Copyright © 2021-2025 DouglasDD. All Rights Reserved.
<Justin, Marco, and Joey>
Justin couldn’t imagine anything being more fun than baseball. Even the drills a lot of the boys around him thought were boring were fun for Justin. After all, the drills taught him things and working on what he was taught made him better. The thing Justin wanted more than anything else was to be the best baseball player he could possibly be.
Fortunately, his best friends Marco and Joey felt much the same way he did. While they may not have had the unbridled enthusiasm Justin had, they were also having fun and working hard. One thing that both Coach Lucas Wood and Coach DK noticed was that not only were Justin’s best friends Marco and Joey working hard to keep up with him, but so were many of the other boys turning out. It was becoming apparent to both coaches that young Justin was a born leader.
While Coach Wood worked with the team as a whole, DK took the boys who were trying out for pitcher to the makeshift batting cage behind the third base dugout and had them throw five pitches to each of four batters. Justin threw almost all strikes and dominated the four, including Karl, who was an excellent hitter.
“Justin is funny and goofy until it’s time to work and then he’s so totally serious,” DK’s son, Karl, told him during a father-son talk about baseball after Monday’s practice. “And then he gets all dirty diving for balls and says if you don’t get dirty then you ain’t doing nothing.” DK, who was a teacher, fought back the urge to correct his son’s English since he wanted his son to feel free to just talk when the two were having a serious conversation. Besides, DK wondered if maybe Karl was giving him a direct quotation.
“And, dad, the dude can pitch. Well, you know that cuz you’ve seen him in practice. All he did today was throw fastballs and they were strikes and nobody hit him hard.”
Coach Wood held a meeting after practice to talk to players and parents. He reminded them there would be a short practice on Wednesday and that he would be trimming the roster to the maximum allowable fifteen players. He told the parents that those players who would not be able to play for the Jammers would have plenty of opportunity to play in the Seattle Parks recreation softball program. “Your boys will learn a lot playing in that program,” Coach Wood said. “Having worked with that program I can attest to the quality of coaching.”
“We will have an extra practice on Thursday with the Jammers coming together as a team for the first time. And then on Saturday we will have our practice game against the Lynwood Panthers right here on our field. We will have free substitution and each team will get at least six at bats per inning plus other rules, like innings limitations for pitchers. Don’t bother keeping score because we won’t be. That won’t happen on Tuesday when we play the Vashon Rangers out on Vashon island. That will be our first real game. With some minor exceptions, it will be regular baseball.”
Coach Woods went on to tell the parents they would get details for the trip to Vashon on the weekend, either in person or by email. He then mentioned the expectations of good sportsmanship by the coaches, players, and parents. He kept that topic brief—he planned on going into parental expectations in detail on Saturday since the sons of many of the parents at this meeting would not be on the team after Wednesday.
Being preteens, Justin, Marco, and Joey were bored with all the announcements, except for the ones about their upcoming games, and were happy when they were over. Justin’s Papa Dawg had been sitting in the bleachers with the other parents. He came down to the field and called out Justin’s name. Justin grinned, gave Ryan a hug, grabbed his gear, and headed home for dinner.
Eddie loved overseeing the big cousin blowout. One thing he particularly enjoyed was that Chase was giving him a free hand to organize the event. He had worried about Chase trying to take over everything after it was agreed that Eddie would be running the show. While Chase made an occasional suggestion and answered his questions, he never tried to be bossy.
This wasn’t the first time Eddie had evidence that Chase was a good big brother, but it was the first time he completely acknowledged it. While Chase wasn’t perfect, he admitted to his mistakes and Eddie couldn’t imagine having a better big brother than Chase.
Right after dinner Logan told Eddie that Aiden had called, and everything was arranged for sixteen people to attend the Mariner game on Sunday afternoon. “Aiden said Marty could get us seats in a suite if we went on Sunday,” Logan said. “Aiden said to call him as soon as you could if that wasn’t okay. He also said Saturday is a sellout and there was no way he could get us all seats together then.”
“That’s going to cost us a bundle,” Eddie said. “That isn’t gonna work.”
“Aiden said it won’t cost us a thing. He said the whole deal was pretty complicated, but it’s free for us.”
“Sweet,” Eddie grinned. “And with us going on Sunday we can end the barbecue any time we want to, plus we don’t have to come up with a plan to fill up the day on Sunday. I think it’s going to work out great. Who are they playing?”
“The Tigers,” Logan replied. “Now, I gotta tell Aiden everything is okay.”
Aiden told Logan he would forward Marty’s email with all the details. “Aiden said that Marty said he would call you in the next couple of days and he’d call dad tomorrow,” Logan told Eddie.
A few minutes later Pierce called saying that everything was good for a big afternoon barbecue at his house on Saturday. Eddie enjoyed hearing the voice of his one-time tentmate on the phone, even if it sounded a lot deeper than it had when they lived together in the homeless camp. “Drake said we would have to end the barbecue by around five or something so we could all go to the Mariners game,” Pierce said. “Is there any way to change that or have we got the tickets already?”
Eddie told Pierce what Logan and just told him. “Whoo hoo, that rocks,” Pierce crowed. “We get the best of both worlds—a Mariner game together on Sunday and the barbecue can go as late as we want on Saturday. Eddie, you little bugger, you’re doing a great job getting this organized.”
“I’m not so little,” Eddie said. “I’m almost as big as you.”
“In your wet dreams, and I bet you’re getting lots of those.”
“Having three brothers helps with that problem.”
“Damn, Eddie, did we become two of the luckiest dudes in Seattle or what?”
“I’ve never been happier.”
“Me too,” Pierce agreed. “I love you, bro.”
“And I love you, too. Now I gotta go tell Chase what’s going on.”
“Why, is he the boss man?”
“Nope. I’m the dude putting all this together, but he’s my big brother and what he thinks means a lot to me.”
