Mayfield Magic

Chapter 22-California Lovin'

Before Coach Hallion could say anything, Larry, Eric, and Mac’s father, Arnold, showed up at the bus with pizza and sodas they’d purchased at Big Daddy’s Pizza, which was on the other side of where the food trucks were parked.
Coach Hallion quickly took roll and said, “The coaches and I figured that we’d get to the theater quicker if everybody got pizza and sodas here at the bus rather than having you all stop and drool around the food trucks as we try to get to the concert.”
The news elicited a big cheer from the players, and they hustled off the bus to where Larry, Eric, and Mac were laying everything out on TV trays they had purchased and Arnold had brought in his rental car.
“Is there enough for Alex and his bros to eat with us?” Aiden asked his pop as he grabbed a pizza box and took it to one of the TV trays.
“We figured them into our purchase,” Larry answered.
“It’s hard to believe those bottomless pits spent the afternoon spending their life savings at the food trucks,” Coach Hallion said to Ms. Emerson.
“Do tell. You could feed an army on what those boys have been eating. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my grandson eat like he has the past couple of days,” she said referring to Skip.
The food and drink seemed to disappear instantly. No one was surprised when a few of the boys complained about still being hungry.
“Okay, guys, now that you’re sated, a few rules for you,” Coach Hallion announced. The players stopped jabbering and listened to what their coach had to say.
As soon as Coach Hallion dismissed the team, Cal boarded the bus and grabbed his trumpet case and Grant, Lance, Scott, and Muddy, the only four boys who weren’t wearing their hats, boarded the bus to get them.  As instructed by Coach Hallion, the Goats walked as a group. They passed the food trucks, Big Daddy’s Pizza, some store fronts, and arrived at the Majestic Theater. Only two teams, Huntington Beach and Bonita, were ahead of them. They were quickly ushered to the front of the theater right at the front of the stage. They couldn’t have asked for a better location.
The chatter of the teen and tween baseball players created a cacophony of human voices. But the chaos was brief as the band’s music video began to be projected onto the back wall of the stage. What had been excited chatter changed to singing as some of the experienced concert goers sang and danced to the songs of At the Majestic.
It was the first rock concert for all of the small-town Goats except for Cal, Mason, Miles, and Nolan. While they didn’t know the words to sing, most of them got caught up in the fun of dancing to the music. Aiden wasn’t one of them. His concert going was symphony concerts in Centralia or Olympia with Larry and Phil and a couple of times with Gordy and his parents. He watched his teammates having fun, but he couldn’t get into the music. Then the lights dimmed and the noise rose to an even more intense level.
When the recorded intro played “Welcome to the Majestic” and Michael Meijer, the band’s twelve-year-old lead singer, stepped on stage playing the guitar riff of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” the concert was underway.
Michael started to dance. “We’re back East Harbor!” he called out. As he danced around the stage exchanging high fives with boys along the apron of the stage, he recognized some of the bullies who had made his life hell when he lived in Forest Grove, Oregon. Their white hats with burgundy baseball bills and the Viking ship embroidered across the front gave them away. One boy yelled out “Faggot!” when he recognized Michael, who was Michael Grant when he had lived in Oregon.
The concert was around 40 minutes along, when Michael exchanged a kiss with Christian, his boyfriend and the catcalls started up again. While he wasn’t terribly interested in the concert and its music, Aiden was interested in watching the sexy boys in the band, Michael in particular. He loved it when Michael answered the heckling by simply holding his hands over his head, making a heart shape, and saying “Love is love.” Aiden grinned, breaking what had been a stoic demeanor. He could definitely identify with it. Michael and Christian kissed again and Christian left the stage to loud cheers and applause. Aiden felt an electric jolt shoot through him when Nolan took his hand, squeezed it, and planted a kiss on his left cheek.
When the audience quieted, Michael addressed them. “There’s one thing I’m really excited about tonight. We’ve been wanting to meet this person for a long time but didn’t say anything once we found out he’d be here tonight. Please welcome to the stage our superfan, all the way from Mayfield, Washington, Mason Johnson.”
As Michael pointed to him, Mason stood in shock and his teammates looked at him with excitement. Their teammate Mason was being recognized in front of a sellout crowd at the Majestic Theater and they felt a huge sense of excitement and pride. Trent, Mac, Max, and Nolan all but carried Mason to the stairs where he was guided onto the stage by Scott, the band’s stage manager. When he reached the stage, Mason shook his head and saw that he was not living in a dream; that this was indeed real.
