Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<Logan and Tony>
Logan went home with his mother after the game where he would get out of his uniform and replace it with his summer uniform of t-shirt and shorts. Before he could get to his room to change, he saw Curt in the family room talking on his phone.
“Hey, Curt,” Logan called out. “How did your game go?”
“We won 6-2. And before you and mom ask, Eddie went with dad to see the last few innings of Chase’s game,” Curt responded.
“Why didn’t you go?”
“Because Duncan should be here soon. He’s got an invitation for dinner, remember?”
“Oh yeah, I guess I forgot since I’m not having dinner here. I’m having it with Tony at the restaurant.”
“By the way, how did you guys do?” Curt asked.
“We won 5-1 and Madison may have found himself a new friend.”
“Bailey, who’s new on the team.”
“I remember him. Really nice-looking kid.”
“If those two end up being friends, it will be kinda weird because they are so different,” Logan said.
“How are you getting to the restaurant?” Curt asked.
“I’m gonna walk over there at five. But right now, I’m gonna get out of my uniform and get comfortable.”
“Naked comfortable?”
“Undies comfortable, unless you want to join me.”
“Not today, bro. Want to play a game of cribbage?”
“As soon as I get comfortable.”
Logan and Curt were deep into their second game when Duncan arrived. “Hey, I like those green boxer shorts,” Duncan grinned as he and Logan exchanged high fives.
“I picked my prettiest pair just for you,” Logan grinned.
“Ahh shucks, you shouldn’t have. Hey, after you two finish that game, what about if we play three-way?”
“I didn’t know you played cribbage,” Curt said.
“You never asked. I suppose you learned it from Chase or Eddie or somebody,” Duncan said.
“My dad taught me, as in Daddy Miller. He thought it was a good brain game, which is probably why Eddie never learned it. Who taught you?”
“My Uncle Sean.”
Curt and Logan finished their game, with Logan winning by 10 pegs (Curt had won the first game) but the three-way never got started since Chase and Eddie came barging in.
“Don’t ask how we did,” Chase barked. “The only thing I have to say is that a team with a 4-1 lead going into the bottom of the seventh and getting the first two men out, should not end up losing five to fucking four. But somehow, we managed it as Lightning struck after we get two quick outs. Then two fucking errors, three fucking walks, and two fucking hits later the fucking game is over, and we fucking lose.” Chase and Eddie, who had stood next to Chase listening quietly, stomped off to their rooms.
“I guess I’ll get the details later,” Logan said. “What Chase needs now is for Dillon to fuck the shit out of him. That’ll calm him down for sure.”
Troy had been standing in the background while Chase ranted about the finish. “Since the game is public record, I’ll reveal those ugly details,” Troy said. “One of those errors belonged to your brother who booted a routine ground ball with two outs, and the other to Adam Carp in right field who dropped a routine fly ball two batters later. Are you getting the picture?”
Logan turned a bright shade of red when he realized his father had to have heard his comment about Dillon fucking Chase. When he didn’t comment on the comment, Logan relaxed—slightly.
Troy had heard Logan’s statement, however. But while he couldn’t help mentally shaking his head at the brotherly suggestion made by his twelve-year-old son, he also knew he wasn’t any innocent when he was twelve either. As a result, he elected to ignore Logan’s comment.
“Loud and clear,” Curt said. “Routine isn’t always routine. I think I’ll go give my big bro a hug.”
“Why was Eddie all pissed off? It’s not even his team,” Logan asked.
“He’s probably pissed off because he’s Eddie. Now, I’m gonna go talk to Chase.”
“And I’m gonna get dressed and head to Luigi’s for pizza.”
Logan arrived at Luigi’s about five minutes after Tony, who came with his parents. As soon as Tony saw Logan walk in, he ran up to him and gave him a big hug. It was all he could do to not throw in a kiss with it.
“Is it gonna be pizza or lasagna?” Tony asked his friend.
“I haven’t had the awesome lasagna here in, like, decades,” Logan replied.
“It’s my grandmother’s recipe and my mom makes it at home, too. You could always request it, you know.”
“Yeah, but your mom cooks so much good stuff I hate to make a request.”
“Dude, trust me, she loves being asked. And for today I’ll have lasagna, too.”
“What, and skip spaghetti?” Logan grinned and shook his head. “I know, I know, it’s your grandmother’s recipe and your mom makes it at home, too.”
