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<California Zephyr Cars>
Larry, Phil, Paul, and Vivian were seated at a front table in the Solarium dome eating breakfast when Aiden, Nolan, and Landon entered the dome carrying their breakfasts. They sat at the table across the aisle from the parents.
On their way to the dome, they had said their good mornings to Espowyes, who was eating in the Observation section of the car with one of the passengers.
“You boys slept in later this morning,” Vivian observed. “You aren’t getting tired already are you?”
“No, mom,” Nolan answered. “There are no mountains to see and photograph so Aiden set his alarm for 7:15 which is fine with us.”
“Corn and wheat don’t excite you?” Larry asked.
“Not quite. But we’re making our way into the Twin Cities and we should be able to see Target Field from the train before we get into Union Station in St. Paul,” Nolan replied.
“And after that comes the Mississippi River, and that excites us,” Aiden said.
“Hey, where’s my dad?” Landon asked after swallowing his mouthful of French Toast.
“He told us last night he was going to let you boys beat him getting out of bed and that he was tired and was going to get some extra sleep,” Larry said. “I think our long service stop in St. Paul will wake him.”
“If it doesn’t, we’ll send Landon to his room to wake him up,” Aiden said.
“Sure, let me be the sacrificial lamb for dad to yell at,” Landon groused.
“We’ll back you up. He’ll have to kill all three of us and that just isn’t gonna happen.”
“I think the issue is now moot, because look who just came up,” Paul said.
“Good morning, everyone,” Michael said. “I thought I’d see who was awake before grabbing my breakfast.” He looked over at Landon, and grinned. “And it looks like I need to assure my son that he is guaranteed to live for at least one more day.”
“Daaad,” Landon moaned, “I was just joking around. It’s what’s called an exaggeration.”
“Anything that finds my son using five syllable words before he finishes his breakfast is worth my talking about. I’ll be back as soon as I load up on breakfast.”
The boys had just finished eating when the “Empire Builder” and its three extra cars entered St. Paul Union Depot three minutes early at 8:30.
The boys quickly left the dome and headed for the Silver Rapids where they found a vestibule door open. William was standing on the platform and greeted the boys as they stepped off the train.
“We leave at 8:50, right William?” Landon asked as he eyed the classic station that was built in 1923. It was closed in 1971 with the advent of Amtrak and remodeled and reopened in 2012 as a transportation hub. It now served the “Empire Builder”, the “Twin Cities Hiawatha” to Chicago and the “Morning and Afternoon Lakelands” serving Duluth/ Superior, along with buses and light rail.
“You are correct, sir,” William replied with a grin. “But don’t leave the platform and go into the station.”
“But, William…”
William cut him off and said, “No worries, Master Landon, I know you boys know how to behave on and around trains and won’t be going anywhere. But I must do my duty and tell you what you already know.”
“It’s cool, William,” Aiden said. “We just planned to walk up and down the platform and stretch our legs anyway.” The three boys then headed toward the front of the train. They stopped to check out the “Morning Lakeland” which was scheduled to depart at 9:15 for Duluth/Superior. The train consisted of three coaches and a café/lounge car.
Vivian carried a cup of coffee up into the dome of the Silver Solarium. She sat at Espowyes’ table. She soon got into a discussion with Espowyes on his history and how he got to know the boys. She listened intently to his telling her how he had advised the boys to accept themselves and each other for who they were. She wasn’t sure whether to approve of what he said or despise him for it. But as she thought of how much Nolan’s demeanor had improved upon his return from Montana and how he no longer had any qualms about his love for Aiden, she elected to approve of his tactics.
At 8:45 the boys boarded the Silver Rapids and headed to the Silver Solarium and their bedroom to take care of their morning tooth care. Aiden discovered a text from Mason that had been sent the night before. He looked intently at an attached picture of Alejandro kissing Mason’s cheek with Mason displaying a beaming smile. The text then answered an earlier text Aiden had sent Mason about whether he and Alejandro were boyfriends.
Mason: We r boyfriends now
Mason: Wish u were here
Mason: Have fun on ur vaca
Mason: Getting back 2 practice l8r
“Oh my god guys, look at this.” Aiden showed the text to Nolan and Landon.
“Is EVERYBODY in Mayfield gay?” Landon asked.
“Like I told you before, we’re just more open about it. Plus, lots of guys who say they are boyfriends and in love or whatever are gonna get snagged by girls when they get to high school.”