Michael and Lukas, the band’s drummer, greeted him. Michael leaned a bit to speak into the little blond’s ear. Mason was the older boy, but Michael was the taller one. “Do you want to sing with us?” All Mason could do was answer with a nod.
“We loved your video singing ‘Imagine’ with our recording. You sing lead and we’ll sing harmony and accompany. Do you think you can do this?” After a pause, he gave Michael another nod. He asked the audience if they wanted to hear Mason sing, and the loud cheers, especially from the Goats who were down in front of the stage, instantly answered the question.
And from there Mason metamorphosed into somebody entirely different, singing with beauty and emotion he had never achieved before. It was like he had landed in his element. He finished to loud hoots and hollers and cheering and clapping and foot stomping. Mason was a big hit.
That didn’t end the Goats’ role in the concert, however. Mason mentioned to Michael that his teammate, Cal, had his trumpet with him and just happened to know the next song. And with that, Cal was on stage, his long blond hair shimmering in the lights, playing the trumpet part to “We Don’t Believe What’s on TV”, a piece he had recently told some of his teammates he liked playing along with on You Tube. Mason sang, Calvin played the trumpet, and at one point they danced together and sang along with the band. They walked to the front of the stage to give their teammates hand slaps. The Yard Goats couldn’t have felt much more elation if they had won the tournament. Aiden couldn’t help hearing one kid say, “Holy shit, that kid’s cute.”
When it was over, the band congratulated and thanked Mason and Calvin before they returned to their teammates. Aiden gave hugs and his love to his two teammates and friends. The concert had become much more interesting to him.
As the band resumed its playing, Aiden found himself making eye contact with the one part of the concert that had interested him from the beginning, and that was Michael. While he couldn’t articulate his thoughts, Aiden felt he and Michael shared things in common that they could understand in each other.
During one song, Aiden had no doubt that Michael was singing it directly to him during a verse. Aiden found himself getting excited from the energy flowing between them, and when Michael pulled off his shirt, Aiden’s hard cock filled his shorts. Even though he was sexually excited by it, Aiden didn’t see the energy flowing between him and Michael as being sexual; instead, it was almost what Marty would call spiritual energy.
Aiden got so into the music that he found himself singing the chorus with Michael and everyone in the audience. The concert had morphed from something Aiden had been indifferent to into something that was almost a life-changing experience.
On the bus ride back to the resort after the concert, Aiden sat next to Nolan, wondering when he would tell him about what had happened to him with Michael. He decided it wouldn’t be that night since he needed to get his thoughts on baseball. It might not even be until they returned home. But it would happen once Aiden could figure out just exactly what had actually happened.
The centers of attention, of course, were Mason and Calvin. The team knew Mason had talent. The fact that he would be singing the opening patriotic song on Friday told them that. What they didn’t know was that deep down inside of their little teammate a mega talent lurked. He was more than a little horndog, he was a special personality who literally shined in front of an audience, and they wondered how they had missed it. The reason was that Mason had been as ignorant of the talented boy inside of his soul as his friends and teammates had been. What Mason did know, was that if not for the love, encouragement, and, yes, the fists of Aiden Miller, as well as his newfound baseball friends, he would be just an introverted boy, a loner, in the back of the room.
Calvin was another revelation. They all knew he was a talented pitcher and that he was a smart, lively, and friendly teammate who was willing to not only be a key part of the team but was willing to express his opinions. What his teammates and coaches were learning was that Calvin was a leader. And now they knew that he was a talented musician and performer as well.
The day had been an incredible one for the eighteen Yard Goats. As they disembarked the bus, they all agreed that despite all the wonders that had happened to them that day, they would now have to focus their minds on the real subject of the trip—baseball. But first, most of them had some hormonal issues that had built up during the day and demanded to be taken care of.
 <Carlsbad Resort, Room 203>
The members of the four teams staying at the resort chilled in the courtyard patio. They sat at tables, in lounge chairs, and walked around mingling and munching on the desserts that the resort had left out for them. Their coaches had told the players that they could enjoy the warm evening in the courtyard until nine o’clock and admonished them to keep the noise to a minimum because there were many guests at the resort who were not affiliated with any of the teams. To keep the noise down and to keep the already tired boys from wearing themselves totally out, the players of all four teams were not allowed to go into the pool.
Aiden and Nolan met up with Warren, Asher, and Tommy, their friends from the Canadian team. While they had only known Asher for a few minutes, Aiden and Nolan considered him to be a friend because he was a friend of Warren and Tommy. Besides, the ginger was also cute and, to top it off, gay. They found six seats situated around a circular table on a patio at the center of the courtyard and filled five of them.
