Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<Pierce, Drake, Trajan>
Trajan woke up disoriented. He wondered who was sleeping in his bed with him and why. He rubbed his hand along a smooth face and moved it lower to feel a smooth skinned chest on what seemed to be a boy. Then his mental light bulb lit up and he remembered the oral sex session with his cousin. There was enough ambient morning light in the room to confirm that the body in his bed was his twelve-year-old cousin Tony.
For a boy who was very inexperienced compared with tweens like Derek and Michael in East Harbor, Tony was fucking sexy. Trajan never thought he would think that about his cousin. Yes, Tony was inexperienced, but he was without question Fucking Sexy.
Trajan checked the time and saw it was eight thirty-five, which was ten minutes before his alarm was set to go off. He was scheduled to go to the restaurant with his Uncle Luigi to work a four-hour shift busing tables. He had a busy day ahead. First he would go to work. Then he would have an hour-long lacrosse practice at four, followed by dinner and an overnight at Pierce’s house where he would get to know Pierce and Drake better and hopefully become real good friends with them.
After turning off his alarm, Trajan eased over his sleeping cousin and headed to the bathroom to shower and pee, most likely at the same time. He set the shower temperature, stepped into it and let go a stream of piss. Things were looking up in Seattle, what with lacrosse, a new friend in Levi, an overnight with Pierce and Drake, and a sexy cousin who had sexy friends. He knew Tony wanted to add Marco to the mix for a three way in bed, but Trajan wasn’t interested in his nine-year-old cousin. On the other hand, Derek wasn’t much older when he messed around with him. Maybe Marco would have something going for him, too. Time would tell.
Tony was awake and sitting on his bed when Trajan reentered the bedroom. “Good morning cuz,” Tony said. “Did you have a good shower?”
“It was hot and wet and had lots of soap. What else does a shower need?” Trajan replied.
“Maybe somebody to shower with?”
“Maybe, but not when your mom and dad are home.”
“Marco and I have showered together when one of them is home. I’ve done it with Logan, too.”
“I think it would be a bit tougher for you and me to do it,” Trajan said. “Anyway, right now it don’t matter because I’ve gotta get dressed and be ready to head to the restaurant with Uncle Luigi.”
“You’ve got plenty of time before dad goes.”
“I know, but I want to be sure I’m ready. I probably won’t see you much until tomorrow, so I want to tell you this now—thanks for last night. It was fun and I slept great. I hope you did, too.”
“Yep, I did. And I’ll do it again with you, but not every night.”
“Agreed. We don’t do it every night.”
“And don’t forget we need to talk about including Marco sometime,” Tony reminded his cousin.
“I won’t forget.” That was as far as Trajan was willing to commit himself, at least for the time being.
Trajan worked hard during the lunch rush at the restaurant. Most of the customers came for the lunchtime pizza special. They were easy for him to deal with since they were served at tables set up with the specials. His job was more about cleanup than serving. There were a couple of times, when he picked up a partially filled beer bottle while clearing a table, that he was tempted to drain it. But he was too exposed to empty the bottle on the sly and he had lacrosse practice after work. He wanted to be sharp for the practice because he would be eligible to play in the game coming up Saturday and he didn’t want the players (or his uncle for that matter) to smell beer on his breath. If the opportunity to sneak some drinks ever presented itself, Trajan was prepared to take advantage of it.
He kept an eye out for Pierce. He thought his new friend would come in and get some pizza for lunch, but that didn’t happen. He knew that could always be a possibility. He decided he would let Pierce know each week what days he was working the pizza lunch shift.
Trajan’s workday was finished at 2:30. Marne picked him up and drove him home, where he changed into his practice gear and packed some regular clothes into his backpack. Marne then drove him to practice. On the ride to practice, he asked his aunt if he could overnight at Levi’s house on Saturday. She said she would allow it after checking with Levi’s mother.
Arlene, Levi’s mom, said she would love to have Trajan spend Saturday with Levi. She also agreed to give Trajan a ride to Pierce’s house after practice so Marne could work the busy Saturday night at the restaurant. Trajan kept being amazed by how great Levi and his family were.