“Now you know why I usually have pizza here, since my mom doesn’t make it at home.”
The boys sat at a table and talked about Logan’s baseball games that afternoon. Tony’s team didn’t play, and he went with his parents to Marco’s game. His brother’s team, the Jammers, won 7-5.
“And Marco is staying at Justin’s and Trajan is staying at the house of some friend on his lacrosse team, right?” Logan asked.
“Right. And mom and dad are going to close the restaurant and since it doesn’t close until eight, we’ll have the house to ourselves until at least nine and probably later.”
Marne came to the table with the boys’ salads. Wendy was the regular waitress for the night, but Marne was helping her out. She loved waitressing and did it whenever she could. Having Trajan work part time at the restaurant had freed her to spend more time on the floor with the customers.
Once the boys polished off their dinners, as well as two glasses of root beer each, they helped Marne out by clearing and wiping down their table. Marne asked them if they were going to have any dessert.
“Mom, we have gelato in the fridge,” Tony reminded her. “We’ll grab some there.” Tony knew there would be more to his and Logan’s dessert than his mom was thinking about.
“Okay. I’ll let Wendy know I’m driving you two home and will be back soon so she can have her dinner.” By driving the boys home, Marne meant to her house, but figured Logan spent so much time there it was like a second home for him.
As soon as they entered the DeLuca house they raced to Tony’s bedroom and stripped naked. They then held each other in a tight hug and shared a long, wet kiss.
“Damn,” Logan said as they came up for air. “We don’t get alone time like this at your house or my house very often.”
“Nope. And I hope we take advantage of that tonight and do what we’ve been talking about.”
“That’s up to you. It’s your cherry we’re talking about.”
“That’s all we’ve been doing is talking about it. I wanna do something about it, like tonight.”
“Then let’s grab some dessert and add just a little more talking,” Logan suggested.
The boys were soon sitting at the dining table eating strawberry gelato and talking sexual strategy. Their twelve-year-old cocks were rock hard and throbbing with anticipation as Logan laid out how the process was going to work. He’d had a great teacher in his older brother, Chase.
“You’ve been working on your ass like we talked about, right?” Logan asked.
“Yep. And you’ve fucked me with your fingers. I think I’m ready if I don’t end up cumming while I’m sitting here talking to you.”
“If you do, we wait a few minutes and you’ll be ready again. And let me tell you, I’ve got the same problem as you do right now.”
The boys put their ice cream dishes and spoons into the dishwasher and retired to Tony’s room. They flopped down on Tony’s bed and Logan pointed to Trajan’s.
“Sounds like your cousin has ended up being a pretty good roommate.” Logan opened the tube of lube he had brought with him.
“Yep. And he wants to fuck me once you’ve done it. I said it has to be okay with you.”
“He’s your cousin and is only living here for the summer, so it’s not like he’s trying to be your boyfriend or anything. I say go for it. And Marco too, if he wants it, although he’s kind of young. I do it with Chase, after all, and I would with my cousin Aiden if he didn’t live on another planet.”
“Marco will say different when I say he’s too young.”
“Chase showed me almost everything when I was ten, but he wouldn’t fuck me until I was eleven. He says doing it before then wasn’t right.”
“Well, that’s his opinion. When it comes to Marco, I’m the big brother, and if he really wants it, he’ll get it. But, I’m not gonna make a big deal about it. That’s gonna be up to him.”
“Speaking of up, we aren’t gonna get any more up, so let’s do it,” Logan insisted.
Logan took care of lubing his dick and Tony’s ass. He took even better care of giving Tony a couple of hard kisses before getting Tony to raise his legs into the air. He reminded Tony that what he was about to do might hurt and then entered his boyfriend for the first time.
Tony groaned with pain at first, and then moaned with delight as Logan made adjustments and was soon rubbing his three and three-quarters inches along Tony’s sweet spot. He humped Tony with a purpose but tried not to fuck him hard. That would be for some other time.
“Oh, fuck, Logan, it’s gone from really hurting to feeling pretty good and…oooof, you hit that spot again…and oh yeah, fuck I think I’m…ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh.”