“I can’t help but be suspicious and think the coaches of the four teams here talked to each other about the game night rules,” Aiden said.
“It is mighty suspicious, eh?” Warren agreed. “Think about it: four different teams, none can have their swimwear on, we can’t yell and holler and have fun, and we all gotta be in our rooms at nine o’clock. What kind of fun is that, eh?”
“Even the Arizona blokes are being good, and they seem to be a wild bunch of blokes,” Asher said.
“Another weird thing is that this is the first time I’ve seen the Utah dudes join us right from the start,” Nolan said.
“Probably because it’s the same rules they always have, eh?” Tommy said.
“Could be. Maybe their coach talked the other coaches into adopting the same rules,” Aiden said. 
“Whatever, I’ve talked to a few of them, and they seem to be pretty nice kids,” Nolan said. “In a way, they sound like us—a team not real sure they belong here.”
“Who doesn’t belong here?” Cal asked as he dropped into the empty seat.
“Hey, Cal, have a seat,” Aiden said.
Cal wiggled his butt on his chair. “I did and it feels comfortable, and I think I’ll stay here.”
“I thought you were chatting with your roomies.” Cal’s roommates were Gordy and Miles.
“I was, but they were talking about girls, and I didn’t feel like talking about girls.”
“I thought you liked girls.”
“I do, but I can talk girls with my bros in Clark Pass. I want to talk your talk on this trip. So, who are these dudes, other than a bunch of Canucks?”
Warren jumped in to answer the question. “I didn’t know Canucks came in bunches. But, anyway, I’m Warren, and the handsome bloke next to me is my boyfriend Tommy. The cute redhead is Asher and he is actually an Aussie, but he’s been studying to pass his Canuck test and become one of us.”
“What does he have to do to pass?” Cal asked.
Warren wiggled his eyebrows. “He knows, and he’s ready to be tested when the first chance comes, right Ash?”
“For sure,” Asher grinned. “But this Aussie thinks the first thing we should do is congratulate Calvin on his wonderful and amazing performance on stage. Was that really a surprise or was it all planned in advance? You did have your trumpet with you after all.”
“Trust me, I was as surprised as you guys were,” Cal said. “And I brought my trumpet with me in case I had a chance to play it some, like I did in the parking lot. And as long as I had it with me, I figured I’d take it to the concert.
Their chat was interrupted by Coach Malone, the Surrey head coach. “Ahh, cavorting with the enemy again, I see,” he grinned.
“We’re just softening them up, coach,” Warren responded. “Get them to liking us so much they won’t have the heart to beat us, eh.”
“Good work fellas, although from what I’ve heard of these Mayfield lads that may be an impossible job.”
“Maybe, maybe not, but no matter what happens we’ll have some new friends who are almost our neighbors.”
“Well, the softening up process will have to stop for now. It’s almost nine and time for all of you to head for your rooms,” Coach Malone told them.
Aiden and Nolan stood up simultaneously to show that they were good lads and willing to follow the instructions of any coach. The Mountie players and Cal followed suit and the coach left to round up some more stray players.
“We really do have to get together for fun before this is over,” Aiden said. 
“Yes, we do, but not tonight, eh,” Tommy said.
“No way we do it tonight, although somebody and I do plan a quick romp.” Aiden pointed to Nolan, just to make sure everyone knew who that somebody was.
“Tommy and I are happy to meet you, Nolan, after everything Aiden said about you in Federal Way,” Warren said.
“And I’m happy to meet both of you,” Asher added.
Since they were staying in different wings, the boys broke up at the east end of the courtyard. They weren’t surprised to see Kevin waiting at the entrance to their wing, which was the south wing. They knew a coach would be checking on them, since that was the way of the world, and they knew Kevin was arriving that night, so they were not surprised to see him.
“You must have just got here,” Aiden said when he saw Kevin.
“Yep, a half hour ago to be exact,” Kevin responded. “It’s good to see all you guys.”
“I see you got the babysitting duties right away,” Cal said.
“Coach Hallion thought watching you guys come in would be the best way to see all of you.”
“Whatever you say, Coach K. We’re glad to see you,” Aiden said.
“I won’t be in the dugout for tomorrow’s game. After that, I should be good to go.”
The trio reached Aiden and Nolan’s room (203). They each gave Cal a good-night hug, which gave him warm shivers as he went to his room, which was across the hall.
“Shall we undress ourselves or each other?” Aiden asked after he shut the door. He started to unbuckle his belt.
