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<Aiden and Mason>
Mason’s mother dropped Mason off at Aiden’s house just after seven in the evening. Aiden greeted his friend at the front door. Mason was disappointed to see Aiden wearing a t-shirt and shorts, but he was certain that would change soon.
“Hey, Mason, come on in. I’m glad you could come.”
“Hey, Aiden. I’m glad I could come too. Since school is out I managed to talk my mom into letting me spend two weekend nights away from home, but I had to have dinner with her tonight to pay for her being so nice. That’s why I couldn’t have dinner here at your house tonight.”
“Your mom seems like a pretty nice lady,” Aiden said as he led Mason to the company greeting room.
“She pretty much is, but she can be a weirdo mom sometimes. But, tonight with you and tomorrow night with Freddie was more than I expected.”
“Hey dads, Mason’s here,” Aiden announced.
“Hi, Mason,” Larry said, “Come on over here and let me give you a hug.” Larry figured that since Mason hardly ever seemed to be wearing clothes, he should give him a hug while he could. Mason gladly accepted the manly hug, and got an even tighter one from Phil.
Mason checked the TV and saw that the Athletics were ahead of the Mariners 4-0 in the third inning. “How did the A’s get ahead?” he asked.
“Brian Rafferty gave up singles to the first two A’s batters, got a strikeout, walked the next dude, got a force play at home, and then gave up a grand slam to their number six hitter on an 0-2 pitch. Rafferty’s been sucking lately.” Rafferty had lost his last two starts, not making it out of the fifth inning in either one of them. “I know he’s the number five pitcher in the rotation, but dang, he’s gotta do better or the M’s gotta replace him.” Aiden got no argument from his dads.
Aiden and Mason watched a couple of innings and talked Mariner and Yard Goat baseball with Larry and Phil. At the end of the sixth and with the Mariners trailing 7-2, they decided to go up to Aiden’s room.
“We can watch the game on my TV if it gets close,” Aiden said. “But I don’t think it will. This looks like one of those shitty games every team plays. The good thing is it only counts as one loss.”
“I wonder how long it will take those two horn dogs to shed their clothes?” Phil asked after the boys left the room.
“Oh, I’d say less than thirty seconds,” Larry chuckled.
“Probably a lot less than thirty. Maybe we should head to our room and see how fast we can do it.”
“Nah. I’d rather take my time and slowly and erotically undress you.”
“Ditto. Your way sounds perfect.”
Upstairs in Aiden’s room, he and Mason were naked in just less than fifteen seconds. Not having shoes on and getting their shorts, underpants, and socks off in almost one motion made the process happen quickly and efficiently.
“So, what are we gonna do?” Mason asked.
“Watch the end of the Mariners game, maybe?” Aiden replied.
“Are you whacked or something? I mean, look at you—your boner is saying forget the Mariners, they lost, and stick me up Mason’s ass, like, now!”
Aiden wiggled his hard tween cock and was soon fucking his friend deep and hard. After a mind-blowing orgasm, Aiden pulled out as Mason said, “That was a radical fuck.”
“If it was so radical, then how come you haven’t cum yet.”
“Stick my dick in your mouth and I’ll be shooting in less than an instant.”
Aiden did as he was asked and in less than ten seconds, he was tasting Mason’s sweet cum. Aiden had noticed that since Mason, who was less than three months away from being a teenager, had seriously entered puberty he was more into getting his needs satisfied then when he was a hairless tween.
“What are you gonna be doing with Freddie tomorrow?” Aiden asked after he and Mason had recovered.
“I know it won’t be nothing like this. If I can get him to JO with me, I’d be pretty happy. I just hope his brother stays away and minds his own business. It’s Freddie who’s my friend and not him.”
Aiden checked on the Mariner score and saw the M’s had come back to tie the score at seven. They had turned the game on just in time to watch Marty single in the winning run with two out in the ninth.
Aiden and Mason started downstairs to say goodnight to Larry and Phil, but the lights were out in the living room and the dad sitting room, which meant they had gone to bed. They turned around, went back upstairs, took care of their evening business, and clambered into Aiden’s bed.
Later, as Aiden tried to get to sleep, he thought about Gordy. Gordy’s being insistent about fucking and being fucked was so much not like him. It was like he was trying to prove that he was good at sex. There had been a lot of buildup to the campout and what Gordy and Kalie were going to do and now that nothing was going to happen, he might be thinking everybody would be thinking he was a wuss. ‘If Gordy talks just as weird tomorrow, I’m gonna need to talk some sense into him. I want my wussy friend Gordy back,’ Aiden thought. ‘I like him better than the Gordy who’s trying to prove he’s a horn dog. Everybody respects Gordy for who he is and he doesn’t need to change that.’ Those were the thoughts bouncing around Aiden’s head when he finally fell asleep.
