I am posting this to show that the issue that ACFan brought up, is an ongoing issue with serious consequences. The issue in this post is very similar to the one that ACFan referenced. This post was originally posted on our old forum. It has been edited and reformatted to fit this media.
You may see some gaps or missing things, that is because it was copied from or old Forum and some of the emojis and graphics are no longer available.
The Story Lover
Posted 13 October 2009 - 11:49 AM
I received this email this morning as a result of a mis-linked page on my site; it didn't matter that I posted four stories and over twenty chapters at once. Did he say thank you NO! This is the email and my reply:
My Reply:
Shouting in all caps was not necessary! A simple the - "Expanded Horizons" Chapter Index Page is missing would have sufficed. The broken link is fixed. You should be aware that messages like yours are the reason many authors and site owners have left the net.
As we have said before we do not get paid to run our sites or write our stories! In fact, we pay to run our sites and host the stories and people demanding things or yelling at us do not make matters easy.
Again, I will have to consider whether to continue as a Site Owner and Author as I am getting fed up with people demanding things and taking things for granted. It takes a lot of time to run a site and host stories, and posting chapters is not as simple as pushing a button! Whatever some persons might think. Whatever decision I make take a few seconds the next time you go to fire off an email or a post demanding new chapters or site updates as the result may not be what you desired! A very p*$$ed off Story Lover
Posted 13 October 2009 - 12:12 PM
As you can easily see from TSL's Post, He is not a happy camper, at the moment. Having received some emails in the past, chastising me for one mistake or another, I can certainly understand his attitude. I can't speak for him, but I will say this for myself, yelling at an author or site owner for a mistake is no way to get your wishes granted. We all want to improve ourselves, and a polite message, stating the issue that you found, and where you found it, is perfectly acceptable to most of us. Think how you would feel if you had spent hours of your time doing a project for someone, and doing so with no intention of asking for a reward for doing it. Then suppose you show the project to the person for whom you had done it, and they said, " Oh crap! you made it blue! You stupid idiot! I hate blue! why didn't you make it green? All we ask is that you think a bit, before you explode at us for making a mistake. Did you think that TSL did that on purpose, just to upset his readers? I don't know about you, but I know one thing for sure, if TSL quits doing all the wonderful work he is doing for us, there is NO ONE who will bother to even try to replace him, not only because we would all be so pissed at the people that made him stop, but because he works so hard at what he does, that no one else could even begin to do the amount of work he does. I suggest that whoever sent him that nasty message, send him an apology, stat!Your Friend,
Posted 13 October 2009 - 12:24 PM
Okay people here is the deal. If you want all of these sites to run perfectly, and to have a say and be able to yell at someone when there is a tiny error this is what you do. Send each site owner and writer a paycheck every month, enough of one that it is worth while that they quit their jobs and write the story you enjoy full time. Then you might, and I stress the word might, have a reason to send someone an e-mail demanding that they feed your petty little needs. Until you do that, if something is wrong, send a kindly worded email notifying them it is. trust me the site owners here WANT their sites to flow perfectly, so if you say, hey i noticed such and such was down, thought you would want to know, the owners will have it fixed pretty dang quick, and if thats not good enough for you as a reader, go read something published that people are getting paid to write and maintain, and leave our site owners alone./me hugs TSL
Posted 13 October 2009 - 12:59 PM
If I find out who that was, I shall insert the Power Wand where the sun will never shine again. That's a promise.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 01:19 PM
I can not speak for everyone but the only thing some of us wants from you are your amazing stories, people need to remember mistakes happen it would be a sad day if even one of you stooped writing because of someones bad attitude. so please don't let other people get to you.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 01:40 PM
Well, I for one am kinda sorry that TSL got an email like that. I agree that some people can be a little cold at times. The truth is, the fact that ever since I can remember, the anger that seems to a commonplace reaction to even the simplest mistakes, say for example math teachers who get angry at you for what they feel is your apparent level of competence over something like getting a positive/negative sign wrong in a formula, was one of the biggest things that I felt helped to break a lot of my self-confidence/self-esteem when I was going up, and the reason why I'm in counseling trying to deal with how I felt inside because of it. I know one of my downfalls has been that a sort of twisted logic in my mind that if mistakes were supposed to so okay, because they are a step in a learning process, then I should not be "punished" for them....well or least not feel like I am being anyway. I mean, raise your hands if you ever spent an entire day cleaning your room, only to have your parents pitch a fit over at how badly you did over something as dumb as one missed sock still left on the floor, and completely ignore how trash is picked up to where you can actually see more than one square foot of floor space, or how smooth and straight the sheets are, or the fact that the bed is even actually made for once? Well, okay, maybe that was just me growing up, but I am sure just about every one of us on here has something else close enough that we can at least say that, yeah we can sort of sympathize with how it feels to be on the receiving end of junk like that (even though I still think no one should even ever have to go through it, much less understand what it feels like like that in the first place).
