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Trajan was waiting impatiently for his ride to the lacrosse game to show. The players were supposed to arrive at the field by six-thirty for the seven o’clock game. He checked the clock on the wall for what seemed like the hundredth time—it read five-fifty-three. Levi had told him that it would take about 20 minutes to get from Trajan’s house to the field on Queen Anne Hill. One of the things Trajan had already learned about Levi was that he liked to be early for practice. He figured the same would hold true for games. The problem was that Trajan didn’t know how early Levi would be.
His thoughts went to seeing Tony sporting morning wood that morning. He couldn’t fully grasp why he thought his 12-year-old cousin was so sexy. He had never thought of boys that age as being sexy—totally sexy looking boys like Michael Meijer or Derek being exceptions.
Gawd, to think that he actually dated Derek. He was boyfriends with an eleven-year-old. He recalled the Valentine’s Day Dance when Scott caught him fucking the naked tween’s ass in a stall in the handicapped bathroom. The end result was Scott fucking Derek’s ass and Trajan following it up with a fuck of his own. Yep, Derek was ‘Young but hot,’ Trajan thought, ‘just like my cousin.’ Trajan’s thoughts were interrupted when he saw a car pull up to the curb in front of the house—it was Levi and his mother, Arlene.
He adjusted his erection so that it wasn’t pushing out his uniform pants quite as much. Even though he wouldn’t be playing, Trajan was dressed in his full uniform. He picked up his equipment bag, which he would not be needing, and headed out the front door. After checking to make sure it was locked, he headed down the steps to the street. With his uniform on and his equipment bag in his hand, he felt like he was a part of the Lake City Falcons lacrosse team.
Arlene popped the hatch open, and Trajan placed his bag next to Levi’s. He then shut the hatch and joined Levi in the backseat.
“Hey, Trajan,” Levi greeted with his contagious smile.
“Hey, Levi. And hello Mrs. Hanson. Thanks for giving me a ride.”
“Hello, Trajan. You’re welcome. It’s the least I can do for Levi’s new friend. I must say, you look dashing in your uniform,” she said as she pulled away from the curb.
“When can you spend the night at my house?” Levi asked Trajan.
“I want to do it, but it won’t be this week. We’ll figure something out.”
“What about after our game on Saturday. You can come over to celebrate your first win as a Falcon.”
“I think that sounds awesome. I’ll have to ask Aunt Marne and Uncle Luigi first.”
“Understood. Also, don’t forget that Sunday July third is my birthday party.”
“That is on the schedule. Your mom and my organized aunt got that all taken care of.”
Trajan wouldn’t be playing the game that day because he’d only had one practice with the Falcons and three were required before a player could be activated. This game would count as a practice providing he participated in the pregame warmup and watched the game from the sidelines while in uniform. After participation in practice the next day he would be eligible to play in Saturday’s game. He couldn’t wait.
He went through the pregame warmup drill flawlessly. The team had shown him at the practice he had attended on Monday how they ran it. Even Jack, who had been on Trajan’s ass on Monday, treated him like a teammate during the warmups. ‘Maybe it’s because he knows I can’t play in the game,’ Trajan thought cynically.
Since he couldn’t play in the game, Trajan figured he could play cheerleader to show he was part of the team. He had never been much of a sideline screamer with his East Harbor team, but he went out of character in order to be accepted as a teammate. He found that cheering for the team was a blast, even though he barely knew most of the players. He promised himself he would cheer for his teammates on Saturday when he wasn’t on the field. By then he should know everybody even better.
The Falcons led the Queen Anne Royals 5-4 at the half. Denny Wolfe, the team captain, and Jack, their leading scorer, each scored soon after the second half started, making the score 7-4.
Levi was on the sidelines at the start of the fourth quarter. The score was now 7-5. He stood next to Trajan and complimented him on his great job of cheerleading. “You’re really into the game, and you can’t even play. I love it,” Levi told his new friend and teammate.
“Thanks, Levi. I’ve gotta help out the team somehow.”
“Well, you’re doing an awesome job of it. Everybody’s noticing it.”
“Thanks, but if I’m gonna keep doing an awesome job I’d better get my head back in the game,” Trajan said.