“Whatever you want, although your decision is quite obvious,” Nolan grinned as he pulled off his uniform shirt. It didn’t take long for Nolan and Aiden to get naked.
They went to the bathroom to pee, both of them having to deal with raging hardons, and then flopped down on the bed that they were sharing for the stay. “It was nice of Mason to give up his big bed for the night,” Nolan said. 
“I don’t think it’s that much of a hardship,” Aiden grinned. Mason was going to be spending the night with Miles, Gordy, and Cal. His mission, which he made no secret of, was to give Cal a sexy welcome to the Goats. Miles and Gordy said they were okay with whatever Cal and Mason did but weren’t planning to participate. They admitted they would be watching as much as they could with the lights off and would no doubt end up masturbating. While the Mayfield coaches checked that the boys were in the hotel and in a room, they had no plans to check that everyone was in the correct room. Eric and Kevin reminded James that boys will be boys and to let them be free to enjoy each other’s company; it was a great way to build team bonding. Larry didn’t need a reminder. Having ‘Aiden parties’ at his house told him all he needed to know about the type of fun this group of boys enjoyed.
Aiden and Nolan took right off enjoying each other. Passionate kisses, stroking and petting each other’s smooth, toned bodies, bodies that were much different from each other. Aiden was a brilliant blond, with a body that was slender but strong. He had a hairless 4.5-inch cock that Nolan loved to suck. He also loved rubbing Aiden’s smooth pubis and smooth ball sac that was starting to hang. 
Nolan was dark haired, with well-defined musculature, including a six-pack that Aiden loved to kiss and rub. His cock was 5.5 inches and he had a thick bush of pubic hair. Except for a few thin hairs on his scrotum, the rest of his body was hairless. He stood 5’10”, compared to Aiden’s 5’2.
Larry and Phil liked calling them Mutt and Jeff after an old, long-running, comic strip Larry’s parents had told him about. Mutt was the tall character and Jeff was the short one. They never mentioned the nicknames to the two boys; they were happy to keep it a private joke.
Nolan realized that if he and Aiden didn’t quit making out and messing around and started having serious sex soon, they’d cum way too early. He grabbed the lube they’d set on the nightstand by their bed and wordlessly lubed the two of them up. Since Aiden didn’t utter a sound of protest, Nolan knew it was okay to ram his teen cock into his tween lover’s ass and get right to the task of fucking him hard.
Aiden, who was now on his back with his legs up, moaned with pleasure at feeling his lover deep inside him, ramming his rectum and stimulating his sweet spot. Neither boy lasted long, and Nolan was soon firing what seemed like endless wads of cum into Aiden’s ass, while seconds later Aiden squirted his watery emission over Nolan’s belly and then his own. Nolan dropped on top of Aiden and kissed him hard and deep and then rolled off him as he and Aiden came down from their sexual high.
Aiden was the one to break the silence. “That was, like, the most epic sex ever. I love you so much, Nolan.”
“You are the best boyfriend a guy can have, and not just because having sex with you is so awesome,” Nolan said. “You’re just, like, awesome all over. I love you more than I can say, Aiden my Sweet Cakes.”
“We better clean up and get to sleep. We’ve got a humungous day tomorrow.”
“Yep, it’s Opening Day. I can’t wait to play my first game as a Goat, whenever that happens. It sucks that pickup pitchers can’t do anything but pitch.”
“Well, some of them can play the shit out of a trumpet and some of them can slam their instruments in their boyfriend’s ass. So, it’s not a total lost cause,” Aiden grinned.
“They can also do this.” Nolan scooted down and licked Aiden’s sweet nectar from his torso before the two lovers fell asleep in each other’s arms.
 <Room 204>
When Cal entered his room, he saw that his roommates, Gordy and Miles were already there. They were stripped to their underwear (white briefs for Gordy, red boxers for Miles) and sitting on their beds chatting.
“Hey, Cal, welcome home,” Miles grinned. “Did you enjoy your visit with the Canucks?”
“Hey, roomies, and yes, I did. They seem to be good guys,” Cal replied.
“Mason should be here any minute. He was yakking it up with a couple of the Utah dudes.”
“I bet none of them have met anybody like Mason,” Gordy said.
“Since the coaches chased everybody inside, he should actually be here any second,” Cal said.
“Miles and I came in early. You mean, the coaches all worked together to chase everybody in?”
“Yep, they sure did. It was like they were ganging up on our asses.”
A rap on the door sent Cal to answer it. He wasn’t surprised to see Mason standing outside. “Come on in, dude.” Mason came into the room and greeted Gordy and Miles.
