Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
“We have baseball practice today and a game on Wednesday and then a practice on Thursday and a game on Saturday,” Justin announced at breakfast in case his Poppa Dawg hadn’t gotten around to looking at the calendar for the week. “And the cinnamon rolls are the bomb.”
“You certainly have a busy schedule,” Ryan said. “And perhaps you should attempt to use proper words to describe things; like saying the cinnamon rolls are delicious.”
“They are delicious, but they’re also the bomb,” Justin responded.
It was at breakfast that Ryan missed having Michael around the most. He was totally ready for the next week to go by so he would be home in the mornings, and for the entire day for that matter, after school let out. As much as he loved his precocious young son, he often had difficulty getting his message across to the nine-year-old. Michael was much more adept at communicating with children in general and with Justin in particular.
Justin took a final gulp of milk. “Okay, I’m all done, and I’ll put my dishes away and then get my books and go pick up Marco for school.” Justin took care of his tasks and gave Ryan a hug.
“I love you, Poppa Dawg,” he said into Ryan’s torso.
“I love you, too, Justin.” He grinned as Justin ended the hug and zipped out the front door. For Ryan it was moments like this that communication problems really didn’t matter. It was being loved by that loveable little bundle of flesh that meant everything.
Marco was ready to go when Justin knocked on his door. He couldn’t use the doorbell in the morning in case Marco’s father was sleeping in. Marne gave Justin a motherly hug and waved as the two friends walked down the front sidewalk.
“I can’t believe we sucked each other,” Marco said as they walked the sidewalk along the street. “I thought you’d never do it.”
“I didn’t think I would either. It was fun, but I liked the hugging the best after we did it,” Justin said.
“That’s okay, we both did what we liked and we both were happy.”
Justin couldn’t argue with that.
Madison came across Logan in one of the halls at school. They exchanged fist bumps and started talking about their upcoming baseball game.
They entered their first period classroom and headed to a quiet corner to talk privately. “I hope you’re the starting pitcher,” Madison told Logan.
“We’ll find out at practice tomorrow,” Logan said.
“Did you mess around with anybody over the weekend?”
“Mostly with Chase and Tony. It was fuck and suck.”
“I jerked off Pedro in the park on Saturday,” Madison confessed. Pedro Rodriguez was a seventh grader who pitched and played infield on their baseball team. “He shoots a whole river of cum.”
“Did he do you?”
“You know Pedro—it’s okay if somebody jerks him off, but it’s, like, soooo gay if he does it. Not that he doesn’t jerk off guys sometimes. I got myself off though and he stayed and watched so it was all cool. It’s not like he’s, like, an asswaffle or anything, he’s just weird. I want to do more stuff with Curt again sometime.”
“What about me?” Logan asked with mock innocence.
“You’re the major sex bomb in my life. If I had a boyfriend as sexy as you, I’d be having orgasms twenty-four seven.”
The conversation ended as the classroom started to fill and they could no longer talk privately. They went to their respective desks and got ready for Mr. Hiller, their core teacher, to come into the room.
Madison, Logan, and Bud Graham, the team’s first-string catcher, sat together at lunch. “I thought you were going to call me on Saturday,” Madison said to Bud.
“I was, but the ‘rents had plans of their own. You know how that goes,” Bud said.
“Yep. My mom thinks she owns my life. The problem is, she’s like totally right since she gives me food and shelter. But, she, like, gives me a lot of love too, so what can I say?”
“I hear ya,” Bud turned to Logan. “Funny coach hasn’t told ya you were starting on Wednesday so you could get yourself prepped by playing catch with me.”
“I guess that means Pedro will be the starting pitcher,” Logan said.
“I hate catching Pedro. I mean he throws really hard, but it’s like he can’t figure how to hit my glove with the ball. You’ve got awesome control. Even Madison pitches better than that.”
“Hey, dude, watch out who you’re dissing. I might not usually be, like, a starter, but I pitch and I know how to make you work.”
“Yeah, except you know you like sucking my dick and I might not let you do it if you make me chase pitches.”
“That’s so bogus. You like getting sucked too much to not let me do it,” Madison responded.
“And next time you suck me you’re gonna see a couple of pubic hairs,” Bud boasted.
“For real?”
“Would I lie?”
“Fuck. You shoot some cum, you’re getting hair and Logan shoots lots more cum but doesn’t have hair and me? No hair, no cum. I might as well be in, like, my crib sucking my thumb.”
“Madison, if you were in that crib, it wouldn’t be your thumb you were sucking.”
Logan was enjoying the banter between Madison and Bud, especially the sexual parts. He knew just about everybody on the baseball team thought that Madison was the team sex hound, when in fact he had way more sex than Madison did; and Madison was plenty busy.
The bell ending lunch rang and the three boys headed off for class, their tween cocks all in a state of pubescent excitement. Their condition soon calmed down as they shifted to schoolwork, causing the blood flow to divert from their genitals to their brains.
“Do you want to stay at my house until practice starts?” Dwight Lucas asked Eddie.
“Thanks for asking, but I got my practice gear at home so I might as well go straight home,” Eddie replied.
“Have you tried any more hits on your vape device?”
“I lost it somewhere.”
“How could you lose it?”
“I dunno. It must be in my room somewhere.”
“You ain’t wussing out on me, are you?”
“No, I just can’t find it,” Eddie lied.
“I can get you another one if you want.”
“It’s cool. Losing it is probably a sign I shouldn’t be vaping.”
“Which is another way of saying you’re wussing out. It’s your fucking brother who got to you, ain’t it?”
Eddie decided to quit playing around and confess. “Okay, so I lied. He told me I was gonna be in deep shit if I kept using it.”
“I knew it. What did the faggot do, threaten to quit sucking your dick if you kept vaping?”
“No, it was nothing like that.”
“Whatever. I just wish I had a catcher who wasn’t a pussy to throw to.”
The boys reached the corner where they normally split. Eddie kept going while Dwight turned to his right. “It would help catching you if you threw a decent breaking ball,” Eddie said, trying to get the last word in.
He didn’t succeed, however. “Fuck you and all your queer brothers,” Dwight finished.
Eddie walked home wishing he played on a team like Chase or Logan played on—a team where everybody got along. Curt, Cole Grainger, and Roy Andrews were about the only players he got along with on the Vipers, or the Vapers as Dwight liked to call them. The bad blood went deeper than Dwight. He didn’t remember this much friction on the middle school team. But, a lot of the players on the Vipers didn’t play on the Blaine Middle School team, plus the school coach was much stricter than Viper Coach Henderson was.
There were two reasons Eddie didn’t seriously think about quitting the team. First, Curt, Cole, and Roy were all pitchers who he would catch regularly, and they had all worked well together in school ball. The other was that his dad would probably not let him quit and Chase wouldn’t let him quit for sure. Eddie was determined to stick with the Vipers, problems and all. To do that he knew he needed to talk about the issue with somebody. Chase and his father were the first to come to mind, but to his surprise one other name kept coming up in his head: Pierce, his one-time street kid bro and, briefly, his boyfriend.
But a familiar dark thought came into his head as well, kicking thoughts of Pierce out of it. He wondered if a hit or two of weed might give him a respite from the tenseness he felt in his body and his mind. It was one thing to think about weed and another thing to get it. He wondered if Dwight would have access to any.
After all, his teammate was willing to get him hooked on vaping, which he didn’t like doing at all, so might he be a source of some killer weed? Eddie thought. What would happen if I asked? Asking doesn’t cost anything, so it can’t hurt. Not that he was going to toke any, at least not now. But just in case the stress started getting to him it would be nice to know he had a place to turn. He knew who pushed drugs at the middle school, but none of them were people he trusted. Dwight is almost a friend, so I should be able to trust him, Eddie thought wistfully.
<Pierce and Walker>
Walker’s alarm awoke Pierce and Walker at 6:15. Pierce hadn’t been able to get to sleep the night before. He finally went downstairs from his loft and made his way to the master bedroom where Walker was sleeping soundly. Pierce had been feeling the fits of depression and loneliness that hit him at times and cuddling with his dad was something that always helped. So did sleeping with Drake, not to mention the sex with his boyfriend. He wrapped his left arm around Walker’s torso, wishing this was one of those nights he decided to sleep shirtless. Walker never slept naked except when Pierce was staying away from home or had Drake or other friends spending the night because of his son’s surprise forays into his bed. Pierce fell asleep within a couple of minutes of snuggling against Walker’s masculine torso. And now, the alarm had brought him back to the real world.
“Good morning, dad,” Pierce yawned.
“Well, good morning, son,” Walker said groggily. “What are you doing here?”
“Waking up to your alarm.”
“Even in the early morning you can be a snarky badass.”
“You know you love it. But seriously, I couldn’t sleep so I came down to your bed and fell right to sleep. I guess I needed to feel the love.”
“I would think you’d feel a lot of love with Drake.”
