Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<The Miller Residence>
Logan was the first of the four Miller brothers to wake up and roll out of bed Friday morning. He was sporting some serious morning wood. Eddie and Curt had played baseball the night before and would most likely be the last to rise. Logan and Chase had the night off and were able to sit in the stands and cheer for their brothers as the Vipers picked up a 7-2 win.
Dillon had sat with them at the game and Chase spent the night at Dillon’s. After coming home from the game, Eddie and Curt took on Logan and their dad, Troy, in a best of three ping pong series. Logan and Troy won the series in the fifth game with a 15-11 win. The losers were in charge of the dishwasher for the weekend, which meant loading it, turning it on as needed, emptying it, and putting away the dishes.
Even though he had jerked off after climbing into bed and before falling asleep, Logan was incredibly horny. Horniness had become an increasing problem, if it could actually be considered a problem, over the last couple of months. Logan remembered a conversation he’d had a couple of weeks ago with his brother Chase. Chase had told him his horniness was part of hitting puberty. “Wait until you have your first wet dream,” his older brother had said.
“I won’t get one if I jerk off every day, right?”
“Maybe, maybe not. Their coming on can be weird. You go four nights without an orgasm and don’t get one, then you jerk off one afternoon and whammo, you squirt onto your sheets that night.”
“Maybe I should sleep wearing a condom.”
“Or take charge of washing your own sheets.”
Logan had decided after that conversation he would start washing his own sheets, just like his older brothers did. Then he could even hump his mattress, squirt on the sheets, and sleep in what little cum he was shooting. ‘But I’m shooting more of it and it’s getting a little thicker,’ he thought as he stood at the toilet and pushed down on his boner so he could pee. ‘I should have peed in the shower, then I could have just let go and given myself a piss bath,’ he thought as he finished off. ‘Dang, I keep sounding more and more like Chase thinking about piss stuff and even doing it. But I like doing it because sometimes it just totally turns me on.’
Logan had a busy weekend planned. He knew that Tony had a game that night at the Lake City field. He had invited Madison to spend the night. Who knew what kinds of wild stuff he and Madison would dream up.
Dillon would be there too, spending the night with Chase. Logan knew he would have no problem with Dillon and Chase getting wild and bugging him and Madison. Curt would be away spending the night at Duncan’s house along with a couple of other friends of theirs. Eddie said was going out to a movie with Maria Estrada. As always he bragged that this was the time he was going to go all the way with his girlfriend, a boast none of his three brothers took seriously.
On Saturday afternoon, Logan and Madison had a baseball game on their home field. After the game, Susan would drop Logan off at Tony’s house for an overnight. Both boys wished they lived close enough to each other that they could walk or ride their bikes to each other’s house. Tony didn’t know if Marco would be home or at Justin’s for the night, but he did know that Trajan would be spending the night with his lacrosse teammate, Levi.
But right now, Logan was finished thinking and ready to take care of a need that was trumping his morning horniness, and that was his morning hunger. It was time for breakfast, which he decided to enjoy in the nude, boner and all.
<Pierce’s house>
Walker had left for work by the time Pierce, Drake, and Trajan crawled out of Pierce’s bed. They took turns pissing before heading downstairs to rustle up some breakfast. Pierce wasn’t in the mood to cook, and Drake wasn’t in the mood for cold cereal, so Drake took over the cooking chore by grilling pancakes. Pierce finally gave in and nuked some precooked sausage. It didn’t take long until the three naked teens sat at the dining room table scarfing down breakfast and gulping down orange juice. Pierce offered to make coffee, but the other two were happy with orange juice.
“Not that I don’t drink coffee,” Trajan pointed out. “But OJ works for me.” He chewed a mouthful of pancake and then said, “Walker left early this morning. The garage door opening woke me up.” Pierce’s bedroom was situated in the area between the garage and the front of the house. While it was a spacious room it wasn’t unusual for the garage door to wake Pierce on a non-school day. It usually didn’t take long for him to roll over and go back to sleep. And then there were mornings like this one when he didn’t hear Walker leave.
“Sorry about that,” Pierce said. “I have a great bedroom but being close to the garage like that is a drawback.”
“He left pretty early,” Trajan said. “I bet his boss expects him to be on-time every day.”
“My dad IS the boss. In fact, he’s the primary owner of the company. Which is why he’s a rich SOB and is taking me, Drake, and Christian on an Alaska cruise in August. In a suite, of course.”
“In a suite, OF COURSE, says Mister Hoity-toity,” Drake laughed.
“Hey, I didn’t see you volunteering to travel in steerage.”
Drake offered Pierce his middle finger. “I figured I needed to boyfriend-sit you to make sure you didn’t get too full of yourself.”
“And here I thought it was to protect me from two horny men.”
“Like they would think a wussy teen like you is sexy.”
Trajan loved the way Drake and Pierce traded jibes. He admired the easy-going way they had with each other and wished he knew somebody that well.
