Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
This chapter introduces Trajan DeLuca, a character in “East Harbor Boys” written by THE BRAT. The scene on the airplane was written by THE BRAT except for a couple of editorial changes and the introduction of Mrs. Hanson. Some of Trajan’s background is included here. If you would like to learn more about him, I highly recommend reading “East Harbor Boys”. For those of you reading the Mayfield saga, the Mayfield Yard Goats will be sneaking into that story when they make a July trip to a nearby California baseball tournament.
<Alaska Airlines, Flight 2201>
‘Damn,’ thought Trajan DeLuca. He had forgotten to download something from Netflix to watch. Since the lady in the seat next to him was some old cow, he didn’t even have anybody to talk to. That meant he had nothing better to do than listen to music. He slouched deeper into his window seat, found his current favorite playlist, and shoved his earbuds into place. Hitting play on his current favorite song, “Betrayal” by At the Majestic, he anchored his elbow on the armrest, chin on fist, stared out the window, and settled in for over two more hours of flight time.
Though his uncle Luigi and Luigi’s family usually preferred to travel south when the families got together, this wasn’t Trajan’s first trip to Seattle. But when he thought about it, he couldn’t remember the last time he went to Seattle. It must have been a few years now. It seemed to him that they always drove. The long drive bored him to death. Once they got past the Bay Area, he remembered that all a person could see were the trees lining I-5. Added to that was the poor signal for his iPad that made streaming YouTube or Netflix anywhere from frustrating to impossible, so he played games on his iPad or slept. He thought this trip wouldn’t be nearly as torturous. Checking his phone, Trajan saw that they had just under two hours to go, making him think they might end up being the most torturous two hours of his life.
No, the torturous part of this trip could prove to be the stay in Seattle itself, he thought. He started to take inventory of the information his dad had relayed about his cousins. Since he had ignored all his cousin Tony’s phone calls, what his father told him was the extent of his current knowledge. Trajan felt a twinge of guilt over ignoring the calls now that he had to face Tony.
‘How old are they these days?’ Trajan wondered about his cousins. ‘Tony must be like, twelve or something. A sixth grader at least. And the munchkin, Marco, must be what...eight or nine or something.’
‘What were some of the things dad said about them? Hmmm...was it Tony’s friends? Some of his friends, or brothers of his friends are gay, so I should have some kids my age to hang out with,’ Trajan thought. ‘That might be cool. Hope they are as hot as Scott.’
Trajan’s mind wandered as he recalled what he’d been through recently. He’d really fucked up his friendship with Scott Schultz. Even if he was never Scott’s best friend, Scott had always been his. Now...well now they were at least still on speaking terms. They hung out with their mutual friends, but rarely spoke to each other one-on-one. ‘Why did I have to be such as ass?’ he thought. He replayed the events and arguments he had with Scott. All that accomplished was getting pulled into Coach Mark’s world. Even though Mark had blocked his calls and texts, Trajan’s eyes were opened to sex with men. It’s true that Scott was endowed in a way any adult male would be proud of, but he was still only a young teen. Mark was a man and Trajan’s imagination had run wild with fantasies about him and Mark Lange.
It hadn’t always been that way. His evening with Mark culminated in their partying at the house in La Jolla Farms with some of Mark’s so-called friends and, unbeknownst to them, the Boss. After their second visit to the house, Trajan had forgiven Mark for what happened during their first visit. Trajan had even convinced himself that what happened that night would be hot under different circumstances. Being naked in bed with over a half dozen hot men, equally naked. Trajan shifted in his seat to alleviate the tension in his pants and mask it from the old lady in the seat next to his.
His friendship, or whatever it was, with Mark Lange was as screwed up as his friendship with Scott. As a matter of fact, Trajan had screwed up nearly every relationship he had. Lewis barely tolerated him after he and Trajan had come to words at school after Trajan was bragging about how they were at the shootout when the police took the Boss down, killing the drug kingpin and his security. Trajan fed into the rumors that he and Lewis had been some sort of heroes, when the reality was they barely escaped with their lives. Scott, Lukas, Michael, Christian, and the guys that were against his original plan of vengeance toward Mark kept saying he needed to think about others. Michael kept using the word “empathy”.
After Christian’s birthday party, some of the guys spent the night at Jordan King’s house. Trajan suspected Lukas, or even Scott, of thinking he would get “dramatic” again and they asked Jordan to have him over. Trajan had always been closer friends with Will and Jordan anyway. But even those two got on him about having his head so far up his ass he didn’t notice the consequences of his actions on others. Over the last couple of weeks, he had spoken only to his friends at school. When they talked about what they were doing over the summer, he didn’t bother telling them he was being shipped off to Seattle. He wondered if anyone would even miss him. Would they even notice when he didn’t make the student run lacrosse practices?
Then his mind switched gears. ‘I wonder if Tony or any of his friends play lacrosse?’ It surprised him that he would want to play or would even miss practicing. He played because his friends were going to join the team, but maybe he did really like it.
“Would you like something to drink?” the flight attendant asked.
Trajan was unaware of her question and jumped when he felt a hand touch his knee. He snapped his head to the left and pulled the ear buds from his head. “Wha...?” he sputtered.
“We’re taking drink orders. Would you like something?” she asked.
“A Coke, please?” answered Trajan.
“Sure thing. And you ma’am?”
Trajan had the ear buds back in before the lady next to him answered. Trajan noted it was the stupid old lady in the seat next to him who had tapped his knee. He imagined it had been Mark instead.
The flight path from San Diego International Airport to SeaTac started along the Pacific coast. But as the California coast continued to the northwest, the flight path drifted to the east until it was over the Sierra Nevada Mountains. When he turned his attention back to the window, he noticed that the plane was approaching the western edge of the mountain range. Admiring the beauty of the mountains, Trajan’s thoughts picked up where they left off.
‘Are they right?’ he thought to himself. ‘Am I selfish? Am I self-centered?’ Derek’s face popped into his consciousness and Trajan cringed. There was certainly no denying how he’d acted when Derek was his boyfriend. That was certainly clear to him now, but when they were together... A cold chill ran down his spine. ‘Is everyone right? If I am such an asshole...selfish, self-centered, oblivious to others’ feeling and stuff, would I even know it?’ He was going to have to think about that one.
The lady next to him gently nudged his shoulder breaking his concentration. He turned to see the first-class flight attendant holding out a cup of ice and a can of Coke along with two bags of snacks. Trajan took the snacks and drink with the napkin she held to the side of the cup. He looked at the snacks to find two bags of brownie brittle. It wasn’t something he’d ever heard of, but from the image on the bag, it looked like very thin brownies, thin like a cracker. He liked brownies well enough and opened the first bag. Crunchy like a chip, but chocolaty like a brownie, Trajan vowed to find these in a store the next time he had the opportunity.
