Emerald City Boys

Chapter 25-A Loaded Saturday

<Trajan and Tony>
Because Trajan had an early afternoon lacrosse match, Marne had strongly suggested that he get up no later than nine-thirty. Tony knew, and Trajan was quickly learning, that a strong suggestion from Marne meant, “Do it!”
Tony had set his alarm clock. Since any alarm would wake them up, he decided his clock was better than a phone. The alarm woke them to music. It was situated on his nightstand, which meant Tony had to get out of Trajan’s bed and cross over to his bed to shut it off.
“Hey, nice wood,” Trajan said sleepily when he noticed Tony’s morning erection.
“Thanks,” Tony responded. “I use only the best quality wood.” He was able to handle the wakeup call much better than his older cousin.
“Maybe I should test its strength to make sure you didn’t get ripped off.”
Tony didn’t expect a sexy retort, but he was more than willing to go along with it. “Maybe that can be done in the shower.”
“Don’t you want to get in your bed and get some more sleep?”
“Nah. I’m up and awake so I might as well have a good breakfast with you. After we shower.”
“I still can’t believe Uncle Luigi and Aunt Marne aren’t having a cow over us guys sharing the shower.”
“Mom doesn’t have a clue that sometimes we play around a little bit in there and dad loves the fact we’re saving water, which means he’s saving money. He says what we save in a shower ain’t much, but it all adds up. Although he has wondered a couple of times how one shower can last longer than two of them and he tells us to watch the time. We do, until we don’t.”
Their shower didn’t last much longer than a single shower. The first thing Trajan did when he stepped under the running water was grab Tony’s cock and proclaim that it was good wood. They then washed each other, with Trajan giving Tony an extra thrill when he was washing his back. Trajan stuck a soapy finger up his cousin’s ass, causing him to shudder and emit a loud squeak.
“Ohh, that felt good,” Tony said as Trajan pulled his finger out.
“I hit your sweet spot. I’ll tell you more about it some other time.”
“It’s cool. Logan’s stuck a finger up my ass before.”
“And now you’re hoping he sticks something else up tonight, right?”
“I think so. I’m a little scared.”
“Trust me, cuz. You’ll end up liking it.” Trajan shut off the water and the boys stepped out and dried.
“I hope you’re right,” Tony said after a bit of a delay.
The boys came into the kitchen wearing t-shirts and underpants: red briefs with white trim for Tony and checkered boxer shorts for Trajan.
After a big breakfast, Trajan packed his equipment bag with his gear for his afternoon game. Time flew quickly and soon the boys were eating sliders Marne fixed up as a pregame snack. It was not as big as a lunch but big enough so hunger wouldn’t be a problem for Trajan during the game. Tony enjoyed a couple as well, but he saved room for a hot dog from the concession stand at the Mercer Island Sports Complex.
 Luigi, Marne, and Tony were all going to watch Trajan’s lacrosse debut, which made the match a DeLuca family outing. They left early enough to arrive fifteen minutes before the team’s scheduled arrival time.
Levi arrived a couple of minutes later and grinned when he saw Trajan. “Way to be early, bro. That’s what Falcons do.” He said hello to the DeLucas and he and Trajan headed to the field to warm up. The entire team was on the field by 12:15, the time Coach Vincent had told them that warmups would commence.
Trajan knew he wasn’t going to start, but he hoped to get a lot of playing time. The Mercer Island Islanders got off to a quick start and soon had a 3-0 lead. Coach Vincent and Coach Patrick were surprised by the sloppy play of the Falcons, especially after they had looked so sharp in their first game against the Queen Anne Royals. They decided it was time to see what the new kid on the block could do for them. Coach Vincent told Trajan to report into the game.
The DeLucas cheered loudly when they saw Trajan enter the game. Most of the parents didn’t know anything about Trajan other than he was the new kid from California. They learned quickly what that new kid could do.
Trajan was a dynamo on the field and his energy was contagious. The coaches were pleased that this was the player they had seen in practice and then some. They knew that a few players were practice players and didn’t bring the same energy into a game. Most were the same players in games as they were in practice. Trajan, however, took what his already energetic practice game had shown and stepped it up.
It didn’t take long for the Falcons to get on the scoreboard after Trajan entered the game. Levi scored a goal off a perfect pass by Trajan. Trajan scored a goal of his own just before the first quarter ended with the Islanders leading 4-2.
The Falcons scored five goals in the second quarter, one of them by Trajan and one by Denny Wolfe, the team captain, off a Trajan assist. Everyone had stepped up his game, including Mitch Murphy, the goalie, and the score at the half was tied at 7-7. The Falcons knew that the Islanders were supposed to be one of the top teams in the league, and they were elated to have come from behind to tie them.
The second half was more of the same and was dominated by the Falcons. Trajan had one more goal and two more assists as the Falcons ran away with a 17-12 win. When the game ended the Falcon players traded celebratory hugs and high fives before getting into the handshake line to accept the congratulatory handshakes of the Islanders. The two hugs that meant the most to Trajan were the one from Levi, which included a quick kiss on his cheek, and the one from Jack, who had done all he could to make Trajan’s life miserable during his practices.
“Hey, California dude, your game was dope,” Jack said as he held on to Trajan. “You can play on my team anytime. You’re, like, a real-life Falcon.”
Coach Vincent held a quick congratulatory meeting. “You guys stepped up your game and did a great job coming back. For our next game, let’s work at being ready to play our best from the get-go.” He also reminded the players that they had practice on Monday and a game on Wednesday against the Mukilteo Dragons.
Trajan accepted a handshake from Luigi, who wasn’t much of a hugger, and a loving hug from Marne, who was. He also received a hug from Tony who said, “See what sleeping with me does for you, cuz. Have fun with Levi and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks, cuz. You’re becoming an awesome roomie. I’m glad I got stuck with you. I want the full story of what you guys do, tomorrow.”