“He lives kinda far from here. Besides, I needed the kind of love you give me. Unconditional parent love. It’s what I missed most during my time on the street.”
Walker scootched closer to Pierce and gave him a long hug before Pierce rose from the bed and headed for his shower. As he did on almost a daily basis, Walker gave thanks for having Pierce in his life.
Breakfast was laid out when Pierce sat at the dining room table. Cheerios with fresh raspberries, toast, and microwaved sausage patties were the menu of the morning. “Are you going to talk to Troy about my stalker?” Pierce asked his father.
“Yes I am. But understand there isn’t much he can personally do about it. What I hope is that he will refer me to a police detective who will follow through on the complaint. That’s not true of everyone in the department.”
“Whatever he does is cool. Anything that is done is better than nothing being done. Remember, I have baseball practice this evening. Chase’s mom will pick me up at six.” Pierce had made the roster for the Rainiers, a fifteen and under team. This would be their first organized team practice since the roster had been set. Most of the players on the team attended Lincoln High School; Pierce and Nathan were two of the exceptions. Pierce thought Chase being on the team was a major plus.
“I’ll have a light meal ready for you,” Walker promised. Pierce and Walker had been scheduled to have dinner with Drake and parents that night, but the combination of Pierce’s practice and Keegan’s work schedule caused them to reschedule it for Wednesday night.
“Thanks, dad.” Pierce left the table, grabbed his backpack, and went out the door to catch his bus to school. He was feeling good again. Deciding to sleep with Walker had been the right thing to do. Like he had told Walker when they woke up, sleeping with Walker allowed him simply to feel the love which somehow purged the little demons that bugged him.
Later that morning, Walker called Troy Miller from his office. He was surprised when Troy’s office assistant said Troy would take his call. Knowing that the Prosecutor was a busy man, he expected to be shunted to voice mail and receive a return call at Troy’s convenience, which, in the usual scheme of things would be when Walker was too busy to answer the call, leading to an endless game of phone tag.
After the two exchanged quick pleasantries, Walker explained the reason for his call. “I know just the person to turn this over to,” Troy told Walker. “Detective Bruce Reasoner is the best there is in Vice. He will be sure to follow through as quickly as possible rather than put it on the back burner as many would do since it doesn’t appear to involve immediate physical harm.:
“A fifteen-year-old boy is pretty shaken up about it, not to mention his father,” Walker said.
“From a prosecuting attorney’s view, not to mention a father’s view, I understand. Rest assured that Bruce will put this at the top of his to-do list. Even so, it will probably be a day or two before he can contact you. Let Pierce know that if the perp shows his face in the meantime that he is not to hesitate to call 9-1-1 and let them know this is a case that is being investigated.” Troy gave Walker an SPD case number and gave the same one to Detective Reasoner when the two made contact that afternoon.
Walker thanked Troy for his help and went back to dealing with the items on his desk.
Drake was sitting in the nursery feeding his little brother, Lincoln. The baby sucked on his bottle eagerly. Drake wondered if he liked sucking that much when he was three months old. He finally decided if he had the same kind of appetite then that he had now the answer would be yes. His next thought was how having a baby suck like that on Natalie’s boobs felt. It had to hurt or be sore in some way, he thought. It can’t be too bad, or she would just use the bottle to feed him and forget breast feeding. Maybe I should ask her sometime, not that I have any thoughts about me breast feeding a baby.
“Hey, little bro, you look really intense when you’re feeding. You must like whatever it is they put in that formula.” He heard the doorbell ring, and from the voices he knew it was Pierce and Walker, who were about twenty minutes early. Walker poked his head into the nursery and exchanged greetings with Drake. He turned and went to join Keegan and Natalie in the kitchen while Pierce came and sat in one of the other chairs.
“Dang, little Lincoln’s got no clue he’s being fed by a Duck,” Pierce chuckled.
“He knows he’s being fed by big brother, which is good enough,” Drake responded. “And before you ask, mom and dad are doing the finishing touches on dinner and getting the table set and I’m taking care of little brother, who thought this was an awesome time to screech for his dinner.”
“He is a selfish little critter, that’s for sure.”
“And I changed his diaper, too, so you’ve got no diaper worries.”
“Like I was even remotely thinking about diapers,” Pierce chuckled.
“Well, he’s sucked the bottle dry, so now I get to burp him and stick him in his crib and hope he decides this is a good time to get his ass to sleep.”
“Ohhh, you said ass in front of the impressionable little critter. I’m gonna tell.”
“I’ll plead innocent if you narc on me.”
“Yeah, whatever. But you’re gonna be super surprised when the first word he says ends up being ‘ass.’”
“Then I’ll blame it on you, Pooka, since you’ve used the word twice to my once.”
“You forget one thing, though,” Pierce said.
“What’s that?”
“First impressions count most.”
Drake laid Lincoln properly in his crib and picked up the feeding utensils. “Well, Lincoln sucked his bottle dry, and I can think of something you can suck dry if we get the time.”
“Just stick it in front of me, Duck, and I’ll show you a prime example of sucking.”
“Hey, we’re not gonna eat for a while,” Drake said. “Wanna go up to the park and walk around?” Both boys were wearing Mariners t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops.
“Sure - as long as we just walk,” Pierce said with a smile. “Don’t you go running away from me.”
“No worries, flop flops aren’t made for running,” Drake grinned. He told his parents where he and Pierce were going, and the boys left for the park. “I did see on the Whittier website that you legged out a base hit in your last game. You can run when you want to.”
“Shit,” Pierce scoffed. “That was more because their shortstop bobbled the ball than any big-time running I did. The ball took a bad hop and they scored it a hit. It WAS a close play at first, though.”
When they reached the halfway point around the park, Drake pointed to a bench. “Wanna sit for a while?”
“Sure. Sounds good.”
As they sat down, each boy instinctively pulled out his phone to check for anything new - alas, there was nothing.
Pierce ran his hand over the light fuzz on Drake’s calf. “Damn, you’re gettin’ all hairy.”
“I know - it must be something in my genes.”
“I’ve got something in my jeans, too.”
Drake burst out laughing. “Yeah, I know - I’m very familiar with it.” He squeezed Pierce’s hand. “You’re so beautiful - and so goofy.”
“No goofier than you.”
“My dad told me I need to think about starting to shave.”
“Oh, bullshit - you don’t need to shave. Besides, I kinda like that little mustache shadow you got going on.”
Drake nudged Pierce and nodded to the right. “Look who’s coming.”
“Oh, crap.”
It was the same two joggers the boys had seen the day they were walking in the park with Lincoln. As they approached, the joggers slowed and stopped. They were both blond - one was about 5’10 and the other was easily 6’3, in their early twenties, wearing white tank tops, blue jean cutoffs, and high-end running shoes. The tall jogger’s cutoffs were valiantly working to contain what was obviously an extremely generous endowment.
“Greetings,” the tall jogger said pleasantly.
“What’s up?” Drake and Pierce said almost simultaneously.
“Just out for a jog,” the shorter guy replied.
“Man, you got runner’s legs,” the tall jogger said to Drake. “You a runner?”
“Yep - Lake Washington High.” Drake figured nothing ventured, nothing gained so he decided to offer an introduction. “I’m Drake - this is my boyfriend, Pierce.”
“I’m Taylor,” the tall jogger said. “This is my boyfriend, Dayne.” Drake and Pierce both stood up and handshakes were exchanged.
“You a runner, too?” Dayne asked Pierce.
“Nope - I’m a baseball dude. Whittier Middle School. I play first base mostly. A big Mariner fan. And I love swimming.”
“Now that’s me,” Dayne said with a smile. “Baseball all the way.” He pointed at Taylor. “This big tall dude here - he’s all about basketball. And we both love swimming, too - along with tennis and water skiing.”
“We gotta jet,” Taylor said. “Good to meet you guys. Have a good weekend. Maybe see ya again sometime.”
“Works for us,” Drake said.
Pierce giggled as Taylor and Dayne jogged away. “Damn, Duck, nothing like outing us right on the spot.”
“Sorry - I guess I did kinda let on sorta sudden like.”
Pierce shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize. I loved it.”
“That Taylor dude is packing, man,” Drake said with a leer. “Talk about a trouser snake.”
“Yeah, I kinda noticed.”
“You kinda noticed?? Shit, Pooka, your baby-blues were as big as saucers.”
Pierce gave Drake a quick kiss. “Guilty as charged.”
“Ready to head back home?”
“Yep. What’s for supper?”
“Fried chicken with all the fixings.”
“I’m ready,” Pierce said.
After walking away, Taylor and Dayne couldn’t help but talk about the two teens who had come out as gay.
“Ouch!” Taylor exclaimed as he climbed on his bicycle.
“What’s the matter?”
“I sat on my cock.”
“Awwww,” Dayne said with mock sympathy. “I really feel sorry for you having to haul that big thing around all the time.”
“Whatever. So do you think they were sixteen?” Taylor asked as he and Dayne pedaled toward their apartment.