“And like I told you before, it sure isn’t like this in Winton. No eighth grader is gonna take a selfie of his boyfriend kissing him, even if it’s just on the cheek. Even the gay guys probably wouldn’t do it.”
“It was kind of like that in Meadow Park when I lived there,” Nolan said. “Some big-time bullies there made life miserable for guys who they think might be gay.”
“Did they come after you?”
Nolan nodded. “They tried, but like most bullies they’re fucking cowards.”
“Do you have bullies in Mayfield?” Landon asked.
“Everybody has bullies,” Aiden replied. He couldn’t help but think of the bullies who went after Mason in elementary school and how he had helped Mason against them. They’d been mostly in hiding since. ‘But what if Mason did an awesome job at the concert and became a star or something?’ he thought.
“Well, this isn’t getting us into one of the dome cars where we can do some river watching.”
“Landon’s right—we’re here to be foamers and not talk about problems,” Nolan said.
“Then let’s go foaming all over a dome,” Aiden said.
“Along with the foam in your bed tonight?” Landon smirked.
“Ohhh, listen to Landon—he’s starting to think dirty.”
“I can’t help it after hanging out with you guys for a couple of days.”
The rest of the day was spent viewing and photographing the Mississippi River along with central Wisconsin. They enjoyed lunch in the dome. The climax was the ride from Aurora, Illinois, to Chicago on the BNSF triple track “speedway” where the train raced through the suburbs at 79 miles per hour. But the real excitement came when the skyscrapers of downtown Chicago came into sight.
“And there’s Chicago, the ‘Windy City.’ Talk about a place that’s all about trains, this is it!” Landon said excitedly.
“I wonder how it got that name.” Nolan wondered.
Espowyes had the answer for that. “Two reasons. First because of a tornado sometime in the 1870’s, a newspaper came up with the name. And then applied the term to the local politicians, who they said were “full of wins.” From there, the name struck.
“I wish we had two days here so we could spend a day just taking train pictures,” Landon said.
“We’ll see lots of train stuff in the Museum of Science and Industry, and I bet we’ll find a way to get a few live train pictures while we’re at it,” Aiden said.
“No doubt.”
The “Empire Builder” portion of their trip ended when their train arrived at Chicago Union Station on time at 4:45.
After disembarking, the three families had a van pick them up and take them to their hotel where they had reserved four rooms. Larry and Phil shared a room. Michael had his own room now that it had been established that Landon would be sleeping with Aiden and Nolan in their room. Paul and Vivian had a room of their own. They took their luggage to their rooms. Larry told the boys they would meet in the lobby in fifteen minutes and get dinner.
“I sure have been getting a ton of texts from the Goats about Mason,” Aiden said as he rode the elevator up with Nolan and Landon.
“Me too,” Nolan said. “It sounds like Mason kicked total ass in that concert.”
“I would expect nothing less,” Aiden said as they stepped out of the elevator just before Larry and Phil stepped out of the elevator next to theirs. As they pulled their suitcases to their rooms Aiden told Larry and Phil about the texts he and Nolan had received. “We gotta find a way to watch that concert,” Aiden told his dads.
“We’ll give it a look after dinner,” Larry assured the boys.
“I need to find it online first. That will be the first look.”
After putting their luggage away, they enjoyed dinner at the hotel restaurant. They then went in the Moyer’s room to finalize their plans for the next day when they would be playing tourist.
When the boys returned to their room, Aiden connected his tablet to the hotel wi-fi. He had noted on his phone that morning that he had an email with an attachment from Michael in East Harbor. He was positive the attachment would be Mason’s performance.
“Michael knew that we were traveling, and being the smart, caring guy he is, he sent us the concert,” Aiden told his boyfriend. Nolan and Landon moved their chairs to give them a good look at the screen.
Aiden pressed play and the boys took in Mason’s part of the big concert. “Holy crap, is that really Mason on that stage?” Aiden asked his friends.
“It looks like it to me,” Nolan replied. “He’s amazing. I mean look at him dancing and moving as he’s singing like a pro.”
Aiden paused the video and said he would be right back.
“Where are you going?”
“To get two guys who have been pretty important in Mason’s life.”
“I thought that was you.”
Aiden left the room without commenting and soon returned with Larry, Phil, Paul, Michael, and Vivian.
“I count more than two guys,” Nolan said.
“I got a feeling this was for everybody,” Aiden responded.
“Let’s find out if the hotel can offer us a less cramped place to view this,” Larry said. He called the front desk and got quick service. Fifteen minutes later they were set up in one of the hotel’s conference rooms where Aiden was able to plug into a big screen on the wall.
