Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<The Miller House>
As usual, Curt was the first to awaken in the morning. He had become adept at getting out of bed to pee without disturbing his partner, although he slept alone more often than with somebody.
He took his piss, returned to his room, and looked down at Dillon who was snoozing away under the covers. Curt could see why Chase was in love with him. He was not only a beautiful boy, but he was a likeable, intelligent person. On top of everything, he was also an excellent kisser, better than Chase, which said a lot. Their sex had consisted of kissing, petting, and mutual masturbation. It had been very satisfying, even if it consisted of little more than kissing and masturbation. Curt hoped that sex with a girl could be as satisfying.
Maybe it was time to break up with Staci and find a girl who wanted to do more than just kiss fully clothed, he thought. The problem was he liked her a lot. The only issue he had was her reluctance to do more than kissing and light petting. He could feel up her boobs, but only through her shirt and bra; and she would not allow any touching below the waist, even through her clothes. She wouldn’t touch him down there either. He knew that for now, sex with boys, especially his brothers, would have to do, but he wanted more by the time he reached high school.
Ironically, when he crawled back under the covers was when he woke up Dillon.
“Good morning. It’s a little after eight,” Curt replied.
“And we’re leaving for the game when? And who’s driving?”
“At eleven-thirty. My dad, Uncle Keegan, your dad, and Darnell’s dad are driving. My mom is going, too.”
“Darnell’s dad. That’s the one I couldn’t remember. He’s coming all the way down from Bellingham?”
“That he is, and going all the way back today, too, and without Darnell. Darnell is happy his dad is helping but there is no way he’s going to miss the last night of the Blowout. He will be taking the midday train home on Monday.”
“I still can’t believe how organized you Miller brothers are,” Dillon said. “This party has been so awesome. I knew you guys were pretty cool, but you’re more than a bunch of brothers, you’re more like a team of brothers.”
“Thanks, Dillon. Chase is lucky to have you. He wants to be wild, but you’re the guy who keeps him tame,” Curt said.
“His mom and dad have more to do with that than I do. All I do is love him.”
“You do more than that. He loves you too. He loves you a lot. Now let’s go shower before everybody else starts waking up.”
Nolan was the next one to wake up. He rose from his bed and headed down the hall to use the bathroom. He stopped at the door when he heard the shower running. He turned the doorknob, found that the door wasn’t locked, and stepped into the steamy room.
“Who is it?” Curt called out.
“Nolan and I gotta pee.”
“Feel free,” Curt told him, “just don’t flush. We’ll get it when we’re done.”
“Dillon and me.”
“Sweet. Can I see?”
“Perv!” Dillon called out.
“I don’t deny it, but I gotta piss first,” Nolan said.
“Good thing Chase isn’t in here or he’d have come into the shower and done it on us.”
“Has he done it to you?”
“To both of us,” Curt said. “We love him, so every now and then we do pee stuff with him to make him happy.”
“I understand.” Nolan had been involved in piss play a few times and knew he couldn’t be critical. He lifted the toilet seat and took care of a long satisfying piss. He put his hand on the flush lever but stopped himself from flushing at the last second. He lowered the seat, started for the door, and stopped himself. “Do any of you guys like the piss stuff?”
“Chase, of course. Eddie does when he’s in the mood. Logan says he doesn’t really like it, but he hardly ever turns down doing it, so who knows what he really likes. I think he likes it, but what do I know?”
“Well, you two save some hot water for me.”
“We have a tankless water heater, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Besides, we’re done. Go ahead and flush and get in.”
Nolan flushed the toilet and stepped into the shower. He, Curt, and Dillon were crowded together for a moment until Dillon stepped out and started drying. Curt followed him and Nolan stepped under the showerhead. At the same time there was a knock at the door, and within a couple of minutes, Darnell and Tony were in the shower with Nolan.
Not long after they were finished, the shower in Chase and Logan’s bathroom was turned on and within the next ten minutes the entire dozen had managed to get their showers in. Showers had been a concern of Chase’s who asked Eddie a few days before the Blowout if he was going to develop a shower plan.
“Damn, Chase, that’s almost impossible. Nobody gets up at the same time,” Eddie replied. “I mean, look at us four brothers. Curt gets up early, I like to sleep in as late as I can, and you and Logan are usually somewhere in the middle. It’s not like I can just set alarms to wake up each person for a shower.”
“Why don’t you ask dad about it,” Chase suggested. “You won’t find anybody more organized than he is.”
Eddie said he would do so and met with Troy after dinner. Eddie told his father what his problem was and was surprised by his dad’s response.
“I’ll tell you this much, son. Trying to fit twelve adolescent boys into a shower schedule would be pretty much like herding cats. It simply can’t be done, so just show them where the showers are, have your brothers help
explain how the water heater works and leave it up to fate.”
“I thought I had to organize everything for this to work.”
“Sometimes not having anything organized is the key to having it work with the least hassle. Besides, I don’t think any of the gang will want to be caught with boy odor. They’re smart boys; they’ll figure it out.”
Troy had been correct. The showering system had little organization, but everybody got showered. Showering in pairs or groups of three helped the situation considerably—not only did it result in clean boys it also allowed hands to roam over bodies, a few kisses here and there, along with an erection or two.
Eddie looked over the boys as they sat in the dining room and kitchen for breakfast. With the okay of Madison’s mother, Laurie, word got around that nudity was okay during breakfast.
Madison heard the news from Chase as he and Aiden finished their shower. “Ain’t no way I’m putting anything on,” Madison said. “If my mom don’t mind boys being naked, then why not?” He looked up at Chase. “Your mom is, like, cool with it too, right?”
“That’s what she said,” Chase answered.
“You gonna join me?” Madison asked Aiden.
“I’ve got green and blue toenails, so I might as well have a naked body,” Aiden said.
When Madison stepped into the dining room, Logan, Tony, Darnell, Eddie, Curt, and Nolan were already there. Logan stood up and pointed to the door. “Mad Dog is the first one naked,” he grinned, as if nobody else had noticed. He quickly pulled off his t-shirt and underpants. “And now, I’m number two.” Madison nodded toward Aiden, who was naked and standing behind him. “Okay, I guess I’m number three.”
Everyone ended up naked for breakfast except for Curt and Dillon. Curt felt uncomfortable being naked in front of Madison’s mother, although she pretty much kept herself out of sight. Dillon stayed in his boxers so Curt wouldn’t be the only one dressed. He thought it strange that he was supporting the one who was dressed instead of supporting someone who wanted to get naked. But then, not much at the Miller house surprised him, which was a big reason he loved coming over. Of course, Chase was the biggest reason.
Eddie looked around at the clean bodies enjoying breakfast at the tables and saw that his dad was right. Sometimes you just have to let everybody work things out themselves. Everybody was showered, smelling good, scarfing down pancakes and bacon, and enjoying themselves. How could breakfast get any better?
Laurie noticed Aiden and Logan’s painted toenails. “I see Madison talked you into doing a little toe painting,” she grinned. By little, she meant they hadn’t painted all ten toes like Madison had. Even so, she thought that their green and blue big toes looked shiny and very ready for the Mariners.
“We think Madison’s toes are pretty cool,” Aiden said.
The morning flew by fast. At eleven the boys started preparing for the Mariner game. That meant donning Mariner paraphernalia. They each had a Mariner t-shirt. Some had Mariner caps. And three of them had Mariner toenails, which Logan and Madison displayed by wearing flip flops. Aiden hadn’t brought a pair with him, but he promised his shoes and socks would come off when they were seated in their suite.
