Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<Justin, Joey, and Marco>
Joey and Marco arrived together at Justin’s house a few minutes before noon. Justin ushered in his friends amidst laughter, shouts of joy, friendly shoulder punches, and wild hugs. Mike and Ryan knew there would be moments when the three nine-year-olds would need calming down; the first moment had arrived as soon as Justin opened the front door. But the boys were good kids and they only needed one reminder to calm themselves—at least this time.
Lunch was simple—peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with potato chips. The boys chattered happily as they ate. Mike and Ryan were pleased that Justin had made such good friends. They knew that Neil was another good friend, but his parents kept him under a tight leash. Justin was also getting to know some other boys who would be playing baseball and was also meeting boys who attended other schools or were home-schooled once turnouts started.
Mike was happy that the sun had burned away most of the morning gray, leaving a beautiful spring day, with a predicted high in the low sixties. Since the boys would start baseball in a little over a week, Mike thought it would be great if he and Ryan could do some baseball drill work with the boys in the backyard if the weather cooperated. The weather was behaving as predicted, which didn’t always happen in the Puget Sound area. Joey and Marco had come dressed in sweats and hoodies; their mitts packed in their backpacks.
Mike went into coach mode, showing the boys how to warm up properly. He and Ryan laid out a couple of bases as well as a portable home plate. They were soon hitting grounders, playing catch, working on sliding, baserunning, and presenting some fun competitive drills. One of the benefits of the workout was that the boys were getting visibly tired as their energy went into baseball instead of boyish tomfoolery.
After an hour and a half of work (with a ten-minute break thrown in), Mike could see it was starting to tax their attention span and said it was time to wrap up the session. The boys helped put the gear away. Ryan shook his head when he saw the condition of the back yard. He told himself it was worth every squashed and uprooted blade of grass. Repairing it was what grass seed was all about.
The boys enjoyed cold lemonade and cookies after going into the house. “Thanks for helping us and teaching us stuff, dad and pop,” Justin said as he sat at the kitchen table with his friends.
“Yeah, thanks a lot Mr. Boyers,” Joey and Marco chimed in.
“And now I get to ask Marco and Joey a question,” Justin announced. “It’s the one we talked about at school,” he told his friends. “My dads say it’s okay for us to do it if you guys want to and we won’t get in trouble for it.” Justin was referring to stripping down to their underpants or, if they wanted to be really daring, taking all their clothes off. “Follow me to my room.”
“Did that make sense to you?” Ryan asked Mike as the boys raced out of the room. “I swear they never stop talking! It leaves ME out of breath.”
“It made perfect sense,” Mike chuckled. “Justin was talking about them taking their clothes off and being comfortable for the rest of the day.”
“You do have a gift for making sense out of kid babble.”
“Only because it is my primary language. It’s good we spoke to the parents about the dress code in our house.”
“Nobody objected,” Ryan pointed out, “although Marco’s mother wondered yet again where Marco got the chutzpah to get naked in front of his friends. Her older son Tony she could understand, but the change in shy, quiet, little Marco has amazed her.”
“Justin’s outgoing ways can be contagious,” Mike grinned.
The boys were gathered in Justin’s room ready to discuss what they planned to do. “Naked, underpants, or none of the above?” Justin asked.
“None of the above means we stay dressed, right?” Joey asked.
“Right. And we can’t be naked at dinner. We have to dress up in t-shirts and undies then. Poppa Dawg doesn’t want us spilling food on our wieners.”
“I don’t mind being naked here in your room, but not running around in front of your dads. I know you do it, but it just feels weird,” Joey said.
“Marco, what do you think?”
“Nakey, nakey, nakey,” Marco shouted with glee.
“Really?” Joey asked in surprise. “I thought you were embarrassed about being naked in front of anybody.”
“Not no more.” Marco pulled down his sweats and briefs, partially revealing his hairless groin. He then pulled up the hem of his t-shirt, displaying all his wares.
“Marco is now a wild boy,” Justin giggled.
“You and Tony made being nakey fun to do.”
“Well, if Marco can get naked, then I guess I can, too,” Joey said.
Justin thought the situation over for a moment, wondering what his big bro, Aiden, would say in this situation. “Since Joey isn’t sure if he wants to do it and the rule is nobody has to do what they don’t really truly and for sure want to do, how about we just wear our underpants and maybe socks, put our shirts on for dinner, and if we all felt okay about doing that, we go naked after dinner. I think that’s called a compromise or something like that.”
“Compromise is right,” Marco said, reminding his friends that he might not say much but he was one of the smartest kids in the third grade.
“And if we still don’t want to after dinner?” Joey asked.
“Then we don’t do it,” Justin replied.
“You guys can go naked if you want. I don’t care.”
“No, Joey. This will be all of us or we don’t do it. No matter what, we’ll all have fun because that’s why we’re all friends because we have fun together.”
“That’s why Justin is my best friend because we do everything together,” Marco said in what amounted to a long speech for him.
That settled things, and the boys stripped down underpants and socks. They would wait until dinner becoming dressed in their formal dinner wear—by donning their t-shirts.
“The boys look like they’re overdressed,” Mike said to Ryan as they entered the rec room.
“Give them credit—they’re acting like proper nine-year old boys,” Ryan responded. “Obviously somebody didn’t want to shed everything, and they did the right thing.”
“Maybe that someone was Justin so he could show off his pretty red and black briefs.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Justin asked.
“We were talking about how you boys are dressed in your formal dinner clothes and how Justin’s red and black contrasts with white.” Joey and Marco were both wearing white briefs—Fruit of the Loom for Joey and Hanes for Marco.
“We want to play Uno with you guys,” Justin said.
“I’ll jump in and play,” Mike volunteered.
“I have to get dinner going,” Ryan said. “I may join a later game if you keep playing.”
“We may not see him,” Mike said as Ryan headed for the kitchen. “Once the dawg starts cooking starving donkeys couldn’t drag him away.”
“Whatever that means,” Justin said. “Let’s just play.”