Just then, Brady Wright intercepted a pass and whipped the ball to CJ who got a pass off to Denny. Denny deked the defenseman and fired the ball toward the goal. Trajan and Levi and the two other Falcons on the side yelled encouragement, but nobody, not even the effervescent Levi, out-yelled Trajan. The goalie managed to tick it with his right hand, but it wasn’t enough to keep the ball from going into the goal for a score. Trajan and Levi did a little dance and high-fived each other. The other two Falcons ran up and traded high fives. As the teams regrouped after the goal, Coach Vincent sent Levi in for Aubrey Baker. The Falcons now led 8-5. The Royals scored a final goal with 1:28 left in the game and the Falcons walked off the field with a hard-earned 8-6 win. The Falcons now had a 3-1 record.
One thing that stood out to Coach Vincent and Coach Patrick was Trajan’s energy on the sidelines. They were both eager to see how that energy would translate in his play on Saturday. They also noted how accepting the team was of their newest player—even Jack traded fist bumps with him and told him how he helped keep the team’s energy level up. Jack rarely handed out praise to anyone. The fact that he hadn’t been very accepting of Trajan at Trajan’s first practice made Jack’s gesture stand out even more.
Trajan rode home with Arlene and Levi. Marne and Luigi had both promised him one or both of them would do whatever they could to make his games once he started playing on Saturday.
After Arlene pulled up in front of the DeLuca house, Trajan exited the car and got his equipment bag out of the back. Levi had come out as well and he and Trajan traded victory hugs.
“I can’t wait to play with you on Saturday,” Trajan told Levi.
“I’ll be ready to play with you too.”
Tony and Marco greeted Trajan at the door and were excited to hear all the news of the Falcons’ game. Marne and Luigi were both home and joined the conversation. Luigi reminded Trajan about some of the logistical problems they had discussed after Trajan was told he had made the team.
“Just understand that it’s possible that Tony, Marco, and you could all have games at the same time, plus I often have to be at the restaurant,” Luigi had told him. “We’ve sometimes been able to split our time between games if the fields aren’t far apart. We will do the same for you when we can. Just remember that no matter if we’re there or not we’ll be rooting for you. And we will always do our best to watch you play, even if neither one of us knows qualcosa (anything) about lacrosse.”
“I’ll be sure to teach you,” Trajan grinned. “It’s a simple sport—a heck of a lot simpler than baseball and you and Aunt Marne both know baseball pretty good.”
That night Tony and Trajan undressed in front of each other. Neither one exhibited any reluctance to show his stuff. The bulge in Tony’s boxer briefs told Trajan what he could expect to see when they came off. Trajan whipped off his boxers. He sported a semi which went full hard when Tony pulled off his underpants and showed off his three-and-a-half inches of tween steel. He wanted to be certain that his cousin noticed him, although the quick rise of Trajan’s cock left no doubt.
“Fuck, cuz, are you horny or what?” Trajan asked.
“Big time. I decided to quit being shy around you. Marco wanted me to sleep with him, but I told him I was gonna jerk off with you,” Tony replied.
“Say what? You just came out and told him?”
“Me and my bro are honest about our sex stuff. I told you we give each other blow jobs, so why should I keep what I want to do with you secret.”
“What if I don’t want to do it?”
“Then I’ll tell Marco I ended up jerking off under the covers and that I’ll do it with him in a couple of nights—maybe even on my bed.”
“Why not do it with him tomorrow? I’m gonna be spending the night at Pierce’s house tomorrow.”
“Cuz he’s gonna be spending the night at Justin’s. I know I’ll be spending a night with Logan by the weekend, if not before,” Tony said. “Maybe here in my bedroom if he can come over tomorrow.”
“Do you really want to jerk off with me?”
“That’s what I said, and I meant it.”
“But the last couple of days you’ve been saying…”
“Forget what I was saying. I decided if we’re gonna be together in my room most nights for the next couple of months, we might as well mess around, and thinking that got me all horny like I am now.”
Trajan wondered if Tony was deking him; working to get him all horny and then saying he was tired or shit like that. “Then prove it and come to my bed,” he said as he all but dared his twelve-year-old cousin to come to his bed and get serious. Trajan was stunned when a couple of seconds later Tony was standing in front of him wrapping the fingers of his right hand around his cousin’s now throbbing teen cock.