Aiden and Mason came to breakfast in the nude, which would have been just fine with Larry and Phil if they had been home. While most of Aiden’s friends were good with tromping around Aiden’s house naked, Mason and Nolan were the only two of his friends who were never self-conscious about it. Aiden’s fathers were having breakfast at the Mayfield Café with Coach Hallion, Eric, and Kevin. The breakfast meeting had been arranged before the scheduled campout was replaced by the campout in Aiden’s yard.
Aiden played naked chef and, with the help of Mason, cooked up pancakes along with a couple of fresh fruit plates. Like the pubescent boys they were, Aiden and Mason wolfed down their breakfast in a hurry and then added another stack of pancakes.
After breakfast and showering, Mason and Aiden dressed and set to work moving the camping gear from the storage room in the basement to the spot in the yard where the tent would be erected. “I kinda wish I could camp out with you guys tonight, but I like Freddie a lot,” Mason said. “He’s my one friend I can play music with, which is something special. I’m taking my guitar to play while he sings and while we sing together.”
“I think you’re going to have a great time tonight,” Aiden said. Aiden realized he wasn’t thinking about Mason having sex when he said that, which was not how he had always thought of Mason and boys.
“That’s my plan. What about you, do you wish you were having the campout you thought you were gonna have instead of one in your backyard?”
“Kinda, but when you think about it, a campout is a campout. They’re different at the same time that they’re the same, if that makes sense.”
“Kind of. I think what you mean is that what you really like is camping out with your friends no matter what, but who your friends are and what you do together is different.”
“Yep. That was pretty smart, Mason.”
“That’s because I’m a pretty smart dude.”
“Yes, you are, plus you’re a pretty sexy dude, too.”
After they got all the equipment in place, Mason said he was going to call his mom for a ride home. “I don’t want to be here when everybody starts coming. Plus, I had no problem helping to get everything out—I mean there wasn’t that much shit to bring, but I don’t want to help setting it all up if I’m not gonna be camping here tonight.”
Aiden gave his friend a hug. “And for that, I don’t blame you one bit.”
<Coaches’ Breakfast>
Larry, Phil, and James Hallion had decided on having the morning breakfast between the two championship games at the Federal Way tournament. Eric and Kevin were invited to join them, and they both accepted. How could they pass up a chance to talk about coaching baseball with two experienced coaches like Larry and Phil. They had played school ball for Larry from sixth grade through their senior year and summer ball for Phil during their high school years.
As the coaches dug into their breakfasts, they talked baseball. This morning’s breakfast had been planned by Larry, Phil, and James Hallion between the two championship games at the Federal Way tournament. They also agreed that they wanted to discuss what went right and what they could have done better in the Federal Way tournament. They had a similar sixteen team tournament bracket facing them in the upcoming “SoCal BaseBrawl” in July and James wanted to learn from his mistakes.
“Like all coaches, I know you made some decisions you second guessed later,” Larry said. “What was the decision in the tournament that you’ve second guessed the most?”
“I would say my pitching over the last three games,” James replied.
“What do you think you should have done differently?”
“I think I shouldn’t have used both Scott and Trent in the Portland game. We ended up winning by six runs and I felt like I didn’t need to use both of them.”
“Remember, the lead was only 3-0 after five innings. I think you made the right decision using both. The tough part is, using one might have been the right decision, too.”
“What’s the toughest decision you’ve ever made?” James asked Larry.
“Damn, James, there’s been so many of them. But I’d say it was the game in my second State Tournament when I had to decide whether to start my fireballer in the semis or go with my better all-around pitcher. As you know, high school tournaments are single elimination, so it’s either win or play for a consolation trophy. I decided to go with Scott, my fireballer, and pitch some kid whose name slips my mind at the moment in the championship game if we won the semi-final match.”
Kevin looked at Eric who grinned. They both knew that Larry was pulling their legs.
“So, Scott powers us to the championship game and that other kid pitched a decent game that was good enough for the win.”
“You know you’re getting old, coach, when you can’t remember who played in your championship games,” Eric said.
“Yep, I can feel it in my bones.”
“I know who you’re talking about, coach,” Kevin offered. “I mean, I was his catcher for that game and managed to keep him from falling apart from all the pressure.”
James knew that Larry and Kevin were referring to Eric’s perfect game that earned the Mayfield Mustangs their second straight Class A state championship.
“Well, he did pitch a shutout as I recall,” Larry chuckled.
“Okay, you’ve had your fun coach,” Eric said. “If you really need help remembering, I’ll send you copies of my press clippings and a video of the game.”
“Eric, you know full well that if I only remember one game in my old age, it will be your perfect game.”
“I know that coach. But I needed to get you back with at least one jab. And as for my catcher, I seem to recall I’m the one who kept his ass from falling off.”
“That said,” Larry laughed, “the thing that motivated me was that I had to make the decision based on who I thought would be more likely to win the championship game, and then go from there. One thing I had going for me was two of the best pitchers in our league and two of the best in state. Not many have that kind of depth. You certainly didn’t.”
“So, what should I do differently in California?” James asked.