“The dark haired one, maybe. The blond, no way. Besides he said something about middle school.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Although I thought he looked a little old for middle school. We need to figure out a subtle way to ask them how old they are.”
“I agree on that and I agree on how old that fucking hot blond looked,” Dayne agreed. “He sure had some gorgeous blue eyes. That brunette kid was a hottie, too.”
“Yeah - and he had beautiful runner’s legs. So, what’s for supper?”
“Brats on the grill followed by sausage in the ass for dessert.”
“I’m ready,” Taylor said.
On their walk home, Pierce couldn’t help but remind Drake that the legal age for sexual consent was sixteen. “Walker gives this wait until eighteen shit for having sex, and I totally understand, but if he asked me on my sixteenth birthday if he could jump my bones, I wouldn’t turn him down.”
“I hear ya,” Drake said. “Keegan could jump mine today, but in the end I’d have to say forget it. I love him as a dad and I want to keep it there. Now, those two dudes in the park can take me back into the bushes any time they want.”
“Six more months and I can join you,” Pierce smirked.
Dinner, which was a tossed salad followed by fried chicken with mashed potatoes and carrots, was a big success. Dessert was New York cheesecake purchased at the downtown bakery. It was topped by a strawberry compote and whipped cream.
After dinner, Pierce and Drake disappeared into Drake’s bedroom, where Pierce made good on his promise to suck Drake dry. “I’m willing to bet I still have some seed in me,” Drake said as he pulled his pants up.
“I wouldn’t bet on it, Duck. You were in the hands of an expert, after all.”
While Pierce and Drake were dealing with their sexual tensions, Walker was having a serious talk with Keegan in the living room after they helped Natalie with after-dinner cleanup. Natalie joined the two men to listen in on their talk. Keegan had told her over the weekend that Walker had something important to discuss which might lead to some serious decision making.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what we discussed at the boys’ Blowout party,” Walker said. “I liked your ideas on scheduling trucks and drivers for McCall Trucking by using our software.” McCall Trucking was Keegan’s employer. “Since our software isn’t geared to truck scheduling, I took the idea we discussed to my programmers, and they came up with something that they think will work better than any existing program.”
“Great. I’m glad to have been of help,” Keegan said.
“While the program was the result of a casual discussion between the two of us, I want to pay you a stipend for your time and effort.”
“That isn’t necessary. It was an enjoyable exercise and…”
“Hear me out Keegan. I talked to your employer, and he would love to take a look at our scheduler. I told him you and one of my techs will make an appointment to meet him and his dispatchers in your Seattle office for them to inspect the program. This will be paid time. If this works out and results in a sale, and I think it will, I would like for you to be part of the training program and I would like to hire you as a trainer for what will become the trucking portion of my WJB Applications
“Wow. This comes as a big surprise. I thought you were going to tell me that you might use some of my suggestions. But this—this is totally unexpected. I will need to discuss this with Natalie as well as Drake.”
“And not with Lincoln?” Walker grinned.
“As long as he gets fed and his diaper gets changed, he’ll agree to anything,” Natalie said.
“I hate to ask a mundane question, but I will need to know about salary and benefits.”
“What I would like is to make you an on-call employee until we get this off the ground,” Walker explained. “I’ve already talked to Seth McCall and he’s willing to have you continue driving for him on a part-time basis. You would still be on his full-time benefit package which I will help pay for. If you and Natalie and, yes, Drake are interested, you and I can meet in my office to go into details of what the job will entail. Right now, there is no rush on making a decision since the program is still in the developmental stages. However, I would like you to be available for consultation should we have questions that might require your expertise. We want to hire the company’s chief dispatcher on a consulting basis as well if Seth approves.”
After some other details were discussed, the conversation shifted to other topics until just after eight-thirty when Walker said it was time for him and Pierce to head home. “Even teens and middle-aged adults need to get their beauty sleep,” Walker said. He was about to roust Pierce out of Drake’s bedroom when his son entered the living room cradling baby Lincoln.
Walker walked over to Pierce and stroked Lincoln’s chin. “Your baby is so sweet,” Walker grinned.
“Yes, he is, but Keegan and Natalie will have to work hard to make sure he stays that way. Duck is already a bad influence on him,” Pierce said.
“How, by introducing him to you?” Drake asked.
“Nope, just by you being you.”
“That means I’m a bad influence on you, too.”
“I know, but what can I say,” Pierce said with mock sadness.
“Time to go home, son,” Walker announced.
“Did Keegan take the job?” Pierce asked.
“What job?” Drake asked.
“We’ll talk about it on the way home,” Walker replied.
Drake and Pierce shared a kiss. “Good night, Pooka. I love you bunches,” Drake cooed.
“I love you, too, Duck.”
As the dinner party broke up, Walker and Keegan would have been surprised to learn that they were sharing similar thoughts; they both believed the other man was incredibly sexy and would love to share a night in bed with him.
<Justin and Marco>
Justin was standing on third after his bases loaded triple in the bottom of the fifth gave the Jammers a 9-4 lead. He brushed off his uniform and exchanged a high-five with Coach Wood. The games in the Metro 10 and Under League were six innings long, so the Jammers had all but clinched a win over the Ballard Blaze. Still, in 10 and under baseball, anything could happen. But everything came out well for the Jammers as Dayton Guild threw a 1-2-3 inning in the top of the sixth giving them a 9-4 win.
After the game, Mike drove Justin, Karl, and Marco to his house where Ryan was heating up some mac and cheese for a late dinner. Joey had been invited too, but his mother wouldn’t allow him to go citing the fact that it was a school night. Mike wanted to tell her he’d have Joey home by eight, which was certainly early enough for him to get to bed on time but decided it would be best if he kept his donkey nose out of other people’s business. He wished he could do something because Joey was obviously an unhappy boy.
“Oh, goodie, you put hamburger in the mac and cheese. Thanks Papa Dawg,” Justin said as they sat down to dinner. The boys had taken their uniforms off and were dressed in just their t-shirts and underpants. The trio was hungry, and they dug right into their dinner.
“Justin won the game for us,” Marco said as they scarfed down their food.
“Nuh uh, we were already ahead when I hit my triple,” Justin protested.
“So? You put us five runs ahead instead of just two runs ahead.” Marco proudly displayed his math skills in front of Justin’s dad. “Plus, you pitched two good innings.”
“Yeh, you only gave up one run,” Karl added.
“I didn’t win that game for us, we all won that game for us. Karl gave up no runs in his two innings and he got two big hits.” Rick Butler had given up three runs in his one inning, accounting for most of the runs the Jammers allowed.
After finishing off their dinner and clearing off the plate of cookies Ryan had set in front of them, they retired to Justin’s room to talk boy talk. “How much time have we got?” Marco asked after the three placed themselves on Justin’s king bed.
“My dad’s picking me and Marco up at eight-thirty,” Karl replied. “Is it okay if I take off my undies?” He placed his fingers inside the waistband of his gray briefs.
“Go for it,” Justin said. “But me and Marco will take ours off, too, if you do.”
“That sounds good to me.”
With that the underpants and the t-shirts came off and the three were naked. Karl had an erection. Marco couldn’t believe Karl’s dick was bigger than Tony’s and Logan’s even though he was in fifth grade, and they were in sixth. Marco and Justin, who weren’t yet producing the hormonal soup that had started coursing through Karl’s veins, had to rub themselves some to get hard.
“Do you guys mind if I jerk off?” Karl asked. Karl had become much bolder sexually since the day he first messed around with Marco, Joey, and Justin.
“Go ahead,” Justin said. Karl started casually playing with his four-inch erection.
“Can I tell him?” Marco asked Justin. Justin knew right away what Marco was asking about and nodded. “Me and Justin sucked each other off.”
“Really? When?” Karl asked.
“On Saturday,” Justin answered. He was now rock hard, as was Marco.
“Did you have one of those orgasm thingies?”
“Yep,” Justin answered proudly. “Do you want one of us to suck yours?” Like Karl, Justin was becoming bolder sexually as well.
“Yeah, that sounds cool.” Marco and Justin looked at each other. This time Marco nodded his okay.
“I’ll do it.” Justin was about to give his third blow job and his second in less than a week. He knelt between Karl’s legs and looked at this friend’s dark cock. He sure is bigger than Marco or Skip. I wonder if I can do it? Justin thought. He decided to look at it as a challenge and wrapped his lips around Karl’s cockhead.
Karl moaned with pleasure and Justin took in a little more. He didn’t know what the best way to do it was and pulled off to ask Marco what he thought. “What’s the best way for me to do this? You’ve done Tony a lot and I’ve only done you and that Skip kid in Mayfield.”
“I don’t know. Tony and I just suck each other. Maybe we should get lessons from somebody like Logan,” Marco answered.
“I don’t care what the best way is,” Karl said. “What you started doing felt good so go ahead and do what you were doing.”
