Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<Keegan and Larry>
Keegan, Natalie, and Drake were having a family conference. Two-month-old Lincoln was present, but asleep. They were discussing yet another attempt to find a time when Keegan’s brother Phil and his brother-in-law Larry could bring Aiden to Seattle so Aiden could finally meet his little brother. Aiden was the adopted son of Larry and Phil and was Keegan’s blood son, which made Lincoln his half-brother.
“If Aiden and his dads are open, it looks like having them visit next Saturday should work,” Keegan said.
“It works for me,” Drake said. Drake was the adopted son of Keegan and Natalie as well as Natalie’s blood nephew. “Will they be spending the night?”
“I would say yes since I doubt they would want to make the drive from Mayfield to here and back on the same day. I’ll give them a call right now to see what I can find out. Even though Phil will probably be at work, Larry should be home.”
Larry answered the phone on the third ring. “Good morning, Keegan,” came his familiar voice.
“Good morning, Larry. I assume Phil is at work.”
“Yes, he is. And I assume you are calling about the topic we’ve been discussing and can’t seem to resolve.”
“That would be correct.” Between work, school, and baseball, among other barriers, they had not been able to find a mutually agreeable time for Aiden to meet Lincoln.
“How is your weekend looking?” Keegan asked.
“Funny you should bring that up because Phil and I were discussing a trip to KIrkland next weekend to see the urchin. We have this weekend booked, so it’s going to have to be next weekend. Aiden starts his summer baseball turnouts that Saturday. Practice is supposed to be done by noon, so we should be able to make your place by three-thirty at the latest.”
“Things seem to keep getting in the way, so let’s put it on our calendars in red and not let anything stop us.”
“A possible makeup of a rainout could get in the way, but they try as much as possible to play them on weekdays. Otherwise, we’ll keep the weekend clear.”
“We don’t have room for guests, but Aiden is welcome to sleep on the couch or with Drake. There is a bed in the nursery, but we’d just as soon have Lincoln sleep alone at his age.”
“I understand. If you can recommend a good close by hotel, we’ll make a reservation. I’ll double check with Aiden and Phil to make sure the weekend is clear, but I don’t see a problem. Phil or I will give you a call Monday or Tuesday to set up the details.”
The two chatted a bit and ended the call. Larry elected to tell Aiden later. He did call Phil, who was ecstatic to get the news. “Aiden has been wanting this really bad. Don’t wait too long to tell him,” Phil closed.
“He’ll know before you get home from work.”
<Pierce and Drake>
Pierce’s light rail train arrived at the Kirkland station at ten minutes after eleven. He had been texting his progress to Drake. Just before Pierce’s scheduled arrival time, Drake texted Pierce telling him where to find him and his mother, Natalie, waiting. Drake knew the Sound Transit Purple Line train by heart and while he didn’t need Pierce’s progress updates, he appreciated them, if for no other reason than they were sent by Pierce.
When the train entered the station, Drake left the car and walked to the station exit he had told Pierce to use. When he saw his boyfriend exiting in a crowd of passengers, he broke out into a wide grin. He jumped up and down waving to make sure Pierce spotted him. Drake knew Pierce had seen him the minute he flashed a smile of his own.
Pierce ran the last few feet to meet his boyfriend and the teens exchanged a long hug. Drake inhaled the fragrance of Pierce’s shampoo and body wash. “You smell so good,” he whispered. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
The teens exchanged a long hug. By prior agreement, they held off kissing. They decided to wait until they came out before displaying any affection, other than hugs, in front of Natalie and Keegan. Breaking the hug without exchanging a kiss was tough on both fifteen-year-olds, but something they felt was necessary.
Drake and Pierce chatted about Pierce’s light rail trip across the Lake Washington floating bridge as they walked through the station toward the pick up area. Drake was oblivious to how his left hand was moving in the direction of Pierce. At the same time, Pierce didn’t realize his right hand was inching in the direction of Drake. Both boys let out audible sighs when their hands touched. They waited for the other to pull his hand away and when neither one made a move, their hands wrapped around each other. Drake glanced at Pierce with a look that said, “Are you sure?” Pierce simply nodded and they clutched each other tighter.
“Fuck it,” Drake finally said. “Mom’s going to find out soon enough anyway, so I guess now is as good as ever.”
“Unless she sends me home on the next train,” Pierce said.
“Won’t happen.”
When Drake and Pierce turned into the pick up area, the first thing Natalie noticed was that they were holding hands. She wasn’t surprised—after all there was no doubt Drake was gay, since he had told them as much, and she and Keegan were certain that Pierce was most likely gay as well. The thing that surprised her was how quickly the two had reached the hand holding stage. She also noted how Pierce had no qualms about holding Drake’s hand where she could see it—he struck her as being a confident boy.
Drake and Pierce didn’t let go of each other’s hand until they reached the car. “Hello, Mrs. Miller,” Pierce said politely as he took the front seat. He and Drake had agreed to the seating arrangement before reaching the car. Drake climbed into the back wondering if his mom was going to say anything about the hand holding.
“Hello, Pierce. I’m fine with you calling me Natalie,” Natalie told him.
“Well, my dad says…”
“It’s cool, Pierce. I called her Aunt Natalie and Natalie until she became Mom. Sometimes when I think of her, I think Natalie and not mom, which is weird I guess.”
“Okay then, hello Natalie. What my dad doesn’t know won’t hurt him. What about your dad, Drake, what do I call him?”
“I hope you call him better things than I do sometimes, but he’ll be cool with you calling him Keegan—which I used to call him before he became my dad. Sometimes…”
“…you think of him as Keegan and not dad…I got it.” Pierce was hit by a sudden thought. “Hey, wait a minute, somebody’s missing. Where’s baby bro?”
“Asleep at home,” Drake said. “Dad had to do an emergency substitute run yesterday, whatever that is, and got the day off today. So, he’s watching the little piss and puke machine.”
“That’s what you call you little brother?”
