Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<Pierce and Nathan>
With middle school baseball over and the summer team not having practice, Pierce would normally have caught the first Metro bus to Magnolia from school. But, along with three other players, including his friend Nathan, Pierce had volunteered to help the baseball coach inventory the equipment and get it all properly stored. It included bats, baseballs, bases, uniforms, and various hardware like traffic cones used to mark off certain areas for certain drills. Even the pitching machine was part of what needed to get checked off on the inventory sheet and moved into the baseball team’s storage area.
Now that the season was over Pierce’s idea of what to do after school hadn’t included volunteering to help the coach. However, after the last game on Wednesday, the coach had asked for four volunteers, and nobody offered. Pierce sat in the uncomfortable silence thinking about how much the coach had helped him during the season and decided to raise his hand. He then poked Nathan to encourage him to follow suit. Nathan looked at Pierce quizzically, shrugged, and raised his hand since he would be riding the bus to Pierce’s house. Two other boys, Rodney and Kerry, followed their examples and raised their hands providing their parents approved.
Pierce agreed to help because his dad kept drilling into him the importance of being of service to others. He could see some personal value in helping if he was going to be returning the next school year, but he would be attending high school. That meant he had volunteered to help simply because it was the right thing to do. Me? Doing the right thing just because it’s right? What has become of me? Pierce thought.
And on top of volunteering himself he had also volunteered Nathan. Since Nathan would be riding home with him and spending the weekend at his house, Nathan had no choice but to raise his hand.
The coach called his four helpers together to thank them for their help. “There are sodas in the cooler on the table for those of you who want any,” the coach told them.
Each of the four helpers grabbed a Coke and went to work. When they finished, they rushed to get their books and start for home. All four would be riding a Metro bus home. Pierce and Nathan would be the only two students riding the bus to Magnolia. The other two players were going the opposite direction and only had to wait a couple of minutes for their bus.
“Now that it’s just the two of us, I gotta tell you I’m sorry,” Pierce told Nathan.
“You must be apologizing for volunteering me to help Coach,” Nathan said.
“That and not talking to you right after.”
“Hey, I had to run out and meet my parents and go celebrate the win, and you had your dad waiting for you, and we didn’t have time.”
“I thought about texting you and then at school…well, it was hectic today. Anyway, excuses are for losers, and I don’t like being a loser, so, I’m sorry for not asking you and not talking to you about it,” Pierce said sincerely. “The reason I did it was that my dad wouldn’t be home until five and Drake wasn’t going to make it to my house until five, so why not fill in the time helping the coach? It’s not like everybody was falling out of their seats trying to volunteer.”
“Hey, the job wasn’t that hard, and actually kind of fun. And it never hurts to earn brownie points even though we’re not playing for the dude next year. Coaches talk to each other.”
“You’re a cool dude, Nathan, and thank you for being my friend.”
“It’s easy being your friend since you’re a pretty cool dude yourself. I mean, you’ve invited me to spend the weekend with you and Drake. I think that’s pretty special, so helping you help coach, well we still have the whole weekend left.”
A few blocks away, Wilson Norburt Radcliffe was driving home from work. He swore that every light was against him, and traffic was moving slowly just to piss him off. It was Friday night, and he was horny. He wondered if he would find any boys working the streets after dark. He wished Blue was still working, or at least somebody like him.
The kid was the prettiest boy he’d fucked. He couldn’t get over his piercing blue eyes and how good his body looked for a kid who was living on the streets. Of course, the boy could have been lying. He’d had sex with one boy who lived in a decent house with his mom. The boy had been fourteen and loved the money he could make being a whore.
Burt smiled as he sat at yet another red light and mulled over a recurring thought he’d had recently. It involved his twelve-year-old son Gil, who was a sexy beauty. Even though he had just turned twelve, puberty had already hit him. He had a nice package, with a little bush of pubic hair directly above his penis.
Gil and his nine-year-old brother Parker loved running around the house naked, especially when their mother wasn’t home. Parker was too young to be of interest to Burt. The same had been true of Gil until his body started maturing a couple of months ago. Because Burt had talked to Gil about puberty and what it meant since the boy turned ten, his older son was comfortable talking about topics like boners, being horny, and jerking off. He had seen Gil erect more than once and was impressed. He also knew Gil enjoyed jerking off and could shoot sperm.
But for Burt, being sexual with his son was totally wrong and something he would never do. Doing it with a street kid was entirely different. If the boy was part of a functional family, he would never be selling himself on the streets. The boy from the single mom home didn’t fit his definition of functional. As a result, he was able to rationalize that paying him for sex was okay.
The light turned green, and he moved out slowly with the rest of the traffic. He felt a quick thrill from his fantasy, which was having Gil stand on the street selling his body for sex. Then he remembered what Blue had told him when they were having sex and he talked about maybe getting a little rough. “I don’t sell my body, like you think. I rent it. That means I don’t have to do what you want because I own it and not you, so if you want to get rough, go fuck yourself and find some sucker who does.” Burt loved Blue’s beauty and spunk so much he backed down so they could finish their sex.
As that thought stirred his groin, a quick image of Blue flashed in his brain, and he made a sudden decision to turn left at the next light and see if the boy was waiting for a bus at the middle school down the street. As he approached the stop, he noticed that two boys were waiting for a bus. Burt’s eyes lit up when he saw that one of the boys was Blue. He noted whoever was with him was a gorgeous young teen.
When Pierce turned to look for the bus that wasn’t due for another ten minutes, he drew a deep breath when he saw a silver Jaguar approaching the stop. He immediately pulled his phone out of his pocket in case it was THE silver Jaguar and it stopped in front of him and Nathan.
Nathan could see something had just upset his friend. “What’s wrong, Pierce? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Nathan said.
“If that Jag approaching pulls up to the curb it’s going to be bad news. Let me handle it and I’ll explain later,” Pierce rasped. “If it stops check out the license plate and remember it.”
“But…” Pierce held the palm of his open right hand in front of Nathan who clamped his mouth shut. Pierce prayed that wasn’t Burt’s car, even though he had no doubt it was, and that it wouldn’t stop, even though he had no doubt it would. If it stopped it meant that Pierce would have to tell Nathan his entire story, but he swallowed that thought as the Jaguar pulled up to the curb and stopped.
<Justin and Marco>
Justin, Marco, and Joey went directly to Marco’s house after school. It was Friday which meant no school for two days, not to mention baseball the next day. They had played the day before as well, so baseball was the chief topic of conversation during the walk to Marco’s. As busy as Thursday had been and Saturday would be, today they had no baseball. As the Donkey put it, it was an “off day.”
Marne was busy in the kitchen when the three boys scrambled noisily into the house. “I’m in the kitchen boys,” Marne called as soon as she heard them.
Marco gave his mother a big hug. “I love you, mama,” Marco said.
Marne then enjoyed a follow up hug from Justin. “No hug from Joey?” she asked. Joey stepped up to her and gave her a quick hug of his own. Joey’s mother wasn’t big on hugs and he wasn’t used to the freely given hugs that were a feature of Marco’s home.
“Joey, your mother called. She said you can stay for dinner, but you must be home by eight,” Marne told him.
“But she said I could spend the night,” Joey whined.
“She changed her mind.”
“But why? I didn’t do nothing today to get in trouble and she said I could spend the night.”
“She said she forgot your baseball game tomorrow morning. She thought that after playing a game yesterday and having a morning game tomorrow you needed to get to bed early for a good night’s sleep.”
“But the game’s not until eleven!”
“I understand, Joey, but it’s not my decision. You will need to deal with her. I told her we would have you home by eight. Now go have fun with your friends,” Marne said calmly. She wasn’t a big fan of Joey’s mother, Maria. She saw Joey as a good kid who was starting to rebel against his mother’s unreasonableness. But, like the good mother she was, Marne understood she had to back up Maria’s decisions regarding her son, just like she expected Maria to back up hers.
The boys were in too good a mood to let a minor setback spoil their fun. They quickly retired to Marco’s bedroom where they followed Marco’s lead and stripped off their shoes, pants, and shirts. They sat together on Marco’s bed wearing just underpants and socks. Marco was wearing red briefs with white trim, Justin had his purple with gold trim Washington Huskies boxer briefs on, and Joey was wearing white briefs.
“Now I feel comfy,” Marco said. “Tony says he’s not comfy unless he’s got his pants off and he’s the comfiest when he’s nakey.”