Tony surprised Logan by cumming faster than he did, and a no-touch cum at that. He squirted drops of clear cum on his smooth abdomen as he groaned again. It was all too much for Logan who drove his cock deeper into Tony’s ass than he intended. Even though the sudden thrust caused Tony to squeak, the slight discomfort was short. When Logan had planned this, he had intended to shoot his tween cum over Logan’s belly. Instead, he fired it into his boyfriend’s insides as he couldn’t pull out fast enough.
“Oh shit, I’m shooting inside you, and it feels sooo fucking awesome,” he hissed as he fell on top of Tony. Tony dropped his legs and the two shared a hard, but brief kiss. They finally turned on their sides and happily held each other as they quietly recovered from their intense orgasms.
It didn’t take long for their young adolescent bodies to recover, and they could feel their cocks get hard as they were pressed together. They were soon kissing and humping each other. While it took longer to get their orgasms, the results were still more than satisfactory.
The two naked young adolescents were sound asleep in Tony’s bed when Luigi and Marne arrived home from the restaurant. Tony had learned a lot about sex while he and Logan had learned even more about how much they loved each other.
<Madison and Bailey>
Madison and Bailey entered Bailey’s house, where they were greeted by Cosmos, Bailey’s cat. Cosmos was around ten months old and was all black. He meowed and then sidled over to Madison as he sized up the new human in the house. He finally decided that if his human master thought he was harmless, then he must be harmless. He rubbed against Madison’s leg and meowed. Madison was a bit leery of the black cat.
“Scratch him behind his ears,” Bailey suggested.
Madison bent down and did so, which led to loud, satisfied purring. He decided Cosmos was harmless, but he needed to get one question answered by Bailey before he’d totally accept the cat.
“Aren’t you worried that he’s, like, bad luck?” Madison asked.
“No way anything who purrs and kitty cuddles like Cosmos does can be bad luck. I mean, look what happened today. We won our game, I had a great lunch at Andy’s Diner, and most importantly, you and I became friends and are having an overnight on our first day as friends. And I woke up with Cosmos sleeping on my bed. Now, how can that be bad luck?”
“So, it’s, like that critter’s reputation is, like, totally undeserved, right?”
“Exactly. Do you want to see my room?” Bailey asked.
“Lead the way, dude.”
When they entered Bailey’s room Madison was stunned. He set his emergency overnight bag on the floor at the foot of the double bed and surveyed the room. Bailey’s room was cleaner and neater than Logan’s, and Logan had the neatest room he had ever seen. The bed was perfectly made, the sports posters, which featured players from the four Seattle major league teams (Mariners, Seahawks, Kraken, and Sonics), were evenly stapled to the wall. The books on the bookshelf were perfectly shelved. And there were no clothes scattered around. “Wow, this is way different from my room,” Madison cooed.
“Why, is yours neater?”.
“No way. My room’s what my mom calls a typical teenage boys’ room even though I’m only eleven. She says it’s, well, it’s like a bomb went off in it.”
“How would your mom know what a teenage boys’ room was like?” Bailey asked even though he thought he could guess the answer.
“That’s because she had three brothers, two older, and one younger, which means I got three uncles and, like, tons of cousins. But two of the families live in Cali and the other lives in Texas of all dumpy places so I don’t see them as much as I like. Four of the boy cousins are around our age and are, like, really cute, and I’d like to see them more.”
Bailey thought about commenting on Madison’s statement regarding the cousins being cute, but decided to let it go, at least for the time being.
“You and Logan could almost have, like, a contest over who has the neatest room. But I think he’d agree you’d win. It would be, like, an epic contest even so.”
“You wanna see my baseball card collection?” Bailey asked.
“Yeah. I bet you’ve got, like, a lot of star players.”
“I have some along with a lot of players that are called commons because, well, they’re just regular old players.”
Bailey pulled down three albums from the top shelf of his bookcase. The boys sat on Bailey’s bed. Bailey placed one of the albums on his lap and they started looking through it.
“Ohhh, you’ve got, like, six Marty Carlson rookie cards,” Madison said after Bailey turned the third page. “That kicks total ass. I know guys who have talked to Marty, including Logan.”
As they went through the pages, Madison’s left leg and Bailey’s right leg touched. Both boys pushed against each other harder instead of pulling back. They kept looking at the cards, pretending nothing was happening, while at the same time pushing against each other harder.
“Hey, somebody’s leg is going to snap off if we don’t ease up some,” Bailey said.