He relaxed back in his seat while he enjoyed his snack. The window was positioned just far enough in front of him to allow him to look out as they flew over the mountains.
He wadded up the first bag and opened the second when his mother’s voice echoed in his head. The other night he was complaining about not having anything to do, but mostly, he was bitching for the sake of bitching because he didn’t want to go to Seattle. She told him, “You need to find an interest. You need be passionate about something. Your friends are passionate about music, sports...all sorts of stuff. What do you care about?”
At the time, Trajan was pissed that his mother started comparing him to his friends. For shock value, he replied flatly, “Getting dick.” Before that evening, he’d never heard his mom lose her shit. His father sent Trajan to his room while trying to calm his wife down. Today, the words struck him differently. Stuck on this flight, he had plenty of time to dwell on them.
What did he care about other than boy bits? What were his interests? What did he see himself doing in college or as a career? He certainly couldn’t major in cock sucking.
The mountains of the Sierra Nevada range passed under the plane and Trajan watched the plane’s shadow dance across their west granite faces. He thought about himself and his life. He liked sex an awful lot, but he wouldn’t be able to pass for 18 for a few years yet. Besides, Mark said you have to have a backup plan for when you get too old for your fans. If he decided to do porn, it would probably end up being a side gig for some extra money like what Mark did; not a full-time career.
Looking at his phone, he realized he listened to music a lot. Is music something he was passionate about? He didn’t play an instrument and his parents would tease him about how bad a singer he was when they caught him singing along with his playlist. Being in a band didn’t seem to be in his future, but there are other jobs in the music industry.
There’s lacrosse, too. He liked lacrosse. Trajan even thought he’d like to play lacrosse for a team even if he didn’t know the other guys on the team. Maybe he should take lacrosse more seriously. Though lacrosse wouldn’t probably be a career, and neither would biking. He liked riding his mountain bike and had always wanted to truly go mountain bike riding on off road trails. Maybe that was something he would really like.
The captain’s voice interrupted Trajan’s self-analysis. “We’re preparing the cabin for landing. Please fasten your seatbelts and put your trays up. The flight attendants will be coming around to pick up any remaining trash. In a just a bit, we’ll be passing Mount Rainier off to our right.”
Trajan looked out the window and saw a huge snow-capped peak. “Wow!” he said aloud. He was sure he had seen the mountain on his visits to Seattle when he was younger, but he didn’t recall it looking this impressive.
The old lady peered over his shoulder. “Impressive, isn’t it?” she asked, using the word he had just been thinking.
“Big time,” he answered, pleased to have somebody to talk to, even if she was an old bag and their trip was almost over.
“Mount Rainier is a stratovolcano,” she went on. “That means it has been built up over time by repeated lava flows. It is still active. There are several fumaroles, vents that let steam and gases escape from the volcano. Mount Rainier also has two craters on top. The east crater not only has three fumaroles, but it is also the location of Lake Adélie which is found under the glacier that sits inside the crater. The heat from the volcano has melted an ice cave on the underside of the glacier so you can explore the geology of the crater, and even Lake Adélie itself.”
Trajan was impressed yet again. For an old lady, she knew a lot.
“You sure know a lot about that mountain,” Trajan said.
“Would you like to learn a couple more facts?” she asked.
“Yeah, sure. We still have a little time left and what you told me is amazing.” Then Trajan remembered his manners. “My name is Trajan, by the way.”
“Mine is Arlene Hanson. I’ll give you one more bit of information. Feel free to look out at the mountain. You won’t get to see it like this every often.”
Trajan glued himself to the window, keeping his eye on Mount Rainier. The day was cloudless, and the sky was clear. He could easily identify the two craters. He thought it was odd that there was a cloud just above the crater before he realized the cloud was formed by the steam and gases being given off by the volcano.
“Is there any danger of the mountain erupting soon?” Trajan asked without turning his head.
While he looked at the mountain, Arlene answered his question. “The mountain holds a unique threat that is more likely to happen than the threat of an eruption. You may find this difficult to believe considering the massive size of that mountain, but the rock in the interior is rotten. In brief, hot volcanic gases encounter ground water. The reaction leaches chemicals from the rock replacing it with soft clay.
“When they build up, they start to flow, creating lahars, which are, in essence, volcanic mudflows. They are a threat to the valleys below the mountain. Most of the towns have lahar escape routes and the schools have lahar drills. Lahars are far more likely than a volcanic eruption from Mt. Rainier.”
When he could no longer see Rainier, he turned to face the lady, who didn’t seem quite as old as he had thought. She looked to be about halfway between his mother and his grandmother in age. “How do you know so much, Mrs. Hanson?” Trajan asked as he turned his good manners on full.
Arlene reached into her purse and handed him a card. It read, ‘Arlene Hanson PhD, University of Washington, Professor of Geology.’ The lady had suddenly morphed from an ignorant old cow into somebody Trajan wished he could get to know better. The past few minutes had been the most fascinating he had experienced in what seemed like ages.
He turned his attention to the other geological features he could see as they approached SeaTac: rivers following the paths of ancient lava flows and the different kinds of rocks and rock formations that form the mountains to the east of Puget Sound, along with Puget Sound itself. And in contrast was the city of Seattle with its busy harbor, its tall buildings, sports stadiums, and beautiful surroundings. His thoughts went back to his family’s home in Italy. Paestum was only 50 miles or so from Mount Vesuvius.
When his father tried to talk him into going to Italy, Trajan remembered that his family had a cousin or someone who was a geologist for the Italian government who worked at Vesuvius and another who was an archeologist who worked on the remains of Pompeii. Maybe he would go with them the next time they went. Or maybe he would ask to go by himself to visit. After all, they are letting him fly by himself to Seattle to visit family. Seeing that Professor Hanson’s card had a phone number on it, maybe he could even give her a call sometime to see what else he could learn about the local geography.
The plane landed smoothly. He thanked the professor for taking the time to teach him about the mountain.
“You’re very welcome, Trajan. You’re a very polite young man who your mother must be very proud of.” Trajan felt a glow inside from the praise. “My number is on my card. Feel free to call me if you have more questions about the amazing geology surrounding us.”
“I will do so,” Trajan promised.
As he exited the plane, forgotten was his self-analysis. He might remember to pick that up another day. But for now, his thoughts turned back to the present. His thoughts turned to Seattle, the DeLuca family, and their friends. Maybe they would want to explore the mountains and maybe even Mount Rainier. He decided to ask when the time seemed right.
As he exited the jet bridge, Trajan saw an Alaska Airlines gate attendant holding a sign with his name printed on it. He walked up to the attendant and said, “Hi, I’m Trajan.” The attendant looked to be in his twenties and Trajan thought he was a hot looking man. If he had to have a babysitter escort him out to the baggage pickup area it might as well be a hot man.