“I’m comfy, too,” Justin said. “I love that my daddies let me be naked in the house most the time.”
“I can’t even be in just my underpants at home except in my bedroom. I have to at least wear pajama pants,” Joey added. “I got the meanest mom in the world.”
Justin thought about telling Joey that at least he had a mom but decided that would be the kind of thing that made his Donkey Dad’s snarkometer go into the red zone and kept his mouth shut.
Even though they were half naked, the boys talked baseball to start. “You sure pitched good yesterday, Justin,” Joey commented.
Justin had pitched the third and fourth innings, setting down all six batters he faced, striking out two of them. The Jammers had defeated the Lynwood Panthers 6-5 on their home field, which made Justin’s two innings a major factor in the win. Karl had been the starter, giving up only one run in his two innings, but Dayton had problems throwing strikes and gave up three runs in the fifth. Felix gave up one more in the sixth.
“Donkey dad said I did a good job throwing strikes,” Justin said modestly.
“Yeah, and Dayton didn’t, which is why he gave up so many runs,” Joey said.
“I think he’ll do better next time,” Marco told them. Justin and Joey nodded in agreement, even though they didn’t agree. Dayton had had the same problem in his game against West Seattle, who beat the Jammers 10-4 for their only loss in five games.
“And you’ll do awesome tomorrow,” Justin told Marco. Coach Wood had announced after the game that Marco would be the starting pitcher and pitch either two or three innings depending how the game went.
The boys heard voices coming from down the hall. “Sounds like Tony is home,” Marco said.
“Maybe we should get naked for him,” Justin suggested. “You know how your big sixth grade brother likes to get nasty.”
But before the boys could raise their rear ends off the bed to strip off their underwear, Tony knocked on the door. Since nobody yelled at him to keep out, he walked into the bedroom and saw the three half-naked boys on the bed.
“How come you guys ain’t naked yet?” he grinned as he shut the bedroom door behind him.
“Because we just got our pants off,” Marco lied.
“Except all your pants are on the end of the bed and you guys are sitting on your butts. Maybe I should give you guys a lesson on how to strip off your pants.” Tony opened his jeans and pulled them and his Seahawks boxers off at the same time, revealing his almost four-inch boner. “See? It’s quick and easy. I think you guys were happy to sit in your underpants and talk, which is cool. It’s nothing you need to lie about.”
Marco giggled, pulled off his briefs, and tossed them into his brother’s face. “How about if I would’ve told you we were waiting for you to come so you could watch us get naked?”
“I might have believed that, so how about showing me that it’s true.”
Justin had his undies off in a couple of seconds, but Joey hesitated. “What if your mother comes in?” he asked Marco and Tony.
“She won’t. She’ll yell for somebody if she needs us,” Tony answered. “And she don’t mind if we are naked as long as we keep it private.”
“And sometimes even when we don’t keep it private,” Marco said, causing Justin, Tony, and even Joey to giggle.
“How come you always have a boner?” Joey asked Tony.
“Because I’m twelve and full of hormones,” Tony smirked.
“Does that mean when I’m twelve I’ll always have boners too?”
“Well, I don’t get them always, but I get them a lot.”
“I get them sometimes.”
“Me too,” Justin admitted.
“And me too,” Marco said, “especially when Tony sucks it.”
“Do you want me to suck it now and show everybody?” Tony asked.
“Yes,” Marco replied emphatically.
“What do Justin and Joey think? Both of them have to say yes for me to do it, right Marco?”
“I vote yes,” Justin said. He didn’t mind seeing Tony sucking Marco but thought he didn’t want to do it himself.
Tony, Marco, and Justin all looked at Joey who sat quietly, wondering what he really wanted.
“You don’t have to do it,” Justin assured Joey. He saw Tony rubbing his hard cock and Marco rubbing his soft little nub and wondered if he should change his mind to help Joey out when Joey said, “As long as I can just watch.”
“That’s cool, Joey,” Tony said. “Do you want to just watch, too, Justin, or do you want to try it?”
Justin thought about what he had done with Skip when he visited Aiden’s house and knew it was what he wanted to do. But no matter how much he wanted to do it, he wasn’t sure if he was willing to say yes to Tony’s question.
When school was out, Eddie walked with Dwight Lucas, an eighth grader who pitched and played outfield. He and Eddie became friends after baseball season started and Eddie became a catcher. They lived in the same direction, although Eddie lived a couple of blocks farther away. When their walk got to 40th street, Dwight usually turned right for his house which was two blocks up the street and Eddie walked the rest of the way home alone.
“Hey, Eddie, can you stop by my house for a few? I wanna show you something.”
Eddie knew his mother wouldn’t be home for at least a couple of hours and turned right with his friend. “Whatcha got to show me?” Eddie asked. The rare times he had gone to Dwight’s house it had been for juice and snacks and talking about baseball and girls, not necessarily in that order.
“I’ll show ya when we get there,” Dwight said. “I will tell ya it ain’t cookies and milk.”
When they got to Dwight’s house, Dwight took Eddie to his room. “Where’s your mom?” Eddie asked. Dwight’s mom had always been home ready to serve snacks when Eddie went with Dwight to his house.
“She’s working. That’s why there ain’t no snacks laid out. But if you want some, we can always grab some cookies.” Dwight reached up into his closet and pulled a shoebox off the top shelf. “What I do have is this.” He opened the box and pulled out three vaping devices.
“Where the fuck did you get those?” Eddie asked.
“From Conrad. He’s, like a sophomore, who lives across the street. He showed me how to vape and it’s kinda cool. Tastes good and gives you a little buzz. Plus, it’s harmless. Connie says everybody in high school uses them.”
“That’s not what Mr. Winston says in health class. Or what my parents say to me. Or what doctors say. Or even what my big brother Chase says, and he’s in high school.”
“Yeah, but he’s, like, a freshman, right?”
“Yeah, but so what? He’s in high school.”
“But not long enough to do what the cool kids are doing.” Dwight handed Eddie one of the devices, which Eddie accepted out of curiosity. At least, that was how he justified it. “Now, let’s go out in my backyard and I’ll show you how to use it just like Connie showed me.”
Dwight was proud to show Eddie how grown up he’d become, because he had convinced himself that Connie was right about vaping not being wrong and that it was harmless. What Dwight didn’t share was that Connie had also showed him how to jerk off when he was twelve and Dwight was ten. He also didn’t tell how, during spring break, Dwight had showed how a sixty-nine worked. What Dwight didn’t know yet, was that when school was out for the summer, Conrad was going to show him how to smoke weed, get him stoned, and get into some serious sex.
“Are you ready to light that baby up?” Dwight asked as they sat on a bench in the back yard.
“My parents would kill me if they found out,” Eddie said.
“Mine would kill me too, but they haven’t yet because there ain’t no way they can find out. So don’t be a wuss. Just try it once.”
Eddie watched Dwight light up and then take a long draw of the mint flavored smoke. He was thinking of saying yes when he saw a vision of a scowling face in front of him. The face wasn’t his dad’s and it wasn’t his mom’s; it belonged to his big brother Chase.
<Pierce and Nathan>
Burt opened the driver’s door, climbed out of the car, and positioned himself in front of the car and out of the way of traffic. “Hey there Blue, happy to see me again?” Burt smirked. Pierce said nothing, hoping Burt would take the hint and drive off. That way, he wouldn’t have to deal with the police, which he didn’t want to do.
“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your cute little friend?” Burt persisted. “It’s time he learns what having a real cock up his ass is like. A hondo for each of you if you take a little ride with me to a nice nearby no-tell motel.”
Pierce saw that Nathan had his phone out and had positioned himself to read the license plate. Pierce knew that, like it or not, it was time for him to take action. He held up his phone, making sure Burt could see it and moved his finger to the screen.
“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you,” Burt snarled. “Not unless you want to have to tell your fuck buddy how you made your money while you were living on the streets, and you want me to tell everybody how you’re the boy pussy your sugar daddy likes to fuck every night.”
Pierce hesitated, unwilling to punch in 9-1-1 and get Walker into trouble until it occurred to him that if the police came out it would be Burt who would have a lot of explaining to do. Realizing the asshole’s threat was an empty one, Pierce tapped in the first two digits when Burt said, “Okay, okay, you win. This time. But I still think you’re full of bullshit and you really want the money. Later guys.” Burt climbed into his car and drove off before Pierce tapped in the third digit.