“Are you talking about this leg…,” Madison squeezed Bailey’s thigh, “…or this leg?” Madison gave Bailey’s crotch a quick squeeze through his uniform pants. Madison felt a satisfying hardness inside the pants.
“Both, especially if you grab the middle one like that.”
“I could get a better squeeze if you took those uniform pants off.”
Bailey surprised both Madison and himself by rising from the bed and yanking his uniform pants down and off. He was now wearing only his jersey and a jock strap. He pulled up his jersey to show not only the bulge in his jock but also the tip of his penis peeking from the waist band.
Madison reached around, squeezed the bulge, and gave it a little jerk, his hand touching Bailey’s cock in the process. Bailey let out a moan of pleasure. He learned to masturbate through trial and error—he had never experienced anything like Madison’s touch of his privates.
Since he wasn’t totally sure what Bailey’s moan meant, Madison let go of his new friend’s erection. “If that bothers you, tell me and I’ll stop.”
“That felt so awesome. I want you to grab my dick again. Please. I’ve never had anything feel so good.”
Once again Madison felt up Bailey’s erection. “If you want, I can make it feel even better if you, like, take off your jock. You won’t believe how good it feels when somebody touches you right on your cock.”
Madison let go of Bailey to see what he would do. He was pleased when Bailey took off his jock and exposed a three-and-half-inch, hairless erection. When Madison touched him this time Bailey let out a brief shriek caused by the sensory overload.
“Damn, dude, that must have been a kick ass feeling,” Madison grinned.
“If you keep touching me, I’m going to have an orgasm pretty quick,” Bailey panted.
“I guess you’ve had them before.”
“Yes, after I discovered how to masturbate and give myself one. And by the way, it’s only fair that I get to see your erection.”
Madison didn’t have to be asked twice, and within a matter of seconds he was naked from the waist down. He then took his striptease to one more level and pulled off his uniform jersey.
“Awesome, you’ve got painted toenails,” Bailey said.
“Yep. Blue and green. Mariner colors. And I’m an expert toenail painter and can give you the most rad toenails you can imagine some day,” Madison grinned.
Bailey then admired Madison’s slender naked body and the second erection he had ever seen other than his own. The first one belonged to his best friend at school, Derek Coburn, who showed it to him in a boys’ room at school once. But Derek was dressed and all Bailey saw was what was poking out of Derek’s zipper. What Bailey saw Madison showing was all of a hairless, four-inch, cut cock that was throbbing with excitement.
While Madison was curious about how Bailey had learned to jerk off, the focus of his attention was he and Bailey having cums.
“We might have to get dressed fast if my mom or dad calls us,” Bailey said.
Madison ignored him and picked up his pace, focusing on the head of Bailey’s cock. “Are you close?” he rasped.
“Unggggggggg,” Bailey replied as Madison felt Bailey’s cock spasm to what was obviously an intense dry cum. Bailey’s hand fell from Madison’s cock in response to his orgasm.
Madison quickly took over his own masturbating and felt his orgasm build. Fifteen seconds after Bailey’s cum he fired five clear drops of tween cum. Three of them landed on Bailey’s torso and two on the carpet.
“Oh, shitsky, that was, like, totally sick it was so good,” Madison moaned.
“Mine was the best I ever had. And you shot out semen. That is very cool, even if you shot some on me.”
“Forget the cum on you, grab a Kleenex and clean up the cum on the rug so it won’t, like, stain or something.”
Bailey did as instructed and then wiped off the cum that Madison had shot on him. “Thanks for masturbating me. That was my best orgasm ever.”
Madison decided that before his visit was over, he would have to teach Bailey the proper terms instead of the bullshit words he learned online or in sex education or wherever the fuck he learned them.
“Anyway, back to my parents. We should get some clothes on the bed so we can dress in a hurry if they call. We’ve been lucky so far,” Bailey said.
Madison unpacked his clothes from his bag and Bailey grabbed clothes from three different drawers in his chest of drawers. They had everything ready to go just in time.
“Bailey, I need to talk to you and Madison,” Bailey’s mother called out. Madison ignored his lime green boxer briefs and pulled on his red shorts and then his white and blue Blaine Middle School t-shirt.
“Whoa, you were fast,” Bailey said as he quickly pulled on a pair of black briefs (which Madison thought were ultra-sexy), a blue Seattle Kraken t-shirt, and a pair of tan shorts. As he pulled on his briefs he asked, “No undies?”