“Ditto for me,” Tony said.
Trajan went to the car and traded his equipment bag for a gym bag that had his overnight clothes. He then went to where Levi’s car was parked, where he greeted Levi’s mother and met his father. This would be his second Seattle overnight, but the first with a special friend that he made all on his own. He was ready for it to get underway.
<The Miller Residence>
Logan and Madison also woke up to an alarm since they had an afternoon baseball game and Logan wanted to get an early shower in. The Miller residence was in for a busy morning since all six boys there had games: Curt and Eddie with the Vipers, Logan and Madison with the Stampeders, and Chase and Dillon with the Rainiers.
Logan could hear that Chase was already taking a shower. He assumed Dillon was in the shower with him. That assumption was correct. It was a quick, chaste shower that did what showers usually do and that was getting     the users clean.
As soon as he heard the water shut off, Logan hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom door, which was not locked. It was piss and shower time. Madison came out right after him and ogled at the two athletic teens drying themselves.
“Good morning, Madison,” Chase grinned as Madison waited for Logan to finish pissing. He didn’t feel like pissing side by side in front of fifteen- and fourteen-year-old teens.
Logan and Madison’s shower was equally chaste. Just after they finished, Curt and Eddie, who had their own shower in the hall bathroom, took back-to-back showers. Even in the Miller family sex wasn’t always at the top of the to-do list, although it was a close call.
Troy and Susan had some tough decisions to make as to which games to attend. Even though the three games didn’t start at the same time, they all could overlap at some point.
The Vipers game started at 11:30. Troy drove Curt and Eddie. The ballfield was less than a mile from the Miller residence. He parked and the boys went to the first base dugout, which would be their dugout as the home team.  Troy found himself a seat next to a couple of fathers he knew well. The Vipers were playing the Edmonds Pilots at home. Terry McNeil pitched six shutout innings in a 6-2 win by the Vipers. Dwight Lewis gave up two runs in the top of the seventh. Curt, who played first base,          went two-for-four with two runs batted in. Eddie caught the first six innings and was hitless in three at bats.
The Stampeders game was scheduled for one o’clock at Tukwila, which was a town a couple of miles south of Seattle, but a much longer distance from the Magnolia district, which was in the northwest corner of Seattle. Susan would be staying for the entire game. The games in their league were six innings because of the younger age of the players.
Susan couldn’t help but be amused by the conversation between Logan and Madison. “Make sure you ask Bailey to warm up with you. He’ll be easier to talk to that way,” Logan said.
 “He’s so quiet and I don’t know if it’s because he’s like, real shy, or just doesn’t like any of us. I know we’ve all tried to talk to him and he’s friendly, but he doesn’t say much. What if he doesn’t want to talk to me?” Madison asked.
“Then he isn’t worth having as a friend, no matter how cute and nice he is. I mean, who wouldn’t want to talk and warmup with an awesome dude like you.”
“It would help if he didn’t, like, go to the rich kids’ school and went to our school. Then I’d already kind of know him. Me and you never saw him before until our first turnout.”
“Madison, you’re worrying too much. Just be your awesome, wild self, and tell him he should dye his hair yellow. Then he’ll want to be your friend forever and you go from there.”
“I don’t know who’s loonier about this—you or me?”
“Oh, me for sure cuz I already got a boyfriend,” Logan said, not caring if his mother heard him talk about having a boyfriend. He was more concerned about using bad grammar. He knew from listening to his parents that his mother worried more about Eddie and Curt going out with girls than Chase and him going out with boys.
“I don’t care about him being a boyfriend. I just want him to be a friend. You’ve seen how it is. Everybody on the team likes him but he doesn’t have any real good friends on the team.”
“I can’t think of anybody better to have as a really good friend than you.”
The boys quieted down when Susan drove into the parking lot and found a parking spot. They both incorrectly figured that because she was concentrating on driving, she couldn’t overhear what they were talking about, and now that she was parking, she’d hear it all.
As chance would have it, Bailey showed up just as Logan and Madison were leaving their car. Bailey’s mom and dad were both in the car and mom was driving. She parked a slot away from Susan.
Madison made a beeline for Bailey, greeted him, and received a friendly greeting in return. “Do you want to warm up with me?” Madison asked Bailey.
“I’d love to,” Bailey grinned as he pulled his equipment bag out of the trunk.
“I’ll go get mine,” Madison said. Logan was standing next to the car.
“Looks like it went okay,” Logan said as Madison grabbed his bag and shut the hatch.
“He said right away that he’ll warm up with me.”
“There’s this quote that my dad uses sometimes that he says comes from an old movie. It goes, ‘This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.’”
“We’ll see,” Madison said with a wide smile. 
Logan and Bailey exchanged fist bumps and the three boys headed onto the field. The boys dropped off their equipment bags in the dugout after taking out their gloves. Madison and Bailey grabbed a practice ball from the ball box, greeted Coach Strong, and ran out to the out of play area to warm up. Logan and Bud Graham, who was one of Logan’s best friends on the team, grabbed a ball, greeted the coach, and joined their teammates.
After warming up, Madison asked Bailey if he would meet with him after the game for a couple of minutes. Bailey said he would, and they joined Coach Strong’s brief pregame meeting. Madison was going to start at shortstop, Bailey was the starting leftfielder, and Logan would be the starting pitcher. Logan was pleased that Bud would be his catcher, since they’d found themselves on the same wavelength in Logan’s last start, a complete game 7-0 shutout.
This time Logan didn’t pitch a shutout, but he did pitch a complete game as the Stampeders beat the Tukwila Titans 5-1. Madison had two hits, a walk, and scored two runs. Bailey tripled and scored. Logan had a rare, for him, hitless day, going 0-for-3.
