Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<The Miller Brothers>
Chase gently shook Logan’s bare shoulder. “Hey, little bro, it’s about time for us to get out of bed and find us some breakfast.”
“What time is it,” Logan yawned.
“It’s about quarter after nine.”
“That’s still early.”
“I thought you were going to be joining Tony and Marco for some swimming today,” Chase said.
“I am, but that’s still a couple of hours away.”
“And between eating breakfast, taking a shower, figuring out how to have sex with one of your brothers, doing whatever chores you have this morning, and spending a half-hour deciding which swimming suit to wear, your time will be up before you know it.”
“I’m not having sex with any of my brothers,” Logan protested. “I had plenty last night with you. My butt still feels what you did to it.”
“It felt good, didn’t it?”
“Really good,” Logan blushed. The soon-to-be twelve-year-old loved having sex with his brother or anybody else he could have it with, including his talented ten fingers, but sometimes the one-time shy little boy was embarrassed to admit it. “But I want to save myself for Tony. I mean I will be spending the night with him.”
“What if you end up having a three-way with him and his little brother instead?”
“I think Justin will be coming, too, and he and Marco are pretty tight.”
“Well then, what about a four-way?”
“Chase, you have a totally dirty mind you know.”
“I know I do, and it takes one to know one,” Chase grinned.
“Well just remember who taught me all about sex.” Logan pointed to his big brother.
“Moi?” Chase responded with feigned innocence. “Not lil’ ol’ moi.”
“Whatever. And I’m not taking a shower, which gives me more time for something. I’ll shower before getting into the pool, and then I’ll be swimming most of the afternoon, and then showering again after I get out. I’ll save dad a couple of bucks on the water bill.”
“Whatever gets your dick hard,” Chase said as he rose from his bed. “As for me, I plan on being sparkling clean and smelling like a rose for breakfast. And then I’m off to see a certain boyfriend.”
“Well, tell Dillon I said hi.”
Chase had been right; the morning sped by fast. Before Logan knew it, his mother was driving him to the community swimming pool in Lake City to meet with Tony, Marco, and Justin.
<Luigi and Giovanni DeLuca>
Luigi was enjoying a rare weekend day alone at home. As much as he loved the hustle and bustle of his restaurant as well as his family, sometimes a man just needs to lie at home on his couch, open a book or a magazine, and enjoy silence. Loren Baron, his executive chef, was taking a day off from the kitchen to run the restaurant.
Marco had played a morning baseball game for the Jammers. After Luigi and Marne brought Marco and his best friend Justin home to change, Marne had sandwiches ready for a quick lunch and then took Marco, Justin, and Tony to the community pool for an afternoon of swimming. Tony’s best friend Logan would be driven to the pool by his mother. The boys would do what young boys do at the pool while Marne would end up gossiping with some of the other mothers.
Luigi’s reverie ended when his phone rang. He cursed himself for not turning the ringer off and decided to pretend he didn’t hear it. Then he thought the call might be from Marne and it might be a good idea to answer it. The caller ended up being his older brother, Giovanni, however. It had been at least a month since he had last talked to his brother, so he decided to answer the call.
“Johnny, how wonderful to hear from you,” Luigi said. “To what do I owe the honor?”
“It’s good to hear your voice, Louis. How is my little brother doing?” Giovanni said.
“Hey, I’m only three years younger than you, bro, and I am doing fine.”
“I need to talk about something private. Are you able to do so right now?”
“Your timing is superb. I decided to take a day off and am at home all alone enjoying a day of doing nothing. Marne took the boys and a couple of their friends swimming.”
“Since when did you let someone else run the restaurant on a weekend?” Giovanni asked.
“Since today. Loren is quite capable of handling the restaurant on a Saturday. Marco had a baseball game this morning. I watched him play and now I’m enjoying a rare weekend day off.”
“How did Marco’s team do?”
“They lost 9-6 to a good team, which gives them a 4-2 record. Anyway, what is on your mind?”
“I need some help with a problem.”
“It’s not often that big brother asks little brother to help him with a problem,” Luigi chuckled. “What would this problem be?”
“A teenage boy.”
“You mean the Emperor? He’s always been a good boy. How is it that there is a problem?” Luigi enjoyed calling his nephew, Trajan, ‘the Emperor’, since he carried the name of a great Roman emperor.
“Yes, he’s always been a good boy, although the disease of being a teenager affects him at times.”
“Hey, we were fourteen once, remember.”
“When I was fourteen you were a pest of an eleven-year-old, as I recall.”
“Tony and Marco are twelve and ten—the teen disease hasn’t hit them yet.”