“Not only are you lucky, but you’re humble, too.” Pierce chuckled and then said, “Except when you start bragging about how big you are. Good night bro.”
“Night bro,” Eddie said just before Pierce disconnected.
Eddie went to Chase’s door and knocked. “It’s Eddie,” he said. Announcing who you were when knocking was considered good brotherly etiquette among the Millers.
“Come on in, Eddie,” Chase called out.
When Eddie entered Chase’s room, he was not surprised to find his older brother lying naked on his bed busily masturbating. “Hold, on, I’m really close—unless you want to finish me off.”
Eddie accepted the invitation, sat next to his older brother, and took over the procedure. It took only thirty seconds of Chase moaning and squirming until he blew his wad over his chest and belly. “Oh, fuck, that was perfect timing. Thanks bro, you made that a way better cum than my solo job would have been.”
Eddie leaned in and started licking the cum off his older brother’s torso.
“Damn, bro, for somebody who’s got a girlfriend you’re really into this,” Chase said.
Eddie looked up at his big brother. “Maria is not my girlfriend,” he said. “We’re just friends is all and sometimes we mess around like friends like to do. But it’s only kissing and petting.” Eddie sat up. “Is jerking off all you ever do? It seems like every time I see you around the house, you’re whacking your pud.”
“Well, I eat and do homework, too,” Chase grinned. “Since you didn’t come to my room to jerk me off and eat my cum, you must have some Blowout news to tell me.”
“I do.” Eddie told Chase his news about the barbecue, the Mariner game, and about Madison being Curt’s friend for the blowout.
“Or maybe friends even longer,” Chase said. “From what Logan says, Madison is a horn dog so you never know.”
“Friends but not bed buddies. When we all get together for the blowout Curt will be the straightest one there.”
“Or not,” Chase grinned.
“I think you need to jerk off again, bro. And I need to finish my fucking English. See ya later.”
“Are you sure you’re not horny?”
“I’m sure I am horny but I gotta keep my B going in English, so, laters, dude.”
Eddie started to leave the room when Chase called out and stopped him. “Hey, bro, awesome job with the blowout. This is turning out to be way better than we ever thought. You’ve been kicking ass with this.”
Eddie turned warm with pleasure. “Thanks, bro, you don’t know how much I appreciate that.” As Eddie left his big brother’s room, he wished he could yank his t-shirt and boxers off and let Chase fuck his ass. But he had English to finish tonight plus a baseball game tomorrow. But, tomorrow night’s a different story, he thought as he sat at his computer and commenced writing the book report he had no desire to write.
<Logan and Curt>
Curt and Logan met their mother near the bleachers after their game was over. Eddie was playing in the varsity game and would be picked up by their dad. They had enjoyed a nice 7-3 win over Denny Middle School. Logan was pleased when Madison ran over to greet them, his dyed red hair sticking out from under his baseball cap.
“Hey, Madison. Great game,” Logan said. “Mom, this is my friend Madison Baker and Madison, this is my mother, Mrs. Miller.”
Madison stuck out his hand for a handshake and Susan took it with a smile. “Nice to meet you Mrs. Miller,” Madison said with an unforced politeness that was obviously a part of him.
“And you as well, Madison.” Susan was surprised by Madison’s demeanor. To her his untamed dyed hair suggested a wild boy not bound by normal rules of behavior. But then she remembered the phone call with his mother and her concern over what kind of party her son was being invited to and how she wanted absolute assurance that alcohol or “other substances” wouldn’t be involved. Between Madison’s politeness and his mother’s concerns, she was pleased that her first impression was wrong, especially since Logan had befriended him.
“Curt is my friend, too,” Madison told Susan. “Right, Curt?”
“Madison is going to be my partner at the cousin blowout since Andrew can’t come,” Curt reminded his mother.
“Well, you did give me a name I didn’t recognize,” Susan said. “It’s nice to be able to put a face to that name.” Susan didn’t say that even with his wild red hair, Madison was a cute boy. “Madison, you really must come over for dinner before the big party so the family can get to know you better without a big, noisy crowd being around.”
“Thank you. How about you figuring out a date with my mom since she, like, knows my schedule better than I do and whatever day is good with you guys is good with me.”
“And Madison did have a good game, right mom?” Curt said. Madison had gone four-for-four with two doubles, two runs scored, and a run-batted in, plus, he made two long running catches in center field. Logan hadn’t been exaggerating when he said that Madison might be the best player on the middle school JV baseball team. Logan was certain Madison would be on the varsity if he wasn’t a sixth grader.
“My mom just drove up in the parking lot, so I’ll see all of you laters.” Madison took off before Susan could say anything about meeting his mother. No matter, she would call her tonight and was sure that being the mothers they were they would be getting together real soon.
“He’s a firecracker,” Susan said as she walked with Curt and Logan to the parking lot.
“I like him a lot,” Logan told her. “On the ball field we call him Mad Dog, but he wants to be called Madison the rest of the time. So, that’s what we do.”
“Except when we forget,” Curt grinned. “I like him a lot, too, but I really only see him during practice and some games. I may have to fight him to get a word in edgewise, though.” Like Eddie, Curt was sliding between JV and varsity, which is why he didn’t see Madison every game.
During dinner, the boys talked baseball. Susan counted their father as one of the boys when baseball was the topic of conversation. The JV’s win over Denny Middle School and the varsity’s win over the previously undefeated Denny varsity were the big topics. While Eddie had gone hitless, he was happy that he threw out two baserunners trying to steal second and another runner at third after fielding a nubber up the third base line.
“The dude should have stayed at second,” Eddie said. “I mean, if the ball had been up the first base line, then yeah, he probably would have made it. But when I picked up the ball, I was looking right at third and Gary was ready for the throw. It was close but the dude was out.”