Ryan was cooking fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and carrots. He had thought of making spaghetti and meatballs but decided that Marco probably lived off Italian cooking. Mike had Ryan properly pegged—he did not return to play. By the time they finished their third game it was time to start setting the table. Justin, Marco, and Mike each won a game.
“It’s a good thing we didn’t bet money or Joey would be broke,” Mike chuckled.
“I’ll get you next time I come over,” Joey vowed.
After dinner and a dessert of apple crumble ala mode, they settled in to watch a movie. It wasn’t long after the movie that the boys said they were going to Justin’s room to play games on his computer.
“We’ll call you when we’re ready for bed,” Justin told his dads.
“Either that or we’ll tell you when it’s time for you to get ready for bed,” Ryan said.
Once the boys entered Justin’s bedroom, Justin booted up his computer and loaded a game. But the boys had other things on their mind, like getting out of what few clothes they had on.
“I’m getting nakey first,” Marco announced as soon as Justin had the game loaded. He pulled off his t-shirt and yanked off his briefs, revealing more than he had earlier in the day.
“You sure like getting naked,” Joey said, stating the obvious.
“Tony and I do it a lot now and I have fun doing it with Justin and it’s nice being nakey.”
While Joey and Marco chatted, Justin stripped naked. “Well, I guess I better do it, too,” Joey said.
“Only if you want to,” Justin reminded him.
“I want to. I just didn’t want to in front of your dads. Maybe some other time I will.” He quickly stripped and now all three boys were naked except for their socks. Marco pulled his off to complete his striptease.
“Don’t say anything, but I remember one time when the bathroom door was open a little bit and I saw my Daddy Dawg peeing,” Justin said. “His thingy is HUGE!” Actually, Ryan was not endowed any bigger than an average adult male but to Justin’s young eyes, of course, he was gigantic.
At that point, any thoughts of playing games on Justin’s computer left the boys’ heads. They loved being naked in front of each other. They pranced around the room showing off and were soon fondling each other’s cocks and balls (with permission, of course).
Marco had the first erection, his little steel nail pointing up at his chin. He was proud of every one of his two inches and delighted that he had popped the first boner. His hardon was a response to Justin’s ministrations. “You do that as good as Tony,” Marco told his friend.
“It was fun to make you do that,” Justin grinned.
“Who is going to make me do it?” Joey asked.
Marco volunteered. The sessions with his older brother had taught him how to quickly make his brother hard and feeling good. Joey was a little slower to awaken, but he soon had two hard inches of his own. Justin had busily made himself hard. The three boys displayed their accomplishment and touched each other again, enjoying the feelings of their friends’ exploring fingers.
Justin and Marco were familiar with what masturbation was and what it was supposed to accomplish, but they still had not reached the promised land. Even though Marco and Tony had started playing with each other’s cocklets frequently, they had not enjoyed any orgasms with each other. In fact, Marco was yet to have his first orgasm.
It wasn’t destined to happen on this night, either. Justin, Joey, and Marco not only weren’t sure what to do with each other, they were also bone tired. Marco said he would ask his brother to do more with him so he could learn how to get the really good tingles. Justin said he would do the same thing when he visited his big bro, Aiden.
Their chatter, along with their weariness, caused their little erections to soften into tiny nubs. The boys took care of their evening business and then went into the den where Mike and Ryan were watching the Mariners on television.
“How are they doing?” Justin asked.
“Our boys lead the Angels 6-3 with two outs in the top of the ninth,” Mike replied. The Mariners were playing at Anaheim and were the visiting team.
“How’s Marty doing?”
“Your hero hit a two-run homer in the top of the seventh.”
“Hmm, and it would appear you boys managed to lose something,” Ryan said.
“Your clothes.” Along with another smidge of your innocence, he thought.
“We didn’t lose them. We know exactly where they are,” Justin protested. The boys squeezed into the love seat and stayed for the remainder of the game. Joey had been so caught up in being naked that it didn’t occur to him he was naked in front of Justin’s dads until it was too late to do anything about it.
The Angels eked out a run in the bottom of the ninth inning giving the Mariners a 6-4 win. Ryan and Mike wondered if anybody was going to fall asleep before the last out, but the three friends battled through the bottom of the ninth. Justin was tempted to fondle his friends, but he knew what the rules were and successfully fought temptation.
“I think it’s bedtime,” Ryan said as soon as the Mariners got the last out.
“I’m really tired,” Marco yawned.
“We brushed our teeth and everything,” Justin said. “We just gotta pee and then we’ll get into bed.”
“I got first pee,” Joey yelled out as he got off the couch and dashed for Justin’s bathroom. The embarrassment of being naked had finally hit him.
“I’ll yell when we’re in bed so you can tuck us in,” Justin told his dads.
Marco followed Justin to the bathroom. Joey had just finished his piss and was dutifully shaking his little cock. “Oh, wow, I feel so much better now,” he crooned. “Who’s next?”
“Me and Justin can do it side-by-side,” Marco said. “Me and Tony do it that way sometimes.”
Marco was throwing one surprise after another at Justin and Joey. The shy little boy in school was not close to shy when the clothes started coming off. He and Justin pointed their cocklets at the toilet and started pissing. They conducted a little sword fight as they did and were careful not to get any piss on each other.
“I dare you to do it in the shower next time,” Joey said as his friends finished.
“Yuck, that’s gross,” Justin croaked.
“I piss in the shower almost every morning. It’s quicker than having to stop at the toilet.”
“Well, you can do it any way you want, but it’s not something I would do. I mean it would get on your feet and everything.”
“You’re supposed to have the water running,” Joey pointed out in a that should be obvious tone of voice.
“I’ll try it,” Marco piped up. “Maybe see if Tony would.”
Justin shook his head as he washed his hands. Marco had been one surprise after another all night. The boys climbed into Justin’s bed and pulled the covers over themselves. Justin was in the middle. Joey kept some distance between Justin and himself, but Marco sidled right up to his friend and snuggled. Justin loved the feel of Marco’s naked body and his now hard nail poking him.
“You’ve got cool stuffed animals,” Marco commented. “I like the big dog and the big donkey. They’re the coolest.”