“Have you ever had somebody suck your cock?” Tony asked.
“Fuck dude, how horny are you? It’s like a whole different Tony came into the room.”
“Well, have you?”
“I’m almost fifteen, so what do you think?”
“I think yes you have.” Tony let go of Trajan’s five-inch erection and flopped down on his bed. “If you want to get sucked, scoot over next to me.”
Trajan lay next to his cousin and scooted over so that their bodies touched. “I believe you got possessed by some total horn dog demon, cuz you sure ain’t the dude whose room I’ve been sharing.”
“If you don’t like it, I can go back over to my bed and jerk myself off. I’ve been thinking about this since last night. I told you I’d do something with you pretty soon. And if I said I was gonna do something, why should I wait. If I go for it now, you’ll know what I’ll do and won’t do.”
“And what won’t you do?” Trajan asked.
“I won’t fuck. At least not until Logan fucks me, which is gonna happen soon since we’ve been talking about it. He’s my boyfriend and he gets to do me first. And before you ask, he ain’t a virgin but I told him I was gonna stay a virgin until we did the nasty for the first time.”
Tony had talked to Logan earlier in the day about what he was thinking of doing with Trajan. Logan was all for it, provided Tony worked on getting Trajan to agree to some three-way fun later in the summer. Sex was suddenly getting more and more interesting for Tony.
“Well, then, what are you waiting for?” Trajan asked as he pointed to his hard cock, which was leaking a slight flow of precum.
“Just one question and then I’ll do it.”
“Fire away.”
“Logan says he’s okay if I mess around with you except for fucking, just like I said. But he wants to have a three way with you, me, and him for being cool with us messing around.”
“Damn, he’s a tough boyfriend.”
“He’d be okay with it anyway,” Tony assured Trajan. “But he’s a major horn dog and this was his way of letting me know he wants us to do it together at least once. But all he wanted me to do was ask. After that it was up to you.”
“I’ll tell you what. I’m good with that three way but you have to ask if we can have a four-way some time with you, me, him, and his big brother.”
“You mean Chase?” Tony felt a surge of desire burst through him at the thought.
“Okay, I’ll ask. But it will be like with me and Logan. All I can do is ask and after that what happens, happens.”
“That’s good enough for me. Now, how about that blow job you were talking about doing.”
Tony answered by wrapping his lips around Trajan’s uncut teen cock and sucking on his glans, tasting the leaking precum as he tried to get as much as he could of the biggest cock he had ever seen, let alone sucked, into his mouth.
He didn’t have to worry about it for long as Trajan had gone into a sexual frenzy in an instant. “Ohhhhhhhh, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming cuz so let goooooooooooo….shit.” Even if Trajan had completed his warning, Tony had no intention of spitting out his cousin’s cock. Trajan started firing jets of teen cum into Tony’s inexperienced mouth. Logan had wet cums, so Tony thought he knew what to expect, but he received much more than his expectation. Trajan’s thick, strong tasting cum blasting into Tony’s mouth was much more than what Logan shot. It was more than Tony could manage as well. Tony swallowed what he could, but some leaked out of his mouth and down his chin.
“Let go of my dick, it’s gotten really sensitive.” While it wasn’t the best blow job he had ever received, it felt like the sexiest one. He wondered if it might be because Tony had been so reluctant to go beyond masturbation and his unexpected about face had been a real turn-on.
Tony reached for his throbbing tween cock when Trajan rolled over and placed Tony’s uncut cock into his mouth. Like Trajan, Tony had worked himself close to orgasm even before the actual sex started and he quickly fired his light tween cum into his older cousin’s mouth.
Trajan was the first to speak as the cousins came down from their sexual highs. “I gotta say, cuz, this was way more than I was expecting from you, and here you go sucking my dick. You did a good job, as good as Derek who’s about your age but I’m sure is way more experienced. Thanks for the great cum.”
“You’re only the third dude I’ve sucked off. Logan and Marco are the other ones, and their dicks are way smaller than your big monster,” Tony said.
“Does Logan have wet cums?”