He started the video of the Trey and Michael Benefit Concert from scratch and the group sat enthralled as they watched a version of Mason they never knew existed.
“I knew Mason had talent, but this is something else entirely,” Aiden said.
“I’ve pretty much only seen him on the baseball field,” Landon said. “He was like a good field no hit type of guy. I never imagined him as someone like we’re seeing.”
“Join the crowd,” Nolan said. “I’ve seen him perform but never like this.”
When the show ended, they had a glimpse of Alejandro giving Mason a kiss on stage. Nolan and Aiden both looked at Vivian to see what her reaction to that was. It was one of acceptance. It was as if she should expect a friend of Aiden and Nolan to share a kiss with a boy.
“That was very special,” Paul said. “Thanks for inviting us to watch. There is way more to Mason than I ever thought possible.”
“Make that more than any of us thought possible,” Larry said. “I’ve known Mason since he was a little third grader with a miserable self-image who was a prime target for bullies. I’ve seen him grow on the soccer and baseball fields and in his singing abilities. But tonight was more than just another step in his growth, it was a quantum leap.”
“Another awesome thing is Alejandro’s story about when he was on the streets going by the name of Trey,” Aiden said. “And now he’s sponsoring a benefit concert to help the street kids in LA. There’s no doubt Mason’s got himself a kickass boyfriend.”
Larry notified the front desk that they were finished. One of the clerks shut down the hotel system and everybody returned to their rooms. The first thing Aiden did after entering his room was text Mason.
Aiden: Congrats on your epic performance.
Aiden: You are awesome and I’m proud to call you my friend.
Aiden: Nolan says you totally kicked ass. His ‘rents, my dads, and Landon and his dad were there too and were totally amazed.
Aiden: You were wickedawesome and I love you my friend. I can’t wait to see you.
Nolan also sent a text praising his friend and teammate. The boys took care of their nightly business and climbed into their beds. Nolan and Aiden pulled the covers of one of the king beds over each other and Landon did the same in his bed. One of the many things the three boys all agreed on before shutting up and closing their eyes to sleep was that it was too bad they couldn’t have been there in person watching their friend morph into an ace performer.
<Alex, Jaden, and Grant>
Alex, Jaden, and Grant were awakened early by Grant’s mother. The plan for the day was to go kite flying at Ocean Shores with Grant’s father, Darren.
Alex, Jaden, and Grant were extra excited when they heard the news. Jaden was no stranger to the ocean since East Harbor was close to the Pacific and its beaches, but he had never gone kite flying. Alex was still getting used to his proximity to the beaches, especially since he had been afforded little opportunity to go. Grant had been there twice since moving to Mayfield; once with just his dad and once when his dad took him, Lenny, Lance, and Riley.
The boys showered and sat at the kitchen table to scarf down their breakfast. They had something else they wanted to do before the day was over. Because of Gordy’s birthday and other things keeping them busy and distracted the day before, they weren’t able to watch the At the Majestic benefit concert at the Hollywood Bowl with Mason being a featured performer. They discussed their solution to that while they ate.
“I’m going to text Michael and see if he’ll send us a link to the video of the concert, so we can watch it after we come back from the beach,” Alex said.
“I really wanted to watch it bad, but I know this was your trip,” Jaden said.
“I wanted to watch it big time, but we couldn’t work it out. No worries though, we will work it out.”
“I bet you guys that Mason kicked ass, yesterday,” Grant grinned.
“No way I’m taking that bet, because I know you’re right,” Alex said.
“Let’s be sure we have a time set aside to watch it,” Jaden said.
“Like I said, we’ll work it out.”
After breakfast, Grant’s mother went to the car carrying a cooler filled with sandwiches, fresh fruit, and sodas for lunch. She placed the cooler in the trunk, gave Darren and Grant hugs and kisses (much to Grant’s embarrassment) and hugs for Alex and Jaden, which Alex enjoyed. He was proud to be back on Carla’s good side after spending a long time being thoroughly despised by her. They were soon in the car. Carla waved good-bye as they headed for Ocean Shores. Darren had purchased four kites at Ben’s Hardware and Sporting Goods on Friday in anticipation of the outing.
The August day was everything that could have been hoped for. It was sunny and warm with a perfect breeze for kite flying. There were a lot of people at the beach, but only a few were flying kites. They were all careful to avoid each other.