“What time do you want to be at work?” Pierce asked Trajan.
“Uncle Luigi wants me to be there at 10:30, which I guess would be the time I have to be at work. I want to be at work five minutes before starting time and get paid full for it, but that ain’t gonna happen, so I guess 10:30 will have to be it.”
The boys cleaned the kitchen, showered together (it was a chaste shower, even if Trajan did pop a woody) and chatted about school, sports, parents, diaper changing, and other miscellaneous topics until the time came for Trajan to head to work.
Luigi’s was a little over a ten-minute walk from Pierce’s house and the three teens went together. Drake and Pierce dropped Trajan off and told him they would be back around one for the pizza buffet lunch, which was the time Trajan had been told he could take a quick lunch break. As a working employee, Trajan got a free lunch. He was also able to use his friend and family discount for Drake and Pierce.
Drake and Pierce returned just before one. Trajan joined them at one and they grabbed their pizza slices and sodas and headed for a table. Luigi came by the boys’ table after they settled in to eat. “It’s nice to see Trajan making such nice friends,” he told Drake and Pierce. Luigi thought about how his brother Giovanni, Trajan’s father, had told him about Trajan often running with a bad crowd. He did not consider the two boys his nephew was having lunch with to be part of a “bad crowd” and was pleased Trajan had hooked up with them. He watched the hungry teens dive into their pizza, amazed by how much food a teenage boy could pack away and happy that most of his lunch crowd consisted of adults who had a bit more self-control at the buffet.
“Well, he’s a pretty nice guy,” Drake said, “which makes him easy to be friends with. Drake was careful not to mention that he was also sexy and pretty wild in bed.
After the teens finished off their pizza they stood together. Drake said his bus was due in ten minutes. Since the bus stop was half a block from the restaurant, he wasn’t in a rush.
“How are you paying your fare home?” Pierce asked him.
“With my Orca card, what do you think?”
“I thought you forgot it.”
“Then how do you think I paid my way here?”
“But you said you were late coming because you forgot your Orca card.”
Drake shook his head and looked over at Trajan with an expression that said ‘please excuse my boyfriend—let me explain this in a way even he can understand. “I did forget it and I was late because when I realized I didn’t have it, I turned around and ran home to get it. I thought Mr. Honor Roll here would figure that out.”
“Well, you could have just told me you went back.”
“And take all the mystery away from my trip across the lake? Why should I make things easy for you?”
“You see what I put up with?” Pierce asked Trajan.
“Looks to me like you put up with a pretty good dude,” Trajan responded.
“And that makes it all worthwhile,” Pierce grinned.
Drake and Pierce gave Trajan big hugs. “We gotta do this again,” Pierce said.
“I’m all for it,” Trajan said. Drake and Pierce left the restaurant and Trajan went back to busing tables.
Justin walked into the living room a few minutes before ten. Mike was sitting on the couch working on a crossword puzzle from the morning paper. “Well, if it isn’t a naked Donkey Dawg,” he said as his naked son sat down next to him. “Nice of you to decide to get up this morning.”
“Good morning, Daddy.”
“Sorry, sport. Good morning to you, too.”
“Well, you said we should always say good morning to start the day when we see each other.”
“I did, and I should practice what I preach.”
“Well, I was in bed late because of the big word you used about Papa Dawg.”
“And what word was that?” Mike asked even though he knew what the word was.
“It starts with a C. It’s clinosomething or other.”
“Clinomania. It’s what people who love staying in bed and sleeping have.”
“Yep. That’s what Papa Dawg has,” Justin grinned. “But I woke up, like, just before nine and just stayed there until I had to get up and pee and then I came out.”
“That’s called dysania. It’s having trouble getting your tush out of bed even after you’re awake.”
“How do you know all that?”
“My friend Mr. Google helped me.”
“What’s for breakfast?”
“You know where the cereal, milk, sugar, bananas, and orange juice are. Have fun eating.”
“Get your little heinie out of bed earlier, you never know what you’ll find cooking.”
“I’ll help you if you cook me something,” Justin offered. “You know, be the naked chef or something.”
“Want some Donkey advice?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Listen to your stomach when you wake up. If it starts saying, ‘food…food…food…feeeeeeeeeeeeeeed me…food,’ then flip back the covers, get your rear end up, go take a piss, and if a certain Donkey Daddy is awake, then be ready to be a naked chef.”
Justin grinned and said, “But today, because I was disfunnyshun, I guess I’ll go get me some cereal and then take a shower and see if Joey and Marco can play and then get dressed, unless we play inside here.”
“With all that nice sunshine, you’d better be playing outside. Now, go eat so I can get back to figuring what 48 across is supposed to be.” Justin rose from the couch but before he could walk away, Mike put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “And the word is dysania.”
“Whatever. I’m hungry.” Justin moved his daddy’s hand away and dashed out to the kitchen for some cereal.