Practice went well. Trajan was excited to be practicing for real. Coach Vincent had told him he wouldn’t be starting on Saturday, but he would be given a fair amount of playing time, whatever that meant. Coach Vincent told Trajan he would have to earn a starting spot and Trajan was ready to do that. His outlook was different than what it had been in East Harbor where he liked lacrosse for being around his peers more than for playing. If he played, he was happy, and if he didn’t play, well there was always next time. His coach had told him more than once that he was a talented player, but his indifferent attitude was holding him back from showing his true potential.
For whatever reason, Trajan now wanted to play, and he wanted to play a lot. He wanted the Falcon players and coaches to see how good he was. As a result, he not only practiced hard, he practiced smart. He knew he was a little bit behind the other players on the team, but Coach Patrick had told him if he kept working hard, he would catch up in a hurry. Levi, Levi’s friend CJ, and Denny Wolfe, the team captain, were his biggest supporters among the players. In fact, everyone on the team, except for Jack and Jack’s friend Donovan, helped him a lot. While Jack wasn’t outwardly hostile, like he had been at the first practice, he wasn’t very supportive, either. Trajan ignored him.
One thing he had learned in dealing with the assholes at home is that the best way to deal with assholes was to ignore them and not let them get under his skin. He wasn’t as successful as he wanted to be in following up on that attitude. The assholes simply had a way of getting under his skin no matter how hard he tried to fight it.
Trajan was surprised as to how soon practice was over. The hour had flown by fast because he was so into working hard and being with his teammates. He wanted to prove to them that the cheering he’d done at the game before hadn’t been fake. He wanted to prove that to himself as well.
<Pierce’s House>
Drake arrived at Pierce’s house a little before two o’clock. He found his boyfriend naked in the kitchen putting clean dishes into the cupboard. “Hey, nice birthday suit,” Drake grinned as he and Pierce exchanged a kiss and a couple of gropes. “But you need to vary the look—that suit looks just like the one you wore last time I saw you.”
“About all I can do to change it is trim or shave off my pubic hair,” Pierce pointed out.
“That would be fun to see. The shaved pubic area, not you shaving it,” Drake said. “You can have the Lincoln look down there.”
“Are you saying I’ve got the same size dick as a four-month-old baby?”
“No way, Sweet Pooka. What I’m saying is, if you shave off your pubes, shave your underarms, and take care of the hair growing on your shins, you’d have the same body style of hair as your delightful little brother-in-law.”
“Brother-in-law? When did you and me get married?” Pierce asked.
“We’re as good as married, dude. It’s just a matter of getting to the age where we can legally marry. And then you can become Pooka Miller.”
“In your dreams, Duck Bledsoe.”
“Hey, you’re the one who will marry into a family that will give you brothers sons-in-law, and a shitload of cousins or nephews or whatever the fuck relation they’ll be.”
“As long as they’re as sexy then as they are now, I don’t care what they are. Now, how about I fry up a couple of burgers since somebody, whose name I will not mention, left his orca card at home when he went to work today so you didn’t get here in time for us to watch our overnight guest slave away while we munched on the best pizza in the Magnolia District.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault my mom gave me a ride and I didn’t need it,” Drake said.
“Um, you could keep it in your wallet like normal people do.”
“I was in a hurry and stuffed it in my pocket the last time I rode transit and then…”
“…excuses, excuses, excuses. And we both know they’re all for losers. Now, let’s be winners and fry us up some burgers.”
Pierce and Drake were playing a video game on the big screen television in the den when Trajan arrived. He turned and waved to Arlene when Pierce opened the door and ushered him in.
“Damn, dude, whoever was in that car just saw me in my boxershorts,” Pierce said.
“That would be my teammates Levi and CJ and Levi’s mother, Arlene.”
“I thought whoever was driving probably dropped you off and jetted.”
“She wanted to make sure she had the right house,” Trajan said. “She’s a university professor, which I guess means they don’t know enough to figure out where a house address is. But, hey, she’s really great and has been super helpful to me, so she can get as lost as she wants.”