Darren, who had been flying kites since he was boy, gave Alex and Jaden instructions, with the help of Grant, on how to best fly their kites. He also went over the rules of the sky when other kites were around. Alex and Jaden were determined to be the best kite flyers on the beach. After a couple of crashes at the start, with the help of Darren and Grant they quickly became quite adept at controlling their kites.
All too soon it was lunch time. After lunch they would do some wading at a protected cove that had a good beach but little surf. When Alex and Jaden stepped into the water, they both screeched, “Fuck that’s cold!” in unison.
Grant, who’d been there and done that, cracked up while Darren uttered the obligatory, “Watch your language boys,” as he tried to hold back his own laughter.
“I thought the water at our beaches was cold. Hell, they’re bathwater compared to this,” Jaden said. He and Alex refused to step out, their pubescent egos telling them to make it clear that they weren’t pussies. Grant quickly joined them. He wanted to show he was as tough as his cousin and his friend were.
After wading into water up to their waists, they silently agreed that macho was macho but freezing cold was freezing cold, and the two shouldn’t meet. So, after what they felt was enough time to confirm their toughness, two of the three boys started out of the water. Alex held back and after Grant and Jaden were on the beach, Alex dropped into the water, getting himself totally soaked. He jumped back onto his feet wondering what made him do something that stupid and ran onto the beach amidst laughter and catcalls from Darren, Grant, and Jaden.
“When did you become stupid, Alex?” Grant asked.
“When my brain froze because my feet were frozen,” Alex said shaking his head. “Let’s get our dry stuff and go to that changing room up the beach and get warm.” Grant and Jaden agreed it was a good idea and within minutes the three boys were naked and standing under warm showers. They didn’t care that three adults and five boys were using the changing room—they wanted to get warm. The boys looked to be in the eight to twelve range, with the oldest boy the only one getting naked to shower. Three of the boys apparently were in the changing room just to change their clothes while one of them stripped naked and brought his towel in the shower area.
Alex, Grant, and Jaden thought the older boy was hot and quietly shared their opinions with each other.
The boy looked to be around five feet tall and around 90 pounds in weight. His pubic area was smooth, and his balls had dropped. Even though there were eight shower heads in the changing room, the boy surprised Jaden, Alex, and Grant by taking the one closest to them.
“Hey guys, my name is Morgan,” the boy said.
Grant was the closest to Morgan. “Hey Morgan, I’m Grant and this is my friend Alex and the guy at the end there is my cousin Jaden.”
“Cool. It’s nice that there’s somebody my age in these showers for once instead of little boys like them and men. I get embarrassed being naked around the men, so I don’t usually shower here. I just dry off and get ready to go home.” The younger boy went to the other end of the row and turned on his shower. “The little runt over there is my little brother Barry. He’s nine, but he can be cool. Do you guys live around here or are you here from Seattle and those places?”
“I live in Mayfield,” Grant said. “Do you consider that to be what you’d call around here?”
“You guys are almost my neighbors. I live in Meadow Park. Do you know where that is?”
“Right next to Centralia.”
“Close enough.”
“You must know who Nolan Moyer is,” Grant said.
“Yep. He’s a grade ahead of me and was the biggest stud jock in Meadow Park Middle until suddenly he moved away to Mayfield of all places. Let me tell you, you guys lucked out.”
“I should probably tell you that me and Jaden aren’t from around here since the way you’re talking it sounds like you think we are,” Alex said.
“Then you two must be from Seattle like most of the dudes here.”
“Nope. We live in California although I spent most of my life living in in Mayfield.”
“No shit? So, you guys are just up here visiting Greg,” Morgan said.
“It’s Grant,” Grant corrected.
“Sorry. Especially since you’re not a Seattle dude. But I’ll tell you what I’m becoming and that’s a prune. I gotta, like, get out of here and dry off.”
“The same with us,” Jaden said.
The four boys shut off their showers and went to the lockers to dry off and put on the dry clothes they’d brought. “It must be tough to leave those Cali beaches and come up to our cold ones, even in August. I’m used to the cold water, but down there the water must be like going into a hot tub.”
“It’s not that warm,” Jaden said. “Some of us think it’s cold. But it’s a lot warmer than your water.”
“Everybody says almost all the boys in Mayfield are gay. Is that true?”
“Remember that ‘Everybody’ is usually wrong, and you’ll know that what they’re saying isn’t true,” Grant said. ‘Although it sure seems that way sometimes,’ he thought. But he wasn’t about to say it.