“Quicker to dress without them.”
“Boys, I don’t want to have to ask again,” Liz called out sternly.
“Trust me, you won’t like it if she has to say something a third time,” Bailey cautioned Madison.
The boys hustled out of the bedroom and found Liz in the family room. “Sorry, mom, we were playing,” Bailey apologized. He figured his excuse was close enough to the truth that he couldn’t be accused of lying.
“Don’t worry about it—you’re here. I’m happy you and Madison are having fun together, although I wish it would be outside,” Liz responded.
‘Wow, that would be a ton of fun,’ Madison thought.
“Anyway, how does ordering pizza for dinner sound?”
“Sounds great,” Bailey replied.
“I think so too, and thank you Mrs. Overton,” Madison added.
After discussing what kind of pizza and what drinks to order, the boys returned to Bailey’s room, put on their shoes, and headed out to the backyard. There was a badminton court laid out in the yard complete with a net. The boys played three lively games of badminton before going back into the house for some cold drinks. They went back outside with their drinks and sat next to each other on the patio, where Madison proceeded to teach Bailey some vocabulary like jerking off, cum, cumming, and boner. Bailey knew what a boner was and what jerking off was, but never felt comfortable using the terms. Madison said they could be his “Madison vocabulary” and he could use the words any time they were alone together.
Bailey told Madison about the one time he’d seen another boy’s boner until he saw Madison’s. “Yours was much more interesting,” Bailey grinned.
Madison said he’d jerked off with a few other boys, but Logan was the only one Bailey would know. He was certain Logan wouldn’t mind Bailey learning he and Madison had messed around with each other.
When dinner time came, the boys were more than ready to munch on pizza. They sat with Wade and Liz at the table on the patio. Along with pizza, Liz had ordered a tossed salad. She insisted the boys eat their greens along with their pizza. Wade fought a grin as he remembered the battles he’d had with his mother about salad eating when he was the boys’ age.
Madison didn’t mind chatting with Bailey’s parents. They liked to talk about things that interested the boys, a lot like Logan’s parents did. Madison often felt that his mother, Laurie, and her girlfriend, Carmen, were more interested in their own topics than they were in what he wanted to talk about.
After dinner they played Risk, a game Madison had heard about but never played. He picked up on the strategy quickly and learned the art of making and breaking treaties.
“Risk is not a game for the rigorously honest,” Wade told Madison. “Just don’t let the ethics of the game interfere with your own sense of ethics.” Like Logan’s father, Wade was an attorney. Unlike Troy Miller, who was the King County Prosecutor, Wade was a corporate attorney who worked for a downtown Seattle legal firm.
Bailey and Madison wiped Liz and then Wade off the board. In the end Bailey clobbered Madison in a battle royal of dice throwing to win the game.
As soon as the game ended, Bailey and Madison said their good-nights and retired to Bailey’s room. Bailey stripped down to his black briefs. Madison felt himself get hard as he saw his friend’s beautiful body clad in nothing but a pair of sexy black briefs.
“Aren’t you going to strip down?” Bailey asked.
Madison picked his lime green boxer briefs off the bed and tossed them to Bailey. “I’m going commando, remember?”
“I’ve already seen you naked today, so big deal if I see you naked again.” Bailey yanked off his briefs and dropped them on the floor. “There, maybe that will help you get undressed.”
“Oh, yeah, it does big-time.” Madison quickly stripped naked, proudly flashing his boner now that Bailey had approved of more nudity.
“Now what do we do?” Bailey asked.
“Why are you asking me? It’s your house so you can, like, decide.”
“How about we play some video games in the nude?”
“Whatever floats your boat.”
The boys talked about what games they liked and were soon sitting at Bailey’s computer busily fighting evil aliens from a distant galaxy. For the time being, thoughts of sex were buried in the minds of the two eleven-year-olds. Madison won two games and Bailey was on the verge of winning the third when Liz called out for them to get ready for bed.
“You have bedtime with company spending a Saturday night during summer vacation?” Madison asked.
“My mom’s not used to overnight company. I’ll have to train her, with your help, before our next overnight here.”
“Why with my help?”
“You can tell me what to tell her.”
“I guess that will work.”
“But we’ll talk about that tomorrow,” Bailey said. “Right now, we gotta talk about what we’re going to wear to bed.”