“Those are Bernie and Donkey. Plus, I have Kenneth, Judy, and Rat on the shelf. Each one has a story.”
“What kind of story?”
“Kenneth the bear is named for my real dad and Judy for my real mom. They got killed in a car wreck. Rat is a rat and that’s his story. Donkey is my Donkey Dad and Bernie the St. Bernard is my Papa Dawg.”
“Justin told me who they were the first time I came to his room,” Joey said. “I like their stories, even Rat’s who doesn’t really have one except that he’s a rat.”
Justin wanted to end the story telling and get to sleep. “Dads, we’re ready,” he called out.
Mike and Ryan entered the room less than a minute later. Each boy received a hug from both dads. When Ryan exited the room, he whispered good-night and turned off the light as he closed the door behind him.
“All three naked, no question,” Mike grinned as he and Ryan returned to the rec room.”
“If Marco was cuddled any tighter to Justin, he’d smother the boy,” Ryan said.
“I think those two like each other a lot. It’s going to be fun watching them entering puberty together.”
I don’t even want to think about it—at least not yet,” Ryan said as they sat in their recliners.
“That was a great dinner, Sweetie,” Mike said. “The fried chicken was scrumptious.”
“Thanks. I was thinking about doing spaghetti and meatballs, but I figured Marco probably gets Italian food every day of his life, so I went with the chicken.”
“Given the way he cleaned his plate, I’d say the chicken idea was perfect.”
The three boys in Justin’s bed fell asleep instantly.
After Tony arrived at Logan’s house, they went with Chase to the park where they got into a basketball game on the basketball court that was part of the athletic fields. Logan and Chase knew the other boys and introduced them to Tony. The game was four on four; Chase, Logan, and Tony were all on the same team. Logan wasn’t surprised to see that Tony was a good basketball player since he was obviously an athletic boy.
After over two hours of playing (with two short breaks thrown in), Logan and Tony thanked the players and said they were returning home. Chase decided to stay and play a bit more since two of the five remaining players were classmates of his.
“Hey, thanks for playing with us, Logan and Tony,” Rodney Carpenter said. He was a seventh grader and played on the Blaine Middle School basketball team. “I knew Logan was a pretty good player, but you’re really good too, Tony. What school do you go to?”
“I go to Jane Addams,” Tony said.
“Hah, we beat you guys twice,” Rodney said.
“Your varsity did, but our JV beat you on our court.”
“Oh, that’s where I’ve seen you before—you’re the one who scored all those points in the game we lost.” He turned to Logan. “What are you doing hanging around with a guy from Jane Addams”
“Friends can come from anywhere,” Logan replied matter-of-factly. “Let’s go get us something cold to drink. Have a good spring break, guys,” he told Rodney and the other two Blaine boys.
“I am really sweaty,” Tony said.
“Yeah, it got pretty warm,” Logan said. The temperature had climbed into the mid-sixties, which was about ten degrees above average for mid-April.
When they got to Logan’s house, they stripped off their pants and sweaty t-shirts. “If I’d known we were going to play hoops, I would have worn shorts instead of these sweats,” Logan said.
“It was warm enough to wear shorts anyway. It was probably worse in these jeans. Whatever, I had fun. I liked your friends and Chase’s friends were nice, too.”
“Rodney was more like a teammate than a friend mostly because he’s a seventh grader. Leroy and Madison are sixth graders and more like friends. And as you figured out, Rodney and Leroy are brothers. Madison’s the kid I know best.”
“Did they all play basketball?” Tony asked.
“Madison didn’t. He got cut but Coach Dahl gave him some things to work on and told him he had a good chance of making JV next year if he worked hard.”
“Do they play baseball?”
“Dang, you ask a lot of questions,” Logan chuckled.
“Only because I played with them for a couple of hours and I didn’t get to find out much about them. I thought Madison was pretty good and I was surprised he didn’t make the team. I know it’s hard for sixth graders, though.”
“Yeah, Leroy and I were the only sixth graders on JV. Anyway, Rodney and Leroy don’t play baseball. They put their time into soccer. Madison does play and might be the best sixth grade player.”
“Better than you?”
“Okay, he’s the second-best player,” Logan grinned.
“He sure has wild red hair,” Tony said.
“Plus, he’s got a nice dick.”
“When did you see his dick?”
“Last week after Wednesday baseball practice, I went to his house with Ryan McKay, another sixth grader on the team. We’re the only sixth graders who usually start. We were invited for a hamburger dinner. Madison’s mom really supports the team and is super friendly. Anyway, we got to talking and Madison says he and Leroy like to show off their cocks to each other and asked if we wanted to compare ours.
“Well, you know I said yes. Ryan didn’t really want to, but he said he’d watch, so Madison and I yanked our pants and undies down to our knees. He’s like you and me, no hair, and he’s uncut. I said he could touch mine if he wanted. He said I could touch his, too, so we did. We both got boners and Ryan said that we were gross, so we stopped and pulled our pants back up. We groped each other real quick in the boys’ room at school on Friday.”
“How come this stuff never happens to me?”
“It has since you and me became friends. Come on, let’s take a shower.”
“Won’t your mom wonder why we’re showering now?”
“All we have to do is stick our underarms in her face and she won’t need to wonder. Dude, she saw us come in all sweaty. And I bet you Chase showers when he comes back and maybe even Curt and Eddie will, too.”
“Why? All they did was take two girls out to lunch.”
“For almost four hours?” Logan asked. “They’re going to come home smelling like fish.”
“Fish? How could they smell like fish?”
“I dunno, ask Chase. He and Dillon keep calling girls fish saying that’s what they smell like. And, no, he never told me why—he said I need to be older to understand. I guess he must mean I gotta be thirteen or something.”
While they were talking, Logan and Tony had stripped naked and walked into the bathroom Logan and Chase shared. Logan cranked up the shower and they stepped in.
“Have you ever pissed in the shower?” Tony asked as they washed themselves.
“Lots of times. It’s the easy-peasy way of doing a morning piss. You should try it sometime.”
“I do it, too, but Marco says I’m being yucky.”