“What was that about?” Nathan asked. He could see that Pierce was as shaken as he was.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that shit show,” Pierce answered. “I’ll explain it all when we get to my house.” He sat on the hard metal bench and told Nathan to sit next to him. “The bus will be here soon. I just need to sit for a couple of minutes.”
With the emergency over, Pierce decided to not finish his 9-1-1 call. But he was going to tell Walker what happened and tell Nathan his entire story.
Pierce no sooner made his prediction than the bus made its appearance on the avenue. They rose from their seats and waited at the curb for the bus to stop. Nathan boarded first and tapped his Orca card on the pay station. Pierce followed suit. Pierce was pleased to see that Edgar was their driver. Nathan was moving to the back of the bus, but Pierce called him back to sit with him in front seats.
“But these are, like, for seniors and handicapped,” Nathan pointed out as he sat next to Pierce.
“But we can sit here as long as we move if a senior or handicapped citizen wants to sit here,” Pierce informed him. “Hey, this isn’t your regular time, is it?” he asked Edgar.
“Nope. Julio, who you don’t know, needed to change his schedule this week and I was happy to accommodate him,” Edgar told him. “Who is your friend?”
“Edgar, this is Nathan, who is an eighth grader and played on the baseball team with me. He’s going to be spending the weekend at my house. Nathan, the dude driving the bus is Edgar, who is the best bus driver on Metro Transit.”
“Aw shucks, that’s such a nice thing to say.”
“Well, you’re always extra nice to me, you’ve never gotten lost, you let me get off at my stop, and you haven’t got me into a wreck yet. You can’t get any better than that.”
“Glad to meet you, Edgar,” Nathan said. “It looks like you and Pierce are friends.”
“That we are. We’re good enough friends that I want him and my boy Kyle to meet. Kyle needs to learn that it’s possible to be a teenager and be polite and respectful at the same time,” Edgar said.
“Hey, he’s not that bad and you know it—he’s got a great dad.”
“Okay, so I exaggerated a little. But he wants to meet you because I told him you’re a hell of a baseball player.”
“I admit to being polite and respectful, but I’m just an average baseball player.”
“That’s good enough for me.”
“Well, with school almost out we need to make sure we have each other’s info so we can set up this meeting in the summer.”
“I’ve a fifteen-minute stop at The Village for my break, so we can do it then.”
Nathan was amazed as to how a former street kid could be so at ease with an adult like Edgar. But he also thought of the dude in the Jaguar and how uncomfortable that was. He realized he knew next to nothing about Pierce except he was a good baseball player, a good student who should be in high school and not middle school, and someone who had become a good friend.
Pierce exchanged contact information with Edgar at the Magnolia Village bus top and then walked home with Nathan. “Let’s go up to my room so we can get out of our school uniforms and wear some comfortable grubs.” Nathan had everything he needed in his backpack which was as heavy as it had ever been.
“You look good in those underpants,” Nathan said after Pierce stripped down to a pair of purple boxer briefs with black trim and a pair of purple socks.
“Well, let me see what you have on, dude,” Pierce grinned. Nathan had taken off his shirt and shoes and was standing in a pair of jeans and white socks.
“Whatever makes you gay guys happy,” Nathan said, and he quickly stripped off his pants and stood in front of Piece in just his socks and black briefs with white trim along the waistband.
“Nice,” Pierce cooed. He sat on his bed. “I’m going to tell you who the asshole at the bus stop was and what it all means, so sit here beside me. You can put your pants back on if you feel uncomfortable in just your briefs.”
Nathan smiled. “I’m good,” he said as he sat next to his new friend.
“I just want you to know that if you don’t want to be my friend anymore after I tell you my story, I will understand.” Nathan nodded, but said nothing., “Okay, I know you know that I lived on the streets for around a year give or take a few days or weeks or months or whatever.”
“You mean you don’t remember?”
“The time is no big deal.”
“Well, I did know that much about you. I know you’re a cool dude who has become a good friend. But I don’t know what you did before you left your home and who that guy was.”
Pierce quickly related the home he grew up in, how it started changing when he was in middle school, and the murder suicide that had him stumbling into the streets as a thirteen-year-old.
“Wow, you must have been scared shitless.”
“Beyond shitless. I was thirteen and didn’t have a clue about what to do except get my ass out of the house and away from there.”
Nathan let Pierce continue and said nothing until he told what he did to make money.
“Shit, you’re kidding, right?”
“Nope, it’s the truth. The total truth.”
“Well, I don’t know nothing about living on the streets and how kids get money, but I know you didn’t go breaking into houses and cars or whatever and steal stuff. I know that I don’t totally understand it all, but what I know is I still want to be your friend.”
Pierce patted Nathan’s bare shoulder, sending a shiver through the younger boy.
“I just have one question,” Nathan said.
“Go for it.”
“Is being, like, a prostitute, is that what made you gay?”
Pierce shook his head. “From everything I’ve learned, I was born gay. Maybe being gay made doing it easier, but I don’t know. I know a lot of guys selling themselves on the street were straight, but I don’t think I ever was.”
“And the guy at the bus stop, he’s one of the guys who paid you to do sex, right?”
“Hmmm, I count two questions,” Pierce grinned.
“So, sue me,”
“Nah, you ain’t got enough money to make it worthwhile.”
Pierce told Nathan about Burt liking to get rough and wanting to hurt him, how he wouldn’t do everything Burt wanted and finally told him to fuck off, and about their first encounter at the bus stop.
“What are you going to do now?” Nathan asked.
“I’ll have to talk to my dad. I almost called 9-1-1, but I decided he knows a lot of shit I don’t and can hopefully keep the police out of this, which means they won’t be bugging you.”
“Thanks, Pierce. Like I said, you’re a good friend. But that was pretty scary there at the bus stop. I could tell that even you were scared.”
Before Pierce could answer they heard the front door open and close and a teenage voice call out, “I know you guys are here!”
Nathan almost came off the bed in surprise. “Yikes! Who’s that? Do you keep your door unlocked?”
“That’s Drake and he has a front door key and knows the alarm code when he needs it. No way do we keep the door unlocked. This might be a really nice neighborhood, but it is Seattle after all.” Pierce opened his door and yelled out, “We’re up in my room, Duck!”
“Duck?” Nathan asked.
“Drake. Duck. Figure it out.”
Nathan thought for a moment as they listened to Drake bounding up the stairs. “Oh, a drake is a duck. I get it,” he said as Drake came into the room.
“Damn, boys. How is it you guys are sitting up here on Pooka’s bed in your underpants?”
“Did we make him mad? I know I didn’t mean to do anything to make him mad.” Nathan asked, hoping to defuse the situation.
“Oh, hell no I’m not mad. Just wondering how come you guys are overdressed,” Drake responded as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“You tell him,” Drake told Pierce. “I seem to be confusing him.”
“He’s wondering why we’re not naked,” Pierce told his friend.
“Oh, I get it,” Nathan blushed. “But what’s Pooka?”
“The boy is full of questions,” Drake said.
Drake removed all his clothing while Pierce explained to Nathan what a Pooka was and why Drake called him that.
“And before you ask,” Drake said as he sat at the foot of the bed, “I’ll put my boxers on when Walker comes home.”
“He won’t mind?” Nathan asked.
“Believe it or not, he was a teenager once,” Pierce chuckled.
Pierce told Drake about his encounter with Burt. He also told his boyfriend that Nathan was familiar with his entire story.
“And he’s still here,” Drake grinned. “That says a lot. Looks like we got ourselves a good, loyal friend. But that asshole Burt has to be dealt with. I’d like to put a fist right in his face.”
“Since when were you a fighter?” Pierce asked.
“I’ve had a couple scrapes back in my early life.” Drake had spent a little time on the streets, but his aunt Natalie, who was now his adoptive mother, saved him from the street life. “When are you gonna tell Walker about it?”
“I’ll tell him as soon as he gets home, which should be soon. But while we’re waiting it would be nice to see what Nathan looks like naked.”
“I totally agree,” Drake said.
“I guess if Drake got naked I can, too.” Nathan said. The thirteen-year-old pulled his briefs off, displaying his almost five-inch erection. He was embarrassed about having a boner, but figured that since Pierce and Drake were gay, they wouldn’t mind seeing it. He was right on the mark with that thought.
“That looks really nice,” Drake said.