“Getting lost is pretty hard to do if your GPS works.”
“Hard, but not impossible.”
“Are you making friends with your teammates?” Pierce asked as they entered the den, where Drake, clad only in his boxers was studying the TV screen.
“Hey, Trajan,” Drake said.
Trajan traded a fist bump with Drake as he returned the “Hey”.
“Are you making any friends with the guys on your team?” Pierce asked again.
“I’m spending Saturday night at Levi’s house.”
“Look at you!” Drake chortled. “You come up north from California and the next thing you know, you’re doing overnights two out of three nights with hot teen dudes. You da man, Trajan.” Drake held up his right hand for a high five, which Trajan supplied. “Now, how about you join the party and strip off those clothes.”
“Isn’t your dad coming home soon?” Trajan asked.
“Yeah, that’s why we’re keeping our underpants on,” Pierce answered. “Otherwise, it would be birthday suit time.”
“Which is what tiny cock was wearing when I got here,” Drake said.
“Tiny cock?”
“Sorry. Inside joke. He’s actually well equipped. It keeps me happy anyway.”
“You don’t mind us making sexual chatter, do you?” Pierce asked.
“Guys have sex in California,” Trajan answered. “It’s not like we’re in Texas or some gawd awful place.”
“Walker’s got nothing against boys in underpants or less. But since he never cleared the naturist look with your aunt and uncle, it’s undies for now.”
“Whatever.” Trajan quickly stripped to his bright red boxer briefs.
“Oh my, very sexy looking,” Drake grinned. “And it looks like there’s a nice package being hidden by those undies.”
“Wanna see?”
“Bring it on, dude and we’ll follow your lead.”
The three teens pulled down their underpants, revealing their rising penises and their hanging teen balls. Pierce and Drake quickly rose to their full six inches while Trajan was an inch short. But at 15 and 16 Pierce and Drake were going through what was statistically the largest growth period for boys’ penises, while Trajan, at 14, had yet to start that final growth spurt. Both Pierce and Drake had a healthy amount of pubic hair. Trajan could see that Pierce trimmed his, but Drake seemed happy to let his run wild. Trajan didn’t have enough pubic hair to make trimming it worthwhile, and he had no desire to shave it off.
The show-and-tell session ended up being a quick one as they heard the garage door open. Walker was home. The boys pulled up their underpants, their bulges obvious in the thin cloth.
“Won’t Walker see what we got?” Trajan asked.
“Well, he’ll at least see the bulges. And he might even spend a few seconds admiring what he can’t see. Then he’ll go get dinner warmed up,” Pierce answered.
“What’s he gonna cook?”
“Not a thing. He said he was going to buy a big tub of spaghetti and meatballs to go at your new workplace. I hear the food’s pretty good there.”
“Hello, boys,” Walker called out as he entered the house from the garage.
“Hey, dad,” Pierce responded. “Duck and I want you to meet our new friend Trajan.”
“Let me put dinner in the oven to keep it warm until we’re ready to eat.”
The boys joined Walker in the kitchen. Trajan and Walker checked each other out. Trajan saw a handsome man in his forties who he thought looked sexy. Walker saw a young teen who was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and had a look of cocky confidence about him. Trajan stuck out his hand, which Walker took. “Pleased to meet you, sir,” he said with genuine politeness.
Walker was impressed with the firmness of the teen’s handshake. He had long ago lost count of how many job candidates he hadn’t hired because of their limp handshakes. In Walker’s book, a firm handshake indicated a confident person. It was a trait he had instilled in Pierce, whose handshake had been so-so when they met, but was now one of a young man ready to work his way to Chief Executive Officer. He was impressed by Drake’s handshake, which mirrored that of his adoptive father, Keegan. For all of Keegan’s personal issues, his handshake was that of a man who intended to go somewhere.
“The pleasure is mine, Trajan,” Walker grinned. “Pierce and Drake were both excited to have a California surfer boy visit.”
“Well, I’m not exactly a surfer boy, although I do surf some. It’s hard not to surf some when you’re a kid who lives close to the ocean.”