“Marco is, what, eight? They think everything is yucky.”
“He’s nine,” Tony corrected.
“Same difference. What does he care if you piss in the shower as long as he isn’t in it with you?”
“Good point. I’ve never done it when he’s in the shower with me, so you’re right. It’s none of his business.”
“Chase likes to piss on people and get pissed on. So does Eddie, but not as much as Chase does.”
“Now, THAT’S yucky,” Tony groaned. “No way I ever do that.” Tony almost asked Logan if he had ever done it with Chase, and then decided it might be best if he didn’t know the answer to that.
The boys washed each other’s backs and butts. When Logan started washing inside Tony’s crack, Tony thought that was yucky as well, but it felt so good he didn’t want Logan to stop. Besides, he didn’t want to sound like Marco. He did not return the favor and the shower ended with Tony letting the shower stream rinse his ass.
After the boys dried, they entered Logan’s room. “Now what?” Tony asked as he fished a pair of fresh boxers out of his overnight bag.
“I know what we’re not doing, at least not yet, and that is getting dressed.” Logan flopped on his bed and patted the open spot next to him.
Tony quickly lay next to his friend. “You’ve been hard since we got undressed for the shower,” Tony observed.
“Do you want to help me get rid of it?” Logan asked slyly. He enjoyed being the sexually experienced boy. It made him feel a smidge superior to Tony, at least in sexual matters. When he was with Chase, Eddie, Aiden, and even Curt, he was always the youngest, most inexperienced one. With Tony, he was the teacher. He sincerely hoped he could teach Tony enough so that they would become equals when it came to sex.
Tony replied to Logan’s question by placing his fingers around Logan’s cock and stroking his friend. Logan wanted more. “Let’s kiss first,” he said.
Tony liked the idea and the two eleven-year-old boys soon had their lips locked and their naked bodies pressing together. Tony initiated the tongue battle, which pleased Logan. It meant his friend was feeling confident enough to take the initiative. They kissed and humped and rolled around the bed, grunting and moaning with delight.
As the boys worked themselves into a frenzy, Chase returned home from the park. Susan told him that Tony and Logan had just finished showering. “And I think it would be a good idea if you followed their lead,” she suggested as she took in the sweaty smells of her adolescent son.
“I’m on my way, Ma.”
Chase quickly stripped naked in his room and entered the bathroom that connected his bedroom with Logan’s. He heard noise coming from Logan’s room and placed his head against the door. He could tell from the soprano squeaks and squawks that something sexual was happening on Logan’s bed. His cock rose to full hardness instantly. He was tempted to open the door and join the party, but knew it was the wrong thing to do.
“Oh, shit, that feels good, Logan. What are you do…oh…my cock is in your mouth and you must be giving me a blow job.”
Logan suppressed the urge to say, “No duh, Sherlock,” and sucked his friend’s three-inch cock with even more enthusiasm than before.
Fourteen-year-old Chase was so overloaded with hormones flowing through his body that it took only the slightest touch to his cock to send him over the edge. He blasted his teen cum all over the door to Logan’s bedroom, letting out a long moan that he hadn’t been able to suppress.
Tony thought he had heard something from the bathroom when he shook from his own orgasm, shooting his sweet, clear emission into Logan’s mouth. Logan had heard the sound, too, and knew it came from Chase. His system was also overloaded, and he enjoyed a spontaneous orgasm, shooting his own clear cum over the comforter.
“Oh, shit that felt good,” Logan moaned with pleasure.
“That was beyond good. No wonder people like getting blow jobs, they are totally mind blowing. Wow!”
“Kiss me and French me and you might be able to taste your cum in my mouth,” Logan told him. The fact that Tony only shot a couple of drops made that possibility unlikely, but Logan wanted Tony to know it was something that could happen.
Chase took a sponge from under the bathroom sink, ran it under the faucet, and cleaned his spooge off the door. At the same time, Logan used some tissues to wipe his few drops off his comforter. Logan was grateful he didn’t shoot very much, or he would have had a big mess to clean up. He was also grateful that Chase elected to not come into his bedroom. It meant that his big brother truly respected his privacy even though he was obviously listening at the door. It was one of the many reasons Logan loved and respected his big brother.
When he heard the shower come on, Logan even understood why Chase had been in the bathroom and as much as he wanted to fault his brother for listening in on his sex with Tony, he had to admit he probably would have done the same thing if it was Chase having sex in his bedroom. He would talk with Chase about what happened later—right now he thought it would be a good idea for Tony and him to get dressed and see what was cooking for dinner.
Eddie and Curt made it home just before dinner. “I’m hungry,” Curt said as he gave his mother a quick hug.
“I’m hungrier,” Eddie added just to make sure it was understood that dinner had to cook quickly.
“Dinner should be ready in about fifteen minutes,” Susan said. “It’s good of you to make it home in time to eat.”
“We texted you when we’d be here,” Curt reminded her.
“She knows dude, she’s just giving us a hard time because dad’s not here, so she has to get on somebody’s case,” Eddie told his brother.
“Will he make it in time for dinner?” Curt asked Susan. Troy had gone golfing with friends.
“He should be coming through the door any minute,” Susan replied. “How was your lunch?”
“The lunch was good,” Curt told her. “We ate at Tacos Guaymas and then went to the movie, which was okay.” They had been to the latest Disney animated movie—the story of a pod of whales successfully dealing with illegal whaling and with shark attacks. Holding hands was as far as either boy got in the making out department.
“We had an okay time. Staci’s mom picked us up after the movie and took everybody home,” Eddie said. He didn’t add that he and Maria as well as Curt and Staci got a kiss in before Staci’s mother arrived, which was one step farther than they went in the theater.
“I’m glad you had a good time. Now, go wash your hands so you can help set the table,” Susan told them.
The brothers saw Logan and Tony as they made their way through the den. They were holding hands while watching TV. Eddie and Curt said hi to their brother and greeted Tony with fist bumps. “I bet those two got more sex than we did,” Eddie said as they went into the hall bathroom. “I was surprised the girls even bothered to kiss us.”