“The next two games will be interesting,” Logan said. “Next Tuesday we play Tony’s team at Jane Addams and then on Thursday we play Madison Middle School at home. Mike the Donkey coaches the varsity there so us guys on the JV team won’t see him, but still there will be a connection. Well, Eddie will see him and Curt might.” Eddie was suiting up varsity every game and Curt usually did every other game.
“We plan on giving Madison a hard time about having to play against the middle school his mom named him after,” Curt grinned.
“He says he was named after James Madison, the third president, but that won’t stop us from trashing him some,” Logan chuckled.
“You should trash him for having his presidents out of order. Madison was number four. Jefferson was third president.”
“That gives us even more reason to trash him.”
“And then after next Thursday’s game, our season is over,” Curt said, returning to baseball. “But summer ball will start going full blast.”
That night Susan called Madison’s mother, Laurie Baker. She found out that Laurie was a single mom who worked as an RN at the University Hospital. Susan worked at the U Hospital as well as a customer service supervisor, but the two had never met. Before their almost hour conversation focusing on raising young tweens in middle school ended, Susan was able to schedule Madison for dinner the next Monday after practice, saying it was reciprocation for hosting Logan for dinner at her house.
<Justin, Marco, and Joey>
Because the Wednesday practice was an early one, Justin rode to Marco’s house with Marne and Marco. Joey went straight home with his mother. Justin was so happy he thought he would explode. Not only did he make the team, but so did his best friends Marco and Joey. Karl, who Justin was getting to know better and better, also made the team. Justin knew that even though Karl’s father was one of the coaches, Karl was one of the best players on the team and would have made it no matter what.
After arriving at Marco’s house, Justin called his Papa Dawg as instructed, telling him he was now a real baseball player.
“Congratulations Donkey Dawg,” Ryan said. “Your Daddy Donkey and I will be looking forward to watching you play. Let me talk to Marne please.”
Justin handed the phone over to Marne and took off to Marco’s bedroom with his best friend. Both boys started stripping out of their practice gear when Marne knocked on the door.
“Mom, we’re just in our underwear,” Marco cried out.
“I’m not coming in,” Marne said. “I’m just reminding Justin that his Papa has to test a program tonight and his Daddy has a PTA meeting so Justin’s having dinner here.”
“Thank you, Mrs. DeLuca,” Justin said. Justin remembered what his schedule was for the evening which was why he was stripping down with Marco. He knew that adults were often forgetful and he always tried his best to be understanding.
Marne walked away from the door shaking her head. Marco and Justin seemed to have no problem being naked in the house, but heaven forbid she should come into Marco’s bedroom and see them in their underwear. She knew that boys that age were often inconsistent and did her best to be understanding.
Justin and Marco were soon naked. They stood facing each other and Justin leaned in to plant a big kiss on his best friend’s lips. They soon were French kissing as they started fondling each other’s little cocks and tight balls. It didn’t take long for them to be sporting hard little spikes.
They landed on Marco’s bed with Justin on top of Marco. He started humping his friend and the intensity of their kisses increased. “You feel really good, Justin,” Marco cooed. Justin wished that Marco’s skin was slippery so his cock would move across it easier. He wondered if they would have time to have cums when he heard Tony coming home from practice. That answered his question.
Justin and Marco heard the voices of Tony and his mother followed by a knock on Marco’s bedroom door. “Can I come in?” Tony asked.
“Yeah, but make sure nobody else can see us,” Marco answered. Justin rolled off Marco and lay on his back next to him.
Tony made a quick entrance and broke into a wide grin when he saw Justin and Marco naked with their little rods of steel sticking up. “Damn, dudes, you two have got to be the horniest nine-year-olds on the planet.” Seeing the naked boys, who obviously had been enjoying each other’s bodies, quickly turned Tony into a horny twelve-year-old.
“I bet you guys were getting ready to suck each other’s cocks,” Tony speculated.
“Nope, Justin was just rubbing his dick on me,” Marco responded.
Tony pulled down the front of his sweats and underpants, revealing his three-and-a-half-inch boner and started slowly masturbating. “You guys have done it, right?” he asked. “Well, I know Marco has, because he’s sucked me off and I’ve sucked him.”
“I even swallowed his cum,” Marco grinned. “But I don’t have any for him to swallow.”
“We both will in a couple of years,” Justin assured him. “And yeah, Tony, I’ve done it too, but the dude I sucked is like Marco and me and doesn’t make any cum. And no, Marco and I haven’t done each other.”
“Why not? You don’t have to worry about cum, you just go do it,” Tony said.
“Because I like cuddling with Marco and feeling his whole body and maybe kiss him a couple of times better than having his dick in my mouth. It’s like messing around with a lollipop.”
“Is that how you feel, Marco?”
“If it makes Justin happy then I’m happy too. We can always do it when we get older and I can always do it with you,” Marco replied.
“Boys, it’s almost dinner time and I need you to come out and set the table,” Marne yelled from the end of the hall.
Tony pulled up his sweats and Justin and Marco dressed quickly. As the three boys walked out to the kitchen Justin thought about what Marco had just said about not doing blow jobs with him because he could do them with Marco. Did that mean Tony really wanted us to suck each other? Justin wondered. He decided he would have to give this some thought. Not for the first time he wished he had his own phone so he could call his big bro and ask him what he would do.
As the boys set the table, Marco told Tony that he, Justin, and Joey all made the team.
“Congrats, bro and Justin,” Tony said. “I’m not surprised because you guys are good and coaches like good players.”
“Thanks, bro,” Marco said.
“Well, at least you and Justin are good,” Tony went on. “I haven’t really seen Joey do much, so I don’t know how good he really is.”
“He’s good,” Justin said as he made sure to set the forks on the proper side of the dishes.