“Well, we both got, like, nothing on right now,” Madison pointed out.
“So, I see. But do we want to sleep that way is my question. We will be sleeping in the same bed after all.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time for me. But, it’s, like, your house and your bedroom and your bed and your naked body, so I guess it will be, like, your decision.”
Bailey gave it a few seconds’ thought and finally said, “Well, we’ve sat naked on my bed with our legs touching and mastur…jerked each other off and you got some of your…um…cum on me, so shucks, we might as well go all the way and sleep naked together.”
Madison was ecstatic when he heard Bailey’s decision.
“But…” Bailey started.
“But what?”
“But we each keep our underpants with us under the covers or under our pillows or something in case of an emergency.”
“That works for me.”
The boys took care of their pre-bed cleaning, brushing, and pissing. When Bailey got ready to pee, Madison gave him a little push and stood next to him at the toilet and let his stream go. Bailey shrugged and did likewise and found it wasn’t as gross as he first thought it would be. It wasn’t much different than pissing at two different urinals in the boys’ room.
The two boys climbed into Bailey’s bed and left room between each other. Madison was more than willing to snuggle up with Bailey, but, at least this time, he would leave the first move up to his friend. When Bailey came to spend the night at his house on Tuesday they would be in a smaller bed and Madison figured he would have an easier time talking Bailey into snuggling. He fell asleep wondering if he could talk Bailey into some serious kissing on Tuesday. It would be the first totally serious kisses for himself, and he was sure the same would be true for Bailey.
<Trajan and Levi>
After dinner, Trajan and Levi changed back to their swimming trunks and headed for the pool. They spent their time talking, hitting a basketball size rubber ball back and forth, and making surreptitious grabs of cocks and balls. Trajan decided to up the stakes a little and made a grab for Levi’s ass. He pushed his middle finger into Levi’s crack, pushing his trunks into his hole.
“Oh, YOW!” Levi yelped.
“Sorry if I went too far,” Trajan said.
“No, it’s cool. I just wasn’t expecting that, and it felt weird and good at the same time.”
“It feels even better if it isn’t done through your swimsuit.”
“For real? You’ve done that?” Before Trajan could answer, Levi gave his own answer. “Of course you have, since you’ve done almost everything.”
The pool was deep enough where the boys were that their feet weren’t touching the bottom. Levi looked over to the deck where his parents were busy reading. He was certain they wouldn’t be able to see what was happening underwater and yanked his trunks halfway down his thigh. “Push on my ass like you just did.”
Trajan was stunned by Levi’s action. He glanced over at the deck and saw that Arlene and George, Levi’s parents, had their attention focused on their books and not on the pool. He decided Levi must know what he was doing. He moved behind Levi and rubbed his right middle finger along Levi’s smooth crack. He then tickled his grommet, eliciting a pleasant purr from his friend.
“That feels really good,” Levi cooed.
Trajan then pushed his finger into Levi’s rectum and that created a squeal. He quickly pulled it out in case the squeal attracted the attention of Levi’s parents. George looked up for a moment and then returned to his book. Trajan put his finger back inside Levi, who gave a muted grunt, found Levi’s sweet spot and gave it a tickle. Levi quickly slapped his hand over his mouth to help muffle another squeal.
“We better quit and go back to playing with the ball before mom and dad wonder what we’re doing,” Levi said reluctantly.
Trajan pulled his finger out of Levi’s ass, surprised his friend by taking a sniff, and then grabbed the floating ball. Their game of catch resumed with Levi leading 3-2 according to the rules they had made up.
Later, after showering, the boys went into the living room wearing shorts and a t-shirt. They sat in a love seat and chatted with Arlene and George. A lot of the chat was about the upcoming geology workshop. It interested Arlene more than it did George, but George was a top-notch dad who loved chatting with and listening to his son and his friends and had been that way since Levi had been a toddler speaking his first words.
After putting in what Levi felt was the requisite time to make his parents feel useful, the boys returned to Levi’s room and took off their clothes. “You know, there’s a quicker way to shower than the way we did it,” Trajan said as he once again admired Levi’s smooth, athletic body as they sat in Levi’s bed.
“How? We couldn’t have done it much faster since all we were doing was rinsing off the chlorine and some last second sweat. I bet it didn’t take more than 30 seconds for either one of us.”
“True. But how about in the morning when we shower and want to really wash ourselves clean and wash our hair and shit?” Trajan asked.