“It will soon,” Giovanni chuckled.
“Thanks for the optimism.”
“Well, as you know, Trish and I will be leaving soon for the Old Country to help Mama with her health issues and taking care of the family business.”
“Has that time come already?” Luigi asked. “I wish I could help more, but right now it is difficult for me to leave the restaurant for any length of time. I need a little more staff to do that.”
“We’ve had that discussion, and I totally understand. Trish and I are fortunate that we have the ability to get away for a long period of time. But there may be a way you can help.”
“Tell me what you want, big brother, and if I can do it, I will.”
“Well, this brings us back to the teenager. Trajan does not want to go to Italy. He is adamant about it,” Giovanni stated.
“What happened to Giovanni, the boss of the family?”
“If this was a simple visit, I’d drag his ass onto the airplane. But this is much different. I think the idea of spending his summer in Paestum taking care of Nonna and other business doesn’t appeal to his restless nature. If we spent the time traveling around the country, he’d be right on top of it.”
“Then why not do some traveling while you’re there?” Luigi asked.
“We plan to, but it will be minimal compared to the time being spend on family business.”
“What does this have to do with me?” Luigi asked, even though he already knew the answer to the question.
“I know you know the answer,” Giovanni chuckled. “Would you be willing to take in your nephew for the summer?”
“I’d be more than willing, big brother. Trajan is a good boy. Even though they haven’t seen each other for a couple of years, I know my boys like him. We’ll find room for him. I can even put him to work in the restaurant. So, yes, I am willing, but Marne and the boys will have to approve as well.”
“I understand asking Marne—that is a must do. And maybe this is one of those times where you simply tell the boys what you’re going to do.”
“Sorry, but that’s not how it works here. We expect the best behavior from our boys and expect their obedience, but this is a decision that could seriously affect their lives, even if it is for just a couple of months. I think it’s only fair they get a say in that decision. So, like, I said, I need to talk to Marne first, and that will have to wait until she comes home from the pool.”
“Any idea when that will be?”
Before Luigi could answer, he heard the front door open and Marne call out, “Honey, I’m home!”
“Apparently it is right now. I will call you back as soon as a decision has been made.”
“Thank you, brother. I will be looking forward to your call.”
Marne sat next to her husband as the brothers disconnected. “What did Johnny want?”
“You’re home early. Where are the boys?”
“They are still at the pool. Susan said she would play mother hen for a while so you and I could have some time alone together,” she answered, referring to Logan’s mother. “And now, I will ask again—what did Johnny want?” Luigi told her.
“Taking that boy in, even for a couple of months, will likely run from being incredible fun to even more incredible work. Trish says Trajan has had some issues recently, but they’re working their way through them.” Marne talked more with her sister-in-law than Luigi did with his brother. “I would like to talk to Trish before I decide.”
Knowing that his wife and sister-in-law never had short conversations, and that this one promised to be longer than usual, he went back to his reading. Forty-five minutes later, Marne re-entered the living room.
“What did the two of you conspire to do?” Luigi asked.
“We conspired to do it.”
“But Marne…”
“Hear me out, Luigi. They are family. They have been there for us when we needed help. They helped us get the restaurant off the ground. They helped us with our medical and business expenses when you had your blood infection. They have never asked for anything in return. Yes, we paid them back, but we have never gone out of our way to do something for them. This may be the time.
“Personally, I think they should insist on Trajan going to Italy with them, but it’s not up to me. I say we take him in for the summer, unless the boys object, which I don’t think will happen.”
Luigi knew his brother was well off financially. He was the partner in a specialty software company, much like Walker Bledsoe, although his company dealt with the medical field. Trish was an executive with the North County Transit District, which owned the Coaster commuter rail line. Ironically, the District used software produced by Walker’s software company. Giovanni’s position as part owner of the company was such that he could afford to take a few months away. He and Trish could both do their jobs online for the duration.
“Yes, family is important. It’s both the blessing and the curse of being Italian,” Luigi said. “We will have to decide what to do today. Giovanni’s schedule doesn’t give us much wiggle room to work things out.”
“I agree that the boys should get their say, but the final decision should be ours.”
“I thought that was my point. Anyway, they both love their cousin, Trajan, even if they haven’t seen him for a couple of years.
“We will need to set some strict rules for Trajan, since we are taking a great responsibility.” Luigi went through a litany of rules as they popped into his head.
“We might need to shorten that list some. But right now, we still have an hour or so before the boys are due home to take advantage of our alone time,” Marne grinned after Luigi finished his diatribe.
“I think we can find a way to fill that time,” Luigi responded as he led his wife to their bedroom.