“What do you mean, wet cum?”
“You know, blow a wad?”
“Duh, I should have figured that out. Yeah, he does, but not as much as me. His is almost like water. I guess I got more spermies, like what you’ve got in yours.”
“Where do you plan on sleeping?” Trajan asked.
Tony scooted up to his older cousin and wrapped his left arm around his torso. “How about if I sleep here with you?”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
Trajan loved the feel of his twelve-year-old cousin’s smooth skin cuddled against him. What he thought was going to be a horrible time in Seattle was turning out better than he imagined. His mind wandered to the erotic boys he had met. He wondered if tomorrow’s overnight with Pierce and Drake was going to top his session with his cousin. He wondered if Levi was going to want to mess around when they had their overnight. From the way Levi talked and acted around him, he wondered if his new friend and teammate might have a crush on him. ‘That would be fucking cool,’ he thought. ‘I mean as cool as it can get for somebody like me who ain’t even gay.’
“You’re not going to grab my nuts during the game today, are you?” Curt asked Eddie as they headed out to the driveway where their mother, Susan, was waiting in the car.
“That was watching a game in the bleachers. This is playing a game and when I play a fucking game, I don’t play fucking grab ass games, I play a fucking baseball game,” Eddie barked.
“Good to hear,” Curt said as the brothers placed their equipment bags in the back of the SUV.
“Hey, I won’t ever do it anywhere again if you tell me not to,” Eddie said as they sat in the backseat.
“It’s cool unless I say it’s not at the time.”
“That works for me.”
“What are you two squabbling about?” Susan asked.
“Nothing big, mom,” Curt answered. “Just sibling rivalry stuff we’re getting figured out.”
“Sibling rivalry? Are you learning words like that in your health class?”
“Nope, we’re learning it from you and dad,” Eddie grinned.
Susan caught sight of the grin as she backed the car out of the driveway. She was about to comment after starting down the street when Curt talked first. “Don’t worry mom, Eddie and I were just straightening something out. We’re still learning about each other.”
“Fair enough,” Susan said. “Just remember, I’m always willing to listen if you boys need to talk something out.”
“You and dad both,” Eddie said. “That makes it hard to get into big arguments.”
“That’s the idea.”
“I always thought brothers are supposed to get into humongous knock down and bloody noses fights,” Curt said. “Lord knows, Eddie tries hard enough…”
“CURT!” Eddie shouted.
“…but fortunately, we like each other.”
“Usually, except when we don’t. But we’re getting there, mom. We’re both getting used to the whole us being brothers idea.”
“Plus, we have Chase and Logan showing us how it’s done,” Curt pointed out. “They get along pretty well.
“Usually, except when they don’t,” Eddie said, drawing chuckles from Curt and Susan.
The Magnolia Vipers were playing the Lynwood Eagles at home, so the drive to the field only took a few minutes. Chase and Logan would not be at the game until toward the end because they each had practice.
The game went well for the Vipers. They jumped off to a 4-0 lead in the bottom of the first and ended up winning 7-2. Curt pitched the last two innings after the Eagles cut the Viper lead to 5-2. He allowed one baserunner on a two-out walk in the seventh and picked up his first ever save. Eddie had two doubles with two runs batted in and a run scored. It was his best offensive game of the season. Eddie thought it may have been his best ever.
Troy picked up Logan and Chase after their practices ended and they watched the last three innings, cheering Eddie’s second double and Curt’s stellar pitching performance. It was a great day for the Miller family.
Justin slept in until just before ten. After taking a piss, he scurried to the kitchen to get some breakfast. His Donkey Dad was in the living room doing something on this phone.
“Well, good morning little Dawgkey,” Mike said as his naked son entered the living room. “Nice to see you decided to join the world of the living.”
“It’s not like you are in it,” Justin responded. “You’re on your dumb phone playing some game and you should be reading. Plus, it’s not even ten yet and I bet you don’t say snarky things to Papa Dawg when he sleeps in until, like, noon or whatever.”
“You’re a chatty critter for somebody who hasn’t even said good morning yet.”
“So, hey, good morning, Donkey Daddy.” Justin walked over to his daddy’s chair, flopped down on him, and gave him a hug and a kiss on his whiskery cheek. “You need to shave. What were you playing? What’s for breakfast?”