“Pierce tells me you’re visiting here for the summer because your parents took off to Italy without you.”
Trajan gave Pierce a hard stare. Pierce shrugged his shoulders as if to say Walker’s take on the situation was news to him. “Not exactly. I came here because I didn’t want to go to Italy and spend a couple of months mostly with my grandmother and be missing all of my friends. But my parents surprised me and sent me to Seattle because they thought I’d get in trouble at home.” Trajan surprised himself by confessing what really happened to an adult he didn’t know, but because he adopted Pierce, Trajan had a feeling he could trust Walker. Which made him wonder, not for the first time, what Pierce’s story was.
“I take it you’ve managed to get yourself into trouble,” Walker said.
“Yeah, a little bit. But I don’t want to talk about it.” Trajan figured his answer was honest enough since he had no desire to get into the details for fear Walker would drive him straight home.
He waited for Walker to grill him, but all the man said was, “Fair enough. From what I’ve heard, you’ve managed to keep your nose clean since you’ve been here.” Walker’s main source of information was Luigi, who knew Walker both as a regular customer and as a friend.
The tension in the room eased as conversation turned lighter. Trajan was more than happy to talk about lacrosse, working for his uncle, the upcoming geology workshop he would be taking with Tony, baseball, and his desire to make friends in Seattle. As the boys talked, Walker removed the dinner from the oven and listened with interest. Soon everyone was seated at the dining room table talking about food, life in East Harbor as opposed to life in Seattle, and Drake’s baby brother, Lincoln. Dessert was chocolate gelato, which the three teens devoured with the same enthusiasm they used downing their spaghetti and salad.
After the table was cleared and the dishes placed in the dishwasher, Walker announced he would be leaving to meet with some friends. “I’ll be back before midnight, but I hope you boys won’t be up that late,” he told the teens.
“You never know, we might be,” Pierce said. “We’ve got a lot to talk about since we’re really meeting Trajan as a friend for the first time instead of as an out of state visitor.” Trajan felt himself glowing at the insinuation he had become a friend.
“I imagine you do. At any rate, a hearty good night boys in case you just happen to be asleep when I come home.” Walker gave them a mock salute and headed for the garage. He was certain that talking might end up becoming a minor part of the evening for the three teen boys, two of whom he knew were gay. ‘On the other hand,’ he thought, ‘Pierce and Drake have had some interesting experiences in their short lives, and it sounds as if the same might be true of Trajan.’
“Where is he off to?” Trajan asked after Walker left the room.
“He’s going to a high-end gay bar where he’ll meet with his new boyfriend, Christian, and they’ll socialize with who’s who in Seattle gaydom,” Pierce answered.
“And come home drunk?”
“Nope. He’ll end up wiping out the root beer supply, but he won’t come home drunk. Other than a glass of wine sometimes when we eat out, he doesn’t drink. There’s no booze in the house.”
“Which keeps Pierce away from temptation,” Drake said.
“From what Pierce has hinted it sounds like we’ve all got stories to tell,” Trajan said.
“I have a feeling that’s one of the reasons why Walker left,” Pierce speculated. “He wants us to have privacy to tell our stories, not that we can’t tell them in the den or in my room. But the living room is the most comfortable place.”
“Well, I don’t know if I got much of a story…”
Pierce knew where Trajan was coming from and ignored him. “And just so you don’t feel uncomfortable, I’ll tell my story first. Because once you hear it, you might not want to be friends with me.”
Trajan didn’t know what Pierce had done that was so bad, but he figured it couldn’t be any worse than what he had done. “I got an idea,” he said. “Why don’t we just cut the bullshit and tell our fucking stories and then decide what the fuck we want to do from there.” Trajan knew he wouldn’t be around Pierce and Drake after the summer break ended so what difference did it make what they thought of him—or what he thought of them for that matter.