“Yeah, because that’s what he is, but I love him anyway. He’s the world’s cutest piss and puke machine, and he’s starting to get a killer smile.”
Natalie pulled into the drive-thru at the nearby Burger King and took orders from Pierce and Drake as they crawled closer to the window. She knew what Keegan wanted and gave the server in the drive-thru the order when they reached the window.
It didn’t take long to reach the Miller residence. “This is my abode,” Drake announced as Natalie pulled into the driveway.
“That’s what he likes to believe, but it’s his dad who makes the mortgage payments,” Natalie chuckled.
“Hey, he’s my financial dude. What else can I say?”
“Well, it is a nice house,” Pierce said, which was true. “I love the front yard.”
“I like it. And it’s close to a park for running, not far from my school or the bus to the light rail station, or to shopping. But it’s way too far from my…from some things.”
Natalie caught Drake’s slip and wondered if what he was about to say was connected to Pierce and him holding hands.
They entered the house where Pierce greeted Keegan and received the official ‘you can call me Keegan’ speech. The burgers, fries, and soft drinks were quickly consumed, and Drake gave Pierce a tour of the house and the back yard. The excursion ended with a peek at the sleeping infant in the nursery.
Pierce tiptoed to the crib and grinned. He couldn’t remember when he’d been this close to such a tiny baby, but it was back before the dark days. He looked at Drake and gave him a thumbs up.
“I started to get a boner when you hugged me in the train station and then held my hand,” Drake whispered.
“I did, too,” Pierce whispered back. “I hope Natalie didn’t notice anything.”
“Don’t worry. She knows that boys bone up when the wind blows.” The teens bumped fists and glided out of the nursery into the living room where Keegan and Natalie were sitting on the sectional.
The teens knew that by holding hands at the train station, the time for them to come out had moved up to now rather than later. The boys sat on the other section of the sectional and waited to see who would break the silence. Drake knew Natalie well enough that he understood how her mind operated—she was going to sit silently and put the pressure on him to talk first.
It didn’t surprise Drake when Keegan broke the silence. He wasn’t quite as calculating as his wife—he liked having everything out in the open.
“Your mother told me she witnessed a touching moment this morning,” Keegan grinned. He had seen or participated in many a touching moment between boys as an adolescent.
Drake decided to answer since he was used to dealing with his parents. “Pierce and I were going to wait until tonight after dinner or maybe tomorrow to tell you, but our hands kinda found each other and we couldn’t stop them,” Drake explained. “Me and Pierce are boyfriends, and we love each other.” This time their hands found each other quickly and in the open.
“Well, as Drake knows, I pretty much come out and say what I think, which is what I’m gonna do now,” Keegan said. “You seem to be going through quite the collection of boyfriends, son.”
Drake blushed but answered confidently. “I know, but I never knew what being in love was like. I never said it to them except maybe during sex. But I can turn to Pierce and say, ‘I love you, Pierce’ anytime and mean it.” To illustrate his sincerity, he turned to Pierce and said, “I love you, Pierce,” and planted a long kiss on his lips, which Pierce eagerly returned.
Natalie and Keegan had never seen Drake be so open with his other friends in front of them. Nor had they ever seen the look on his face and in his eyes that appeared when Drake looked at his new boyfriend. “Pierce is different,” he told his parents after the kiss.
“I have never had a boyfriend before,” Pierce said. “I think it’s awesome that Drake wanted me to be his boyfriend even after he heard my story. I guess because you’re Eddie and Curt’s aunt and uncle, you probably know most of my story.”
“Most but not all,” Natalie replied. She loved Pierce’s brilliant blue eyes and understood how he acquired the name Blue. She also was impressed by his politeness and his confident, yet laid back manner.
“Drake and I agreed that if we were going to be boyfriends, you two needed to hear my entire story.”
“We want you to know that I love Pierce no matter what and that me and Pierce hope you can love him, too. I want to do everything I can to make him happy,” Drake added.
“Before you start your story, I need to put the roast in the oven,” Natalie said. While waiting for her to return, Keegan looked at Pierce with interest. He was a handsome, indeed, sexy specimen of young teen boyhood. Keegan could see what Drake saw in him. He also liked Pierce’s demeanor—he gave the impression of being a polite, intelligent, and thoughtful young man. He knew there was a darker side to Pierce’s story than what he had learned from Troy and Susan. He wondered how much of it the boy was now going to share.
Pierce shared almost all of it. From the slow breakdown of his family to his night of horror when his father killed his mother, shot at Pierce, and finally killed himself. He told of his life on the streets, his surviving by being a boy prostitute, and how he found and mentored Eddie and Curt. He told about Gil and how in his own way Gil kept him afloat mentally. What he did not share was the reason Walker had invited him into his car. Pierce knew that Walker had told Keegan’s brother, Troy, the entire story. But he wasn’t going to reveal secrets of the man he now considered his father without his full blessing.
As he told his story, Pierce explained that he often used the words “my dark days” to refer to the era in his life that he really wanted to leave behind although he knew it would always be a memory. He also explained that Drake’s love was helping him move forward in his life and he would always be grateful.
“I think you’re a brave young man, Pierce, and that Drake is privileged to have you as a friend. And if it matters, you have earned my trust,” Keegan told his son’s boyfriend.
“It does matter to me, Keegan, and thank you,” Pierce told him. Drake had held his boyfriend’s hand tightly through the entire telling of his story. He noticed Natalie shedding tears as Pierce finished. Any doubts he had about Natalie accepting Pierce were wiped away along with Natalie’s tears.
As if on cue, Lincoln starting screeching. “I think it might be feeding time with a diaper change thrown in,” Natalie said as she stood up to answer the infant’s cry. “Thank you for sharing your story, Pierce. You are a very special boy.” She turned and headed to the nursery.
“Isn’t she going to get a bottle?” Pierce asked.
“Lincoln is breast fed except when me and dad feed him, of course,” Drake replied when barking was heard from the back of the house. “Speaking of feeding, I think Fido is hungry, too. Come on and meet our pup.”
