Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
Greetings readers. This story is a spinoff from my currently posting story, “Mayfield Titans”. The boys in this story are the ones who don’t live in the small town of Mayfield but live in the Seattle area instead. Big city boys, in other words. They are all minor characters in Titans. You should be able to enjoy the story of these boys as you would any new story—take up the story where you found it.
There will be a few crossovers when somebody in Mayfield visits Seattle or somebody in Seattle visits Mayfield. I will do my best to let you know the relationship of the characters to each other when a cross over occurs.
There are two chapters in Titans that will give you the backstories of two of the characters in this story. Chapter 25 of “Mayfield Titans” introduced Justin to the story. This chapter is all about Justin and does not involve any of the Mayfield characters except to point out that Justin’s new dads grew up in Mayfield and played baseball there. Chapter 31 is the story of Pierce, the young teen who narrates the prologue. While it is not his first time in the Mayfield story, it is the first time his backstory is told as well as his current story as to how he became the adopted son of Walker Bledsoe.
Of course, I’d love to invite you to read “Mayfield Titans” because I always enjoy having new readers.
If you are a “Mayfield Titans” reader, welcome to the Emerald City where you will learn more about the Seattle Millers, Justin and his friends, as well as Pierce and Drake than you ever would have without the creation of this spinoff.
<Me, Pierce>
Welcome. My name is Pierce Bledsoe. I am fifteen and an eighth grader at Whittier Middle School in Seattle. I was born Pierce Grayson and was known on the streets as Blue. I’ll explain in a sec why my name got changed. I know what you’re thinking—the dude is fifteen and in the eighth grade, he must be a real dumb shit. Well, that’s not the case. I’m not meaning to brag, or anything, but I’m actually pretty smart, but I’ve had what you might call a shitty couple of years and didn’t go to school for over a year. I have a lot of making up to do. I am taking some high school freshman classes and my counselor assures me that the way I am progressing I will be starting my sophomore year when I enroll in high school next fall. I’m also a decent baseball player and play on the middle school baseball team.
But this isn’t my story, so I better move on. In fact, it isn’t a story at all. It is a look at my friends who, along with me, will be the main characters in a story called “Emerald City Boys”. This is an offshoot of a story called “Mayfield Titans” which is part of a long ongoing series about the little town of Mayfield south of Seattle in Lewis County, Washington.
I figured that for you to enjoy the story better without having to read everything coming ahead of the story, it would help to get an idea of who the characters are and what they are like. And by the way, I’m just writing all this on my tablet as the thoughts come to me so if I ramble, please bear with me.
While I am a character in the story, I won’t be telling the story. In this intro I’m just revealing things I know about the characters. The story is written in the third person, which means it’s more boring than when I tell the story, but, hey, it’ll get the job done. Besides, I can’t write about what Chase and Dillon are doing in bed together since I won’t be in the room with them, let alone in the bed with them. Hmm, that sounds kinda hot. Anyway, if it was in the first person, it would mean when I am in the bedroom with them, I am telling you what it’s like, but in third person, it’s like you’re in the bedroom spying on them. Oh, and that reminds me, if you’re reading this to get you all excited, then don’t bother cuz it ain’t gonna happen. Now, when we get to the story…well, never mind, you get the idea.
Anyway, when I was thirteen, I became a street kid when my dad, who’d been having problems and was getting pretty crazy, wigged out and shot my mom and killed her and then headed to my bedroom to come after me, but I was able to escape out of my second-floor bedroom window before he got to my room. He shot at me as I ran out of the yard and I learned way later that he shot himself after I escaped. I was scared shitless and knew I didn’t ever want to go back. Up until a few months before my dad went bonkers, I had lived a pretty good life but now I was homeless and on the streets.
I ended my life as Pierce Grayson and became Blue, who quickly learned how to survive. I found myself living in a homeless camp near the freeway where I went from being a pussy to a hard ass and earned my money by renting out my ass to horny pervs. Yep, I became a thirteen-year-old prostitute or, simply put, a whore.