“I thought you’d be bringing your gear with you to change into tomorrow,” Gordy said.
“I was gonna,” Mason responded, “but I figured it would be easier to keep track of my shit if I left it in my room.”
“But Nolan and Aiden can still flush the toilet, can’t they?” Cal asked.
“Well, most people shit into their toilet, and I was thinking that if you were leaving your shit behind that…”
Gordy cut Cal off. “Is everybody in Clark Pass as gross as you are?”
“Only those guys who have, like, a sense of humor.”
“Ohh, now I get it,” Mason giggled. “We got people leaving shit behind in the toilet, but why can’t somebody else just flush it?”
“Hey, Mason, how about you and me take our clothes off,” Cal suggested.
“Good idea. Strip down to your undies and then we’ll talk about the ground rules,” Gordy suggested.
“Ground rules?” Cal asked. “I thought Mason was gonna show me some sex stuff.”
“But you have to remember that there are two other peeps in the room, so we need ground rules.”
“Whatever.” Cal was stripped down to purple and black boxer briefs, while Mason was down to white briefs.
“I’ve got on Fruits, and it looks like Gordy’s got Hanes on,” Mason said. His briefs were showing an obvious bulge in his tight briefs. “Okay, Gordo, tell us your friggen ground rules so me and Cal can have some fun. And be quick about it before our 10 o’clock lights out time gets here.”
“They’re not exactly rules,” Gordy responded. “It’s just that you guys control the lights until ten, so you can decide if you’re gonna mess around in the dark or with the lights on. If the lights are on, Miles and I will probably watch and jerk off while you’re doing it. I mean, we are in the room together after all.”
“And before you ask, I agree with everything Gordy said,” Miles told them.
“Wanna talk in private?” Mason asked Cal.
“Where, in the bathroom?” Cal asked.
“How about out on our deck?”
“In our underwear?”
“Why not? It’s, like, dark out there.”
“Sounds dope to me,” Cal grinned. “Let’s do it.”
“We’ll be right back,” Mason said.
Wearing only their underpants, the two boys stepped out on the darkened balcony. Mason surprised himself by taking charge of the conversation. “Are you okay with leaving the room lights on and them watching?”
“They’re my teammates for now and my friends forever because you didn’t have to do what you did for me, so yeah, let’s go for it. And speaking of going for it, what are we gonna do?”
“Do you mean my telling Michael about your trumpet?”
“Yeah. What you did totally rocked, what they did totally rocked, and my whole night totally rocked. Thanks Mason, you’re as awesome as anybody I know. I mean, when you and me were dancing and singing together, that was like something I couldn’t even come up with in my dreams. It was like both of us were born to be on stage.”
Mason blushed with embarrassment. He wasn’t used to that kind of praise. “I thought it was the right thing to do for a friend. I mean you were really good out there in the parking lot. And you played good with the band even though you never played that before except for what you told me.”
“Yep. I mean can you believe it? I played along with that song on You Tube a couple of times, so it worked out okay. It’s because of that You Tube stuff that I even thought about bringing my trumpet. Actually, I’m not sure what I was friggen thinking. And that said, you were beyond awesome singing. I’m proud you’re my friend and teammate. And you didn’t even have to suck my dick to get me to say that.”
“Sucking dick or getting fucked is what I like best,” Mason said as he tried to change the subject in a hurry. “In other words, I like a cock in one hole or the other. What about you?”
“I’ve had my dick sucked before, but not by an expert,” Cal said referring to sex play between him and his twin sister, Carla. The two kissed, felt each other up, masturbated in front of each other, masturbated each other, and three months ago had discovered the sixty-nine. “So, how about you showing me what you know.”
“I don’t know if you can call me an expert. All I know is I totally get off on sucking dicks. So, yeah, I’m good for adding another dick onto my Diary of Dicks.”
“Do you really have a Diary of Dicks?” Cal asked.
“Yeppers. It’s right up here.” Mason pointed to his head. “Oh, and one more thing, don’t think like you gotta get me off. I like sucking cocks no matter what. Now, let’s get on the bed and do it.”
They went back into the room where Mason commanded Cal to sit on the empty bed. “We’re good with the lights staying on,” Mason told Miles and Gordy.
“Cool,” Miles said.
“Where’s everybody sleeping tonight? I don’t see the rollaway bed,” Cal said.
“It’s folded up inside the closet, and it’s gonna stay that way,” Miles told him. “Last night me and Gordy slept together. Tonight, it’s us two together in this bed again and you and Mason sleeping together on the bed you guys are on. Tomorrow it’s me and Mason sleeping together and Gordy having a bed to himself, then it will be Gordy and Mason, and it will keep going that way unless there’s some room trading going on and we’ll deal with that if the time comes.”