Drake led Pierce to the utility room, which was behind the kitchen. He opened the door and a tri-colored beagle pup greeted him with a happy yip and a wagging tail. He then came over to Pierce who held out his hand for the pup to smell. Satisfied that Pierce wasn’t an enemy, he licked his hand and wagged his tail harder when Pierce gave him an ear scratch. “You’re a good dog, Fido. I love your long ears. How old is he?”
“About five months. You act like you had a dog yourself,” Drake observed.
“I did—Wizard, who was a cocker spaniel. I missed him terribly after I ran away. I often wonder what happened to him. Plus, on the streets you learn how to handle strange dogs just for survival. But what kind of a lame name is Fido? I mean, that’s like the commonest dog name in the world.”
“Hey, watch it, I picked the name. We got Fido as a rescue dog about the same time we picked Lincoln to be my bro’s name. We started hunting for a name for the pup and I thought I’d check online if President Lincoln had a dog. Well, he had more than one and Fido was one of them. He was assassinated after Lincoln was when some drunk stabbed him. From what I read, Fido became a common dog name because the original Fido was a famous dog. And now, Lincoln and Fido can live their lives together without being assassinated,” Drake grinned.
“I apologize. Fido has now become a very cool dog name and one to be proud of—if a dog can be proud of his name. How does Fido like Lincoln?”
“He loves him, and Lincoln seems to know when Fido is in the room,” Drake said as he finished filling the pup’s bowls with food and water and scratched the dog’s neck. “Sorry you had to wait to be fed, Fido, but we were talking about some important things.”
While the boys were outside tending to the dog, Keegan sat alone on the sectional thinking about how much his son had grown during the past year. There were times when Drake had been drinking that he had actually come on to his dad - Keegan was glad those days were over. Drake’s words echoed in his ears: “I want to do everything I can to make him happy”. Keegan knew he had told Natalie many times that he loved her but he couldn’t remember if he had ever told her he wanted to do everything he could to make her happy. He filed the thought away in his mind.
Drake left the utility room door ajar and he and Pierce returned to the living room. Keegan told Pierce he had a question he wanted to ask. “But you can feel comfortable not answering—I’m just curious because it does involve Drake indirectly,” Keegan told Pierce. “Because of your exposure to drugs and alcohol, did you become addicted?”
“Dad, isn’t that kind of invading Pierce’s privacy?” Drake asked.
“Yes, it is, which is why he’s perfectly free not to answer.”
“It’s cool Drake, I’ll answer it. Drake knows the answer because he’s asked me the same question. The short answer is, no, I’m not an addict or an alcoholic. The only drug I used more than once was pot because it was the only one Gil would give us—that and booze. At first, I wasn’t happy about giving up booze and pot when I moved in with Walker, but I got used to it. And my shrink gave me some tests and had me talk to a drug and alcohol counselor who helped me with a couple of things. I never needed rehab or nothing.”
“And that makes him different from me,” Drake reminded his dad. Drake was a marijuana addict and an alcoholic. He had gone through rehab and attends AA meetings with his dad as well as Alateen meetings and a young person’s AA meeting.
“I might want to go with Drake to a meeting sometime, if I’m allowed to,” Pierce said.
“Yes, you are and it would be cool if you went with me. But not on this visit because I want it to be all about us being boyfriends.”
“Pierce, I don’t know how much Drake has told you about me, but drugs and alcohol were a major issue from when I was a tween to just a couple of years ago. If you ever have questions on the topic, I’ll be happy to answer them.”
“Thanks for telling me Keegan—I appreciate your honesty. My dad likes a glass of wine now and then with his dinner but that and some cooking wine is the only alcohol he keeps in the house. His favorite thing to drink when he’s just sitting around is iced tea. He makes his own and it’s awesome.”
Natalie entered the room carrying Lincoln in her arms. “Do you want to hold him, Pierce?” she asked.
“Yeah, I kinda do, but it sounds a bit scary,” Pierce replied.
“It’s a piece of cake if you know how to hold him,” Drake said. “I’ll let the expert show you.”
Before he knew it, Pierce was sitting on the couch holding a baby. He was afraid Lincoln might get fussy, but the infant remained calm. Pierce started cooing some baby talk, but Natalie stopped him.
“No baby talk, please,” she said. “I know Lincoln doesn’t understand a thing you’re saying, but his brain is processing the world around him and we want him to process that real world and not a world of baby talk—so we talk real English to him. Keegan and Drake are even trying to speak proper grammar. It’s funny that it took a two-month-old baby to inspire them to clean up their act,” she laughed.
“Well, I know I haven’t been able to inspire him,” Pierce chuckled. “Me and him, as my boyfriend likes to say. Sheesh—it’s not what little baby ears need to hear.”
“Hey you’re my peer. How was I supposed to know you knew how to speak proper English?” Drake asked.
“By listening to my awesome speech making.”
Lincoln finally started to fuss a little and was handed back to his mother, who quickly calmed him. Fido then entered the room and caught the baby’s attention. The dog sniffed Lincoln’s hanging right arm. Satisfied that this was his favorite creature in the house, he wagged his tail and then sat. Pierce could see that in some way the baby was aware of the specialness of the furry creature sitting next to him. It made him think of Wizard who had been his dog as far back as he could remember. He hoped that Lincoln would end up with a similar relationship with Fido.
The afternoon was spent shooting pool with Keegan, Pierce giving Drake chess lessons, and Drake giving Pierce diaper changing lessons. The last half hour was spent walking Fido around the small park, which was two blocks from Drake’s house. “I don’t know what’s worse, changing Lincoln’s diaper or scooping Fido’s shit off the ground,” Pierce moaned.
“Hey, if you love them both you learn to deal with it,” Drake said.
“Does that mean you’d be willing to clean up my shit?”
“I don’t know about that, but I have no problem in fucking the place that shit comes from or swallowing a mouthful of tasty semen.”
