Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<Seattle King Street Station>
Logan and Curt were the first to wake up Friday morning, both rising a little after eight. Logan hit the shower he and Chase shared, and Curt headed to his shower as soon as Logan finished. The boys made their way into the kitchen at the same time. The four brothers had been informed the night before by Susan that breakfast would be cereal and toast, and they would probably be on their own in the morning depending on when Susan awakened.
The two were eating at the kitchen table when Susan entered the kitchen. “Check it out, Curt, mom slept in late today,” Logan marveled.
“A mother’s privilege when she has four rambunctious sons,” Susan stated matter-of-factly as she dropped some bread into the toaster and poured herself a bowl of oatmeal.
“And dads get to sleep in later than moms?”
“Your dad’s been puttering in his workshop since who knows when in the morning.” Troy had a workshop/mancave in the third garage.
Eddie walked into the kitchen ten minutes later, followed by Chase fifteen minutes after that. Logan and Curt had finished their breakfast but hung around to chat with their brothers about the Blowout that would be starting that afternoon. Logan, Eddie, and Chase were dressed in t-shirts and underpants while Curt was in a t-shirt and lounge pants.
After all four boys had finished eating they split up. Eddie and Chase showered together in Chase and Logan’s shower while Curt and Logan dressed. In a couple of hours Drake and Pierce would be arriving together while Dillon, Tony, and Madison would be showing up as well.
Eddie and Logan were slated to go to King Street Station with Troy where they would be meeting the Cascades from the south bringing Nolan and Aiden and twenty-minutes later the Cascades from the north bringing Darnell.
Logan was excited to see his favorite cousin, Aiden. Eddie was excited to see his good friend Darnell. Because Drake had been adopted by Logan’s Uncle Keegan, he was Logan’s cousin. Logan also had a couple of cousins on his mother’s side whom he didn’t know very well. He loved Aiden and often wondered what his life would be like if he and Aiden lived close to one another.
Logan wished he could wait for Aiden’s arrival on the platform, but only ticketed passengers were allowed on the platform. The exception to the rule was adults listed to meet unaccompanied minors who were on the conductor’s manifest. Troy showed his paperwork to the agent at the gate who opened the gate to the platform, allowing Troy to go outside.
Aiden’s train arrived on time at 12:10. He and Nolan were the first passengers at the coach door nearest the Bistro car. They waited for the conductor to set down his yellow stepstool and exited the train on the conductor’s signal. Aiden waved when he saw his Uncle Troy and he and Nolan walked up to him pulling their carry-ons behind them. Troy handed the conductor the needed paperwork and his ID. After confirming that everything was in order, he released the boys to Troy’s care.
Aiden entered the station and when he saw Logan he let go of his carry-on, ran up to his favorite cousin, and gave him a big hug. Nolan got in the next hug while Aiden hugged Eddie. Hugging Eddie, his onetime adversary, still seemed strange to Aiden, but it felt better every time he did it. The boys chattered away until the Cascades 505 from Vancouver BC arrived at the station at 12:25, five minutes early.
“Why does Darnell get to come in early and we don’t?” Aiden asked.
“Quit whining, Sweet Cakes,” Nolan admonished him. “We were on-time, weren’t we?”
“Yeah, I know, but if I whine now, I get all the whining out of my system before the party starts.”
“I’m holding you to that,” Nolan grinned.
Troy went through the same protocol with Darnell he had followed with Aiden and Nolan. Within minutes Darnell was coming into the station pulling his carry-on. He let go of it and gave Eddie the first hug, which was followed by hugs for Aiden, Logan, and Nolan.
The long hug between Eddie and Darnell was something else Aiden needed to get used to. Not that long ago Eddie was shouting racial slurs at Darnell, and now they were best friends. Aiden thought his hug with Eddie and Eddie’s budding friendship with Darnell were good things—it just needed some getting used to. Aiden understood that because he and Eddie lived far apart, it would take time for that to happen.
<The Blowout begins>
When Aiden arrived at the Miller residence, he received a loving hug from his Aunt Susan. She made sure to make it a special hug, knowing that Aiden was motherless; she felt a special hug from his aunt should be something special, and she was right.
“How is my favorite Mayfield nephew doing?” Susan asked Aiden.
“I’m doing pretty awesome,” Aiden grinned.
Nolan received the next hug. “I hope my favorite Mayfield nephew’s boyfriend is taking good care of him,” she said.