“Slow down, you’re babbling faster than my big donkey ears can process. But, to respond to the most important question first, there’s your choice of cereal in the breakfast cupboard and sliced fresh fruit in the fridge. Or, you can grab a Dawgie created waffle out of the freezer and nuke it.”
“I’ll have some Fruit Loops and some fresh fruit and be totally healthy with fruit and more fruit.”
“I wouldn’t put Fruit Loops at the top my list of healthy foods,”
“Why not? It’s got fruit in its name and fruit is healthy and the fruit in Fruit Loops just makes it healthier because it adds cereal fruit and real fruit and I learned a long time ago in math that when you add two numbers together you get a bigger number. So, now all this talking about food made me really hungry so I’m going to eat and then shower but I’m not going to get dressed because Marco and Karl are coming over for lunch and they’re going to take their clothes off until we have to put our uniforms on for the baseball game.”
“It all sounds like a good plan to me,” Mike said. “Isn’t Joey coming over?”
“His mom decided she doesn’t want him coming over on game days because it makes him tired for the game.”
“Which could happen, but I trust you guys to take it easy.” Mike was of the opinion that Joey’s mother made some of the Dawg’s parenting theories look completely rational.
“Oh, and what game were you playing?”
“Words With Friends.”
“Did you play on my word?”
“I did.”
“Good because it put me ahead 24-21 and someday I’m going to beat you.” Justin rose from the chair, padded toward the kitchen, and stopped before stepping out of the living room. “And today might be the day.”
“I don’t doubt that you might beat me some day. You’re getting better all the time,” Mike said proudly.
Marco arrived just before noon. He was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, and Jammer hat. He was carrying a gym bag that held his baseball uniform, his mitt, and his cleats. He and Justin went to Justin’s room where Marco quickly stripped off his clothes. Just as he finished Karl arrived and was soon as naked as his two friends.
Mike cooked up some hot dogs at twelve-thirty for lunch. The boys placed them on buns, applied their favorite condiments, and grabbed a few handfuls of chips. They sat out on the patio in the area that was out of the view of the neighbors, or they would have had to at least worn underpants. Both Mike and Ryan were adamant about enforcing the outdoor dress rules.
“Are we gonna do it tonight?” Justin asked.
“Do it?” Marco responded. “Do what?”
“Yeah, you know, do it?”
“You mean playing with our dicks, right?” Karl asked.
“Yep, that’s it,” Justin said.
“Oh, yeah, let’s do it,” Marco nodded as if he had understood the whole time what his two friends had been talking about. “But what kind of do it? Me and Tony jerk off do it, and jerk each other off do it, rub our dicks together do it, and suck each other do it. What kind of do it are we gonna do?”
“Why don’t we just start doing whatever and see what happens,” Justin suggested. And with that he reached over and wrapped two fingers around Marco’s rock hard cocklet. “I bet you like that kind of doing it,” he grinned.
“Hey, I’m eating my hot dog,” Marco squeaked.
“That’s not true because I know that I’m playing with your hot dog.”
“Fine, then I guess I’ll have to eat your hot dog then.”
Justin let go of Marco’s dick. “Go for it, boyfriend.”
Marco slid off his chair, knelt down next to Justin and placed his erect two-and-a-half inches into his mouth. Karl swallowed a mouthful of chips. “Justin’s dad could walk out here in a minute,” he said with alarm.
“It feels good Marco,” was all Justin could think to say. But Karl’s words alarmed Marco, who released Justin’s boner and hopped back on his seat. “Hey, wait, that was the best doing it,” Justin groused.
“Karl’s right,” Marco said. “I’ll do more tonight, I promise.”
“If Daddy Donkey saw us, he’d just turn around and go away, pretending like nothing happened. Papa Dawg is, like, a whole different story.”
“When did you guys get so sexy goofy?” Karl asked.
“Since, like, forever it seems like,” Justin answered.
“Justin is saying like so many times he must be liking what I was doing.”
“I gotta be careful because Papa Dawg goes all ballistic if I use like too much. Daddy Donkey just tells me to be careful and work on better speaking habits or whatever teacher talk he likes to use.”