<Justin, Marco, and Joey>
The Thursday practice was another quick one and was over in just over an hour instead of the usual hour and a half. Justin thought it was weird to just have fifteen players practicing instead of the twenty whatever that had been at each practice. The most exciting part of the practice was what was going to happen after practice was over—they would be getting their uniform shirts and hats.
Justin hoped that number three was available and that it was in his size because it was Aiden’s number. He wasn’t disappointed—when he called out that he wanted three nobody else laid claim to it and the shirt was his size.
The shirts were high quality yellow t-shirts. Jammers was lettered in blue across the chest. Each shirt had a blue patch on the left sleeve with Todd Roofing lettered on it to advertise their sponsor. The blue hats were adjustable and had a capital T in yellow on the front.
There were two dozen shirts available for the fifteen boys to peruse. Coach Lucas Wood knew that at this age level uniform shirts got lost, torn, and hopelessly stained. His wife, Annette, was an expert at sizing up the boys and getting enough of the proper size shirts. She knew that over the years she had helped her husband outfit his teams there was a certain ratio of sizes that held true.
As the boys looked through the shirts, Justin saw what he wanted. He held up number three and shouted, “I got it! I got three,” he yelled out. Marco was happy to get 5 because that was Tony’s number. Joey got twenty because it was Marty’s number. He was surprised that Justin didn’t want that number. If a Mariner player called me on my birthday, I’d sure want his number on my uniform, Joey thought. What Joey didn’t realize then was that Marty, who was Justin’s “grand” big bro, was second to Aiden, his “number one” big bro in Justin’s hierarchy of idols.
Fitting the baseball pants was a different issue and were difficult to size by eye. The boys would need to try them on to get a proper fit. Lucas set up a canopy behind the bleachers with four sizes of pants for the boys to try on. They could do it singly or with friends, whatever suited them.
Justin, Marco, and Joey went under the canopy together. They pulled off their jeans and stood in their new shirts, briefs, and their jocks and cups. It didn’t take them long to figure their size. They quickly took off the uniform pants, put their sweats back on, and left the canopy. Annette was standing nearby carrying a clipboard. The boys reported their sizes and Annette reminded them that they would need to wear their sweats or a pair of jeans for Saturday’s practice game.
“But we can wear our shirts and hats, right?” Justin asked.
“Absolutely. You’ll get your pants at Monday’s practice and can wear them for your first real game on Tuesday,” Annette told them even though they had heard the same instructions already from her husband. Annette was reminded every year why her husband made sure parents received a written copy of the instructions the kids were given.
“See what Mrs. Wood said?” Justin asked his friends. “On Tuesday we’ll be real baseball players playing real baseball.” But first came Saturday and their practice game. Justin could hardly wait.
<Lake City Jammers>
“Justin, it’s six o’clock, so back to bed,” Ryan woofed as the naked nine-year-old bounced into the master bedroom.
“But our game is at eleven o’clock and we have to be there by ten thirty and I don’t want to be late, so you and Daddy Donkey need to get up and get breakfast,” Justin said with surprising vigor for so early in the morning.
“The only thing I’m getting up for is to drag your little ass into your bed and securing you to the headboard,” Mike grumbled.
Justin was used to his Papa Dawg grousing, but when Daddy Donkey got mad, he knew he was in big trouble. “Sorry, I’ll go back to my bed and be back in an hour.”
“Make that two hours or your list of chores will triple.”
“Okay, bye, see you later.” Justin slinked out of the room knowing he had apparently screwed up royally. While he knew that normally waking his dads early would get him into trouble, he thought in this case it would be okay. He plopped back on his bed wondering why his dads weren’t as excited about his first game as he was.
“Can you believe it?” Ryan asked Mike.
“You’ve gotta love him for being totally excited about his first baseball game, even if it’s just a practice game where nobody is keeping score,” Mike replied
“I love him for it, and I’ll love him even more when he learns to control that enthusiasm.”
“But then he wouldn’t be the Donkey Dawg.”
“Good point, I think. Now let’s see if we can get back to sleep.”
Mike and Ryan quickly went back to sleep and rose when their alarm went off at eight. “I’ll wake the little ballplayer up,” Mike said.
“I doubt he will need to be woken up. In fact, I doubt he ever went back to sleep,” Ryan chuckled.
Mike knew that Justin had to have fallen back to sleep, otherwise he would have been standing outside his dads’ bedroom door waiting for them to get out of bed. Since Mike and Ryan always slept naked, Mike pulled on a pair of lounge pants and went to Justin’s room. Sure enough their little son was under the covers and sound asleep. He gently shook the boy’s shoulder and said, “Hey, Donkey Dawg, time for you to rise and shine.”
Justin’s eyes blinked open, and he looked up at his dad. “Uh, what…are we late for the game?”
“Nope, not yet, and you won’t be if you get your little ass out of bed and into the shower while your Papa Dawg fixes breakfast.”
“Why do I have to shower when I’m gonna get all sweaty and dirty playing baseball?”
“Because a nice shower puts you into a positive frame of mind.”
“So does sleeping in,” Justin mumbled as he rolled over so his back was to his dad. Mike shook his head thinking how just two hours ago Justin was literally bouncing off the walls.
“You get up on your own or your Donkey Daddy will drag you out by your feet.”
“You’re mean,” Justin said as Mike pulled the covers off him, revealing his smooth naked body. Mike grabbed hold of a foot and started tugging. “Okay, okay, I’m getting up and what’s for breakfast?”
“Pancakes, the great morning energy food.”
“Cool, then I’ll take a quick shower.” Justin leaped out of bed and headed for his bathroom. Mike headed for the kitchen to put in an order for pancakes, hoping the Dawg hadn’t started up breakfast yet. He wasn’t surprised that he beat Ryan to the kitchen by a couple of minutes; his husband was notoriously slow at getting out of bed in the morning.