<The Miller Residence>
As Logan headed down the hall to find out what was for breakfast, Chase was coming the other way and saw his younger brother approaching with his tween cock at full mast.
“Hey, bro, you might want to cover up your pride and joy,” Chase said.
“Why? Mom and dad are cool with us being naked in the house, and I’m naked,” Logan said.
“I know, but we agreed that if we were boned up, we’d be a bit more modest.”
“Mom’s seen me with a boner, so what’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is we don’t start out naked that way. It’s if we bone up after we’re in the main part of the house that we don’t worry about it.”
“That always sounded so hypercritical to me.”
“The word is hypocritical,” Chase said.
“Okay, so you got an A in English. Never mind. I’ll go back and put on my tightest briefs. And since you’ve got undies on, I guess you must have had a boner when you went to the kitchen or whatever. Besides, isn’t mom working today?” Logan turned to head back to his bedroom.
“She is working this afternoon. And I sometimes just don’t want to be naked in front of the ‘rents. End of story.” Chase was at an age where the novelty of being naked and an increasing sense of modesty were in conflict.
“Fine, be that way. Are you gonna shower now?”
“Why do you care?”
“Just wondered if you’d be finished by the time I finished eating breakfast,” Logan said. “I mean, you do take the longest showers in the known world.”
“You could shower with me, and we could take a long shower and conserve resources at the same time.”
“Are you gonna wait for me?” Logan’s cock, which had started to go limp, started to become erect again.
“Oh, hell no. Shower now or go solo.”
“My stomach says it wants me to go solo, but my cock says I want to shower with you now.” Logan and Chase went into Logan’s bedroom together.
Chase stepped up to Logan and fondled his cock, which brought it up to total hardness. Logan groped Chase though his boxershorts. “Ha, I knew you had a hardon,” he grinned.
Chase pulled off his underpants, gently shoved his younger brother onto his bed, rolled him on his left side, planted himself on the bed and pushed his six-inch cock against his brother’s solid four inches and started humping.
“What are you doing, bro?” Logan squeaked just before Chase planted a deep, wet kiss on his brother’s lips, using plenty of tongue.
“I’m taking care of your problem,” Chase replied after breaking the lip lock. He continued humping his little brother’s smooth tween body. Logan returned the favor as much as he could against the bigger boy.
“You’re my problem and…but…shit…I’m cummmmmming.” Chase felt some warm drops squirt against him as Logan unloaded a small dose of clear, watery, semen over his crotch.
“Nice job, little bro.” Chase rubbed his cock against Logan’s smooth torso, leaving a trail of precum. It only took him a minute to shoot a load of teen cum on his little brother.
Logan rubbed his brother’s cum around his chest and belly before sitting up and grinning at his big brother. “I’m hungry, bro.”
“Sex will do that to you.”
“I was already hungry when you saw me in the hall. Now, I’m even hungrier. Let’s go eat.”
“Let’s do a quick shower first to get the mess off us.”
“Or we could just put a tee and undies on,” Logan suggested.
“Quick shower and then a big breakfast sounds right to me.”
“You’re the big brother. I gotta pee, but it won’t be in the toilet.”
They hopped into the shower as soon as they got the water temperature right. Right away Logan aimed his piss over his brother’s torso and crotch.
“Oh, you nasty, dirty boy,” Chase chided his little brother.
“I had a big brother teach me that it can be fun to do.”
“Well, I think I’m outgrowing piss play. Dillon doesn’t like it, and neither does Curt. Eddie, maybe sometimes, but I don’t think he’ll be doing it much longer. That leaves just my 12-year-old brother, and I might as well make him happy by doing this.” Chase pissed on Logan from his face down to his thighs. Logan had his eyes closed because he knew where Chase was going to aim his flow.
“Well, I’m not outgrowing it. But I need to get Tony to like it,” Logan said as he rinsed himself off and grabbed his towel. “Not just do it, but like doing it.”
Chase decided to give some big brother advice. “I don’t think you can get somebody to like it. Peeps either like it or they don’t, and most peeps don’t. You gotta accept what you get. So good luck.”
After drying off, the brothers headed to the kitchen in the nude. Logan wondered for a moment why Chase was no longer uptight about being nude around their mom, then decided it didn’t matter.
Kurt joined them just as Susan poured some pancake batter on the big griddle on the kitchen table. He was dressed in a t-shirt and lounge pants. Eddie made his appearance ten minutes later, wearing a t-shirt and boxers.
“It looks like the blood brothers are in a naughty mood,” Eddie said.
“Nah, we just like the naturist thing,” Logan responded.
“Chase hasn’t been liking it much lately, though,” Eddie grinned.
“Well, I do today. Why don’t you and Kurt join us?” Chase asked.
“Maybe next time,” Kurt said without conviction.
“Mom would think I was weird undressing in the middle of breakfast,” Eddie said.
“Mom thinks you’re weird anyway,” Logan smirked, which earned him a playful punch on his right arm. “Hey, don’t hurt the pitching arm.”