“My name is Mark,” the attendant said. The name sent a shiver down Trajan’s spine.
Arlene walked by him. “Nice meeting you, Trajan. Enjoy your stay in Seattle.” Trajan wished he had talked to her much earlier and learned more about her and maybe even told her the reason for his unaccompanied trip. The fact that she had minded her own business until Mt. Rainier appeared told him a lot about her. He had placed her card in his wallet and made a solemn oath to call her soon.
Hearing his name when he exited the restricted area of the airport Trajan looked up to see who yelled. He saw Tony and Marco jumping up and down waving their arms. Trajan smiled and headed their way. Luigi showed his ID to Mark, signed the requisite paperwork, and joined what appeared to be a happy family reunion.
Trajan wasn’t surprised by the big hug he received from his Aunt Marne, or the tight hug from his energetic cousin Marco. What surprised him was the genuine hug he received from Tony. It wasn’t something Trajan expected after the way he had ignored his cousin’s phone calls.
After taking care of the paperwork, Uncle Luigi walked up to Trajan, placed his left hand on his nephew’s right shoulder and gave him a strong handshake. “Welcome to Seattle, Trajan,” Luigi said with feeling. “My family and I hope you enjoy your stay here.”
“Thank you, Uncle Luigi. From the way everybody greeted me, I think I will,” Trajan said with feeling.
The family group went to carousel eight which was where the monitor in front of them said Trajan’s baggage would arrive. While they were waiting for the carousel to start turning, Trajan looked over his two cousins. He thought Marco was a cute little boy. He was skinny with thick dark hair. Trajan didn’t think there was anything sexual about him. ‘He probably doesn’t know which end of his dick to use to jerk off,’ Trajan thought.
But Tony was an altogether different matter. He had thick, black hair like Marco, but he looked like he was entering puberty. As much as he wanted to view Tony in the same way he viewed Marco, he couldn’t help but think that his cousin Tony was a hot, sexy little shit.
At the same time Marco and Tony were scoping out their older cousin. Marco saw a big teenager who probably jerked off. He wondered if Trajan shot out more cum than Tony or Karl. He bet that he did and he probably had more pubic hair, too. He wondered if he would ever find out the answers to his questions.
Tony liked Trajan’s looks as well. He admired his dark hair which hung across his forehead, its slight curls making it look unkempt while at the same time it looked neat and in place. He liked his cousin’s dimples when he smiled. He hoped the smiles were a good sign. Even so, Tony was determined to learn why his phone messages were never returned. Since Trajan was fourteen, Tony was certain he jerked off. Not for the first time Tony wondered how he and Trajan would manage to jerk off while sharing the same room.
Everybody’s thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of a bell warning everybody that the carousel would start moving. One of Trajan’s suitcases came down the slide to the carousel a couple of minutes later and his other suitcase was a minute behind. Trajan’s mother had sent two boxes with more of Trajan’s belongings via UPS. They were scheduled to arrive on Tuesday.
After Trajan’s luggage was retrieved, they walked to the parking garage and the short-term parking floor. Trajan pulled one of the suitcases and Tony handled the other one. When they reached Luigi’s car, they placed the suitcases in the trunk and the three boys squeezed into the backseat of the Nissan Altima. They left the garage and were soon heading north on the freeway for Seattle.
<Miller residence>
Logan had spent the night sleeping with Chase and woke before his big brother did. He took a deep breath and thought about how grown up it felt to be twelve. Tuesday had been his birthday, but as far as he was concerned it wouldn’t be official until Saturday when his best friends would be coming over for his birthday party.
He thought about his night with his fifteen-year-old big brother. Chase had given him back-to-back hard fucks, making him cum twice. The first time had been a mind blowing no touch cum and the second time had been when he fucked Chase’s mouth after Chase’s second cum. Logan was even more amazed that Chase jerked himself off to a third cum while he was being sucked. Logan was convinced that his brother was the biggest horn dog in the Magnolia District.
Logan knew that Tony’s cousin Trajan would be arriving in Seattle from San Diego around noon. He wondered how that was going to work out. He knew that Tony was nervous about his cousin living with his family for the summer and about sharing his room with the older boy. Logan tried to assure his boyfriend that everything would work out okay, but he wasn’t sure if what he said helped any.
He would be finding out what Trajan was like the next day when the DeLucas would be hosting a “Welcome to Seattle” dinner for him at their restaurant. From what Tony had told him, Logan wasn’t expecting to be impressed. If not for the invitation for him and his brothers, he wouldn’t even bother to go. He knew Chase would be going as well as Eddie. Dillon would be going with Chase and Chase was going to spend the night at Dillon’s house after the dinner. Eddie would be coming back home with him. Since Tony had to play host during Trajan’s first week, Logan would be sleeping alone unless Eddie wanted to sleep with him.
Curt wasn’t interested in going to the dinner and had invited Duncan over to spend the night. Since Curt and Duncan were often uptight about sex, Logan knew that they probably would not be interested in having a three-way.
Logan was tired of thinking, plus he needed to piss. He pulled back his covers and started out of Chase’s bed when Chase wrapped an arm around him and pulled him down onto the mattress.
“Dang, Chase, I gotta piss bad,” Logan groaned.
“No problem, just piss the bed,” Chase suggested.
“Yeah, whatever. You’re one sicko dude, bro. Who do you think is gonna clean up the mess, since it sure isn’t gonna be me?”
“You were okay with pissing in your underpants a few days ago.”
Logan gave Chase a why-don’t-you-get-serious look. “That was outside, and underpants are way different than beds. I could just toss them into the wash. So, let me go or I’ll be pissing your bed whether I want to or not.”
“You’re a good brother, little bro. I was just testing to make sure you’re not becoming a bigger perv than me. I would have taken care of your piss flow real fast if you decided to be pervy.”
“How? By swallowing my dick and drinking my piss?” Logan asked.
“Sick, sicker, and totally sicko—and I don’t mean that in a good way.”
Chase started laughing hard and then released Logan so he could take his piss. “Just remember, many primitive people think drinking piss is good for you.”
“Yep, primitive is right. It describes you perfectly,” Logan said over his shoulder. Chase threw a pillow at him, which Logan caught and fired back at his big brother. He then hustled to the bathroom to empty his bladder.
<Trajan, Tony, and Marco>
Trajan tossed the suitcase he had carried into the house onto what was going to be his bed—unless he elected to move out to Marne’s sewing room. Marne had told him that he was free to make the choice anytime. Since he had no idea what living in Tony’s room would be like, he was happy he had another choice available. Luigi set Trajan’s other suitcase on the floor next to the bed.
“Well, what do you think?” Luigi asked. Marne was standing behind her husband waiting for Trajan’s answer.