“We take good care of each other,” Nolan responded.
“A very mature attitude in any relationship.”
Darnell, who had come into the house after Nolan and Aiden, received the third hug—another special hug for a motherless boy. “It’s great to see you again,” Susan told him.
“It’s great to be here. Thanks for letting us meet here, Mrs. Miller,” Darnell said.
“Aunt Susan works just fine.”
Darnell broke out into a wide grin. “Then, thanks for letting us meet here, Aunt Susan.”
Right then, Madison’s mother dropped him off in front of the Miller residence. He bounced to the front door carrying a backpack and overnight bag. He reached to ring the doorbell, but Curt, who had seen Madison get dropped off, opened the door before he could push it. Curt grinned when he saw Madison’s brilliant blue hair.
“Blue hair,” Curt grinned. “You did what you promised.”
“Of course. I’m, like, the seventh-grade fashion plate of the Magnolia District,” Madison responded.
“Well come in and I’ll introduce you to the out-of-town boys.” He noted Madison’s bags. “Did you pack for a four-day weekend or a two-week stay?”
“Hey, it’s, like, how can I be a fashion plate for the weekend without, like, bringing my stuff with me. I got some shit for the big barbecue tomorrow.”
Susan gave out yet another hug, which Madison received gracefully. She then diplomatically retreated to the living room while the boys set their bags down by the stairs and went down to the basement. He was then introduced to Nolan, Aiden, and Darnell. They had been warned about Madison’s penchant for dyeing his hair, so they weren’t surprised by the bright blue.
“What all did you bring in those bags?” Aiden asked Madison.
“Dude, I’m in my blue phase, so I brought some dye for my eyebrows and some blue lipstick for, like, my lips, and blue for my big toes along with green if I want to go with either school or Mariner colors. I’ve got it all covered. Pretty smart of me, huh?”
“I never would have guessed you’d put lipstick on your lips.”
“Like where else would I put it, on my ass crack?”
“That sound like a good plan to me,” Eddie said.
“Your cousins told me about you and Nolan. They were, like, you two are boyfriends,” Madison said to Aiden.
“That we are,” Aiden said. “You don’t have to say, but since you and Tony are the only guys at the Blowout that I don’t know, I was wondering if you were gay.”
“Dude, I’m like the gayest gay in Magnolia. I was gay the minute I, like, popped out of my mom’s pussy.”
Aiden found himself liking Madison. He was a ball of positive energy. “And, hey, guys, don’t worry I brought lipstick remover, so you don’t have to get your dicks in a knot thinkin’ I’ll be wearing lipstick to the game on Sunday, cuz I won’t be,” Madison told the group.
“Why not?” Curt asked.
“Cuz, it’s a baseball game, that’s why not. It’s not like I’d be wearing lipstick when I played, so I sure ain’t gonna wear it when I’m, like, being a fan.”
“Makes sense to me,” Aiden said.
“It does? Fuck, it sure don’t make much sense to me. But I liked how it sounded. So, like I said, no lipstick on Sunday, but tomorrow be ready for Madison to, like, plate his fashion.”
“I just thought of something,” Aiden said.
“That’s my boyfriend, always thinking,” Nolan grinned.
“No, seriously. I know two guys whose first names are the last names of presidents, and now you make three.”
“Who are the other two?” Madison asked.
“My baby brother, Lincoln, and Pierce who should be here soon. The barbecue, tomorrow, will be at his house.”
“Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Nolan asked.
“I don’t think so.” Nolan was about to tell him who it was, but saw that Aiden was doing some serious thinking. He understood his boyfriend well enough to know that Aiden didn’t like being interrupted when he had that look on his face.
“Fuck…it’s Grant. How could I forget Grant? I mean he’s become a really good friend. Here I was talking about number 16 Lincoln and number 14 Pierce with Pierce and Drake a couple of weeks ago and I totally dorked out on Grant, who was number 18, by the way.”
“And Madison, like beat them all since he’s number 4. You mean you got all the presidents memorized?” Madison asked. “I mean, that’s way radical.”
“I guess not quite as well as I thought if I couldn’t come up with Grant.”
“But if my favorite cousin says he knows the presidents in order, you better believe he knows them in order,” Logan said. “He’s a pretty smart dude. And a really good baseball player.”
“Logan says you guys won your middle school league,” Madison stated.
“We sure did.”
“You and Nolan?”