Anyway, I am kinda making this post to an let everyone on the Fort Family staff that I for one, can't even begin to imagine how you managed to actually make a place like this, let alone much keep it going all of the time. Sometimes I sit back and see some of the work done, and think to myself, wow, it would take me months just to come up with enough courage to even attempt starting something like this, much less how long it would take me to get through it. I mean, it's kinda one of the reasons why I haven't been able to write anything yet. I always get too nervous it would somehow be too "inadequate" for it to be good enough for posting, much less hosting anywhere. I mean, how can anything I could possibly come up stand up against some of the scenes you guys put out in chapter after chapter, and not just in your own stories, but also all of scenes that are co-authored by a couple, or even several of you? I wish I could have even 1% of that kind of writting ability some days *lol* Anyway, I hope that you don't quit TSL, seeing as how it was finding Scribe1971's "Substitute Dad" on your site that first helped lead me to finding the boards here, and so many of the other stories I have come to love reading online. Your "magic" with the page colors and other layouts, just made everything so much nicer, and more fun to read than just the plain, bland, and rather boring text pages I was finding on Nifty. (Oh no, I said the evil 'N' place! *lol* )
Posted 13 October 2009 - 01:52 PM
I am especially irked by this. I don't think any reader who is not an author, site owner, or editor is really aware of how very much TSL does for this community. He does more editing than almost anyone else (the Radio Rancher is his equal there, but way beyond the rest of us); he makes sure that every bit of the CSU doesn't conflict with any other bit -- and as a fairly new Archivist there, I'm acutely aware of how hard that is to do. He does the webmaster work for several sites -- I was surprised recently to find out how many!
If you pay $24.95 for a hardcover book or $8.95 for a paperback, maybe you have a right to bitch if it's not perfect. But when it's a case of where you get it free, the only payment requested a thank-you (which usually doesn't get paid, BTW -- where does anyone get off bitching about problems.
Now, a nice note saying, "Chapter 7 links to a page that says '404 not found' -- that's a different issue. Everyone wants to know about that sort of problem. But make it polite -- you're getting a free gift done out of love; act like it.
One thing I've voluntarily done for TSL, which he seems to appreciate having, is a list, when he's ready to do an update, of what chapters in CSU stories he links to are missing, since his site attempts to provide the whole CSU story collection. Others might find it worthwhile to make lists of typoes in stories -- which do slip through even the finest editing job, even if you read it from beginning to end several times. (The error is intentional, to show what I'm talking about.) Then send them politely -- "I thought you might find this list of typoes in stories you host useful" or something of the sort.
Another thing I'd like to add is nagging authors. We're writing as fast as we can -- and if a chapter isn't up, it's not up because the site owner is up to his @$$ in alligators and hasn't had time to update his site. I personally get offended, when we've worked hard to turn out a good chapter, to get a comment that's nothing but "Where's the next chapter?" -- even though I do realize that's a veiled compliment. And Dark Star has written well over a dozen chapters' worth of copy in the last year -- it's just that it's all part of Sa'ren, Camp Bam Bam, Jigsaw, or When the Children Cry.