Drake’s cock started to come erect and was fully hard within seconds of seeing Nathan’s boner. Nathan felt a little less self-conscious when he saw that Drake was now erect. If a high school kid can get hard because I stripped naked, I guess it’s okay that I got hard too, Nathan reasoned.
Well, if you little boys are going to show off, I may as well join the show,” Pierce grinned.
Nathan gasped audibly when he saw Pierce’s six inches of teen meat. “Damn, that thing is huge.”
“And it works to perfection,” Drake informed Nathan.
“You know this how?” Pierce asked with feigned innocence.
Drake kissed his boyfriend. “The owner of that weapon has been more than gracious enough to demonstrate it numerous times, as you well know.”
“You guys are the bomb,” Nathan said.
“Just wait until you see this bomb explode,” Pierce told him as he started to furiously pound his thick cock.
“Careful you don’t stain the bedding,” Drake warned.
“It’s happened before.”
Without even thinking about it Nathan started stroking his cock as he watched Pierce’s surprise show. He felt less self-conscious about what he was doing than he had about Drake and Pierce seeing his boner. He felt even better when he saw Drake stroking himself, as well. Neither one of them was doing it with the ferocity of Pierce, however.
“Shit, you’re so hot, Nathan,” Pierce panted. “You and Drake are both so sexy, sexy, sexy, and I’m ready to blow my wad.”
Pierce decided not to shoot on his bedspread. Instead, he dropped on his back and squealed with delight as he fired a wad of cum over his head and onto his pillow. That was followed by two wads landing on his face, another on his sternum, and the remainder on his belly and into his pubic hair. “Oh fuck, that was so fucking amazing.”
“Oh, man, I’m gonna cum,” Nathan said.
“Not on the covers,” Drake reminded him as he dropped down next to Pierce and shot over himself, his first wad hitting his neck.
Nathan remained sitting but leaned back against the wall so his cum would shoot on him instead of the bed. His legs were crossed over Pierce’s and Drake’s. His farthest shot hit just below his nipples and the rest landed on his belly and into his sparse pubic hair. Pierce opened a drawer on his nightstand, pulled out a blue hand towel, and tossed it to Nathan.
“I can’t believe I did that,” Nathan muttered as he wiped the cum off himself.
“What, you’ve never shot cum before?” Drake asked as he scooped up some of his cum and licked it off his finger.
“Of course, I’ve shot cum. I’m almost fourteen after all. I meant I can’t believe I jerked off with you guys.”
“Do you feel guilty about it?” Pierce asked.
“A little. But then I thought it was fun. I mean I had the gay boy experts showing me how much fun it is.” Nathan tossed the towel to Drake who wiped off what his fingers couldn’t get. “Plus, I can’t believe you two licked your jizz off your fingers.”
“It’s yummy,” Drake said. “But Pierce’s tastes better.”
Before Nathan could say anything, they heard the garage door opening under the bedroom. “That would be dad coming home,” Pierce announced in case anybody else couldn’t figure it out.
“As long as it isn’t that Burt nutcase, it’s cool,” Drake said.
“I guess we better get dressed, huh?” Nathan asked.
“That’s your call,” Pierce replied.
“Walker sees Pierce naked all the time, and he’s seen my fine body more than a few times,” Drake added.
“I don’t know. I mean, he’s an adult and everything,” Nathan said.
“Like I said, it’s your call,” Pierce repeated.
<Justin and Marco>
Tony hovered over his little brother’s boner, eager to place his lips around it. But before he started sucking Marco, he wanted to know whether or not Justin was going to want to suck Marco as well or was willing to just watch.
“I’ll watch you guys, but I might change my mind,” Justin said. He truly couldn’t make up his mind, but he wanted to watch the brothers get super sexy and decided to give a wussy answer so Tony would start sucking Marco.
“That’s cool,” Tony said. “Just let me know when you want to take over.”
Justin felt his cocklet get hard as he watched twelve-year-old Tony wrap his lips around the two-inch spike of his nine-year-old brother and start sucking. Foreplay was not yet a part of his lexicon, although Logan had been showing him what he had learned about it from his older brother, Chase.
Marco instantly squeaked with delight. He didn’t know anything about foreplay at all since Tony had always gone directly for his target. The same went with Marco and Justin, the goal being to get the good feelings orgasm brought as fast as they could.
Tony pulled off his brother. “Shh, don’t let mom hear you,” he whispered before going back to work.
Justin was jerking off, wondering what it would be like to have his best friend’s dick in his mouth. Joey was jerking off as well. The sight of the two brothers having sex was more exciting than he ever imagined. He knew his mother would put him on restriction for life if she knew what he was doing and what he was watching, but he didn’t care.
Marco’s head rolled back and forth on his pillow as once again Tony was being the world’s greatest brother. He continued to squeak, but it was more subdued since hearing Tony’s warning. As Tony brought him close to orgasm, Marco wished it was Justin who was sucking him off, not that he had anything against Tony. It was just that Tony was his brother and Justin was his best friend. In his mind there was a world of difference between the two.
“I can’t believe Tony is sucking Marco’s dick,” Joey told Justin. “We’re not even ten yet and look what we’re doing.”
“Tony is twelve,” Justin reminded his friend.
“I’m getting the feeling really fast,” Marco informed his brother. With that his body shook, he pushed his cocklet into Tony’s mouth and placed his hand over his mouth to stifle a shriek. Tony held his brother’s shoulder to keep him from bouncing on the bed. He could feel the dry clicks of his brother’s pencil thin dick as he did so.
Tony pulled off Marco’s sensitive dick. “Nice one,” he said.
“It was and thanks bro,” Marco responded.
“Do you want to try it, Justin?” Tony asked. “Marco’s usually good for two or three of those in row.” Tony reached over to Justin to take over masturbating him. “Is this okay?” he asked knowing how sensitive Justin was about doing sex stuff.
Justin replied by pulling away his hand, letting the older boy stroke him. He thought about asking Tony to suck him, but the words froze in his mouth when he saw Marco wriggle over and start to suck his brother. Tony was already on edge, and it didn’t take long for Marco to get him off. He stifled a cry as he shot his watery cum into his brother’s waiting mouth. He forgot about Justin as his climax took over his body. Justin had been so close that he needed just three strokes of his own to join the orgasm parade.
At that point Joey moaned and became the fourth member of the parade. Tony, Marco, and Justin were all surprised that Joey had gone as far as he did. Justin was not only surprised as to how far Joey had gone, but also as to how far he had gone.
“That was fun,” Marco grinned. The little shy boy in school was anything but shy in bed. “One of these days you and me are going to suck each other,” Marco told Justin.
Justin thought about that possibility for what seemed like the millionth time. He knew that Marco was right. No matter what he thought about him and Marco sucking each other right then, Justin knew it was going to happen and at that moment he knew when it was going to happen.
“Doing it is going to be my birthday present for you on your tenth birthday,” Justin announced.
“But that’s not until November,” Marco protested.
“I know, but that’s when I’ll be ready. I was gonna make it my tenth birthday, but I think yours is better because the present is special for you, plus yours comes before mine.”
“Fair enough. But we still get to kiss and naked wrestle and rub our dicks together and do the other stuff we’ve been doing, right?”
“Right,” Justin assured his friend.
“Wait! You mean you guys really do all that stuff together?” Joey asked.
“Yep,” Justin nodded.
“Plus, I just saw Marco and Tony suck each other and you guys are going to do it. I hope my mom never finds out or she’ll never let me see you guys again.”
“So, you’re okay with it?” Marco asked.
“I guess. I mean I’m okay with it as long as I don’t have to do it.”
“No means no,” Justin reminded Joey.
“If you’re going to suck Marco, does that mean you’ll suck me too?” Tony asked Justin.
“I don’t know. This is Marco’s present. But maybe after we get used to it I might. I mean sucking you would be way different because you make that cum stuff.”
“So, I guess I’ll find out later. Maybe it can be my Christmas present,” Tony grinned.
“You never know.”
“Boys, please come and set the table,” Marne called out.
“Coming!” Tony and Marco yelled together. The four boys quickly pulled on their pants and shirts, leaving their underpants behind, as they departed Marco’s room, and entered reality.
<Chase, Eddie, and Logan>
Eddie shook off the vision of Chase’s scowling face and followed Dwight’s lead. The fact that he had smoked weed before becoming a Miller made it easier to toke on the vaping device. Eddie thought it tasted good, so it couldn’t be as bad for you as everyone said. He took a second hit and felt relaxed. It wasn’t the strong feeling he used to get from weed, but it was a good feeling.