Justin knew Marco was right—that they needed lessons on doing it the best way they could. But that didn’t help him right now and he didn’t have much time left before Karl’s dad would be coming. He put Karl’s cock in his mouth as far as it had gone before and went back to sucking. He moved his head up and down some, like Marco had done to him on Saturday and used his tongue a little bit, but for the most part he just sucked until Karl warned him that he was starting to get the feeling.
One thing Karl could do that Marco and Skip couldn’t was squirt cum. It was thin and watery and there wasn’t much of it, but Justin wasn’t sure he wanted Karl to shoot in his mouth. He knew Marco let Tony shoot it in his mouth and swallowed it, but he didn’t feel ready to do it, so he released Karl’s cock from his mouth and jerked off his spit covered cock.
“Oh, yeah, it’s doing it,” Karl moaned as he shot three drops of clear cum on his smooth, brown belly.
“Marco lets Tony shoot it in his mouth, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to.”
“It’s cool. It felt wicked good,” Karl said. “You and Marco are good friends to me. But you both got boners and it’s getting late.”
“Then we do what Tony taught me and sixty-nine,” Marco suggested. Marco told Karl to scoot down to the foot of the bed and then he and Justin stretched out on the bed. They came surprisingly quick and within seconds of each other. Their dry cums were very satisfying.
Mike and Ryan heard a few squeaks from the boys coming from Justin’s bedroom. “Methinks the boys had a bit of fun for themselves,” Mike chuckled.
“They’re way too young for that,” Ryan said.
“And the right age to start playing around is what?”
“Ten, I guess. That’s what we were when we started.”
“Karl is ten and the two little rug rats are nine. I think that’s close enough.”
“Probably, but I still think we need to have a chat with Justin about sex—like, real soon.”
“I answer his questions all the time,” Mike pointed out.
“I mean, we should have a chat that we initiate.”
“Someday, soon,” Mike nodded, which Ryan correctly interpreted as meaning it will be a while before that happens.
That night after being tucked in, Justin snuggled with Marco, Donkey, and Bernie. He stared into the darkness and thought how he had actually sucked two dicks in five days after saying he would never suck any. He wondered if he was becoming a sex fiend and thought that maybe he would need to talk to his dads soon about more than just jerking off.
Thinking about how Trajan would be arriving in just over a week, Tony thought it might be a good idea if he called his cousin to tell him he was looking forward to his visit. He would even let him know he didn’t have any problem with sharing his bedroom for the summer. While that wasn’t entirely true, it was close enough. After all, it was just for the summer, not for a lifetime.
Tony asked his mother what she thought of the idea and she told him she thought it was a great idea. Tony had received his own phone for his twelfth birthday the month before and was still getting used to the idea of being connected to the world.
“Do you think I should call him or text him?” he asked.
“Oh, I would call him,” Marne answered. “Texting would be too impersonal to make him feel fully welcome.”
She gave Tony his cousin’s phone number and Tony retreated to the privacy of his bedroom to make the call. He wasn’t surprised to get Trajan’s voicemail; with his friends he ended up in voicemail often.
“Hey, Trajan, this is your cousin Tony. I just wanted to tell you we’re excited you’re coming to stay with us for the summer and your bed will be put in my bedroom this weekend. Call me so we can talk and start making plans.” After he disconnected, he sat on his bed hoping the message said what he wanted it to say and sounded friendly enough.
<The Miller Brothers>
Susan and Troy were happy that their sons, who played for three different teams, rarely had games on the same day. This was one of those days, however. Eddie and Curt played on the Vipers, Logan on the Stampeders, and Chase on the Rainiers. The Vipers and Stampeders had early evening games that started at five-thirty, while the Rainiers played at eight on the same field the Vipers played on.
Susan attended the Stampeders five-thirty game which was being played at Montlake Park and watched Logan and his teammates lose a 6-3 game. Pedro Martinez was the starting pitcher and lasted three innings. Making three errors in the first inning opened the floodgates and the Stampeders found themselves down 5-0 at the end of the first inning. They settled down and played good baseball after that and had the bases loaded with one out in the top of the seventh and a chance to tie the game. The game ended when Madison hit a rocket to the third baseman, who made a diving catch to his right and then slapped third with his glove doubling off the runner to end the game.
Logan was unhappy with the outcome, of course, but told his mom that while Coach Strong wasn’t pleased that they didn’t start the game in the proper frame of mind, he did praise the team for getting their collective act together and putting themselves in a position to tie and maybe win the game.
Troy watched the five-thirty Viper game being played at the baseball field just north of the Magnolia Village. The Vipers did not get off to a good start either, falling behind 4-0 in the second on their way to an 11-4 loss. Vance Jensen started the game. He and Eddie couldn’t get on the same page, and he was constantly shaking off Eddie’s signs. He spent so much energy being upset with Eddie that he ended up not concentrating on his actual pitching. As a result, he didn’t fool many batters. Coach Henderson spent more time yelling at players than doing any actual coaching. From what Curt and Eddie had to say about the coach and the state of the team, Troy wasn’t surprised that they looked like a demoralized group.
Susan arrived at the field five minutes before Chase’s game. Logan talked with Eddie, Curt, Susan and Troy about his game and then listened to his brothers’ tale of woe. Eddie and Curt left for a different section of the bleachers to sit with Roy and Cole. Logan stayed behind to sit with Troy and Walker. Susan left to sit with Dillon’s mother.
Troy and Walker only mentioned Pierce’s problem once, both because Logan was sitting next to them and because Walker didn’t want to take advantage of his budding friendship with Troy. However, when Logan talked his dad into giving him money for a hot dog and a Coke and left for the concession stand, Walker confirmed that Detective Reasoner would be meeting with Pierce after school the next day and passed on that Pierce thought he might have seen Wilson Radcliffe’s car parked near the school a couple of days ago but couldn’t be sure.
Things picked up for the Millers when the Rainiers played an outstanding all-around ball game and defeated West Seattle 4-2. Chase started at third and went 2-for-3 with an RBI double. Pierce, who started in left field, went 0-for-2 with a walk, but made a nice running catch in the third inning. Dillon pitched the first six innings, giving up one run on four hits and two walks. While Chase was a better all-around ballplayer than Dillon, Dillon was the better pitcher of the two—and Chase was an outstanding pitcher.
Eddie didn’t want to sleep alone that night. He asked Curt if he could sleep with him and was pleased when Curt said he was okay with it. “But, no sex, though—at least not tonight,” Curt told his brother. Eddie was okay with that since he needed to talk and cuddle more than he needed to get off.
“You’re a pitcher, bro,” Eddie said after the lights went out and they settled in bed. “Vance was shaking off an awful lot of my signs. Was I doing a shitty job of calling pitches?”
“I didn’t think so. It was like every time you called for an off-speed pitch, Vance wanted to throw a fastball. Everybody on that West Seattle team knew when a fastball was coming,” Curt replied.
“Why was he being such an asshole about it?”
“Mostly because he IS an asshole. Some of the guys on our team, like Vance, are going to be in a world of hurt next spring in school ball if they don’t start getting their shit together this summer.”
“So, the shitty pitching wasn’t all my fault, then, right?”
“Other than not going out to the mound to kick his ass, which it looked like you wanted to do a couple of times, you did fine. Coach spent more time yelling at Vance than he did yelling at you. He should have told you after the game you did a good job and talked about Vance doing his job. It’s not your fault Coach Henderson and Vance are both assholes.”
That said all that needed to be said. Eddie soon fell asleep cuddled up to Curt and knowing that it wasn’t his fault as a catcher that Vance sucked.
After the final bell of the day, Pierce and Nathan headed for the school pickup area where Walker was waiting for them in his Lexus.
“Whoa, that’s a sick ride,” Nathan commented.
“Hey, dad,” Pierce greeted as he opened the door. The boys climbed into the car and Walker headed for home where they would be meeting with Detective Reasoner. The detective felt that conducting his interview at Pierce’s house would be much less stressful than doing it at the police station. Nathan’s mother would also be attending.
Daniel Whittaker, an attorney recommended to Walker by his business attorney, was also sitting in on the meeting. His job was to make sure everything was done by the book and to read over any legal documents produced by the meeting.
The detective was already parked in front of Walker’s house when Walker drove up. He got out of his car as Walker parked in his driveway. Walker and Reasoner had already met, and Walker introduced him to Pierce and Nathan. Just as the introductions were completed Nathan’s mother, Lindy, pulled up in front of the house.
While she did not totally approve of Nathan’s friendship with Pierce, she was wise enough to know that her standing in the way of it would only lead to problems. She felt she could supervise better if the boys could keep their friendship open and above board as much as young teenagers were capable of. The friendship hadn’t really started blossoming until baseball season started. Nathan was so smitten with Pierce that he had talked her into letting him play a league up during the summer so he and Pierce could play together. Since Nathan was a very talented player, she decided he could only be helped by going against stiffer competition.