The chatter then came to a halt and with no further ado, Mason shifted so he was between Cal’s legs and started slowly licking his new teammate’s nearly five-inch cock. When he licked down to Cal’s smooth, hanging ball sac he ran his right index finger along the scattered pubic hairs coating his pubis. As he slid Cal’s teen cock between his lips tasting his sweet precum as he did so, Mason knew that Calvin Loggins had been a great pickup for the Goats not only because he was a top notch pitcher but also because he was one very sexy boy.
Cal moaned with pleasure as Mason pleasured his cock with his mouth while using his hands to stroke his balls, nipples, and grommet.
Gordy and Miles were busily jerking each other off as they watched. When Cal moaned that he was cumming, Miles rolled over on top of Gordy and started madly humping his friend’s naked body. He wanted badly to kiss him, but knew Gordy wasn’t big on kissing a boy, unless he was the one initiating the kiss, even if it was one of his best friends.
The foursome’s orgasms were amazingly close. Cal was first. He pushed his cock deep into Mason’s mouth, let out a sudden screech, and filled it with wad after wad of sweet young teen crude.
 Gordy was so wildly turned on, he pulled Miles’s head down and laid a deep passionate kiss on his lips. That set Miles and Gordy off to simultaneous orgasms as they shot their cum over Gordy’s chest and belly before Miles flopped down on top of his friend.
Mason was masturbating furiously as he watched their synchronized climaxes and blew his tween wad, his first shot of cum landing on his mouth and the next three painting his neck, chest, and belly, and his fifth landing in his patch of sparse pubic hair.
“Wow, that totally kicked ass,” Cal said as he finally recovered his breath.
“Yeah, it did,” Miles said. “Even Gordy got revved up and let me tell you he’s a damn good kisser when he wants to kiss.”
“I was totally turned on,” Gordy said. “You guys who are my best friends can do that to me, and Cal’s pretty sexy, too. And being in California is kind of a turn-on in a way.”
“Are we as sexy as Kalie?” Miles asked.
“Almost, but I love Kalie. I mean, I love you guys as friends, but I love Kalie ‘cuz she’s my girlfriend. And since everybody on the Goats knows this except maybe Skip, I’ll answer the question I know is in Cal’s head and that is, yes, I’ve fucked her.”
“And I’ve fucked a girl too,” Miles confessed.
“I’ve kissed a girl once, but it was just a kiss. But I’m gay and I like being gay and that’s the way it is,” Mason said.
“Do you have a boyfriend, Mason?” Cal asked.
“I thought I did for a few weeks, but then he discovered this girl, plus he doesn’t live in Mayfield and that made things tough.”
“So, I’m like Mason, I’m still a virgin. I’ve done a sixty-nine with a girl a lot, and kiss and messed around with her, and I’ve slept naked with her, but we promised each other we wouldn’t go all the way because…well…because we’re twins.”
“Cool,” Miles said. “I know one other guy on the Goats has fucked his sister and some girl cousins, and one other guy I think has fucked his sister. But I’m not going to give away any names. Sorry, Cal, but that’s some pretty private stuff.” Miles was referring to Muddy, who was the one he was sure of and Emmett who he knew messed around with his sister but wasn’t sure about his going all the way.
“That’s cool. If I ever fucked Carla, I don’t think I’d want the world to know about it,” Cal said.
On that note, the boys cleaned themselves, brushed their teeth, and went to bed. Mason almost purred when Cal moved in close and put his arm around him. Gordy and Miles maintained their distances. The tired but satisfied boys fell quickly to sleep.
<Room 206>
Trent, Mac, and Muddy quickly stripped down to their underwear and took care of their evening duties. The night before, Trent and Muddy each slept in one of the king beds and Mac slept on the rollaway bed. They decided that even though the rollaway bed was comfortable enough, at least according to Mac, who was often quick to issue a complaint, Mac and Trent would have more room on a more comfortable bed if they slept together on one of the kings. Mac had expressed his opinion on the first night that the rollaway was too small for him. As a result, Trent and Mac agreed to sleep together the second night. Muddy knew it wouldn’t be the first time for them since Mac often spent the night at Trent’s house.
“Hey, before we turn off the lights, can me and Trent see that big wang of yours?” Mac asked Muddy.