“What do you think?” Dwight said.
“It’s okay,” Eddie replied.
“We can do it again anytime you want. Let’s hit some more.”
Eddie envisioned Chase’s face again and decided to decline. “I better get home.”
“Hey, next time we can vape out here and maybe jerk off. Have you ever jerked off outside?” Eddie nodded his head, but Dwight didn’t comment on it. “You can keep the device. I’ll give you some shit to vape, but after this you gotta pay unless we’re doing it together.
“It’s the bomb, huh?” Dwight grinned.
“I liked it okay.”
The boys went back into the house. Dwight gave Eddie some vape juice. Eddie grabbed his backpack, put the device and juice in the front pocket, traded a fist bump with Dwight and started home.
As he walked home Eddie thought about what he had just done and decided it wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t like smoking dope or drinking booze. He thought about Dwight suggesting they jerk off together. They had never talked about jerking off before—when they had talked about sexy stuff it had always been about girls. He knew Dwight wasn’t a virgin and he tried to learn all he could about getting a girl to let him fuck her. He knew he and Dwight both boned up when they talked about making out with girls and fucking, but they both elected to ignore what was a natural adolescent occurrence.
When Eddie arrived home, he was greeted by Chase and Logan who were placing the casserole their mom had made the day before into oven. Logan was doing the work while Chase did the supervising.
“Hey, Eddie, you’re just in time to watch me work while my lazy big brother does nothing,” Logan said.
“It doesn’t take two people to put the casserole into the oven,” Chase pointed out.
“It’s in two casserole dishes, and I don’t see you carrying the second dish.”
“You were doing such an expert job that I didn’t want to break up your rhythm. Just look at you, placing the dishes in the oven at exactly where mom said to put them.” Chase looked over at Eddie and said, “I was responsible for getting the oven warming up at the right time. I did the intellectual work and Logan is now doing the grunt work.”
“Whoopee,” Logan said with a tinge of sarcasm.
“It’s called teamwork, bro. And where were you?” he asked Eddie. “You never called about being late.”
“I was at a friend’s house, and I didn’t know I was supposed to report to you,” Eddie responded.
“What did you guys eat? Your breath smells kind of weird.”
“I don’t know, we had cookies or something.”
“It must be the something that’s got your breath smelling like it does. It’s almost like bad breath. Do you smell it, Logan?”
Logan closed the oven door and stepped closer to Eddie, who was starting to feel uncomfortable. “Well, it sure doesn't smell like cookies.”
“I better head up to my room,” Eddie said lamely. He knew he had to get out of the kitchen before Chase figured out what was going on.
“Hang on a sec,” Chase said. Eddie stopped. He took another whiff. “Logan’s right, that sure isn’t cookies I smell. Smells kind of like Walter Burke after he and a couple of loser friends did some vaping in the parking lot thinking nobody could see them behind Walter’s piece of junk pickup.”
“I don’t know nothing about vaping,” Eddie said unconvincingly.
“How about we go up to my room and talk about this.”
“Everything is set on the oven,” Logan said. “Can I come listen, too?”
“We’re all brothers,” Chase answered. “I don’t see why not.”
“How come nobody asked me?” Eddie growled. “I’m the one you think you can boss around like you boss around Logan, and I can tell you that ain’t gonna happen.”
“Let’s go to my room,” Chase said again.
“Why the fuck don’t you ask Curt to come, too. But, Mister Straight A Student is probably in his room doing his fucking homework on a Friday night.”
“In case you missed him telling us at dinner yesterday and at breakfast today, he’s spending the night at Duncan’s house. Now let’s go to my room.”
“What if I told you to go fuck yourself?”
Chase stepped closer to Eddie to emphasize his five-inch height advantage. Chase had just topped the six-foot mark and was in top physical condition. “Then I’d say all bets are off and I tell mom and dad what I suspect. Or, you can come to my room with me and we’ll talk about what the fuck is going on.”
While Eddie was reasonably sure that Chase wasn’t going to start a fight, his big brother’s intimidating presence caused Eddie to back down. Eddie had been a bully in his Mayfield days and as with many bullies, even former bullies, it wasn’t hard to intimidate him.
Eddie gave up and followed Chase to his bedroom with Logan bringing up the rear. Chase sat on his bed and Eddie plopped down on Chase’s office chair. Logan sat cross-legged on the floor next to Chase’s bed.
“Well, do you, or don’t you?” Chase asked.
“Do I or don’t I what?” Eddie asked snottily.
“Don’t you go getting all innocent with me. Let’s talk about this like brothers and see what we can do.”
“We can mind our own business, that’s what we can do.” Eddie was feeling belligerent again now that Chase was sitting on his bed rather than standing over him.
“How long have you been doing it?”
“Doing what?”
“Vaping,” Logan said. Logan had smelled Eddie’s breath, too, and while he didn’t know what it was he had smelled, he managed to put the clues together and come up with the right answer. “If you’re too dumb to figure it out, I figured it out for you.”
Eddie started to shudder. He thought he would rather get grilled by his dad, the Prosecuting Attorney, than by his brothers whom he loved like, well, brothers. “It was my first time, I swear,” Eddie said shakily. It was as if all the energy had drained out of him. “Are you going to tell mom and dad?”
“I will if you do it again,” Chase promised. “I can’t believe you were that stupid. You and I have talked about this shit before.”
“Just because you never vaped, or tried booze or pot, doesn’t mean we’re all as perfect as you. Most guys try shit.”
“I know you did before you became a Miller, but we all agreed as brothers we weren’t going to do any of that.”
“I know,” Eddie whispered shamefully.
“Fuck, Eddie. After that great job you did putting together the Cousin Dozen party you looked like you were on top of the world, and now, a week later you pull this shit.”
“I didn’t want Dwight to think I was a pussy.”
“Who gives a fuck what Dwight thinks. Maybe you should give a shit about what your brothers think.”
“It’s okay to be a pussy,” Logan said, his high-pitched voice in contrast to the changing voices of his older brothers. Almost as soon as Logan started middle school, he had learned there were many temptations lurking in the background of the urban school. Chase had told him back in September before school started that the key to staying away from temptation and trouble was to hang with the winners.
Logan had followed his advice and hung with good students and the athletes who were also successful in the classroom. He became part of a solid core of students who were the leaders of the sixth grade both in and out of the classroom. He felt safe and comfortable with them, especially when they got to know each other well enough to open up. It was then that he learned that almost all of them had to be a pussy at least once when somebody on the fringes offered to sell or give them instant happiness and good feelings.
As these thoughts whirled through Logan’s head, Eddie thought about what Chase had been telling him almost from the minute they first met. “Hang with the winners,” was his big brother’s simple advice. Because Dwight was an athlete and a teammate, Eddie thought of him as being a winner. As he sat in Chase’s bedroom with his big brother and his little brother, it dawned on him that Dwight wasn’t a winner. Maybe it was time for him to move on to better things. The first thing he knew he needed to do was identify who was a winner and who wasn’t. Then the light bulb flashed on with full brightness. Chase was a winner. Logan, even though he was less than two weeks shy of being twelve, was a winner. And Curt was a winner. Curt had avoided the temptations of the losers even in the short time he was on the street.
Eddie broke the silence. “Can I ask you something, Chase? It might sound dumb, but I need you to you to be honest, okay?”
“I’ll do my best, bro,” Chase responded.
“Did I really do a good job setting up the Cousin Dozen Blowout?”
“You know what you showed me?”
“Can’t you just answer my question without asking me a question?”
Chase looked calmly at his adopted brother, his face saying they weren’t going to move on until Eddie gave Chase HIS answer.
“I dunno. Maybe that I can do shit without getting all pissed off. How the fuck would I know?”
“That’s pretty much the answer I hoped you would give me,” Chase said. “What you showed me was that you were a leader. You led your three brothers and all the cousins and friends, and when things didn’t go the way you planned, you went with the flow and came up with new ideas. That’s what a leader does.”
Eddie glanced at Logan and said, “And a leader isn’t afraid of being a pussy when he’s with a loser.”
Logan grinned and nodded. Chase said, “You’re getting the idea.”
Eddie knew what he had to do next. He unzipped the front pocket of his backpack and pulled out the vape juice, hoping Chase wouldn’t scream at him for displaying it in front of Logan. “What do I do with this?”