Susan dropped the boys off just after four o’clock. Marco, Tony, Logan, and Justin greeted Marne and Luigi and then let them know how hungry they were.
“I hear there’s a good Italian restaurant in the Magnolia District,” Marne said.
“Pizza!” Logan said, although what he really wanted was lasagna. But he was willing to settle for some slices of the best pizza in the area. Lunch had been light for the boys, and they were extra hungry. Logan and Justin planned on spending the night, making a big dinner even more important.
At dinner, Luigi succeeded in being just a customer and kept out of the kitchen and didn’t go behind the counter. Marne was proud of her husband.
When they returned home, Marne told Marco and Tony that she and their father needed to talk with them in private.
“Are we in trouble?” Marco asked.
“No, you’re not in trouble,” Marne replied. “We need to discuss a family matter. Logan and Justin can wait out here and watch TV or play games or whatever.”
Marne and Luigi led their sons to the sewing room, which had five chairs, giving everyone room to sit.
“I bet they’re in trouble,” Justin told Logan as the family disappeared into the hall.
“I don’t know,” Logan replied. “Everybody seemed happy at dinner. I guess we’ll either find out or we won’t.”
Logan sat next to Justin on the couch, scooting in as close as he dared. He thought the nine-year-old was mega-cute and enjoyed seeing him naked in the changing room at the pool. He thought about asking permission to fondle him through his shorts but decided he didn’t want to start something he couldn’t finish. He turned on the television, placed his right arm around Justin’s shoulder, and made sure the two were touching as much as possible. He found himself spending more time touching and admiring Justin than looking at the TV screen, something Justin was acutely aware of. He enjoyed receiving the attention of Tony’s boyfriend and loved the feelings stirring in his groin.
“So, what’s up?” Tony asked as the family took their seats.
“Are we in trouble?” Marco asked again.
“Your mother said that you are not in trouble, and I say you are not in trouble, which is all you need to know about that,” Luigi told him. “Something has come up that we need to discuss and decide on.” He went on to tell the boys the problem with their cousin.
“That means Trajan is going to live with us?” Marco asked eagerly.
“Just for the summer,” Marne pointed out.
“We can set up a bed for him in my room. I’ve got plenty of room for it,” Tony said. “He just has to promise to be neat.”
“Like you maintain a neat orderly room,” Luigi said.
“Hey, it’s my mess in my room. If we make it two messes in our room, we won’t have any room to live in.”
“Maybe the two of you could make a pact promising that BOTH of you will be neat and orderly,” Marne said.
“I guess we can try that.”
“Can we still have sleepovers and everything?” Marco asked.
“Absolutely,” Marne answered. It was not the answer Luigi would have given, but he decided they’d find a way to make things work.
“Maybe Trajan will find some friends and have sleepovers, too,” Tony said.
“You never know. He will be doing some part time bus work in the restaurant, so he may not have the time,” Luigi said as if the restaurant work was a done deal.
“Logan lives close to the restaurant,” Tony pointed out. “Trajan could become friends with Chase and Eddie and Curt.”
“That would be a great idea,” Marne said. She couldn’t think of a finer group of boys for Trajan to make friends with than the Miller boys.
“You can head back with your friends,” Luigi told Marco and Tony. “Your mother and I need to discuss a couple of things and then I’ll call your Uncle Johnny and tell him Trajan has a summer home.”
“When will he be coming?” Tony asked.
“Soon. I hope we can pick a date while we talk tonight. Whatever happens it will most likely be in the next couple of weeks.”
“Weeks? Whoa that’s soon,” Marco said.
“June starts on Monday, dork,” Tony retorted. “School’s out Friday and we’re going to have cousin Trajan living with us.”
“I like Trajan. This is going to be fun,” Marco gushed as he and Tony left the room.
<Pierce, Drake, and Nathan>
Walker and Drake cooked up pancakes and bacon for breakfast while Pierce and Nathan sat naked on the rec room couch. Pierce was busy answering Nathan’s questions about both gay and hetero sex.
“Sorry I couldn’t help you much with the straight stuff,” Pierce said. “Outside of making out with a couple of different girls when I was a tween I’ve never done much. Drake’s the guy to ask about that. I know he’s been naked with girls at parties and got into some pretty heavy shit. He thinks he might have fucked one, but he was so wasted he doesn’t remember. A couple of friends told him he did it, but the girl says that wasn’t true. I believe the girl, since she wasn’t screaming rape like some girls like to do, drunk or not.”
“That’s cool,” Nathan responded. “I got friends in school I can ask who I KNOW aren’t virgins, and you know who some of them are.”