“I get what you mean. I’ve done quick in and out showers in the morning, but I like having the hot water soak me for some reason. I know I hated it until I got in about third grade and now I love it,” Levi said.
“Well, let’s quit the guessing game since this will take forever, otherwise.”
“But it’s so much fun trying to read your mind, Trajan.”
“Well, at least you admit I’ve got a mind to read.” Trajan gave Levi a long look and said,” You’re getting a boner from just sitting here talking with me.”
“I know it. It’s embarrassing.”
“Oh, hell no. I think it’s really sexy.” Levi blushed from a combination of embarrassment and pleasure. “And I think it would be even sexier if I made it feel good.”
“You mean, like you touching my dick like you played with my butt in the pool?” Levi asked.
“In a way, except it’s your dick and not your butt and I’ll be touching it skin on skin.”
“And it feels really good, right?”
“Hey, dude, how about we quit jabbering and just do it. Then you tell me how it feels after I do it.”
Levi nodded his assent although he was not quite sure what he was getting into. Trajan reached down and wrapped his thumb, index finger, and middle finger around his new friend’s four-inch nail. He gave the cock a light stroke and took pleasure in Levi’s shivers of delight.
“I can tell you that feels radically good,” Levi rasped.
Trajan started moving his hand faster. He wished he had lube with him then decided to go with his saliva to act as a natural lube. He removed his hand, spit a wad of saliva on it, rubbed it onto Levi’s cock, and started masturbating him in earnest.
Levi’s moans started to build, forcing Trajan to cover Levi’s mouth with his free hand. Levi quickly figured out what Trajan was doing and pushed his hand away. “I’m okay and I’ll be careful not to get loud and I’ll…ohhhhhhh, Trajan don’t stop…”
It took just a few more seconds for Levi to shake with pleasure and shoot two drops of immature semen on his belly. “Holy crap, what just happened?” Levi didn’t wait for an answer and went on. “That was the awesomest thing I ever felt, and did I make, you know, cum like Jack and CJ do?”
“Yes, you did. You shot out two squirts of clear cum that was totally sick to see. Damn, you’re becoming a stud, Levi.” Trajan leaned back on the bed and slammed his hand along his cock for fifteen or so seconds and then shot out a nice load of his own. “Oh, fuck that was nice. Thanks loads, Levi and no pun was meant there.”
“I didn’t do anything. You jerked yourself off like CJ does,” Levi protested.
“But it was a special cum because I did it with a really sexy dude while lying on his bed with him.”
“You’re an awesome friend, Trajan. Thanks for being so nice to me and for making me feel so good. I guess we’d better clean up and get ready to get to sleep though. I mean I’ve got my little bit of cum on me and a lot of your spit on me.”
“You’re more awesome than I am. You did something you’ve never done before and that was letting somebody jerk you off. And I’m really happy I was the first guy to do it.”
The boys cleaned up and sat back on Levi’s bed. “What are we going to wear to bed?” Trajan asked.
“What do you want to wear?”
“I want to wear nothing, but it’s your bed so you decide.”
“I’ve decided that the way this day has gone that the best thing for us to do is to wear nothing,” Levi said.
As a result, for the first time in his life Levi slept naked with somebody else. And he loved it, especially after Trajan snuggled up next to him. The feel of a warm, naked body touching his own naked body was a wonderful new feeling for Levi. The two new friends fell asleep happy and content.
<Justin, Marco, and Karl>
After enjoying their pizza, Justin, Marco, and Karl shot baskets in the driveway for a while. When Ryan called out that ice cream and brownies were ready, the boys forgot about shooting and zipped into the house for what was much more important: dessert.
“Can we take our shorts off and go in just our underpants? We’re kinda hot from shooting hoops,” Justin asked his dads. He hadn’t asked his two friends what they wanted; he simply assumed they would be in favor of his suggestion. He was right and was happy when his Daddy Donkey and Papa Dawg approved.
“But underpants stay. Period,” Ryan said. ”It’s okay for anything else to come off, since they were off before you came in.”
“So, if we took our underpants off when we came into the house, then it would be okay, right?”
This time Mike stepped in. “Well, Mister Dawnkey, it would be in your own best interests to not ask stupid questions.”
“I was just asking.” Justin knew that when his Daddy Donkey got on his case he had gone a step too far, but he felt he had to get the last word in.
