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<Aiden and Larry>
Aiden woke up when Phil’s alarm went off. He saw that the time was six o’clock and was happy that the alarm was not for him. He could fall back to sleep once he went upstairs and into his own bed. Phil stepped out of bed on his side and Aiden followed him. He was sporting morning wood, but it didn’t embarrass him; he knew his dads had seen it before and understood what it was all about.
“Getting up to pee?” Phil whispered.
“Nope, getting up to go to my own bed so pop’s alarm won’t wake me up,” Aiden responded.
“What makes you think he set it?”
“Because that’s the way he is.” Aiden picked up Horace and left the bedroom. Phil shook his head as he thought about how Aiden had Larry perfectly pegged.
Aiden slept in until almost ten. He rose from his bed, said a morning gratitude prayer, placed Horace on his perch above the desk, took a piss, and trundled downstairs where Larry was sitting on the love seat watching the MLB Network in the dad waiting room.
Aiden told his pop good morning, gave him an awkward hug, and sat next to him. “What’s for breakfast?” he asked.
“Aren’t you a cheeky boy,” Larry chuckled. “You sleep in until ten and then expect to be served breakfast.”
“I didn’t sleep in until ten. It says right there under the TV that it’s three minutes until ten. Since that clock is set by the atomic clock, wherever the fragiflax that is, it is proof that I didn’t sleep in until ten. And since I am innocent of the crime I was charged with by my time challenged pop, I should be served breakfast.”
“I will serve you this: You know where the cereal bowls are, where the silverware is, where the cereal is, and where the milk and sugar are. I’m not sure what else you need for a breakfast so late you can almost call it brunch.”
“You’re mean.”
“And as you learned a long time ago, I’m proud of it.”
“Yeah—you and dad and Marty all say the same thing. It’s like I’m being ganged up on.”
“And you’re all the better for it,” Larry grinned.
“Speaking of Marty, how did the Mariners do last night?”
“They beat the White Sox 3-1.”
“That means this is a three bowls of cereal breakfast—two for breakfast and one for comfort food.”
“Did you text Marty about calling?”
“Yeah. He said he’d call Sunday night unless he couldn’t.” Aiden rose from the couch and started for the kitchen.
“I want to talk to you after you eat and shower.”
“Is it about…”
“Yes, it is.”
“Whatever,” Aiden mumbled as he left the room for the kitchen. Larry admired his son’s bare ass until it disappeared around the corner.
Aiden ate two bowls of Raisin Bran (he substituted two slices of toast covered with butter and jelly for his third bowl of cereal). After he cleaned up his mess in the kitchen (which was part of the solo eating process) he went upstairs, showered, and brushed his teeth. He wanted to take some time to jerk off but knew that he’d better not keep his pop waiting any longer. He had no doubt that the Saturday campout with Gordy, Brittany, and Kalie was going to be the subject of Larry’s talk.
“We need to talk about tomorrow’s campout,” Larry said, eschewing any preliminaries.
“I figured as much.”
“I talked with Gordy’s mother, who said that she trusted you and her son. I talked to Kalie’s mother who had no trouble with boys and girls camping together unsupervised. She’s kind of a different creature, isn’t she?”
“She’s pretty cool. She’s got no problems with boys and girls…um…getting to, like, know each other.”
“Brittany’s mother said she didn’t know there would be boys camping with the girls. She said she was not going to allow Brittany to participate in the campout. Which leaves you, Kalie, and Gordy. I assume Kalie will be sleeping alone in one tent with you and Gordy in the other.”
Aiden’s silence said everything Larry needed to know. “Look, I’m beyond certain that you have messed around with both sexes, especially when you’ve been at Kalie’s. We’ve had our share of birds and bees talks. You might be gay, but that doesn’t stop you from having sexual curiosity. Your dad and I were the same when we were boys.”
“Yeah, I’ve done a little bit with girls. Kalie more than anybody,” Aiden confessed.
“The way I see this campout, it’s a planned gathering that has more than cooking hot dogs, telling stories, and maybe a bit of show and tell involved. Your dad and I both think that a lot more than show and tell has been planned.”
Once again Aiden’s silence said everything Larry needed to know. “Look, I’m not so naïve as to think that these things aren’t going to happen, maybe even this summer. But I’m not going to condone you going to a campout for the expressed purpose of boys and girls getting into sexual situations.”