“Hurting that weenie arm can only help your sorry pitching.”
“That makes the dissing score one to one,” Chase said. “Now, let’s shut up and eat.”
<Tony and Trajan>
Tony high fived his teammates as he ran off the baseball field. The Guardians had just completed an 8-5 win over the Cubs. He got into the handshake line, took care of the obligatory “good game” statements, and got together with his teammates to get the coach’s post-game talk. It was mercifully brief, and he was soon in his car with his parents. Marco was spending the night at Justin’s, so he would be alone with Trajan. He wondered how that was going to work out.
Trajan was playing a game on his laptop when Tony came into their bedroom. “How’d the game go?” Trajan asked.
“We won 8-5. I had a hit and a walk and scored two runs. I also struck out once.”
“Good job, cuz.”
“You’re going to spend the night with your lacrosse friend tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, and his name is Levi. Right now, he’s more of a teammate who wants to be friends, and I guess it’s the same with me.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means like I said about Levi. Right now, I’m more of a teammate who wants to be friends than a friend.”
“Gotcha. And I’m hoping Logan is ready to do, you know, real sex with me tomorrow night,” Tony said.
“What’s Marco going to do, watch?”
“He’s supposed to be spending tomorrow night with Justin, too.”
“Him and Marco are both nine, right?” Trajan asked.
“And they mess around every night?”
“That’s what Marco says.”
“Damn…I didn’t become horny enough for stuff other than show and tell until I was eight and didn’t become a horn dog until I was, like, eleven.”
“I didn’t do much until then either,” Tony said.
Trajan thought that Derek must have been a lot like Justin and Marco when he was nine. “Hey, do you mind if we don’t mess around tonight?” he asked Tony.
“It’s cool. I was thinking the same thing. I kinda want to be like, super horny if Logan does me for the first time.”
“And I want to be that way for the game, because I think I have more energy when I’m kinda horny, plus, Levi hinted at us at least jerking off together. I’m hoping we might do more. But you can sleep with me if you like.”
“I think if I did, I’d be getting horny and you would too.”
“Good point. You’re a smart cousin.”
Trajan and Tony stripped naked and got ready for bed not long after that but neither one could fall asleep. Trajan was thinking erotic thoughts when he heard Tony get out of bed and cross the room.
“Don’t hate me,” Tony said. “But I keep thinking about what might happen tomorrow and it scares me, and I need to cuddle. Please, pretty please.”
Once again Trajan found himself thinking of somebody other than himself as he pulled back his covers. ‘Fuck Derek, If I’d only done shit like this for you, I bet we’d still be boyfriends,’ he thought as Tony scooted in close and wrapped himself around the warm naked body of his older cousin. Trajan loved to feel Tony’s smooth body. Normally he would adjust his position so he could kiss the younger boy and do whatever was needed to have an orgasm. Instead, he listened to Tony’s breathing slow until he was asleep and then dropped off into a deep sleep of his own.
<The Miller residence>
Madison arrived at the Miller’s at two o’clock carrying his gym bag. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tightly fitting gym shorts, his baseball cap, and flip flops. He had a t-shirt and his baseball uniform and accessories. His four-inch boner put an obvious bulge in the front of his shorts.
Logan grinned when he met his teammate and friend at the front door. Logan was wearing nothing but a pair of black Jockey briefs. “Hey, Madison,” he greeted as they traded a fist bump. Logan liked how Madison’s blue hair glistened.
“Hey, Logan.”
“Do you have anything under those gym shorts?”
“Like, why should I? It’s summer. I mean, in this kind of weather kids should be allowed to be naked when they go outside, right?” Madison kicked off his flip flops, pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them before entering the house.
“Some people take off their shoes when they come into somebody’s house, but here you are taking off your pants.”
“Only because I’m not wearing shoes and these shorts are, like, mega easy to take off.”
“Nice boner, by the way. You look like you’re kind of horny.”
“More than kind of. I’ve been thinking about this day since we set it up. I know you’ve got, like, a wickedly sexy boyfriend and shit but you can still mess around with guys, right?”
“We’re good with messing around. I know he does it and he knows I do it and we’ve turned each other on telling each other about it,” Logan replied.
Madison bent over and spread his ass cheeks, showing Logan his pink grommet. “Good, then you can give my ass an epic welcome kiss.”
Logan pulled off his briefs and then got down on his knees. He gave Madison’s ass a quick kiss, then stuck out his tongue and licked his pucker. He grabbed his friend’s hard cock with his right hand and stuck his tongue part way into the hole.
“Shit, bro. How many dudes our age do a hello kiss like that? It feels so wickedly good.”
Before Logan could answer he heard a key being put into the front door lock causing him to pull away from Madison and drop onto his right side. He breathed a sigh of relief when the door opened and he saw that the intruders were Chase and Dillon. If it had been Eddie or Kurt or both there would have been some freaking out, but nothing serious. If it had been one or both of his parents, there would have been a total freakout by them and it would have been totally serious. But Chase and Dillon couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well, little bro,” fifteen-year-old Chase said in his best older brother voice, “this is a fine pile of doodoo you seem to have landed in.”