“You remember that you get to pick up two pitchers for that tournament. We all know that one of those will be Nolan Moyer, who is as good as anybody in Southwest Washington, which is a good start.”
“I thought for sure Skyler Winsley would be the other because he’s become friends with Aiden and Nolan. Now that he’s not available, who do you think I should pick?”
“There is someone I feel strongly about,” Eric said. “And, he’s somebody our kids seem to really like.”
“I’m willing to bet you’re thinking about Cal Loggins from Clark Pass.”
“Bingo. He’s good. He’s not a smoke baller, but he’s got a decent fastball and is a smart pitcher. He’s a lot like Aiden in that regard.”
“Not to mention a lot like you,” Larry grinned.
“I like that idea. We play Clark Pass in a couple of weeks. I’ll make plans to talk with them then.”
“I wouldn’t wait that long,” Phil said. “I know from my summer coaching, good pitchers who are available are at a premium for end of the season invitationals. I’d get a couple of kids asking him now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve exchanged numbers at some time. Kids always manage to do it.”
“You’re right,” James said. “I know that the West Centralia coach talked to Trent after our game against them. That should teach me that I need a better sense of urgency, since I’m sure Cal is at the top of the list. I’ll talk to Trent about him as soon as I get home.”
The talk went from California to the last couple of weeks of the Southwest League schedule and the upcoming playoffs, going over what their strategies should be. The meeting had been very productive, and James Hallion was ready to get back together with his team and coach.
<Aiden and Gordy>
Not long after Mason was picked up by his mother, Skip’s mother pulled into the driveway where she discharged her excited son. When Skip saw Aiden coming down the front steps of the house, he dropped his gym bag and ran over to Aiden, arms outstretched for a hug, which was gladly given.
After the boys let go of each other, Skip turned to face his mom. He smiled and gave her a little wave. “Have fun and don’t give Aiden too much trouble,” Nina Emerson told her son.
“Better yet, don’t give my dads any trouble,” Aiden grinned. The words barely came out of his mouth when Larry turned the Accord into the driveway.
“It appears the company has started arriving,” Phil grinned as he exited the passenger side.
“Hi, Mr. Miller,” Skip grinned.
“Hello there, Skip. We’re happy to have you here for a visit.”
“Hello, Mrs. Emerson,” Larry said as he exited the driver’s side.
“Hi, Coach Sanders,” Nina said. “Thanks for having Skip over for the campout. He’s very excited.”
“I can tell. And my advice to you Skip is to not give Aiden any grief and you’ll do just fine.”
“That was my advice as well,” Nina grinned.
“Lunch will be at noon,” Phil announced as he started for the steps to the house.
“Skip will be happy to hear that. I swear he thinks about nothing but filling his belly.”
“Mommm, everybody likes to eat,” Skip said. “And that’s still an hour and a half away, so I’ll be plenty hungry for lunch.” Since Skip had turned eleven in early May, puberty had started to work on him, which included frequent eating and snacking along with frequent erections.
“I’ve heard rumors that snacks might be available in the kitchen,” Larry said.
Nina waved and backed out of the driveway. Skip and Aiden followed Larry into the house and then went up to Aiden’s room. It was Skip’s first visit to Aiden’s remodeled bedroom.
“Wow, this place is awesome,” Skip gushed. “It has a balcony and everything. I bet you can even sleep out there.”
“My dads gave me a big inflatable mattress that you pump up to sleep on.”
“Do you think I could spend the night here sometime?”
“I don’t see why not.” Even though Aiden was two grades ahead of Skip, the fact that, for now, there was only one year difference in their ages helped him see Skip more as a peer than as a little kid. And over the past couple of months, Aiden thought Skip had become a sexy looking boy.
“And now it’s time for us to start setting up the tent. Mason helped me get it out into the yard and now you can help me start setting it up.”
Skip was soon busy pounding in stakes where Aiden had shown him, and Aiden was putting the poles together when Miles and Gordy came into the backyard. They had ridden to Aiden’s house on their bikes. Like Aiden and Skip, they were dressed in t-shirts and shorts since the temperature was predicted to reach the mid-seventies.
Aiden had practiced raising the tent when he first received it as a present and had a good idea of the best way to raise it. At noon Phil called from the deck that lunch would be ready in fifteen minutes. Aiden yelled back that they needed all fifteen minutes to get the tent up and secured, but in the end it only took ten minutes. Aiden had learned the trick of saying he needed more time than he thought he did so he would look good by finishing up earlier than predicted. It also gave him some wiggle room if things went slower than predicted.
Lunch was toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato bisque, one of Aiden’s favorites. Skip knew he would like the sandwiches, but he wasn’t so sure about the soup. He wasn’t a big fan of tomatoes but decided he should at least try it before he said he didn’t like it. It turned out he liked it a lot and ended up eating a sandwich and a half and his entire bowl of soup.
After lunch, Aiden said they needed to get the firepit ready so they could roast hot dogs and marshmallows. Phil would make potato salad in the kitchen. Dessert would be chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies. After lunch everything was set up in and around the pit so they that could spend the rest of the afternoon swimming.