My life changed when I was fourteen and this computer exec named Walker Bledsoe got lonely and went hunting for sex. He was looking for a young dude and I was for sure a young dude. The thing is Walker was interested in a legal-age young dude, and I obviously wasn’t one of those. What he saw was a raggedy, dirty, young blond teen with vivid blue eyes who had no business turning tricks and picked me up. Yeah, now you know where my name Blue came from. Walker calls them vivid and I like how that sounds.
He took me to his fancy ass house in north Seattle and instead of paying me for a fuck he ended up becoming my adopted dad. Yeah, I know, there has to be more to this shit than what I’m writing and there is, but that story can be found in the Titans story. All I know is that the gay dude who picked me up on the street also saved my life and I love him more than I can say.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, I have slept with him, I’ve hung around the house naked with him, he’s come across me jerking off a couple of times, but he has never done anything to me he shouldn’t do, and I know he never will. I trust him not only with my life but with my cock, balls, and ass.
Okay, now that you have a quick idea of who I am, let’s take a look at the other main characters in the story.
<The Seattle Miller Family>
The Millers live in the Magnolia District of Seattle, which is the same area where I live. There are four boys in the family. Two of them, Chase and Logan, are the blood sons of Troy and Susan Miller, and two of them, Eddie and Curt, were the foster sons and are now the adopted sons of Troy and Susan.
Chase is fifteen, like me, and is a ninth grader in high school. He isn’t as cute as me, but it’s damn close. He’s also gay and doesn’t hide the fact. He has a boyfriend named Dillon. They became boyfriends in seventh grade when Chase got horny and started jerking off through his pants pocket in social studies. Dillon, who was sitting in the row next to him, saw what he was doing and did the same thing, and yeah, the dumb shits snuck their dicks out of their zippers. Look, I can be a horn dog, and yeah, I’ve jerked off in class a couple of times (who hasn’t?) but my cock stayed in my pants. From there Chase and Dillon became best friends and then boyfriends.
Chase is a big-time jock, a straight-A student, and he doesn’t drink and doesn’t do drugs. He’s never tried any of it. In fact he broke up with Hatcher, his first boyfriend, because Hatcher was getting into that shit. But, as you saw from how he and Dillon got together, Chase is a horn dog and is big time sexual.
Now remember, what I’m doing here is, kind of a fantasy. When you read the story, I won’t be knowing a lot of the shit I know here, but that’s the fun of fiction, right? And right now, I know that Chase has had five different cocks up his ass. I’ve only had one, not counting my tricks, of course. He’s also returned the favor to all five boys. Chase loves sex and I’d love to have some sex with him. Maybe that can happen in the story.
Logan is eleven and in sixth grade. When he was little, he was shy and quiet, but when he started discovering sex, he became a little horn dog. Logan is also gay but not open about it with everybody like Chase is. He’s working on making a boyfriend out of his friend Tony DeMarco who will be twelve in a month or so. Logan is not a virgin, but Tony is. Logan hopes to change that soon. Just like big brother, little Logan is a horn dog and has had five cocks up his ass, including big brother Chase, who is the dude who took Logan’s cherry.
Eddie is thirteen and in the seventh grade. I met Eddie before the Millers did. He and I shared my tent in the homeless camp and usually shared my sleeping bag. We also shared the bottles of booze and the joints freely given to us by Gil, an old man in the camp, who only asked for our friendship in return. We gladly gave that to him because he was a nice man and a fair man who showed us how to survive in the camp and often shared what little food he had with us. Eddie and I got some coke a couple of times from some other camp dwellers but then they started wanting sex for it and we told them to go fuck themselves.
Back then I thought of Eddie as my boyfriend and thought I was in love with him. But today he’s more like a little brother to me and I’m like a big brother to him. We’re both happy with that.
Eddie is from Mayfield. He ran away from a father who physically abused him and became a street kid because it was easier than having his bones broken. He hates his cousin, Aiden, or at least he did. I think both of them are leaving those days behind, but what do I know? It’s weird how he ended up being part of the Miller family, but that’s a story that’s already been told. Just accept that he is in the family and he is loved. Eddie isn’t sure if he is gay or not, but he is kinda dating a girl.