After the game Bailey asked Madison what he wanted to talk about. Logan waved to Bailey, high-fived Madison, and headed off to meet Susan. “Since we got, like, an early practice on Tuesday,” Madison began, “I was sorta, like, wondering, if maybe, you’d like to come to my house after practice for dinner and we could talk and, you know, like get to know each other. I mean if it’s okay with our ‘rents of course.”
“Wow, thanks Madison,” Bailey responded with a wide grin. “You’re the first person on the team to really talk to me like that. I mean everybody is nice to me, it’s like you all know each other from school, and I was feeling kind of left out. You and Logan have been great, and Bud’s another one who has been, but this is, like, totally awesome.”
“I guess I’d better warn you that my mom, is like, a lesbian, and her girlfriend Carmen might be there.”
“I don’t care about that kind of stuff. My parents tell me I have to accept diversity and be tolerant and my teachers at my school say the same thing.” 
“That’s dope. I’m like, the same way. I guess when you think about it, I’d better be tolerant since my mom is a lesbian.”
“Bailey, hurry up. Your dad and I are ready to go,” Bailey’s mother called out.
Madison held out his phone. He had his phone number on the screen. “Here, take a pic and text me your number and we can get this figured out really soon.”
Bailey took the picture and said, “You’re a pretty smart dude, having your number ready like that. I’ll let you know about dinner before the day is over.”
Bailey introduced Madison to his parents on the way to their cars. Bailey wasn’t going to mention dinner until after Madison had asked his mother about it. It didn’t take long for that to happen; Laurie was chatting with Susan as the boys walked up. She saw Madison and Bailey stop at the BMW parked two slots from Susan’s car. The boy was obviously introducing Madison to his parents and Laurie wanted to be a part of the goings on, especially if it meant Madison finding a new friend.
“Hey, mom,” Madison called out when he saw her coming over.
“Nice game, boys,” Laurie said.
“Thanks, mom.”  “Thanks Mrs. Baker,” Madison and Bailey said simultaneously.
“Mom, this is my teammate and friend, Bailey, and Bailey, this is my mom, Laurie Baker.” Bailey reached out and shook Laurie’s hand with a polite, but firm, handshake. Bailey felt a warm feeling shoot through him when Madison called him his friend.
“And this is my mom and dad, Wade and Liz Overton.”
Susan and Logan had followed Laurie and were standing to the side. Another round of introductions was made. “I’m sorry I didn’t approach you earlier in the season, but I can’t always make the games on time or even make some games, and I guess introducing myself to new parents got lost in the shuffle. It was an inexcusable oversight.” Susan shook hands with Bailey’s parents.
The Overtons told her not to worry about it and she returned to her car with Logan. She was determined to make up for her oversight by inviting the Overton’s to dinner sometime in the near future.
“Me and Bailey want to ask you parents something,” Madison said.
“Ask away,” Laurie said. She had a good idea of what Madison was going to ask.
“Well, we were, like, wondering if, since we got an early practice on Tuesday, if Bailey could come to dinner at my house,” Madison said.
“I can make that happen, if Wade and Liz are good with it,” Laurie grinned.
“We don’t want the boys to put you out,” Liz said.
“No worries. I love having Madison’s friends come over. With their practice over at four-thirty and me getting off work at four I can make dinner happen by five-thirty, six, no problem.”
“Well, then have a good time at your Tuesday dinner,” Liz said. “I’m happy for Bailey to be asked. He’s new to the team, as you know, and hasn’t been making friends very quickly.”
“Like Logan’s mom said, that was, like, an inexcusable oversight,” Madison said.
“How would you like to have a late lunch with us?” Liz asked.
Laurie didn’t hesitate to give her answer. “Sounds great to me.”
Bailey and Madison cheered. They loved the idea of their families getting to know each other better, which meant they could be together a little longer to get to know each other.
“There’s a great restaurant near here built of old railroad cars,” Wade said. “Their burgers are to die for. And lunch is on us.”
“Well, thank you.”
Wade gave Laurie the address of the restaurant and directions for getting there. Madison and Bailey wanted to ride with each other, but they each ended up riding with their parents to Andy’s Diner.
<Trajan and Levi>
When they arrived at Levi’s house, Trajan and Levi went up to Levi’s room and dropped off their bags. Trajan was impressed by Levi’s neat, organized room. The major decorations were sports oriented. Other than its neatness it was a room that obviously belonged to a young adolescent boy.
“Mom’s got snacks for us, so let’s go eat and then go sit in the pool,” Levi said.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Trajan grinned.
They ran to the kitchen and snacked on banana bread and then ran back to Levi’s room to change into their swimming trunks. As they removed their lacrosse uniforms, Levi asked Trajan if he was going to wear underpants under his swimming suit.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” Trajan replied.
“You mean I get to see you naked?”
“Unless you don’t want to.”
“It doesn’t bother me as long as you don’t care about seeing me naked.”
“So, who strips first?” Trajan asked. Before Levi could answer, Trajan gave his own answer by stripping off his boxer shorts and standing naked in front of his new friend.
Levi stared at Trajan’s crotch and said, “You’ve got a bigger one than me and a lot more hair down there than I do.” He pulled off his boxershorts, revealing an uncut cock that was smaller than Trajan’s and a pubic area with scattered hairs as opposed to Trajan’s filled in pubis. He finally grabbed his swimsuit and pulled it on. Trajan did the same.
“We can admire each other’s bods later. Let’s go get wet.”
They donned their swimming trunks and went out to the patio and jumped into the pool. Levi grabbed a ball that was on the deck and the two played various games of catch until they got tired of that and started wrestling. Since Trajan was bigger and stronger than Levi, he got the most dunks, but Levi was quick and sneaky and managed to get in a few dunks of his own.