“I thought you and Maria have been naked with each other,” Curt said. Curt let his stream flow into the toilet, but Eddie was battling a semi and had to force his teen cock down before he could take his piss.
“And we’ve kissed, and I’ve felt her up, but damn, her and Staci were like Fort Knox today—we couldn’t get anything from them except holding hands and that one kiss. The more the movie got boring the more I wanted to kiss her and feel up her boobs and the harder I got. Do you want to sleep with me tonight? You know Tony and Logan will be going at it again tonight.”
“You seem positive they messed around this afternoon.”
“Fuck, dude, you saw them holding hands, and I can almost always tell when Logan’s boned up. So, yeah, I’m positive they had round one and are ready for round two.”
“What about Chase? Dillon’s away with his parents for a few days.”
“He can come up to my room and the three of us can mess around. He’ll still have to sleep in his bed after we’re done so it doesn’t look too weird to the ‘rents.”
“I’m good with it,” Curt shrugged. “I didn’t get as turned on as you, but that kiss got me a little horny.”
During dinner, Logan talked to Tony about the plans for the big Cousin party. “You’re invited to come as my friend, since you’re obviously not my cousin.”
“I’ll ask my mom. We probably won’t go anywhere since the restaurant will be busy with takeout on the holiday,” Tony said. “It sounds like wild fun.”
“Make that fun and take the wild out of it,” Troy chuckled.
“Okay, it sounds like a hell of a lot of fun,” Logan smirked.
“Logan Miller mind your mouth at the dinner table,” Susan reproached her youngest. “Be a good example for your older brothers.”
“It will be the most fun ever. How’s that?”
“It sounds so good you can join Tony and your brothers for dessert.”
“Whew. I was worried about missing out on chocolate cake.”
After dinner the real clothes came off and everyone dressed to relax. For the five boys that meant t-shirts and underpants. For Troy and Susan, it was t-shirts and lounge pants. After an evening of fun, games, and a better movie than Curt and Eddie saw in the theater, the boys said their good nights and went to their part of the house.
“It’s so cool just to be able to lounge around your house in my boxers and look at you and your brothers all dressed the same,” Tony told Logan as they stripped naked and settled on Logan’s bed. “That sure wouldn’t happen in my house. Trust me, Italians aren’t as loosey goosey as some people think.”
“Or not dressed the same,” Logan giggled. “When we’re all downstairs playing games and the ‘rents are upstairs doing whatever they do upstairs, we like being naked. Sometimes in the home theater we watch a movie on TV naked no matter who is there.”
“So, why didn’t we do it tonight?”
“Chase and I agreed that you needed to get comfortable in stages.”
“You guys are almost as bad as my parents,” Tony said. “Well, at least here in your bedroom naked rules even when you’ve got a boner that wants attention bad.”
“Let’s see what we can do about that,” Logan, who was also boned up, said.
What ended up being done was Tony giving his first blow job. It wasn’t on his list of really gross things, especially since giving a blow job didn’t seem to bother Logan at all. When it came to sex, Tony was convinced Logan could do no wrong. His friend knew how to do stuff Tony never thought anybody their age knew about.
Logan told Tony he would warn him when he was ready to cum so he wouldn’t have to take the cum in his mouth, but Tony was ready to be like his friend and went all the way. He swallowed Logan’s minuscule, but tasty, emission at the end and proudly grinned when he finished.
“Now you can kiss me and see if you can taste it,” Tony said, which is what Logan did. Tony then learned what a sixty-nine was about. When they finished, Tony had cum twice that day and Logan three times.
“I think I’m becoming a sexpert,” Tony told his friend.
“You aren’t becoming one, you are one,” Logan said. “Now, let’s brush our teeth and get ready for bed. Too bad my bros are doing their things up in Eddie’s room or we could pay Chase back by listening in.”
Up in Eddie’s room, the three horny teens agreed on who would do what to whom. “Can you little boys handle two rounds of sex?” Chase asked.
“Hey, we’re both thirteen, bro. Two rounds is just a start for us. Not like ancient fourteen-year-olds who have to quit and take a nap after their second time,” Eddie responded.
“Well, hard as it is to believe, Eddie, you and I have never fucked. I’ve done it with Curt and not with you. So, I was just making sure.”
“I guess it’s time we did it then isn’t it?”
While Curt wasn’t into boy sex as much as his brothers were, he thought of sex with his brothers as a family bonding matter rather than something gay. Round one had Eddie sucking Curt off while Chase plowed Eddie’s ass for the first time. Chase finished off by masturbating and shooting in Eddie’s hair and on his face.
Round two was Curt fucking Chase while Chase was sucking off Eddie. Chase ended up creaming Eddie’s sheets right when Curt was filling his ass. Eddie shot into Chase’s mouth right after Chase’s messy finish.
“Now that’s what I call brotherly love,” Chase grinned. “See you guys in the morning.”
“You can sleep with Eddie if you want,” Curt told Chase. “I think I’d rather just sleep in my own bed.”
“It’s up to you, bro,” Chase said.
“You guys have fun.” Curt got up, grabbed his underpants and t-shirt, and left the room.
“Curt can be weird like that sometimes,” Eddie said.
“Just accept him for who he is,” Chase told him. “Being a straight boy with three gay brothers can’t be easy.”
“Who said I was straight?”
“I was referring to Curt. Do you want me to fuck you again?”
“Why not?”
“That answers your question.”
“Oh well, I guess I’m gay tonight then,” Eddie smirked. “And next time, I want to fuck you.”
The second round of anal sex was as good or better than the first round—maybe because it had more kissing, maybe because it was just the two of them, or maybe because they were close to sexually sated and just wanted to enjoy each other instead of having wild, sweaty sex.
The drapes gave the morning light a morning glow as it filtered into the bedroom. Pierce woke up with Drake’s left arm draped over his bare chest. He gently moved it off and eased out of the bed so he could get up to pee. After taking care of business, he climbed back into his bed. He looked at the clock on his desk which registered eight forty-five.