But getting back to TSL -- if you have any clue how much he does, for every one of us in the Fort Family, you'd never dump on him for anything, but humbly say, "Thank you". Which is what I am doing here.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 02:46 PM
People. Don't you get it. We are doing this for free. We don't require anyone to pay for anything. You should use some common courtesy. It is the glue that holds a civilized society together. It is what we all should have learned as children before we even went to school.
Don't yell, BTW ALL CAPS IS THE EQUIVALENT OF YELLING IN TEXT, at the people who work so hard to bring you these wonderful resources.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 02:51 PM
Being involved with the Admin teams on a couple of other sites, and having my own site, I can certainly understand the frustration. No one likes to see crap like this happen. About the only thing I can suggest is, providing this isn't a member is, tag the email as spam and blacklist it.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 03:15 PM
hugs T S L
That kind of language was one of the reasons I dropped out of managing a site (along with other, less savoury comments and downright threats of bodily harm) There are numerous link problems, especially after a move from server to server, and it take time for a person to inspect each and every one of them. Maybe a form to report link failures is in order:
Portal name:
Story Title:
Book (if applicable):
Chapter (if applicable):
Is it in:
The disclaimer / copyright
The main entrance page
Back link
Forward link
Email link
Index link
An image link
A music link
Generalized across chapters numbered:
Generalized across stories
Other issue
If so: indicate computer type
Describe issue:
Just a suggestion, guys... I had that and it did help to reduce the kind of issues because it was a form and people only had to fill in the blanks.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 03:16 PM
Let's hope someone was just having a bad hair day and will the have the decency to eat some humble pie and appologise when he/she/it calms down from whatever
We have all been there - something pisses you off and before you know it you are chewing out someone that has nothing to do with the problem, the alternative is that this person is just a PR**K,
Posted 13 October 2009 - 04:34 PM
christian, on 13 October 2009 - 03:15 PM, said:
hugs T S L
That kind of language was one of the reasons I dropped out of managing a site (along with other, less savoury comments and downright threats of bodily harm) There are numerous link problems, especially after a move from server to server, and it take time for a person to inspect each and every one of them. Maybe a form to report link failures is in order:
Portal name:
Story Title:
Book (if applicable):
Chapter (if applicable):
Is it in:
The disclaimer / copyright
The main entrance page
Back link
Forward link
Email link
Index link
An image link
A music link
Generalized across chapters numbered:
Generalized across stories
Other issue
If so: indicate computer type
Describe issue:
Just a suggestion, guys... I had that and it did help to reduce the kind of issues because it was a form and people only had to fill in the blanks.
Actually my "404 Page Not Found" Page has an email link to Webmaster on it with the Subject = Missing Page. All they have to do is click on the link and put the missing page in the body of the email.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 06:04 PM
The Story Lover, on 13 October 2009 - 07:34 PM, said:
Actually my "404 Page Not Found" Page has an email link to Webmaster on it with the Subject = Missing Page. All they have to do is click on the link and put the missing page in the body of the email.
Sorry TSL I couldn't resist.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 07:08 PM
I hate to say it, but I'm one of those BAD BAD BAD readers who never writes to say thank you for all the time effort and work you do. Please try to remember that for every rude, nasty or complaining message you get there are at least 100 others who appreciate you and never say it. We should all be spanked, punishment or not? ;=) I had to learn this in my profession many years ago (church music). Although I read stories on many sites the Fort Family are my favorites and I always check them first for mew material! So next time you feel just too frustrated go out to your alley, jump up and down screaming every bad word you know, throw around a few trash cans (remember to put them back, it's important to be a good neighbor), go back inside and you will feel like a new person ready to go on with your great and much appreciated work.