After everyone settled in, Detective Reasoner asked the boys questions about their run-in with Radcliffe. He received permission to copy the video on Nathan’s camera. Reasoner had already talked to Pierce about his days on the street the day before.
He apologized to Pierce for what had happened to him on the streets.
“Why an apology from a police officer?” Walker asked, although he suspected what the reason was. He just wanted to make sure Pierce understood.
“We have vice officers on the lookout for children in the position Pierce was in. Pierce is an exception in that he worked as an independent instead of through a human trafficker. He is also lucky he didn’t run afoul of those vermin. That said, we should have found him and taken him in for help. He is fortunate to have found the life he has.”
“I believe we are all fortunate he’s discovered a new life,” Walker said. “Pierce has become a positive example for many people, including me.”
“Even I have learned to respect him,” Nathan’s mother said. “And trust me when I say I didn’t trust him in the slightest when my son first met him.”
Pierce blushed on hearing the praise. He also wondered what Nathan’s mother would say if she knew of what went on in his bed with Nathan, Drake, and himself. Then he remembered talking Nathan into being of service to the school baseball team and decided to focus on the positive.
Reasoner concluded the meeting by telling Pierce and Nathan to call 9-1-1 should they be harassed again. “When your call is answered, tell them you want extension 8181. That will get you into my office where you tell whoever answers the phone your situation. A patrol car will be sent immediately. You will be asked for the case number after a car is dispatched but we want to deal with the immediate issue first.”
“Will you be speaking to Mr. Radcliffe in the near future?” Whittaker asked.
“Two of us will be paying him a visit by Monday evening. He will be told that if there is another incident a restraining order will be issued against him, which would not look good on his record. Mr. Whittaker will be working with us to write the order up.”
The meeting ended soon after. Pierce’s poise and intelligence had impressed Reasoner in his two meetings with him. “You’re setting a good example of how someone can overcome the odds set against them on the street. I hope you continue on your path. And, I hope you appreciate what your adoptive father has done for you.”
“Thank you, Officer Reasoner. Walker is the reason I’m sitting in this living room and not in the car of some scumbag. I’ll do my best to keep getting better. I know Walker will kick my ass—figuratively, that is, if I start to slide back.”
The meeting was over and everyone except Walker and Pierce left the house. They would be leaving soon for steak dinner out. One person giving a lot of thought to what she had seen and heard was Nathan’s mother. She still had her reservations about Pierce, but she couldn’t help but be impressed by what he was doing with his life. She knew he was an honor roll student, active in the drama club, and a big part of the baseball team. She was more willing than before to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Tony hadn’t received a return call from Trajan and wondered if he had left his message properly. He called his cousin for the second time and once again was sent to voicemail. He left a similar message and hoped his cousin would call him back over the weekend. Tony really wanted to have the chance to talk to him before he stepped off the airplane on Thursday.
Saturday ended up being a good night for overnights. Boyfriends were together as Tony stayed with Logan, Marco with Justin, Dillon with Chase, and Pierce with Drake. In a couple of surprise overnights, Madison stayed with Curt, and Eddie spent his first night at Cole’s house.
<An evening of boys at the Miller house>
Dinner at the Miller residence was a lot of fun for the boys. Susan had cooked up hamburger steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy, and mixed vegetables. Dessert would be chocolate brownies. The leaf was set into the dining room table to accommodate six boys along with Troy and Susan.
Madison arrived with green hair and fingernails. He had everyone laughing throughout the meal with his nonstop chatter and jokes. He was the opposite of Curt, who was essentially the strong silent type, making them an interesting pair. The same dynamics prevailed between Chase and Dillon, but not quite to the same extreme. Chase and Dillon had been friends much longer than Curt and Madison and had learned how to comfortably mesh their opposite personalities.
Tony and Logan were both outgoing and athletic. They weren’t the types to dominate a conversation, but they had no problem making themselves heard.
The six boys enjoyed playing games in the basement until just before eight when they decided to check on the Mariners, who were playing the Rays in Seattle. Chase turned on the big screen TV and they settled into the home theater. The game was in the bottom of the second with the score tied at zero.
“Are we going to sit here with our clothes on?” Logan asked as the game moved into the third inning.
“You can play baseball with your clothes on,” Curt said, “so why can’t you watch it with your clothes on?”
“Because I am required to wear a uniform to play and I’m not required to wear anything when I watch.”
“How about we get popcorn and sodas to snack on and then get naked,” Chase suggested.
“How about we at least get down to our underwear right now,” Logan said.
“What if we’re, like, not wearing any undies?” Madison asked.
“Madison is going commando?” Tony giggled.
“No, but I was just wondering.” Madison pulled down his pants revealing a pair of pink bikini briefs.
“Ohhhhh, sexy, I wish I had bikini undies to wear,” Logan said.
“They’re sick, huh? Eat your heart out, dude; my mom is the coolest lesbian mom around. She helped me pick them out.”
“I don’t know if I’d want pink ones though.”
“Think about it…they got your attention.”
Twenty minutes later the game was in the bottom of the third, the boys had bowls of popcorn and cans of soda at their seats, were wearing no clothes, and the Mariners had a 3-0 lead. By the end of the seventh the lead stretched to 5-0 and Marty had entertained them with a sixth inning single. They all had erections, which had not been caused by anything happening on the baseball field.
Even Curt had boned up, thanks to Madison running his hands through his pubic hair. “I wonder what you would look like if we dyed your pubes red,” Madison said.
“Don’t even think of it,” Curt said.
“Who’s going to know? There’s only two days of school left and we sure ain’t changing for PE.”
As the Mariner game ended the boys realized things had come to the point where they needed to get dressed, say their goodnights to Troy and Susan, and head for fun in bed. For the record the Mariners beat the Rays 6-1.
The six boys all enjoyed orgasms with their bedmates and did it in three different ways: oral sex for Tony and Logan, anal for Chase and Dillon, dry humping for Madison and Curt.
Tony and Logan
“Are we ever going to, you know, do it?” Tony asked Logan as they got comfortable in Logan’s bed.
“I hope so,” Logan replied
“Like, tonight?”
“I need to get you ready the way Chase got me ready before he did me.”
“I’ll show you.” Logan reached into his nightstand and pulled out the lube Chase had given him. He rubbed some on his index and middle fingers and then slicked up the area around Tony’s grommet.
“What are you going to do?”
“I’m gonna stick my finger in your butt and make it feel good.”
“Will it hurt?”
“It might be uncomfortable,” Logan said. “If it is, let me know.”
With no thought to foreplay, Logan rubbed Tony’s grommet, causing his friend to moan lightly from pleasure, and then slowly pushed his finger into Tony’s ass. “Damn, Logan, I can’t believe how good that feels.”
“You haven’t felt anything yet,” Logan rasped as he reached deeper into Tony’s bowels to find his sweet spot, and when he found it, Tony’s screech indicated that Logan had been right on the button.
“What the fuck was that?” Tony asked once he caught his breath.
“It’s called your prostate and it helps you to make cum. When you get fucked the other’s guy’s dick usually touches it over and over and that’s what makes getting fucked feel so awesome once you get in shape to do it.”
“Am I in shape yet?”
“No, what I’m going to do next will help.” Logan was soon finger fucking Logan with his middle and index fingers.
It didn’t take long for Tony to tell Logan he needed to cum BAD. Logan told him to turn on his side and jerk himself off while he got finger fucked. It took fewer than a dozen more strokes for Tony’s body to spasm and for him to squeal again.
“Fucking A, that was awesome.” Tony moaned as he tried to come back to Earth. Logan was whacking his meat hard and was soon shooting warm drops of cum onto Tony’s torso. Tony moaned again from the feeling of being squirted on.
“I guess you liked it,” Logan finally managed to say.
“You know it. Now, when do I get fucked?”
“It looks like it’s gonna be pretty soon. But right now, it looks like we gotta clean the lube and my cum off of you and your cum off of my sheets so we can get to sleep.”
The tweens cleaned what needed to be cleaned, took care of pissing, and cuddled on Logan’s bed. “I hope real sex is as fun as what you did was,” Tony said. “It’s sure way different than just messing around.” Like Logan, Tony equated “messing around” with jerking off, humping, and sucking cock. What they had just done was the beginning of sex for Tony, and he wanted more of it.
Chase and Dillon
Anal sex was old hat for the two teens, although that didn’t make it any less erotic and exciting. If anything, knowing what the end result was, made it something to anticipate. One thing the teens had learned as they matured was the importance of foreplay. Lovingly getting each other excited before getting to the actual sex made the sex even more intense. The days of trading blow jobs, doing a sixty-nine, dry humping, engaging in mutual masturbation, or simply watching each other jerk off made the times they had anal sex even more special. And then there were the times when they engaged in various combinations of the different sexual acts.
This time their sex was simply Dillon being the bottom for Chase, which was the way they fucked most often. They started out with some frantic kissing, which was followed by Chase rimming his boyfriend’s smooth ass. Their excitement was enhanced when they heard Tony’s squeal from Logan’s neighboring room.