“Let’s finish eating and put our shoes and shorts on and play three-way kickball or something,” Marco suggested.
The boys enjoyed running around playing various games until Mike told them it was time for some juice and cookies and sit down play until it was time for their pregame dinner. Justin protested half-heartedly since he knew his daddy was right. The boys did what they were told. The good news was that since they would be in the house, they could strip naked again. Before they knew it, Mike was heating up some mac and cheese for their pregame meal.
The boys chatted about the upcoming game. Marco was especially excited because he would be the starting pitcher for the first time. He also worried about messing up against a team the Jammers had defeated the first time they played. The chatter had gotten a bit serious.
Mike, who had been eavesdropping, wandered into the kitchen from the living room. “Marco don’t go into your game being worried. Go in there saying you’re gonna kick ass—just remember not to kiss this donkey ass,” he grinned.
“Yeah! I’ll go kick donkey ass!” Marco shouted. Mike, Justin, and Karl burst out laughing, knowing that Marco hadn’t heard Justin’s daddy quite right, but that the result was perfect.
After eating, the boys put on their uniforms and Mike drove them to the Lake City field where the Jammers would be playing the Vashon Rangers. The Jammers had defeated the Rangers 7-0 in early May and didn’t expect any trouble with them this time around. Coach Wood thought this game would be an excellent chance to give Marco the experience of starting a game.
Marco got off to a rough start, giving up a walk, a run scoring double, and an RBI single to fall into a 2-0 hole before getting his first out. Karl was making a rare start at catcher. He asked the umpire for a time out and went to the mound to talk to his pitcher and friend. Justin, who was the starting shortstop, joined the mound conference to quietly support his best friend.
“You’re better than these guys,” Karl said, certain that’s what his dad would say.
“I am?” Marco asked.
“You are,” Justin answered. He knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but Marco was not only his best friend, he was also his boyfriend, so it was okay for him to talk. “You can do it better than any of these guys.” He gave Marco a knowing grin and walked back to his position.
Karl was surprised by what Justin had just said but decided best thing to do with Justin and Marco was to go with the flow. “Yeah, you are, so go do it.” Karl started back to home plate just as the umpire was getting ready to end the conference. Karl, who usually played first base, thought the last thing he said to Marco sounded very catcher-like. He felt pleased with himself and hoped that Marco was ready to pitch better.
Whether it was the words of his two friends, or he was just ready to pitch up to his abilities, Marco got the next batter to ground out to Justin at short and then struck out the next two. As Marco walked off the field, he was certain that the practice sessions he and Justin had with Justin’s Donkey Daddy were paying off.
The Jammers went down in order in the bottom of the first and Marco gave up a harmless two-out walk in the top of the second. But the Rangers were not a very good team. They had a 2-7 record and soon started to unravel. A combination of walks, hits, and errors led to an eight-run inning for the Jammers in the bottom of the second, making the score 8-2.
Marco gave up a couple of hits in the third, but pitched another scoreless inning, thanks to an amazing two-out play by Justin. With runners on first and third the Ranger batter hit a hard grounder to Justin’s left. Justin dove for the ball and snared it in his glove. He tossed the ball to Sonny Kwon at second for the force. Justin’s play turned what had looked like a run-scoring single into an inning ending out. The Jammer fans and players screamed their approval.
The Jammers scored six more runs in the bottom of the third, increasing their lead to 14-2. Casey Michaels replaced Marco at pitcher and Joey replaced Karl at catcher in the fourth. Casey gave up two runs. The Jammers answered with two of their own in the bottom of the inning. The Rangers scored one in the top of the fifth. After the Jammers got the third out, the umpire invoked the 10-run mercy rule, and the Jammers celebrated a 16-5 win which gave them a 9-2 record.
Justin gave Marco a big hug during the postgame victory celebration. “Wow, Marco, you were the winning pitcher in your first ever start,” Justin gushed.
“I was? I thought you had to pitch four innings to get a win,” Marco said.
“Not according to my Dawnkey Daddies. They said because we only play 6 inning games you can get the win pitching three innings when you 10-run somebody. You have to be the starter though. Unless…”
“…I get it, I get it, let’s go find more hugs.” Marco took off and gave Sonny a hug, and then gave Karl a bigger hug for being his catcher.