“Nolan lives in Meadow Park and goes to school there.”
“F’n A. You guys are like totally serious boyfriends and live in, like, a different town and go to totally different schools?”
“That is true,” Nolan said.
“And we’d each give our left nuts to go to the same school our last five years,” Aiden said.
“That just blows my friggen mind. I’m gonna have to, like, learn more about this,” Madison mused. “And, hey, I thought you guys were saying the clothes would be coming off down here in the basement.”
Before anyone could respond, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Chase said. “That sounds like Dillon.”
“How can you tell?” Logan asked. “It sounds the same no matter who rings it.”
“Trust me, bro, I can tell.” Chase dashed upstairs, taking them two at a time.
“Well, I think it’s Tony,” Logan shouted after him before rushing up the stairs after his big brother.
Chase opened the door to find Dillon and Tony both waiting for the door to be answered. “Hah, I was right,” Chase said as he ushered the two boys into the house.
“Right about what?” Dillon asked.
“Right about you being outside ringing the doorbell,” Chase said, looking directly at Logan.
“Except I didn’t ring the doorbell; Tony was ringing it when I walked up to the door.”
Logan folded his arms. “Yep, you can sure tell who’s ringing the doorbell,” Logan smirked.
“Shut up,” Chase said. “I didn’t hear you being right either.”
“That’s because I wasn’t dumb enough to say who was ringing the bell. I just told you who I thought it was.”
“Little brothers, you can’t live with ‘em, and you still end up loving them to death,” Chase told Dillon.
Logan and Tony led the way down the stairs. Logan’s jaw dropped open when he saw Madison standing stark naked chatting with Curt, Eddie, Aiden, and Nolan who had taken their pants off. Madison’s hairless cock was standing at attention.
“What…,” Logan started.
“Before you say anything,” Eddie interrupted, “you guys ran upstairs as soon as we mentioned getting our pants off, so me and Curt said it was okay with us. Only he….”
This time Madison interrupted. “Only I kinda like took everything off and I’m not the only one.”
Logan heard the toilet flush and when the bathroom door opened, he saw Darnell in his birthday suit. His cock was longer and thicker than Madison’s, plus his pubic area was covered by a light coating of dark, curly pubes. “Madison made me do it,” Darnell said when he saw Logan gaping at him.
“Sure, you just meet a kid and in less than a half hour he gets you naked,” Logan scowled.
“Are you mad at us? I thought the blowout was all about stuff like this.” Darnell was confused since Logan was usually in the lead when it came to undressing.
Aiden could see the confusion on Darnell’s face. He stepped up to his friend and gave him a tight hug. “Damn your cock has grown since I saw it last,” Aiden said.
“That’s because I try to keep it busy,” Darnell grinned.
“Hey, Logan, how come you’ve got a hair up your ass all of a sudden?” Eddie asked. “This is what a huge part of Big Cousin Dozen Blowout is about—getting NAKED!”
“I think little bro just wanted to be first,” Chase said as he unbuckled his shorts. “If you don’t get your butt in gear, you won’t even be the first Miller brother to get naked.” He turned to Eddie, Curt, and Nolan. “And how the fuck is it that you guys only got your pants off?”
“Don’t forget Aiden,” Nolan replied.
Chase turned to Aiden and saw Darnell with his hand shoved into Aiden’s briefs. “I can take care of that,” Darnell grinned. He yanked down on the blue and gray briefs. He received no resistance from Aiden and quickly pulled them halfway down Aiden’s shins. Like Madison and Darnell, Aiden was hard.
“Shit, this is how I thought things were gonna go,” Madison said. “Who can I strip?”
Nolan walked up to him and quickly found his boxer briefs pulled down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and then pulled off his t-shirt, leaving him naked except for his socks. His five-and-a-half-inch erection was leaking precum.
“I didn’t know you were, like, so big,” Madison said as he wrapped his fingers around the teen’s cock. “This party’s getting epic.”
Eddie was the first naked Miller brother with Chase seconds behind him. The last person in the room to be naked was Logan. Logan had planned on having everybody play a stripping game—instead everybody just ended up getting naked. At first it pissed him off, then he remembered that the whole goal of the Blowout was to have fun, fun, and even more fun.