“Do you think they’re going all the way?” Dillon asked.
Chase removed his face from Dillon’s ass. “I doubt it. Logan told me he needed to get Tony in shape. I’m willing to bet that Tony just got finger fucked.” Chase would learn later, of course, that he had been right.
The two teens soon got so involved with each other that they shut out the sounds from Logan’s room entirely. Their erotic evening in bed was climaxed by Chase filling Dillon’s ass with his thick teen cum and Dillon shooting his emission over his chest and belly.
When they went into the bathroom that served both Chase and Logan’s rooms, Chase didn’t lock the door to Logan’s room, hoping the tweens would come into the bathroom so he could see them naked. It was Tony he really wanted to see. He knew what his brother looked like naked and in all stages of arousal—but Tony was still mostly a mystery. He thought that maybe he should have moved in closer to Tony in the home theater, but decided it was better that he didn’t. However, that didn’t stop him from wanting to spend a night in bed with the sexy tween as soon as Logan got him into full sexual shape.
As he and Dillon cuddled up, Chase thought how lucky he was to be a gay fifteen-year-old with a boyfriend. And not just any boyfriend, but a sexy, hot, handsome, sweet boyfriend. Chase had no doubt that Dillon was the best.
Madison and Curt
Madison was disappointed when Curt didn’t take his underpants off as they undressed for bed. “Aren’t we going to, like, mess around?” he asked in confusion.
“I told you we would. I just don’t think we should sleep naked together is all,” Curt replied calmly.
“How can we mess around and not be naked? Isn’t that, like, what messing around is all about. Not being naked sounds kind of lame.”
“I’m a whole two years older than you and a year ahead of you in school.”
“So, what does that have to do with size of boners? We were naked when we did that humping shit with each other and when we were in the shower together. Doing that with you was, like, epic, and it’s not like I melted or something because we were doing sex. And you even kissed me and now you’re being all weird and shit.”
Curt could see that Madison was peeved, which hadn’t been his purpose in not getting naked. He was trying to show Madison he cared about him as a friend by not taking advantage of him and somehow his good intentions were turning out all wrong.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt because you think you have to get naked and really sexy with me because I’m older than you are.”
“Dude, you are more than weird. You’re so totally weird you go right off the friggen weird scale. I’m the one who wants to do this shit and you’re all worried about taking advantage of me. It’s more like you don’t want me to, like, take advantage of you because you think sex is uncool or something.”
Curt had never seen Madison angry. Madison was always so jovial that Curt didn’t know he could get mad. “Hey, you’re right,” he finally uttered.
“I am? How?”
“Well, you know that I’m not gay, right?”
“So, who gives a fuck what you are. Getting off is, you know, like getting off and if somebody is your friend why can’t you get off with him?”
“That’s what I mean. I guess I was scared so I kinda like was making excuses not to do anything.”
“Well, like you dudes around here like to say, nobody’s gotta do nothing they don’t want to do, so if you don’t want to, I’m, like, cool as long as that’s why we ain’t gonna do it, instead of you being a lame ass and making excuses instead of just saying you don’t wanna do it,” Madison babbled.
Curt was pretty sure he understood what Madison was saying, so he decided to say what he wanted. “Okay, here’s what I want,” Curt said as he pulled off his green and gray boxers, revealing his flaccid cock. “I want for you to take those ugly pink briefs off so we can do what we did last time.”
Curt lay naked on his back. “Get on top of me and get me hard and hump me.” Instead of being surprised by Madison, Curt was now surprised by his own brazenness.
Madison was happy to oblige. He pulled off his briefs and tossed them onto Curt’s face. “You know you love them. Besides, they’re not ugly, they’re pink. So, smell them, because I bet they have an epic smell just cuz I was wearing them.”
Curt took a whiff, scrunched up his face, and said, “I’ll pass on that. Now get on top of me.”
Madison obeyed Curt’s request and started humping the older boy madly. The thirteen-year-old was hard in an instant. Madison planted a kiss on Curt’s lips that became a battle of tongues, joining their cocks in battle. When Curt was ready to cum, he rolled Madison over on his back and took the role of top. He quickly sprayed his thin teen cum over the tween’s chest and belly, setting Madison off into a dry orgasm. Madison then giggled as he rubbed Curt’s cum over his torso, ending by wiping some on his cheeks.
“Now that was epic,” Madison said. “You went from lame to awesome just like,” he snapped his fingers, “THAT!”
The two were soon wrapped up in each other. Curt thought he would start feeling guilty about what happened—instead he felt good.
Madison was pleased he was able to get what he wanted. In a corner of his mind, he thought that he was what Chase and Logan and those guys called a top and got the older boy to do what he wanted. He couldn’t figure out if that was what he actually was, but he was happy with how it turned out.
Eddie and Cole
Eddie had an enjoyable night at Cole’s house. They spent the time after dinner playing cards with each other as well as with Cole’s parents and his ten-year-old brother, Dennis. They watched the last three innings of the Mariners 6-1 win over the Rays.
They slept together in Cole’s full-size bed, wearing t-shirts and pajama pants. They talked about masturbation techniques. Even after getting themselves a little excited, they had no problem falling asleep. Although they didn’t do anything sexual, Eddie felt good about the evening. It had been a fun day with a boy who was becoming a good friend. He was happy to have enjoyed an overnight with a good friend without the sexual bullshit. Even after talking about masturbation, Cole had said nothing about jerking off together and Eddie was more than willing to follow his lead. Not that he wanted to stay celibate with Cole forever, but it was nice to just sit back and be friends. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen—as Pierce used to tell him. He was surprised, however, that the vision in his mind as he drifted off to sleep was Cole’s little brother Dennis.
<Justin and Marco>
Justin and Marco had a ten o’clock game Saturday morning. The Jammers beat the tough Lynwood Panthers 9-8 at Lynwood to improve their record to 6-2. The two friends, along with Karl and Joey, would spend the day at Justin’s house. Karl couldn’t spend the night because his family was going to the birthday dinner for one of his grandmothers and Joey couldn’t spend the night because his mother said so. “Sunday is a family day, and Joey should spend the entire day with his family,” was her excuse this time. So, it would be Justin and Marco spending the night with each other again.
The four boys rode to Justin’s house with Mike the Donkey, chattering about the game all the way from Lynwood to Lake City. Mike enjoyed every word of it. Ryan had left the field right after the game to do the final preparations on the sandwiches he had started after breakfast.
Lunch was laid out on the kitchen counter ready for the boys to pick up and eat. They headed to Justin’s room to get out of their uniforms first and came back out wearing just their uniform shirts and underpants. Joey loved the naughtiness of being naked as much or more than anybody. Mike and Ryan were certain that Joey’s mother would disapprove of Joey running around Justin’s house in the nude and felt it prudent that some semblance of clothing was worn.
What happened behind the closed door of Justin’s bedroom was another thing since they could feign ignorance. Ryan was a bit leery of looking the other way even then but decided there was next to no chance of her finding out. After all, he thought, if he and Mike “didn’t know” how would she? On the flip side, Murphy’s Law always seemed to have a way of rearing its ugly head.
After lunch the boys retreated to Justin’s room where their uniform pants were strewn on the floor along with their jocks and protective cups. Since getting rid of the uncomfortable cups was of prime importance, they had to take their pants off. Once they were off the boys saw no reason to put them back on before going to lunch.
“Should we take our undies off?” Joey asked. Since this was one of his rare chances to be naughty with his friends, he was ready to take the lead in getting everyone to shed their clothes.
Karl answered by stripping off his white briefs. Joey liked seeing the white briefs on Karl since they contrasted so well with his dark skin. His pubescent cock became hard instantaneously. Joey followed his lead and stripped off his briefs revealing his flaccid cocklet.
“Oooh, Karl is horny,” Marco said. He enjoyed being able to use the nasty word Tony and Logan had taught him. He and Justin took their underpants off simultaneously. Neither one was erect although Justin was busy trying to change that condition.
The four preteens soon had hardons and the chatter focused on boners and sex. Karl told them that he had told his friend Howie about jerking off. “Howie wants me to show him how to do it, just like you guys showed me,” Karl announced.
“Are you going to do it?” Justin asked.
“I’m glad you showed me about it—it’s sure better than humping my mattress. Now I get to return the favor.” Karl was ten compared to nine of the other three boys and would be entering fifth grade while the rest were about to become fourth graders. He left no doubt that he was the oldest and most mature boy of the group, by displaying his athletic ability, sexual maturity, and overall maturity.
“Can I watch you shoot your stuff?” Joey asked Karl.
“It’s caledl cum,” Marco said.
“So? I can call it stuff if I want to.”
“It’s okay to call it that, Joey,” Justin, the peacemaker, said.
“Just like I can call your pecker your thing, right?”
“Only little kids call it a thing,” Marco said.
“Joey can call it anything he wants, right Karl?” Justin asked.