And of course, the inevitable happened; a stray hand found an available crotch. In this case, it was Levi’s hand that found Trajan’s cock and balls.
“Oops, sorry,” Levi said when he realized what he had done. His face was red with embarrassment. “Your dick got hard really fast when I touched it.”
“Not a problem,” Trajan grinned. “You can grab it any time you want. But now you owe me a feel.”
“It’s okay as long as nobody is looking. But my mom and dad aren’t out here and are probably in the kitchen working on dinner. Just make it quick. But I really am sorry like I said, especially after what happened.”
“Like I said, it’s not a problem. You’re not the first guy to feel my boner.”
“Oh, okay.” Levi wasn’t sure what to say and that was all he could say.
Trajan was pleased that Levi was willing to let his crotch get grabbed. He pushed his hand inside Levi’s trunks and felt his new friend’s small testicles and then jiggled his cock as both boys giggled. A few minutes later they decided to leave the pool and dry out in the sun. They knew that Arlene was in the kitchen cooking dinner.
They set two chaise lounges side by side and they each plopped down into one of them. “That was a fun swim,” Levi said. “Not that we did much swimming. You’re fun to be around, even if you cheated at wrestling.”
“How did I cheat?”
“By being bigger than me.”
“I plead guilty,” Trajan grinned. He liked Levi’s sense of humor.
Levi changed the subject to the news he and Trajan had received a couple of weeks ago. “It’s weird how our workshop got changed.”
“Well, like your mom said, she goofed by scheduling that last workshop right before the July Fourth holiday.”
“Yeah, I know, and professor mom doesn’t goof very often. But when she does, it’s usually a doozy of a mistake. That’s the bad news. The good news is she was able to reschedule it.” The rescheduling changed the workshop from Monday, June 29, through Thursday  with a field trip on Friday, July 3, to Monday through Wednesday of the original week with one more workshop on Tuesday, July 7 of the next week and the field trip on Wednesday. Almost everybody was cool with it. Some vacations got in the way of the second week, but they would get a full refund and a free workshop next summer even if they went the first week.
Trajan switched back to the original topic. “So, as far as your making me hard and feeling bad about it, it sounds like you’ve never touched anybody’s dick before,” Trajan said.
“Only by accident, like I did with yours.”
“You didn’t seem really eager to let it go,” Trajan laughed. “Wanna try making it an purpose grab? You know, like a you touching me and me touching you kind of thing.”
Levi was quiet for a few seconds and then said, “I’ve got to think about it a bit.”
“It’s cool. Take your time.” Trajan thought about the prime rule with Marco as well Drake and Pierce, not to mention a lot of the East Harbor boys—no means no and nobody has to do anything they don’t want to do. He decided it was a rule that was more than appropriate to follow with Levi, who not only was a cute kid and a smart kid, but a sweet kid. “Don’t feel like you have to do anything. Do only what you want to do.” ‘And where the fuck did that thought come from?’ he wondered. ‘Am I becoming Mister Nice Guy here in Seattle?’
“It sounds like you’ve done lots of sex stuff,” Levi said.
“Yeah, I guess I have. But tonight isn’t gonna be about the sex stuff I did, it’s gonna be about us just being friends.”
“I was kind of hoping to do with you what I’ve done with my friend, which was just taking off our pants and undies and watching each other jerk off. We’ve done it on my bed mostly and in the living room watching TV a few times. Out on the patio once. That was the one time we were naked. But we’ve never touched each other.” Levi wondered why he was telling Trajan, his sexual history. ‘It can only be because he’s only staying for the summer and this will give me a chance to do some new things that I’m afraid to do with CJ and Jack because they’re not going anywhere.’ Much to his chagrin, Levi felt his dick start to bone up.
“Wow, you and your friend have been busy boys. Have you seen anybody else with a boner other than your friend?” Trajan asked.
“Two other guys. I’ll even tell you who they are since we didn’t do anything. All I did was see their boner. One was Jack on our team. I’ve seen him twice. Once was in Social Studies class just before school was out when we were the only ones sitting in the back of the room. I saw his pants all bulging out and he saw me staring at them. He looked over at me and started playing with himself and then looked at the teacher, who was sitting at his desk helping somebody with the assignment we were supposed to be working on. So, he unzipped and pulled out his boner which was way bigger than CJ’s…Oops, you didn’t hear that.”
“I kind of thought that’s who you were talking about since you two are always together at practices and he spends nights with you,” Trajan grinned. “So, no harm no foul. I won’t tell nobody about him and you won’t tell nobody about me, although you can tell CJ if you want.”
Levi breathed a sigh of relief. When he first met Trajan, he felt a little intimidated by him but kept liking him more and more. Now, he liked him totally. It was almost like he was a long-time friend.
“Who was the other one?”
“My big brother, Roger. He was home from college for spring break. I was nine then. We were in the pool and as he got on the ladder to get out of the pool, I saw his swimsuit bulging out with his boner, only I didn’t know what it was. I asked him what was shoving his swimsuit out, so he pulled off his swimsuit and showed me. That wasn’t my first time seeing him naked, but it was my first time seeing a boner, except when my little thing got hard, which didn’t happen much back then. Anyway, I pulled my swimsuit off and we sat on the patio since mom and dad weren’t home and he gave me a sex-ed lesson, complete with cum. He told me it would be the only time he would do it and it was, but when CJ and I were ten I knew enough to get him started jerking off with me.”
“Damn, you and CJ have been doing it for what, over two years?”
“Yep. And all this talking has given me a boner,” Levi said. He quickly pulled down the front of his swimsuit to show off his four-inch, hairless boner, then yanked the front back up.