Aiden and Darnell dropped down on the carpeted floor, Darnell on top. It had been a long time since the two friends had messed around with each other. Both were horny and dark-skinned Darnell set right to work humping the blond beneath him, creating an interesting contrast. Logan quit worrying about the collapse of his plans and started stripping Tony. Soon the boyfriends were naked on the floor next to Aiden and Darnell, humping their cocks together. All ten boys were quickly naked and involved in sexual play.
Nolan was surprised and pleased when Madison went down on him. Aiden and Darnell, as well as Logan and Tony, were humping on the floor. Dillon and Curt teamed up. They sat on the couch and proceeded to start masturbating each other. Chase gave Eddie a long hard kiss and then told Eddie to sit on the overstuffed chair. Chase knelt between Eddie’s legs.
“I want to fuck you,” Chase told his adopted brother.
“Later,” Eddie replied. “No fucking tonight but after that, anything goes.”
“How are you going to stop people from fucking?”
“I ain’t gonna worry about it right now—I just want you to suck me to an epic orgasm.”
Dillon and Curt sat next to each other and started jerking each other off.
Ten of the dozen had quickly gotten into the idea of the blowout. Even Logan got over his snit and told himself the blowout was off to a good start. As much as he liked being with Tony, he wished he could be humping Aiden, then decided that could come at another time. He wondered for a moment where Drake and Pierce were and thought how much they were missing. He then turned his full attention to Tony, who was experiencing his first orgy.
<Drake and Pierce at Walker’s house>
“Damn, Pooka, I can’t believe the balls on that Burt dude,” Drake said as they sat on the loveseat in the rec room. They were going to ride with Keegan to the Miller residence, but there was a change in plans. Because Pierce had a half-day of school, he and Drake would be arriving to the party later than the rest of the Dozen.
Pierce had wanted to tell Drake about his confrontation with his former trick, Burt. He had thought about telling Drake on the phone, but Walker suggested it might work better if he told the story in a live conversation, so he and Drake could look at each other and touch each other.
“Trust me, Duck, you’ve got bigger balls than he does—and nicer ones too. We won’t even go into dick size—he needed an extra small condom so it wouldn’t fall off.”
Drake smiled and kissed his boyfriend. “Thanks for telling me about what happened. Part of me wishes you’d told me right away, but I understand what Walker meant. It was good to be able to hold you while you told me the story.”
“It felt even better to hold you,” Pierce nodded.
“Do you think you’ll see him again?”
“I hope not, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he showed up at the bus stop again. He’s that kind of an asshole. Most of my tricks were okay dudes, but not him. When he was fucking me he slapped my ass hard telling me what a nice smooth ass I had. He might have been bigger than me, but he was all blubbery and not very strong. I rolled him off me. As soon as I felt his cock pull out of my ass, I turned and pushed him away and told him I said I didn’t want none of that shit. And you know what he said?”
“He said he loved me for getting rough with him and begged me not to go. He said his wife didn’t like anything rough and he wasn’t gonna go into what his boys liked.”
“Fuck, you mean he was a married man?”
“You’d be surprised how many of my tricks were. I found out his boys were fourteen, thirteen, and nine. I think he had a thing for them but was afraid of being caught messing around with them which is why he went looking for whores like me,” Pierce said despondently.
“Cut with the whore shit, you’re my Pooka which means there is no way you can be a whore.”
Pierce gave Drake a kiss. “Thanks, Duck, I needed to hear that.”
“What are you going to do if you see him again?”
“Do what Walker said to do and call 9-1-1.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Drake told him. “You know what we should do now?”
“Get our asses to the Blowout?”
“You win the grand prize. Let’s drag Walker out of the yard and get him to drive us there since we’re carrying our giant suitcases.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Pierce chuckled. “It’s not that long a walk and our little bags have wheels and Walker wants everything to be just right for the barbeque tomorrow.”
“I still say let’s get him to drive us there. That will give us more energy for sex when we get there.”
“I like how you think. We both know this blowout will be all about sex.”
“Yep,” Drake agreed. “But like I told you, I ain’t gonna be into those little boys—except maybe Aiden. But Chase and his boyfriend are a good pair I’ll do anything with, and Eddie’s been around the block, so I wouldn’t mind seeing what he’s got. Curt’s got potential, but he’s too straight for his own good.”
Five minutes later they were in the backseat of Walker’s car and not long after that they were being dropped off at the Miller residence for Day 1 of the Blowout.
Troy let Drake and Pierce into the house. “They’re down in the basement doing whatever it is they’re doing down there,” Troy told the two teens. The boys saw the backpacks and overnight bags in the hall, set theirs down next to them, and started for the basement door when they were stopped by Susan who came out of the kitchen.