Much Love and Appreciation
Posted 14 October 2009 - 12:48 AM
So next time you feel just too frustrated go out to your alley, jump up and down screaming every bad word you know, throw around a few trash cans (remember to put them back, it's important to be a good neighbor), go back inside and you will feel like a new person ready to go on with your great and much-appreciated work.
But Douglas, some of us can't do that due to health issues, (I'd love to be able to walk normally again even), and anyway, here in the UK we don't have too many alleys; the dustbins, (not trash cans), are plastic and break if you kick them, so the neighbours wouldn't thank you for that.
However, as they say, the pen is mightier than the sword, (though this Power Wand is pretty lethal), so hopefully this petty-minded individual will realise that we don't take kindly to being abused like that, from the sheer number of people who've posted in protest. If he doesn't, then he really is a Moron Class 1 with 'Honours', (or 'Honors', depending which side of the pond). I guess it just makes you pine for a good old-fashioned lynching party!
TSL is my Webmaster too, and prolly gets enough grief from me and my monthly output, despite working unsociable hours for less money than he's worth. With all the rest he does for everyone else and the board in being an Admin, you'd think some people would at least have a bit of respect and just be fair pointing out anything wrong. Apparently not. Now that's what you call ignorance and small-mindedness.
Posted 14 October 2009 - 06:57 PM
I would like to say thank you to TSL. Even though I have sent messages in the past. It doesn't hurt to do it more often for all the hard work he does, plus writing great stories for the shy type people like me to read.
Posted 14 October 2009 - 09:22 PM
Broken links are hardly that big a deal. Personally, I would have sent a response of try again stupid but turn your caps lock off.
There are good and bad ways to pass info on. I usually try wrapping the problem in a compliment.
Hi mister webmaster just wanted to tell you how much I love your site. I've been a fan for a while but noticed the link to such an such seems to be broken at the moment. I am sure you will be able to get it fixed without much trouble seeing as how great your site already is. Would you drop me a line when its fixed so I can keep reading please? Keep up the great work
See even the most over worked exhausted and stressed webmasters in the world would not really mind getting a politely worded message like that. It praises their skill alerts them to the issue and gives that extra little personal touch which will show them you are not just some random moron that likes to complain.
Having the email, the webmaster link set to the error page is a good idea. The standard form is a good idea to. A nice email though is most effective though if something like that is not set up.
Posted 14 October 2009 - 09:26 PM
As being a very novice person to message boards, I do not see all the errors the more enlightened people do. If I do see an error, I just usually let it go or I might post something on the board to let them know there is a problem. The authors are quick to catch errors with hundreds of eyes looking.
TSL: I know that it is probably not possible, but I think it would be an eye opener if everyone knew how many steps it takes to get a story chapter put up with all the links and everything working and how much time it takes. I would never want to say anything to an author to make them stop writing the stories I like so much. I am sure that there are several authors who used to be here and are now not just for that reason.
Sam W.
Posted 13 May 2010 - 12:18 PM
I just want everyone to know that I have decided to keep my site running in spite of an overly opinionated idiot who not only told me that I had to FIX my site but what MUST be added to it! I haven't responded to his email as my response would either burn up the phone lines or get caught in the profanity filters.
It is one thing to point out broken portions of a website or even things you don't like as long as it is done politely. But to tell a Site Owner or Webmaster that they MUST do something, or you will quit reading stories on the site goes beyond the pale of Net Etiquette. Running and designing a website is no simple task as quite a few of us have found out and yes, we all expect some criticism over design elements and even functionality. However, we pay for our sites and do not charge any fees for visiting or using them, we don't bombard you with embedded ads or pop-ups either. Also, no one and I mean no one is forcing people to visit our sites or read our stories and keep in mind they are OUR SITES and OUR STORIES. All of the site owners and authors work very hard to give everyone places where they can go and read quality stories in a safe and friendly atmosphere.
I will continue to write and host my own stories as I mainly write for myself to tell the stories that run around in my brain or else I would go completely stir crazy; whether or not I add other authors or functions to the site, well that is yet to be determined.