“It was more like he was trying to lick the doodoo,” Dillon laughed.
“You do have a bedroom to do this kind of stuff in, you know. Although, you have gotten pretty daring lately, come to think if it. Since you turned twelve a couple of weeks ago, you’ve really stepped up the sexy stuff.”
“Well, it’s not like you’ve been Mr. Innocent the last few years,” Logan countered. “Maybe I’ve just been learning from my big brother.”
“That would be a big touché for little brother,” Dillon grinned.
“Fuck, Dillon, you’re my boyfriend. You’re supposed to be standing up for me. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Logan walking naked down the median of Aurora Boulevard.”
“What we were doing wasn’t so daring,” Logan went on. “Mom and dad weren’t going to be coming home from work, and even if they did, they almost always come through the garage door or the back door. Curt is with Duncan, his boyfriend who’s not his boyfriend, for the day and Eddie is with Maria, who’s not his girlfriend and who he wants to fuck real bad. And if they came here to have their fun, they almost always come through the same doors as mom and dad.
“What about Dillon and me?”
“Same with you and you weren’t supposed to come home from your practice until after three. And then you came home early and through the front door.” Chase and Dillon had been at a voluntary baseball practice being run by one of the assistant coaches at the nearby middle school.
“Two things little bro, both to remind you why big brothers know best. First, our practice was scheduled from one to three. The second reason is this.” He stepped over to the front door, opened it, stepped out, reached down for Madison’s gym bag, and brought it into the house. “Damn, Madison, did you load this thing with bricks?”
“Just my uniform and cleats and shorts and a t-shirt and my undershirt and a jock and clean underwear and my cup. Oh, maybe it’s my cup that makes it heavy. It’s made from solid steel to, like, give my crown jewels extra protection,” Madison said. “But I can’t believe I left it out there. I guess it’s because I was, like, so horny for Logan because he was so sexy in his black briefs. I mean, look at me, my totally sexy boner is, like, just flopping around. Now, can we, like, stop wasting time BSing and find stuff to do?”
“Like what?” Chase asked.
“Like snacking on some of the cookies Logan promised me were, like, in the kitchen waiting to be eaten.”
Nobody could argue with that suggestion, so the four boys hustled into the kitchen and raided Susan Miller’s cookie box and emptied out a quart bottle of chocolate milk. The two naked tweens tried to talk the two teens into stripping naked with no success. They said they’d think about doing it later in the evening.
The teens didn’t come close to lasting that long. The swimming pool was too inviting. Logan and Madison went directly into the water, enjoying the feel of skinny dipping. Chase and Dillon said they were going to Chase’s bedroom to change for swimming. After stripping naked, they decided that the time had come to be naked. After all, skinny dipping was the best way to enjoy a swimming pool, and if Chase’s parents came home while they were naked in the pool it wouldn’t be an issue. They were cool with skinny dipping in the pool as long as no girls were involved provided the boys stayed in the pool area and didn’t make themselves visible to the neighbors.
While there was plenty of crotch grabbing and ass grabbing, especially when the teens pulled the tweens out of the water and then tossed them back in. Somehow, they couldn’t seem to do it without grabbing their hairless gonads and smooth bubble butts. Of course, the younger boys enjoyed being groped and found ways to return the gropes. While wood was popped, sex didn’t happen—but their mood was set for the later in the evening that Chase had referred to.
<Justin and Marco>
Justin, Marco, and Joey played catch, fielded grounders, and played wiffleball with Mike and Ryan. It was an afternoon of yelling, high pitched boy screeches, and plenty of laughter. The dads had as much or more fun as the boys did. A cooler was set out on the patio with plenty of cold water. But, by four o’clock and after two hours of baseball fun, hunger had taken over.
The plan was to drive out to Magnolia village to enjoy the best pizza in the city at Luigi’s. Unfortunately, Joey’s mother wanted him home to enjoy a Saturday night dinner with his family, so it would just be Justin, Marco, the Donkey, and the Dawg. Karl had been invited to spend the afternoon and the night, but his family was having a big friends and family barbeque and he would be spending the afternoon with aunts, uncles, and most importantly, cousins of around the same age. The BBQ was held in Tacoma where the family of one of the aunts and uncles lived. They had rented a picnic pavilion in one of the city parks.
But as much as Justin and Marco loved being with their friends and teammates, they loved each other so much as friends they had no problem with just the two of them being together; in fact, they often preferred it that way.
Although neither Luigi nor Marne was working at the restaurant, which was a rare Saturday occurrence, Marco, as the son of the owners, was well known to the other employees and the Boyer family and Marco received the employee friends and family discount.
After wiping out a pair of large pepperoni pizzas and finishing off the meal with a bowl of gelato each, they drove back to the Boyer residence, which was located a few miles away in the Lake City district.