Trajan paused to survey the room. It was bigger than he had imagined it to be—bigger than his bedroom at home. He noted that there was plenty of closet space and that he had his own chest of drawers. Another thing he noted was the room was neat and orderly. He wondered if that was because Tony was some kind of a neat freak or if Marne and Luigi had made him clean it up.
“This room is big,” Trajan finally said.
“That’s because this is an old house,” Marne responded. “It has four bedrooms; two of them are big and two are much smaller. The master bedroom is bigger than this one and has its own bathroom. Marco’s room and my sewing room are the small ones.”
“Do you know when my boxes are supposed to come?”
“I know your mother sent them yesterday and the UPS tracker says Tuesday. And remember, you can use the chest of drawers in my sewing room as well as the closet if you need more room,” Marne told him. “And in case you’re wondering if Tony is always this neat, the answer is yes.”
“Marco, not so much,” Tony said.
“I’m neater than you are,” Marco protested. “Sometimes Tony is a big slob and then mom goes all ballistic and stuff.”
“Not true!”
“Boys, stop the squabbling,” Luigi said.
The brothers shut their mouths and stood at near attention in response. “Sorry, dad,” Tony said.
“Are you hungry, Trajan?” Marne asked.
Trajan wanted to shout out, ‘BIG TIME’, but politely answered that he was.
“I have some sliders to tide us over until dinner. I know what young growing boys are like, and from what I’ve heard growing teenagers can eat them under the table. Come on out and eat and then Marco and Tony can help you unpack, and you boys can get to know each other.”
“Thanks, Aunt Marne. Thanks for everything.”
“Just to get you prepared, we’re having a special welcoming dinner at the restaurant tomorrow. We’ve invited some of Tony and Marco’s friends (‘yuck, little kids,’ Trajan thought. ‘if they’re Marco’s age they won’t be interesting at all—but if they’re Tony’s age…well…the thought brought a quick memory of his affair with Derek) along with their parents, as well as some older brothers and older boys who are family friends. Many of those boys are around your age. (‘that sounds interesting—I wonder if they’re cute’) I think you’ll like them all. Come to the kitchen in five minutes for a lunch type snack.”
After Marne left the room, Trajan, Tony, and Marco stood in silence wondering what to say next. Trajan thought about how his cousins were just little boys and wondered once again how he was going to survive the summer without dying of boredom. He could only hope that one of the boys at the welcoming dinner which he wished wasn’t going to happen was interesting enough to make up for having to go to a boring dinner.
Tony finally broke the silence. “Me and Marco will help you unpack after we eat if you want us to. Marco is really good at organizing things,” he said, contradicting what he had said about his brother earlier.
“That’s cool. And you and me need to have a talk this afternoon,” Trajan responded.
“Without me?” Marco asked.
“I want to talk about how we’re going to do stuff since we’re sharing this room. Some of the things you might be too young to understand.”
“You could teach me.”
Trajan didn’t respond to Marco’s comment.
“Marco knows more about some stuff than you think,” Tony said in defense of his little brother.
Trajan was skeptical about including the nine-year-old in a talk about jerking off since there was no way he would know much if anything about it. He knew he sure didn’t, at least until a couple of months after he turned ten. He decided to present a compromise. “Okay, Marco can listen in, but if he is uncomfortable, he can feel free to leave and I’ll understand.” He looked down at his cousin. “If you have any questions, hang on to them until Tony and I are done talking then I’ll answer them.”
He was suddenly hit by the thought that Tony might not know what he was talking about either. After all, he was only twelve. Then he remembered about how he jerked off almost every day when he was twelve and he didn’t always do it by himself. “The same goes for you, Tony.”
“If you want to talk about what I think you want to talk about then I know all about what you are going to talk about,” Tony informed his cousin. He decided to let Marco speak for himself. He wondered which Marco would be at the chat—the shy one who never said much, or the sexy one who had opened up big time since he became friends with Justin.
“Boys! Come and get it!” Marne called, ending their chat for now. When the boys arrived at the table, Marne informed Trajan that Marco had baseball practice from five-thirty to six-thirty, so dinner would be around seven. “Feel free to take seconds since it will be a while until dinner.
One thing Trajan quickly learned would be the same as at home was that the food would be excellent. His slider and potato salad totally kicked ass. He might end up dying of boredom, but he for sure would not die of starvation.
As Tony ate his slider, he looked over at his cousin wondering if one of the things he wanted to talk about was an apology for ignoring his phone calls. While Trajan had started out being nicer than Tony had expected, he wasn’t sure if that meant his cousin was nice to enough to apologize.
When Pierce woke up, the first thing he did was check the time. He was surprised, but not disappointed, that he had slept in until just past ten. He thought about his masturbation marathon the day before—six orgasms worth. It had used up almost all his lube, but he needed it.
It all started on Tuesday and his meeting with his dad and the detective. He felt like a big weight had been lifted from his shoulders when his dad, his dad’s lawyer, and the detective said they would take care of things. But what really made him feel good was that nobody judged him for what he did on the streets to earn money. He had been a prostitute and they didn’t care. If he understood the detective right, what he was now wasn’t a whore but just a teenage boy who was getting help that he needed.
What also amazed him was how being held by Walker and crying on him ended up making him horny. He slept with his dad that night and wanted his dad to kiss him and pet him and suck his cock and make love to him. He didn’t know how he managed to not jerk off and cream his underpants or end up having a wet dream, but he managed. That night he had never loved anyone as much as he loved Walker Bledsoe, not his birth father, not his mother, and not even Drake.
He understood in his own adolescent way that as much as being with Walker that night turned him on, his love was about more than sex; it was about being with a man who was dedicated to showing him how to grow up to become the best man he could be. Why Walker’s fatherly love and understanding turned him totally on was something he didn’t understand. He decided it was a topic he needed to bring up with Dr. McGregor, his shrink.
Last night he had told Walker good night and went to his room just after nine-thirty, his cock throbbing out of desperation. During the day he and Nathan, along with two other teammates, went with their baseball coach to a baseball day-camp put on by the Mariners. The topic was pitching, and Pierce was so into getting instruction by a couple of Mariner pitchers that he forgot about his horniness until his ride home from the camp.
Pierce was sitting in the backseat with Nathan after the coach dropped the other teammates off at their houses. He pointed to his bulging crotch and Nathan nodded. The coach dropped Nathan off with him and the two went straight to Pierce’s bedroom, stripped, and enjoyed a quick jerk off. Pierce would have loved to have done more, but Nathan had to go home. That was orgasm number one of six.