“As in skinny dipping swimming?” Skip asked.
“You mean there’s another way?” Aiden asked.
“Well, yeah, there’s the wearing swimming trunks way. I brought mine in case I needed them.”
“Well, you won’t need them.”
After the firepit was prepped, the boys stripped naked and enjoyed time in the pool, the hot tub, and at the ping pong table, which was set up on the patio. Their fun came to a sudden stop when Kalie and Brittany entered the yard.
“What are you doing here?” Gordy barked. “You don’t belong here. This is for guys only!”
“Hey, Gordy, calm down,” Aiden said quietly but firmly.
“Well, it’s nice to be welcomed,” Kalie said.
“We’re not going to come out of the pool, since we’re skinny dipping.”
“Me and Kalie have seen all of you but Skip naked,” Brittany said.
“Well, if you haven’t seen Skip naked then we’re for sure not getting out.”
“Like you hadn’t seen a girl naked when you were ten,” Kalie pointed out.
“I’m eleven,” Skip yelled out.
“There’s not much difference.”
“If you wanted to see me and Aiden naked then you should have had the campout on the farm,” Gordy said.
“It’s not like I didn’t want to,” Kalie told him.
That was when Larry and Phil came out on the deck to see what the disturbance was about. “I don’t think this is the place for you girls today,” Larry said.
“We just wanted to say hi to Aiden. I didn’t know everybody else would be here. But as long as Gordy is here, I want to apologize to him for being a bitch yesterday.” Larry and Phil raised their eyebrows on hearing Kalie’s self-description.
“You hung up on me,” Gordy said sulkily.
“We both hung up on each other. No matter, I felt bad about it. So I apologize for that. It was wrong of me. What happened with the campout wasn’t your fault. So, if Gordy gives me a hug, me and Brittany will go, and we can talk more next week sometime.”
“If I give you a hug I’ll get you all wet.”
“So? I’m wearing a t-shirt and shorts on a hot day. What’s there to care about?”
“Plus, I’m naked.”
Kalie turned and looked up at Larry and Phil hoping they would tell Gordy they didn’t care if she saw him naked since they knew it wouldn’t be the first time. When neither one said anything, Kalie told Gordy she didn’t care and nobody else cared.
“I normally wouldn’t care,” Larry said. “But, considering what’s gone down this weekend I think the adults of the world care enough to say, ‘Not this time.’ So, I’m now saying, not this time.”
“I promise I’ll give you a hug next time I see you after the weekend,” Gordy said.
“What about coming to my house tomorrow after you leave Aiden’s?”
“I said after the weekend. Like Coach said, let’s let things cool down for a couple of days,” Gordy said.
“I don’t agree, but I guess I’ll go along with it. I’ll see you soon I guess.” Kalie turned and left the yard with Brittany.
“She’s been hanging around with Heather too much,” Aiden said. “She never used to be snarky. But she started getting pushy on the bus and with you—just like Heather gets with everybody.”
“Maybe, maybe not,” Gordy said. “She did apologize, and that’s what I wanted. Now we’re going to have to figure out what happens next between us. But that will be later—right now I think I need to dunk Skip.”
That led the boys to more horseplay and games.
Aiden knew some of his outdoor type friends and teammates would thumb their noses at him for the firepit he used. It wasn’t a true firepit since he didn’t have to lay out tinder, kindling, and pieces of wood. The pit, like the two fireplaces in their house and like the BBQ grill on the deck, was natural gas. It was fed by an underground pipe that his dads had installed after they purchased the house.
But it acted like a fire pit and the boys sat around it and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, needing only one match to start the burner. It might not be what his friends would use, but for him it was easier and much more fun. Gordy, Miles, and Skip didn’t have a problem with it. They liked having the fire going and the hot dogs on their skewers roasting. It didn’t take long until they were ready to eat.
Larry and Phil enjoyed their own dinner in the TV dinner eating room. Phil had cooked up mac and cheese mixed with hamburger, along with a tossed salad from the big salad mixing bowl Larry used to make a salad for the campers. From their seats they could see the boys sitting happily around the fire pit cooking up their hot dogs. Because that part of the yard could be seen from the road, the boys were all wearing shorts.
“We should have taken them out on the boat,” Phil said.
“Maybe, but I think hanging with friends is what Aiden and Gordy needed. They’re not used to seeing parents dashing their well-laid plans,” Larry said.
“You’re probably right. But, let’s lay the groundwork for some boating and water skiing with them in the morning while we eat breakfast.”
“That works. Of course, Aiden will be eager because in a couple of weeks Nolan will be moving in.”
“And boy oh boy will life change for all of us then,” Phi mused.