<T-Mobile Park>
The job of getting a group of six adults and twelve constantly chattering boys to the ballpark was pulled off without a hitch. The fact that it had been done many times before eased the task. As leader of the group, Troy presented the needed identification, and they were escorted to their suite. A lively discussion ensued about who was going to sit next to who and where but, as they had done with their showering earlier in the day, the boys worked it out to everyone’s satisfaction.
Once everyone was seated, Aiden’s shoes and socks came off. Susan and Troy knew about the three boys’ painted toes. Walker and Keegan, who had seen Madison’s toes the day before, were unaware that Logan and Aiden had theirs painted until they saw them in the ballpark. Dillon and Darnell’s dads were given a heads up about the toes. Both were opened minded men who were amused by the toes while secretly happy it wasn’t their sons whose toes had been polished.
There were order forms for food and drink at each seat. An attendant would be coming into the suite soon to pick them up. Everyone was caught up in ordering, chatting, looking at the grounds crew preparing the field, or checking out what was happening on the jumbo scoreboard.
Nobody noticed an attendant and a young teenage boy enter the suite. “Excuse me, but I need to talk to Troy Miller.” Since Troy was the person with the tickets, he was the go-to individual in the group.
As soon as the boys heard the request, most of them turned to see who had entered the suite. When they saw the boy, they wondered who it was and what he was doing in the suite; everybody but Aiden and Nolan, that is.
Aiden and Nolan recognized him right away. He was Tim Whalen, the brother of outfielder/first baseman Wade Whalen. They had received a picture of him from Marty. Marty had told Aiden that Tim would in attendance, and they would probably meet him after the game. He hadn’t said anything about Tim coming into the suite. Tim was wearing a Mariner tee-shirt with Whalen and 41 on the back.
“That would be me,” Troy responded.
“This young man will be watching the game here with you. This is…”
“…he is Tim Whalen,” Aiden interrupted. “Hi, Tim, I’m Aiden, Marty’s friend.” Aiden thought Tim looked even sexier live than he did in his picture.
Tim’s eyes lit up. “Hi, Aiden.” He and Aiden fist bumped. “Marty told me I’d be meeting you today which is awesome.” He stepped over to Nolan and offered his fist which Nolan bumped. “You guys look just like your pictures.”
Aiden looked at Nolan. “Well, damn, Bear. I thought those were shitty pictures and now I find we look just like them. What a bummer.”
“I think I can live with it if you can,” Nolan said.
“Jeez, guys, I’m sorry. I mean, I think you guys look hot…I mean really good…and, well…” Tim’s face was bright red.
“Tim, just ignore those two,” Chase said. “Those two are master chain yankers.” He glared at Aiden. “Although it is kind of rude to do it to somebody you just met.”
“I don’t think so,” Aiden responded. “I think it means it makes Tim a part of our group, right Nolan?”
Nolan stood up and gave Tim a long, tight hug. “Welcome to the Cousin Dozen Blowout,” Nolan said to the stunned thirteen-year-old.
“But don’t I make thirteen? Wouldn’t that be unlucky?”
“Nope,” Aiden answered. “Awesome guys like you can’t be unlucky, so I’m with Nolan. Welcome to the Cousin Dozen Blowout as New Friend Number One.”
“Damn, I was scared about coming here, since I wasn’t supposed to meet you guys until after the game. But Marty told my brother it would be cool if I could meet you guys early and watch the game together since we traded pictures and everything and my brother was cool with it. And here I am. And since I’m New Friend Number One, I need to meet my ten new friends.”
Aiden and Nolan quickly introduced the rest of the Dozen, along with the six parents in the group. All the other ten boys except for Madison were happy trading fist bumps with Tim. Madison, however, stuck out his hand for an old-fashioned handshake, and then removed his cap and gave Tim a hug. Tim noticed that Madison not only had all ten toes painted but the toes on one foot were blue and on the other foot they were green. Just before Madison reseated his cap, Tim noted his blue hair. This kid is really weird, Tim thought, but I think he’s also pretty cool.
Tim looked at the rest of the feet, checking them for painted toes. Everyone except Aiden and Logan was wearing shoes. Logan was wearing flipflops, Aiden was barefoot.
“Too bad I can’t get mine painted,” Tim said. “I’d tell my brother I did it for good luck.” Tim had never felt so comfortable with a group of new boys. It was like they had known each other for years. He felt more comfortable with them than with some of his friends and teammates at school.
“Well, if I could, I’d share one of my toenails with you,” Aiden grinned.
What Tim and Aiden didn’t see was Curt reach into his backpack, pull out a small cloth bag, and hand it to Madison. Madison stuck his fingers into the bag, pulled out a brush and bottles of nail polish, and walked over to Tim’s seat. “Dude, I got good luck right here in my hands,” Madison said.
“You brought your nail polish with you?” Tim asked, somewhat flabbergasted.
“I talked to Curt and was like, we gotta bring this in case somebody wants good luck.” Those weren’t Madison’s exact words, but he thought they sounded good.
Tim thought about it for a second and decided that Aiden did not appear to be any kind of a sissy, so he might as well do it. “Okay, I want mine like Aiden. Big toes only, one green and one blue.” Tim removed his shoes and socks, and within a couple of minutes, his big toes where shiny—one blue and one green.
As soon as Madison finished Tim’s toes, the PA announcer requested everyone stand for the National Anthem. Everyone in the suite stood and those who had hats removed them. They sang along with the soloist, the thirteen boys belting out the words loudly and proudly, if a bit off key. Aiden couldn’t help recalling Mason’s rendition of the Anthem at the championship game as he belted out the song with his friends.
Then the game between the Mariners and the Detroit Tigers started, and the attention of the boys was on baseball and food. When the first pitch from Mariner starter Hank Wallace to the Tiger’s leadoff man was a swing and a miss, the noise from the thirteen boys made it clear they were going to be totally into the game. One of the many things Aiden and Nolan had learned about Tim in the emails and texts they had shared was that he was as baseball crazy as they were. Tim lived in Oceanside, California, with his parents and a ten-year-old brother. Baseball was almost a year around sport in Southern California and Tim played as much as he could. He pitched and played mostly shortstop or third base when he was playing a position. He also enjoyed soccer and basketball.
Tim’s brother, Wade, started in left field and was batting second. Marty was playing third base and batting fifth. When Wade came to bat in the bottom of the first inning, all thirteen boys became a noisy rooting section for the Mariner player. Aiden and Nolan rooted especially hard. Wade had become their second favorite player as soon as they learned that Wade and Marty had become good friends. Wade struck out looking, which temporarily quieted the boys.
Marty was the second Mariner to bat in the second inning. Marty hadn’t played in Saturday’s game because he was in a bad slump and manager Scott Pierce thought a day off would help refocus him. The boys cheered even louder when Marty came to the plate. Because of Aiden’s connection to his “big bro”, he had become the favorite player of most of the Dozen boys. Marty didn’t end his slump on his first at bat of the game when he took a called third strike and returned to the dugout.
After the inning ended, another visitor entered the suite: Marty’s husband Rich. Aiden, Nolan, Tim, Susan, and Troy were the only ones in the suite who knew who he was.
“Hey, Rich, nice to see you,” Aiden called out.
“Hello, Aiden. I thought I’d see who the noisy group of troublemakers in this suite were,” Rich grinned.
Aiden introduced Rich to everyone and introduced the members of the Cousin Dozen. He knew that Rich had met Tim and Nolan but reintroduced them anyway.