The last three came for Pierce after he retired to his room. The other two had been on the living room couch as he waited for Walker to come home. He fantasized about sex with Walker, which turned into sex with Drake, Nathan, and Chase, then morphed into sex with Taylor and Dayne, the joggers in the park, and ended with him thinking of sex with Tony’s mystery cousin who would be spending the summer. He wondered what he looked like, and then decided he had to look sexy since Tony was starting to look sexy even though he was only twelve. Since Tony and Marco had dark hair, he decided the mystery cousin did as well. His fantasy ended with him fucking the cousin in his backyard.
His cock was a little sore, but he was ready to face the day. Walker had given him a list of chores to do in what was left of the morning. Drake would be showing up in the afternoon. He was sure he had an orgasm or two left for Drake.
Next month his days would get more interesting because he would be fifteen and a half and was signed up at the MBD (Magnolia Bluff Driving) school to start driver’s education.
He got out of bed and headed for the shower. Tomorrow he would meet the mystery cousin at a welcoming dinner in the private party room at Luigi’s. He was interested in seeing how closely his fantasy mystery cousin matched reality. Before stepping into the shower, Pierce looked into the mirror and checked his face, neck, chest, and back closely. He was very fastidious about his personal grooming and since he was going to be meeting a new boy tomorrow, he figured it was never too early to deal with any zits, pimples, or blemishes.
<Trajan, Tony, and Marco>
Once they finished eating and helping Marne put the dishes into the dishwasher and clean the kitchen, the boys went to Tony’s bedroom, which for now was Tony and Trajan’s bedroom. Trajan moved his suitcase to give him room to sit on his bed while Tony and Marco sat next to each other on Tony’s bed. Trajan was surprised that the brothers were sitting so close to each other that they touched.
“First, I guess I should make an apology,” Trajan said, knowing the way he said it made him sound lame. “I was pretty mad about having to leave my friends and my…my…friends and come to Seattle and I really didn’t want to talk to my cousin Tony who wasn’t even a teenager yet. That was definitely not cool. I was wrong to do that and I’m sorry. You and Marco have been really nice to me, especially after the way I treated you, Tony. So, like I said, I’m sorry.” He looked at the two brothers and waited for a response.
After less than ten seconds that seemed more like a hundred, Tony said, “I accept your apology. You’ve been really nice to us, too. Marco knows what you did or didn’t do or whatever and we thought you’d be a…”
“…dipdong,” Marco finished.
“Dipdong?” Trajan asked.
“It’s what my boyfriend, Justin, calls a dipshit.”
Trajan shook his head in surprise. Little Marco had dumped two surprises on him at once; using the word dipshit and saying he had a boyfriend. What else was he going to learn about his cousins? He decided that for now he wasn’t going to comment on Marco calling his friend his boyfriend since chances were pretty good Marco was too young to know what it meant for a boy to call his best friend his boyfriend. Instead, he decided to get right to the meat of the talk he had planned with Tony.
“Well, let’s talk about sharing the bedroom,” Trajan said as he tried to hide how Marco’s comment had flustered him. “It’s your bedroom and all, Tony, so you can make the rules. I just thought we should talk about a couple of things and decide what the rules will be.”
“Hey, since we’re sharing the room, we can make the rules together,” Tony said. “I mean, we’ll just be sharing it until school starts. And if something doesn’t work, we can always fix it.”
Trajan nodded, as surprised by Tony’s maturity as he had been by Marco’s double surprise. “Well, you’ve studied about human growth and development and that shit in school, especially about hitting puberty, right Tony?”
“Yep. And since I think I know what you want to talk about, I’m gonna tell you that I know what masturbation is and that I do it—a lot.” Tony decided that by using the proper health terminology for jerking off he would keep the discussion at a higher level.
“That’s good to know. It will make things easier for us. You probably figured I do it a lot, too. Just about every teenage boy does. Now we just need to figure out where and when it’s okay to do it because, well, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I don’t plan on sitting on the toilet to bust a nut.”
“It’s cool. How about we just do it when we need to do it and not worry about somebody coming into the room and catching us,” Tony suggested. “When I do it at night I like doing it without being covered up so I don’t leave pecker tracks on my sheets for my mom to find. You can do it the same way.”
‘What the fuck is going on here?’ Trajan thought. ‘The last time I saw my cousins they were just little kids having fun playing games, and now Tony is twelve and talking about pecker tracks. Next thing I’ll be finding out is that Marco jerks off, too.’ “That sounds good to me. What if one of us comes in, like during the day, and the other one is jerking off?”
“Easy peasy. How about we knock first and then the guy doing it can say ‘Come on in,’ or something like ‘I’m busy and I’ll let you know when I’m done.’”
“But what if it’s your mom or dad or even Marco?”
“Okay, we say who we are when we knock. And to make things easier, we leave the door open when we’re not in the room.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Trajan looked directly at Marco and said, “I suppose you don’t have a clue what your brother and me are talking about.”
“I’m not a little kid anymore. I know what jerking off is and I do it and sometimes me and Justin do it together. But I can’t make that cum stuff like Tony or our friend Karl does,” Marco responded. He knew right away he had goofed. He wasn’t going to tell Trajan that he and Tony did it together but he’d slipped and mentioned Tony making cum and now Trajan would know he'd seen Tony jerk off.
“Is Justin your best friend?” Trajan asked.
“Yep, plus he’s my boyfriend. We even s…um…jerk each other sometimes. And Tony does it with his boyfriend, too.” Marco had come real close to saying he and Justin had sucked each other. He was glad he caught himself so he wouldn’t have to explain that Tony was the one who told him about sex—everything from jerking off to jerking each other off to sucking and to doing a sixty-nine.
Tony was mortified. For a moment he wished the old Marco would return, the Marco who was quiet and shy and said nothing. While he wasn’t the babbling boy that Justin was, he was becoming more and more like his friend.
“Wow I had no clue you guys did all that, especially Marco. When I was nine I didn’t know shit about sex stuff,” Trajan said. “Where did you learn about this stuff, Marco?” Trajan asked the question even though he was totally sure that Marco had been given sex lessons by his big brother. Trajan didn’t want Tony to know what he was thinking. His cock was now rock hard and straining against his pants and he had an incredibly strong desire to open them up and give his five-inch cock some breathing room.
Other than his hard cock being one and a half inches shorter than Trajan’s and not quite as squeezed in, Tony was in the same condition as his cousin. Of all the things he had been thinking about Trajan since had he had learned of his impending visit and what they would end up talking about, sitting on his bed getting a boner while talking sex stuff with him had not been one of the topics.
Marco was interested in the conversation, and while he was feeling some horniness, his body was not yet governed by hormones and his cocklet was more of a semi. He could tell Marco had a boner and he wondered if Trajan did too.
“I have a boyfriend, too,” Tony finally confessed, figuring Trajan would figure it out if he hadn’t already. “His name is Logan, and he will be coming to the dinner tomorrow. And, yeah, we jerk off together.” Like Marco he left out the kissing, the cock sucking, and their getting themselves prepped to fuck.
