posted on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2018. Send your submissions to Christmas Short Story Event Submissions. Give or take an hour or so.

Happy Writing,

P.S. Thanks to TSL for twisting so many authors arms to get their Short Stories.

December 3, 2018: Heads up to the Fort Family readers, guests, and authors
Posted by ACFan

Once again, we will be doing upgrades to our services! (I know, this is becoming a bad habit!) Our server host has offered us an upgrade that is too good to pass up, so on Wednesday, December 5th the sites are going to be undergoing maintenance.

>>   From a reader and guest standpoint, you shouldn't see any problems - there is no anticipated downtime for the sites themselves. There is a slim possibility that you might see a glitch as the DNS servers update, but overall you shouldn't have any impact.

>> Authors, all we ask is that you hold off any posting on Wednesday and Thursday for sure - Friday should be safe, especially later in the day, but if you want to play it safe wait until late in the day Friday.

From all of us in the Fort Family and CSU Productions, I want to thank you for your support and patience as we work to give you the best service possible for your donation dollar.



December 2, 2018: Ooops...
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi everyone,

I was going to tiptoe off to bed and hope no one noticed that I found another mistake in posting past work on The Shack Mirror site. I might have been able to pull it off if it didn't affect True's Fandom and the Fort Family Community site though ;)

Anyway, Comicality posted a brand new chapter of "Unforgettable" and it is included with all the new postings of old work on the same story. So, if you have been following the story elsewhere, Chapter 22 is available now! If you have been following it on the Shack Mirror Site or True's Fandom... Chapters 8 through 22 are up and ready for a group of insomniacs to tackle. Enjoy...

- JeffsFort - (Who is now shaking his head and slowly retreating from his computer.)


November 25, 2018: The Christmas Short Story Event Official Announcement
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

The theme for this years Christmas Short Event is A True Spirit of Christmas, What The Christmas Experience Truly Should Be.  The guidelines are simple all Short Stories should fit the theme or at least be in the neighbourhood. All stories must meet the standard Submissions Guidelines located HERE. The word count should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take three or four (um...thousand? < giggle >). If in doubt Fred takes 'Cinmon Crumbles' as bribes.  Don't forget to give the Fort Family of Sites permission to host your Short Story, also make sure that your Author name & Copyright Date is in your Short Story as well.

All submissions should be submitted by Midnite PST, December 22, 2018, All submissions will be posted on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2018. Send your submissions to Christmas Short Story Event Submissions.

Happy Writing,



November 22, 2018: A Thanksgiving Surprise Is Here!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

All of the Fall Short Story Event ~ A Thanksgiving Surprise Stories ~ Are now live and available for your reading pleasure.

To read all of the stories please visit the Fort Readers Event District AKA F.R.E.D.

For those of you that don't celebrate Thanksgiving, you still will find some great reading. To our Canadian readers sorry we are a month and change late for you.

Please let all of our authors know that you have read their stories. This is NCNetsurfer's second Short Story Event and Juju's First, thanks for being part of the event!

Happy Reading,

November 19, 2018: A Thanksgiving Surprise Submissions Are Now Closed, Maybe
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

Saturday, November 17, 2018, Midnight PST, has come and passed and all eight submissions have been added to the processing queue and will be posted on the morning of Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018

If you haven't quite finished writing your story, however, you are close please submit it as soon as possible, please include a bribe of 'Cinmon Crumbles'.

Happy Reading,



November 13, 2018: Less Than A Week Left To Submit Your Thanksgiving Surprise & A Christmas Announcement
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

There is less than a week left to get your submission for the Fall Short Story Event Submission submitted. Next Saturday at Midnight PST.

The theme for this years Christmas Short Event is A True Spirit of Christmas, What The Christmas Experience Truly Should Be.  The guidelines are simple all Short Stories should fit the theme or at least be in the neighbourhood. All stories must meet the standard Submissions Guidelines located HERE. The word count should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take three or four (um...thousand? < giggle >). If in doubt Fred takes 'Cinmon Crumbles' as bribes.  Don't forget to give the Fort Family of Sites permission to host your Short Story, also make sure that your Author name & Copyright Date is in your Short Story as well.

Happy Reading,

November 7, 2018: Welcome to another first-time Author
Posted by TrueFan

It is with great pride that I am able to introduce a new author to the Fandom. This author sent me his story after being recommended to me by Lindon Weztser (Author of Lincoln: The Family I Never Expected) and once I read the first few chapters I was hooked. It's a rare treat indeed to find a story from a first-time author of this caliber.

We have published the first chapter of twenty-one of the story, "The Music in the Painting." I am certain you will all enjoy it as much as I have.

Please join me in welcoming Juju to the world of writing! Personally, I am looking forward to many a fine story from him.