“Those rapscallions were rooting for your husband if you need to know,” Troy announced in his best attorney voice.
“Well, in that case, I am sure said husband appreciated the noise,” Rich responded. Rich turned to Tim and said, “And how did you end up sitting with these scamps, Tiger?”
“Because my brother and Marty are friends me and Aiden and Nolan got to be friends online and I think my babysitter was happy to drop me off here after he got a message from the clubhouse before the game saying it was okay. Whatever, I’m happy to be here. These are all a bunch of really good guys.”
“That’s what everybody says.”
“And please don’t call me Tiger when we’re playing the Tigers.”
“Oops, sorry,” Rich said sincerely. “I didn’t think about that.” Tiger had been the nickname Wade, who was thirteen years older than Tim, had given his little brother when he was a baby and it had stuck. When Marty and Rich heard Wade use the nickname, they took up calling Tim Tiger as well. Tim didn’t like it from anyone else.
At the end of the third inning, the game between the Tigers and Mariners was scoreless. In fact, the Mariners had yet to have a baserunner and had now endured 14 consecutive scoreless innings over three games. After the Tigers went out in order in the top of the fourth, the Dozen Plus One cheered wildly when center fielder Aaron Lister dug in at the plate for the Mariners. They were silenced when Lister hit a sharp grounder to left. The Tiger shortstop went to his right, snagged the ball in his glove, spun to his left, and fired accurately to first, just nipping Lister. That made ten batters up and ten batters down for the Mariners.
But things changed when Tim’s brother, Wade, came to the plate. Wade fouled off five two-strike pitches to finally draw an eleven-pitch walk. That kept the noise at a steady level. The Dozen Plus One finally had something to really root for. Shortstop Thomas Adams followed that up with a line drive single just over the outstretched glove of the Tiger second baseman, putting runners on first and second with one out.
First baseman Bud Whittier, the Mariner cleanup hitter, belted a shot to deep center, but centerfielder Eduardo Alvarez ran to the fence and made a leaping catch for the second out, robbing Whittier of an extra base hit. Wade tagged up and advanced to third base. The Tigers were flashing the leather with two outstanding plays so far in the inning.
That brought up Marty with runners on the corners (first and third) and two outs. He fouled off the first pitch and took the next one for a ball. With the count 1-1 the Tiger pitcher then threw a slider. It broke off the outside corner of the plate to entice Marty to go fishing and reach for the outside pitch. Getting fooled on breaking pitches was one of his issues during his slump and this was no exception as he reached out with his bat and swung and missed at a pitch off the plate. The catcher, knowing Marty’s weakness, signaled for the same pitch. This time Marty read the pitch properly and didn’t fish for it. He took the pitch for a ball, making the count 2-2.
The next pitch was a poorly placed fastball, at least as far as the pitcher was concerned. Marty thought it was perfectly placed and barreled it up. The loud crack of the bat hitting the ball had the boys going beyond crazy as they followed the ball all the way into the second deck bleachers for a three-run home run.
“Way to go Marty bro!” Aiden screamed.
“Way to knock in my big brother, Marty,” Tim yelled.
Not to be outdone, Rich yelled out, “Great job, Love.” It was not something he would have yelled publicly from the players’ reserved seating area for proprieties’ sake. Because he was more private in the suite, he felt secure calling out to his “Love”.
Marty’s fourth inning home run was all the Mariners needed, but they added on more and ended up with an 8-2 win over the Tigers. Marty added an RBI single in the seventh inning and finished with two-hits in four at bats, a run scored, and four runs batted in.
Aiden, Logan, and Tim put their shoes on during the top of the ninth. All Madison had to do was slide his feet into his flip flops and he was ready to go. While they were getting ready to leave the suite, Aiden had brief chats with Eddie and Tim, both liked the idea he had. Tim was especially excited by it.
“There is something you need to know before you say yes,” Aiden told Tim. “We like to get naked together, and we all mess around with each other. We will be doing both tonight.”
“By messing around, do you mean you do sex stuff together?”
“That’s what I mean.”
“And if I come does that mean I have to do stuff?”
“Nope. You can refuse to do anything like that. You are free to do whatever you want and nobody will care. For us, when it comes to nudity and sex stuff, no means NO.”
Tim thought about how he and his best friend Gene sometimes jerked off together and figured getting naked and doing at least that much couldn’t be too horrible since he did that with his friend. After all, his big brother, Marty, Aiden, and Nolan were all gay and they were all regular people who he liked. He wondered if anybody else in the Dozen Plus One was gay and decided he didn’t care. “I’m good with it. I want to come and spend the night,” Tim told Aiden.
“Okay, now I just gotta get my aunt and uncle to agree, but I’m sure they’ll be cool with it.”
“And we gotta get Wade to agree. That might be a little tougher.”
Troy had been instructed to wait for an attendant to guide the group to the home dugout where Marty and Wade would be waiting to meet them. While they were waiting, Aiden huddled with Nolan, Eddie, Curt, Chase, and Logan to explain an idea he had. The five thought it was a great idea. Chase told Aiden and Eddie to see if they could get permission from Troy and Susan as well as Wade. The two boys, accompanied by Chase told Troy and Susan what their plan was. They said they were okay with it if Wade agreed.
The attendant entered the suite seven minutes after the game ended. The group had been told it would be ten to fifteen minutes after the game ended before the attendant would be able to make it to their suite but their wait ended up being much shorter.
“Hi everyone. My name is Aaron and I’m here to lead you down to the dugout to meet with Wade and Marty.” As soon as everyone was ready, he quickly explained what the procedure would be.
Rich joined the group. He loved watching his husband work with kids. Rich worked as a substitute teacher during the school year and was convinced Marty would have made a great teacher had he not had the good fortune to become a Major League baseball player.
The adults took seats in the row of seats behind the dugout while the attendant guided the boys through a gate to the field and then down into the dugout. The boys were justifiably awestruck by being in a Major League dugout. Even Tim hadn’t had the privilege.
Two clubhouse attendants, each carrying a large cardboard box, came out of the runway that led down to the clubhouse and set it on the bench. Marty and Wade followed the attendant into the dugout. They were wearing their uniform pants and undershirts and Crocs instead of their cleats.
The boys started yelling out, “Marty!” and “Wade!” and, like a wave, moved in on the two players. Marty quickly stopped the surge by yelling, “Stop, breathe, calm down!” Being the good boys they were, they quickly regained control of themselves and waited for instructions. “Okay, guys, Wade and I are going to sit on the bench. Make a single file line starting at the far end of the dugout and Wade and I will sign autographs for you. Make sure you give us your name and tell us if there is anything special you’d like for us to write for you.” Wade thought Marty had the makings of a good teacher with the way he brought quick order to the group.
“The man at the other end of the dugout is Dwayne, one of our clubhouse attendants. After you get your autograph, give your name to Dwayne and he will give you a uniform shirt.” That explained what was in the boxes. The boys let out simultaneous gasps when they realized they would be getting genuine uniform shirts instead of plain t-shirts. Larry had connected Marty with Susan. Susan, with the help of Chase, who was sworn to secrecy, contacted the boys’ parents to get the proper sizes.
Marty and Wade had brought writing pads with Mariner stationery attached and pens. They sat on the bench and signed autographs for each boy, writing special requests as well as their autograph.
Madison made sure that Marty and Wade saw his green and blue toenails. He pointed to his feet and said, “I’m Madison and I’ve got these to help me root for the Mariners.” Madison thought about revealing what Aiden, Tim, and Logan were hiding, then decided that it wasn’t his business to tell his friends’ secrets—it would be up to them to show their toes. For all Madison’s wordiness, he had a high level of integrity when it came to keeping secrets.