After eating, the boys cleaned up the area around the pit. They then went into the games room, stripped naked, and enjoyed ping pong, foosball, darts, with a lot of gropes thrown in. Skip loved being able to grab the privates of the three older boys and having them do the same to him. He no longer felt like a little kid with the big kids. Instead, he felt like a middle school kid with other middle school kids. They might be older, but because they were treating him as an equal, he felt like one. The only thing that made him feel a little different was that he was knew he was the only one of the four who was virgin. He was confident that would change before school started in September.
“Well, we all have hard cocks, so I guess we might want to get into the tent and take care of the problem,” Aiden said.
“Who said having a hard cock is a problem?” Miles asked.
“Yeah, who said it’s a problem?” Skip responded as he thrust out his hips to emphasize his hairless two- and-three-quarter uncut tween erection.
“It might not be a problem, but it could be something we might want to get rid of,” Aiden speculated with a grin. “I heard somewhere that hard cocks are easier to get rid of if somebody helps you.”
“Let’s go find out.” Skip was literally jumping up and down with excitement. Aiden wondered if he and Gordy spending an evening camping out with Kalie and Brittany could come close to being as much fun as he and his friends were having. Skip’s excitement at being in the middle of big boy stuff made the night worthwhile all by itself.
“Before you and I go to the tent, I want to talk to Aiden,” Gordy said. “Privately,” he added when Miles and Skip made no attempt to move.
Miles got the hint and started for the game room door to head outside for the tent. When Skip saw Miles leaving, he turned and followed him out wondering why things suddenly got so serious.
“So, what’s up, Gordy?” Aiden asked.
“Remember what I said yesterday about wanting to fuck and get fucked more than once?” Gordy answered.
“Yeah, you were kind of upset.”
“Yeah, I was, and I really didn’t mean what I said. I’m sorry if it got you all excited to do it or anything like that.”
“Gordy, you’re my best friend. I’ve known you since third grade. I could tell you didn’t mean it and I wasn’t planning on taking advantage of you because you were hurting.”
“Thanks, Aiden. You’re the bestest best friend any guy could ask for. But this doesn’t mean I don’t want to get off with you in the tent. I just don’t want us to fuck, is all. At least not tonight.”
“Gotcha. But I do happen to know that your cock fits snugly in my mouth,” Aiden grinned.
“I hope Miles doesn’t decide to fuck Skip.”
“That just ain’t gonna happen. Skip promised I can take his cherry and I plan to do it before school starts, because that was my promise.”
When they entered the tent, the electric lantern was on and they saw that Miles was giving Skip a lesson in teen kissing. Skip was obviously an eager pupil. They broke the kiss and watched Aiden close the flap and zip the netting. Skip and Miles noted that whatever Aiden and Gordy had talked about didn’t do anything to diminish their boners. He was happy to see that his two friends were horny.
“Gordy and I are going to do our first cums with each other, so you two have fun together,” Aiden told Miles and Skip.
“And after that?” Miles asked.
“After that, anything goes.”
Miles was certain that Aiden’s decision was the result of what he and Gordy had discussed in the games room. He knew that Gordy had been down all afternoon and he was certain it was because of the whole Kalie thing. Gordy looked happier when he came into the tent and if he and Aiden having the first cum together made his best friend feel better then Miles was all for it.
As horny tween boys are likely to do if they’re naked in a tent together, they went right to work to relieve their horniness. Aiden and Gordy did some pawing and groping but didn’t kiss. Since Miles and Skip had started making out as soon as they’d come into the tent, they went back to where they’d left off when Aiden and Gordy entered.
Aiden soon confirmed that Gordy’s cock fit perfectly into his mouth. Skip and Miles were busily jerking each other off as Aiden gave Gordy an expert blow job. The tent was filled with grunts and moans.
“I’m getting close,” Miles moaned.
Skip surprised the thirteen-year-old by letting go of his cock and taking his thick four-and-a-half inches into his mouth. In just over fifteen seconds Miles became the fifth boy to have an orgasm in Skip’s mouth and the third to fill it with sperm. Miles joined Aiden, Nolan, Justin, and Gage as boys Skip had sucked.
Seconds after Miles came, Gordy joined him, shooting his sweet thin cum into Aiden’s mouth. As Miles and Gordy recovered, Skip scooted over to Aiden’s sleeping bag, which was next to his, and grinned. Aiden leaned toward the eleven-year-old and started sucking his rock hard cocklet while he played with his tight balls. Gordy maneuvered himself so he could put Aiden’s cock into his mouth and Aiden quickly shot his tween cum, beating Skip’s dry orgasm by seconds.
Larry and Phil were in their bedroom enjoying some sexual fun of their own. They could hear the sounds from the tent through their window, which was part way open. “Me thinks, the boys are having some fun,” Larry chuckled.
“I guess we might as well do the same,” Phil said. For them, a sixty-nine was the answer.
Round two for the boys consisted of wrestling, groping, kissing, masturbating, sucking, butt fingering (Skip thought Aiden’s finger in his ass was a touch of heaven), and eventually, except for Skip, cumming on each other. But, Skip’s dry cum was just as satisfying for him as were the three wet cums. He ended up with Aiden, Miles, and Gordy’s cum on his belly, chest, and face. He rubbed it around himself so that he was covered with the emissions of the older boys.