“Does that mean I can’t go camping?”
“What do you think?”
“I think that’s exactly what it means.”
“And what do you think of our decision?”
“I don’t like it. I wasn’t planning on doing much. But I would say it’s the right decision except for one thing,” Aiden said.
“And what would that be?”
“Now it’s just going to be Gordy and Kalie camping together.”
“And they’re boyfriend and girlfriend, right?”
“Well, I know that from talking to Gordy’s mom that he won’t be going if you aren’t since she was trusting the two of you to keep each other in check.”
Aiden knew that wasn’t going to be the case at all. The entire purpose of the campout was for Gordy and Kalie to lose their cherries in the woods, Aiden thought. That certainly wasn’t going to happen this weekend, if ever.
“We were really planning on having a good time and not making any trouble. I was even gonna get to use my camping gear for once.”
“Invite Gordy and a couple of other friends to come over tomorrow for a backyard campout,” Larry suggested.
“I guess that beats sitting in my room and sulking,” Aiden admitted.
“That it does, son. That it does.”
About a half hour after Larry’s talk with Aiden, Gordy’s mother, Flo, sat him down in the living room and gave him the news about the next day’s campout. “You don’t trust us, do you?” Gordy asked angrily. Flo rarely saw her son lose his temper, but she was expecting it this time. The decision not only meant a big change in plans, it was also a last minute one. While she expected a negative reaction from her son, she also knew that it was important to calm him down and turn the situation into a learning experience. She was pleased that Gordy hadn’t stomped off to his room and slammed a door or two.
“It’s not a matter of trust, Gordy. It’s a matter of you and your friends being unsupervised in a slippery situation.”
“I know what you’re thinking, but this is much different than your skinny-dipping parties with your friends. Those are all boy affairs, there is adult supervision nearby, and it’s all innocent fun (if you only knew, Gordy thought). I’m not totally sold on it, but I see no harm in it. Like your father says, it’s boys being boys.”
Gordy was happy his mom didn’t have any suspicion of the sexual messing around in the backhouse when he visited Kalie. “Can I still see Kalie?” Gordy asked pleadingly.
“But of course. I like your girlfriend and am happy you have one. Just make sure your visits or her visits are like we discussed before.”
“You need to trust me more.”
Flo gave her son a hug. “Oh, I do trust you son. It’s just that sometimes things happen.”
“I’ll do my best to follow the rules.”
“Of course, you will. You’re a good boy and as far as your dad and I are concerned, you always do your best.”
Gordy decided this was a good moment to leave. He gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek. “I love you, mom.”
“And I love you, son.”
Gordy left the living room and headed to his bedroom. In a way, he was happy that things worked out like they did. The closer his big moment got, the more it scared him. He wondered if he would feel more confident when he turned thirteen, which was less than two months away. While real sex with Kalie would happen when it was supposed to happen, he knew that with the cancellation of the campout, it wasn’t supposed to happen until after he turned thirteen.
Gordy was without question the most grounded of Aiden’s friends and was a person Aiden loved as a friend and admired as a person. He even found Gordy’s ambivalence about sex to be one of his positive attributes.
As Gordy thought about what he was going to do the next day now that the campout was cancelled his ring tone sounded. Since it was playing Beethoven, it had to be Aiden calling.
“Hey, Aiden,” Gordy said as he connected with his friend.
“Have you had a TALK with your mom this morning?” Aiden asked without any preliminaries.
“If you mean about the campout, the answer is yep. She just finished a few minutes ago.”
“I had one with my pop. No campout with the girls, but how about we set up my tent in my backyard and have a little campout of our own?”
“Why in your backyard? Why not find a place in the park or something?” Gordy asked.
“Because, if we did that right after having the TALK it would make our ‘rents like all suspicious.”
“Yeah, I see what you mean. I know you can squeeze four guys in your tent, so will it be just you and me in comfort or will we throw in another body or two?”
“Miles and Mason come to mind.”
“I figured as much. They are our best friends after all. Whoever you get is good with me.”
“Excellent. I’ll talk to my pop about it, and you can talk to your mom. Call me as soon as you can.”
“Okay, but before you go, I have two things I want to say first.”
“Go for it.”
“First, I’m not crushed that I won’t be fucking Kalie tomorrow. I decided to wait until I’m at least thirteen.”
“I totally understand,” Aiden said. “I knew you were epically nervous about it. You weren’t ready, were you?”