“You make it sound so romantic.”
“Well?” Drake asked.
Not caring who in the nearby houses might be looking, Pierce smooched Drake’s right cheek. “I love it when you get romantic.”
“It’s time to get back home for dinner,” Drake said. He turned around, waited a few seconds to let Fido sniff a small tree, and then started back to his house.
“Why did you wait for him to sniff that tree?” Pierce asked. “You should train him to just come with you when you pull on the leash.”
“I read in a book that dogs learn about the world through their noses, and beagles are supposed to be big sniffers. The book says a good dog owner always gives his dog a chance to take in a smell. Dogs don’t forget smells—they’re a big part of a dog’s memory. Fido is starting obedience training and mom says she heard the same thing from the trainer.”
Dinner was roast beef, baked potatoes, carrots, and dinner rolls, along with a tossed green salad. After finishing dinner, the teens still had room for peach cobbler.
“This roast beef is awesome, Natalie,” Pierce said as they ate. “I really want to seriously begin to learn to cook. My dad’s a great cook but he says the only thing I’m serious about in the kitchen is eating.”
“That’s mean!” Natalie laughed. “Seriously, it sounds like he would be a great teacher. Do they offer cooking classes at your school?”
“Yes, but I’m taking so many classes to get caught up on my schooling that I don’t have time for cooking class. Dad’s favorite thing is to cook and eat outdoors - when the weather is nice, anyway.”
“Everything tastes better outdoors,” Keegan pointed out. “I think we learned that when we were little kids.”
After cleanup, Drake loaded in a DVD of a space opera named “Ursa Major” that none of them had seen and they all became engrossed in the story of how the Earth and its many colonies were saved from being destroyed by the Ursas, who were evil bear-like aliens bent on conquest.
Pierce loved the domestic feel of the living room. Lincoln was happily cooing on somebody’s lap until he ran out of steam and was placed in his basket. Pierce observed how Fido would sit at the feet of the person who was supplying the lap for Lincoln to enjoy. When the baby was placed in his basket Fido would lie next to it.
“It looks like Lincoln has a loyal servant,” Pierce giggled.
“It’s like Fido knows he was Lincoln’s dog in an earlier life,” Drake mused.
“You really think so?”
“Who knows? It makes as much sense as any other reason and it makes for a good story.”
“I guess. And Kennedy was right,” Pierce said.
“Are we now going to get a connection between two assassinated Presidents and an ‘assassinated’ dog?” Keegan asked.
“Nope. We’re going to get a connection to my friend and teammate Kennedy Mitchell and ‘Ursa Major’. He saw it in the theater when it came out and said it had great effects and the giant bear people were cool villains but overall, it was kinda lame.”
Not everyone agreed with the analysis, but they all loved the family time together. Natalie suggested that Walker join them for dinner and a movie or maybe an evening of games sometime. Pierce promised to ask about it.
“Natalie and I have a favor to ask you two. I have a local haul to JBLM (Joint Base Lewis McChord) tomorrow. Unless traffic is worse than the usual horror story, I should be back around four. My dear wife and I would like to go out for a nice dinner tomorrow, if you two are willing to babysit.”
“And dog sit,” Drake added.
“You’ll have the house all to yourselves,” Keegan reminded them with knowing grin.
“Now that Pierce knows how to change a diaper, I think we can make it work. What do you think Pierce?”
“Sounds like fun, especially if pizza somehow managed to show up for dinner,” Pierce replied.
“The boy is a tough negotiator,” Keegan told Natalie.
“As well he should be,” Natalie said. “Taking on responsibility for the little infant is a giant responsibility. This is the first time we’ll be away from Lincoln for more than an hour since he was born. We thought with two of you here that you could handle it.”
“We’ll be kick ass babysitters, Mom,” Drake grinned. He relished the responsibility. It wasn’t that long ago that he couldn’t be left alone for an hour without trouble brewing let alone be trusted to babysit an infant. “But for now, we’ll let Fido out for a quick backyard potty break, clean up any mess we need to clean up, and head for bed.”
“Thanks for a wonderful dinner, Natalie,” Pierce said. “The peach cobbler was awesome. It’s great being here.”
“You’re welcome, Pierce,” Natalie said with a smile. She held out her arms. “Gimme a hug.”
“Any time my mom says ‘gimme a hug’ you know you’re in with her,” Drake chuckled as Natalie and Pierce embraced.
“Right - and I wouldn’t mind a hug from you either, you big hunk,” Natalie said with a laugh.
Drake blushed - but he hugged his mom. “Love you, Mom - thanks for dinner and for picking us up.”
Thirty minutes later Pierce and Drake were cozy in Drake’s queen bed. “It’s not as big as your giant thing, but it’s comfy,” Drake said.
“Hey, if you’re in the bed, then it can only be perfect,” Pierce responded seconds before his lips landed on Drake’s. It was the last thing the two teens said for a long time as they kissed, petted, poked, humped, kissed more, rolled around the bed, until finally, by previous agreement, Pierce “officially” made love to Drake for the first time since they declared their love for each other and became boyfriends.
“That was amazing,” Drake gasped after they each enjoyed intense orgasms. “I love you so much, Pierce.”
“I’m so fucking happy you’re in my life,” Pierce said. “I can’t get enough of you.”
“With the house to ourselves tomorrow, we’ve gotta figure out where we’re going to have sex. Anywhere but the nursery.”
“Let’s sleep on it.”
“While we can. I can guarantee Lincoln will want something sometime during the night. I guess it takes time to get a baby on a regular sleep schedule like the rest of us.”
“Then we’ll just have to sleep on it more than once,” Pierce giggled.
The teens cuddled, enjoyed each other’s warmth, and soon fell asleep.
<Logan and Chase>
“Damn, bro, I thought you were going to drive me right through the wall the way you were fucking me last night,” eleven-year-old Logan told his fourteen-year-old brother Chase when they awoke in Logan’s bed. It had been out of the ordinary since the brothers almost always had their sex together in Chase’s bed.