“Very impressive,” Marty responded. Wade was amazed at how well Marty handled kids. Other than his little brother, kids made him nervous.
“To Madison. I loved your Mariner toes. Marty Carlson. #20.
Tony made a request that broadened Marty’s already wide smile. “My name is Tony. But Marty, could you please make my autograph to my brother’s best friend Justin. I don’t know if you remember him, but he’s Aiden’s little bro just like Aiden is your little bro. You even called him on his ninth birthday.” Tony gave Marty a puppy dog look that would have been impossible for anyone to resist. “He’s playing his first year of real baseball and you are his most favorite player in the world.”
“I remember that phone call,” Marty grinned. “And how about I do an autograph for each of you.” Tony nodded excitedly. “What position does Justin play and what’s his team’s name?”
“He plays on the Jammers, and he pitches and plays shortstop or second or the outfield.”
Marty wrote something out, signed it, and handed the sheet of paper to Tony. “To Justin, a great nine-year old baseball player. I hope you pitch the Jammers to lots of big wins. Your friend and really big bro, Marty Carlson, #20.” Tony took the sheet, read it, and smiled with radiant happiness.
“What about your little brother? Does he play baseball?”
“Yep. He’s an infielder on the Jammers. His name is Marco.”
“Then Marco should get an autograph, too.” Marty wrote, “To Marco. Have fun playing real baseball. Your friend, Marty Carlson, #20.”
Marty then started to write on a third sheet of paper. He assumed Tony played baseball and asked him what team he played on.
“I play on the Vipers and play the outfield and am learning to be a catcher,” Tony replied.
Marty nodded and finished his note. “To Tony, a great brother and ballplayer. Go Vipers! Your friend, Marty Carlson #20.”
Tony read his note and grinned so wide his face hurt. Marty wrote that he was a friend and what could be better than that? After Tony received his shirt, he left the dugout and went through the open gate and into the stands where he sat next to Logan after handing his autographs to Susan, who was keeping all of the autographs safe in a manila envelope until the boys were ready to return home.
Tim pulled off his shoes and socks while waiting in line and showed his big brother his green and blue big toenails. Wade yanked off his little brother’s hat, ruffled his hair, and then gave him a belly tickle, which elicited wild laughter from the happy thirteen-year-old.
The shirts all had Carlson and the number 20 on their backs. The boys were ecstatic. Because Tim was a last-minute addition to the group, there wasn’t a Marty shirt for him, but he didn’t go without. Dwayne proudly handed the grinning boy a shirt with Whalen and #41 on the back. What made it really special for Tim was that the name on the back was his last name as well.
Once all the boys had their autographs and shirts, they sat in the front row of the stands with the adults and waited for everybody to finish. Chase, Drake, and Pierce were the last three boys. They felt that as the older boys they should wait for the younger boys to have their thrills first. Marty was impressed by the unselfishness as well as the baseball knowledge of Pierce and Chase. He was surprised that Drake didn’t play baseball but made a comment on Drake’s autograph sheet about winning the race. When Pierce left the dugout, Marty and Wade stood in front of the seated boys and thanked them for coming to the game and yelling their support. “Trust me, even with the noise the big crowd (41,270) was making, I could hear the Marty screams coming from your suite.”
The boys gave Marty and Wade their thanks along with some loud cheers. Marty and Rich blew kisses to each other. Rich left for the family waiting area outside the clubhouse, where he would meet Marty to finalize their plans for the evening.
Aiden, Eddie, and Tim stayed behind, and Tim yelled at Wade, telling him he had a question for him. “Wade, do you think I could spend the night with everybody? We’ll be staying at Eddie’s house and it’s okay with his parents if I stay and you can ask them if you don’t believe me.”
“Slow down, dude,” Wade grinned. “When have I never believed you?”
“Well, I was just saying…”
“I do have one issue. You have a flight to catch for home tomorrow morning and we need to work that out.”
“Eddie’s dad could drop me off at your condo or you could pick me up at Eddie’s house.”
“Eddie, did you discuss that with your parents?” Wade asked.
“Yes sir, and my dad is okay with driving Tim to your place,” Eddie responded.
“The easiest thing is for me to pick Tim up. Give me the address and I’ll be there at nine-thirty. Fair enough?”
Everyone agreed that would work. Tim and Wade traded high fives and the little conclave broke up. The two ballplayers finally started for the clubhouse and the Cousin Dozen Plus One headed up the stairs with the adults to the breezeway and then out of the ballpark.
“How’s Griffin?” Marty asked Wade as they walked to the clubhouse. “Haven’t seen him for a while.”
“He’s doing fine - he’s at the condo right now making dinner. We’re having a couple friends over later.”
“He’s a great guy, Wade.”
“I love him a lot, Marty. Little by little we’re getting more comfortable being together. It all feels very good and very right. And on top of that, he’s a great cook. By the way, did you catch the blue eyes on that Pierce kid? Damn, he’s a cutie.”
“Yeah, he is. And his boyfriend ain’t bad either.”
“Have a good night, Marty.”
“You too, Wade.”
<Back To The Miller House>)
Tim rode in Keegan’s car, which Natalie drove most of the time, with Aiden, Nolan, and Curt. Tim had a lot of questions he wanted to ask Aiden and Nolan, but he elected to wait until they weren’t in the company of an adult, especially one who was Aiden’s uncle. Tim hadn’t been told yet that Keegan was Aiden’s birth father. The boys and Keegan talked about the game, about Marty, and about their own baseball exploits that spring.
When they arrived at Chase’s house, they saw that Troy had already arrived. Troy opened the front door for them, and Curt led the boys down the stairs to the basement where they found Logan, Tony, Dillon, Madison, and Chase gathered around the pool table. Although none were naked, they were in various stages of undress. Madison, who was wearing just his briefs, was wearing the least.
“Okay, Tim, you can take off whatever you want, or leave everything on,” Aiden told Tim as he started pulling off his shirt. “It’s your call.”
Tim nodded. Just because I’m not gay doesn’t mean I can’t have fun with these guys, Tim thought. He saw Curt taking off his pants. Knowing Curt was straight was good enough reason for Tim to follow his lead. Within seconds Tim and Curt had pulled their pants off and tossed them onto the couch. Tim was now down to nothing but his t-shirt and a pair of blue boxer briefs.
Tim felt a bit self-conscious until he realized Nolan and Aiden were the only boys still wearing their pants. What he didn’t know was that the two had kept their pants on to keep Tim from feeling self-conscious because he was the only boy in the room who was fully dressed. As soon as they saw Tim toss his jeans onto the couch, the two looked at each other, nodded, and were soon tossing their pants onto the pile on the couch. For some reason, seeing Aiden and Nolan without pants helped Tim to relax.
Logan decided to emulate Madison and pulled off his t-shirt, standing proudly in just his white briefs. Tim noted a distinct bulge in Logan’s briefs and knew exactly what was going on. Tim could feel his cock hardening, pushing out the front of his underpants. He couldn’t understand why he thought Logan looked sexy. Boys weren’t sexy, he thought. Good looking, yes, but sexy? Never. Not even Gene looked sexy, and he and Gene had fired their cum together many times.
Tim heard a racket at the top of the stairs and, afraid that it was adults, looked for a quick place to hide. “Relax, boys, it’s just us checking on who had the courage to get naked already,” he heard Pierce call out.