“Rodney isn’t for sure.” Rodney played baseball with Pierce and Nathan.
“And maybe Kerry. They bragged a lot while we were putting stuff away yesterday. But you and Drake showed me and told me more about gay sex than I ever thought existed.”
“We’ve been around the gay block a few times,” Pierce chuckled.
Drake, who was also naked, appeared at the entryway. “Breakfast will be served once you lazy boys get off the couch and set the table,” he announced. “Naked is okay at the table, but no boners allowed.”
Nathan quickly covered himself with his hands. “What if I put a towel or something over it,” he stuttered.
“Don’t worry about it, Duck is just jerking your chain,” Pierce said.
“Oh…I was worried he was serious; I mean with your dad having breakfast with us and all.”
“Walker has seen a teen boner or two, so no worries,” Drake assured Nathan.
“But no jerking off at the table during the meal, at least when we’re eating with dad. That is non-negotiable,” Pierce told him. “And I’m totally serious.” Pierce gave Nathan his best serious look, which had Drake cracking up. Nathan didn’t know what to think.
“My laughing doesn’t mean shit,” Drake said. “Pierce can get me laughing while he sits on the can and takes a crap. All that said, let’s go eat.”
As they headed to the dining room for breakfast, Nathan was happy that his hard on had gone soft. At the same time, Walker was more than happy to see three swinging teenage cocks coming into the dining room.
One topic of discussion during breakfast was when Walker was going to call Troy Miller about Pierce’s stalker, Wilson Radcliffe. “I’m not going to mess up his weekend asking for some legal advice. Troy is a friend, but not that good of a friend. Just remember, Pierce, if you see Radcliffe anywhere near you, don’t wait to see what he has in mind, call 9-1-1 immediately. I will call Troy on Monday, and if we’re lucky, we’ll have the whole mess straightened out before next weekend.”
Remembering the man’s arrogance when he was one of his tricks, Pierce wasn’t so sure.
Nathan had to be home by eleven to help with yard work and ended up leaving after he finished breakfast and a three-way jerkoff session on Pierce’s bed. Nathan couldn’t wait to visit Pierce again, hopefully with Drake there as well.
<Marco, Tony, Logan, and Justin>
After dinner, the four boys chatted, played games, and watched television. Just before eight-thirty, they settled into Marco’s room. All of them, except Tony, sat on Marco’s bed. Tony sat in Marco’s wooden armchair. Because it was farther from the master bedroom than Tony’s room, the boys liked messing around there better since Luigi and Marne would be less likely to hear their noise. On the other hand, it was closer to the living room and rec room, but there was more background noise to drown out whatever carried down the hall than in the master bedroom.
Justin sat close to Logan, making sure their bare legs touched.
“It sounds like we all messed around, last night,” Logan said. All day long the boys, being boys, had found ways to mention having sexual fun the night before and hint at having fun that night. Justin said the least, especially when they started talking about having fun that night. He wished he could just spend the night alone with Marco, and Tony and Logan would have their fun in Logan’s room. But that was before Logan snuggled with him.
“Are we gonna do stuff together tonight?” Tony asked. “Or split up in pairs and use both beds?”
“We never all get together much,” Marco pointed out. “But I guess whatever you and Logan want is okay.” Marco assumed that the older boys would be the ones running the show. Then he saw Logan stroking Justin’s thigh through his shorts, his hand slowly moving up toward the younger boy’s crotch. Marco felt himself feeling jealous. He wasn’t sure what it was he was feeling; he just knew it wasn’t a good feeling.
“We’ve pretty much done as much as we can do when we get together,” Tony said.
“Is it okay if I move up?” Logan whispered to Justin, who nodded his assent.
Justin adjusted his shorts to make his hard 2-inch nail more comfortable and let out a quiet moan as Logan’s thumb and index finger lightly grasped his cocklet.
“Logan is making me feel good,” Justin sighed. He let out a high squeak when Logan gave him another squeeze. “But I want to mess around with Marco because he is my boyfriend.” Marco breathed a sigh of relief.
“We could all squeeze into Marco’s bed and do stuff together,” Logan said as he continued to massage Justin’s little cock.
“I want to get naked,” Tony said. “We can’t do anything really fun unless we’re naked.” He yanked off his t-shirt, his bare chest quickly attracting Logan’s interest.
“We better go tell your parents good-night before we take our clothes off,” Logan suggested. The other three agreed and stood up. The four boys headed out to the living room. Tony didn’t bother putting his shirt back on, figuring nobody would object to his being shirtless. He was right. The boys said their goodnights, each of them getting a hug from Marne.
“Make sure you brush and floss your teeth and wash up before you go to bed,” Marne reminded the boys.