“You know me pretty good. It shows what an awesome friend you are.”
“What was the other thing?”
“On this campout in your backyard if we have it—I wanna fuck somebody and get fucked. I want you to know I want sex more than I ever wanted it and it can be with any of you guys. I’m gonna do it without getting wussy, and if I do get all wussy you can, like, whomp my butt or something.”
“Gotcha. And you’ve really got a great ass, but I’d really like to see Gordy the big horn dog in action more than I want to spank his butt. Talk to you later.”
They disconnected. Gordy decided he would talk to his mom at lunch. Aiden was going to call Miles and Mason before talking to Larry. He figured numbers talked and four was bigger than two.
Aiden went to work organizing his little backyard campout. Organizing people and things was one of his strengths and one of the many reasons he was respected as a leader by both his peers and adults.
After disconnecting with Gordy, Aiden decided to call Nolan first. He knew Nolan was busy with the upcoming move, but he wanted to at least give him the chance to say he wouldn’t be able to come, which is exactly what he said when Aiden contacted him.
“Your mom should give you at least one night’s freedom,” Aiden told his boyfriend.
“Amen to that. But, as they say in baseball, it is what it is,” Nolan said. “I probably could get dad to change her mind when he gets home, but it’s not worth the hassle. I mean pretty soon we’ll be seeing each other all the time and we can put together another campout when it’s summer and gets really warm.”
“I can live with that.”
They then spent ten minutes discussing Tuesday’s upcoming games and how they could affect the standings before disconnecting. Aiden then called Miles who said he would consult his parents as soon as they came home from work. The next call was to Mason.
“I know I can’t do it because I’m gonna spend Saturday night with Freddie,” Mason said. “And then we’ll be going to Sunday school and church the next day which makes my mom, like, totally happy.”
“Are you gonna show Freddie what BJ’s are about?” Aiden asked.
“We don’t have that kind of thing going,” Mason confessed. “But I’m really sure I can get him to jerk off with me. And who knows what his big brother might want to do.”
“I can’t believe you’ve become best friends with Freddie and haven’t sucked his cock.”
“It happens. But, no worries, I’ll be working on him once we get to know each other real good.”
“It sounds like Freddie is the real deal,” Aiden said.
“Nah, he’s just different and I really like him a lot. And if I don’t suck him, there are plenty of other cocks waiting for me to suck. If you were camping out tonight, I’d be there and suck everybody there.”
“If you want to spend the night in my bed with me, come on over.”
“Thanks for asking. I’ll ask my mom when she gets home, but don’t plan on it.”
After they disconnected, Aiden wondered how Mason managed to get involved in the kind of relationship he was having with Freddie. He then wondered who would make the fourth boy in the tent. He had an idea for somebody. He decided to call Gordy and see what he thought.
But before he could call Gordy, he received a call from Kalie. “Hey, Kalie. I guess you heard the news,” Aiden said.
Kalie went directly to the reason for her call. “Gordy must have talked his mom into saying she didn’t want him camping out with me.”
“That is so wrong,” Aiden snapped. “How can you say something like that?”
“I can say it because he’s scared, that’s how.”
“My pop is the one you should blame, not Gordy. He called all the parents yesterday. Brittany’s mom said she couldn’t go, then my pop said I couldn’t, and Gordy heard from his mom. Your mom is the only one who didn’t care. I guess Gordy must have been the one to tell you.”
“He did and I almost hung up on him I was so mad. But Gordy’s such a nice person it would be totally rude to hang up on him no matter how mad I am. But I told him it was his fault because he was so scared of sex and then he hung up on me.” She then broke down crying and Aiden waited patiently for her to say something.
“I really wanted to do it bad,” she finally sobbed. “It was going to be an epic night.”
“I know. I guess you didn’t have a chance for Gordy to tell you what he’s decided about doing the nasty.”
“What did he say?”
“You’ll need to call him to find out.”
“Why can’t you tell me?”
“Because if you’re his girlfriend like you say you are, you need to apologize. Hanging up is even more wrong than what it was you said.”
“Aiden?” Kalie asked quietly.
“Do you think you can come over to my house tonight and sleep with me?”
Aiden was so stunned by the question he wasn’t sure how to respond. He just knew he needed to end the call before he was the one to get mad. “If two wrongs don’t make a right then three wrongs don’t make one for sure. You really need to call Gordy, so I’ll talk to you later.”