Pierce was impressed by Trajan’s assertiveness. He not only could see his new friend (at least so far) as being someone who could get his ass into big trouble, he also saw him as someone who could be a leader on the athletic field. He knew he had set himself up to start the confessions and had done so almost from the time he had met Trajan. While he felt that Trajan would accept him even after he confessed what he had done to earn money, Pierce wasn’t positive. He liked Trajan; he felt a kindred spirit in him. He didn’t want to lose him as a friend, but if the Californian still wanted to be friends after hearing his story, Pierce knew it could easily become a solid, lifetime friendship. Little did he know that Trajan’s story would make his seem almost tame by comparison.
“Well, here it goes,” Pierce said. He wondered if he could have come up with a lamer opening. He could see Drake fight off a smile. He knew that Drake understood what he was going through. “I had a really good life until I was twelve, and then things went weird. Mostly it was my dad, who’d been a great dad and then he started going bizarro because he got addicted to pain pills after having surgery. Then he went to rehab and things got better but somehow he got into meth and then things got beyond horrible.”
Pierce talked about the bizarre things his dad did, especially his weird punishments for minor offenses which started escalating into violence. The violence was directed to both his mom and him.
“After this went on, and on, and on, I got to where I hated being at home. I couldn’t believe I was thinking of running away until this night came when I quit thinking about it and did it. And I did it because I had to, because I had no choice.”
Trajan listened to the older boy with rapt attention. Pierce was a boy who had a worse life than he did. Trajan thought his parents were good to him despite the shit he kept pulling. He was beginning to see how he didn’t appreciate what he had. Then he found out that things got even worse.
“One night mom and dad got into an argument and my dad was screaming and hitting her. I knew he would come after me next. It made me sick that I wasn’t big and strong enough to protect my mom or myself. Dad locked me in my room at night, but he never noticed that when he was really high, I would lower a ladder out of my window that I hid between my bed and the wall. Why I didn’t run away, I don’t know, although my shrink says it’s probably because I kept hoping my home would turn back into the happy place I remembered. And how my dad missed the ladder in my room, I don’t know either, although it was probably because he was too strung out on drugs or because I was an expert at hiding it. From what mom was saying and what they argued about, I think he was close to losing his job.”
“Damn, I hate to interrupt, cuz your story is grabbing me tight. But I gotta piss,” Trajan said reluctantly.
“I know how that works. Five-minute piss and get a can of soda break.”
“This is kinda like a commercial break,” Drake said. It was the first time he had said anything since Pierce started his story. He had heard it before, but it didn’t matter. Pierce was the boy he loved and no matter how many times he heard the story or part of the story it always struck him deep in his gut.
“I think we needed it. I hope I’m not boring you,” he said to Trajan.
“I’m not close to bored. I’ve never sat and heard somebody tell his story like this. I’ve gotten things from some friends in bits and pieces, but never like this.” He then stood up and headed for the bathroom to answer mother nature’s call.
Five minutes later they were back in their seats in the living room, each with a cold soda on ice: Dr. Pepper for Drake, Coke for Trajan, and root beer for Pierce.
Pierce started right in continuing his story. The first thing he said blew Trajan totally away. “I heard a fucking gun shot. I didn’t even know my dad had a gun, but I knew it was a gun shot I was hearing. I heard my dad scream, ‘You’re next you little asshole,’ and I was out the window. I had my clothes, a jacket, a baseball cap, and sixty dollars I’d taken out of my money hiding place earlier. I went down the ladder, which was hooked to the windowsill. I could see my dad lean out the window and I jumped the last few feet down to get out of there quicker. I heard the gun, I heard bullets zipping past me, and I was out of that yard and gone for good.”
Trajan thought about the time he had been shot at by mobsters while sitting in a car. That had been bad enough, but being shot at by your own father—he couldn’t begin to fathom that.
The three teens sat in silence for close to a minute before Drake broke the silence. “What happened after that?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. He could see that Trajan was too stunned to say anything.
Pierce cleared his throat and went on. “After that a big chunk of my life went by like it belonged to somebody else. I learned that my father had killed my mother and that he shot himself after he tried to kill me. To make a really long story short, I became a street kid living in a homeless camp near the freeway. Yep, I was fucking thirteen years old, naïve and middle class and homeless. I didn’t want to use my real name and I didn’t want to be found because I was afraid I’d be blamed for the killings. That’s how fucked up my thinking was.