“We’ll do it right away, mom,” Tony responded. They then scrambled back to Marco’s bedroom.
As soon as he sat on Marco’s bed, Logan removed his t-shirt. “Let’s take care of getting ready for bed first then we don’t have to worry about it later.”
“What are you going to sleep in?” Tony asked.
“Duh,” Logan smirked.
The boys discussed what they wanted to do and were soon all stripped to their underpants. It was decided that the boyfriends would pair up. But the group agreed that it would be awesome if they could find a way for all four of them to mess around together.
“Unless we find a way to get a bigger bed, we could mess around in bed together, but it would be hard to all fall asleep together,” Logan pointed out.
“I have a king bed,” Justin reminded them.
That was something Logan was not aware of. “Looks like we’ve got some planning to do. School’s out soon and we’ll have time to do tons of stuff, especially with a big bed. I’ve got a big one, but I also have a lot of brothers running around who’d want to be part of the action.” The other three agreed having a four-way sleepover at Justin’s house was something to look forward to.
Logan and Tony gave Marco and Justin good night kisses (with tongue) and headed to Tony’s room. Justin thought Tony’s kiss was a good kiss, but he found Logan’s kiss to be electric. It was as good as Aiden’s kisses. He wanted to show Marco what Logan and Aiden did with their tongues. It was not that Marco was a bad kisser, but both young boys knew they still had a lot to learn about sex stuff as well as their own bodies.
When Logan and Tony settled naked into Tony’s bed, Tony asked his boyfriend what he wanted to do. Logan replied by asking Tony what HE wanted to do. “I’ve done a lot more than you and I don’t want to do things you don’t want to do yet.”
“You told me Chase fucked you last night. I know you’ve done it a lot of times with him, and you’ve done it with a bunch of other guys,” Tony said.
“You make it sound like I’m some kind of a sex fiend,” Logan said.
“I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Well, I’ve done it with a bunch of guys only if you think that four is a bunch. But, hey, I can’t think of nobody better than my boyfriend to be number five.”
“Is doing it noisy?”
“It is when I do it,” Logan giggled.
“I want to do it,” Tony said, “but I don’t know if I want to do it tonight. You know how close my ‘rents watch Marco and me and I don’t want to do something new that might be noisy because I might start making a lot of noise.”
“That makes two of us. But, like we said earlier, school’s out in a couple of days and parents are at work and, well, we should have no problem doing it.”
“But what about your brothers?”
“If I ask for privacy, I get it. That’s works for all of us, but if it’s a group thing like we were talking about earlier, well, that’s a whole different thing.”
“I have no clue, it just seems to work out that way in our house,” Logan said.
“Then what do we do tonight?”
“Did I hear you say sixty-nine?”
“No, but now that you mention it, I’m going to say it,” Tony said. “Sixty-nine.”
As Logan and Tony started kissing and fondling to get themselves heated up (not that they needed much help) Marco and Justin were having a similar discussion in Marco’s bed.
“I bet Tony and Logan are sucking,” Marco said.
“Probably. I like being naked with you.” Justin slid from one topic to another without giving it a second thought.
“Me too. Can I touch you like Logan was doing to you?”
“Yeah, and it will be better because I was wearing pants then.”
“When are we going to suck like they do?”
“I dunno. How about after school’s out when we got more time alone.”
“Do you really want to do it or are you just saying you do?” Marco asked.
Justin gave the question some thought. As much as Marco wanted them to suck each other, Justin hadn’t been able to get excited about it until Logan started playing around with him. Justin didn’t know why it made him interested—it just did, and he accepted it. Two ideas that were now in his head were that he wanted to do oral sex with Marco, and he wanted to mess around with Logan and learn from him.
“You were getting mad when Logan was playing with my dick; I could tell.”
“I don’t know if I was mad at you or mad at Logan. Do you really want to mess around with him?”
“Kinda. You’ve got a big brother who shows you about sucking and does it to you and you do it to him. I don’t got a big brother, but maybe I can get Logan to show me stuff.”
“How? We live a long way from him.” Lake City, where Justin and Marco lived, was around five driving miles from the Magnolia District, where Logan lived.
“School’s out soon and we can figure something out for them. But I won’t do it if you don’t want me to,” Justin said.
“I do stuff with my big brother so I guess you can do stuff with a big kid friend.”
“Maybe I can watch you and Tony do stuff sometime and you could watch me and Logan if he wants to help me learn,” Justin said.
“We want to do lots of stuff after school is out. Summer is going to be fun.”
Justin reached down and fondled his friend’s two-and-a-half-inch nail. “Yours is getting bigger,” he noted.