On reaching the house, the boys went directly to Justin’s rooms where they stripped down to their white briefs. “Are you sure your penis is still in your underpants?” Justin asked.
“I hope so,” Marco responded, “because if it isn’t, where would it go?”
“I don’t know, but I better check it just in case.” He reached over and rubbed the front of Marco’s Hanes briefs. “Yep, it’s there and so are your balls.”
“I better check yours, too,” Marco told his best friend. He did so, to the satisfaction of both nine-year-olds.
“Well, my Daddy Donkey and Papa Dawg said we have time to play Monopoly with them before going to bed. I hope one of us wins so they won’t go around bragging about how good they are.”
When Justin and Marco entered the living room, Ryan shook his head and said, “I can’t believe they came out wearing their underpants. I thought for sure they’d come out naked.”
“We didn’t want you telling us to go back and put them on, so we saved a trip,” Justin said.
“Hey, if you guys want to come out in the raw, you know it’s cool,” Mike grinned.
“Yeah, we know, but sometimes we gotta let Papa Dawg get his way so he doesn’t feel bad. Especially after either me or Marco beats you guys in the game.”
The four played a rousing game of Monopoly, which was won by Justin. “How did you win that game?” Mike asked.
“Underpants power!” Justin shouted out. He then pulled off his briefs and threw them at Mike, who swatted at them before they landed on his head. Marco followed suit. Mike managed to swat that pair, too. The two naked young tweens screeched with delight as they ran off to Justin’s bedroom to get ready for bed.
“That was funny, throwing our underpants at your Donkey Daddy,” Marco giggled as the boys sat on Justin’s bed.
“Did you see Papa Dawg? He was laughing, probably because we didn’t throw them at him. I guess we better go brush our teeth.”
“We’re sleeping naked together, right?”
They got off the bed to head for the bathroom and take care of their bedtime business. Just as they stood up there was a knock on the door.
“Come in!” Justin called out.
Mike the Donkey came in holding his nose with one hand and two pair of white boys’ briefs in his other hand. “You left something stinky behind,” he said as he dropped the briefs on the floor.
Justin stomped his right foot. “Our underpants aren’t stinky,” he insisted.
“Then you need to pick them up and smell them. You guys were running around getting sweaty all afternoon, plus yours has tread marks on the seat.”
“DAAAAAAAAAAD, don’t say stuff like that!” Justin screeched. “I bet Marco has some too.”
“Nope, his are as clean as the freshly fallen snow.” Mike laughed heartily and left the room.
Justin and Marco quickly inspected their briefs and found both of them free of any brown tread marks. “He makes me so mad sometimes,” Justin moaned. He took a quick whiff of Marco’s briefs. “But I guess they do smell a little bit.” Marco gave Justin a friendly punch in his left arm and the two boys went into the hall and to the bathroom.
“Justin insisted his undies didn’t stink,” Mike told Ryan.
“Then Justin is delusional,” Ryan responded. “Boys’ undies are going to smell some. Think about it, even ours smelled when we were their age.”
“Liar,” Mike grinned. “And be careful using words like ‘delusional’ around Justin. Heaven only knows how it would sound if he tried to say it.”
“Point taken,” Ryan laughed.
In the bathroom, Justin and Marco stood side by side at the toilet and emptied their bladders. “I want to try something tonight,” Justin said as they shook themselves dry.
“What?” Marco asked.
“Well, we’re best friends, right?”
“Yep. Plus, we’re boyfriends, too.”
“Yep. So, we’ve sucked each other and I think we need to do the sixty-nine thingie and play with each other’s butts with our fingers.”
“Eww, talk about stinky.”
“You’ve done Tony’s butt, right?” Justin said as he put toothpaste on his toothbrush.
“Yeah, in the shower a couple of times. Just play with it, not put my finger in.”
“So, let’s do the sixty-nine and play with our butts or not play with them. But I want to do the sixty-nine bad.”
“Okay.” Both boys felt themselves getting excited as they brushed their teeth.
They’d had boners as they left the bathroom. However, since they weren’t dealing with the hormonal flood of puberty, they had pretty much died down when they reached the living room. Mike noted they looked a little longer than their usual little boy nubs, but Ryan wasn’t paying attention as he stood up so he could reach down and give each boy a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead. Mike did the same and then accompanied the boys to the bedroom, where he tucked them in, kissed them on their foreheads, and left them to their fun.
Mike the Donkey knew Ryan wasn’t a fan of the two boys sleeping naked in the same bed, but he had won that dispute with his, “We did it when we were ten, and, as the two of them will tell you, they are almost ten” argument. He wasn’t about to deny the boys their fun. He knew even if they were told to sleep wearing pajamas or underwear or sleep separately, they would soon be naked in the same bed doing whatever it was they did as prepubescent nine-year-olds.