“But I just want…”
Aiden didn’t let her finish. “Bye,” he muttered before disconnecting. He decided to wait to call Gordy in case Kalie came to her senses and made the call she really needed to make.
<Aiden and Marty>
Aiden was surprised when his phone lit up with another phone call. The ring tone was “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” which identified the caller as Marty.
“Hey, Marty. What are you doing calling during the daytime?” Aiden said.
“Hey there, Sport. I didn’t realize there was a law against daytime phone calls,” Marty responded.
“Only when busy Major League ball players are making them,” Aiden said with mock seriousness.
“I hear ya, but I came to the clubhouse early for some extra BP and thought about how I haven’t talked to you in a bit, so I decided I’d give you a call and say hi.”
“Thanks. It’s been a weird day, so you called at just the right time.” Aiden told Marty about the cancelled campout and Gordy’s and Kalie’s reactions.
“Which is why I think every boy, gay or not, should have sex with his buddies. The straight ones can wait until high school to go girl crazy. I had my one fling when I was in high school, and I hope you wait that long for yours.”
“My high school fling is gonna be with you.”
“Since that’s still a long way off, let’s talk baseball. You guys have been playing some good ball.”
“But it’s been busy. This is day two of four straight days off after playing more games than you did for over week.”
“Second place in a summer tournament is nothing to sneeze at. It sounds like those Canadians had a pretty good team.”
“The tournament was fun. And so were a couple of those Canadian boys, you know what I’m saying?”
“I do. And I’m willing to bet Mason was in the middle of it all,” Marty laughed.
“Yep, he sure was. And like I texted you, the Canadians are playing in the SoCal Basebrawl. We’ve all said we’re going down there to do what you and Eric and them did and that’s beat the big California dudes.”
“We were a bit older than you guys are when we made our California trip.”
“So? Who says we can’t do the same thing?”
“As happens so often, you make a good point. Okay, I told you this would be a short call. I just wanted to say hi and hear your sexy voice.”
“Did you just call my voice sexy?” Aiden asked.
“I did and it is.”
“I want to talk seriously with you when we get a chance. Like Twelve Step kind of serious.”
“Talk to Sammy—he should be available to talk with you faster than I am.”
“I will, but you’re my big bro and I need to have a big bro chat.”
“Gotcha. And I gotta jet. Talk to you again soon, my friend.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it. I love you Big Bro.”
“I love you, too, sport.”
Aiden disconnected and decided to call Gordy.
<Aiden and Gordy>
“I hear Kalie got a little pissed at you,” Aiden said after the friends exchanged greetings.
“She hung up on me,” Gordy said dejectedly. “How did you know she was pissed off?”
“She called me and told me what she thought and that you hung up on her. I told her she should apologize to you for getting mad. And that was like ten minutes ago. I figured she probably called you by now.”
“Well, she didn’t. And Aiden, you believe me that I didn’t hang up on her, don’t you?”
“Totally. I can’t believe she’s lying about it. You deserve better than the way she’s treating you. Plus, I thought she was a better person than that.”
“Doesn’t matter now. It looks like we weren’t meant to be going out together. Oh, and my mom said it was okay for me to camp out with you and whoever else comes as long as it’s in your backyard.”
“Cool,” Aiden said. “I’m sure she thinks my dads will use clubs to keep the girls away from us.”
“At least that much. Plus, I know none of us wants to see Kalie around anyway. Thanks for calling me, it means a lot. You’re an awesome best friend.”
“I’ve got one question to ask you before you go,” Aiden said hurriedly.
“Ask away.”
“Mason can’t come on Saturday. He’s spending the night with his buddy, Freddie. I was thinking that four works better than three for messing around no matter how crowded the tent gets.”
“I thought your tent was supposed to sleep four.”
“It is, but it’s a tight fit.”
“I thought that you’d figure a tight fit like that was a good thing,” Gordy chided.
“I was just saying. You know, reminding both of us of all the facts before we decide on boy number four.”
“I know the twins and Grant and Riley are all busy. Emmett might be cool if the twins’ sister doesn’t hold him hostage.”
“Emmett hasn’t messed around with guys that much,” Aiden pointed out.
“Since when did that become a bad thing?”
“It isn’t, but I was just thinking we’d want somebody who’s been more involved in some of our messing around.”
“Like who?”
“Like Skip.”