“Please let the boys know that lunch will be served in twenty minutes,” she announced to no one in particular.
“Will do, Aunt Susan,” Drake replied, and he and Pierce headed down to the basement.
What they saw did and didn’t surprise them. It didn’t surprise them because the basement was littered with ten horny teens and tweens getting off together. It did surprise them because they thought the plan was that everyone would stick with his partner the first day.
As the boys squeaked and squawked and rolled and tumbled, Pierce looked over at Drake who read his boyfriend’s look perfectly. “Horny trumps a plan every time,” Drake grinned. Drake made the lunch announcement and then landed a long kiss on Pierce’s lips. The teens proceeded to strip as they watched the action. They might not have much time before lunch, but they were horny enough to get each other off in fifteen minutes.
“Damn, look at the size of their boners,” Tony whispered to Logan.
“Want to sample one?” Logan whispered back.
Tony hesitated and then said, “Maybe later. I just want to finish with you this time.” The tween boyfriends went back to kissing and humping each other as they rolled around the floor.
Drake and Pierce pumped each other’s cocks as they watched the black on white show of Darnell humping Aiden, Madison sucking Nolan, Chase sucking Eddie, Dillon and Curt jerking each other off, and Tony and Logan having a sexual wrestling match. “Horny, horny, horny boys,” Pierce breathed. “I hope Eddie doesn’t mind his schedule getting fucked up. He can get uptight when he doesn’t get his way.”
“I think that if he got uptight Chase is managing to take care of that,” Drake chuckled as he watched Eddie push his cock deep in to his Chase’s mouth and groan as he shot his load into his brother’s throat.
The rest of the boys enjoyed orgasms before they had to head upstairs for lunch. Everyone except Eddie, Nolan, and Madison had to dig into the pile of dirty socks Logan had brought downstairs and dumped on the floor to wipe off various amounts of semen.
They quickly put on enough clothes to be dressed appropriately for lunch and headed upstairs. Logan, Madison, Pierce, Eddie, Darnell, and Chase didn’t bother donning underwear.
The rest of the afternoon consisted of hot dogs and chips for lunch, outdoor and indoor games until the big spaghetti feed provided by Luigi’s. The boys had the sex they had been looking forward to before lunch and went for more conventional fun for the rest of the afternoon.
<Troy and Susan>
“The boys cleaned up the basement nicely, but they should have opened some windows and the door to eliminate the odor,” Susan chuckled while the boys played Whiffle Ball outside.
“Are you saying a group of horny tween and teen boys had sex in our basement?” Troy asked in mock shock.
“Was there any question? And is there any question there will be more tonight?”
“We knew it would happen when we approved of this. We also knew we could lay down the law about when and where, which might have kept whatever kind of orgy they had planned from breaking out this afternoon.”
“What kind of fun would that be?”
“You know honey, for a conservative housewife you certainly have a liberal outlook on children having sex,” Troy said.
“As long as the boys are having fun and working hard to make us think they aren’t doing as much as we know they are doing, I am okay with it. You went through that stage at their age, and you seemed to have survived it just fine.
“I wouldn’t have missed it.”
“And it’s something you still engage in on occasion.”
“Not with boys!” Troy huffed.
“That’s not what I meant, but certainly with your brothers and old friends.”
“You’ve never objected.”
“And I never will as long as you don’t keep it secret from me. But I do ask one favor.”
“And that is?”
“I never had a chance to do this while growing up, but next time you and Keegan get together for a session, I’d love to watch. Back then I really wanted to watch a couple of boys go at it, and I still have that fantasy, even if now it would be a couple of grown-up boys.”
“If Keegan agrees, it’s a deal. But Keegan hasn’t been quite as eager to play around since he became a serious daddy with a baby.”
“I’m willing to bet that he thinks of it,” Susan said. “I’m very willing to bet that.”
<Justin and Aiden>
After enjoying a busy afternoon of games, sports, catching up on news, getting to the know the boys who were relatively new to them, along with mischievous pubescent boy horseplay, the boys washed up and took seats at the dining room table or at one of the fold out dinner trays provided by Luigi’s.
Marne and Dominic, who was Luigi’s assistant chef and was also in charge of the restaurant’s small catering operation, took care of setting up the meal with the help of two eager young assistants: Marco and Justin. Tony had talked to his mother about helping the day before, but Marne told him that he was a participant in the party and to not worry about assisting.