“It was different in your bed; it’s smaller and lighter than mine and it moves when I plow your sweet little ass,” Chase said.
“Sweet little ass? Since when did you become a sex poet?”
“Since you turned eleven and were old enough to have a sweet little ass for me to fuck.”
“Whatever. You’ve been fucking me for almost a year and you never said that.”
“Okay, I confess. It was Dillon who told me what a sweet little ass you had, and I’ve been waiting for a chance to say it.”
“Your boyfriend has only fucked me a couple of times, so how would he know?” Logan pointed out.
“Sometimes that’s all it takes. Now let’s get our asses out of bed and shower.”
“Do I have to pay you what I owe this shower?” Logan asked.
“You pay me when you want to pay me, since it kinda has to do with sex. It’s the good old you do what you want to do when you want to do it and nobody can make you do otherwise. That said, you do owe me two golden showers now.”
“I’ve paid you once and you know I’ve almost always done them when you asked me to.”
“Yeah, but this is the first time you said it was something you’d pay me.” Logan had promised three times to piss on Chase and let Chase piss on him in the shower if Chase would sleep with him in his own bed. He had made his payment once and, after last night, owed Chase two golden showers.
“Well, like I said, even though it’s a debt, I can’t make you do it. But I can tell you that we stay out of your bed together until you’re paid up.”
“Fair enough,” Logan said. “But it won’t be today.”
“Then let’s take a regular shower.”
Which is what the brothers did. The shower got a little erotic when they washed each other’s cracks and asses, but adolescent hunger was overpowering their hormones and neither one got hard, a rarity.
After showering, the brothers headed to the kitchen to see what was on the menu for breakfast. Susan had combined some family leave time with permission to work at home so she could spend the week at home with the kids. At the moment, she was busy in the den doing office work on her computer. The boys came into her office and greeted her with good mornings and kisses on her cheek. Susan had seen naked teen and tween boys so often in her house she was completely unfazed.
“Good morning, boys,” she said. “Nice outfits you have on this morning.”
“They should be nice, it’s what we wore when you gave birth to us,” Chase pointed out.
“Yeah, and it’s amazing how we’ve grown into them,” Logan grinned. “But we need some breakfast so they will keep fitting us.”
“There’s cereal in the pantry,” Susan said indifferently. She didn’t have long to wait for the expected howls of protest.
“Mom, you said that one of the reasons you were staying home all week was to feed us breakfast,” Logan squawked.
“I am feeding you breakfast—I told you where the cereal is. What else do I need to do?”
“Cook up French toast, maybe?”
“I like Logan’s plan,” Chase said.
“Well, Chase, if this breakfast business creates an agreement between you and your little brother, then something good is coming out of it.”
“But, mom, we…,” Logan started.
“Stuff it, Logan,” Chase said. “Mom’s giving our chains a hard yank, right mom?”
“You’re just too smart for me. Pancakes it is.”
“No, we wanted French Toast,” Logan reminded her.
“Oh, well, in that case, who is going to mix up the batter to dip it in?” Susan asked.
“Chase and I will do it as a team.”
“Call me when it’s ready.”
The brothers went to the kitchen and started to work breaking eggs for the batter. Eddie entered the kitchen just after they started. Curt was spending the night at his friend Andrew’s. “I thought you had to wear aprons if you worked naked in the kitchen,” Eddie said as he scratched his balls.
“Good morning to you, too, bro,” Chase retorted.
“Sorry. Good morning, bros.”
“Good morning, Eddie,” Logan said.
“And the rule is to wear an apron when you’re cooking. We’re just mixing up the egg batter for French toast. If I spill any on myself, I’ll just have Logan lick it up—but now that you’re here you can do it if you want.”
“Pass. How long until we eat?”
“Ten to fifteen minutes,” Chase said as he watched Logan lay bacon out on a paper towel.
“Apron time,” Logan announced. “I’m gonna heat up the fry pan and get the bacon started.”
“I’ve got the griddle heated up for the French Toast.” Chase grabbed two aprons off the hook on the pantry door and stopped. “Hey, wait just a bleeping minute! Didn’t mom just say she was staying home for the week to do things like make us breakfast?”
“She did say that.”
“And here we are getting ready to fry bacon and cook up French Toast on the griddle.”
“I think we’ve been juked by our own mom.”
“You guys are so sad,” Eddie said. “If you’d sleep in like me, breakfast would be ready for you.”
“Or, we’d be setting the table like you’re about to do,” Chase told him as he started dropping slices of French Toast onto the griddle.
“I can take a hint,” Eddie said as he set to work with his task.
“Do I smell breakfast cooking?” Susan asked as she entered the kitchen. She saw the bacon frying and the French Toast on the griddle. “I guess I do. That was so nice of you to start cooking things up. You’re good boys.” Eddie came back into the kitchen. “And you are too, Eddie, for getting the table set.”
“You knew we were going to cook breakfast as soon as you sent us into the kitchen to make up the egg batter,” Chase accused his mother.
“Well, a mother can always hope,” Susan grinned. “I’ll pour some orange juice for us.”
They were soon sitting at the dining room table enjoying breakfast. “How come those two can eat breakfast in the nude?” Eddie asked Susan.
“Because we didn’t put clothes on maybe?” Logan responded. He and Chase bumped fists.
“That’s as good a reason as any, Eddie,” Susan said. It was nice to be able to enjoy some family time for the week and she was going to take full advantage of it and have some fun with her boys.
Eddie reached down, pulled off his lounge pants and tossed them on the floor behind his chair. “I’ll settle for half naked—this time,” he said before biting into a slice of bacon.
“What time are you leaving to meet Tony this afternoon?” Susan asked Logan.
“He said to be at the restaurant at around three, so I’ll leave around two-thirty since it’s about a twenty-minute walk there.”
“There’s a lot of slack in your timing,” Chase pointed out.