Pierce, Drake, Darnell, and Eddie came rumbling down the basement stairs. “What, you mean nobody is naked?” Pierce asked in mock surprise. “I am shocked. Shocked I say. And I see it’s the two youngest who are down to just their undies.”
“One person is naked,” Madison retorted as he pulled off his briefs and threw them at Pierce.
“You are a totally wild boy, though. But, let’s see who follows the wild boy.”
“Why don’t you be the one to follow him?” Logan asked. “Show us what the old man can do.” He pulled off his briefs and threw them at Pierce, only with a better aim than Madison, hitting the teen in the face. “Now the two youngest are naked. I dare you to follow.”
Everyone but Tim cheered when Pierce whipped off his t-shirt, pants, and boxers, standing in front of the group in his full glory. Tim had never seen an older boy naked before and was fascinated by the bush of pubic hair above his penis. He and Gene both had a few pubes, but nothing like what he was looking at.
The last four boys to come down the stairs kicked off their shoes when they reached the bottom. Drake, Eddie, and Darnell then pulled off their t-shirts and pants. Pierce was the only one to get fully naked, however.
The basement door opened, and Troy yelled down that before they went crazy taking off their clothes, they needed to give him their pizza order. “We will be getting nine large pizzas, so order accordingly,” Troy announced. He then closed the door and walked away.
Chase, who was now naked as well, took charge of the pizza ordering. He knew there was paper and pencil in the game storage closet for keeping score. After a brief discussion on what people wanted, they agreed on what should be ordered. Chase tore the top sheet of paper from the pad and took it upstairs.
“He just went upstairs naked,” Tim said as if nobody noticed.
“Our rents are used us being naked around the house,” Logan told him.
“What about the rest of us?”
“Only if we let them know ahead of time.”
“Would you let them see you with that boner?”
“I don’t know if I’d let them see it, but it’s happened by accident. And, yeah, it’s kind of embarrassing to have mom see me hard, so I do my best to keep it from happening.”
“How do you keep from having a boner?” Tim asked, thinking that would be something useful to learn.
“You can’t. When it gets hard, it gets hard. I just wear something to keep my mom from seeing it. No way I can keep it from happening.”
“Okay, pizza order is delivered, and mom is on the phone calling in the order,” Chase said as he came back to the basement. “Hmm, I see everybody is naked. I like it.”
Tim soon found himself enjoying being naked with his new friends. He loved the naked games of pool, ping pong, darts, or board and card games; watching naked TV; having naked chats; eating pizza while naked; and just plain enjoying how free and happy the naked Cousin Dozen were.
What surprised him was that outside of some groping and touching, along with a quick kiss or two, sex wasn’t really a part of the party. He quickly learned that might change when everyone headed for bed later in the evening.
“I think there should be, like, a big naked orgy, with everybody doing sex stuff together,” Madison told Tim. “But what do I know?”
“We’ve had group sex before, but not with a group this big,” Logan said when Tim asked him about it. “If you want sex with a group of guys, then you gotta go to one of Aiden’s parties. They’re not really orgies, but it’s close.” Tim noted that Logan sprouted what was at least his second erection of the night. “If somebody needs to get off here, they can do it in private. It’s something everyone agreed on when Eddie and us brothers planned the Big Blowout.”
Just as they started on the last of the pizza, Tim heard his phone ringing Wade’s ringtone. Many of the boys had their phone in the basement situated in or on their clothes. Tim jumped up and looked around for his pants, which the ringtone helped him locate.
“Hey, Wade, wazzup?” Tim asked when he answered the phone.
“You forgot about clean clothes for tomorrow and about packing your suitcase,” Wade replied.
“Hey, WE forgot. I guess wearing at least clean underwear on the airplane would be a good idea. My pants were fresh yesterday and I haven’t really needed them since I got here.”
Tim felt himself blushing when he realized he had given his big brother too much information. Oh, well, he thought, it wasn’t that his brother didn’t know anything about guys having sex.
“What about a fresh shirt?” Wade asked.
“I got a nice, new Mariner shirt that some guy named Whalen gave to me. It even has his number on it.”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.”
“Damn bro, you get old and the memory is what goes first.”
“Well, things were a bit hectic there in the dugout. What about underwear?” Wade asked.
“Hey, anybody got some underpants and socks I can borrow?” Tim called out.
“You and I are about the same size,” Curt said. “See me later.”
“You really yelled out for somebody to loan you underwear?” Wade asked.
“I got some good friends here.”
“I’ll say. What about packing your suitcase? We didn’t think of that either.”
“Everything but today’s underwear and shirt is packed. All you gotta do is zip it up.”
“How about I come fifteen minutes early and you can put your own clean clothes on,” Wade suggested.
“For an old guy, you get some good ideas.”
“I’ll be there at quarter after nine then,” Wade said.
The brothers disconnected. Tim told everyone what the new plan was and thanked Curt for his offer. “I probably would have ended up stealing your underwear anyway,” Tim told Curt. “Like I’m gonna stick underpants and a pair of socks in the mail.”
At around nine, the talk among the boys centered on who would be sleeping with whom. They now had an odd number of boys at the Blowout, which meant there would be at least one group of three sleeping together. They had agreed that anything went as far as bed partners went and the Blowout partners could go their own way rather than mess around together.
During the negotiations, Tim was asked if he had any preferences for who he wanted to sleep with. “Remember, it’s okay to sleep alone if you don’t feel comfortable about messing around with somebody,” Aiden reminded him. “I know you’ve jerked off with your friend but doing it with somebody you don’t know is way different.”
During the ribald parts of the boys’ chatter, Tim had confessed having a couple of masturbation sessions with his friend Gene. “We never did more than watch each other jerk off until our last time,” Tim had told them. “We got naked and did it out on the back deck a couple of weekends ago. That was radical. I started playing with Gene’s cock. He didn’t stop me and the next thing I knew he was jerking mine and we got each other off. That was our best time yet and the last time we’ve had a chance to do anything.”
“I don’t want to be by myself,” Tim told the group. “I know Aiden and Nolan the best, so maybe I could be with them this time.”
“Sounds good to me,” Aiden grinned. Logan was a bit disappointed because he found Tim to be really sexy, but he understood that Tim knew Aiden and Nolan better because of their emails and chats. With Tim’s bedmates decided, the boys had little problem figuring out the rest.
Eddie and Pierce
Even though Pierce was dedicated to his boyfriend Drake, there was still a connection between the two former street kids. Eddie had become like a brother to Pierce. When the pairings were decided, Pierce and Drake assured each other there would be no fucking involved, and they kept their word.
The “brothers” took care of their teen urges with long deep kisses followed by what turned out to be a quick sixty-nine. They then cuddled and talked about their new lives. Pierce told Eddie about Burt’s sudden appearance in his life, but their overall talk was positive. The teens agreed that their life was better than they ever imagined it could be when they had been out on the streets.
Chase and Drake
“Too bad you and Pierce are so loyal to each other,” Chase said as he rubbed Drake’s muscular chest.
“Why? Do you want to fuck me?” Drake asked.
“Big time.”
“What about you and Dillon? Wouldn’t Dillon get pissed if we fucked?”
“Not if we agreed it was okay ahead of time. Dillon was cool with you and me doing it. I understand why you and Pierce agreed not to fuck, but maybe before we get together next time, you could remind him that you and me are cousins and we’re not going to run off and have a relationship. It’s just sex for getting off.”
“Cousin sex. Incest. Evil shit.”
“Is that what you think?” Chase asked.