Trajan wondered if Marco and Tony had real boyfriends, or if it was what Lukas called “puppy love”. He saw Tony make a quick, adjustment of his jeans and knew that his cousin had a hard-on. Once again, he wanted to open his pants, only for more than getting breathing room. He wanted to show his cousins what he was packing. Then his thoughts did another shift and he decided that since his cousins were revealing that they were having sexual fun he should probably do the same thing.
But it wasn’t going to be a complete confession. They didn’t need to know about his lust for men or about his being raped. He’d just tell the boy stuff. As those thoughts bounced through his head, he couldn’t help but wonder if Tony and Marco had confessed everything they did. He then mentally slapped himself for his attitude. ‘Here I am thinking selfish thoughts again, like it’s all about me. They’re just little kids and if they don’t tell me everything, well it’s not like I’m telling them everything. Besides, other than making a half-ass apology, what have I done to make them trust me. This is just my first day living with them after all. I’m shocked that things have gone this far. Here I am on my first day here and we’re talking about sex—but I guess it had to be done and it worked okay—I’ll be able to whack my pud in this room most of the time I need to.’
“Well, I’ve messed around with guys, too,” he told his cousins, satisfied that he wasn’t really lying, since he had messed around with guys. ‘I’m just not telling then the full truth,’ he thought.
“You have?” Tony and Marco asked at the same time.
“Are you gay?” Tony asked right after.
“Lots of boys mess around with guys and aren’t gay,” Trajan answered. “All this sexy talk’s got me all boned up. I’m gonna open up my pants to give my cock some room, but don’t worry I’m not gonna pull it out or anything.” Trajan opened his belt, opened the button, and pulled his zipper all the way down. Tony and Marco couldn’t help but notice the bulge in their cousin’s orange boxer shorts.
Justin and Mike slept in and ate breakfast together. The Dawg had prepared some waffle mix for them before he left for work. Justin came to breakfast in the nude, getting an approving nod from his Donkey Daddy. He felt that Mike the Donkey was much looser about what he could wear around the house than Ryan the Dawg. Justin knew that, except for certain circumstances, the Donkey’s rule was the fewer clothes the better. Since Justin came to the table naked, Mike removed his gym shorts and matched his son’s mode of dress.
After they scarfed down three waffles apiece and finished off a couple of glasses of orange juice each, Mike and Justin cleaned up the kitchen and headed out to the den to turn on the television so they could check on the baseball scores from the previous night. Mike sat in his recliner and Justin kicked back on the sectional.
“Daddy, can I ask you something?” Justin asked when a commercial came on. “It’s kinda about sex.”
“You know you can ask anything you want, kiddo. Learning things is part of growing up.”
“Well, I think I’ve already learned it, I just want to know if it’s okay if I do it.”
Justin’s statement convinced Mike that his son wanted to talk more than just the topic of sex; he wanted to talk about actually having sex. ‘Well, no surprise there,’ he thought. ‘The Little Donkey’s been working up to this for a while.’
“Tell me what you want to know.”
“Is it okay for somebody who is nine years old to give a friend a blow job?”
While the question itself didn’t surprise Justin’s Daddy, the confidence behind it did. Mike saw that confidence as proof that Justin had complete trust in his parents. But Mike also felt that while Justin would be willing to ask the Dawg the same question, it wouldn’t have been with the same confident bearing he had just displayed.
“Why do you ask? Do you think there’s some kind of law against it?”
Justin shook his head. “No, it’s just that everybody thinks me and Marco…I mean Marco and I…are too young to do it.”
The fact that Justin mentioned Marco’s name was final proof of his son’s trust. “And just who is everybody?”
“You, know, everybody.”
“So, if I stopped the next car going by our house and asked the driver if my nine-year-old son is too young to suck his best friend’s penis, you have no doubt that he will say ‘Absolutely’?”
“I don’t know the guy so how would I know?” Justin asked.
“You mean he isn’t everybody? That must mean he’s nobody. What if his answer is: ‘You say he’s nine years old? Why did he wait so long to start?’”
“No, that’s not what I meant. I mean everybody I know.”
“Like who?”
“Guys like my teachers and Marco’s parents and Coach Wood or Coach D or somebody like that.”
“It sounds like you’ve already asked them about it,” Mike pointed out.
“No way. I’ve only asked you, because you know about this stuff, plus you’re my Donkey Daddy and I said I’d ask you. Donkeys aren’t like everybody else,” Justin stated emphatically. “But you gotta quit asking me donkey questions and answer my question.”
Mike chuckled at hearing his son’s insistence on talking about a subject that most boys would never dream of discussing with their parents. “Well, since you put it so strongly, I guess I’ll answer it then. Do you know of any law that says you have to be a certain age to suck your best friend’s penis?”
“You can call it a dick or a cock, dad. I don’t mind. But I never heard of any law saying I can’t suck my BOYfriend’s COCK.”
“Oh my, it appears Donkey Junior is getting into a bit of a snarky mood. But you have waited a long time for my answer, so my Donkey answer is simply as long as you like doing it and Marco has no problem with you doing it to him and with him doing it to you, then I think there is nothing wrong with nine-year-old boys giving each other blowjobs, especially when it's his BOYfriend’s COCK he is sucking. How does that sound?”
“It sounds perfect,” Justin grinned.
“So, I take it you and Marco plan on doing it at some point in the near future.”
There was a momentary silence before Justin said in a quieter voice than he had been using, “We’ve already done it.”
Mike felt a shiver of pleasure race through him. While he harbored no doubt that Justin and Marco were sexually active, he had been certain it went no farther than mutual masturbation. “Ahh, so you’re asking me after the fact.”
“I just wanted to make sure we weren’t doing anything wrong.”
Mike rose from his seat, sat next to his son, and gave him a loving hug. He was amazed at how warm and smooth the boy’s youthful skin was. “You did nothing wrong, young Donkey. Absolutely nothing wrong. And it’s sweet that you and Marco are boyfriends. He’s really special, isn’t he?”
“Nope, he’s not really special. He’s really, really, really, really special,” Justin grinned, his full confidence returning. “But you know what I like best with him, daddy?”
“Tell me.”
“I like cuddling with him more than sucking.”
“Sounds like the Dawg and me. Cuddling and snuggling is always special.”
“Do you think it would be bad if I did, you know, did IT with somebody else?”
“If Marco is your boyfriend, like you say, then it would only be okay if he was okay with you doing it.”
He does it with somebody else and I’m okay with it so he should be okay with it.”
‘Good grief, what are these young kids up to these days?’ Mike thought. ‘The Dawg and I were perfectly happy just doing each other, at least until we were around thirteen or so.’
“How old were you when you sucked the first time?”