Even though he and Drake had stayed up late talking and fucking, Pierce felt wide awake. He wondered if he should wake up his friend and decided to wait. He wasn’t sure how late Drake liked to sleep in on weekends. Pierce rarely slept in late at the homeless camp; sleeping on the ground had a way of discouraging sleeping in. That often changed, however, after downing most of a bottle of Gil’s cheap wine. The morning light in his eyes usually made his throbbing headache even worse.
What he saw from his bed was a big improvement over what he had been used to seeing when he woke up. Sometimes he had moments when he woke up thinking he was in a motel room and had slept with a trick. Sometimes all he saw was the interior of the dirty tent. After Eddie moved in with him, the view improved greatly. But the dark-haired boy sleeping next to him in his bed this morning was the best thing he could remember seeing on awakening. He thought he was handsome, cute, sexy, good-looking, really sexy, gorgeous, ah fuck it, he thought Drake is beautiful.
Pierce scooted in and draped his arm around the warm, sexy, body of his boyfriend. He had no doubt about that—Drake Miller was his boyfriend. End of story. He gave the body a tighter squeeze.
“Fuck, is it morning already?” Drake grumbled. “Go away and let me sleep in.” Drake turned so that he faced Pierce. “Shit, I don’t think I’m in my bed this morning. Good morning Pierce.”
“Do you want me to let you sleep in?”
“Oh, hell no. I was confused and thought you were Keegan waking me up.” He gave Pierce a kiss on his lips. “Last night was great.”
“Good morning, Drake. Yes, it was, and I’m not a virgin anymore,” Pierce said.
“Say what? You’re were the farthest thing from a virgin of anybody I ever knew when I fucked you…no, when I made love to you last night.”
“You took my virginity last night. The nights with tricks don’t count; they were business. Last night was exactly what you just said—it was about making love.” Pierce then ran his fingers through Drake’s hair and returned his kiss. “My boyfriend made love to me,” he said after breaking off the kiss.
“So, we really are boyfriends?”
“Only if you want to be.”
“I do and in the worst way. I’ve called guys my boyfriend, but I never had one I really loved. I said I did because I thought I did. But it’s different with you. I don’t think I love you Pierce, I KNOW I love you, and as I see it that makes us boyfriends.”
The next kiss was long and gentle. It had the expected effect on them, however. The two naked fifteen-year-olds were soon wrapping their arms and legs around each other and rolling on the bed, their kisses long and wet, their tongues battling. It didn’t take long for them to simultaneously shoot their creamy teen cum on each other.
“Damn, I wasn’t expecting that to happen so quick this morning,” Pierce rasped. “I thought for sure we’d wait until after breakfast.”
“Oh, you mean that wasn’t the warmup for after breakfast sex?”
“You’re such a goofball.” Pierce stared into Drake’s eyes. “And I love you with all my heart because you’re my goofball.”
“When are we going to come out as a couple?” Drake asked.
“How about starting this morning by telling Walker.”
“And we tell my parents, when?”
“When I come to your house on Monday.”
“Sounds good to me,” Drake said.
“Should we tell Walker about us making love last night?”
“It’s up to you, since you gotta live with him.”
“I say we do it. Let’s go down to my bathroom and wash the cum off us, swish a little mouthwash, take a pee if needed, and give my dad the good news.”
Five minutes later the naked teens came down the stairs to the living room. They grabbed hands as soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Good morning boys,” Walker grinned. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of purple lounge pants with the images of ice cream sundaes on them. “You look, um, well-rested not to mention well connected.”
“We have something to tell you dad,” Pierce said. “Actually, two somethings.”
“Have a seat and fire away. I’m ready to listen.” Walker noted that the boys kept holding hands after they settled next to him on the couch.
“Well, Drake and I have been talking about this on the phone quite a bit”, which is close enough to the truth, Drake thought. “We have decided that we’re boyfriends and are in love with each other.” Pierce and Drake both gazed at Walker, wondering what his response would be.
“From the moment you two first saw each other yesterday afternoon at the station, I saw the bolts of love shooting everywhere. I am not at all surprised and am pleased you were so willing to tell me right away. I take it you’re both sure about this and about where it is going.”
“We’re sure we love each other and we’re sure we want to be boyfriends. And before you say anything, we also know it won’t be easy, especially since we live so far apart. But we plan to make it work.”
“I wish you both the best of luck and I promise to do whatever I can to help you. You’re a good-looking couple, especially without any clothes on,” Walker chuckled. “Even before the great revelation I couldn’t help but feel you two were made for each other.”
Walker paused and, getting no comment from Pierce, continued on. “What do you think of all of this, Drake?”
“I’m really excited about it. I think it’s awesome. Like I told Pierce, I’ve had boyfriends before, but I never had one that I really loved. And I love Pierce totally and absolutely.” He gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the lips.
“What do you think your parents will say about this, Drake?”
“They will ask me if we’re really totally serious about this and then they’ll be like you saying it’s great and they will help us any way they can. I mean my dad’s brother Larry is in a gay marriage, so what can they say? Pierce and me are going to tell them on Monday or on Tuesday for sure.”
“Sounds good. I wish you the best of luck. What was the second thing you had to say?” Walker asked.
“We…um…well, we…I think the word is con…comso…,” Pierce stuttered.
“Yeah, that. Anyway, we consummated our relationship last night. And so you don’t have to ask—it wasn’t the first time. It was our second time. And so you don’t have to ask this question either, I was the bottom and Drake took my virginity.”
On the one hand Drake was stunned by how forthright Pierce was with the man who was his father. On the other hand, he was pleased that he and Pierce didn’t have to sneak around—at least not with Walker.
“Pardon me for asking, but how did Drake manage to take YOUR virginity. Your boyfriend does know your story, right?”
“Most of it. I’m going to fill in the details with him plus tell his mom and dad my story when I go to visit him on Monday.” Pierce than filled his father in how Drake topping him caused him to lose his virginity even after his past said otherwise.
“I didn’t know you were going to tell them everything,” Drake said incredulously. It’s one thing to tell Walker, just because of how they met if nothing else, but telling Keegan and Aunt Natalie was something else. What if they decide they don’t want me around Pierce because of his background? Drake wondered. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, he thought.