“Exactly. You were just asking what?”
“A stupid question,” Justin reluctantly admitted. Mike and Ryan both knew that in a couple of years Justin wouldn’t be quite as pliant.
The boys went to Justin’s room, took their shorts and shoes off and returned to the living room wearing just their underpants and socks. The movie was an old one titled “Sandlot”. None of the boys had seen it before. Mike said it was about boys playing baseball and had been a very popular movie in its time and still was in many ways.
The boys loved the movie so much they talked about seeing it a second time in the future. “But not tonight,” Justin said. “We’re going to my room to mess around now, right guys?”
Marco and Karl were both in favor of retiring to Justin’s room. They said their good nights, gave the two dads hugs, and left for Justin’s room.
“Judging by the bulge in Karl’s boxer shorts, I have to say that ‘messing around’ means the same thing now that it did when we were their age,” Mike said. “And did you see the size of that bulge? Damn, that boy is mature for ten years old.”
“I’m afraid I have to agree with you on both counts,” Ryan said. “The messing around count and the bulge count. But they’re so fucking young.”
“We’ve had this discussion way too many times, Dawg. They’re having fun and nobody’s getting hurt. They’re learning about themselves and each other, just like you and I did. But, if it works for you, we could test out your theory that ‘messing around’ means the same thing as it did when we were kids by heading for our bedroom to mess around. We can’t let three young boys think they know the modern definition of messing because they mess around together. We should mess around as well to make sure they’re on the right track.”
“Your Donkey logic certainly leads to some interesting conclusions,” Ryan grinned.
“Not only interesting ones, but correct ones.”
As Mike and Ryan headed for their bedroom the boys undressed each other in Justin’s bedroom. Once they were naked Marco and Justin licked Karl’s cock, eliciting moans from their teammate and friend.
Justin pulled back and asked Marco which one of them would get to swallow Karl’s cum when he had his orgasm. They decided to do a finger match. They each balled their right hand into a fist and agreed that Marco had to match Justin. Justin counted down from three. The game called for them to hold out either one or two fingers when the count got to zero. When Justin hit zero, he showed two fingers as did Marco. Since Marco matched Justin, he won. In this case it meant he would suck Karl to his wet orgasm.
Karl was more than happy to be the sexual center of attention for his two friends. His sexual awareness had changed drastically since the younger boys had shown him the wonders of masturbation and oral sex.
“When you cum if you kiss me you can taste your cum in my mouth,” Marco told the older boy. “My brother showed me about doing that.”
It didn’t take long for Karl to shoot his light load of tween cum into Marco’s mouth. Karl immediately planted an open mouth kiss on Marco and tasted his own sweet cum. Justin didn’t mind not getting a taste. He knew how much Marco loved tasting cum. He had no doubt he would get his own chance at cum tasting some other time.
Once Marco and Karl finished this kiss, Justin French kissed his boyfriend. While the taste of Karl’s cum was gone, Marco tasted like Marco to Justin and that was good enough for him.
“Are you gonna want to do, you know, the butt thing?” Justin asked.
“What do you guys think?” Karl asked.
“I dunno, what do you think?”
“I think we all gotta learn more so we do it right.” While Karl had lost a big chunk of his horniness after shooting his wad, he probably would have said the same thing even if he hadn’t messed around with Marco. As much as he wanted to try “the butt thing” he didn’t feel ready yet. Marco and Justin were both happy with Karl’s answer because they didn’t feel ready yet either.
Marco and Justin got into position for a sixty-nine, their favorite kind of sex together. It didn’t take long for them to enjoy dry orgasms in each other’s mouth. Their messing around finished, the three boys head to the bathroom to piss and brush.
On returning to Justin’s bed, they discussed sleeping positions. The three naked tweens ended up with Justin in the middle, Karl on the wall side of the bed, and Marco on the open side. Marco and Justin fell asleep almost instantly.
However, Karl spent some time thinking of naked butts. He rubbed his crack with his right index finger and thought it felt really good when he rubbed across his hole. Much more so than his two younger friends, Karl wanted to learn about butt sex and why guys did it and how it felt. He didn’t think he would be starting with Marco and Justin. He thought he would need to learn from an older boy. The question was, who would it be? Karl’s learning curve would be dependent on the answer to that question.
Next: Fun and Games