“The Dawg and I were ten. And, to answer your next question, we didn’t do it with some other guys until we were around twelve or thirteen. But, before you ask if you should wait until then, do what you think is right. Just don’t go thinking you have suck every cock you see.”
“I won’t. Doing this is only for boyfriends and best friends.” Justin took a deep breath and asked the last question on his mind. “Are you going to tell Papa Dawg what I’m doing?”
“You know that the Dawg and I don’t keep secrets from each other, so, yeah, I will tell him. Which I know doesn’t surprise you.”
“Do you think he’ll get mad?”
“I promise you he won’t get mad.” ‘But he will give me another talk on how Justin is too young for sex play,’ Mike thought. “You’ve got nothing to worry about,” he promised his son.
Justin stood up. “Thanks daddy. I’m gonna go take a shower.” He stopped and faced his daddy. “Don’t forget I have practice later.” It was then that Mike noticed his son’s little erection which he had somehow managed to keep out of sight.
“Donkeys never forget important things like baseball practice.”
“Oh, and I have one last question. How come you and Papa Dawg and me are going to the dinner for Marco’s cousin tomorrow when he’s, like, a teenager and won’t really be friends with me?”
“Because you spend a lot of time visiting your boyfriend and your papa and I would like to meet the new person in the house,” Mike replied.
“Sounds good. Shower time!” Justin dashed to his bedroom, his little ass wiggling seductively.
<Trajan, Tony, and Marco>
When Tony saw Trajan open up his pants, he did the same. Marco shifted his gaze between the bulge in Trajan’s orange boxer shorts and the one in his brother’s white briefs. As he wondered if they were going to start jerking off together and if he should open his pants so he could join them, they started talking about bedtimes, wake up times, mealtimes, taking showers, and other boring stuff that didn’t make any difference to him.
Marco rose from the bed. “I’m gonna go cuz I gotta get ready for practice pretty soon. I’ll see you later.” He started for the door and stopped. “Trajan, you’re way cooler than me and Tony thought you would be. I like you.” He zipped out the door before Trajan could answer him, hoping he wasn’t going to be missing the fun of watching them jerk off while he was gone.
But as much as the sex talk had turned on Trajan and Tony, they shifted their attention to the business of living together. There would be plenty of time for messing around if that was something they were going to do together during Trajan’s stay. Tony was certain they would while Trajan considered it a possibility. Trajan thought young adolescents like Tony were cute, but not necessarily sexy. Marco wasn’t sexually interesting at all. It was teens his age and older and grown men who interested him, not little hairless boys. And yet, the sexy chat with them had made him incredibly horny.
“Those orange underpants are sick. Do you always wear bright colored undies like that?” Tony asked. He noted that the bright underpants sported a black waistband with Jockey written across it.
“Yeah, and almost all are boxer briefs,” Trajan answered. “I don’t care much for boxers, but I don’t mind wearing briefs as long as they’re not white. What about you? Do you always wear white briefs?”
“I always wear briefs. I like the tight fit. I’ve finally talked my mom into getting me colored ones.”
“Let’s get me unpacked,” Trajan said as he rose from his bed. He was feeling so comfortable he pretended he forgot that his pants were undone. As soon as he stood up, they dropped to the floor. “Oops,” he chuckled. Instead of pulling his pants up, however, he stepped out of them. “You said this was okay in our room.” Trajan put a slight emphasis on the word “our”.
Since Trajan was down to his t-shirt and briefs, Tony decided to follow his lead and pulled his pants off. He could feel his cock start to chub up again. “Like you said, this works in our room, and usually around the house unless the rules get changed because you’re here.”
Trajan centered his suitcase on his bed and started to unpack. He and Tony quickly got into a rhythm. As they finished unpacking the first suitcase, Marco opened the door. His eyes opened wide when he saw the state of undress of his cousin and brother. He decided he liked it. The start of Trajan’s visit was going way better than he and Tony had expected. “Dad’s taking me to practice,” Marco said. “I’ll see ya later.” He shut the door.
Tony and Trajan were soon unpacking the second suitcase. They discussed which drawer should get what clothes and what part of the closet he could use.
“If Marco was here, he’d have everything super organized in like a nanosecond,” Tony told his cousin. He was happy that his forming erection never formed and saw that Trajan didn’t have one either. He gave his cousin a long look and thought he looked epically sexy in his orange and black trimmed underpants.
Tony stopped Trajan’s unpacking and said, “I have something you might like.” He opened the bottom drawer of his nightstand and pulled out two plastic bottles of Lubriderm lotion. He handed one to Trajan and put the other one back in the drawer. “Just in case you need some help with you know what during the night.”
“Oh, wow, thanks. Where did you get this?”
“From Logan. He gave me a couple of bottles saying maybe Marco might want one too, but he doesn’t jerk off that much unless it’s with me or Justin. The hormones haven’t kicked in yet,” Tony said knowingly. Trajan put his bottle in his bottom drawer, telling Tony he could use it any time he wanted.
As soon as they finished unpacking, they took the suitcases down to the basement where they stored them with family suitcases and other household items.
They went upstairs to the rec room where Tony showed Trajan which video games he had. Trajan picked a car chase game and Tony loaded it into the X-box. Marne came in from the kitchen and saw the two boys sitting side by side on the couch playing a video game and grinned. After all the angst expressed by Tony, Marco, as well as Luigi, Trajan’s first day ended up being almost routine. She also knew from chatting with her sister-in-law that Trajan had a dark side to him that she would have to watch for.
“Sitting here in your underpants, are you?” Marne grinned. “It looks like Trajan is fitting right into our household.”
“I can put my pants on if you want me to Aunt Marne,” Trajan offered. “Tony told me this was okay.” Tony cringed momentarily at having the blame laid on him.
“Well, I’m certain Tony told you the household dress code. Just remember that it is changeable depending on the circumstances and that your Uncle Luigi isn’t always as tolerant of boys running around in their underpants (‘or less,’ she thought) as I usually am.”
As if on cue, Luigi entered the house. When he saw the state of undress of the boys he almost stated his objection before realizing that their condition was pointing to the fact that Trajan was feeling comfortable in their house after just a few hours. He knew from his brother, Giovanni, that Trajan had not been happy about his exile to Seattle plus he had numerous personal issues he was dealing with. Luigi wisely elected to be happy with progress no matter how or when it revealed itself.
He talked with Trajan about helping at the restaurant. Trajan said little and sat silently in a bit of a teen sulk. As Luigi spoke, however, Trajan learned that the job wouldn’t be as bad as he thought. It would only be two to three days a week. Since the restaurant was closed on Mondays except for takeout he wouldn’t have to work on what was essentially a family day off, except for Marco and Tony’s baseball games. He would be paid minimum wage plus tips for busing and doing some cleaning. Luigi would also ease him into some cooking responsibilities if he so desired.