Walker wondered the same thing and voiced his misgivings to the boys. Pierce placed his arm around Drake’s shoulder and squeezed him. “Dad, we can’t start with any secrets or they’ll come and bite us in the ass. I mean we might not be able to have serious sex at his house or whatever, but as long as we can be boyfriends, I think we’re cool, right Drake?”
“I guess we are.”
“You don’t sound real sure of yourself Drake.”
“I’m not worried about my dad, but Aunt Nat…mom can be a little, I think the word is conservative sometimes.”
“Close enough,” Walker grinned. “Like I said, if you need help through this, I’m ready to step in and do everything I can.”
“Thanks,” Pierce and Drake voiced in unison.
“Well, I was going to get up and cook breakfast, but I think the morning’s news calls for us to have breakfast out. What do you think?”
“I think IHOP pancakes sound perfect,” Pierce said. Drake nodded in agreement. “Right after we shower and dress, that is.”
Breakfast was perfect and the day went great for the two boyfriends. When Walker dropped Drake off at the University Station after breakfast, he noted how Pierce’s eyes didn’t leave his boyfriend until he disappeared going down the escalator.
<Justin, Joey, and Marco>
Justin, Joey, and Marco matched fingers to see who would have to take the second shower. They agreed there wasn’t enough room for the three of them to take a shower together, so the two who matched fingers would shower together and the third would follow. They also agreed that whoever had to take a solo shower would shower with one of them the next time they had an overnight together.
Justin and Marco flicked out two fingers while Joey showed only one. Justin got the shower going, Marco agreed that the temperature was right, and the two friends stepped into the shower together. The best part of the shower for them was washing each other’s dick, balls, and ass after agreeing it was okay. Marco quickly got a boner when Justin washed his dick. Justin then wondered what it would be like to wash inside of Marco’s crack and decided to do it. Marco didn’t object so Justin gave his crack a thorough cleansing. Marco then did the same for Justin.
“That all felt really good, Justin,” Marco said. “Even when you washed my butt.”
The boys had left the shower door partly ajar at the far end so Joey could watch. “That looked like lots of fun, even washing butts. I know washing your dicks felt good because it always feels good when somebody touches my dick. But did having your butt washed feel really good?”
Justin and Marco agreed that it did. Because they felt sorry for Joey being left out, Marco agreed to stay in the shower long enough to wash Joey’s “wiener and butt.” Joey loved that he had good friends like Marco and Justin. It didn’t take long to get an erection of his own from having it washed and agreed that getting his butt washed really did feel good.
“Tony and me gotta take some showers together so I can show him what I learned,” Marco said.
“Tell your parents that showering together saves water,” Justin told Marco. “That’s what my big bro Aiden tells his dads.” Marco stepped out of the shower after washing Justin, saying he didn’t want to turn into a wrinkled prune.
After showering, the boys didn’t bother to dress and went into the rec room where Mike and Ryan were reading the morning newspaper. “Did our house somehow get moved into a nudist colony?” Mike asked Ryan.
“I’m sure it wasn’t, or you and I would be naked, too,” Ryan replied. The boys had gone flaccid by the time they came out—their hormonal urges were not in overdrive yet.
“Good point. It must be something to do with naked wood elves then.”
“Imps,” Justin corrected. “Aiden said we’re naked imps.”
“He said the older boys were imps,” Mike pointed out. “But, if you want to be an imp, it’s up to you.”
“I want to be a fragiflaxing imp,” Justin said.
“What’s fragiflaxing mean?” Joey asked.
“I learned the word from Marco,” Justin answered. Marco nodded. “It’s something to say instead of shit or damn.”
“That’s two words and will cost you fifty cents,” Ryan decreed.
“Nuh, uh, I was just explaining the word to Joey. How else was I gonna tell him what it means?”
“Figure out a way.”
“Dad, tell my Papa Dawg that I don’t owe any money.”
“I heard you say the words,” Mike responded. “I don’t recall us having any exceptions.” Mike thought Ryan was being overly picky and could have just admonished Justin for that slip, but he dutifully backed up his husband. They could talk it over later away from the kids.
“Well, shit, what can I do?” Mike was about to open his mouth, but Justin said, “I know, another twenty-five cents. I’ll go get some damn money to put in the jar and I said that on purpose so I can just put a whole dollar in there.”
“You guys are strict,” Joey said. “My parents cuss a lot, so they don’t mind if I do as long as I don’t say the ‘f’ word and don’t cuss with company there or if we’re away from the house or cuss at somebody. They think it’s good to cuss sometimes because it makes you feel better when you do.”
“My parents are strict like you guys,” Marco said as Justin came out with a dollar to put into the cuss jar. “That’s why they gave me and Tony a word to say instead of a cussword.”
“Well, I think it’s time to start cooking up breakfast,” Ryan said. He was realizing he had probably been a little too strict with Justin and was anxious to move the conversation to a different realm.
“Can I help?” Justin queried.
“Don’t you want to hang with your friends?” Mike asked.
“I will after I help Papa Dawg cook. They can watch though, right?”
“As long as they stay out of the way I’m fine with it. They can even help the Donkey set the table and make themselves useful. If you’re going to help me with breakfast, you’ll need to wear your apron.” As Ryan ran off the orders there was no doubt that he ruled the kitchen.
Breakfast was French Toast and sausage. Justin’s main task was to dip the bread into the egg batter and lay it on the griddle. Breakfast went smoothly, the boys stuffed themselves, as did Mike, and then the trio of naked wood elves played in the basement until it was time for Marco to go home. Joey said he was going to go too so he could be home for lunch.
Since spring rain had come in overnight, Mike said he would drive Marco and Joey home so they could stay dry. “But you will have to put clothes on first,” he told the boys.
“Hey, maybe sometime when you guys come here and it’s raining we can go naked outside and get a rain shower in the rain shower,” Justin said.
“That would be fun,” Marco said. “It’s really fun coming here and doing naked stuff.”
The boys dressed and got into Mike’s car at eleven. Justin rode with Marco and Joey to be with them as long as he could. Having his two friends over for an overnight had been awesome fun and he couldn’t wait to do it again.