“Nice.” Trajan then followed Levi’s lead by showing off his five-inch, hairy cock. “You’re always so quiet on the team and when I’ve seen you before, I didn’t know you could talk so much,” Trajan chuckled.
“I am pretty chatty with my friends. Especially with CJ.”
“Does that make me a friend?
“Yes, it does.” Levi and Trajan traded high tens to make their friendship official. “Oh, and I was going to tell you, the other time I saw Jack’s boner was at the Falcon practice before you joined the team. He showed it to CJ and me before practice and said he’d jerk off for us after practice if we stuck around. We didn’t stick around, but not because we didn’t want to. We had parents waiting on us.”
Their erotic conversation was interrupted by Arlene calling the boys to change for dinner. The two horny adolescents got off their chaise lounges and went into the house.
<Drake and the college boys>
“Drake, honey, could you please take Lincoln for a walk in the park? I have a lot of work yet to do what with company coming for dinner,” Drake’s stepmother, Natalie, asked. Keegan’s boss at McCall Trucking, Seth McCall and his wife, Carla, would be coming to dinner that evening.
“I’d be happy to,” Drake responded. “Who knows, maybe somebody will mistake me for Lincoln’s father again.”
“As I understand the story, the reason that happened was because you all but said you were his father.”
“Come on, mom, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.”
Drake went into Lincoln’s nursery and almost melted when he saw his baby brother’s look of recognition. Before taking Lincoln for a stroll, however, he knew he had to check something important. That ended up being an action that took away Drake’s warm feeling when he realized he was going to have to perform a diaper change. Being a big brother was great, but it did have its shortfalls.
After taking care of the diaper change, Drake dressed Lincoln for the walk and carried him downstairs to his baby stroller. Natalie came down behind him with a bottle of formula in case the infant decided he was hungry, which was quite possible. As Keegan had put it once, four-month-old Lincoln and sixteen-year-old Drake were pretty much on the same feeding schedule. Drake had the feeling his father wasn’t kidding around. Natalie also had a cold can of ginger ale for Drake.
When they got to the park, Drake strolled around the lake which was at the center of the park. The distance around the lake was just over a mile and the entire trail was paved. As much as he enjoyed strolling with his brother, he couldn’t help but wish he was jogging around the lake. He made up his mind that he needed to talk to his parents about getting one of the high-end strollers that he could run with.
At the end of the first circuit of the lake Drake pushed the stroller into a shady area and sat on a park bench. He wasn’t sure whether it was to give him a break, Lincoln a break, or both of them a break, but it felt good to sit down and chug down a cold drink. He took his can of ginger ale out of a pocket on the carriage and took a quick swig. Lincoln was sucking on his binky and since he wasn’t cranky Drake figured he wasn’t hungry.
He noticed a couple joggers running along the north shore of the lake. As they made the turn onto the paved trail of the west shore, Drake saw that the joggers were Taylor and Dayne, the two gay college students he and Pierce had befriended. They recognized Drake and stopped.
“Hey, kid, how’s it hanging?” Taylor asked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Drake responded.
“I see you have baby-sitting duty again.”
“And loving every minute of it.”
“But hey, you’re the one who’s sixteen, right?”
“Yep, and proud of it.”
“Well, that means we can go back into those trees and you can help me know how you’re hanging because you’re old enough to show me.”
“It also means, I can keep you in suspense because I got my baby brother with me.”
“Right, like he’s gonna have a clue of what’s going on. Hell, if you think your little wienie is gonna traumatize him, park him so he’s looking the other way.”
“Whatever. I take my duties seriously.”
“I could watch him while my brah watches you.”
“Sorry, but Lincoln doesn’t leave my sight. No offense, but I’ve known you for maybe an hour or so overall.”
“Hey, I totally understand. You’re the Drake kid, right?” Dayne asked. Drake nodded. “You’re a good big bro, Drake and I respect that.”
“And your boyfriend is Pierce, right?” Taylor asked.
“You guys are pretty good at remembering names,” Drake said.
“We are when we meet a pair of hotties like you and your brah,” Taylor said. “Oh, and when is Pierce’s birthday again?”
“It’s a long way off—not until January 15.”
“Well, shit, Taylor and me so want to have a four way with you hot teen dudes,” Dayne said. “Would Pierce go ballistic if you, maybe snuck behind some trees with us some day?  You know, like when little baby brother isn’t with you.”
“As long as we don’t fuck and I tell him what happened, he’s cool with it. He plays some in Seattle and loves turning me on by telling me what he did. It’s hot for me because I know the dude he did it with.”
“So, why don’t you and Taylor trade phone numbers so we can set something up and don’t have to wait until we meet by accident.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Drake said. He wondered why Dayne wanted to use Taylor’s number instead of his own, but he didn’t push it. They exchanged numbers and agreed to meet soon. “Oh, by the way dudes, here’s something for you to think about when you fuck each other in the woods.” Drake squeezed his shorts to emphasize the bulge his six and a half inches were making.
“That’s hot dude, totally hot,” Taylor said. He looked both ways to see if anyone was in sight. Seeing that the coast was clear, and that Lincoln was facing away from him, he yanked down the front of his running shorts and boxer briefs and gave Drake a two second glance of his seven and a half inches of rock hard nineteen-year-old cock. Drake almost swooned with desire at the brief sight. The two college boys then left the lake trail and ran down the dirt trail going into the woods.
Drake got up off the bench, adjusted his shorts so the throbbing bulge inside of them wasn’t as obvious and resumed his walk with Lincoln. “Well, little bro, nothing like having a couple of hot and horny gay college dudes becoming the second best to happen to you in the day. Taking you on a walk was the best thing to happen, of course.”