When Justin came into the kitchen he was dressed in his uniform shirt and a pair of jeans. He was obviously ready to go.
“You look ready to kick serious ass in that uniform,” Mike told him.
Justin flashed him a wide grin in return. He was obviously taking a great deal of pride in wearing his uniform as simple and basic as it was. He wouldn’t be wearing a full uniform for another year, but it didn’t matter. This was his Jammer uniform and that was all that counted.
“You might want to take that shirt off before you get syrup all over it,” Ryan cautioned.
“I won’t get any syrup on my shirt, but if I do it will help the dirt stick to it better and give me an even dirtier uniform,” Justin pointed out.
Before Ryan could respond Mike said, “It’s hard to argue with that kind of Donkey logic.”
Ryan shifted his vision back and forth between his husband and his son. “You two are certainly two of a kind. Well, eat hearty,” he said with shake of the head and an amused grin.
Except when he was stuffing pancakes into his mouth, which was often, Justin talked close to nonstop about baseball and the Jammers. After a quick job of finishing his breakfast, he pointed to his shirt and said, “I didn’t get a single drop of syrup on my shirt.” Justin thought for a moment. “I guess I’ll have to dive for twice as many balls to get really dirty.”
The Boyer family arrived at the Lake City field fifteen minutes early, even after stopping to pick up Grandma Amy. Coach Wood and Coach Dansby were already there, as was Dansby’s son Karl. Mike and Ryan wandered to the third base dugout to chat with DK. Karl told Justin he had a baseball, and the two teammates started a game of catch. All the players were at the field by ten and the coaches had the boys pair up for warmups. Since the full roster consisted of fifteen players, three players threw together. The warmup scenario had been a part of their practice routine and the players knew exactly what to do.
The Lynwood Panthers arrived at 10:15 and congregated behind the first base dugout. They took some infield practice as soon as the Jammers cleared the field.
The umpires, who looked to be high school kids, called the coaches to home plate five minutes before game time. Mike and Ryan both noted that the Jammers looked much crisper in the warmup drills and infield practice than the Panthers.
Some parents knew that Mike was a middle school baseball coach and most of them quickly figured out that Mike and Ryan knew more about the game of baseball than they did. Coach Wood had explained how the practice game would be organized, but some of them weren’t quite sure they followed everything he said. Mike gladly informed them that the only real differences between this game and the basic rules of baseball were that each team would bat six batters in an inning, there was free substitution, pitchers had to face at least three batters and couldn’t face more than six, and everybody would get a chance to bat at least twice in the game. The game would be a five-inning affair, which gave every player the opportunity to bat twice.
“And, as Lucas told us, don’t bother to keep score because nobody else is,” Ryan said. He had no doubt that most of the parents would be tracking the number of outs, anyway.
While the entire affair could have been pure chaos, it ended up being very organized. Justin played shortstop in the first inning and batted third in the bottom of the inning. Karl was the starting pitcher. Justin had no balls hit to him in the field and thrilled everyone, especially himself, by legging out a double on a ball hit to left field. He made a big deal of brushing the dust off his jeans and shirt to make sure everyone noticed he got dirty.
Marco played second in the second inning and was the second batter up. He grounded out to the Panther second baseman. Joey also played the field in the second inning, roaming right field. He was the sixth batter in the inning and struck out.
Justin was the first pitcher in the third. He faced three batters, sandwiching a walk between two strikeouts. Lewis Jackson, a tall, skinny black kid who was in fourth grade, replaced him and gave up a couple of hits allowing the Panthers to score two runs. Lucas would have both boys return to pitch in the fourth. He didn’t want to wear out his young pitchers by having them pitch to six straight batters and decided to make their pitching closer to game conditions by having them split their batters over a couple of innings.
Justin was the sixth batter in the third inning and flied out to center. He pitched again to start the fourth inning allowing a single to lead off the inning. The next batter hit a ground ball to Marco at shortstop, who deftly fielded the ball and threw to Sonny Kwon at second for the force instead of doing what many inexperienced young players would do and try to throw out the batter at first.
“Nice play out there guys,” Mike called out. “You looked real professional.”
“I thought I messed up by throwing the ball to second,” Marco said to Coach Wood as he stepped into the dugout.
“You got the out didn’t you?” Coach Wood asked.
“But shouldn’t I have thrown the ball to first?”
“Don’t go second guessing yourself, Marco. You made the right play and you reacted just like you have in practice. Remember to go with your instincts and to do what we’ve been teaching you, even if it feels risky at first.”
“Thanks coach,” Marco grinned.
Justin struck out the third batter of the inning and his pitching was over for the day. Lewis walked two batters before striking out the third one to end the inning.
The fifth and final inning saw Justin, Joey, and Marco all on the field for the entire inning. Justin played third, Marco was in left field, and Joey caught. Justin had his first fielding chance when the second batter hit a hard grounder to his left which Justin scooped up. He fired a bullet to first just nipping the runner for the out. Mike and Ryan were both impressed by the job the young umpires were doing.
When the game ended the boys walked through the traditional handshake line and met with their respective coaches. The parents agreed that the final score was 6-6 but understood why it was meaningless when they watched how the six-batter innings played out.
Coach Wood and Coach Dansby met with the team after the parents had calmed down from their excitement. The boys knew what they were supposed to do and that was sit in the third base bleachers after completing their first handshake line of the season and receiving accolades from parents, relatives, and friends.
Coach Wood complimented the boys on their hustle and hard work. One of the things he and DK had tried drilling into the boys’ psyches was to not be afraid to make a mistake. He decided to point out that being a risk taker will often lead to something good.
