Short Stories by Zarek A Dragon

Jacob Grisirm: Part 2

By Zarek Dragon

A month had passed, and Simon asked Jacob, "How do you feel about children?"

"Well, neither of us can get pregnant, but I wouldn't be opposed to adopting," Jacob replied.

"Come with me," Simon suggested. He then led Jacob down the hall and into what was definitely a boy's bedroom.Ian Dros A five-year-old boy was playing. He looked up and ran up to Simon. Jacob was confused.

"When I was sixteen, I told my parents that I was gay," Simon began. "Dad told me that he had no problem with that but would like for me to go on just one date with a girl to confirm it. If I knew I was gay after that date, so be it. His love wouldn’t change. I knew I didn't need to go on a date, but if it made him happy, why not.

"We had sex, which I expected as much, then I returned home and told my dad, 'I am definitely gay.' He hugged me and said he was fine as long as I am happy. Mom caressed my back and agreed with Dad.

"Nine months later, Ian was born. The girl tried getting money from my parents, but they fought and filed for custody."

Jacob interjected, "I'm guessing they won."

Simon giggled, "At the start of the hearing, the girl stated loudly, 'if you plan on taking my baby, I will kill him first."

"That was dumb," Jacob commented.

"I know, right." Simon continued, "When the judge gave me custody, she lost it. There was an open window, and she dove out. We were on the third floor."

"Ouch," Jacob cringed. "So, why haven’t I already met Ian?"

"I wanted to introduce him to you right away, but being the protective father..."

Ian interrupted, "Are you going to marry Daddy and be my daddy, too?"

"I don’t know," Jacob replied. "He never asked me, and I'm guessing he wants your approval before he does."

Ian gave a big smile, "When he does ask, I hope you say yes."

Simon chuckled, "I would say that sounds like approval to me. Will you..."

"No, Daddy, you have to get on one knee, like Prince Charmin."

Simon acted embarrassed for forgetting that part, but he got on one knee. He took Jacob's left hand and slipped a ring on the fourth finger. He looked at Ian for approval, and when the boy grinned, Simon asked "Other than Ian, no one has ever made me as happy as I've been this last month. Ian liked you from the start, so Jacob Grisirm, will you marry me?"

Jacob looked over at Ian, who was grinning ear-to-ear and nodding his head. "Nothing would make me happier. Yes, Simon Dros, I will marry you"

"YAY!!!" a little boy squealed. Simon and Jacob laughed and hugged, with Ian between them. Then Simon picked Ian up and threw him onto his bed, where he and Jacob tickled the boy mercilessly.



Six Months Later

Wedding Pillow"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today..." a preacher began. Ian was standing off to the side, holding a blue crushed velvet pillow. Two rings rested on it.

When they got to the vows, Simon spoke first. "Jacob, when you walked into my room for the interview, I knew love at first sight really existed. I had decided right away that if you accepted my offer, you would be my one and only interview. I wanted someone younger than me who I also found attractive, and you fit everything perfectly. Then, I got to know you. Enough in the interview that I wanted you in my life, but even more after. In my mind, there could be no one as perfect as you. Then watching you with Ian, you more than  confirmed what I already thought. I will love you more and more each day until the day we are parted by death."

"Simon, as soon as I walked into your room, you took my breathe away. Then you treated me with love and kindness, and finally allowed me to meet your son. Ian and I hit it off right away. He confirmed that you are a good man, a great father and would make an excellent husband. I consider myself lucky to be the one you chose to marry. I love you now, and always will, even after one of us is gone. And I consider Ian to be the cherry on top."

"And I love both of you," Ian stated, not wanting to be left out. Simon and Ian exchanged rings, then Ian told the preacher, "You're supposed to say they can kiss."

"Oh, yes," the preacher chagrinned, "you may now kiss."



I hope you enjoy the story and that it draws you in, wanting more. If you have any suggestions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me. Thoughts and suggestions are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible, please contact me at Zarek A Dragon. Please let me know that you read it on The Story Lovers' Website.