Karl responded by spreading his legs a little and pounding hard and fast on his four-inch uncut cock. He quickly earned the full attention of his three friends. It didn’t take long for him to moan loudly and shoot four drops of clear cum on his belly. “Wow, it’s way more fun when peeps are watching you do it,” Karl smirked after catching his breath.
He scooped a drop on a finger and tasted it. Joey did the same to a second drop. Justin and Marco each tasted one of the last two drops.
“How does it taste compared to Tony?” Karl asked.
Marco thought for a moment before giving his evaluation. “His is a little stronger, but he’s older and shoots more.”
Karl looked at the time on Justin’s clock. “Rats, I gotta get ready to go,” he said. “The Big Four’s gotta do a sleepover, like really soon.”
“And have it at my house so we can all sleep together on my bed,” Justin said. Even though he had originally proposed his idea to Marco, Tony, and Logan, Justin thought there was no reason the original Big Four couldn’t do it, too.
“I hope my mom lets me go to that sleepover,” Joey lamented. “And I gotta go too.”
Karl and Joey dressed, picked up their equipment bags, and headed out the bedroom door. Marco put on the t-shirt and shorts he had packed in his bag while Justin donned a t-shirt and a pair of sweats.
Karl’s father, DK, arrived a few minutes later and spent a few minutes talking baseball with Mike and Ryan. The boys wished they had just stayed in Justin’s room until Karl’s dad was ready to leave. But DK noted that the boys were restless and soon he was taking Joey the short distance to his house and then driving home with Karl.
While Justin and Marco had gotten sexually excited watching Karl masturbate and tasting their friend’s cum, being the prepubescent boys they were, the feelings died down some and were gone by dinner time. When they went to bed, they were tuckered out from a long day and were more concerned with snuggling than they were in continuing their sexual adventures.
After returning home from his overnight at Logan’s, Tony pulled out his science book to complete what would be his last homework assignment of the school year. But first, he would try calling Trajan again since he still hadn’t received either a return call or even a text. Once again, he was switched to voice mail, so he sent a text message hoping to get his cousin’s attention.
“hey trajan this is tony. I can’t wait to c u on thursday. ur cousin tony.” He pressed send and hoped for the best.
Mike drove Marco home about an hour after breakfast. The Boyer family had a busy day ahead: picking up Justin’s Grandma Amy, or Grans as he called her, at her retirement home for lunch and then taking an afternoon boat tour of the Seattle waterfront, the Ballard Locks, and Lake Union, before going back through the locks and back to the harbor. Everyone agreed that the boat tour was a good way for Justin to learn more about the city he lived in.
Justin was excited. While he and his dads paid frequent visits to Grans and ate meals with her at the home, they hadn’t spent almost a whole day with her in a long time. Justin had lived with his Grans at her house from the time he was five until he was eight, when he became the foster son of Mike and Ryan and not long after became their adopted son. Justin’s mother and father had been killed in an automobile accident.
Grans developed heart problems and had to move to the retirement home. She convinced Mike, a former teaching colleague of hers, that he and Ryan would love having Justin as their son. They really didn’t need much convincing.
They had lunch at Ivar’s on the waterfront and boarded their tour boat at one for the two-hour tour. Justin enjoyed the boat ride, being with his Grans, and taking part in a long, for him, family outing.
They enjoyed dinner at the Bangrak Thai Restaurant downtown. Justin enjoyed a chicken dinner with no spice. In that regard he was like his Donkey Daddy. Ryan, on the other hand, like his Thai food spicy, asking for a five, the hottest level available. Grans liked a little bit of whang to her food and ordered garlic chicken with level one spice. She gave Justin a taste of her pork dish, and he thought that one spice was okay, but he liked his zero spice better.
“How did you enjoy your water tour of Seattle?” Amy asked her grandson.
“I thought it was fucking amazing,” Justin grinned.
Amy looked over to Mike and Ryan. “I thought you cured him of potty mouth,” she said.
“So did we,” Ryan replied.
“Yeah, they did and I’m gonna have to put a quarter into the cussing jar. But I thought Grans wouldn’t recognize me if she spent a whole day with me and I didn’t say fuck or shit or damn or something like that.”
“Wow, that will all add up to a whole dollar,” Mike grinned.
Amy put her arm around her grandson’s shoulder. “Was it worth the dollar?” she asked.
“Yep, it was,” Justin giggled. “But now I can go back to saving my money.”
“See what you gave to us, Grans?” Mike asked.
“Yes, I do. And I also see that the two of you love every cussing cell in his body,” Amy answered as she handed a dollar to Mike.
“Amen to that,” Ryan said.
At breakfast, Tony asked his parents if they had talked to Trajan. “I keep trying to call him and he doesn’t answer or call me back. I texted him and he hasn’t answered.”
“I’ve talked to him, but not on his phone,” Luigi responded. “I was going over last-minute things with your uncle, and he put Trajan on the phone. He didn’t have much to say except he would see us on Thursday.” What Luigi didn’t say was that Trajan seemed standoffish and ended their talk as quickly as he could.
“Should I keep trying?” Tony asked.
“I would just wait until he comes on Thursday and talk to him then,” Marne replied.
“Okay, but I wish we could have talked a little first. It’s like, we haven’t seen each other in such a long time.”
“Don’t worry about it, son. He’s probably nervous and a little scared. Everything will be fine when he gets here.” Marne was always the optimist. Tony detected his father giving a light shake of his head, as if he wasn’t in agreement with Marne’s statement.
Tony finished his breakfast and left to catch his bus for school. He was beginning to have doubts that having his cousin spending the summer with his family was a good idea. From Trajan not returning his call or text to the look on his dad’s face, he wondered if this was going to be a big mistake. As he stared out of the window of the school bus, he wished he hadn’t been so quick to share his room with his cousin.
Logan was happy that the last day of the school year had finally arrived. He would have been happier if the day hadn’t also been his birthday. His last day as a sixth grader was also his first day as a twelve-year-old.
But even better than having just a half day of school on his birthday was that the Stampeders, his baseball team, had a game that evening. The cherry on top was that the coach said he would be the starting pitcher. He did wish that he could share the day with Tony, but he and his boyfriend went to different schools and played on different teams. The good news was that they lived close enough to each other that they were planning to have a lot of sleepovers now that school was out.
When Logan arrived at school his many friends sought him out and wished him happy birthday. Madison made sure to get some private time with his friend before the bell rang for them to head for home room. Madison raised his right hand for a high five and Logan gave him an obliging slap.
“Happy birthday, old man,” Madison grinned.
“Hey, who are you calling old?” Logan asked
“You. Twelve is, like, way older than eleven.”
“At least I don’t have to dye my hair to hide my gray hair.”
“Maybe I’ll dye my hair when I get old like you, so you won’t feel older than me.”
“You’ll be just as old as me in, what, September, right?”
“You nailed it, bro. That’s when being twelve becomes epic instead of ancient,” Madison said.
“Just remember who shoots the most cum,” Logan said as he pointed to himself.
“And you remember who has the biggest dick,” Madison countered.
“Maybe we can do some comparing at my birthday party.” Logan had told his parents that he wanted to have his birthday party at home with just a few of his best friends instead of having a bigger one at some restaurant. He did say he would want a seriously big one when he turned thirteen causing his father to admonish him not to future trip.
The bell rang and they set off for their home rooms. The major task there would be cleaning out their lockers and having them inspected. Logan kept a clean locker, but he knew a couple of boys who would have to use a scrub brush to pass the inspection.
The day flew by and before he knew it Logan was riding with his parents and his brothers to his six o’clock game at Rainier Beach. His family birthday dinner would have to wait until Thursday since Chase had a game the next day. Just having his entire family attending the game was as good or better than a birthday dinner, as far as Logan was concerned.
Logan was ready to cap off what had been a great birthday by pitching his best possible game. That would be the whipped cream covering the cherry on top of his birthday. Logan’s game matched his frame of mind as he tossed a complete game, seven inning shutout in a 7-0 Stampeder victory. He gave up four hits, walked one and struck out ten.
Troy and Susan thought it may have been Logan’s best pitching job ever. Chase was proud of his little brother and knew the pressure was now on him to match him the next time he was the Rainiers’ starting pitcher.
The Stampeders swamped Logan after he threw his last pitch for the win. “That was the greatest birthday game ever,” Madison gushed as he tackled his friend to the ground. Fortunately for Logan the rest of his teammates fell all over each other instead of piling on him and crushing him.
<Justin and Marco>
Justin and Marco had a game that evening as well. Their game was against the Magnolia Emeralds in Logan’s district. The field they played on had been Logan’s home field for two years.
The Jammers beat the Emeralds 9-2 in their first meeting but had a tougher time this time. They were behind 4-2 after the first four innings of the six-inning game. An RBI double by Justin knocked in Marco from first to cut the Jammer’s deficit to one. Rick Butler singled in Justin to tie the game.