“You aren’t going to get yelled at for making mistake, but your coaches will help you learn from them when we can. One of the best ways for you to get better is to not be afraid to make a mistake and to learn from it,” he told them. “I want to congratulate Marco for being a risk taker today when he fielded the ball nicely and made a great decision by throwing the ball to Sonny at second for the force out. If he had tried to get the batter/runner at first his throw would probably have been late. Instead, he went for the force at second. Great decision by Marco and a great job of covering second by Sonny. That play happened because of how hard you boys work in practice and by being willing to take a risk. By throwing to second Marco showed us that something he may have thought was risky was really routine and that it is a play he will be making many times.”
The coach reminded the players they would be getting their uniform pants at practice on Monday as well as their belts.
“Yay for the belts cuz we don’t want to be losing our pants running to first,” Justin quipped.
After the giggling died down, the Coach ended the meeting saying he would announce Tuesday’s starters after practice on Monday. He then talked to parents who had volunteered to drive on Tuesday confirming they were still okay with it. The parents would normally take care of seeing their kids had transportation to games, but because the Tuesday game against Vashon would mean taking a ferry to the island, Lucas wanted to have everything arranged in advance. He reminded the volunteer parents to keep their receipts for the ferry tickets so that their sponsors could reimburse them.
While Lucas Wood talked to the parents, Justin, Marco, and Joey talked to Mike about having a sleepover. Because of Mike’s coaching duties he wouldn’t be able to help with transportation on Tuesday, although Ryan got the okay from his boss to get off work early so he could help with transportation. While the boys were pleading with Mike, Karl sauntered past them and was pulled into their group. The boys invited him to join them for the sleepover.
It didn’t take much convincing to get Mike to approve of a sleepover. Joey, Marco, and Karl then convinced their parents to let them go. They would be at Justin’s house by three.
Justin followed Ryan and Grandma Amy to the car and Joey and Marco followed their moms. Karl went to his dad’s SUV. Mike held back for a moment with DK. “I need to tell you what could happen at an overnight with Justin and his two buddies,” Mike said. He went on to explain their love of shedding all their clothing. “First of all, if this makes you or Karl uncomfortable tell me now so I can let Justin know. Justin and his friends understand that for something like that to go down, everybody has to be on board. He has heard, not only from me, but from a middle school boy who is the son of a friend of the family and a mentor to Justin, the simple rule that ‘No means no’ and it is something that should be accepted. And of course, if you would rather he skips the overnight, I understand.”
“Mike, one of the things I appreciate about you is that you have always been upfront with the staff at school as well as your students. I know Karl has been curious about his body since he’s been asking me questions. I don’t know about you, but back when I was that age my peers taught me more about my body than any standard source. As long as you trust your son to do the right thing, I’ll trust my son to make the decision that suits him best. He and I have had many chats about peer pressure—he’s a strong willed kid and isn’t about to give in to anyone. And, from what you’ve told me, it sounds like there won’t be any pressure to give in to.” The two colleagues, who were becoming friends as well, shook hands and Mike headed for the car and his little family.
“What were you guys talking about?” Justin asked when Mike sat in the shotgun seat.
“Very simply that ‘No is no’ where Karl is concerned. Does that make sense to you?” Mike answered.
Justin thought about it for a few seconds and then nodded. “Yep, and I know if I forget that and Aiden finds out about it, I’ll be in big trouble with you and Papa Dawg, and my big bro all at the same time.”
“Not to mention your Grans,” Amy added. “Who would be the worst person to be in trouble with?”
“Oh, Aiden would be for sure.”
Ryan and Mike could barely hold in their laughter.
<Pierce and Drake>
Drake’s sixteenth birthday party was held at Eastside Wood Fired Pizza. Natalie didn’t want even a small group of teens bringing their coughs and sneezes into the house with an infant in residence. Otherwise, she would have preferred the party at the house. Drake had invited his boyfriend Pierce, his cousin Chase along with Chase’s boyfriend Dillon, his AA friends Adam, Andrew, and Max and seven friends from school and the track team. Eddie, Curt, and Logan had a make-up baseball game that afternoon and had to back out of the party.
Natalie had explained to Drake they would do things differently the next year when Lincoln passed the one-year mark and developed immunities to teen germs. She stayed home with Lincoln. Keegan and Walker were the adults in charge at the party. Chase, Dillon, and Pierce had ridden with Walker to the party. Even though the conditions were a bit chaotic for getting to know anyone, Keegan and Walker quickly found they liked each other’s company. The two had met before, but never really gotten to know each other.
Max and Pierce enjoyed a little chat during the party. Max came up to Pierce after they finished eating. “Hey, Pierce, I’m Max. You got a minute to chat?”
“Sure, Max.”
Pierce had been introduced to Max when Max entered the small party room and wondered why Max felt like he had to reintroduce himself. His question was answered when Max said, “Sorry for giving you my name again, but you got introduced to a few guys today and it’s easy to get peeps mixed up, especially me and Adam since we’re both kinda close to Drake.”
“No problem. What did you want to chat about?”
“Well, to congratulate you on becoming Drake’s boyfriend. I’ve never seen him look happier.”
“Having a family with a real mom and dad not to mention a cute little bro has a lot to do with that too,” Pierce said modestly.
“Well, from what I know, Drake needed a real boyfriend. I thought we were boyfriends until I kept sniffing after certain girls and realized we were just bed buddies,” Max said.
“Hey, nobody is just a bed buddy. Drake talks about you and Adam a lot and about how you helped his sobriety.”
“Are you in the program?”
“Nope, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t have some drug and booze issues to work out. I just wasn’t addicted, which I am grateful for. But one thing I’ve learned when I’ve gone to meetings and read some of the literature stuff with Drake is that if I let my guard down and decide to go out because ‘I ain’t no addict’ I could get my ass kicked when I suddenly find out how wrong I was.”
“In other words, you’re not doing any scientific experiments on the subject.”
Adam walked by and simply said, “Whatever Max is telling you; I agree with. The dude’s got his shit together when it comes to being sober.”