“How about you pour it down the toilet?”
“What are you saving it for?”
Eddie rose from his chair and walked into the attached bathroom that Chase and Logan shared. Chase and Logan went in with him and stood behind him as he emptied the container into the toilet and flushed. Surprisingly, the act felt fulfilling.
Chase figured that if Eddie had the juice, he most likely had a device for toking it. He wanted Eddie to admit having one more thing to get rid of. He didn’t have to wait long for his brother to fess up.
“I’ve got one more thing.” Eddie pulled the device out of his backpack. “What do I do with this?”
“Throw it away,” Chase replied.
“But Dwight said he wanted it back.” Chase gave Eddie a stern look. “I know, I know, fuck Dwight. I’ll toss it in the garbage can.”
“Not a good idea. It would be your luck that mom or dad go looking for something they didn’t mean to throw away and discover it. How about we go to the park and toss in into the ravine. The place is full of underbrush and if somebody did find it, well, it’s not like they knew who tossed it down there.”
“And it’s not illegal anyway.”
“True, at least after you turn eighteen. Let’s get rid of it before mom or dad gets home,” Chase suggested.
Eddie agreed and he walked with Logan and Chase to the park, which was three long blocks away. “How come you’re so perfect?” Eddie asked Chase. I mean, every kid screws up sometime.”
“I dunno. I just haven’t tried booze, drugs, cigarettes, or vaping. I don’t think it means I’m perfect, it just means I’ve left that shit alone. You know that I’m sure not perfect when it comes to sex stuff.”
“True. I mean, how many fifteen-year-olds like pissing on people in the shower or getting pissed on in the shower?”
“Exactly. And lots of peeps would say the fact I have a boyfriend, or that I fuck my eleven-year-old brother, says I’m a long way from being normal, let alone perfect.”
“Hey, I’m gonna be twelve in nine days,” Logan pointed out.
“Great, that means I can start totally fucking the shit out of you.”
“In your dreams, bro.”
“What about you, Logan? Have you ever tried booze or drugs or anything? Eddie asked.
“Nope, but guys have asked me. But they aren’t my friends. And, hey, I let Chase piss on me, and I know you do it with him too. I don’t like it like he does, but it’s kind of a turn-on. At least I don’t piss my pants like he does.”
Eddie gawked at Chase. “You mean, you’ve pissed your pants? Like on purpose?”
“I’ve done it a few times when mom and dad aren’t home. It makes me super hard,” Chase confessed. “Leave it to my little bro to reveal my little secret.”
“Have you ever done it?” Eddie asked Logan.
“Not since I was like maybe three and never on purpose,” Logan said.
They entered the small park and walked to where the ravine was. The ravine had brush covered slopes and was around twelve feet deep with small pools of stagnant water along the bottom. “Do you want to toss it here, or walk over to the bridge?” Chase asked Eddie.
“From the bridge.” A small pedestrian bridge about twenty feet long spanned the ravine. “Then I can throw it into the bushes near the bottom.” Eddie pulled the device out of his backpack and threw it into the brush. Chase had told Eddie when he first moved in with the Millers that volunteers cleaned out the ravine three-four times a year. Eddie stared intently at the spot where the device landed and couldn’t see a sign of it. When the volunteers found it they would have no clue where it came from. He was willing to bet it wouldn’t be the first time they found a vape device in the ravine.
Chase stared down into the ravine. “Good riddance to that piece of shit, right Eddie?”
“Yeah. Using it was kind of stupid, wasn’t it?”
“You’re the one who said it, bro. But just remember this—it’s something one of my middle school teachers told me—just because you do something stupid doesn’t mean you are stupid, it just means you have something you need to fix if you really want to. Stupid people don’t even know they need to fix it. So what do you think, is it something you can fix?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Eddie stated without seeming conviction.
“Say it like you mean it, or don’t fucking bother.”
Knowing Chase was right, Eddie took a deep breath and shouted out, “FUCK YOU VAPE DEVICE! I’M NOT STUPID LIKE YOU THINK I AM!!” Eddie looked at Chase and grinned. “What do you think bro, was that better?”
“It was bro, now all you need to do is just do it! Just like you did quitting weed and quitting booze. JUST DO IT! “
Logan, who had been quietly watching the interplay between his two brothers, gave Eddie a hug. “I love you bro and I know you can do it because I’ve seen you do it and I’ve seen you do things like the blow out and you proved to me you totally are not stupid.”
“Thanks, little bro, that means a lot to me, and I mean big time.”
“How about we start heading for home,” Chase suggested.
“I’ll race you guys,” Logan called out. Before anyone could reply, he took off. After taking a dozen steps, he turned to see what his brothers were doing, and slipped on a place where muddy water had accumulated on a low spot on the path during the recent rain and ended up sliding into a large puddle next to the path. He fell on his ass with mud splattering over him.
“I thought you were the coordinated little athlete,” Chase chuckled. Logan stood up. His front was speckled with mud, but his rear was soaked and covered in mud.
“Maybe you need to become a total mud boy,” Chase screeched. Before Logan could react, Chase leaped into the mud, tackled his little brother into the puddle, and rolled him one full rotation. Logan screamed with laughter and the two had quick wrestling match that ended with Chase pinning Logan into the puddle. The brothers stood up and were caked with mud from head to toe.
“Fuck, you guys really are crazy,” Eddie said.
“Come on and join the fun,” Chase urged him.
“I’ll pass. It would help if one of us looked like he wasn’t…um…,”
“Stupid?” Chase asked as he and Logan stepped out of the puddle.
“Nah. That wasn’t stupid, just bonkers, so I guess bonkers is the word.”
“We’d better really hustle back so we can get our shit into the washer before mom gets home,” Logan said as he started trotting home.
“And get our asses in the shower,” Chase called out after him.
Logan and Chase stood up and walked with Eddie down the path to the sidewalk. As they walked home, Mrs. Truscott, a retired physician who lived three houses away, saw Eddie and the two muddy boys walking past her house and shook her head. Those Miller boys are the nicest boys in the neighborhood, she thought, but they could sure do wild things sometimes.
<Curt and Duncan>
While two of Curt’s brothers were rediscovering their inner pre-school boy in the park, Curt and his friend Duncan had stripped down to their underpants and were making out on Duncan’s bed. The kisses and pawing of each other’s bare torsos was interspersed with chatter about their girlfriends; their personalities, their looks, and how far they were willing to go sexually.
“Well, since Staci doesn’t want to get totally naked, let alone go all the way, I get most of my sex with my brothers,” Curt said. “Don’t get me wrong, I really like Staci, she’s a super nice girl and mega smart, but beyond Frenching and sometimes letting me feel up her boobs, there isn’t much sex.” Curt and Staci were both thirteen.
“Miri is the same, though she’d feel me up through my undies sometimes until I blew my wad,” Duncan said. “She said that scared her because it could get her preggers, so she won’t touch me down there anymore.” Duncan and Miri were both twelve.
“Did you tell her that you gotta stick your dick inside her to get her preggers?”
“Yeah. She said she knew that, but she was being safe.”
“Sheesh, even Staci knows better than that, though she’s never touched my junk. And besides, that clear stuff you shoot isn’t much. But, like they said in health class, once you make semen you never know,” Curt said knowledgeably. “It’s too bad you couldn’t make the big blowout. You would’ve learned a ton about sex.”
“Yeah, sex with other guys.”
“So, it’s not like we haven’t started doing it. Which one of us is going to be the girlfriend? I think if you have good sex with guys, you’ll end up having better sex with girls.”
“Sure, if they ever end up wanting to do anything with us guys.” Duncan looked at the time. “My rents will be home soon. Sixty-nine sounds best right now,” Duncan said.
“We’ll be naked for both. But, yeah, I guess we’ll be cleaner doing oral.”
Curt had told his brothers very little about his sexual exploits with Duncan. He felt that what he and Duncan did was their own business. He knew his brothers saw sex with their friends to be shared among them, but Curt didn’t agree. Of course, they all talked about sex they had with each other, but that was entirely different from sex with friends.
There was no foreplay. They were two horny pubescent boys who wanted to get off. They were no strangers to masturbation, mutual masturbation, and giving and getting blow jobs. Curt had gone sixty-nine with his brothers, but this was only the third time he and Duncan were going to do it. They’d done anal sex more often than sixty-nine. Curt had been the bottom the first time they’d fucked and three times after that. Duncan had been the bottom once and didn’t care much for it.