“No, but it sounds good. All reasons why he won’t have to be scared. Besides, when I think about it, Pierce and Eddie would have loved fucking just like I would love you and me fucking.”
“We could go knock on Eddie’s door and say everybody can fuck.”
“Next time,” Drake said. “When it’s just a family visit. How about tonight we be good ole kissin’ cousins and do some wild humping.”
That was what happened. After some serious kissing and rolling around on the bed they squirted what seemed like gallons of hot teen cum over each other.
Logan and Madison
This wasn’t the first time Logan and Madison enjoyed sex with each other, but it was the first time they slept together. Madison wanted to find out what getting fucked was about. Logan told him his first time should be something special.
“You mean doing it with you isn’t, like, something special?” Madison asked.
“No, I mean it’s something you lead up to instead of saying I’ll do it now and see what it’s like.”
“How do you know this kind of shit?”
“From Chase. He was my first time with a guy, and when he finally nailed my ass I was soooooooo ready I couldn’t stand it. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll show you something new that will make you feel good.”
Madison learned how awesome being rimmed felt. He loved the feel of Logan’s tongue licking across his hole, and he enjoyed the feel of Logan’s tongue IN his hole even more. He didn’t think what Logan was doing was gross—it was so satisfyingly nasty, how could it be gross? Madison then discovered that licking somebody’s ass was wonderfully nasty as well.
Logan then showed Madison what finger fucking was about, and Madison showed him what he had learned. They finished with Logan on top of Madison, rubbing their cocks together until they squirted their watery tween cum on each other.
Curt and Dillon
The two teens were the most conservative boys at the Blowout. Dillon knew he was gay but avoided getting sexual with boys except for Chase and his brothers. He enjoyed the sex with the brothers more when Chase was involved than when it was one-on-one. With Chase, however, there were no holds barred; Dillon could be a demon in bed with his boyfriend.
Curt knew he wasn’t gay, but he lived in a family of sexual boys, two of whom were gay and one who favored whatever gender he was making out with. Curt and Dillon casually made out and talked about their relationships: Dillon with Chase, and Curt with Staci.
Curt confessed that he enjoyed sex with his brothers more than with Staci. “Staci hardly ever wants to go very far,” Curt told Dillon. “I’m not talking about going all the way, because she’s probably right about that, I’m just talking about taking some clothes off and making out—stuff like that. My brothers like having sex and nobody feels guilty—we just do it. Even Logan is a sex machine, and he’s only eleven.”
Dillon didn’t say so, but of Chase’s three brothers, he liked messing around with Curt the most. Logan was fun, but he was just a little kid. He liked Eddie okay, but he just didn’t feel connected to him. He liked Curt because he did feel a connection with him. He and Curt thought the same way and didn’t expect anything of each other except being friends.
Which was why the two of them lying naked next to each other in bed and jerking off while talking about sex was perfectly satisfying to both. They did share a quick kiss after finishing, just because the kiss made them feel like they were connected by good sensations. They didn’t snuggle after turning the lights out, but they still felt connected.
Tony and Darnell
The two had met for the first time on Friday, but they liked each other instantly. “Are you and Logan really boyfriends?” Darnell asked.
“I think we are. I mean, we’re not faking it or anything,” Tony replied.
“But you haven’t gone all the way yet, right?”
“Right, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be boyfriends.”
“I know. I was just wondering. I guess I didn’t think about stuff like that when I was eleven.”
“You didn’t think about sex?”
“I guess I didn’t say that right,” Darnell said. “I thought about sex, and I messed around with guys when I was eleven, but I didn’t seriously think about being gay or having a boyfriend or whatever. I just liked to get off.”
“You’re thirteen now, right?”
“But you said you don’t have a boyfriend now.”
“Nope. I have a couple of good friends I fuck around with, but we aren’t boyfriends. Bed buddies is what we are.”
“By fuck around, do you mean, like, you really fuck?”
“Right up the ass,” Darnell answered. “I’ve been fucked by six boys, so I guess that makes me a slut. But I don’t care. I know when I get a boyfriend, I’ll be loyal, but until then, I’ll be a horny thirteen-year-old boy.” Darnell didn’t mention that three of those six boys were at the blowout: Drake, Curt, and Eddie.
“I want to try doing it, but my first time is gonna be with Logan whenever I think I’m ready to do it,” Tony said.
“Does messing around with a black bother you?”
“Why should it? I mean if it did, I wouldn’t have asked if I could be your bed partner tonight.”
“You got me there.”
“My little brother Marco messes around with a black boy who is on his baseball team. His name is Karl. Marco says he thinks Karl is sexy and that Karl really likes doing sex. But Marco is only nine, so what does he know about sex? Well, he does know some things. He has a boyfriend whose name is Justin who is nine, too. Plus, Marco does a great job sucking my dick.”
“So does my brother,” Darnell said. “He’s fourteen. I’d love to do butt sex with you someday, after you and Logan get it going.”
“Sounds good to me.”
After that the talk died down. Tony and Darnell filled the silence with grunts and groans as they had a lively sixty-nine on the basement couch.
Aiden, Nolan, and Tim
Tim was excited about being naked with just the two boys he had chatted with online from the time Marty had sent them his picture. For the first time since everyone had gotten naked, Tim was able to closely inspect the genitals of his new friends. Aiden’s cock was cut, as was his friend Gene. Nolan was uncut. The only other uncut cock at the Blowout was Darnell’s. Tim had glimpses of a couple of others through the years, usually in the boys’ room. The only one he had ever had a long look at was when he and his friend Hal had played show and tell at the start of seventh grade back in September. Tim was disappointed that they never did anything beyond getting naked and had not done anything since.
Tim was fascinated by pubic hair as well. He was amazed by how much thicker Nolan’s was than his since they were both thirteen. Aiden didn’t have any pubic hair, but then he was still twelve. Tim hadn’t gotten any until a couple of weeks after his thirteenth birthday in March. All he had now was around a half dozen straight dark hairs. Aiden, Logan, and Madison had no hair. Tony was like him with just a few hairs, although his were hard to see unless you were close to him.
And, like all males, he liked comparing penis sizes. He was impressed with Nolan’s size. Nolan told him he was 5.5”. Aiden’s cock was maybe a quarter inch smaller than Tim’s 5”, if that much, and was thinner. Now he was excited that he was going to see how much cum his friends made. Tim had seen his brother Wade naked a couple times in a pool locker room after swimming when he was around six or seven. All he could remember was that his swinging dick was long and hairy.
“We’re going to jerk off, right?” Tim asked eagerly. He didn’t want to be naked and hard with his friends and end up not doing anything. He wanted to be able to tell Gene something special to get them both turned on.
“That was the plan we talked about, unless you want to do more,” Aiden replied.
“Jerking off is all I’ve done with a guy,” Tim said.
“You said you and your friend jerked each other off the last time you did it,”
Nolan said.
“Yeah, and that was wicked. Gene said we gotta do it again after I get back.”
“Have you done anything with girls?” Aiden asked.
“I’ve been naked with a couple. The last one was Nancy, who says I’m her boyfriend and we’re going out together.”
“Are you?”
“I guess. It sounded good to me. I’ve been naked with her in her bedroom three times and sucked on her boobs and fingered her. One time I put my cock in her pussy, but we both chickened out. I came hard just after I pulled out and shot my wad all over her stomach. She didn’t like that and thought it was gross. She made me wash it off.”
“You should have licked it off,” Nolan chuckled.
“I bet that would have totally grossed her out.”
“Do you want to jerk each other off?” Aiden asked, eager to get the subject away from girls.