Mike couldn’t help but wonder what those two would be like when puberty hit. He conjured up an image of them naked and fucking in the back yard as hormone driven pubescent boys. The thought started a stirring in his groin, and he decided he needed to follow their example and get naked with his Dawg and enjoy his sexy body.
It didn’t take long for Justin and Marco to revive their flaccid little penises. Fondling each other for a couple of minutes was all it took.
“Now what are going to do with them?” Marco asked.
“Sixty-nine, just like we said.” Justin replied.
They moved around on the bed until they were comfortable. Although relatively inexperienced at sex, the two had learned enough from older boys to understand how the process worked. They soon had their mouths wrapped around their boyfriend’s less than three-inch steel rod.
They put all of their concentration on their partner’s erection and their own rising sexual excitement to think about their fingers and asses. This was all about sucking and having the kind of sex older boys had and doing it with someone who was unquestionably their boyfriend.
Marco got the shakes and the tingles first. He squeaked and moaned as Justin felt the jumps of his friend’s cock as it spasmed in his mouth. Marco kept sucking on Justin through his tingly orgasm getting Justin to have similar results a minute later.
They shared a drawn out kiss on the lips. “That was awesome,” Justin said as he pulled away.
“And the kiss was like a good ending in the movie after all the action,” Marco said in an interesting young boy observation.
The two got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a final piss. They did so without saying a word, as they understood their friend’s motivation for getting out of bed perfectly. Then it was back under the covers and cuddling their warm, hairless bodies together and falling into a pleasant sleep.
<The Miller Residence>
Eddie arrived home from Maria’s house a little before four o’clock. He knew Dillon and Madison would be visiting. Once he heard voices from the pool area he had no doubt he would find everyone skinny dipping. He quickly undressed and joined the fun.
“Well, did you get anywhere with Maria?” Chase asked Eddie after giving him a few minutes to chat with the guests and get settled in the water.
“We played around naked on her bed, if that means anything,” Eddie smirked. “But, she didn’t wanna fuck—at least not yet. But I’m getting there. I titty fucked her and came all over her boobs and I finger fucked her to a cum and she sucked me to another cum. She says she wants to wait until she’s at least thirteen to fuck and that’s gonna be next month and she also doesn’t want to do it if her parents might come home.”
“What’s the difference between catching you naked in bed after doing it or catching you even though you didn’t do it?”
“Don’t ask me. She’s a girl. What else can I say?”
Susan Miller arrived home from her job at quarter to five. Chase, Eddie, and Logan knew that their mother usually arrived home between four-thirty and five-thirty, so everyone put their swimming suits on at quarter after four. Not that they would get in trouble if she caught them skinny dipping; they just thought it was the right thing to do.
Susan started up dinner, a chicken casserole she had prepared the night before. She told the boys to get dressed for dinner at quarter after five.
“Don’t you guys like to eat nudist meals?” Madison asked.
“Big time. It’s usually okay with the ‘rents for breakfast or lunch, but hardly ever for dinner,” Logan told him. “Mom’s pretty good about the naturist stuff, so we don’t push it. Dad doesn’t give a rip one way or the other unless company’s involved, like you and Dillon. But since your ‘rents know the rules and are kinda okay about it in Dillon’s case and totally okay about it in Madison’s, we are going by mom’s rules for dinner.”
“Do you guys have, like, a rule book or something you use? I mean with your dad being a lawyer and all that it makes sense to me,” Madison asked.
“No. The rule is simple. If in doubt, keep your clothes on. Of course, we break it a lot, but it’s like, no harm no foul.”
After dinner the boys spent the evening going back into the pool for a while, playing in the games room, watching a movie in the TV theater. When Troy and Susan headed for bed, the boys decided to do the same.
Except for Eddie, sleep wasn’t on the boys’ agenda, however. Eddie said he’d had his cums for the day. “And I had it the way it really counts, and that’s with a girl.”
“You know you like messing with guys, too,” Logan said.
“Yeah, I’m cool with it. But it’s just messing around to get off and not real sex.”
Logan wasn’t sure he knew the difference. But he did know that Eddie and Curt had a way of making something fun into something complicated.
“So, what are we gonna do?” Chase asked once Eddie left for his room. The boys were all sitting on Chase’s king size bed.
“I want to, like, suck dick with Logan and watch you and Dillon having an epic fuck. That will help me, like, know what to do when I’m ready,” Madison said.
“I thought you were ready now,” Logan told Madison.
“Oh, I’m ready, but I know you want to give your boyfriend, Tony, everything you, like, got in your balls tomorrow, so you don’t want do too much tonight.”
While the boys talked, they stripped naked. All four of them were hard and Dillon was leaking precum.
“I’m getting my fangs ready for bed and for giving my boyfriend my fresh breath,” Chase said. “And then, after we share a long sweet kiss, I’m gonna fuck him raw.”
“I can’t wait,” Dillon said.