<Madison and Bailey>
Madison was smitten with Andy’s Diner. Not just because it was made from old railroad cars attached to each other, but also because the food kicked ass. His “Empire Builder” burger was not only huge, but it was also truly delicious as well. Bailey had a “Mainstreeter”, which was a BLT.
Wade, Liz, and Laurie enjoyed watching and listening to the byplay between their sons. They talked about the Stampeders’ “epic win”, what Bailey’s school was like, what kind of grades they received, (they were both honor roll students), Bailey’s upcoming overnight at Madison’s, and their next game on Wednesday against Lake Washington.
 Madison learned that most of Bailey’s classmates and friends who played baseball played for the University Cubs, who would be their opponent the week after next. Bailey learned that Logan’s best friend, Tony, played for the team they were playing next week, the Lake City Guardians. Tony attended Jane Addams Middle School, which was the Big Rival of Blaine Middle School, which Logan attended.
Madison and Bailey also shared jokes and shared other topics. It was after Madison told a joke that cracked both of them up that Liz dropped a pleasant surprise on them. “Hey, Bailey, what did the skeleton have with his milkshake?” Madison asked his new friend.
“Hmmm, I dunno. A sandwich, maybe?”
“Nope. He had a mop.” Both boys, along with Wade, had a good laugh at what was essentially a dad joke.
Bailey took a big sip of his chocolate milkshake and then looked down at the floor. “Oh, oh, somebody call the waitress—my milkshake is leaking through me and onto the floor.”
Madison wrapped his arms around Bailey and hugged him as they both shook with laughter. The two tweens were laughing so hard they were fighting to breathe.
Liz looked over at Laurie and grinned. Laurie knew from a conversation they’d had ten minutes before that they were surprised as to how quickly their sons had bonded. They had agreed that it was like they had been friends for years instead of an hour. Laurie nodded her head.
Liz waited for the boys to regain control before dropping her surprise. “Would you boys be averse to spending the night together at our house?”
“For real?” “Seriously?” they asked simultaneously.
“Yes, to both questions.”
“That would be a yes from me,” Madison said. “Even if I don’t got anything to wear but my uniform and my dirty underwear.”
“I say yes, too, as long as Cosmos approves,” Bailey responded. “And as far as dirty underwear goes, Cosmos might want a big sniff of them.”
“Bailey, behave,” Liz said as she fought breaking out into a smile. She loved that her often staid, uptight son, was being so loose around his new friend, even if he did creep over the line a bit.
“Who’s Cosmos?” Madison asked.
“He’s my cat. And don’t worry, he will approve or no salmon treats for him.”
“And as far as clothes go, I have an emergency overnight bag in the trunk of the car,” Laurie revealed.
“You do?” Madison asked incredulously.
“Yes, I do. This isn’t the first time you’ve received a last-minute overnight invitation.”
“I think it might be, like, the second,” Madison pointed out.
“I was caught by surprise once and didn’t want it to happen again.”
Madison gave his mother a peck on the cheek. “You’re the best mom, the absolute best.”
Madison could tell he was going to love Bailey as a friend. He might look like a conservative preppy (except in his baseball uniform, where he looked amazingly sexy) but he had a bit of a wild side in his skull. This was starting to look like it was going to be an extra fun overnight.
<Drake and Pierce>
After getting Lincoln home, Drake checked his diaper which was still dry. He told his mom that the baby didn’t drink any of his formula. “I’ll take care of it, honey. Thanks for the help.”
Drake wasn’t sure whether or not he liked his stepmother calling him honey. He couldn’t remember his real mother ever doing that, but she might have when he was really little. Natalie was his aunt by blood and through a series of complex actions became his stepmother when she and Keegan adopted him after they married.
Drake went to his room, shut the door, and stripped naked. His little foray with Dayne and Taylor had turned him totally on. His cock was set on hair trigger, but instead of giving himself instant gratification, he picked up his phone and dialed Pierce.
“Hey, Duck, wazzup?” Pierce asked.
“Hey, Pooka. You want to take a guess?”
“I’m betting it’s a beautiful rod that’s well over six inches long.”
“Damn, you’ve got good eyes. I took Lincoln for a stroll in the park. Can you guess who I saw there?”
Pierce paused for a moment and then said, “My psychic mental powers say it’s two totally gay college dudes somewhere around eighteen or nineteen, who saw you, and started drooling all over you.”
“You could make some pretty good money with those psycho mental powers of yours.”
“That was psyCHIC, not psyCHO. Damn, Duck, you either gotta clean out your ears or get a better phone.”
“Taylor flashed me for a couple of secs. I almost creamed my boxers,” Drake cooed.
“You were just wearing boxers? What a daredevil.”
Drake ignored Pierce’s comment and said, “I can tell you he was wearing plaid boxer briefs and that he looks like he’s better than seven inches.”
“Now you got me ready to cream my…well, my nothing.”
“That’s what I’m wearing. And those two are totally hot for us. I can’t help but think when you turn sixteen, they’ll be jumping our bones as quick as they can.”
“Why didn’t you go back into the woods and suck that big hose?”
“Because I had Lincoln with me, and I didn’t want the hassle. I mean, I’ve got two babies to deal with until January and you hit the magic age. You’re such a baby right now, you can’t even get your learner’s permit for a couple weeks yet.
“Well, at least you don’t have to change this baby’s diapers.”
“Maybe I should since you don’t seem to do such a great job of changing them. Phew.”
Pierce moaned into the phone and then said, “They’re ready to change. Damn that felt good.”
“I thought you were naked.”
“Okay, my belly is ready to be licked. Same thing, right?”
“Not quite. One of them is sweet and tasty and the other, well, you’re a trained Lincoln diaper changer, so you know how it is.”
“Well, since tomorrow is Sunday, do you think you can talk your ‘rents into loaning you one of their cars so you can use that fancy driver’s license of yours.”