“Am I gonna get more than a hug tonight for doing a great catching job?” Karl asked.
“Yes, for sure,” Marco called out as Joey came up to Marco and gave him a hug.
Justin found his dads talking to DK Dansby, who was Karl’s father and the Jammers’ assistant coach. Ryan the Dawg had arrived at the game from work just before the end of the first inning. Justin gave each dad a hug and then wrapped his arms around DK’s big body just ahead of Karl. It was a great day for the Jammers.
Finally, Karl, Justin, and Marco tossed their gear into the back of Mike’s car and scrambled into the back seat. “Nice pitching job Marco. You did a great job recovering from that bad start,” Mike said.
“I didn’t think I was gonna be scared to pitch, but I was,” Marco responded. “But Karl and Justin, they talked to me and helped me and then I wasn’t scared no more. Karl caught everything and is a good catcher.”
“Yep, he is. I think he should catch more but he’s a good first baseman, too.”
“Dayton and Casey are good catchers,” Karl said modestly. “They’ve caught way more than me plus I like playing first base.”
“So, answer this question for me,” Mike said. “Did you guys have fun?”
“I had a lotta fun. We haven’t won a game like that before,” Justin answered.
“I kinda felt sorry for them,” Marco said. “They’ve only won, like, a couple of games all year.”
“You didn’t feel sorry for them during the game, did you?” Mike asked.
“No way. I wanted to clobber them, especially after they got those runs in the first inning. But after the game and we all shook hands, I thought how I hope I never get clobbered that bad in a game.”
The chatter ended when Mike took orders for milkshakes before going through the drive thru. “A winning team’s gotta have a postgame treat to celebrate,” Mike told the boys as they waited for their shakes.
“What about a losing team?” Justin asked.
“It’s just as important. The losing team might lose, but they always play their hardest just like the winning team. Everybody should get rewarded for playing their hardest.” Mike was interrupted by the drive thru server and quickly passed three of the five shakes back. The fourth shake was his chocolate donkey shake, which was very important for a Donkey Dad and the fifth one was a strawberry shake for a Dawg Dad to lap up once they got home. He placed those two shakes into the cup holders on the console.
“You talk about your Donkey dad and your Dawg Dad, and I get those,” Karl said. “But after the game you said something about your Dawnkey Dads, which is different. I’m not sure I get it.”
“That’s Dawg and Donkey combined,” Justin explained. Daw and n-key.” Justin thought it seemed obvious what Dawnkey meant, then remembered he had to explain it to Marco a couple of times.
That night the three naked friends and teammates enjoyed the wonders of each other’s bodies in Justin’s bedroom. Marco started things off by doing what he had promised Karl after game, which was to give him more than a hug when they were in Justin’s room. What he did was more than Karl expected; he slipped his lips around Karl’s uncut cock which, at four inches, was even bigger than Tony’s.
“Hmmm, that feels nice,” Karl moaned. “But what are you doing?”
Justin, who missed the subtle meaning of Karl’s question, provided the answer. “He’s sucking your dick.”
“I know that, but I thought he was just going to jack…ohhhhhhhhhhh, wow, that feels sooooooooo good.”
“It looks like Marco’s learned a lot doing it to his brother.”
Marco grunted an acknowledgement then bounced his head and swirled his tongue until Karl started fucking his mouth. Justin sat on the bed, enthralled by what he saw. Watching his boyfriend giving a blow job to one of his best friends totally convinced him that Marco was more than ready to trade blow jobs with him—maybe as soon as Karl had his cum.
It didn’t take long for that cum as Karl grunted out, “Here it comes,” and started firing his watery tween cum into Marco’s mouth. Marco had learned from sucking Tony that getting cum in his mouth wasn’t a bad thing and that it tasted good. And, as he did when he sucked his brother, Marco swallowed the light load.
Justin didn’t hesitate to go down on Marco’s two-and-a-half-inch uncut cock.
“Oh, wow, thanks boyfriend,” was the last thing Marco said during the five minutes it took Justin to bring him to a bed shaking dry orgasm.