“Think about it,” he told Curt. “When are you ever going to be a bottom when you have sex with a girl?”
“But how will I practice being the one doing the fucking if you aren’t going to be the bottom sometimes?”
“I dunno. You’re right, I guess. I’ll have to think about it.”
As the two boys fellated each other it occurred to Curt that Duncan was still thinking. They finished a half-hour before Duncan’s mom got home from work. That night they slept together but wore t-shirts and underpants. Duncan didn’t think it was right for two boys to sleep naked together.
Duncan had also said kissing was a no go. Curt gave him the need to practice argument, but it was to no avail. But even with Duncan’s reluctance to kiss and make out, to be fucked, or to sleep naked, Curt knew Duncan was a good loyal friend and that their friendship wasn’t based on sex. Sex was just a part of their relationship, and not even the most important part. Still, they agreed that the sex they had together was a special part of their friendship.
<Justin and Marco>
Knowing he had to leave after he finished dinner, Joey ate slowly, especially his apple crisp and gelato dessert. Just as he thought he could put off going home forever, the phone rang. Joey wasn’t surprised that the caller was his mother saying it was time for him to come home.
“Well, it was fun,” Joey told his friends sadly. “Maybe next time I can spend the night.”
“I have to get back to the restaurant,” Marco’s father, Luigi, said, “so go get your stuff and I’ll give you a ride home.”
Joey nodded and went to Marco’s room to get his backpack. When he entered the room, he noticed his underpants on the floor and stuffed them into his backpack. He put on his shoes, pulled on his hoodie, and went back to the dining room, where Justin, Marco, and Tony were helping to clear the table.
“I’d help, but I gotta go,” Joey told his friends.
“We’ll miss you,” Justin said, “but we’ll see you at the game tomorrow.”
“And you guys are gonna kick butt,” Tony added.
“Antonio! Watch your tongue!” Marne called out. Whenever his mother called him Antonio, Tony knew he was in trouble.
“Sorry, mama,” he said. “But it’s true.”
“I know you get excited, but just be careful, son,” Luigi said as he led Joey out of the house and to his parked car.
“How come Joey’s mom is always so mean?” Marco asked after Joey closed the front door.
“She is doing the best she can,” Marne replied. “And Joey is such a nice boy, I don’t think anybody can argue with her.”
“So how come he can’t be nice and have fun at the same time, like me and Tony do?”
“Everyone does it differently.”
“Hey, don’t forget to include your best friend Justin,” Tony told his brother.
“Oh, sorry Justin,” Marco said. “I know you’re super nice, so are you having fun?”
“I always have fun with my best friend,” Justin answered.
“Okay, enough about fun and nice. How about you boys go into the living room and watch some baseball or play some games or whatever you do to have fun,” Marne instructed the boys.
“Can we get comfortable in our t-shirts and undies?” Tony asked.
“You can until your father comes home. Just remember, he doesn’t always like it when you boys are dressed like that. So, have some pajama bottoms ready for when he gets home, which may not be until after you go to bed, but just in case.”
Justin had a permanent pair of pajama bottoms at Marco’s house “just in case.” Marco didn’t need any at Justin’s house because Justin’s dads had no problem with them sitting in just their undies or even less in the evening.
Marco and Justin went to Marco’s room where they took off their pants and then put on their underpants. Tony did the same in his room, pulling a fresh pair of boxers out of his underwear drawer.
“What are we going to do with Tony’s undies?” Justin asked.
Marco picked them delicately off the floor and held them an arm’s length in front of him. Holding his nose with his other hand he said, “Eww, dirty, smelly underpants,” and dropped them into the clothes hamper.
Justin giggled and went back into the living room with Marco. Tony was already sitting on the couch.
“You guys are slow,” Tony chided the younger boys.
“We had to figure out what do to with your dirty, smelly underpants,” Justin responded.
“You’re lucky you’re Marco’s best friend and that I think you’re cute.”
“You really think I’m cute?”
“I have to think that, since your boyfriend says so all the time.”
Justin looked at Marco.
“Well, you’re my best friend, so you must be cute,” Marco told him.
Justin grinned with pleasure. “You’re my best friend and I think the same thing.”
Tony popped a boner as the image of Justin and Marco sucking each other’s dicks popped into his head. He could hardly wait until he saw it really happening.
The boys proceeded to play Uno, watch some baseball, and finally head to bed when they got tired. The boys said goodnight to Marne and left the baseball game with the Mariners trailing the Twins 5-4 after seven innings. They learned the next day that the M’s won the game 7-6 on a walk off single by Wade Whalen.
Marco and Justin stripped naked, took care of their evening business, and cuddled in Marco’s bed. They were both tired and without a thought of messing around with each other, they quickly fell asleep.
Tony lay in bed wishing Justin enjoyed sucking dicks like Marco did. Maybe when he gets older, Tony thought. I know I didn’t even KNOW about doing it when I was little. He thought about jerking off. Instead, he rolled over on his side and fell asleep.
<Pierce, Drake, and Nathan>
Nathan didn’t want to be naked in front of Walker. However, he said he was okay with wearing underpants and t-shirt when they went out to talk to him. The boys and Walker exchanged greetings, with Walker giving Nathan some extra attention by welcoming him for his first overnight at the Bledsoe residence.
“I understand that Pierce shanghaied you into helping him put the team’s baseball equipment away,” Walker said to Nathan after the greetings were completed.
“Shanghaied? What’s that?” Nathan asked.
“It means using underhanded means to take you away from what you want to do and where you want to be to help do something you don’t want to do and in a place you don’t want to be.”
“What he’s saying in his complicated way is I kidnapped you to help with the equipment before you could come to my house,” Pierce said.
“That sounds about right,” Nathan chuckled. “Except I had fun helping you and Rodney and Kerry.”
“But dad is right. It was kind of underhanded and sort of like a kidnapping.”
“I guess that makes shanghai a good word,” Drake grinned. “Oh, and Walker, before I forget to tell you, my dad wonders how Sunday the fourteenth sounds for dinner at our place. And don’t worry about saying no—I promise nobody will shanghai you. Pierce maybe, but not you.”
“I think it’s good, but I have to check a couple of things first. I’ll let you know before you leave,” Walker replied. “You know, you could tell your antiquarian father that phone calls and texting are very efficient means of communication.”
“He knows. He just wants me to feel important. Kind of like the teenage version of the pony express, only I ride light rail trains and buses instead of horses.”
“Where do you guys want to eat?” Walker asked.
“Someplace where we can be served in our underwear,” Pierce answered.
“Or less,” Drake added.
“I guess we really do need to get a membership in a naturist club,” Walker said.
“Well, we’ll agree to get dressed…this time,” Pierce said. “But before we go anywhere, guess who rolled up in his Jag while Nathan and I were waiting for the bus?”
“Must have been our buddy, Burt.” Pierce liked how Walker used a plural pronoun.
“Yep, in the evil flesh.”
“Did you call 9-1-1?”
“I started to but after saying nasty things to us he drove away.”
“It might be time to report the asshole to the police,” Walker advised.
“Like they’re going to believe a teenager instead of some dude who has money and drives a Jag.”
“Teenagers. Plural,” Nathan said, reminding Pierce that he had been there too.
“Sorry, buddy. But Nathan took a picture of his license plate, which might help.”
“Oh, I got more than the license plate. I got a video of the whole thing, with sound,” Nathan said proudly.
“Damn! Why didn’t you tell me, dude?”
“You got to talking on the bus ride. Then Drake came when we were on your bed and, well, I meant to show you right away, but…”
“Hey, it’s not a problem. Let’s see what you got.”
Nathan went to Pierce’s room to get his phone. He hoped the video came out okay, since he’d never checked it. Since he had never had problems making videos before, he had been confident it would come out okay. When he brought it back and played the video for Walker, Pierce, and Drake, he was happy that his confidence had been well-placed.
“That’s the bomb,” Pierce told Nathan. “It’s so awesome I think Drake and I will let you sleep in my bed with us instead of tossing a pillow and a couple of blankets on the floor for you to sleep on.”
“Damn, there goes those plans to teach the boy respect,” Drake said.
“Say what?” Nathan asked in surprise.
“Hey, we’re joking,” Pierce said. “All you really did was make a special night even more special.” Pierce looked at Nathan’s phone. “Now Walker can show this to the police.”