“What I told him was, I think Drake made a great choice for boyfriend and what I learned from listening to Pierce talk is that I was right about that,” Max told Adam.
“Like I said, I agree with Max,” Adam said.
Talking to Max was one of two high points in the party for Pierce. Giving Drake a long and loving kiss after everyone sang Happy Birthday was the other high point. The fact that it was in front of their dads, Drake’s friends, Drake’s cousin Chase, Chase’s boyfriend, and some of Drake’s best friends made it extra special. Everyone cheered and applauded before Drake blew out the candles.
After the party, Walker brought Chase and Dillon to Drake’s house. Pierce rode with Keegan and Drake. Drake insisted on driving, of course.
“I start driver’s ed in a couple of weeks and should have my license by July,” Drake had announced to his friends at the party. Only one of them had finished driver’s ed and was old enough to get his driver’s license.
“You’re a good driver,” Pierce said.
“That’s because what’s-his-name is sitting in the front seat,” Drake said.
“Watch it boy. You will need my money for driver’s ed and my signature for your license,” Keegan said.
“And I also need you guys to let me concentrate on my driving,” Drake said as he slowed to stop at a red light.
“Mum’s the word,” Pierce said, and the car went quiet.
After everybody arrived at Drake’s, the newbie was the center of attention as Chase, Dillon, Pierce, and Walker cooed all of the “isn’t he sweet, isn’t he cute, he looks just like his father, etc.,” lines.
“If poor Lincoln looks just like dad, then I gotta feel sorry for him,” Drake said. Keegan gave Drake a look that said, don’t even go there. “Hey, I’m not kidding. I mean, look, dad doesn’t have a baby face, so that must mean that Lincoln…,” Drake looked down at the baby, “…holy guacamole, it looks like Lincoln needs a shave already.” He grinned and said, “The critter is going to be shaving before I do.”
“Okay, I surrender,” Chase said, having been the one to make the comment. “He looks like Uncle Keegan must have looked like when he was two months old. How does that sound?”
“Well, he’s really cute, no matter what,” Dillon said.
“I swear you gay guys are worse than girls when it comes to fussing over a little baby,” Natalie chuckled. “I’m going to put him in the nursery before all of this fussing goes to his head and also so Drake doesn’t have to say things like guacamole in place of shit.”
“MOM!” Drake belted out in mock horror. “The poor critter is going to be traumatized if you use that word in front of him.”
“All it means is that he will end up not liking guacamole,” Natalie said to the laughter of the room full of males.
Before Walker left for home, he made sure Pierce, Chase, and Dillon had their Orca cards for the light rail trip home the next morning. Pierce gave his dad a quick hug, not caring who saw it. He needn’t have worried about it since Chase and Dillon had no problems with hugging their parents and he already knew how Drake felt about it.
The boys turned the Mariner game on and watched along with Keegan. The M’s were playing the Diamondbacks at home. Along with baseball chat the conversation drifted to other topics. One was the upcoming cousin blowout.
“We need a name for the blowout,” Drake said. “I mean, the Big Cousin Blowout is just so…so…meh.”
“There’s six cousins in this, right?” Dillon asked.
“And each is bringing one friend, which makes for twelve boys at the blowout.”
“Exactly. There will be a dozen of us in all,” Chase said.
“Brilliant math work, cuz,” Drake said.
“I can figure things like that out if I concentrate really hard.” Chase scooted closer to Dillon and put his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder. “So, now that we’ve got the hard mathematical part, what is it you’re thinking of?”
“Well, I’m thinking I have a name for the blowout that can go one of two ways. It can be the ‘Dozen Cousin Blowout’ or the ‘Cousin Dozen Blowout’. I think the second one is better, but either one would work,” Dillon explained.
“That is totally dope, love,” Chase said. “Funny none of us came up with it once I said the word dozen. But, why do you like the second one better?”
“I think I got that,” Drake said. “The first one makes it sound like there are a dozen cousins, but the second one sounds more like a name. You know. Like a band has a name. It’s like the cousins got together a dozen guys without saying how many are cousins or whatever. You ever heard of the movie "The Dirty Dozen"? Well, we're the "Cousin Dozen"."
Chase shook his head. "Never heard of it."
"It's a real old war movie. My dad and I have watched it a couple times."
Keegan was about to remark that the movie isn't "real old" but he elected to just smile and let the teens keep chattering.
“That’s not bad for a guy who lives on the east side of the Lake,” Chase grinned. Drake gave him the finger while Keegan simply shook his head.
“So, what do you guys think?” Dillon asked.
“Well, I say we take a vote and then bring it up with the other four cousins,” Chase told him.
“What about the non-cousins?” Pierce asked.
“If the cousins vote yes to a name, then we’ll let the friends, or non-cousins like Pierce says, have a say in which name we pick. How does that sound?”
“Well, the other cuzzes will have to vote on it,” Drake replied.
“True, but I am willing to bet that the big cousin blowout will have an official name tomorrow. Everybody gets to vote here. All in favor of Dozen Cousin Blowout raise your hand.” Nobody did. “How about the Cousin Dozen Blowout?” All four hands went up. “Then tomorrow morning I will talk to my brothers and to Aiden.”
“Hey, thanks for the idea, Dillon,” Drake said. “Chase is lucky to have a smart boyfriend like you. Lord knows he needs one.” This time Chase flashed the single digit.
Things then settled down long enough to watch the last two innings of the Mariners’ 5-3 win over the D-Backs. Marty went 1-for-3 with a walk and had three assists and a putout at third.
That night the boys decided to do a little switching. Chase combined his and Dillon’s sleeping bag and slept with Pierce. Dillon slept with Drake in Drake’s bed. It was the first time sleeping together for each pair.