“But he’s only going to be a sixth grader.”
“And he’s done everything but the big nasty and likes being naked and messing around with guys a lot.”
“Well then, Skip it is. Somebody’s gotta lose his cherry tomorrow, I guess.”
“I’m sure it won’t be him losing it. His time will be coming soon, but it won’t be tomorrow.”
Gordy and Nolan were the only ones who knew that Aiden had promised to fuck Skip before he started middle school in September.
“Call him and invite him. And if he can’t come, then call Emmett. He is a Goat after all.”
“Good point, but I’m still going with Skip first.”
Aiden’s point being made, the boys talked a little about their Monday baseball game against Winton and then disconnected. Aiden then called Skip, who liked the idea of a backyard campout with the older boys. He knew they would all be messing around and he was ready for that. He thought that maybe Aiden would fulfill his promise and Gordy and Miles would watch.
“I gotta ask my mom, first,” Skip said.
“Understood,” Aiden responded.
An hour later Skip called back and told Aiden his mom wanted to talk to him. Aiden listened disinterestedly as she told him she would give Skip permission as long as there was only Gordy, Miles, and Skip camping with him. “I know there is a two-year age gap here,” she told Aiden, “but I also know Skip enjoys your company and has enjoyed visiting at your house. I like how you and your friends treat Skip like an equal instead of a little boy. I want you to promise that you and your friends will do the same tomorrow.”
“I promise,” Aiden said. He knew what Skip’s mother didn’t know: that treating Skip as an equal meant he could have the same sexual fun as the rest of them. Except for fucking, he corrected himself. That time hadn’t come yet, but it was close.
“Skip will be starting middle school next year. I think by hanging around with you and your friends he will be very ready to fit in with the older boys, which will help him in sports.”
“Yes, it will,” Aiden agreed since agreeing with Skip’s mom was the prudent thing to do.
“Then I’ll put Skip back on the phone for you,” she said. “Thanks for being such a special friend.”
“What time do you want me to be there?” Skip asked right away.
“My dad is making lunch for us, so be here before noon. Then after lunch we’ll put up the tent, swim, and do whatever.”
“Mom, he told me to be there before noon so I can have lunch,” Skip yelled away from the phone. Aiden could hear Skip’s mom’s voice. “She said it’s good and I’ll see you tomorrow,” Skip told Aiden excitedly.
<Riley and Lenny>
Lenny enjoyed a meatloaf dinner followed by a lemon cake dessert. Riley’s mother was a good cook, making him wonder how Riley stayed so skinny with so much good food around. Then it occurred to him that when there was company there was usually more food being served.
He also enjoyed watching Riley’s little brother Liam pick at his carrots. The five-year-old seemed to enjoy carrots with the same enthusiasm as Lenny enjoyed broccoli. Lenny thought carrots tasted awesome and couldn’t imagine somebody not liking them. Broccoli, of course, was a different matter altogether.
After dinner, Lenny had an enjoyable family evening with Riley and his family. He had forgotten what family evenings were about since his father had walked out of his life. While his mother did her best to have family games or trips with him, Lance, and Brenda, it wasn’t the same without his dad around; it just wasn’t a full family.
With Riley’s family, Lenny felt right at home. Riley’s father, Thomas, loved to kid and joke, Liam was fun for no other reason than being a happy five-year-old, and Riley’s mother, Glenda, loved getting everyone involved in games, chats, or just watching television (in this case, the Mariners—what else could it be?).
Liam ran out of gas a little after nine and started dozing off. Glenda told him to get himself ready for bed and she would come in to check on him and tuck him in. For the most part, Liam brushed his own teeth, but his mother helped him with flossing.
“I want daddy and Riley and Lenny to tuck me in, too,” Liam insisted as he headed for the bathroom. After all of the getting ready for bed business was taken care of, Liam came into the living room wearing a pair of baseball themed pajamas. Thomas, Riley, and Lenny followed him back to his bedroom where Glenda was waiting for them.
After the parental hugs and kisses were finished, Thomas and Glenda left the room. “I want to sleep nakey like you and Lenny,” Liam said to Riley. He turned to Lenny and said, “Sometimes Riley lets me sleep with him when I get scared of monsters.”
“You have monsters?” Lenny asked in a shocked voice.
Liam nodded. “Under my bed and in my closet. But they’re not here all the time.”
“Have you ever seen them?”