“As soon as they finish doing whatever they think will make them sexier in bed, then we’ll do the same thing,” Logan told Madison. Logan and Chase shared the same bathroom. There was plenty of room for the two boys but four would be a crowd.
“Sounds like a plan,” Madison said. Logan and Madison played with each other’s tween cocks waiting for Chase and Dillon to return.
“I still want to watch you and Dillon fuck each other sometime,” Madison said to Chase.
“Only if you two are willing to let us watch you fuck at the same time,” Chase responded.
Madison looked over to Logan who nodded yes.
“But, we do it before school starts,” Logan insisted.
The other three agreed and they traded pinkie vows.
After taking care of their business, Logan and Madison flopped on Logan’s bed. It was a full and much smaller than Chase’s, although there was space for a queen or a king in the room. That size bed was for when he got bigger, his parents told him.
Logan had just turned twelve and Madison was still a couple of months away from his twelfth birthday. They both had experience kissing other boys and, for the first time, there was no holding back between Madison and Logan. They agreed the only thing they weren’t going to do was fuck—this time. For the first time, they kissed each other and those kisses soon became French kisses with the two horny tweens frantically trading tongue.
Logan’s sexual partners weren’t wide ranging (Chase, Dillon, Aiden, Tony, Eddie, Riley). His anal sex had been with Chase, Dillon, Aiden, and Eddie. Madison had kissed Curt, Mason, and Darnell. Logan had rimmed him a couple of times, including the quickie in the foyer earlier in the day. His oral sex had been sucking off Nolan and Darnell. He was now enjoying his first passionate sexual experience as frantic kissing led to wild humping on Logan’s bed.
Logan went from topping Madison to turning him on his side. He resumed the kissing while rubbing his hairless four inches against Madison’s four inches. They were rubbing their cocks and kissing when Logan took things a step further by rubbing his right middle finger along Madison’s pucker.
“Oh, fuck, this is the bomb. I got wickedly good feelings all over me. I mean wicked—my face, my dick, my asshole, everything is….ohhhhhhh…I’m gonna cum Logan…ohhhhh fuuuuuuuck.” Madison’s body shivered, his cock spasmed and went through the motions of shooting out non-existing cum. Madison set off Logan who squirted his clear liquid emission on Madison’s crotch. The tweens pushed against each other, breathing hard.
“Wow, that was pretty good,” Logan gasped.
“Wicked good. We didn’t suck each other and you didn’t lick my butt but what we did…what we did says I need to do this more. I, like, need me a boyfriend for sure. Did you like it?”
“I loved it, Madison. Totally. You were really good. You’ll have to do some boyfriend hunting when school starts.”
“Fuck hunting. I got this, like, crush on somebody on the team. You know who’s been looking at me and talking to me real nice?”
“Bailey Overton?”
“You’ve been looking.”
“You’re my friend, Madison. We’re around each other a lot. I notice things. Maybe you gotta start looking at him.”
“His black hair is sooooooooooo sexy it’s sick.” Bailey’s hair was stylishly and expensively done. “I know he’s eleven like me because I heard him say he’ll be twelve in July. Plus, he’s, like, the opposite of me because he’s all quiet and everything. But he’s a really good baseball player and sooooooooooo radically sexy.”
“Wow, you called him sexy twice. I get the idea you think he’s pretty sexy.
“Don’t you think is he is? I mean I’m, like, I wanna see him totally naked.”
“Hey, invite him to your house. You have a way of getting a guy’s clothes to come off there.”
Madison broke into a grin and ran his left hand through his long hair. “We can compare hair. Maybe I can talk him into wearing an earring. I think he’d, like, look really rad with an earring, don’t you?”
“And maybe you can get him to dye his hair like you do. And yeah, if he wore an earring he’d be perfect for you.”
“That too. I gotta piss bad.”
“Me, too. Let’s piss and get to sleep. We do have a ballgame tomorrow afternoon,” Logan said.
They stood side by side at the toilet and relieved themselves. The two friends crawled into Logan’s bed and cuddled, enjoying each other’s warmth as they fell asleep.
In Chase’s bedroom things were different. Chase and Dillon had enjoyed a lot of sex together and knew how to make each other feel good. Chase was usually the top when they had intercourse, but sometimes Dillon took the role. This was one of those times.
Dillon didn’t fuck as hard or deep as Chase did, but Chase loved how his boyfriend’s fucking cock felt inside of him. He didn’t care how hard it was, he cared how loving it was. And he had loved Dillon’s hard cock since they had jerked off together in social studies in middle school.
“It sounds like the urchins had fun,” Chase said as he and Dillon enjoyed their post coital glow.
“Do you think they fucked?”
“Probably not. But I bet Madison got as much sex as he bargained for.”
“I hope we have the four of us together soon,” Dillon said.
“It will happen sometime,” Chase yawned.
They heard the toilet flush and then went out to take their own pisses. The sleep of the two teens was as peaceful and satisfying as that of the “urchins” in the next room.
Next: A Loaded Saturday