“You’re doing to me what Logan did to you, only I don’t got any clothes on.”
“Logan didn’t do this, though.” Justin released Marco’s cocklet and adjusted his position so he could place it in his mouth.”
“Are…are…are you really gonna…ohhhhhhhhh wow, yesssss….” Justin answered Marco’s unasked question by wrapping his lips around his best friend’s uncut cock and started sucking. He thought briefly about blowing on it, since it was called a blow job, but it was also called sucking cock, and sucking is what he and Skip did during Justin’s lone experience with oral sex.
Marco squeaked and moaned. He worked as hard as he could to not make too much noise so his parents wouldn’t start wondering what he was doing. Justin’s blow job didn’t feel as good as what Tony did while at the same time it felt better because it was Justin who was doing it.
“You’re going to make me have a cum,” Marco said.
“Good,” Justin mumbled around the spike nestled in his mouth. Marco started fucking Justin’s mouth like he and Tony did with each other. It didn’t take long for Marco to have a dry cum in the mouth of his best friend—no, make that his boyfriend—for the first time ever. His orgasm was intense and shook his body.
“That was my best one ever. Now, get on your back,” Marco whispered. Justin did as requested and went from purrs to squeaks as Marco used his more experienced mouth to give his best friend—no, make that his boyfriend—a pleasant case of the tingles.
The two friends then snuggled closely, enjoying the warmth and smoothness of each other’s naked bodies. Justin enjoyed trading blow jobs with Marco way more than he thought he would but snuggling with his friend was still what he liked best.
<Pierce and Drake>
“I swear you boys have absolutely no shame,” Walker said as he entered the rec room where Pierce and Drake were sitting naked on the couch, snuggled together exchanging kisses and gropes. A soccer game was on television, but the boys were paying no attention to the muted broadcast.
“Why, because we’re naked and sporting raging hardons?” Drake said.
“Or is it because Duck is leaking a gallon of precum?” Pierce said.
“No, it’s because you have soccer playing on TV,” Walker responded.
“You are so biased against the world’s most popular sport.”
“What happened to the Mariners?”
“If we had the Mariners on, we’d have to pay attention to it.”
“Speak for yourself, Pooka,” Drake said.
“How about you horndogs get your sexy asses to a room,” Walker said. “I know of one with a nice king bed you two can romp on.”
“You mean you’re going to let us have sex in your bedroom?” Pierce asked.
“Right idea, wrong bed.”
“Damn. And here I was thinking of a three way.”
“I’ll be ready for it in two and a half years,” Walker said.
“Yeah, but who’s keeping track, right?”
The two teens rose from the couch. They each gave Walker, who was dressed in lounge pants and a night shirt, a somewhat chaste good-night hug considering how sexually excited they were, and headed for Pierce’s bedroom. As Walker admired their retreating teen asses, he realized he was going to have to go directly to his bedroom and rub one out.
Pierce and Drake flopped on Pierce’s bed and traded a long, wet, deep kiss, their wandering hands rubbing each other’s ass. “Damn, your dad is sexy,” Drake breathed.
“Tell me about it,” Pierce said. “I gotta live with him every day and sometimes I get to see him naked and see what working out every day does to a body. The crazy thing is he picked me up to have sex with me and it never happened and won’t happen until I’m eighteen.”
“But you still try.”
“Oh, I say a lot of shit, but not seriously. I just kid around, like today. As much as I hate to say it, he’s right. He’s my dad and that’s that.”
“But if he was just a guy you were staying with…”
“Then you and me would be parked in his bed with him right now,” Pierce grinned.
“I go through that with my dad. Keegan isn’t near as sexy as Walker, but he’s a good-looking dude in good shape. I’m like you and Walker, I like to kid around. I doubt we’ll have sex even after I turn eighteen, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
“At least you’ve done some sexy stuff with him.”
“Yeah, back when we were getting drunk and stoned. But it was just watching each other jerk off or maybe even doing each other. It all gets kind of blurry, and he doesn't like to talk about it much, so I’m not really sure. Oh, and there was the time after we all sobered up he came home early just as I was sitting naked on the couch blowing my wad all over myself. I still jerk off thinking about that one.”
Pierce touched his lips to Drake’s and they exchanged kisses. “Other than Walker and Keegan, what man do you know that you’d most like to have sex with?”
“There’s a couple of them. My track coach is one just because he’s a great guy with a sexy body. But he’s straighter than straight. I mean a guy has four kids, he’s gotta be pretty straight, right?”
“Most likely. Who’s the other guy?”