“That makes it hard to be late.”
Logan and Justin were going to meet Tony and Marco at Luigi’s Italian Restaurant to help their friends remove water spots from the silverware and glassware. Luigi’s had top of the line dishwashing equipment and used the best detergents, so it was rare for water spots to be left behind after washing. The task gave the boys something to work on to earn free pizza for dinner.
When lunchtime arrived, Logan planned on eating a light lunch, wanting to save plenty of room for pizza. “What about lasagna?” Chase asked. “You always have lasagna with your pizza when we eat out at Luigi’s.”
“That’s because I’m not getting it for free,” Logan answered.
“No, of course not, you’re getting it from your parents who are paying for it,” Susan pointed out.
“That’s different than the restaurant giving it to us.”
“I thought you boys were working for your free pizza,” Eddie said.
“Tony said it’s easy work. I’ve watched him and Marco polishing the glasses and the silverware, and they sure aren’t working up a sweat. We’re going to spend most of our time talking and telling jokes.”
“Along with belching and farting,” Chase chuckled.
Susan admonished him instantly. “Chase Miller, that’s not funny at all.”
“Mom, I’m just saying. Jeez, Logan and Tony are tweens and we know what those critters are like.”
“Well, I know that Logan and his friends will behave themselves or else they’ll be in hot water with Luigi and Marne,” Susan said, invoking the names of Tony and Marco’s parents.
<Logan, Justin, and the DeLuca brothers>
Logan arrived at Luigi’s at three minutes after three. Justin was already there as were the DeLuca brothers, Tony and Marco.
“You’re late,” Marco pointed out when Logan sat with his friends at their usual table in the back of the restaurant.
“So, sue me,” Logan retorted.
“Tony, is your friend always this mean?” nine-year-old Marco asked his eleven-year-old brother.
“Only when people get all nitpicky with him,” Tony responded.
“Which makes him just like you.”
“Yep, and I’m proud of it.”
“Justin, do you think I’m nitpicky?” Marco asked his nine-year-old friend.
“Nope. I think you’re my best friend. Besides, you were right, Logan was late.”
“Sheesh, we’re getting attacked by two preteens,” Logan laughed. He and Tony saw themselves as no longer being preteens—instead, they were in the much more grownup tween category.
“Well, at least we found out they know how to tell time,” Tony pointed out.
The boys went to work polishing. Usually the waitress, who was sometimes Marne, checked for water spots as they set a table. Water spots were rare but were annoying when a customer complained and asked for new silverware or a new glass. Sometimes on a weekend night Tony and Marco worked doing the polishing. Tonight, it was a team of four boys looking for something that probably wasn’t there. Just to be on the safe side, they polished everything just in case they missed seeing a spot. The boys put more energy into chatting than they did into polishing.
When it came time to eat, they ordered two large pizzas: a meat lover’s and a pepperoni. “What, no lasagna?” Tony asked Logan.
“Not when you guys are giving me free pizza,” Logan replied.
“You worked for your meal.”
“It’s not like I worked up a sweat. And I had this exact same conversation with Chase before I walked over here.”
“Logan is having déjà vu,” Justin informed them.
“Justin is so smart,” Marco said. “I’m glad he’s my best friend.”
“I’m not that smart. My Papa Dawg told me what it is when you think you have the same thing happen over and over.”
After eating, the boys were ready to leave. Marne finished serving her last customer. Wendy, who was one of the other three waitresses who worked part time at the restaurant, had been taking on the new customers and was now serving everyone.
Marne told the boys it was time to go. Logan and Justin were going to spend the night with Tony and Marco. The boys piled into Marne’s car and chatted non-stop until they reached the DeLuca residence.
Justin and Marco went to Marco’s bedroom. Justin dropped his overnight bag on the floor and the two boys sat on Marco’s bed. “Me and Tony talked mom and dad into letting us wear just our underpants and t-shirts, even outside our bedrooms, if we want,” Marco told Justin.
“Cool. Pretty soon we’ll be running around naked,” Justin giggled.
“We tried, but they said no way and we better be happy with what we got. They said if we get to be naked at our friend’s house that was okay, but to remember we don’t live at our friend’s house, we live here.” Justin was amazed by how much Marco talked now compared to when they met. Pretty soon he’ll be talking more than me, Justin thought. “And she said if we aren’t good about it, we’ll have to wear pajamas or something next time. So be good.”
“I’m always good,” Justin assured his friend.
Tony gave Logan pretty much the same speech after Logan placed his backpack on Tony’s dresser. The boys sat on Tony’s bed. “We can do whatever we want in my room, though,” Tony concluded.
“Can we even do this?” Logan asked. He scooted down the bed until he was touching Tony.
“Do wha…mmmf,” Tony started when Logan planted a kiss on his lips. After the initial surprise, Tony returned the kiss, and their tongues were soon battling. They finally broke the kiss and looked silently into each other’s eyes as they waited for their breathing to return to normal.
“We need to get these clothes off,” Logan said, and he started to strip without waiting for a response. He was quickly stripped down to his black CK briefs, the front tented by the three inches of tween steel pushing out on the cloth. It didn’t take long for Tony to join him, his white Fruit of the Loom briefs in stark contrast to Logan’s black.
“Have you messed around anymore with Marco?” Logan asked his friend.
“I don’t know what it is about him and Justin, but since he’s met Justin that little bugger has gone from hardly talking to babbling away and he’s become totally whacked about messing around with me. We have to be careful, because our ‘rents are beginning to wonder why we sleep together so much.
“I’ve showed him how to kiss, including Frenching. A couple of days he jerked me off and even tasted my cum when I told him to try it. He didn’t even think it was yucky. I jerked him but he wanted me to stop when he got close to cumming—he didn’t want to get messy. I told him he would need to get older to get messy, so he should go ahead and cum. He said he plans on doing that with Justin tonight.”
“Are you going to suck him?” Logan asked.