Aiden had greeted Justin earlier when he came upstairs and saw Marco and him unpacking plastic plates and flatware. Dominic and Marne were taking care of the food.
“Hey, bro, good to see you,” Aiden grinned.
“I knew you would be here big bro and I need to talk to you after dinner before Marco and I have to leave with Marco’s mom,” Justin responded in one breath. Marco placed his right index finger at his mouth and made a gesture that told Justin he knew exactly what Justin planned to talk about. Justin nodded without breaking his work rhythm.
“Are you guys getting paid for this?” Aiden asked.
“Yep, but Marco’s mom said that this was going to be the only time we worked for her for pay until we got older but she thought it would be fun for us to help feed guys we know and she is right because Marco and I are having fun, right Marco?”
“Right,” Marco said as he fished out cups for the soda.
Marco and Justin were excited when they learned they could eat with the party boys if they sat at fold out trays. They felt really special to be able to sit with the big boys and would have sat on the floor if they had to. The food was served buffet style. As the boys lined up to fill their plates, Madison, Nolan, Darnell, and Dillon introduced themselves to Marco and Justin, making the young boys feel even more important.
After they finished eating, each boy took care of his own garbage. Marco and Justin followed Dominic and Marne’s instructions to help get the cookware and other items belonging to the restaurant back in the restaurant’s van.
As they neared the completion of the job, Justin asked Marne if he could have a quick talk with Aiden as soon as they finished. She told him to take care of his business right away. “We’re almost packed. Marco can give us any extra help we need,” Marne responded.
Aiden had told Justin during dinner that he would wait for him in the den, which was where Justin found him chatting with Nolan, Logan, and Tony. “I need to talk to my big bro real quick,” Justin said, which was his way of saying he wanted privacy. Nolan, Logan, and Tony left the room giving Justin his big brother all to himself.
“Nolan could have stayed,” Justin said, “but I didn’t know how to say it without making Tony and Logan mad.”
“No worries,” Aiden told him. “We don’t have much time anyway since I’m sure Dominic and Mrs. DeMarco want to leave as soon as they can. So, what do you want to talk about?”
“Well, you know that when I was at your house I did a blow job with Skip, right?”
“Right. Are you having second thoughts about doing it now?”
“No, it was fun, and Skip was fun to do it with. But I don’t know if I should do it with Marco.”
“Why not, because he’s never done it?”
“He’s done it with Tony and even swallowed his, you know, cum stuff.”
“So, what’s the problem then?”
“I like just cuddling and kissing and humping him and all that stuff better than doing blow jobs because I get to touch all of him, and he gets to touch all of me. But he wants to do blow jobs with me.”
“He knows the first rule, right?”
“Yep. He knows no means no. But do you think I’m being dumb and we should start sucking each other?”
“All I can say is you do just the things you want to do. And if he’s the best friend you tell me he is, then he should respect that you don’t want to do it.”
“I might want to when we get older. Did you do it when you were nine? Blow jobs I mean?”
“Pretty close. I was ten.” They heard Marne calling Justin’s name from the dining room. “Look dude, you do what you think is right and don’t let anyone push you into doing what you don’t want to do yet. Have you thought about asking your dads what they think?” Aiden asked.
“Yeah, but they’re my dads and that’s hard.”
“Well, there’s been times I’ve asked my dads about sex and they’ve helped me a lot. I think your dads are pretty cool, so don’t be afraid to talk to them.”
“COMING! I better get going,” Justin said. “Thanks for helping me.”
“Remember, you do what you think is right. Make sure Marco knows that. He seems to be a great kid and I know you like him a lot. Hell, just tell him to let Tony suck him until you’re ready. And I have a feeling you’re going to be like me.”
“By being ready to trade BJs with Marco when you’re ten.”
Justin grinned and stood up as did Aiden. They exchanged a long, loving hug that caused Aiden to get hard. They broke off and Justin jetted out the door waving his right hand as he left.
After the big pasta and pizza feed, the boys gathered downstairs in the home theater where they chatted and laughed. Chase turned on the television so they could watch the Mariner game. When Aiden came downstairs, they were all together for the first time since they finished dessert. Dessert was a chocolate cake baked by Susan.
“How was your chat with Justin?” Tony asked.