“Everybody’s done a cum thing except Justin,” Karl pointed out. Marco took a deep breath and solved the problem by sucking Justin to a dry orgasm in less than three minutes.
The three young tweens were soon lying quietly on their backs on Justin’s bed. They each were reliving one of the best orgasms of their young lives. Marco was in the middle, his left-hand fondling Justin’s flaccid cocklet. He finally broke the silence. “It’s way different sucking Justin than Karl because he don’t got any skin.”
Karl decided to see what the fuss was about. While he had licked Marco’s cock, he’d never had one in his mouth. As a result of Karl’s curiosity, Justin’s cock became the first one, but not the last, to enter Karl’s mouth.
“Stop a second and move over some so I can do Karl,” Marco said to his friends. Karl and Justin adjusted themselves and soon had a three-way going. Karl couldn’t believe it was possible for him to suck somebody’s dick and have somebody suck his dick at the same time, but it was happening right then, so it had to be possible. Marco masturbated himself as he sucked Karl’s cock for the second time that night.
Justin had the first orgasm since he didn’t need as long to recover as Karl did. Karl followed a little over a minute later. Karl wanted to see how much different sucking on Marco’s uncut cock was than sucking Justin’s cut one but didn’t get the chance. Before he could do or say anything, Marco had masturbated himself to a quick little orgasm.
“You know what?” Justin asked as the boys rose from the bed to take care of their bedtime pissing and brushing and washing.
“This must be what having real sex is like. You know, sex like the big guys like Tony and Logan and even Chase and Drake and Pierce and all those guys have.” Justin was feeling very grown up, and as they congregated in the bathroom, Marco and Karl felt the same sense of being grown up.
“You know that they all had sex together,” Ryan said to Mike as they watched TV in the living room.
“Oh really?” Mike asked in a way that suggested he couldn’t believe those three young, innocent boys could possibly have gotten sexual.
“They all came out of Justin’s room naked.”
“I didn’t notice.” Which was true, since only the corner of the living room where Ryan was sitting had a view of the hall, and it was a partial view.
“Liar. But, like I’ve been saying, Karl is the only one who’s even ten years old. They’re too young to do this.”
“And if they did do something—and I’m not saying they did—who got hurt?”
“Nobody, but…”
“So, let them be boys, just like we were.”
“You sound almost logical,” Ryan said.
“Even Donkey logic can have its simple moments,” Mike chuckled.
The conversation was interrupted by the tween trio entering the living room. “We came to say good night,” Justin said.
“And you dressed up in your best suits to do it. I’m impressed,” Mike grinned.
Justin gave Ryan a hug and Marco did the same with Mike. While Karl didn’t have a problem being naked in front of Justin’s dads, he didn’t feel comfortable hugging them while he was naked. Mike and Ryan both understood Karl’s reluctance and kept their hugs with the other two boys brief. Karl then approached the two dads and traded fist bumps with each and then joined Justin and Marco in saying a loud “good night” as they walked out of the living room.
“Good night boys,” the two men called out.
“Damn, Karl is hung for a ten-year-old,” Ryan said.
“And how do you know that?” Mike asked.
“You and I were ten years old and naked half a zillion times, and we got naked with a few of our friends.”
“You have a good memory for the really important things, like food and naked boys.”
““Plus, I noticed some pubic hair sprouting.”
“Geez, Dawg, a sweet young lad comes up to you to tell you good night and bump your fist and all you seem to notice is his cock size and how much pubic hair he has. I bet the next thing you want to say is that the pre-tens got to see what those hanging balls of Karl’s can create and it will scar them for life.”
“You can be insufferable at times, but I will love you with all my heart. Still, they are kind of young to…”
“Marco’s brother is twelve and is probably ripe, so I’m sure it’s nothing new for him,” Mike said. “Now, how about you and I retire to our bedroom and emit more mature seed than young Karl can produce.”
“Are you turned on?”
“You bet your life I am and I’m ready to traumatize you with the proof.”
Mike and Ryan retired to their bedroom for some man fun. In Justin’s bedroom, a full day of play, a baseball game, and one of the most sexual experiences of their young lives had worn the tweens out—they were already cuddled up and asleep on Justin’s bed.
Next: From the Heart