November 1, 2018: Dante, my Inferno Chapter 3
Posted by TrueFan

Dante, My Inferno, Chapter 3 by Billyyes is now live... I have heard some pretty good feedback on this first two chapters, why not give Chapter 3 a read... I should have another chapter up in a day or so.



October 31, 2018: Just In Time For Halloween!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

Just in time for Halloween all of the Death's Day Off Short Story Event submissions have now been posted. So visit F.R.E.D. and read them all.

Don't forget to say thank you to our awesome authors by dropping them a short email.

Happy Reading,

Fred Avatar

October 29, 2018: A Thanksgiving Surprise, Update and More!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

We now have seven confirmed submissions for this years Fall Short Story Event, A Thanksgiving Surprise, keep those submissions rolling in. Send your Submissions to A Thanksgiving Surprise.

Thanks to all of you that have sent in your submissions, especially the new authors.

We have also resumed posting the submissions for the Death's Day Off Short Story Event from years past.

Don't forget all of our Short Story Events are open to readers as well as authors to contribute.

We will be announcing the Christmas Event shortly.

Happy Reading,



October 25, 2018: Welcome to a new author
Posted by TrueFan

Please join me in welcoming another new author to True's Fandom and the Fort Family.

Billyyes brings us the first story he's ever written called, "Dante, My Inferno." Give it a read, and remember to let him know what you think. Keep in mind, this is his first effort so let's encourage him to continue!

So, Welcome to the Fandom, Billy... I look forward to seeing many new stories from you in the future!


October 22, 2018: FCS-Las Vegas Chapter 6
Posted by TrueFan

Chapter 6 of FCS:Las Vegas is live. I hope you enjoy it.



CSU-16 October 22, 2002 = October 22, 2018

October 22, 2018: CSU 16
Posted by TrueFan

Hello Dear Readers:

October 22, 2018 is an important day for us in the Fort Family. The CSU or Clan Short Universe will be celebrating it's 16th anniversary. Please keep an eye on the Fort Family Community Site for any CSU related updates.

There is a link to the Community Site under the Features menu on this site.


October 9, 2018: Update & Reminder: 2018 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers & Authors,

We have received our first entry and it was perfect, it hit the nail right on the head for the theme. So the rest of you get out your keyboards, pen, and or pencils and get writing.

The 2018 Fort Family of Sites Fall Short Story Event's theme is: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! ~ You and your family (who do not know you're gay) decide this year to go out for their Thanksgiving Feast. Mid-way through the meal, someone stops by your table. You are horrified to find out it was a guy you just started dating, who doesn't know you're not out to your family...

As usual, this event is open to all readers and authors of the Fort Family Sites, however, if anyone knows of an author from another site that would like to enter this even just ask them to click on the following link Story Submissions. My staff and I would love to see lots of new authors entering this year.

The rules/guidelines are as follows: Must be theme related should be a minimum of 500 words and no longer than 15,000 words. These are not carved in stone, so please submit away. Submissions are due no later than Midnight PDT on November 17, 2018. All submissions will be posted on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018. Please include the theme title: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! in the title of your story. In case you forgot the email address for submissions is A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!

Some pretty amazing stories have come out of the Short Story Events and some wonderful New Authors as well. My Staff and I will be busy posting the previous Fall Short Story Events over the next few weeks. 2007 has been completed and 2008 will be posted shortly.

Happy writing,

Fred The Elf








September 30, 2018: Notice to our Faithful Readers
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to send out a quick notice to let you all know that as a part of our attempt to keep our hosted sites on fast, reliable, and up to date servers, we will be migrating our sites to brand new equipment with up to date software, including an upgraded operating system. We anticipate no operational downtime for our visitors but where we are physically moving, there may be a very short time where DNS servers may be pointing to the old server even after the new servers are brought online. 

If you were planning to do a marathon reading session, go right ahead as the only change that may be noticeable would be sites responding slightly faster than usual. By Thursday if you hear nothing from us then it will be back to business as usual for us behind the scenes and you will see progress return to normal. 

We will advise if this schedule changes as the request to greenlight the move is being placed tonight.

Here's to as many reliable years on newer equipment.

-Jeff P-
On behalf of DSS Hosting, CSU Productions

September 15, 2018: 2018 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers & Authors,

The 2018 Fort Family of Sites Fall Short Story Event's theme is: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! ~ You and your family (who do not know you're gay) decide this year to go out for their Thanksgiving Feast. Mid-way through the meal, someone stops by your table. You are horrified to find out it was a guy you just started dating, who doesn't know you're not out to your family...

As usual, this event is open to all readers and authors of the Fort Family Sites, however, if anyone knows of an author from another site that would like to enter this even just ask them to click on the following link Story Submissions. My staff and I would love to see lots of new authors entering this year.