Before getting into their sleeping bags, the boys went outside and walked onto the dock where they proceeded to piss into the lake. “That sounds like a good place for them to make their bladders flatter,” Larry mused.
“Whatever works,” Phil said before sticking Larry’s seven inches back into his mouth.
Skip and Gordy both wanted to sleep with Aiden, but Gordy ceded the privilege to Skip. Gordy and Miles had been friends since elementary school, and he had slept with Miles often. As far as he knew, Skip was still getting used to sexy sleepovers, and who better to learn from than Aiden.
The boys were all tired, and as much as they wanted to do more, they fell asleep quickly.
Gordy, who was usually an early riser, was the first to wake up. He untangled himself from Miles, stretched, and wondered where he was going to take his morning piss. The basement bathroom was the obvious choice. All he had to do was get out of the sleeping bag without waking everybody up. He wasn’t successful. As he worked his way out, he bumped into Skip, who grunted and mumbled as he scooted tighter to Aiden.
Skip loved sleeping naked with Aiden; it felt special to do it. He and his friend Gage had frequent overnights and usually messed around with each other. Even though they got naked for the sex part of it, especially when they had oral sex, Gage didn’t like sleeping naked. He insisted they wear underpants. At first Skip protested but he remembered Aiden always saying that no was no and went along with his best friend’s wishes. At least Gage was okay with going shirtless; Skip enjoyed snuggling against his warm torso, but not as much as he enjoyed Aiden’s nude body.
Skip turned and looked up at Gordy, who was stooping over him. The morning sun created enough ambient light that he could make out Gordy’s features and especially his display of morning wood.
“Did I wake you up?” Gordy whispered.
“Yeah, but it’s cool. I’m hungry and I gotta piss,” Skip replied in a quiet voice.
“As soon as I find my underpants, I’m going to the basement to take a piss.”
“Not me. I’m just gonna go piss now and look for my underpants later.”
“Fuck, how about you guys just pissing and let everybody else sleep,” Miles yawned.
“Good morning, Miles,” Gordy said.
“How can a guy sleep in if everybody’s having a friggen gab fest?” Aiden groused.
“Mr. Morning Grump is awake. I guess that makes our morning complete,” Miles said.
“Aiden’s never grumpy in the morning,” Skip objected.
“And just how many times have you been Aiden’s bed buddy?” Gordy asked.
“A couple.”
“Give it a couple more times and you’ll learn that the noise you’re hearing right now is the real Aiden waking up.”
“How about you guys go piss on each other in the basement and let me get some more sleep,” Aiden grumbled.
“Well, then, let’s go and let the poor girl get his beauty sleep,” Gordy said. “Heaven knows he needs it.”
Aiden answered him by pulling his right arm out from under his sleeping bag cover and flipping the bird.
Miles and Skip didn’t bother to put anything on as they clambered out of the tent. Gordy decided it was unlikely some Sunday driver would be looking this far into the yard and stayed naked, too.
They went to the basement where Gordy pissed in the urinal, Miles pissed in the toilet, and Skip stood near the shower drain and pissed on the tile floor. “You’d better be careful or you’re going to become as whacko as Aiden,” Miles warned Skip as he stepped out of the toilet stall.
“At least Aiden isn’t near as nutso as his cousins, if you know what I’m saying,” Gordy told Skip.
“I don’t know what you’re saying,” Skip said honestly as he turned on the shower to wash his piss down the drain.
“You’ll learn if you hang around Aiden and meet his cousins Logan and Chase.”
Skip wondered if Gordy and Miles were talking about licking people’s asses, which Aiden had done to him, and then decided that what he and Aiden did was nobody’s business unless Aiden said it was okay to tell them. Before Skip could ask any questions, Aiden came into the basement. Nobody was surprised he crawled out of his sleeping bag to join them, nor were they surprised that he was naked.
The boys agreed that since they were naked in the basement shower room they may as well take advantage of the facility and shower. Aiden took four towels out of the cabinet while Miles and Gordy turned on two of the three showers. Gordy and Miles went under one showerhead and Skip and Aiden went under the other. After thoroughly washing one another, all four of the boys were sporting erections.
“I need a morning cum,” Miles announced to no one’s surprise.
Gordy said he was good. He wasn’t always willing to do sexual things in front of his friends, even when he was horny. Skip said he was hungry. While he was easing into puberty, he wasn’t always governed by his hormones. Gordy and Skip left the shower area and dried off. Gordy went out to the backroom while Skip watched as Aiden and Miles soaped up their genitals and humped each other’s wet, slippery body. It didn’t take them long to squirt over each other. They quickly rinsed off their boy cum and turned off their showers.
“Let’s go upstairs for breakfast,” Aiden said.
“I need to get my underpants from the tent,” Gordy said.
“You can wear a pair of mine. What about you, Skip, are you good being naked around my dads?”