“Damn, that’s too bad. I keep hoping to meet somebody who is gay,” Morgan said. “Not that I’m gay or anything,” he quickly added. “But I like to, like mess around sometimes.” Morgan figured he’d never see those three boys again, especially the California boys, and didn’t see a problem telling them what he thought. While he thought that the Alex dude looked like the kind of guy who might like to kick ass, he didn’t think Grant and his cousin were the bullying type.
Morgan was surprised and pleased when Grant asked him who he messed around with. “Miguel and Rodney, a couple of my best friends. We just jerk off and shit. And sometimes, when we’re home alone and bored, Barry jerks me off and I give him some good feeling. Since we all know everybody does it, I don’t think jerking off is gay, right? And I figure with Barry, I can teach him things nobody taught me. That’s what big brothers are for, right?”
Grant looked at Alex and Jaden for help. Alex jumped right in. “You’re right, everybody does it and I don’t think it’s gay at all. And since none of us have brothers, there’s not much we can say. And speaking of gay, I happen to be gay.” Alex didn’t mind coming out to somebody he was sure he would never see again.
“Wow, that is so cool.” Morgan had yet to pull his underpants on as he positioned himself so his three new friends would notice his boner.
“Morgan’s got a woody,” Barry said, as if nobody had noticed. The little nine-year-old was intimidated by the three boys and had dressed quickly.
Alex, Jaden, and Grant had noticed. They were beginning to like Morgan more and more, even if he was a non-stop chatter box.
Morgan gave his three incher a couple of strokes and then pulled on a pair of light blue boxer shorts. After everybody was dressed, Morgan, Alex, Grant, and Barry went out into the sunshine. “Let’s trade info. Maybe you and me can talk about stuff.” Grant said.
“You mean about what we just talked about?” Morgan asked. Grant nodded. “Sounds great—I knew talking to a Mayfield boy was gonna pay off, especially when he saw me boned up.” Morgan and Grant quickly traded information and headed outdoors. Two men in their twenties came into the changing room. “Looks like I covered my boner just in time.”
“Just so you know, I was boning up when I saw you all hard, and I’ve got one now,” Grant said.
“Damn, this is my lucky day for real. Trust me, you’ll be hearing from me.” Morgan saw his parents and his little brother in the picnic area and rushed off to meet them. Grant joined up with Alex and Jaden.
“Well, he was sure different,” Alex observed.
“I dunno. He’d sure fit in at one of Michael’s parties,” Jaden said.
“Did you exchange phone numbers with him?” Alex asked Grant.
“Didn’t see why not. Meadow Park and Mayfield aren’t that close to each other. It’s not like he lives in Kentburg that’s right next door to us. Think about it, Aiden and Nolan had a tough time getting together and they were boyfriends.”
“They sure solved that problem when Nolan moved to Mayfield,” Jaden said.
“Yeah, and only a couple of houses away.”
“Whoa, that’s close,” Alex said. “Now they’ve gone from living a long way from each other to being neighbors. When’s the wedding?”
“Wedding? They’re both in middle school, so I don’t see it happening for at least a couple of months,” Grant chuckled.
The boys joined Darren at the picnic area where they enjoyed Carla’s delicious roast beef sandwiches along with an apple and a surprise package of cookies.
“Hmm, store bought cookies,” Alex noted. “I’m gonna have to do something about that.”
After eating, Darren and the boys enjoyed another hour of kite flying and then headed back to Mayfield. Alex had received a link to the concert from Micheal, so their evening was mapped out for them: dinner and concert.
They stopped at The Bear for pizza after returning to Mayfield. Grant didn’t have to ask his dad twice if they could have pizza for dinner. The boys figured that eating pizza was perfect for sitting around the big screen TV watching the concert.
Mason ended up being all they expected and “ten times more,” as Jaden put it. The three boys and Grant’s parents agreed that the concert couldn’t have gone any better. Alex, Grant, and Jaden sent their own texts to Mason congratulating him on “kicking ass,” as Grant put it; “having a totally epic performance,” from Alex; and “you were dope--knew you were so f-n talented,” from Jaden.
That night Alex slept with Grant in Grant’s bed. The three boys had agreed to change bed partners as many nights as they could. They planned to be as sly as possible so their ploy wouldn’t be found out. What they didn’t know was that Grant’s mom and dad weren’t fooled. As Darren was fond of saying, “Boys will boys.” As Carla had discovered, her son was most likely gay and she had learned to accept his relationship with Lance. She thought very highly of the twins and decided that if Grant was gay she couldn’t ask for a better situation than having Lance as his boyfriend which brought Lenny into his life as well.