“Anyway, I ended up sharing a tent with another kid. I learned that the way to make money was to be a prostitute, and since my sixty bucks wasn’t gonna last long, that’s what happened. I became a thirteen-year-old whore and lived in a homeless camp with another whore. I learned more about sex than most thirty-year-olds know. A black guy named Gil kinda looked after us kids, helping us stay away from the social work assholes and peeps who wanted to rape us. Yeah, I was a whore, but I was doing it to eat, which is different from being raped. Gil had a way of getting things and was happy to help us relax with booze and weed. I spent a lot of time being drunk and stoned. My tricks often offered me stronger shit, but I stayed away from that. Oh, and I gotta say, Gil never touched me sexually. He was like a grandad to me.
“It was at the camp that I met Eddie, who did some whoring, and Kurt, who didn’t. Those two ended up being found by Troy who took them in and eventually adopted them. I got picked up by Walker who thought I was older until I got in his car. He’d been drinking. Yeah, he drank and toked then, but not now. Long story short, he figured out from things I said who I really was and, well, make the long story shorter, here I am at fifteen in the house of a rich dude who is my adopted father.
“Yeah, I still have issues. I still see my shrink. But my life is good. I play baseball, I’m in the drama club, and I’m on the honor roll. To make things really special, Walker is a great dad who has never touched me sexually, although him wanting to have sex with me was how our relationship started. And, to top it all off, I got the Duck here, and I love him like I never thought I could love anybody, and he loves me totally and unconditionally.”
Pierce took a deep breath and finished off by saying, “Now that you know my story, if you don’t want to be friends with a one-time whore and an alcoholic, I understand.”
There was another long silence which was broken by Trajan this time. Trajan didn’t go into the detail that Pierce did, but what he did reveal said a lot about his lifestyle. He told about his alcohol and drug use, his sexual attraction to men, one named Mark in particular. He told about being around drug dealing hoods. “We’re talking, like the big-time suppliers. And I guess I understand what you said about the difference between selling your body to men and being raped, because I got raped. I got shot at too. I was sitting in a car on the lap of my friend Lewis who pushed me on the lap of my friend Mark when he saw the gun, otherwise the bullets the hoods fired would have hit me.”
Trajan started asking his own questions as Drake and Pierce listened to his story. “Do I want weed and booze? I haven’t had any since I got here—although I’ve thought about emptying the beer bottles left on the tables at the restaurant. But then I got grossed about it. Do I want sex with men? I think Walker is hot, but no, I don’t want sex with him.
“I like sex with younger guys too. I had a boyfriend named Derek who was like, eleven, but we broke up because he kept bitching about how I treated him. He thought I was selfish.”
“Were you selfish?” Drake asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe I was, but I think I was helping him to learn new stuff. He liked doing the same old stuff all the time.” Trajan thought it more convenient to blame young Derek for the breakup than look at himself as the cause. After all, he was the older and more mature boy.
Drake thought about telling Trajan he might want to take a look at himself as a possible reason for the breakup. Trajan thought about how he was trying to do things right as much as he could while he was in Seattle, hoping he could impress his parents when he got home. “If I can do more things right at home my parents, especially my mom, might get off my ass’.
“What’s the worst thing you’ve done since you came up here to Seattle?” Pierce asked.
“Okay, I’ve started doing sex with my cousin, Tony. He’s only twelve, but he’s the one who’s been pushing for it. Think about it, I’m sharing his bedroom and he’s twelve and horny and it makes me fourteen and horny and things have been happening.”
“He’s not being forced to do anything, right?”
“Hell, he’s the one jumping into my bed. The only thing we haven’t done is fuck and that’s because he’s a virgin and wants his boyfriend to be his first one.”
“And that would be Logan Miller, right?”
“Exactly. So, I’m being good and not even coming close to doing that with him.” Trajan didn’t realize that the way he treated Tony’s wants and needs was way different than how he treated Derek. Unlike with Derek, he was willing to accept Tony’s limits and didn’t try to push them.