“I’ll check.  ”
“Are you going out there in the raw?”
“Why waste time putting pants on?”
“You are such a bad, bad boy. I love you, Duck!”
And I love you, Pooka!” Drake walked out to the kitchen where Natalie was busy preparing the big dinner. “Hey, mom, I’ve got Pierce on the phone and, well, can I drive to Seattle to see him tomorrow?"
“I’ll ask your father as soon as he gets home, but it should be okay. As long as you follow the traffic laws and our rules, of course.”
“She says I’m good. See ya around noon, Pooka.”
“Noon it is, Duck.” The two friends disconnected.
Natalie scanned Drake’s naked body. “I hope you plan on wearing more than that for dinner,” she said.
“Mom, it is called a birthday suit. Do you think dad or our company will be wearing suits?”
“Between you and that boyfriend of yours, I can’t figure out why we spend anything on clothes.”
“Hey, at least I can’t outgrow this suit.” Drake was glad his boner had at least gone down most of the way to a partial erection, or he would have slipped on his shorts. Natalie had seen him erect, but that was back when she was his aunt and drugs and alcohol played a role. He and Natalie had never gotten sexual (as much as Drake would have liked it) but there were a couple of times when they saw each other naked when Drake was fully erect.
“You didn’t answer my question about them wearing, you know, like business suits—the formal kind of suit.”
“I doubt it.”
He thought about telling Pierce that he had temporarily outgrown his birthday suit. He didn’t feel comfortable having even a partial in front of Natalie, and knew she wasn’t comfortable about it either. He dialed Pierce’s number and turned to go back to his room. “I’ll wear good company clothes for dinner,” he said over his shoulder as he left the kitchen.
Natalie shook her head. When he was old enough she wanted to indoctrinate Lincoln on eschewing nudity before he fell in love with being naked and on the other hand she wanted him to feel comfortable about his body. ‘Oh well, I won’t have to worry about that for a couple of years,’ she thought. She was certain that Keegan would approve of choice number two when the time came.
Drake was once again fully erect by the time he dropped on his back. “Are you still there, big boy?” Drake asked into his phone.
“Yep. I even had time to change my big boy diapers. Thanks for at least calling me big boy,” Pierce said.
“In my book that’s what you are, even if you can’t get a learner’s permit and join me in the woods with Dayne and Taylor.”
“The time is coming. Now how about us talking about what we’ll do to those college dudes and get off.”
“I thought you had a cum while we talked,” Drake pointed out.
“Ain’t nothin’ says I can’t do it again.”
“True, little boys do recover fast.”
Their chat changed to talking dirty on the phone. Drake came twice to show what big boys could do and Pierce came once to match him for the evening.
“That’s all you’re going to do?” Drake asked. “I thought for sure you’d try to get the most cums for the night.”
“I’m saving the best for tomorrow. See ya around noon tomorrow, providing you don’t collide with half the cars on I-90.”
“Then we’d just have our sex in the hospital.” The teens laughed and broke their connections.
<The Boyer Residence>
The Lake City Jammers enjoyed burgers and milkshakes at Hilltop Burgers after their 7-5 win over the Queen Anne Royals at the Queen Anne Hill sports field. The game started at eleven and finished at twelve-forty. Coach Dansby had reserved space for the team, so they were all able to sit as a team and enjoy their win together.
Justin, Marco, and Joey planned on enjoying the afternoon playing in Justin’s back yard. Justin asked Karl if he wanted to join them. Coach Dansby was Karl’s father, so he had no problem getting instant permission and it was soon arranged that he could have dinner and spend the night at Justin’s.
Past experience told Mike and Ryan to drive their SUV to the game. Even though they had only driven two boys to the game, they were now driving four boys back to Lake City with the addition of Joey and Karl.
When they got to Justin’s house, Justin and Marco were able to change to their shorts. Joey and Karl were not prepared for coming to Justin’s house. That wasn’t a problem for Joey, because he could wear one of Justin’s t-shirts and a pair of Justin’s shorts. He could have kept his uniform shirt on, but he knew his mother would squawk loudly if he came home with the shirt covered with grass stains. It was a little tougher for Karl since he was bigger than Justin. He solved his problem by keeping his uniform shirt on (his mother understood that young boys attracted grass stains) and stripping down to his boxers.
The boys enjoyed their time in the backyard, playing catch, wiffle ball, and various chase games. As the afternoon heated up, the shirts came off, prompting Ryan to slap sunblock on the four boys, a process he did not consider to be work. The outdoor games ended with Joey, Marco, and Justin ganging up on Karl and pulling his boxer shorts off, which left him buck naked, except for his socks and shoes.
“You might need to put sunblock on that big dicky of yours,” Justin giggled.
“Nah, remember I’m Black and don’t really need sunblock that much—plus I got nine hairs down there to protect me,” Karl said. “I think Justin’s dad put it on me so he could do it for everybody.”
“You mean you count them?” Joey asked.
Even though he was only ten, Karl’s erection reached four inches when he was hard, he had a few stray hairs, and he shot drops of water cum when he had an orgasm. “You guys will too when you start to grow pubes,” Karl assured his friends.
“Well, you better put your undies on before my dads see you naked out here,” Justin told him.
“I thought your dads didn’t have a problem with us being naked.”
“They don’t when the neighbors can’t see us, like when we’re in the house or it’s dark in the backyard.”
“Makes sense.” Karl picked his boxers up off the ground where Justin had tossed them and slipped them on. The boys then went into the house and Justin and Marco pulled their boxers down again as soon as they entered the house. Karl giggled and kicked his off with Marco picking them up.
Mike and Ryan were working on a jigsaw puzzle together in the family room. The boys gave them a wave and a shout as they went by.