“Mr. Brock, my English teacher. He’s gay and everybody knows he’s gay, even if he won’t admit it. I mean he lives with another guy, so figure it out. He plays on an adult soccer team and plays softball, so he’s pretty active and in good shape. I know he wants me because I catch him looking at me sometimes during study periods.”
“Do you look back at him?” Pierce asked.
“What do you think?” Drake smirked. “Who do you like?”
“You mean other than Walker?”
“There’s lots of men I like to look at and flirt with.”
“Like the guy working at the Blowout BBQ?”
“You mean, Cable?” Pierce asked. Drake nodded. “Dude was hot and I could see in his eyes he wanted to grope me BAD! Hell, I was close to groping him. I bet he has a big one.”
“He was a hunk, no doubt,” Drake agreed. “Although I’m not sure I’d want to be all hairy like he is.”
“There’s probably not a lot you can do about it,” Pierce pointed out.
Drake kissed his boyfriend. “You’re probably right, oh wise one.”
“How about Chase?” Pierce asked.
“Chase sees things way different from us. He likes cuddling up to his little brother, tells us how much he likes sex with Aiden and his buddies. He likes the younger guys.”
“You admit you like Aiden and think he is sexy.”
“Yeah, but for messing around with. Not fucking. I need somebody who knows what sex is all about—like you, or Walker. I’m not so sure about Keegan.”
“Hey, Keegan’s the father of three kids,” Pierce pointed out. “And from three different mothers.”
“So, he knows fish. I was talking about real sex—sex between guys. I know he has sex with Troy and Phil when he can, but that’s brother on brother shit, not real sex.”
“If that’s real sex, why fuck women?”
“Ya gotta get kids somehow,” Drake chuckled.
“You’re a real weirdo sometimes.”
“Thanks for the compliment.”
Pierce snuggled his body closer to Drake’s and kissed him. “Okay, time to pick our number ones. Number one man we want sex with, number one teen, other than each other, and number one hairless tween. I guess a few pubes are acceptable since it could be somebody we never saw naked. You first.”
Drake pondered the issue for a moment and then said, “Number one man is Walker. Number one teen other than you is Chase. Number one tween is Aiden.”
“Walker over your fairy English teacher and Cable?”
“Hey, I’d take any of them. I’d even take Uncle Troy or Aiden’s dads, but you asked for only one of each. Now it’s your turn.”
Pierce didn’t need any time to think. “I’ll go with Cable as my man, Chase as my teen, and Madison as my boy.”
“Fuck, Pooka, you’re sure full of surprises. Cable over Walker?”
“Walker is totally off limits until I’m eighteen. I’ll jerk off thinking about him, and I sleep with him sometimes when I get in one of my depressions, but if Cable knocked on my door tomorrow saying he wanted to fuck me, I’d let him in.”
“Would you make him pay?”
“Duck, that hurt.”
“Sorry, that was so wrong.” Drake gave Pierce a kiss that ended up being a long make-up kiss. When they finally came up for air, Drake asked about Madison.
“The dude is off the charts. I could do anything with him and not feel guilty—and I got a feeling he could show me some kinky stuff, too. And I don’t mean just blue hair and blue toenails.
“School’s almost out and I have a challenge for both of us,” Drake said.
“Go for it.”
“Before summer is over I watch you fuck Madison, and you watch me fuck Aiden. Maybe we could end up doing them side-by-side.”
“I thought you said you’d mess around with Aiden but not fuck him,” Pierce pointed out.
“That’s gonna be the challenge since neither of us wants to do it.”
“I’ll accept you giving Aiden a blow job or you fucking Logan if it ends up you can’t do Aiden.”
“Fair enough,” Drake said. “And now for the thing that’s not a challenge.”
“What’s that?”
“You take that leaky six-inch piece of meat, shove it up my ass, and fuck the living shit out of me.”
“I’m good with that,” Pierce smirked.
Ten minutes later, Walker, who was naked on the rec room couch, was wiping his cum off his torso when he heard Drake’s voice coming from up the stairs. “I’m ready to blow, Pooka, fuck me harder, fuck me HARD HARD HARDER!” Walker had chosen the couch for his masturbation session just so he could hear something like what he had just heard. He was pleased when his cock responded and started to get hard again. He might not be willing to touch either boy, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get vicarious enjoyment from their sexual exploits.
“Wow, that was epic. The best ever,” Drake gasped as Pierce pulled out of his ass.
“Next time you can take my ass,” Pierce said as he rolled over to Drake’s left side.
“I thought you weren’t huge on bottoming.”
“I’m not, but I do it. I’ve gotten two opinions that both said I should just quit thinking and enjoy what I have, which is you. What I did as a street kid was strictly business, but what I get from you and my peers is pleasure and is there to make me feel good and feel happy.”