“Yep, as long as you and Miles do it,” Skip replied.
The boys went up the stairs to the main house and found Larry and Phil in the kitchen. “French toast is ready to grill, sausage is ready to eat, and the orange juice is ready to pour,” Larry said.
“How did you know we were awake and ready to eat?” Miles asked.
Aiden answered for his dads. “The shower told them.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess it does make noise.”
Larry and Phil were amused but not surprised that Gordy was wearing a pair of briefs. They were surprised that Skip was naked, however. The boy who was Aiden’s youngest friend, was fitting in nicely with his elders.
“I was planning to cook breakfast with Skip,” Aiden said.
“You never told us about it,” Larry said.
“I forgot.”
“Famous words that adolescents don’t tire of using endlessly,” Phil chuckled.
“We would have turned down your request anyway,” Larry said. “We looked at your campout as being a special overnight occasion, meaning breakfast would be served this time.”
“Either way, next time don’t forget to speak up,” Phil said.
“Whatever,” Aiden groused again.
“I think somebody needs a good breakfast to get his karma back on track,” Larry told his son as he dipped two pieces of French toast in the eggy batter. “Phil and I already ate, so you boys get the dining room table to yourselves.”
“Thanks, pop,” Aiden said in a lighter tone of voice.
The topic during breakfast ended up being baseball. “Our game tomorrow is going to be HUGE,” Aiden said. Gordy and Miles nodded in agreement, but Skip wanted to know what made it huge.
“Because we both have 8 and 4 records with four games to go,” Aiden answered. “And since Kentburg is 8 and 4, too, it makes things even tighter. We still have to play them and Clark Pass, who is in first with a 10-2 record. But they play Kentburg tomorrow and either one can win that game.”
“We play on Monday, too,” Skip said. “We play Parkview, and our coach says if we win, we’ll have a two-game lead on them. They’re pretty good.”
“And since you’re playing at the middle school, we’ll be playing at East Lake Park, which has more seating, and I think we’ll need those extra seats.”
“It’s nice to know Parkview has a good team, since their teams at our level pretty much suck,” Gordy said.
“They’re good but not as good as us,” Skip said confidently. “We beat them 8-3 the first time we played.”
“Just remember not to get overconfident,” Aiden advised his friend.
“I know I won’t. My grandma tells me anybody can beat anybody if you don’t play your best.”
“That’s good advice. Your grandma is a smart lady.” Skip’s grandmother was Mrs. Emerson, the bus driver and lunchroom supervisor.
“You said you have four games left, and that you play Winton, Kentburg, and Clark Pass. Who is the other team you guys play?”
“South Centralia,” Gordy answered. “They haven’t won a game.”
“Just remember not to get overconfident,” Skip told him without a hint of irony in his voice.
Larry came into the dining room, enjoying the good camaraderie the boys were showing. “How’s breakfast?”
“The French toast was perfect,” Gordy answered.
“Chef Sanders works to make good breakfasts.” Phil was the lunch and dinner cook in the family while Larry and Aiden were the breakfast cooks.
“Damn, I wonder if Landon texted yet this morning. He said he was going to, and I left my phone in the tent.”
“So did I,” Gordy, Miles, and Skip answered in unison.
“Wait a minute, wait a just a dang minute,” Larry said. “Did I hear what you guys just said correctly? Because if I did you guys may have just made twenty-first century history.”
“What did we do?” Miles asked.
“I am looking at four middle school boys who have just confessed to forgetting to carry their phones. This is shocking, absolutely shocking.”
“I didn’t know I was going to shower and eat breakfast without coming back to the tent,” Aiden explained. “Besides, I’m naked. Where was I supposed to put it, up my ass?”
“I’m sure it’s been done,” Larry laughed as he returned to the daddy room to rejoin Phil.
“Parents. They always think they’re so funny when they usually end up telling unfunnies.”
“But at least your dads are cool about it,” Miles said.
“At least that’s what they’d like you to believe,” Aiden told his friend.
The boys were soon clearing the dining room and helping Phil clean the kitchen. Since Larry did the cooking, Phil did the cleaning. It worked the other way when Phil did the cooking. Aiden helped any way he could. By noon, Gordy and Miles had ridden their bikes home and Skip’s grandmother had picked him up.
Minutes after Gordy and Miles left, Aiden’s phone lit up with a phone call from Coach Hallion. Aiden knew that his coach wouldn’t be calling him unless it was for something really important, and he flicked the answer icon wondering what was so important. As soon as he found out what the call was about, he knew he should have guessed the reason right away.
“Hi, Aiden, it’s Coach Hallion,” as if Aiden couldn’t read his screen. “I’m calling you about two things I would normally bring up in practice, but as you know…”
Aiden completed his coach’s sentence, “…we haven’t had a practice since our last game.”
“Exactly. A fine job of mind reading. Anyway, I’m calling the pitchers to give them the rotation for the next two weeks and for one other item for you which I’ll bring up in a moment.”
“Okay,” Aiden said to let his coach know he was still with him.