“After watching the video, Walker frowned. “I need to give this some thought. This jerk had no business talking to you guys the way he did. I think before we involve the police we should talk to a lawyer.”
“Are you going to call your lawyer, then?” Pierce asked his dad.
“This is not his area of expertise. Business law is his strength. What I think I’m going to do is talk with somebody I’ve gotten to know, and that’s Drake’s uncle Troy.”
“Damn, Walker, nothing like going right straight to the top,” Drake said.
“I plan on presenting this as a friend asking for proper direction, not a request for the County Prosecutor to take some kind of action.”
“Well, whatever you do, I’m right with you,” Pierce told his dad. “I guess we should download Nathan’s video so we can use it.”
“Nathan, you should be aware that you are now deeply involved in this mess. I would like us to meet with your parents and talk about what happened today and what might happen in the future.”
“That’s cool,” Nathan said. “I know my parents like Pierce, and I bet they’ll back you up.”
“Okay, now that we’ve discussed business, let’s go eat,” Drake said. “We don’t want to make any decisions on an empty stomach.”
“I second the motion,” Pierce said.
“I third it,” Nathan added.
The boys went up to Pierce’s room and dressed. When they were ready, Walker treated them to dinner at the Magnolia Steak and Seafood House.
That night Nathan watched awestruck as Pierce hammered Drake’s ass. His entire concept of sex changed for good as he watched his friends’ body movements, the looks on their faces, listened to the sounds of their sensuous cussing, the moans of pleasure, and observed it ending with Drake having a no-touch cum just before Pierce filled his ass.
“Whoa, that was epic. I never knew you could cum without touching your dick,” Nathan gasped. The long drawn-out kiss between Drake and Pierce following their orgasms had Nathan on the edge of coming himself.
“Now you know,” Drake grinned. “It’s one of the world’s greatest feelings.”
“Do you think you might want to no-touch cum sometime?” Pierce asked invitingly.
Nathan didn’t have to give his answer a moment’s thought. “Yeah, I want to learn it all.”
“Do you think you might be gay?” Drake asked.
“I don’t care if I am or not. I just want you guys to show me how to be sexy.”
“Then I guess we’re going to need some more overnights,” Pierce grinned.
Drake and Nathan agreed with Pierce’s assessment. Pierce took hold of Nathan’s cock and jerked him off to a quick orgasm. After cleaning up and taking care of their evening business, Drake and Pierce described what would happen next.
“Now you get your lesson. The best spot on a three-way naked sleep is the middle where you get to feel both your friends snuggled against you.”
Drake climbed into the bed, Nathan followed, and Pierce finished the trio. Nathan was in the middle and felt extra special. He never dreamed being naked and falling asleep between two naked boys could feel so right. The warmth of the two bodies helped Nathan fall asleep quickly.
<Chase, Logan, and Eddie>
When Chase, Logan, and Eddie walked up the driveway of their house, they saw that Susan’s car was parked in the garage.
“Mom left the garage door open again,” Logan pointed out.
“Maybe mom left it open because dad’s due home soon,” Eddie said.
“Dad keeps saying to be safe and close the garage door,” Chase responded. “Pushing a button on the car or on a remote to open it shouldn’t be a problem.” It wasn’t very often that Chase could criticize his mother’s actions.
“Well, it looks you weren’t so smart to get yourself muddy,” Logan told Chase.
“Hey, at least I won’t be the only one getting into trouble,” Chase pointed out. “It’s a good thing for us the door is open. We can go right into the utility room and strip this muddy stuff off,” Chase and Eddie had each taken a house key with them, but not a remote control for the garage.
Susan had glimpsed the boys walking into the driveway and saw the muddy condition of her two birth sons. She went down the stairs and was waiting for them in the utility room when Eddie opened the door from the garage.
“Well, aren’t you two boys a sight to see,” Susan remarked. “How is it you two are so muddy and Eddie looks almost pristine?”
“It’s because I’m smarter than those two,” Eddie smirked.
“Amen to that, son, amen to that.”
Vaping sure as hell doesn’t make you smarter than us, Chase and Logan both thought, but they knew enough to keep their mouths shut on the topic. As far as Chase was concerned, the incident was closed unless Eddie caused the topic to be reopened.
“Logan and I got into a little chase game and wrestling match in the park and kind of ended up in the mud,” Chase explained.
“Well, whatever happened, happened. Just get everything off and into the wash and go to your bathroom and get cleaned up.”
“Everything in together? Pants and shirts and hoodies and underpants and socks all together?” Logan asked. That wasn’t the way his mother had taught him to do laundry.
“Yes, everything together. It won’t destroy anything. Now, I’ll leave you to undress and take care of things before your father gets home.” Susan went back up the stairs shaking her head. For all the whacko things her boys could get into, like mud wrestling in the park, after the stories she heard from other moms about adolescent drama, she was happy to be raising boys instead of girls.
Logan pulled off his shorts and tossed them into the washer. “I’ll be right back,” he suddenly said. He turned and went into the garage and out the open door wearing nothing but his underpants. Chase and Eddie followed wondering what their youngest brother was up to.
“Holy shit,” Chase murmured.
They saw Logan standing on the lawn in his bare feet with his legs spread pissing in his undies. “This’ll get some of the mud off my shorts,” he explained with a grin. “Plus, it feels really good. Coming home muddy gave me the boner of boners.”
His three-and-a-half-inch erection popped up as soon as he pulled off his wet underpants. He was now standing naked in the yard. He turned and trotted back into the house.
It was at that moment that Chase realized his little brother, who was a few days away from being twelve, was being attacked by the ravages of puberty. Chase stripped naked in the utility room. He could see that Logan’s boner was hard and throbbing. His little brother had suddenly morphed from little kid who was fun to mess around with to a tween who was genuinely sexy.
“We need to measure your boner,” Chase said as he stuffed the dirty smelly clothes into the washing machine. “It’s been growing.”
“That’s because I’m a growing boy,” Logan grinned.
The three boys, two of them buck naked, bounced up stairs and past their mom. “We’ll start the washer after we take a shower,” Chase told Susan as he ran by. Susan caught a glimpse of Logan’s hard on and, like Chase, realized her little boy was entering puberty.
“Make your shower quick,” Susan told the boys. “We’re having dinner as soon as your father comes home.”
After the boys entered Chase’s bedroom, Eddie stripped naked and rubbed his boner. Chase pulled his tape measure out of his desk and did some quick measurements. His cock got hard as his hand lingered on Logan’s erection. “Almost four inches,” Chase announced. He measured Eddie next. “Four and three quarters inches. Damn, Eddie, the runt is catching up to you.” Chase measured his own at six inches. “But you all have a way to go to catch up to Big Boy.”
“We’ll get there,” Logan vowed.
The brothers showered together. “Can we have some sex in the shower?” Logan asked.
Where has this little brother come from? Chase wondered. “Not enough time. I smelled dinner—mom wasn’t kidding about us eating pretty soon.”
But that night Logan ended up in Chase’s bed. He had just finished sucking Eddie’s cock, so his brother wouldn’t feel left out, but what he really wanted was for Chase to fuck him. He couldn’t remember ever wanting to be fucked this bad and was ready for Chase to “big brother” his ass.
Logan told Eddie what he wanted to do and told him he could watch if he wanted to. “Not this time. You go ahead and have fun with your piss buddy,” Eddie said. “But if you’re going to turn into a sex machine, I might want to do your ass soon.”
“Like tomorrow night?”
“You never know.”
Logan was happy he asked Eddie to join him, but even happier that Eddie turned him down. He wanted this night to just be him and Chase. He had never felt more sexed up and was desperate for his big brother to take care of him. Chase didn’t disappoint, and after being hammered by his brother’s big cock, Logan fell asleep next to his studly brother taking in all the aromas of a teen who had just enjoyed a session of intense sex.
Growing up is a road full of bumps. Eddie hit the one known as peer pressure and didn’t handle it well. But he smoothed out that bump some when he listened to his big brother and resolved not to make the same mistake. Justin was a pre-teen confused by his growing sexual awareness. Not sure how to handle that bump, he put off many of his decisions until later. Logan, on the other hand, had hit the bump of puberty. He found it exciting and will learn that the bumps of young adolescence will often become closely spaced and hard to negotiate. Learning how to handle those bumps is a road that was just starting for the tween.
Next: Decisions