“And these two opinions belong to who?”
“Walker and Dr. McGregor, my shrink,” Pierce answered.
“You tell your shrink that you have sex?”
“Well, duh. How is he going to shrink me if I don’t tell him everything? I mean, what’s he going to do, post my name on Facebook and tell everybody I like being fucked?”
“Yeah. I guess I wasn’t thinking straight. Want me to give you that pleasure tonight?”
“No, I want to get it next time so we’re both totally horned up and I can howl like a fifteen-year-old queen. How about just cuddling with me tonight and making me feel loved.”
“Well, you are loved,” Drake reminded his boyfriend.
“I know, but sometimes I gotta feel it. It’s why I sometimes sleep with Walker when you’re not around. When I say I gotta feel loved I mean that literally—I gotta feel it.”
“Well, how about we do our fangs to keep our breath fresh, wash our faces to keep the zits at bay, piss to keep the bed dry, and then cuddle up for the night.”
“Sounds good. I love you, Duck.”
“I love you, too, Pooka. Now, let’s take care of business.”
After brushing, flossing, washing, and pissing, Drake hugged his boyfriend tightly. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” he whispered.
“Apology accepted. No worries.”
The boys stood apart, held hands, and gazed into each other’s eyes. Drake cupped Pierce’s balls and lightly stroked his penis. “You’ve got such a beautiful cock.”
“Mhmm - and it fits you perfectly.”
The teens headed back to the bedroom, snuggled into bed, and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Monday, June 1
<DeLuca Family>
Luigi called his brother, Giovanni, at nine-thirty in the morning, the time they had set up for the call. The restaurant was closed on Mondays, giving Luigi plenty of time to talk. Giovanni had kept the next hour clear of any appointments.
“Good morning, Johnny. I hope your weather down there is as pleasant as ours is this morning.”
“Good morning, Louis. It’s a nice Southern California morning.” Luigi and Giovanni usually called each other by the names that their friends had given them when they were kids in school: Lewis and Johnny. In some formal and semi-formal settings, they referred to each other by their given names.
“How has Trajan been reacting to his being jerked away from East Harbor and his friends?” Luigi asked.
“He’s not the happiest of campers. He doesn’t understand why he can’t stay with one of his friends in East Harbor. I told him that he had a choice—spend his summer in Seattle or travel with his mother and me to Italy.”
“Did you tell him that he’ll have Tony and Marco to keep him company?”
“More than once,” Giovanni answered. “He keeps whining about them being little kids. I reminded him that they always got along well during visits and he complained that this time it was more than just a week or so visit. I’m afraid you will have your work cut out of you.”
“Marne and I are prepared and we’re preparing the boys to be understanding. It’s not easy to be uprooted from your home and your parents, even for a couple of months.”
“If you want to pull out, I understand. Italy is beautiful this time of year and Trajan’s plane ticket is refundable.”
“I made a promise to you, brother, and I am keeping it. Besides, you and Trish will have enough to deal with during your stay there without having to deal with a sulking teenager,” Luigi said.
“So, you get to deal with a sulking nephew, instead.”
“No worries. Marne plans on keeping him busy, and Tony doesn’t take much crap from anybody.”
“What about Marco?”
“Come on, Johnny, you know Marco is so nice that Trajan won’t be able to do anything but be nice right back to him. And if he isn’t, Marne and I, as well as Tony, will let him know how things are.”
“Thanks again for this bro—I hope it will help Trajan settle down some.” Giovanni and Trish had debated how much to tell Luigi regarding Trajan’s problems and decided it would be best to allow Trajan to make his own impression rather than have him start out in the hole before he even arrived at his summer home. He hoped they had made the right decision to keep things quiet but were ready to tell all should the wheels fall off Trajan’s life in Seattle.
“And remember,” Giovanni concluded, “Trish and I will be hosting your entire family at some time after we return. And don’t forget that hosting means everything is on us, including your airfare.”
“And back home I hope?” Luigi chuckled.
“Only if we receive the pleasure of one meal of Luigi’s famous lasagna.”
“Sounds fair. Give Nonna my love. I’ve told her Marne and I hope to visit with the boys for Christmas. Loren and Wendy are capable of running the restaurant for a couple of weeks. Nonna’s health will be the biggest factor here.”
“I will pass on the message. And I’ll call you by Friday with all of the flight information and Fax you the form you will need to claim Trajan at the airport. Good luck.”
“We’ll be fine, Johnny. You and Trish be sure to have a great trip.”
Next: Company’s Coming