“It’s pretty much an open secret that Trent will be starting tomorrow’s game against Winton. You’ll be the starter against South Centralia on Wednesday unless I need you to pitch in relief on Monday. In that case I’ll be going with Riley. Scott will be starting against Kentburg next Tuesday and Trent will throw our final game on Wednesday. You will be my first pitcher out of the bullpen that week if I need someone unless it’s to be the seventh inning closer. In that case I’ll go with Max.”
While Aiden understood why his only start would be against the winless South Centralia team, he still felt a bit disappointed. He was a fierce competitor and wanted to be in the middle of the action by pitching against the other contenders in the division. But Scott and Trent had earned their starts and as eighth graders were the pitching leaders of the team.
“I got it, coach. What was the other thing you were going to talk about?”
“I understand you have the phone number of Cal Loggins.” Cal Loggins was the ace of the Clark Pass Bucks.
“Yeah, I’ve got it.”
“Trent and Mac told me that since Skyler can’t pitch for us in California a lot of our players would like to see us pick up Cal.”
“Yep, and I’m one of those guys who thinks so.”
“Do you think you could give him a call by Wednesday to feel out if he’s interested and if he would be allowed to do it if he is interested.”
“I can do that. Are we having practice on Tuesday?”
“Yes, we are. I’ll be sending out a group email as soon as I’ve talked to the pitchers. I only have Riley left to go. The practice will be at six.”
“I’ll try to have his answer by then,” Aiden vowed.
“That would be great. Thanks for being a solid leader on our team—you make my job a lot easier.”
After his chat with Coach Hallion, Aiden did some reading in the library room. When Aiden turned on the start of the Mariners game at one, the room morphed into the baseball viewing room. Just as Jeremy Fleming threw the first pitch to the A’s, Aiden received a text from Landon, who played for Winton.
Landon and Aiden spent the first three innings of the Mariner game trading friendly insults and letting the other know how badly they were going to get stomped on. The two friends were having fun and were ready for the next day’s game. Landon got in the last text, telling Aiden to make sure not to let the trains racing past the field distract him and mess up his baseball concentration. Aiden grinned, texted back an LOL and then sat back to watch the Mariners earn an 8 to 2 win over Oakland.
As promised, Marty called that evening. Aiden enjoyed a half hour chat with his big bro. Aiden mentioned Coach Hallion’s decision to start Trent and Scott in the big games against the contending teams, assigning him to start the game against winless South Centralia instead.
“Somebody has to start the game against South Centralia,” Marty told him.
“But why not Riley or Lance or somebody like that?” Aiden grumbled.
“Am I sensing somebody sticking the letter ‘i’ into the word team?”
“No, I’m just saying. I mean I’ve started games against good teams, and I can pitch well enough to start more.”
“Wait, stop, hold everything. Listen to what you’re saying.”
“What I’m saying is…
Marty stopped him right there. “What I’m saying is you just used I four times in your rant. How about saying WE have to win every game WE can to make the playoffs and WE will do it as a TEAM. South Centralia may not have won a game yet, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to win. I bet they’d like nothing better than coming across a crack in the Goats’ armor because of a sulky pitcher who is busy feeling sorry for himself.” Marty waited patiently for Aiden to break a long silence.
Aiden sat running Marty’s words through his head and finally spoke. “You’re right. I have to be in my best space to help my team and right now I guess I’m not there.”
“You got that right. You know you’ll be playing in every game, either as an infielder or as a pitcher and you’ll be batting at the top of the order. You know that your team needs you at your best these last four games, because you’ll need to be in your best space for the playoffs. Because if you wind up playing in the round with the if game, guess who’ll probably be starting one of those?”
“Probably me,” Aiden said softly.
When the winner of the playoff game between the second and third place teams played the first-place team in the division for the division championship, the first place only had to win one game while the other team had to win two games to advance. The third game was the if game. What Marty didn’t mention was that the playoff between the two division winners would be a best-of-three match. Aiden could end up being a very busy pitcher when playoff time came.
“So quit feeling sorry for yourself, get your head screwed on straight, play a game at time and be ready for your team when you’re needed. And remember, for the next couple of weeks, every play in the field, every at bat, and, even against South Centralia, every pitch counts.”
“Yeah. And thanks for calling me on my shit. I’m gonna say a gratitude prayer to help me get focused.”
“Do you mind telling me what you’re going to be grateful for, bro?”
“I’m grateful for playing on a team with awesome players who are awesome friends. I am grateful for playing on a team I’m proud to be on and am grateful we have a chance to play for the league championship. And, I’m gonna be grateful I have an awesome big bro like Marty Carlson to help me screw my head on straight.” Aiden stopped to giggle. “Um…not that I’m straight or anything,” he concluded. “I love you bro.”
“I love you, my special little bro,” Marty responded.
After they disconnected, Aiden said his prayer, and then thought about the ways he could help the Yard Goats beat the Winton Travelers the next day.
NEXT: Every Pitch