“Private,” Aiden replied. Nolan knew that at the right time he would learn what the chat was about. For now, however, Aiden’s answer said all anybody needed to know.
“Since the sex plan kinda came apart this afternoon, who’s sleeping with who tonight?” Curt asked.
“It didn’t come apart, we just did things differently than planned,” Eddie countered.
“Yeah, we all had fun, right?” Chase asked.
“Well, yeah, but…”
“The plan was an idea, not a command,” Eddie said. “We all agreed that we would have one time when were just with our party partner. I thought we’d start that way, but, yeah, that’s not how it went. If we are with our partners tonight, then we’ve all done what we agreed to.”
“And after we have our time together, then what?” Nolan asked.
“Then it’s like this afternoon.”
“Yeah, ORGY TIME!” Drake shouted out.
“Or whatever,” Madison giggled. “I want to like, sleep with my weekend boyfriend tonight to make sure we do it. I don’t want it to be like the whole weekend went by and I had a wicked time but never got to do anything with Curt who, like invited me. And after that, orgy time sounds like wicked fun.”
“Just like I want to be with Darnell who came all the way from Bellingham for the party,” Eddie said.
“And for us to be together,” Darnell grinned.
“Let’s vote,” Aiden, whose time on the Mayfield Baseball Club board had made him familiar with the group decision making process.
The group decided unanimously to sleep with their weekend partner. That left one question to be answered and that was where each pair would sleep. Once that was decided, the boys focused most of their attention on the last two innings of the Mariner game. The Mariners held a 5-4 lead going into the eighth. The fact that most of their attention was on the game didn’t keep some of their attention from being on their gonads.
Madison, Nolan, Eddie, Chase, and Darnell had worked their erections out of their underpants and were lazily stroking themselves. Aiden was tempted to join the masturbators, but he wanted to give Marty his full attention. That paid off in the bottom of the eighth when Marty whopped a two-run double to give the Mariners a 7-4 lead over the Tigers. Aiden felt relaxed and pulled out his hard four inches and joined the strokers. The boys’ attention was soon back on the game in the top of the ninth when the Tigers mounted a rally that was squelched by Mario Diaz after three straight hits off reliever Ronnie Reynolds led to a Tiger run which cut the Mariner lead to 7-5. Diaz struck out the three batters he faced, and the Mariners walked off the field with a hard-earned victory.
Chase was the only boy to have an orgasm while watching the game. He blew his wad over his chest and belly between the eighth and ninth innings. The boys bid each other good night and, making sure their cocks were secure, said good night to Troy and Susan. They took care of their evening hygiene and were soon in bed with their partners.
Everyone bedded down naked, of course. Tony and Logan slept in Logan’s bed where they enjoyed a sixty-nine. They fell asleep with the sweet taste of their lover’s cum on the tongues.
Madison and Curt were in Curt’s bed. Curt gave Madison some of the most passionate kisses the younger boy had ever experienced. They were so passionate that Madison had his first ever spontaneous orgasm as he was battling Curt’s tongue. Curt jerked himself off as Madison lay speechless on his back wondering what had just hit him. Everyone knew that anything that happened sexually wasn’t going to be kept secret for long and by the next day the boys of the Dozen knew the protocol for stopping Madison’s seemingly endless chatter—just get him off and he would go silent.
Eddie was a natural top, but he wasn’t surprised to find himself being fucked by Darnell. The suddenly not so little black boy was one of the three boys Eddie was willing to bottom for without any objection. The other two were Pierce and Aiden, although Aiden didn’t appear to be really eager to have sex with him.
Aiden and Nolan slept in the guest room. Aiden bottomed for Nolan before they fell asleep. He wished it was something he could do more often with his boyfriend. The distance between their homes got in their way much too often.
Chase and Dillon thought about fucking but ended up trading blow jobs. Chase was certain he would have no problem filling his boyfriend’s ass but having just blown his wad he didn’t want to deal with the extra effort. He liked being fresh when he pounded Dillon’s bottom.
Pierce and Drake slept on the pullout bed in the basement. The oldest boys of the Cousin Dozen were also the most ambitious. Pierce hammered his lover’s ass and then jerked himself off to another orgasm as Drake pushed himself deep inside his Pooka.
Day one of the Cousin Dozen Blowout was a big success. The boys were ready for day two and the barbeque at Pierce’s house. They wondered what kind of sexual encounters would come about at the outdoor party.
Next: The Cousin Dozen Blowout-2