“I don’t know yet, but I bet I will pretty soon. Oh, and he pissed in the shower last time we showered together. Just on his own. We were showering and he said, ‘I gotta pee’ and pissed right in front of me—he might have even got a little on my feet.”
“So much for being yucky.”
“Let’s hump,” Logan suggested. “Nothing yucky about that.” As much as Logan wanted to fuck Tony, he knew they would have to do it in the right place, and that place was Logan’s bedroom. There was more room and, Logan was sure, more privacy in his house than in Tony’s.
The underpants came off and the two naked eleven-year-olds went right at each other. There was much moaning, grunting, wrestling, kissing, and rolling around the bed.
“What are you boys doing in there?” Marne called from outside the door, scaring the shit out of the boys.
“Just wrestling around,” Tony answered.
Marne thought about looking but decided to respect her son’s privacy. She also thought they were most likely wrestling in their underwear and she didn’t need to see that. She didn’t suspect that they could be wrestling in even less than their underpants. “Don’t get hurt and don’t break anything,” she admonished them and then walked away.
“Fuck, that was close,” Logan said. Tony was on top of him, looking down. He slowly formed a gob of spittle and let it ooze out of his mouth. “If that drops on my face, I’m gonna pee all over you next time we take a shower.”
Tony let the gob go and it fell on Logan’s lips. “I dare you,” Tony giggled.
“You are so dead. I might just pee on you right now,” Logan said as he wiped away Tony’s spit.
“Well, if you want to explain what happened to my mom, go ahead.”
“I was joking, but I’m not joking about doing it in the shower.”
“I know, but I still let my spit go. But right now, my horniness is coming back.”
That was the cue to get back to humping and soon, with their lips locked and their tongues fighting and their hard little cocks rubbing, they shot their watery emissions within seconds of each other.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?” Logan asked Tony as they came down. He wanted his thoughts about Tony to be out in the open, and the best way he could think of telling Tony how he felt was to ask that question.
“You mean, instead of being just best friends, we’re going to be boyfriends like some guys have girlfriends?”
“What do I have to do?”
“I dunno…just do the stuff we’ve been doing and then doing as much as we can together and having sleepovers as much as our parents will let us.”
“Do I have to do anything right now?”
“Dang, dude, we’ve been doing what boyfriends do,” Logan said. “How about saying we want to be boyfriends and then kiss to make it official.”
“So, we’ll be like Chase and Dillon, right?”
“I want to do that. I want to be your boyfriend.”
“And I want to be your boyfriend,” Logan responded.
“Are we going to tell everybody?”
“You can tell Marco, and I’ll tell my brothers and maybe my cousin, Aiden. Let’s see how it all goes before we tell anybody else. Oh, and now I want to say that I love you, Tony.”
Tony’s eyes lit up hearing those words. “I love you too, Logan.”
Tony and Logan weren’t the only naked boys in the house. Justin and Marco had removed their clothes almost as quickly as the two older boys.
“Mom will be mad if she catches us nakey,” Marco told Justin.
“I thought she left you guys alone when you’re in your room,” Justin said.
“She’s supposed to, but let’s have our undies ready to put on quick just in case.”
“I like your boner, Marco,” Justin grinned.
“And I like yours. Can I touch it?”
“Only if I can touch yours.”
The boys lay side-by-side on Marco’s bed and rubbed each other’s erection. They liked what they were doing because it felt good rather than because it was a sexual act. Marco didn’t think what they were doing was sex—he thought of it as friends making each other feel good and as something that was just plain fun.
Justin knew what sex and sexuality were from the teachings of his big brother, Aiden as well as his dads. Justin didn’t think that what he and Marco were doing was sex because sex was what the big boys did with each other or with a younger boy like him. He thought that what he and Marco were doing was two friends making each other feel good, not as two friends having sex. The nine-year-olds kept masturbating each other because it felt good—what more reason did they need?
“That feels really good, Marco,” Justin said. “I’m glad you’re my best friend.”
“I’m glad, too. And I feel really good, too.”
They went on for a while longer until their hands and arms started getting tired. “I think I’m gonna have to stop, Marco. My hand is getting really tired.”
“Don’t stop. I’m feeling so good I don’t want to stop,” Marco moaned.
“Okay, I’ll switch hands.” Justin rolled over on his belly and continued masturbating his friend.
The problem for Marco is that now he couldn’t touch Justin’s hard penis. “Now, I can’t make you feel good.”
“That’s okay. You did a good job and now I’ll keep making you feel good.”
What the two boys did not realize was that Marco was going to feel better than either one of them dreamed. Marco started squealing and he instinctively bucked his hips in time with Justin’s strokes. The memory of his kiss with Aiden flashed through Justin’s mind as he thought about kissing Marco. He slowed his strokes causing Marco to beg him to speed up.
“Watch out because I feel like I’m going to…I….I…I ohhhhhhhhhhh wow,” Marco squawked. He raised his hips as he was hit by his first orgasm. Justin felt Marco’s cocklet spasm and knew what was happening thanks to Aiden’s teaching.
“What happened?” Marco asked as he caught his breath.
“You had an organaima thingy,” Justin explained, hoping Marco would be impressed by his vocabulary.
“What’s that?” Marco was obviously not impressed by Justin’s vocabulary.
“Aiden told me it’s something you get when you do sex stuff.”
“You mean we did sex stuff? I made Tony have one of them, but he never told me it was sex stuff. I made cum stuff shoot out of his wiener. That’s what he said it was—cum.”
“No, all we did was make each other feel better, but I guess it was close to sex. Anyway, those orga things are supposed to feel awesomely good.”
“This felt awesomely good. Like I was gonna pee, but better. Have you ever had one?”
“Not yet.”
“I could try to give you one, but then it might be sex.”
“Well, maybe it is, but I don’t think it is.”
Before Marco could say anything in response, there was a knock on his door. Right away the boys looked around for their underpants but stopped when Tony announced that he and Logan were at the door.
“We’re nakey,” Justin said.