I do want to say that overall the comments regarding my site have been positive and some very positive (Except for some with a poor taste in colours). However, the negative ones have been extremely rude and filled with vitriol. On the plus side, my overall site design has been "stolen" and used by several other sites; and as they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" I must be doing something right.
I can not stress this strongly enough TOO MANY SITES and AUTHORS HAVE DISAPPEARED from the NET due to misguided individuals and their attacks.
I do appreciate all of the support from the members here.
Posted 13 May 2010 - 12:45 PM
No Good deed goes unpunished, I found the nicer you are the more you try to do things for people, the more you get slated, by inferior, inadequate, little people. It's tough but rise above it and pity them their sad lives.
I for one love your site and most of the stories on it.
Posted 13 May 2010 - 01:25 PM
Timbeau, on 13 May 2010 - 03:45 PM, said:
No Good deed goes unpunished, I found the nicer you are the more you try to do things for people, the more you get slated, by inferior, inadequate, little people. It's tough but rise above it and pity them their sad lives.
I for one love your site and most of the stories on it.
We have a saying for that, Timbeau. Feed a pig and it will dump on your doorstep.
As for TSL, he has hit the nail on the head with a jack hammer. I used to manage a site and got lots (and I mean lots) of grief for it from idiots who were more busy finding everything wrong with the site rather than enjoy the contents. Nothing can please everyone. We had some of the best authors there, and gradually, because of bad-mouthing and pissers, we lost them. Some people just love destroying everything under guise of 'criticism'. No one likes threats, disgusting emails that tell you what to do as if you didn't know what you wanted. When I left the site, in the 'capable' hands of one critique, it fell within a month. Do you want to know what I think? It showed to me and to all that people that spend their days demolishing the others' work have no knowledge into how to build anything.
Posted 14 May 2010 - 12:07 PM
Please, oh please, let me at him. I'll check out his ancestry
And then tell it like it really is . . . . . . . . well, you know me!
Posted 14 May 2010 - 02:17 PM
I am glad you are going to continue no matter what that dingle-berry for brains that are in his you know whatucks said.
You deserve a big kiss and lots of hugs
Shortly after this issue arose a fellow author and Forum Owner closed his Forum and withdrew from writing due to comments of an unsavoury nature as well as threats directed to him personally. I was aa member of his Forum and witnessed most of the comments, I wasn't privy to the Private Messages and emails that he received.
Author's Note:
So as you can see these types of issues have been occurring for a long time, and unfortunately they show no signs of abating. So please be kind when you write to Site Owners/Webmasters and Authors. You just might be pleasantly surprised with the response yo receive. Most of us do like to receive suggestions and even criticisms and notifications of site and story/chapter errors/mistakes; as long as they are worded politely. I know personally that a lot of readers' suggestions have made their way into stories.
So now you know why we constantly ask you to email authors to let them know that you are reading their stories and why we ask you to be polite, we don't want to lose any more authors. The author mentioned in the addendum above is back writing, thanks to some positive emails, and support/request form one of our Site Owner/Author's.
So as stated above, please think before you click that send button.
Some of you might be wondering why I use the British/Canadian/Australian spelling of some words, like colour and honour. well. that is because shortly after I started my original site, I received aa nastygram from a reader. He told me flat out, that I had to tell the authors on my site to use correct English and to quit adding those unnecessary 'U's I told him that those authors were using correct Englis and the American English is not correct English. I either copied and pasted part of the Declaration of Independence or I gave him that link. I also used as many extra 'U's in that email as I could. To this day, I am still using those extra 'U's!
So, please keep those positive emails and politely worded ones of criticism coming, That is the only way we know that you are reading our stories or visiting our sites. I truly appreciate all of the emails that I have received about my stories and the work that I have done on my sites. And Yes Webmasters and Site Owners like to receive emails as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read my rant! All comments welcome positive or negative to The Story Lover.