“How are we going to do it? There’s three of us.”
“One of us gets in the middle on the bed and jerks off the two guys on each side and we both help the guy in the middle get off,” Nolan explained.
“Or we stand up in a kinda circle and do the guy on our right,” Aiden said.
“I like that idea. It’s simpler and I don’t have to think,” Tim said.
“Then let’s do it that way.”
They started standing side-by-side and sedately masturbating each other, but it didn’t take long for them to end up on the floor rolling on each other, humping each other, jerking each other, rubbing their hands over each other’s chest, and having a great time with their unchoreographed sex. Aiden wanted to go farther by sucking on Tim’s cock or eating out his ass but was afraid Tim would react by being grossed out.
Nolan came first when he rubbed his cock along Tim’s belly and shot over it and Tim’s chest. Aiden stuck his head in and started licking up the cum remembering that Tim had commented that Nancy, not himself, would be the one grossed out by eating cum.
If Tim was grossed out, he didn’t show it. He was on edge when he felt Nolan’s hot cum land on himself. He then started jerking himself hard. Aiden was licking up Nolan’s cum when Tim shot his much lighter emission in Aiden’s hair and on his face.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry Aiden—I couldn’t stop myself.”
“It’s cool,” Aiden said. “Maybe you and Nolan could clean my face while I take care of my cock.”
“I’ve never tasted cum. I want to try it,” Tim said.
“Nolan can jerk me off,” Aiden said. Aiden shivered when he felt Tim’s tongue work along his cheek. Nolan didn’t have to do much to get Aiden to shoot his watery drops.
“Well, how did you like standing with us and jerking off?” Nolan asked Tim.
“I liked it a little, but what happened real soon after we started; that was radical. I can’t wait to taste Gene’s cum when I get home,” Tim replied.
“You could always give him a blow job,” Aiden said.
“You guys suck each other’s dicks?” Tim asked in surprise.
“Yep, and we love it.”
“Well, you guys are gay, and I guess it’s what gay guys do. That’s not for me, but licking up cum is nasty, so what do I know?”
“Do whatever you feel comfortable doing, just don’t totally shut the door on something,” Nolan advised.
“Lots of straight boys suck cock and like it,” Aiden said. “They’ll probably stop doing it when they get older, but right now it’s just boys having fun.”
The boys cleaned up in the guest room’s bathroom and climbed into the king bed, with Aiden in the middle. Aiden and Nolan cuddled after Tim said he wasn’t interested in cuddling. The boys were tired, and they quickly fell asleep. Tim’s last thought before being taken over by sleep was wishing he had learned what his cock would have felt like in Aiden’s mouth.
<The Big Four>
Mike and Ryan were not surprised when breakfast turned into a big production. Justin and Marco wanted to help Ryan mix the pancake batter and pour it onto the griddle. Doing so was nothing new for the two of them, but they were energetic boys determined to be independent rather than listen to directions. The result was almost a “too many cooks spoil the broth” scenario. It wasn’t until Ryan said sternly that the boys were either going to follow directions or leave the kitchen that they finally settled down.
“Cooking is all about following recipes,” Ryan told them. “And doing things the right way in the kitchen and listening to the head cook is just like following a recipe.” Of course, Ryan didn’t bring up the number of times he changed a recipe on the fly while cooking a meal. He once again went over the order in which he wanted things done. This time the boys listened and followed directions.
The fact that Justin and Marco were playing naked chef, except for wearing aprons, didn’t bother Ryan as much as their inattention to detail. He blamed some of that on their near nudity but decided to let it ride if the boys focused their minds on their task. Ryan was pleased when they did exactly that after his rebuke and the three ended up making an efficient team. Ryan had not only reminded the boys of who the boss of the kitchen was, but he also surprised himself by taking a situation that was threatening to get out of control and making it work properly.
He also understood Mike had been a big help as he kept Joey and Karl occupied with setting the table, doing side tasks like pouring the orange juice, and getting other items like the syrup and butter on the dining room table.
Everyone agreed that the breakfast was awesome. The pancakes were light and fluffy, as well as hot off the griddle. Marco had warmed the real maple syrup in the microwave which added to the awesomeness. After they had finished eating, Karl and Joey helped Mike with the cleanup.
“We all worked together like a well-oiled machine,” Mike told Ryan when the last of the dishes were removed from the dishwasher.
“Eventually we did. But I had to empty out an entire can of oil to get the machine running right,” Ryan said.
“Looks to me like you added just the right amount of lubricant.”
The boys showered in pairs with Joey and Karl going first and Marco and Justin stepping in as soon as the other two were finished. Nothing overtly sexual happened, but the boys got great pleasure from washing their partners, especially their asses and private parts.
While the boys dried off and got dressed, Mike and Ryan climbed into the shower. The two men still enjoyed showering together as much as they had when they first met as preteens. The Donkey knew that when the Dawg got it into his head that he wanted to fuck in the shower, there was no stopping him. Foreplay consisted of hot water, soap, body washing, kissing, nipple pinching, and fingering. Then Ryan pressed his chest against Mike’s back, wrapped his arms around his husband, and slid his six inches of rock-hard cock slowly and powerfully into Mike’s ass. As he felt his prostate being massaged, Mike jammed his fist into his mouth to try to keep his howl of ecstasy from reverberating through the house. He was only partially successful.
After everyone was dressed, Mike and Ryan played whiffle ball with the boys, which led to a lot of laughter and sweat on the warm and sunny spring day. The sweat made everyone wonder why they had bothered to shower.
“We showered so we could be naked and touch each other,” Karl said.
“I think that is a great reason,” Justin agreed. “And maybe, we’ll just need to do it again later.”
The Dawg and Donkey shared a grin as their minds conjured up images of an even better reason to have showered.
The boys enjoyed a lunch of toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, which they finished off just before the 1:10 start of the Mariner game. They took seats on the couch and floor and settled in to watch Marty and company.
“Tony is at that game and sitting in a suite,” Marco said. He was obviously envious of his older brother, but he didn’t let it spoil his good time. While the boys didn’t get naked, they did strip down to their underpants and were tempted to take off everything. When the cameras panned the stands, the boys watched diligently for a glimpse of Tony or Aiden, who Justin knew well. Their efforts were unsuccessful.
Joey couldn’t stay until the end of the game, so they got dressed with him at the end of the sixth inning. The remaining three boys, along with Mike, Ryan, and DK Dansby, Karl’s father, watched the 8-2 win by the Mariners all the way to the end. DK had arrived a few minutes after Joey left.
After the game, Karl went home with his father, and Marco got permission from his mother to stretch his visit an extra night after asking Mike and Ryan if they were okay with it.
The clothes did come off after dinner, not to return until the next morning. After watching the Sunday night baseball game between the Padres and the Rockies, the boys retired to Justin’s room where they planned to make each other feel good. The evening was noteworthy when the preteens tried something new with each other.
It was Marco who initiated the experiment. He and Justin kissed, rubbed their little boners against each other, and petted each other’s warm smooth skin. Marco surprised Justin my licking his right nipple.
“That feels good,” Justin moaned in his high-pitched young boy voice.
“What about this?” Marco asked as he switched to Justin’s left nipple. It was a technique he had learned from Tony.
“That feels really good, too.”
“What about this?” Marco scooted down and started licking Justin’s smooth, tight scrotum.
“That feels really good,” Justin panted, “but I thought we weren’t going to do that.”
“We said we weren’t going to suck each other’s dicks, but I’m just licking your balls, so it’s okay.” Marco didn’t see himself as being devious, he was just being sensible and making his best friend feel good.