“Hey, dude, if that’s the worst you’ve done, then you fit right in,” Drake said. “Without mentioning names, there’s some twelve-year-olds we know who have sex with older teens, like brothers, cousins, friends of brothers and cousins; it’s the way things seem to go. I’ve fucked one of them, only he lives in a little burg called Mayfield. He’s the cousin of Logan Miller. Dude, trust me, if you saw this kid you’d want to jump right into bed with him and fuck him senseless. His name is Aiden Miller, and Keegan, my adoptive dad, is his sperm donor.”
“Wow, that was quite a mouthful, Duck,” Pierce chuckled.
“You’ve told me you’ve got a crush on Aiden, too.”
“I’ve got lots of crushes, but I haven’t fucked them.”
“Yet,” Drake grinned. “And now my story. It includes booze and drugs. Lots of booze and drugs. Some sex with men, maybe even fucking. I was pretty messed up with men sometimes. Some were men my mother brought home and called her boyfriends. A couple of them would rather jump my bones instead of hers.
“Believe it or not I had serious crushes on Keegan and Natalie when Keegan started coming over to see her. Him and me got drunk and jerked off together, but he was more into fucking Natalie. I guess that worked out okay since now they’re sober, married, and have the cutest baby boy in King County.”
The cans of soda ran out about the same time as the story telling. Pierce pulled off his underpants and headed to the kitchen for another root beer. Drake looked at Trajan, who decided to follow Pierce’s lead and yanked off his boxershorts. Drake then took off his underpants and the three teens were now naked with cocks rising.
“My bedroom or yours?” Drake asked as he pulled a Coke out of the refrigerator and handed it to Trajan. He then grabbed a Dr. P for himself.
“They’re both the same room,” Pierce pointed out as he wondered in what goofy direction his boyfriend was heading.
“It’s your room when I’m not here visiting, but it’s my room when I am here visiting because it’s your obligation as host to give into the wants and desires of your guest.”
“Your question still doesn’t make sense since it’s still the same room for both.”
“Who said it had to make sense? This is all about you being a good host.”
“You see what I have to put up with?” Pierce asked Trajan as they reached the top of the stairs and entered Pierce’s bedroom.
“But you still love him, right?” Trajan asked. He’d seen the same kind of scenario among his friends in East Harbor.
“Totally and absolutely. In fact, see that monster I have pointing up in the air?”
“It is pretty good size,” Trajan conceded. Pierce’s six-inch erection stood an inch longer than Trajan’s.
“You can tell the truth,” Drake said. “I’ll be happy to loan you my magnifying glass so you can see what it really looks like.”
“Drake is putting on a show hoping I won’t tell that his four-month old baby brother is bigger than his,” Pierce smirked.
“You’re one to talk. I have to browbeat you into changing Lincoln’s diapers so you won’t feel inferior.”
“And on a serious note…”
“That WAS a serious note!”
“Like I said, on a serious note, who’s going to do what to who? I mean, it’s obvious there are no virgins in this room, so I figure anything goes,” Pierce said.
Trajan decided to speak up before he was forgotten in the riposte between the two boyfriends. “Some of us in East Harbor think that planned sex isn’t any fun, and I kinda agree. Look, we’re naked, we’ve got boners, and we’re ready to roll—so let’s all get on the bed that belongs to one of you and just have fun.”
“Methinks our guest makes a good point,” Drake said.
That ended the chatter. The three teens set their sodas on top of Pierce’s dresser and dropped supine on the bed with Pierce in the middle.
“Do you kiss guys?” Drake asked Trajan.
“I’ve been known to do it.” On that note, Pierce rolled on his side and planted a kiss on Trajan’s lips, pushing his tongue into his guest’s mouth. Drake pushed his cock against Pierce’s ass and started rubbing along his boyfriend’s crack. Soon, Pierce turned the other way and traded passionate kisses with Drake. Trajan grabbed hold of Pierce’s leaking cock and started to masturbate him as he humped Pierce’s toned glutes.