The Emeralds went scoreless in the bottom of the fifth and then had some problems on the field in the top of sixth, committing two infield errors. The errors along with a single by Joey gave the Jammers a 5-4 lead which ended up being the final score. The Jammers had a 7-2 record and were tied for first with West Seattle with seven league games left to play.
Justin spent the night with Marco. Tony had a game that evening as well, an 8-5 win over the University Cubs. Marne attended Tony’s game. Because the Magnolia field was on the edge of the Village, Luigi attended the game off and on until the top of the fifth, when he stayed to watch the game to the finish. Luigi had been at the game when Justin doubled in Marco.
Because they both had games, Tony couldn’t spend Logan’s birthday night with him, but that would be taken care of on Saturday night after Logan’s birthday party. Marne cooked up a quick meal of hot dogs with potato chips and a premade salad of mixed greens. She knew it wasn’t the best meal she could have put together, but it was quick and something the boys liked. In other words, it was a perfect late evening meal for a trio of tween boys who had played baseball games beforehand.
After eating, the boys watched a movie on TV. Because the Mariners were playing the Blue Jays at Toronto, the game was already over—a 4-3 win for the Jays. Marco and Justin were sitting on the couch, their bodies touching.
The movie didn’t interest them much and they ended up chatting with each other instead of watching it. “That was an awesome double you hit,” Marco said. “It went whoooooooosh right over the center fielder’s head.”
“And you got a good hit, so you were on base to score the run,” Justin reminded his friend.
“Our team is doing really good. Coach DK said we’re tied for first place.”
“Yeah, with West Seattle and we play them next week.”
“Do you want to go to my room?” Marco asked.
“Sure, and we might as well get ready for bed.”
“It’s still early. You guys must be horny,” Tony chimed in after making sure his mother was out of listening range.
“No, we’re just tired is all,” Marco said.
“Think what you want.” Marco turned to Justin and said, “Don’t listen to him. Let’s go get ready for bed.”
The two young boys were very tired. They took care of their bedtime hygiene quickly. After stripping naked, they went under the covers and played with each other’s flaccid little penises, which quickly became hard.
“Do you want to, you know, suck?” Marco asked.
“I do, but I really am tired. Plus, I want to learn how to do it better,” Justin replied.
“From Logan?”
“Who else?”
“I bet we could get Tony to come and show us.”
“I bet we could, too. Maybe we can do it next time. How about we rub our dicks together and snuggle and sleep,” Justin suggested.
Marco was good with that. They scooted in close to each other, pushed their cocklets together, and started rubbing each other, trading an occasional kiss. They went at it until they shook with nearly simultaneous dry orgasms. They hustled to the bathroom and back to pee, snuggled in Marco’s bed, and quickly fell asleep.
Down the hall, Tony jerked off thinking of what it would be like to suck Marco and Justin at the same time. He had a quick orgasm, being careful not shoot on his sheets. Before falling asleep he wondered if he’d be able to jerk off in his bed after Trajan moved into his room.
A pair of police officers was not what Wilson Radcliffe expected to find when he answered the doorbell early in the evening. But that was who he found standing on his porch. The taller man of the two showed his ID and introduced himself as Detective Bruce Reasoner. “This is Sergeant Nelson Jones,” he told Wilson.
“What can I do for you gentlemen?” Wilson asked, although he had a pretty good idea why they were at his door.
“Do you mind if we come in?” Reasoner asked.
Wilson ushered the two into the house and invited them to sit on the couch. “My wife and boys are not at home, if that makes a difference,” Wilson told the officers.
After assuring him that it didn’t, Reasoner explained to Wilson why they had called on him. Wilson nodded but said nothing until they finished.
“I don’t understand what the issue is,” he said. “My car’s GPS is on the fritz and all I did was stop and ask directions.”
“Two different times in the same place?”
“I recognized one of the boys the second time and wanted to stop to thank him and let him know I found my destination right away.”
Reasoner didn’t allow the discussion to go beyond that. He told Wilson about the video and suggested it would be for the best if he stopped harassing Pierce (the detective didn’t use Pierce’s name). “If there is a repeat, it is likely the boy’s parents will file a restraining order against you. Where it goes from here is up to you.”
After some back and forth, Wilson repeated that the whole thing was a big misunderstanding. “I have no reason to talk to him, or the other boy, again. So, I’m hoping we can just let the matter drop.”
Reasoner said he would have to file a report, but as long as Wilson did not contact the boys and there was no further problem the incident should end there. The detectives handed Wilson their cards, said goodnight, and got into Reasoner’s unmarked car. He dropped Nelson in a nearby business district where he retrieved his car. Bruce went from there to meet with Walker and Pierce and Daniel Whittaker, the attorney.
Bruce summarized the meeting and reminded Pierce of what to do if Wilson didn’t follow through on his promise. Whittaker told him that a restraining order had been signed and was ready to deliver should a problem arise. The attorney left, but the detective stayed behind. He had something he wanted to tell Walker and Pierce in private.
“I have another subject I would like to discuss with you concerning you and your son,” Detective Reasoner said.
“Feel free,” Walker said, although he felt a bit of trepidation. He couldn’t help but wonder if the detective was going to grill him on how it was Walker had met Pierce, although his having knowledge of that was close to impossible. But then, it was likely he became a detective by figuring out the seemingly impossible.
“To keep your mind at ease, I am going to be speaking to you as a private citizen and not as a police detective, although being a detective does play into this.” Whatever it was he had to say, Detective Reasoner had the full attention of Walker and Pierce. “I did a bit of research into your situation and learned about Pierce’s tragedy. I remember the incident and the manhunt that was organized to find Pierce. I’ve already apologized to you, Pierce, for being allowed to slip through the cracks. It amazed me even more when I learned your history and the effort that had gone into finding you. But that isn’t the main reason I stayed behind.”
As Bruce reached into his black document carrier and pulled out two single sheet documents, Pierce rose from his chair and stepped over to the couch, where he sat next to Walker. He didn’t know where this was going, but he did know he desperately needed the touch of his father. Walker knew Pierce’s moods well enough by now to understand what it was his son needed. He placed his right arm around Pierce’s shoulder and felt a wave of emotion as the teen let out a sigh of relief. Whatever the detective had to say, Walker hoped it was worth listening to.
Bruce noted the act of affection between father and son with approval. He had no doubt there was something special between the two which was a big factor in healing the psychological wounds of the fifteen-year-old boy. “Walker, I am impressed with what you have done with Pierce. And Pierce, I am equally impressed with what you are doing for yourself. Honor roll student even though you missed a year of school, member of the school baseball team, drama club member, a young man who has impressed some very hard to impress people. The information I just shared about you are items I was told by Troy Miller, who is proud to know your little family.
“And I was impressed by how Pierce handled that Radcliffe asshole. You weren’t the street kid he thought he was dealing with. No, you were a responsible young adult who handled himself with poise and maturity.”
Pierce looked at Walker and smiled, then faced Bruce. “Thank you, Detective Reasoner. I’m trying my best and a lot of the reason is because my dad won’t accept anything less.”
Bruce nodded and then handed a copy of the documents to Walker and one to Pierce. “You may not believe this, but I happen to enjoy mystery thrillers. One of my favorite writers is Harlen Coben. I just finished his most recent book. Much of the plot has to do with the frustrating job of dealing with street kids. I copied a page from the book because I thought of Pierce. Please read it and then I’ll finish up after you have finished.”
Walker looked at his copy, but Pierce set his copy on the couch. He then inched closer to Walker and started to read over his dad’s shoulder.
Here is what they read:
“A kid living on the streets is a bit like a weed. The longer he’s on the street the harder it is to pull him out by the root. Too negative. A better analogy: The street is more like a cancer. Early screening and preventative treatment is the key to long term survival.
This was one of the things that people did not get. The street might be dark and dangerous, but it was also intoxicating. The night had an energy and an electricity. You felt wired on the street. For some of our kids, the choice may be a menial job at Mickey D’s versus the thrill of the night—and that, when you have no future, is no choice at all.
Kids do not survive out here. Forget the incredible physical dangers. They often can get past that. It is the soul, the sense of self, that erodes out here. Once the erosion reaches a certain level, well that’s the ball game”. Social worker Will Klein in Harlan Coben’s novel “Gone for Good.”
When they finished Walker and Pierce were both fighting tears, as was Detective Bruce Reasoner of the Seattle Police Department. The detective picked up his document carrier and stood to leave.
“I see a lot of what Coben described in the street kids I run across. Walker, I want to thank you for saving a soul. I thank you with all my being, both as a professional and as a man who is a father himself. You found a boy with a cancer eating at his soul and have given him the chance to survive.” Walker started to stand even though Pierce had placed his head on his shoulder and was shedding tears onto his shirt. “I can find my way out. It was an honor working with both of you and seeing how love can win the war one kid at a time.”
Bruce left the house with Walker and Pierce close to each other on the couch, their tears flowing as they shared the healing power of love.
Next: Trajan