Curt came to the camp when he was twelve after Eddie was picked up by the social work assholes. He took over Eddie’s sleeping bag and often slept with me. He never got into the booze and weed and wasn’t into turning tricks—at least not at the time he and Eddie were taken off the streets by Troy Miller. That happened after I got that ride from Walker and Eddie ran away from his group home and came back to the camp. He and Curt ended up in the tent together. Troy met them when they were standing on a street downtown begging for change.
It’s weird how I helped Eddie become a whore, but I wouldn’t help Curt. Curt got on the streets because his parents were killed in an accident and his uncle who became his foster parent ended up being a pervert and Curt ran away. He was such a nice, regular kid, I was kinda reminded of me before my world was shot all to pieces.
My sex with Eddie was weird because I’d fuck him whenever I could, but I wouldn’t let him fuck me. Dr. McGregor, my shrink, says it’s cuz I think of my ass as being an evil place because of all the pervs who fucked me there. That’s all changed with his help and also because I got a boyfriend who uses his beautiful cock to pay visits to my ass and make it a good place instead of the cheap place I was ashamed of.
My sex with Curt was mostly jerking off and a little bit of cock sucking. I never thought about us fucking and it wasn’t because he wasn’t cute and sexy. He was and is a real hottie. He says he isn’t gay, but he’s got a friend who he sometimes calls his bed buddy, plus he has a girlfriend. Plus, he’s got no problem messing around with his brothers, especially Chase and Logan. He’s fucked both and been fucked by both. He thinks sex with his brothers was like family bonding and not gay stuff. But, he’s thirteen, so what does he know?
<The Boyer Family>
If you leave Magnolia and head north across the Ship Canal, then head off to the northeast you eventually end up in the Lake City District, which is where the Boyer family lives. They’re a family of three, Michael, Ryan, and Justin. Michael (aka the Donkey) and Ryan (aka the Dawg) are married gay men and Justin is their nine-year-old adopted son. I haven’t had a lot to do with them, but I know them because by one huge coincidence, Justin, Eddie, Curt, and I were all adopted on the same day and at the same adoption hearing.
The Donkey is a middle school teacher and coach in the Seattle School District and the Dawg works for a software company. In fact, he works for the same one my dad owns, which makes my dad his boss. The world just gets smaller and smaller. They got Justin in their family because his grandmother is a retired teacher who used to teach with Michael. Justin was orphaned and she was his guardian, but she had to move into a retirement home because her health was getting bad. She didn’t care that the Donkey and Dawg were gay. What she did care about was they were good, successful men who not only would be good role models for her grandson but would be good at dealing with his free spirit.
How do I know all this? you ask. Simple, we all met at Luigi’s Italian Restaurant for a post adoption party and I was a good listener. Everybody thinks Justin is cute and he is, but not sexy cute. He’s too young for that, but he’s a good kid and, yeah, he was a free spirt all right. Justin’s nickname has become Donkeydawg.
<The DeLuca Family>
This family lives in Lake City, too, and not far from the Boyers. They own Luigi’s Restaurant, which happens to be in Magnolia Village, not far from where I live. They have two sons—Tony, who is a couple of weeks away from being twelve and Marco, who is nine.
Like I mentioned earlier, Logan has a crush on Tony and wants to be boyfriends with him, and Tony seems to like Logan a lot. Marco and Justin are best friends, but I don’t think they have crushes on each other. I’ve heard of some nine-year-olds having some pretty hard-core crushes, so who knows. All I know is there’s a lot of stuff that can happen here, even if they are too young to make it interesting. Now, Logan and Tony are different. They’re too young to be interesting to me, but what they do isn’t about being curious, like Marco and Justin would be, nope, it’s about being horn dogs hitting puberty, which is interesting to a lot of you.
<The Emerald City>
This is a good place to tell what the title “Emerald City Boys” means. You see, Seattle’s official nickname is the Emerald City. I like my unofficial nickname of Blue better, but I don’t use it anymore. That has nothing to do with the subject, but I was just saying.
Anyway, the story is the “Emerald City Boys” because the boys live in the—you guessed it—Emerald City. The reason they’re getting their story after being in Aiden’s story for so long is that the poor boys in the little town of Mayfield think the big boys in Seattle were taking too much of their story, so the Emeralds were moved to their own story. There will be some times, when they travel back and forth between Mayfield and Seattle, that boys will show up in both stories a for few scenes.