The teens rolled around the bed, sometimes side-by-side, sometimes one on top of the other, with lips being kissed, cocks being kissed, and asses being kissed. Trajan wasn’t into kissing ass but had no problem with his ass being kissed. When one time he felt Pierce’s tongue penetrate his ass, Trajan let out a squeal of delight.
Pierce and Drake had to concede, at least for that night, that unplanned sex could be as much or more fun, especially with a threesome, than planning things out. Trajan did have a plan, however. His plan was to not get fucked. But the teen hormones generated by the heat of the two sexy bodies rubbing against him, kissing him, licking him, finger fucking him, rimming him, doing whatever came to mind to do to him, saw Trajan welcoming Pierce’s lubricated cock as it slipped into his ass and Pierce proceeded to fuck him hard.
Seconds after feeling Pierce enter his ass, Trajan welcomed Drake’s six and a half inches into his mouth. He had both orifices filled and truly felt that the mini orgy on Pierce’s bed was as good or better than any sex he’d enjoyed at home. When Drake started rubbing Trajan’s cock, Trajan soared to an orgasm that felt like it was going to blow his brains out of his ears. Since he was on his left side, Trajan’s cum squirted over Pierce’s sheets and Drake’s torso.
Almost instantly Pierce’s seed was filling Trajan’s ass while Trajan gulped down Drake’s strong but tasty teen cum. For the next few minutes the only sounds in the room were those of the boys’ hard breathing as they worked to recover from the amazing experience they had just enjoyed.
“Holy shitfuck, that was wicked,” Trajan rasped. When he accepted the invitation to spend the night with Pierce and Drake he had anticipated that the night could easily turn sexual, but he had not anticipated the kind of intensity that he had just experienced.
“As good as California sex?” Pierce asked.
“As good as or better than most.” Trajan elected not to tell that in his mind sex with Mark was better—but sex with Drake and Pierce ranked right up there.
“Walker’s bathroom has a walk-in shower,” Pierce said. “I suggest we make use of it.”
“Won’t Walker get mad if he catches us?”
“All he asks is that we don’t touch anything in the main bedroom. He hides away anything he doesn’t want anybody to see, so it’s really no big deal.”
“What if he comes home while we’re in there?”
“Then he’ll sit on the couch and wait until he can watch three clean, sexy, naked, teen boys walk past him to our room,” Drake said, emphasizing the word our.
“And if you don’t want him staring at you, then wrap a towel around yourself,” Pierce told him.
Walker returned home just as Drake was shooting into Pierce’s ass and Trajan was rubbing his erect cock along Pierce’s. Trajan and Pierce came over each other as they heard Walker shout, “I’m home boys, but you’re safe from perverted men!”
After washing the cum off themselves and, in Pierce’s case, out of himself, Pierce shut off the water and the boys dried themselves and each other. Trajan saw Pierce and Drake put their towels around their necks and proudly march their naked selves out of Walker’s room. Trajan followed their lead; it wasn’t as if he had never been naked in front of a man before.
Walker was watching Sports Center as the three naked specimens of male teen beauty marched past him.
“I take it you boys had a fun night,” Walker grinned.
“We got to know each other,” Pierce replied without stopping. He didn’t mind stopping naked in front of Walker and knew that Drake felt the same way, but he wasn’t sure how Trajan felt, so he led his friends up the stairs and to his room.
Pierce changed the sheets on his bed as Drake and Trajan took care of their teeth, pissing, and whatever else needed taking care of. Pierce went to the bathroom as soon as the two returned to his bedroom. Soon, the three were under the covers, the lights were turned out, and they fell into a comfortable sleep on the king bed. Trajan was the middle boy in the triad.
Even though he was in his forties and had enjoyed sex with his boyfriend earlier in the night, Walker was still a virile man and masturbated in his bed with visions of the naked teens dancing before him. He had to admit Pierce had found a hottie in Trajan. Even though Drake had reached the age of consent, Walker had no desire to seduce him. He was into sex with men, not teenagers, but that didn’t stop him from fantasizing about them.
Next: A Loaded Friday