“I can’t have you wait tables,” Luigi said, “since we serve beer and wine with meals and the law says you have to be eighteen to serve alcohol. You can have next week off, if you wish, to get to know any new friends you meet tomorrow and maybe watch your cousins play a baseball game or two.”
Trajan wanted to ask if there were any lacrosse teams in the area then decided it would be something to ask Tony or maybe some of the older boys he would meet at tomorrow’s dinner.
“It would be nice if we could find a hobby or something for you to do,” Luigi said. “What kinds of things interest you?”
“Nothing much.” Trajan’s sullen reply generated a glare from Luigi. He thought of the things that interested him at home: swimming, boys, sexy men, pushing the trouble envelope to see what he could get away with, and lacrosse. None of those were things he wanted to discuss with Luigi, or Marne, or even his cousins; except maybe for asking Tony about lacrosse.
Marne had overheard the last part of the conversation. “Here’s a thought for you, Trajan,” she said. “It’s been a long day for you and I’m thinking you must be tired and your thinking may have slowed down a bit. How about you think about some things you would like to see and do and give it to your uncle and me on Sunday.” Marne was much more of a motivator than Luigi was. Luigi expected everything to be black and white and didn’t look at subtleties, hence the glare after Trajan’s curt answer. His way of thinking was much like his brother Giovanni, Trajan’s father. Marne saw the subtleties and looked for ways to get her boys involved in the decision-making process. She felt she could motivate Trajan in the same way.
“Does that mean I have homework?” Trajan asked.
“It means you get to have a say in how you spend your spare time and also in things the family can do to show you our beautiful area and the wonderful places there are to visit. What you put into your list will help determine a lot of the positive things you will get out of your visit.” Trajan shrugged and said he would make a list if anything came into his mind. His growing sullenness was erasing some of the goodwill he had developed that afternoon and evening.
After dinner and watching TV with Tony and Marco, Trajan announced he was really tired and was going to get ready for bed. He regained a few points by thanking his aunt and uncle for a good day and went to his and Tony’s bedroom. He grabbed his toilet kit and took it to the bathroom. He and Tony had forgotten to set aside some space in the bathroom for his toilet articles. He decided not to worry about it until morning and took care of his evening cleanup and then carried his gear back to the bedroom.
He pulled off his t-shirt and undies, making him naked. He needed to jerk off to ensure a good night’s sleep. When he saw the hand towel at the center of the bed he grinned; Tony had remembered to give him a cum rag. He crawled into bed and draped the bed covers over himself. He was about to turn off the light on his nightstand when Tony came into the room carrying a small sack.
“I know I didn’t knock,” Tony said, “but I saw the light was on and I figured you wouldn’t be lying in bed naked with no covers over you beating your meat; and I was right.” He reached into the bag and pulled out a small light fixture. He held it up for Trajan to see. “Mom gave me this night light. You plug it in and it lights up when the lights are out, but it isn’t real bright.”
“That won’t work if we do what we talked about because we wouldn’t really be in the dark,” Trajan pointed out.
“That’s why I think dad’s idea was better.” Tony pulled two small flashlights out of the bag. “Now the light’s on only when we want it to be, it won’t be very bright, and we can control which way it shines. It’s mostly for if we have to get up to pee during the night and I hardly ever have to do that.”
“I don’t either,” Trajan thought. ‘Except when I go to bed all wasted and shit,’ he thought.
Tony set a flashlight on each of their dressers. He then stripped down to his underpants and tucked himself into his bed. He jiggled around a little as he pulled off his briefs, reached out from under the covers, and dropped them on the floor.
“You could have stripped in front of me,” Trajan said. “I think we should just decide to get used to seeing each other naked when we dress and undress. It would make things a lot easier.”
“That’s no problem for me. We’ll make that one of our rules—being naked in front of each other is okay.” Tony had already taken care of his evening toilet, so he turned off his light. Trajan turned his light off a few seconds later and the room was now in darkness.
There was a little bit of ambient light in the room and Trajan could barely make out the hump in Tony’s blankets created by Tony’s body. He wondered how long he should wait before starting to jerk off and then decided, ‘fuck it, I’m just going to start. We’re going to eventually hear each other doing it anyway. And there’s no way I’m gonna just lay here and let a little tween wonk make me wait to do what I need to do.’ He slowly pulled his blankets off himself and folded them across his legs.
Tony heard the rustling on Trajan’s bed. He knew Trajan had pulled his blankets off and he knew why. When he detected Trajan reaching over to his nightstand and grabbing what had to be his lotion, he was certain he was right. He heard his cousin squeeze the bottle and could sense him rubbing the lotion onto his cock. Tony’s cock was now so hard it hurt. This was almost like being in bed with Logan or Marco and waiting for the sex to start. As soon as Tony heard the quiet slapping of Trajan’s hand moving along his cock, he pulled back his blankets, squirted lotion on his cock, and started masturbating as well.
Hearing Tony jerking off turned Trajan on even more, which he didn’t think was possible. He had started rubbing his cock lightly, hoping Tony wouldn’t know what he was doing, but as soon as he heard the rustle of his cousin’s blankets, Trajan knew that Tony knew what was going on.
The cousins lay on their bed beating their cocks, pretending not to be paying attention to each other while at the same time getting turned on by what was happening on the other side of the room. Tony fantasized about jerking off Trajan’s teen cock and then shifted into sucking it. He wondered if his cousin was cut or not.
Trajan’s opening fantasy was having his twelve-year-old cousin jerk him off. It never occurred to him that Tony might interested in giving him a blow job. But his fantasy shifted. He liked Tony and thought he was cute, but he told himself that being cute didn’t make somebody sexy. Tony was soon replaced by his East Harbor friends Michael and Derek and three-way sex with the younger boys. As he heard Tony frapping harder on his little cock, he realized that Tony really was a sexy boy. That thought caused him to fantasize about giving Tony a blow job. As that brought him to the brink of orgasm, a vision of Mark suddenly entered his fantasy. The grown man showed off his big cock, shoving into Trajan’s ass, and ramming him. Trajan couldn’t slow his hand down; he made no attempt to be quiet.
“Fuck me, Mark,” he muttered. “Stick your big cock in my ass and fuck me so hard we fall off the bed. Fuck me and fill my ass with gallons of your thick cum.”
Hearing Trajan’s cursing sent Tony to the edge and when he heard Trajan emit a long low groan and bounce some on the bed as he shot his teen cum over himself, Tony quietly cried out Logan’s name and shot his clear, immature cum over his chest and belly. The boys used their cum rags to clean off the mess, pulled their blankets over themselves, and fell asleep while pretending they didn’t have a clue about what had happened on the neighboring bed.
But one thought did hang in Tony’s head. He couldn’t help but wonder who Mark was.
Next: Getting to Know You