“No, but Riley says they’re hard to see. They were his monsters but now he’s a big boy so now they’re my monsters until I’m all grown up like Riley. But he knows when they’re here and when they’re here is when I go and sleep with him. But they’re not here tonight, right Riley?”
“With Lenny here with me, they’re too scared to come into the house,” Riley said.
“Do you think I can sleep with both of you?” Liam asked his brother.
“Not this time, but I promise you that one night you can. Just don’t bug me about it all the time, though.”
“I promise I won’t. Kiss me so I can go to sleep, Lenny first.”
Lenny gave Liam a kiss on his cheek and nose. “And on my lips—that keeps the bugs out of my mouth when I sleep.” Lenny gave Liam a quick peck on his lips, causing the young boy to break out in a big grin. Riley followed the same routine with the same kinds of kisses and the tweens turned out the lights and left for Riley’s room.
That’s when the serious kissing began—kisses deep and wet and full of unabashed tween love. In the ensuing tangle the two boys undressed themselves as well as each other and were soon rolling naked on Riley’s bed.
“Fuck, we’re gonna squirt cum all over each other if we’re not careful,” Lenny said.
“I didn’t know that was a bad thing,” Riley giggled.
“I thought you wanted to fuck me for the first time tonight.”
“Um…, I don’t know about you, but I can do it twice in one night.”
“It’s your call, but how about we take care of our bathroom stuff before we do anything. Let your mom know we’ve got our shit together.”
“I like it when you cuss,” Riley grinned.
“I learned it from my friends and teammates who are masters of cussing.”
“So I noticed.”
Lenny reached into his backpack and pulled out a pair of pajama pants he had brought for form’s sake. This seemed like the right time to wear them. Riley silently agreed by putting on a pair of his own. They then went out to the bathroom to take care of business. After taking care of their teeth, faces, not to mention pissing, the boys went to the living room to say goodnight to Riley’s parents.
Lenny wasn’t surprised to see Riley’s mom and dad give Riley big hugs, but he was surprised to get hugs from them as well. “Thanks for being such a good friend to Riley,” Riley’s mom whispered into Lenny’s ear.
After the hugs, the boys retreated to the bedroom and were soon naked again and making out on Riley’s bed. It didn’t take them long to shoot their light pubescent cum on each other and themselves. Thinking ahead, Riley had towels handy.
“I got to thinking,” Lenny said.
“Aiden says thinking is dangerous and gives peeps headaches,” Riley grinned
“That explains why he has headaches all the time,” Lenny chuckled. “Nobody I know thinks about stuff the way he does. But anyway, aren’t we kind of lucky the urchin didn’t come in and bug us? I know he likes wandering into your room.”
“That wasn’t luck. First, you saw him. He was totally tired and zonked before we closed his door. Second, we have a new deal for when I have company. If I say my room is Code Red, he cannot even think about coming in. He agreed to that as long as we can get naked together when he wants and be naked when we sleep together.”
“Do you have, like, you know, sex with him?”
“No way, dude. He’s only five. But I don’t want him to be ashamed of his body in any way like I’ve been. But I’ve never even touched him down there, although he touches me with his little dickie when we’re sleeping naked, but it’s all innocent, like. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t bone up a lot when he’s in bed with me, and I sometimes bust a nut when he’s asleep.”
“But that would make a mess in your bed.”
Riley reached under his pillow and pulled out an old worn sock. “Cum catcher,” he grinned. “And speaking of boned up, I’m ready for the second round.”
Lenny had brought some lube with him for Riley to use. He told Riley how he worked his way into an ass. “Usually Lance’s,” he smirked. With fits and starts Riley entered Lenny and after some hesitation started the fucking motions that are hard wired into every boy. While neither boy was a polished lover, they made up for it with their youthful enthusiasm and love for each other.
Because they’d just had orgasms, round two took a little longer. It felt just as good or better than round one and soon Riley was going hard into Lenny, who enjoyed what his boyfriend was doing to him. He grabbed his t-shirt and stuffed some of it into his mouth to muffle his groans and grunts, especially those times Riley hit his sweet spot. When Riley started squirting into Lenny’s ass, he had Lenny shooting boy cum on both of their bellies. Not long after, they fell asleep snuggled in each other’s arms. Riley couldn’t remember ever being so happy with a friend as he was that night with Lenny.
Next: A Campout is a Campout