Muddy, who was always proud to show off his wares, quickly pulled down his boxers to display his four-and-a-half-inch flaccid penis, which Trent and Mac both knew grew to almost seven inches, hard. He was well above average for a thirteen-year-old in both penile stages. Trent and Mac also admired the thick patch of pubic hair Muddy had surrounded his big cock.
“Are you happy that I showed you what I have?” Muddy asked.
“Very,” Mac answered. “It will give me pleasant dreams tonight.”
“Hey, it’s the night before our game and you will be the opening starter for us,” Mac reminded Trent. “I think that means something.”
“I know what it means, but what we did before leaving home was supposed to cover it, remember?” Trent responded.
“But now we have a chance to REALLY do it up, and even have the Goat with the great cock watching. Maybe we can see it close up and hard.”
“You are getting Muddy confused,” Muddy said as he referred to himself in third person instead of first person, a habit he had come close to breaking entirely.
“Trent and I agree that when he pitches and I catch that I plow his ass a night or two before the game to remind him that during the game the catcher is the boss and not the pitcher. I did it to him before we left Mayfield to kind of cover California since we weren’t sure how things would work out once we got here.”
“Are you gay?”
Trent answered that one. “Nope, we both have lost our virginity with girls, just like you. But we don’t mind messing around with guys sometimes and we both like the catcher doing the pitcher thing. We are pretty sure two of our coaches, who I won’t name, did it back when they were in high school or maybe earlier and you can probably guess who they are.”
“If you are worried about Mud…me watching, I do not mind doing the watching,” Muddy said.
“I don’t have a problem with you watching,” Mac said. “What about you Trent?”
“I don’t mind, but that’s not my problem. I’m tired and want to just curl up and go to sleep and be ready tomorrow,” Trent said.
“You might think you’re ready, but you’ll be missing a key ingredient to readiness if you just fall asleep.”
“I’ll be fine, Mr. Catcher man. I won’t forget who’s the boss out there on the field, and that’s what really counts.”
“Okay, I’ll buy it this time even if I think you’re making a big mistake.”
After everybody took a piss, Trent turned the lights out, turned his back to Mac, focused his thoughts on throwing his fastballs for strikes, and quickly fell into a deep sleep. Mac and Muddy both jerked off before falling asleep. Mac heard the sounds emanating from Muddy’s bed and wished he could watch him jerk off his big cock. ‘Hell, I’d be happy to jerk it for him,’ Mac thought just before he came into one of the socks he had worn that day and was now using as a cum catcher. Muddy stained his sheets with his thick teen cum. They both soon fell asleep. 
<Room 504>
Asher had just finished showing Warren and Tommy his skill at Down Under Kissing. Asher’s technique had made Tommy cum and had Warren on the brink.
“It looks like you liked my kissing,” Asher grinned.
“You can see what happened to me, eh,” Tommy pointed out.
“What do you think we should do to help Asher out?” Warren asked Tommy.
“How about exploring his Down Under with your probe?”
“You mean this?” Warren grabbed his cock and gave it a single stroke. He didn’t want to do more for fear he’d shoot his load right then.
“Exactly that.”
“I don’t know why, but I think Asher might like having his Down Under probed with it, eh. Has anybody probed it before, Asher?”
“I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you mean,” Asher replied.
“Then I think I would love to probe it, though I must warn you that I don’t think I will last long,” Warren said.
“I’ve heard that you Canucks have no staying power.”
“Maybe not, but we do have the power to drive our probes way up an Aussie arse. And we have the power to take all of your cock into our mouths as well, right Tommy?”
“Right oh. I’m down on it.”
Warren and Tommy had Asher get into position for their double assault. “First time a Canuck has been up your Down Under, Asher?”
“Yes, sir. Up to now it’s been all Aussies,” Asher replied.
“Then let the probing begin.”
Warren was right about it being a quick fuck, but he was also right about it being deep and powerful. In a little more than three minutes his powerful thrusts had him squirting deep into Asher’s ass. Between Warren’s thrusts and Tommy’s expert mouth and tongue, Asher was filling Tommy with his sweet Aussie cum.
“Wow, that was my best session ever,” Asher said when he finally recovered his senses. “Warren, you truly did go deep and Tommy your mouth is very talented.”
“It is, indeed,” Warren agreed, “but not as talented as Mason’s, eh.”
“Mason is a champion cock sucker, eh,” Tommy agreed. 
“We have to find a way for us three and Mason, Aiden, and Nolan all getting together for a romp before we return home,” Asher said.
“Easier said than done, but I bet we can all figure out a way.”
“Don’t forget to include Gordy in this, eh. He might not be a cock hound, like Aiden said, but I think he’s a very sexy boy,” Warren agreed.