“Yeah, it’s okay then.” What Marco was doing felt so good, Justin didn’t want him to stop. Marco grabbed Justin’s cocklet and started masturbating it while he licked Justin’s testicles. It didn’t take long for Justin to have a pleasant dry cum.
“Was that okay?” Marco asked.
“That was more than okay. It was the best ever.”
“Is it okay if I do it again sometime?”
Instead of answering his friend’s question, Justin moved himself around so he could sink his face into Marco’s scrotum. He then did the same to Marco as Marco had done to him. Marco was more used to having orgasms when his balls or dick were being sucked, but that didn’t make the experience any less exciting. Because it involved Justin, he found it to be even better than doing it with his brother, which was an awesome experience all by itself.
While Justin didn’t think he was ready to suck Marco’s cock, he had to admit what they did had been a great experience. In his mind it felt right and good because they had kissed and petted and licked each other before sucking each other’s balls. What happened was that Justin had just discovered the value of foreplay, and it was something he wouldn’t forget.
The boys slept tangled together the way close friends like they were should.
<The Miller Residence>
Nolan, Aiden, and Tim were the only boys who woke to an alarm. Tim had to be ready meet his brother at nine-fifteen.
“Do you want to shower by yourself, or would you like a DB?” Nolan asked him.
“A DB?” Tim asked.
“Designated Backwasher.”
Tim grinned and said, “I’m good with that. But what about Aiden?”
“I could be your front washer, I suppose.” Aiden said. “It would save a lot of water with three of us together.”
They went into the guest room’s bathroom where Aiden and Nolan stood side-by-side and pissed. Tim took his morning piss after they finished. It didn’t take long for Aiden to set the shower and the three to get in together.
Nolan made sure Tim’s back and ass were clean. He paid extremely close attention to Tim’s grommet. While Nolan worked as Tim’s DB, Aiden took care of his front, paying particular attention to his scrotum and his hard cock. Because he was a thirteen-year-old in a new erotic experience he ended up squirting cum on Aiden as Aiden jerked Tim’s cock the same time Nolan shoved his finger into his ass. Tim’s groan was loud and long.
“I guess you liked how we washed you,” Nolan said.
“Shit, I wish I’d met you guys a long time ago,” Tim moaned. “Are you going to get off?”
“Nolan is,” Aiden said as he had Tim stand aside and then placed Nolan’s hard cock into his mouth. Even though he just came, Tim could feel his cock harden again. Aiden jerked himself off and came seconds before Nolan shot into his mouth.
“Fuck, that was totally hot. I ain’t even gay and that was a turn-on,” Tim said.
“You gotta come up to Mayfield someday and we’ll give you a real education,” Aiden said as he squirted shampoo into his hair.
“I’ll have to work on that.”
The boys knew they had gone overtime on their shower but figured the three of them showering separately would have taken as much time. They didn’t care—they would all be heading home by noon.
After drying themselves, the boys went back to the guest room. “Damn, I have to wear my dirty underpants to breakfast,” Tim said. “What are you guys going to wear?”
“Just our clean underpants,” Aiden replied.
“That’s it?”
“Don’t be surprised if some guys show up naked, although we agreed not to today because parents might be coming during the morning.”
“I bet that Madison kid comes naked,” Tim chuckled.
“His mother is helping with breakfast,” Aiden said.
“Oh, well then I guess he won’t be naked then.”
“According to Logan, his mother being here might not stop him from doing it, though.”
“You guys are really a crazy bunch,” Tim said shaking his head. “But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“Now is the time to borrow a pair from Curt, because you can give them back,” Nolan suggested. Which is what Tim ended up doing.
It turned out that nobody, not even Madison, showed up to breakfast naked. Yesterday had been their naked breakfast day. In essence the party had ended when the boys fell asleep the night before. What was left was the business of eating breakfast, chatting, showering for those who hadn’t showered yet (Eddie, Pierce, Drake, Tony, and Logan) and playing games or watching television.
When Wade arrived at a little after nine, he was surprised to see the boys dressed in nothing more than their underpants and t-shirts, although half of them were shirtless. His little brother was among the shirtless and was wearing a pair of yellow and blue boxers, which Wade knew didn’t belong to him. Wade handed Tim a bag with fresh boxers and a pair of fresh socks.
Aiden and Nolan went to the guest room to watch Tim dress. Their motive, of course, was that they wanted to see him naked one last time, and he didn’t disappoint.
“Do you like what you see?” Tim asked.
“You know it,” Aiden replied.
“I guess I could get used to people looking at me naked.”
“I hope you didn’t get a middle seat on the plane,” Nolan said. “Those things are sucky.”
“Dude, I’m flying first class and I’ve got a window seat. It’s nice having a rich brother,” Tim grinned.
“Well, then you’re in good shape for your flight.”
Tim dressed quickly and placed his dirty underwear and the Mariner t-shirt he had worn to the game into the bag Wade had given him.
“Hey, big guy, give us a hug,” Nolan said.
Tim didn’t hesitate to give Aiden and Nolan each a big hug. “Thanks for being so cool and being my friends. I hope we get to see each other soon.”
“I have a feeling it’s going to happen,” Aiden said.
The boys went downstairs and said their goodbyes to Tim. Tim had fit right in with the group and in less than a day they had accepted him as a friend. The night before he had traded contact information with most of the Dozen.
Tim thanked the Miller brothers, and Eddie in particular, for organizing the great party, even if he had been there for only part of it. He thanked Troy, Susan, and Madison’s mother, Laurie for all they did.
Madison got a special hug from Tim. “Stay awesome, Mad Dog,” Tim told him.
“I will, just for you,” Madison said and then he planted a quick kiss on Tim’s lips. Tim mussed the younger boy’s blue hair and left with his brother.
“That blue haired boy is interesting,” Wade said as they pulled away from the Miller house.
“That’s Madison,” Tim told him.
“Is he a little gay boy?”
“I dunno. All I know is he’s called Mad Dog and that’s exactly what he is.”
“I guess you had a good time.”
“The best. Me and Aiden and Nolan want to get together again.”
Wade gave Tim a quick glance. He found it interesting his little brother wanted to visit two boys his age who were openly gay. On his flight home, Tim had to fight a raging hard on after the plane was airborne. He had never felt turned on like this after messing around with Gene or with the two girls, but for some reason the boys at the Cousin Dozen, especially Aiden and Nolan, made him extra horny. He eventually had to go into the little airplane restroom to shoot his load into the toilet.
The next to leave were Aiden, Nolan, and Darnell, who had trains to catch. Aiden and Nolan would be taking the 12:45 Cascades to Centralia and Darnell the 12:30 Cascades to Bellingham, where his father would meet him. Troy signed Darnell over to his train’s conductor and then did the same for Aiden and Nolan.
All the guests had left for home by one o’clock. Chase, Logan, Curt, and Eddie received thanks and a lot of hugs. Eddie was overcome with emotion when everyone from his friends to his parents, to his brothers who he loved so much, told him what an awesome job he had done. Eddie felt the party was one of the high points of his life, ranking just after his being adopted by the Miller family.
The Cousin Dozen Blowout was over. All the adults involved in putting it on, including Walker, Marty, Wade, and Keegan agreed the party was great, the organization was great, and the dozen (plus one) boys involved couldn’t have been better. The Cousin Dozen Blowout was a great success and just what was needed to prepare the tween and teens involved for what would be coming up in a couple of weeks: summer vacation.
Next: Bumps in the Road