The rules/guidelines are as follows: Must be theme related should be a minimum of 500 words and no longer than 15,000 words. These are not carved in stone, so please submit away. Submissions are due no later than Midnight PDT on November 17, 2018. All submissions will be posted on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018. Please include the theme title: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! in the title of your story. In case you forgot the email address for submissions is A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!

Some pretty amazing stories have come out of the Short Story Events and some wonderful New Authors as well. My Staff and I will be busy posting the previous Fall Short Story Events over the next few weeks.

Happy writing,

Fred The Elf









September 1, 2018: The Midsomer Short Story Event Submissions Are Live!
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

The Midsomer Shory Event with the theme of A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object has arrived and the submissions are now live. The Authors and their stories will be listed in alphabetical order, that is except for the very first story, and you will see why that is.

We have a New Author today with his first entry, so please welcome NCNetsurfer and his story about a well-polished object,  A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: A Pet Rock.

Art West has brought us two stories, one with a British feel and one with a twist in the name,  first, we have A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: Being Close, and second A Day In The Life Of Matt.

Beldro Mercier brings us a bit of fantasy with, A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: Through the Looking Glass.

DouglasDD has decided to tickle your fancy with his story, A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: Keying In.

The Story Lover also has brought us two entries, his first is a whimsical look into the wild and woolly world of punctuation surprisingly enough titled, A Day In The Life Of Ugo The Umlaut, followed by a foray into the bountiful word of a nature travelogue with, A Day In The Life Of 'Cap'.

Don't forget to thank the authors for the hard work by dropping them a short email, and please extend a warm welcome to our Newest Author NCNetsurfer.

Happy reading,

Fred The Elf










August 28, 2018: Announcement
Posted by TrueFan

To our fantastic readers:

We would like to apologize for how long it’s been between chapters of Voyagers. Unfortunately, sometimes real life does get in the way of progress. In this particular case, more than one of our authors had to deal with losses in their families, illness, and other issues which made writing an impossibility.

The Chapter that is about to be released came together in less than 5 days and I can say that all of us are hyped up to move this story forward rapidly. Personally, I believe it’s one of the best we’ve put together; it was a true collaboration of four exceptional authors.

We would like to thank you, our readers, for sticking with us and for your feedback. We hope to be able to return to a more regular posting schedule.


for the Voyagers Authors 

I would also like to apologize for my own absence of late... I have been dealing with extreme levels of pain from the nerve damage done to my left leg in December of last year. FINALLY, my doctor and I have worked out a regimen that seems to have gotten it to tolerable levels, hence, why we were able to get this chapter of Voyagers completed, and I am well along in completing the next chapter of Priorities which will allow Zarek Dragon and I to finish up the last couple chapters of our crossover.


August 20, 2018: Collaboration Request!
Posted by JM Taylor

Greetings, I started this story with all the intentions that I have as a writer, Entertainment, Providing a place for people to escape. I want people to know that no matter what they're going through things will get better, especially if you find yourself in the comfort of others, I want to thank everyone who's stopped by to read my story and I promise there will be many more to come but, I also want to take this chance to offer anyone who's willing to accept, the opportunity to help me bring my other Characters to life. That's Right! Collaboration, I am now seeking a partner in crime to follow me down the pathway of Ben & Jacob's Journey...I need someone to write the role of Ben! You see originally, This was intended to be a collaboration, however, my former partner longer with us, and I'd love to continue this story in his memory with someone honoring his character, Please if you are interested to feel free to shoot me a message or contact me through email. Thank you always for your support.


August 9, 2018: Midsomer Short Story Event Update & Corrections
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Authors & Readers,

There is a little over two weeks left for you to get your entries written and submitted. The last day for submissions to be received is Saturday, August 25, 2018, not the 23rd! Posting will begin on Friday, August 31st giving you a four-day reading weekend. At least for the yanks.

Submissions are due by Midnight on the 25th PDT or UTC -7.

Submissions should be between 500 and 15,000 words more or less and the theme is  A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object, we have quite a few submissions already and there is always room for more. This event is open to all Fort Family Site Authors and Readers, you don't have to be an established author to submit an entry. There are quite a few Fort Family Authors that got their start with a Short Story Event. If you need your submission edited just let us know and we will see that your submission gets edited. First-time submitters, please give the Fort Family Sites permission to host your story. As always all submissions remain the property of the submitting author. Always include the appropriate Copyright © Info with all Submissions.

Happy writing,

Fred The Elf

P.S. We will be posting submissions through September 3, 2018, but don't tell anyone.




August 7, 2018: As if you didn't notice
Posted by TrueFan

True's Fandom suffered a fairly major database crash today. Due to the extreme help of JeffsFort, Akeentia, TSL and others, we're on the way to rebuilding things.

You will notice stories appearing over the next few days. Authors will be receiving an email individually once we have their stories up so they can log back into the site and review their stories. One major change that I will be implementing is that all existing authors will have the ability to create not only chapters but stories on the site.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at