If you’re new to the stories, no worries. You’ll do awesome reading the “Emerald City Boys” because you know a lot about us. And, like in any other story, you’ll learn even more and get favorite characters and root for them. In other words, you’ll have a lot of fun and so will we when you come spying on us.
<The Kirkland Miller Family>
I saved the most important Emerald boy for last, and that is the studly and sexy Drake Miller.
Seattle is on the west side of Lake Washington, sitting between the lake and Puget Sound. Kirkland is over on the east side of Lake Washington and is not in Seattle and is the City of Kirkland. That means that Drake, the character who lives there, is really not an Emerald City boy. But, he’s a part of the Miller family, plus he and I are, well, let’s say we’re best friends. He lives close enough to Seattle to be an Emerald City boy, or as my dad likes to say, it’s close enough for government work, whatever that means.
Drake is fifteen and a sophomore.
Drake is an important dude in the story. He’s the adopted son of Keegan Miller, who is Troy’s brother, and Natalie Miller. He was adopted a few months earlier than the adoption hearing where the rest of us in the story had our adoption. No matter, Drake and I are tight and since he’s a cousin of all the boys in the Seattle Miller home, well, that’s enough to make him an Emerald City boy.
Speaking of cousins, that gets pretty complicated for Drake. You might want to get out your sketchbooks and draw a family tree or something. There will be a test.
You see, I’ve told you that Aiden is also a cousin of the Seattle Millers and of Drake, since one of Aiden’s dads is Phil Miller, who is the brother of Troy and Keegan. But, here comes the curve ball—Keegan happens to be Aiden’s biological dad, which would also make Aiden Drake’s brother. They call each other brousins which includes everything.
And think of this—Phil is not only Aiden’s adoptive dad he’s also Aiden’s uncle. Uh huh. But, don’t worry, that’s all of the Miller brothers. And Drake has a curveball, too, because Natalie, who is Keegan’s wife and Drake’s mother is also Drake’s aunt.
There is also a new member of the Kirkland Millers. His name is Lincoln Clayton Miller and he is just a few weeks old when the story starts. He is Drake’s little brother and has made Drake and me experts in diaper changing and baby feeding.
Did you get all that? I didn’t think you would, so I’ll toss out the test. I know all these Miller dudes except for Aiden, and I still can’t figure it all out.
Below are two lists. One is the list of all the dudes I was talking about. The other is all of the Mayfield stories in case you ever get bored and want to learn more about that boring little town that’s a fucking two-hour drive from here. That’s a good reason all by itself I don’t want to go there. I mean the town has gotta be more boring than the drive, and that pretty much says it all.
Okay, you’ve got all you need and more. I’ll see you all when I show up with Drake in Chapter 2 of “Emerald City Boys”. Laters.
Cast of Boys
Justin Boyer-Age 9. Third grade. Adopted by husbands Mike “the Donkey” Boyer and Ryan “the Dawg” Boyer in January.
Marco DeLuca-Age 9. Third grade. Son of Luigi and Marne DeLuca, owners and operators of Luigi’s Italian Restaurant. One of Justin’s two very best friends.
Tony DeLuca-Age 11. Sixth grade. Marco’s brother. New best friend of Logan Miller.
Joey Rizzo-Age 8. Third grade. Marco’s other very best friend.
Logan Miller-Age 11. Sixth grade. Son of Troy and Susan Miller. Tony’s new best friend.
Chase Miller-Age 14. High school freshman. Logan’s oldest brother.
Dillon Easton-Age 14. High school freshman. Chase’s boyfriend.
Eddie Miller-Age 13. Seventh grader. Former street boy adopted by Troy and Susan.
Curt Miller-13. Seventh grader. Orphan and street boy adopted by Troy and Susan.
Drake Miller-15. High school sophomore. Cousin of the Miller clan. Adopted by the Miller brothers’ Uncle Keegan and his wife who is Drake’s Aunt Natalie.
Pierce Bledsoe-Age 15. Eighth grader at a private middle school working on an independent study program. Street kid adopted by Walker Bledsoe, a