“Hey, wake up. I smell breakfast.” Logan gently shook Tony hoping he wasn’t as hard to wake up as Aiden.
“Umm…okay,” Tony croaked. “Oh, hi Logan.”
“Good morning.”
“Did I hear you say breakfast was ready?”
“What I said was I smell breakfast.”
Tony sniffed the air. “I don’t smell nothing.”
“It’s hard to smell what’s cooking all the way back here in my room—you gotta take a deep sniff. But I thought the word breakfast might help wake you up. It always works with me.”
“I bet it works with everybody you sleep with.”
“It doesn’t work with my cousin Aiden. He’s hard to wake up and when he wakes up he usually spends time being a grump,” Logan told him.
“I don’t know if I’d want a cousin who’s a grump.”
“Only when he first wakes up. Otherwise, he’s the best cousin in the world.”
“Do you guys, you know, do what you and me did last night?”
“He’s one of the first guys I ever messed around with. He’s gay and does everything.”
“How old did you say he is?” Tony asked.
“He’s twelve and in seventh grade.”
“And he knows he’s gay?”
“Yep, and he even has a boyfriend.”
“Wow, awesome.”
“Oh, and you said something about everybody I sleep with. I haven’t slept with that many guys and most of them have been in Mayfield where Aiden lives. Everybody messes around there. You can’t spend a night at Aiden’s house without sex happening.”
“Wow, I want to go there,” Tony grinned. “How do I get to meet him?”
“I hope he and his boyfriend, Nolan, will come to our cousins’ party that I talked to you about. And here’s something special for not being a morning grump.” Logan planted his lips on Tony’s and gently fondled his friend’s semi-hard cock which became hard in an instant.
“I’ll end up peeing before I ever cum,” Tony giggled.
“I’ve had it happen in the morning, but not in my bed.”
Before Tony could respond, he and Logan heard Susan calling out that breakfast would be in fifteen minutes. “Mom has no problem waking people up for breakfast. Eat when I call or forget it,” is her motto.
“It would be cool if we could just go out and eat naked.”
“No reason why we can’t.”
“Except I’d feel embarrassed being naked in front of your mom.”
“I guess that’s one reason why we can’t.” Logan was sure that a naked breakfast with his brothers and Tony was in the near future, but not until after Tony got totally used to being around Logan’s mom wearing just underpants.
Eddie and Chase were sleeping soundly in Eddie’s bed when Susan belted out her breakfast call. The announcement woke Eddie, but Chase didn’t stir. Eddie gave him a shake and Chase quickly awoke.
“Mom gave the breakfast call,” Eddie told him.
“Fifteen minutes to eating time?”
“I wish I wasn’t so hungry or I’d roll over and fall back to sleep.”
“I’d join you.”
“But whatever mom is cooking beats cold cereal. Let’s get up.”
“Shower?” Eddie asked
“Not enough time. And at least underpants until we know Tony is ready for a naked breakfast.”
“I bet if he saw you, me, and Logan naked at the breakfast table, he’d join us in a hurry.”
“I don’t think being naked in front of us is a problem. He and Logan have no problems being naked and messing around. It’s being naked in front of mom and dad that he needs to feel okay doing.”
“Okay, dirty underwear and no shower it is,” Eddie said.
“Did you like what we did last night?”
“I loved it and it’s weird that was our first time fucking. I’ve even topped Logan. Well whatever, I’d do it again tonight if nothing else comes up.”
“I’m good with it,” Chase smirked.
Breakfast was scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, and bacon. Except for Curt, the boys dressed as predicted—dirty underwear and t-shirts with no showers. Curt was dressed in underpants and t-shirt, as well, only he had showered, and his breakfast garb was fresh out of his dresser.
Curt’s brothers and Tony smelled like boys who had spent a busy evening in bed and hadn’t showered in the morning and Curt wondered if his parents would make a comment. Susan and Troy agreed later that showers first and then breakfast unless the boys planned on wearing sealed space suits. Troy said he would make sure the boys got the word.
After the boys helped with after breakfast cleanup, Chase and Eddie took the first shower. It was preceded by a golden shower with Eddie on his back in the tub and Chase pissing over him from neck to waist. They then changed positions and Eddie returned the favor, except he pissed on Chase’s face at his request. Chase took some of his brother’s piss in his mouth and swallowed. The brothers then kissed and hugged, their pissy bodies sticking together. Chase turned on the shower and they washed themselves and each other seriously.
“What’s taking them so long to turn the shower on?” Tony asked Logan.
“I don’t know. Maybe they’re having a pre-shower jerk off session,” Logan responded, even though he knew what was causing the delay. He was very aware of the fact that Chase and Eddie enjoyed the nasty kind of water sports. While they waited, Logan and Tony practiced their kissing skills accompanied by humping each other’s naked bodies. They were very turned on when they finally stepped into the shower.
Logan had made up his mind that morning to give Tony another new experience when they showered. As a result, Tony found out the pleasures involved with having one’s ass finger fucked plus he learned about the magic button known as the prostate gland. The third time Logan hit Tony’s magic button. Tony reacted by firing four shots of clear cum on the shower wall accompanied by some noisy squawks.
“It sounds like somebody is having some fun in the shower,” Chase observed wryly. He and Eddie were jerking each other off on Chase’s bed.
“Wow, that was one of my awesomest cums ever,” Tony cooed. “What was it you did with your finger to make it feel so good?”
Logan explained the biology to him. He then rubbed his cock along his friend’s ass cheeks until he had his own orgasm. “Next time you can finger fuck me if you want,” Logan told Tony. Tony said he would try it the next chance they had.
Troy and Logan took Tony home in time for his mother to take him and Marco to the restaurant where they would spend the afternoon helping with some assigned tasks as well as eating lunch and dinner. After dinner they would accompany their parents to the evening mass at the Catholic church.
The first weekend of spring break had been a fun and sexy success for the Emerald City boys. They knew that the upcoming vacation week was going to be busy and hopefully just as fun.
Next: Getting to Know You