She wasn’t quite as positive about Alex because of the explosive relationship that had existed between Alex and Grant. It was a relationship that was fueled by drugs and alcohol even when the boys were as young as ten and eleven. But the growth she had seen in Alex since he left Mayfield and landed in East Harbor, California, was positively amazing. Just as Alex had set a bad example for Grant when they were younger and heavy into alcohol and drugs, he was now setting a good example of how to deal with recovery. Plus, she looked forward to enjoying Alex’s cookie baking.
After going to bed that night, Alex and Grant discussed their sexual future during Alex’s visit. “I really do want to get fucked by you,” Grant said.
“And I really want to fuck you, but not yet—not tonight. But I gotta know that Lance is okay with it,” Alex said.
“We’ve talked about it and he is. As Aiden says when asked about him and Nolan, he and Nolan haven’t signed a wedding license yet. But what about your Josh?”
“He’s not in love with the idea, but he’s okay with it.”
That night Alex and Grant jerked each other off and talked about the strange phenomenon they had met at Ocean Shores in the person of Morgan Stephens. They agreed he was worth getting to know better although there was a much better chance of something happening between just Morgan and Grant since Alex and Jaden would be heading back to California in a couple of weeks.
When they fell asleep, for the first time in what seemed like forever, it was naked in each other’s arms.
<Lenny, Lance, and Riley>
Lenny, Lance, and Riley spent most of the day at Skip’s grandmother’s house playing whiffle ball, catch with a baseball and later a football, board games, basketball, and whatever else interested them. Food filled much of the “whatever else” slot as the boys enjoyed the fruits of Rita Emerson’s cooking.
They enjoyed being able to strip down to their underwear for much of it, but elected not to follow Skip’s suggestion that they all get naked. Lenny, Lance, and Riley did not feel comfortable getting naked in front of the school’s lunchroom supervisor. Skip said he understood—that if she wasn’t his grandmother, he would never have thought about hanging around her house naked, instead of being naked almost all of the time.
After dinner, which they had to get dressed up for by wearing a t-shirt along with their underpants, they played Monopoly (Riley won) and then headed for the twins’ house. Skip was invited to come with them but was reminded by his grandmother that his parents wanted him to spend the night at home since he had a dentist’s appointment in the morning.
When Lance, Lenny, and Riley got to the twins’ house they were pleased to learn from Leslie, their mother, that Brenda, the brat, was spending the night with Wendy Haskins, which the twins interpreted as spending the night with her brother Emmett. Emmett was one of the twins’ best friends, even if he was fucking their sister. If nothing else, it kept her from begging them to fuck her.
When the boys retired to the twins’ bedroom, they quickly stripped naked, which made them all feel right at home. “I’m horny,” Riley said as he proudly displayed his four-inch, thirteen-year-old erection.
“No duh,” Lenny smirked. “Want me to suck the life out of it for you?”
“Why, so you can get hard too?”
As if on cue, Lenny’s twelve-year-old four incher went from a semi to fully hard in seconds. Lance’s cock went full-mast seconds after his twin. “Now you can suck it,” Riley said.
“What do you think of letting me and Lance fuck you back-to-back?” Lenny asked.
“I think that would be epic,” Riley said. “But won’t Grant get upset if Lance fucks me?”
“Like Aiden says about him and Nolan—show me the marriage license,” Lenny said. “I’m sure Alex will fuck him before he goes back to Cali so I got no problem with Lance doing you. He is my twin brother, so it’s all good.”
With that Riley was soon on his back with Lance fucking him for the first time ever. As soon as Lance was ready to cum, he pulled out and shot his watery load on Riley’s chest and belly.
“No sloppy seconds for Lenny,” Lance said as he rubbed what little he shot over Riley’s torso.
“I wouldn’t have minded dipping my wick into your spooge while I fucked my boyfriend,” Lenny said.
Lenny slammed into Riley and fucked him fast and hard. Riley was soon shooting over Lance’s cum with a no-touch orgasm and Lenny filled his ass seconds later. They agreed it had been a fun and sexy adventure and they should do it again sometime. Riley suggested that the three of them and Grant should have a “rocking four-way” sometime soon. The twins readily agreed.
After they cleaned up, they agreed the boyfriends should sleep together. Lenny and Riley snuggled on Lenny’s bed and soon the trio was sound asleep.
Next: Playing Tourist