“Hey Karl, did somebody steal your boxers?” Mike asked.
Marco waved the boxers high in the air and then tossed them at Mike. The four boys laughed uproariously and took off for Justin’s bedroom.
“Marco, when did you become a bad boy?” Justin asked as they squeezed together on Justin’s bed.
“I started coming here and you showed me how,” Marco replied. “Your Donkey Daddy is fun to kid. I would never do that to your Papa Dawg and never, never, ever, do it to my own dad.”
“I wouldn’t do it to mine either,” Karl said.
“Marco is getting cheeky,” Ryan said to Mike after the boys disappeared down the hall.
“Good. It means Justin is bringing him out of his shell,” Mike responded.
“And all this time I thought Karl was a well-behaved boy and he goes racing through our house in the nude.”
“I have a feeling losing the boxers wasn’t his choice.”
“And I have a feeling he didn’t put up much of a fight when he lost them.”
“Hey, at least he’s ten and has reached your minimum age for sex play.”
“But the other boys are all…”
“…nine. I know and aren’t they having fun? Come on Dawg, I remember you pulling my pants off in your backyard more than once when we were nine.”
“But that’s only because I thought you were cute without any pants on,” Ryan grinned.
“Not as cute as you. You did naked well when we stripped in the woods at the state park.”
“Were we just nine when we did that?”
“We were the first time we did it. Damn, we were nasty little boys, weren’t we? Anyway, do you want to see if I’m still cute when the pants come off?”
“I’ll wait until tonight.”
“On my honor.”
The pants did come off right away in Justin’s bedroom, however. The four boys crowded together on the bed were completely naked and enjoying the look and feel of each other’s bodies. So far, only Karl had an erection.
“There’s this kid at my school named Kwan,” Karl said. “He’s Korean. Anyway, we’re in the same fourth grade class and he’s one of my best friends in school. He’s a kick ass soccer player.”
“I hope he kicks the ball, too,” Justin said.
“Oh, I think Justin told a funny,” Joey giggled, which started another bit of laughter rippling through the quartet.
“Anyway, we had our first overnight last week. It was at his house. His parents don’t track what he does on his computer like mine do.”
“And mine,” Justin added. “At least my Papa Dawg does.” Marco and Joey didn’t have unsupervised online access yet.
“Well, he showed me this site with stories where boys our age and older do sex things together. It was nasty, but lots of fun. I got a boner and showed it to him and he had one too and showed me his and we took off our undies which was all we were wearing. It’s the first time we saw each other naked. He’s got his skin on his dick like all of us but Justin do, and like you guys he’s got no hair. And he’s more your size than my size.”
“Is he ten?” Justin asked.
“Yeah. Our birthdays are just two days apart and I’m the oldest one. Anyway, he showed me the story he’s reading where these boys are ten and eleven and do stuff. Like sucking. And they…um…do stuff…well, you know, like in each other’s butts.”
“You mean butt fucking, right?” Marco said.
“Yeah. I just didn’t want to use the word. It sounds nasty but the boys in the story all said it felt good. How do you know about it?
“Because my brother and his bo…best friend Logan might do it tonight. Logan’s done it but it will be Tony’s first time.”
“I want to try it sometime. You’ll have to tell me about how it goes if he does it and if he tells you.”
“We tell each other everything we do with sex.”
“The story did talk about going slow and putting fingers up the butt first for some reason and to use, lotion, or something like that.”
“I got lotion for jerking off,” Justin said.
“Why, do you want to try it?”
“Maybe tonight.”
“But if you do it tonight then I can’t watch because I gotta go home in an hour,” Joey grumbled.
The other three boys ignored Joey’s grumbling about having to go home. Even Karl was getting used to it. Joey knew his friends would do whatever they were going to do even if he was gone. He didn’t blame them for leaving him out; he blamed his mother for not letting him spend the night with them so they wouldn’t have to leave him out.
“Did you and Kwan do anything?” Justin asked.
“I showed him how to jerk off and he got his first orgasm, but nothing came out. He liked seeing my cum stuff squirt out. I told him doing it to each other was even more fun, and we’re gonna do that next time. Maybe he’ll even go for doing a blow job though he thought they sounded grosser than butt fucking. He wasn’t sure about putting a dick in his mouth.”
“Who is sure, until they do it?” Marco asked.
“Can we at least jerk off before I go home?” Joey asked.
“Sure. We can all have fun with that,” Justin said. “The rest of us will be ready to see what Karl wants to do tonight.”
“Are you going to let somebody suck you?” Marco asked Joey.
“Not yet. I want to do it the first time when there’s lots of time in case things…well, you know, just in case.”
The only person Joey had let jerk him off was Karl. Joey had often been shy about sex play, but he surprised everyone by being much more open this time. He came right out and asked Justin if they could be partners.
The four young tweens got their mutual masturbation session moving quickly. Joey wished he could mess around with his friends more often. The closer he got to his orgasm the less he thought about that. He stopped whacking Justin’s pud as he shook with pleasure. Justin finished himself off seconds later. Karl and Marco got each other off, their orgasms coming with fifteen seconds of each other with Marco’s being first.
After settling down, the boys got dressed and sought out the Donkey and the Dawg. “Did you guys have fun?” Mike asked as the boys found them sitting on the back deck reading.
Joey blushed a deep red as Justin answered simply, “Yep, lots of fun.”
Joey said goodbye and headed home. Mike placed a pizza order, and the boys went out into the backyard and played catch. When the time came to get prepared for dinner, they went to Justin’s bathroom where they pissed and washed their hands. They also asked Karl if he still wanted to try butt stuff.
Karl shrugged and said it depended how he felt later. That was good enough for Marco and Justin, who had learned the rules of sexual engagement from older and wiser sources.
Next: The Learning Curve.