“Now that we’ve got that settled, who’s sleeping with who?” Asher asked.
“It’s a big bed and three can sleep together, eh,”
“Of course,” Tommy answered. “And for tonight, Asher can sleep in the middle if he doesn’t mind being snuggled by a couple of Canucks.”
“I would be honored to.”
The three snuggled up tightly when they finally settled in bed. They soon realized that as cozy as it felt, it was hard to sleep that way. “Some other time, eh,” Warren said.
They split up but stayed in the same bed. They fell asleep quickly thinking of mixtures of sex and baseball.
<Room 201>
Neither Scott, Rusty, nor Emmett considered himself to be gay. But all three had no problem messing around with boys. The three sat naked on their beds, talking about their sexual experiences with girls.
Both were impressed that Emmett, who, though the youngest of the three, had enjoyed intercourse with two different girls. Scott was in eighth grade, Rusty in seventh, and Emmett in sixth. He wouldn’t name who the girls were, and the other two didn’t push it. The two girls who Emmett kept secret were Brenda Hazen, the younger sister of Lenny and Lance, and Emmett’s sister Wendy. He’d had more experience with Wendy than with Brenda, even though he and Brenda were considered to be an item. There simply were more opportunities to have sex with his sister than with his girlfriend. Both girls were in fifth grade. “I’ve never been fucked by a boy, but I have fucked one.” He once again didn’t mention a name, but Scott knew it was Lenny, one of Brenda’s brothers, he had fucked.
Scott said he’d kissed a couple of girls and felt one up through her blouse and bra a couple of times. Like Emmett, he named no names.
Rusty’s experiences centered around the nudist camp his mom belonged to. “I’ve touched just about every body part and had my cock touched until I came and fucked a fourteen-year-old girl twice, although she was thirteen the first time I did it. I’ve fucked and been fucked by a guy, too.” He didn’t give a name, but Scott knew he was talking about Collin.
The three boys jerked off as they talked about sex. They silently agreed to quit talking and whack their puds to orgasm. Emmett came first, his almost four-inch cock throbbing with a dry cum. Scott and Rusty came within seconds of each other.
The first night Scott and Rusty had each slept in one of the kings and Emmett on the rollaway. Since it was a game night, Emmett switched with Rusty, who wouldn’t be playing because of his broken arm.
<Room 205>
“Are you psyched for tomorrow?” Riley asked Skip, knowing it was a dumb question as soon as it left his mouth.
Skip overcame the urge to answer with an emphatic, “DUH!” Instead, Lenny took it upon himself to put his boyfriend into his place. “Jeez, Riley, what do you think? I bet he’ll be tossing and turning and getting tangled in his blankets trying to get to sleep.”
“I know, I know, it was a dumb question,” Riley said. “Sorry I asked it, Skip.”
“Hey, you got nothing to apologize for. Thanks for being my teammate and asking,” Skip said.
“Skip’s right. The fact that you asked means you care,” Lenny told Riley.
“I do care. He’s my teammate and my friend,” Riley said.
Skip felt a warm glow shoot through him when Riley called him his friend. “I just hope I get to play,” Skip said. “Coach Simmons said there is no rule in the tournament that says every player has to play in a game—you know, like the rule we have back home.”
“You can call him Coach Eric,” Lenny said. “It’s what the rest of us do. That gives us Coach Eric, Coach Kevin, Coach Sanders, and Coach Hallion.”
“I know, but it’s just not that easy to do.”
<Room 202>
The sex between Max, Lance, and Grant was all under the covers. Lance and Grant shared one of the king beds. They calmly jerked each other off, got out of bed to clean up, and then fell asleep cuddled in the bed. Max jerked off in the other king. Before they had left Mayfield, he had promised Grant and Lenny some private time to do what boyfriends did if he could find a place to be while they did it.
“It won’t be the first two nights,” Max told them. “After that, we’ll see what happens.”
“Depending on how things go, we could end up doing it during the day,” Lance said.
“Or not at all,” Grant added a bit poignantly.
“Not at all just ain’t gonna happen. We’ll find a way to do some California lovin’.”
“Which means California fucking, right?”
“You know it bro, you know it,” Lance said emphatically.
But that night it was mutual masturbation with a little kissing thrown in between Grant and Lance with both wanting more. Max enjoyed a solo jerk off. He wanted more as well. As he shot his wad into his boxers, he wondered if Jackson Hallion might have discovered a treasure trove of girls during his two days in San Marcos.
Next: BaseBrawl-Day 3. Opening Day