Tony opened the door, and the older boys made a quick entrance. They were wearing nothing except their briefs. “Yep, you’re nakey alright,” Tony grinned.
“And I got a boner,” Justin announced proudly, making sure the older boys could see it.
“Nice,” Logan said.
“How come you don’t have one?” Tony asked his brother.
“Because Justin gave me an organthingy.”
Logan and Tony exchanged surprised looks on hearing that item of news.
“It’s called an orgasm,” Logan said.
“Yeah, I knew it was a big name what started with o. Tony called it a cum when I gave him one.”
“That’s it. Just call it a cum—it’s hard to forget that word.”
“I had a cum.”
“What did you do to him, Justin?” Tony asked.
“I used my hand to make him feel good and all of a sudden he had an orgna…a cum.”
“And it felt better than anything in the world,” Marco grinned. “Now I know why you like doing it and why you get all weird when you have a cum and stuff comes out.”
“Can you believe it, Logan? My little brother in the third grade had a cum. I had to wait until sixth grade for my first. And I was hoping I would give him his first one.”
“You really were hoping that?”
“I sure was, bro. I guess I’ll have to start giving you some now that you know how good it feels.”
“Can I give you some more of them?”
“Go for it. Anyway, me and Logan came here to give you guys some big news. And before we could tell you anything, you gave us your big news. This is a very cool night.”
“How come you still have a boner?” Logan asked Justin.
“I got one with Marco and now it won’t go away. What’s your big news?” Justin asked.
“Tony and I decided to be boyfriends,” Logan replied.
“I thought you already were boyfriends,” Marco said.
“No, we were best friends. Now we’re better than best friends, and that makes us boyfriends,” Tony explained.
“Justin and I said when we were making each other feel good that he’s happy I’m his best friend. I said I was happy he’s my best friend,” Marco explained.
“And that makes us best friends,” Justin added. “But now we can become boyfriends, too.”
“You have to be best friends for a long time before you can become boyfriends,” Tony said patiently.
“You guys weren’t best friends very long.”
“Yeah, but when you’re older you can become boyfriends faster,” Logan added. “Plus, being boyfriends means you do sex stuff.”
“For real?” Marco asked.
“Yep, for real,” Tony said.
“Oh. Well, we’re not old enough for sex stuff yet,” Marco said.
Justin disagreed in part, especially now that he had made Marco cum, but he decided to make his best friend happy and said, “Nope. Marco and I know we gotta be older for that. And just so you know, when Marco had a cum it wasn’t a sex thingie. And now I need to have one of those.”
“It was really just my best friend making me feel better and that’s not sex.”
“Did you understand all he said?” Tony asked Logan.
“Nope. All I know is what they said they did was a lot more sex stuff than I ever did when I was nine,” Logan replied.
“Me too,” Tony agreed.
“If you guys are boyfriends and do sex thingy stuff, what else do you do?” Justin asked.
“We can’t tell you yet, but I guess it’s kinda like what you did to Marco, except for us it was sex even if it wasn’t for you.”
“Except it really was,” Logan muttered. He was getting tired of everyone beating around the bush and treating sex like it was a disease. The way he saw it, sex was fun. Period.
“No, it wasn’t,” Marco said.
“Marco is right,” Justin said.
“Hey, dudes, sex is fun so don’t get all hung up about it. Sex or not, if it feels good and you both want to do it, then do it. Just be best friends and have fun with each other,” Logan said.
Tony thought Logan sounded very wise. “Logan’s right,” he told the younger boys. “Now, we’re going to put our t-shirts on and find out what kind of snack mom has.” Marne had told the boys she had made a late-night snack for them but didn’t reveal what it was.
“And me and Justin will get dressed and come, too. Are you going to tell your mom and dad about being boyfriends?” Justin asked.
“Nope, because they wouldn’t understand. They can think we’re best friends,” Tony replied.
“You’re not telling them because you said being boyfriends means you’re doing the ‘S’ word, right?”
Logan knew his parents would be accepting if he told them about Tony and him being boyfriends, but he felt they shouldn’t come out to them until they were absolutely sure about the boyfriend thing and until they were ready to tell Tony’s parents. And that wouldn’t happen until they were absolutely sure.
The snack was chocolate chip cookies with either chocolate gelato, vanilla gelato, or both. It was a combination Italian and American dessert snack that was a favorite of Tony and Marco. Marne could see that Justin and Logan had no problem digging into the gelato. Logan had enjoyed it a few times at Luigi’s, but this was Justin’s first time eating it.
“I’ve gotta tell my dads about this,” Justin said. “It’s totally awesome.” What Justin didn’t know was that his dads were big fans of gelato and had thought of bringing some home. That would change once Justin praised the dessert he had; gelato would become a staple dessert at the Boyer residence.
After snacks and conversation, the boys watched the last two innings of the Mariner game. They cheered wildly when Marty made a highlight play at third. They booed the Astros when they ended up with a 5-2 win over the Mariners at Houston.
Then, it was off to bed. Once they took care of their evening business, the t-shirts, underpants, and socks came off and the boys slept naked.
Tony and Logan, the new boyfriends, snuggled comfortably. They wanted to have a third round of sex for the evening, but even the sugar from dessert couldn’t keep them awake. They had run out of gas.
Marco and Justin, the new best friends, also snuggled. They had no intention of masturbating each other or any other kind of activity, except of a sweet good-night kiss on the lips. They were also tired and crashed even faster than the older boys.
Drake and Pierce, the newly out boyfriends, had spent the night before visiting with Drake’s parents, having a great dinner, and howling with pleasure as Pierce made love to Drake for the first time. It had been a beautiful day and a beautiful night.
Drake and Pierce. Logan and Tony. Marco and Justin. Three pairs of boys of different ages and maturity spent the start of spring break getting to know their partner better at different levels. But no matter the age, the hormone levels, the comparative sizes, the level of sexual energy, each pair had one thing in common—the loving friendship that is so special for boys.
Next: Mentors.