It was agreed ahead of time there would be no fucking this time. But that didn’t stop four gay, hormone driven young teens from kissing, petting, jerking, finger fucking, and in the end humping to messy, cum filled, orgasms. It wasn’t the first time Chase and/or Dillon had made Dillon’s sleeping bag gooey with cum. Chase knew the bags would have to go to the cleaners soon.
<Justin, Marco, Joey, and Karl>
The hormone level in Justin’s bedroom was much lower than in Drake’s, but that didn’t stop the four boys from engaging in sexual play. Justin, Marco, and Joey were all nine while Karl had turned ten the month before.
The three close friends were fascinated by Karl. None of them had seen a black boy naked and quickly discovered that he had all the same body parts they did. It wasn’t that they were surprised by that—it was more a matter of seeing the proof after Karl had stripped naked.
What really amazed them was the size of his four-inch uncut erection, his hanging testicles, and that he had a couple of hairs sprouting in his pubic area. They didn’t know enough about human growth and development to understand that boys matured at different rates. They thought his well-defined body and sexual maturity had to do with either his being black or his being ten or both. Having seen older boys naked at Aiden’s house, Justin understood more about how boys developed than his two friends. Karl had a black friend named Thomas who was three months older than Karl but wasn’t nearly as developed. He was more in the range of the three white boys in the room, all of whom sported sub three-inch erections.
“Do you make cum?” Justin asked.
Karl nodded. “I started making a little just before my tenth birthday when I was humping my bed. My dad told me what was going on and said I was really young to be making any semen. That’s what he called it, semen, but he said lots of guys called it cum. What about you guys?” The three friends said no.
“Have you ever been naked with anybody?” Marco asked.
“My friend Thomas and me have been naked in my bedroom two times. You’re the first white boys I’ve seen naked except in the locker room at the gym my dad and I go to. I kinda figure you guys get naked with each other a lot.”
“We do,” Joey said.
“And we like to jerk off together and stuff like that,” Marco added.
“What’s jerk off?” Karl asked.
That was when Karl received his first sex lesson. Justin reached into one of his dresser drawers and pulled out the bottle of lotion his big bro had given him on his last visit. This was the first time he would be using it in front of Marco and Joey. He showed the three boys what he was doing and why.
Justin squeezed some onto Marco’s cocklet and rubbed it around, causing Marco to moan about how good that felt. Karl was amazed to see a boy touch the pecker of another boy and even more amazed that the other boy liked it. Justin then did the same for Joey, producing the same results. Karl watched open-mouthed as the two boys started masturbating.
“What they’re doing is jerking off,” Justin explained. Karl nodded as if to show he understood perfectly, which was not the case.
“Do you want some on your cock?” Justin asked Karl.
“Are you going to put it on?” Karl asked warily.
“Only if you want me to. It’s easy to put on yourself.” Justin demonstrated on his own little nail and then jerked it a half dozen times before handing the bottle of lotion to Karl. “Try it. It feels really good.”
Karl grabbed the bottle, squirted some lotion on his hand, rubbed it on his cock and started masturbating like the other three. “Oh, wow, you’re right. This feels, like, way awesome.” Karl leaned back against the wall and upped his pace, grunting with pleasure as he went. Unlike the other three, the hormones of puberty were already moving through his system. He knew what the ultimate purpose of playing with one’s dick was and could tell right away that moving his fist up and down around his favorite body part was going to produce a feeling as good or better than humping his mattress. Already the feelings hitting him were stronger than he got from the mattress and he wasn’t ready to shoot yet.
Joey, Marco, and Justin continued jerking off as they kept their eyes glued to Karl’s frantic ministrations. Marco thought it was like watching his brother Tony at work while Justin compared it to Aiden. Joey had nothing to compare it with and was simply fascinated by how hard the exotic, dark skinned boy was pounding his big cock, at least big as Joey saw it.
“Oh, wow, oh, wow, wow, here it comes…,” Karl squeaked as he shot out a squirt of clear cum that struck him high on his chest and two more that landed on his belly. He slowed down his strokes and finally let go of his cock. Justin shook as he was hit with an intense dry cum. Joey and Marco slowed down and took everything in.
“You shot your cum farther than my brother does,” Marco finally said.
“You’ve watched your brother do it?” Karl asked.
“I even help him do it a lot.” Marco decided to forgo talking about the blow jobs he had given his brother since Justin was the only person who knew about them.
“I’ve seen my big bro Aiden do it too. He shoots more than you or Tony,” Justin said. “Have you ever tasted your cum?”
“No, I never thought about doing that. It ends up in my underpants when I hump my bed,” Karl answered. “Besides, isn’t it poison or something?”
“Aiden says it’s good for you. He’s almost thirteen, so he should know. He eats his and likes it when somebody does this….” Justin leaned over and licked the two drops off Karl’s belly.
“Taste the one on your chest,” Marco said. “I lick Tony’s a lot.” Plus, I let him shoot in my mouth, Marco thought.
Karl scooped up the clear drop with a finger and stuck the finger in his mouth. He moved it around with his tongue and said, “I can hardly taste anything.”
“Wait until you shoot more,” Justin said. “Next time at home jerk off like you did and then eat it all.”
“I wish I had lotion like you have. It felt so good sliding my hand on my dickie.”
“You can have mine. I’ve got an extra. My daddy gives them to me.”
“Does he know what you do with it?”
“No way,” Justin said emphatically.
“What does he think it’s for?”
“I dunno. I never told him.”
“Boys, it’s almost time for dinner, so come out and set the table,” Mike called out.
“I guess we better get dressed,” Karl said as he reached for his green and blue boxer briefs.
“Since Papa never said we couldn’t, I think we can go to dinner naked,” Justin said. Which is what they did. As soon as Ryan saw the four boys come into the dining room in the nude, he realized he had forgotten to request that the boys wear at least underpants and t-shirts to dinner.
Ryan looked over to Mike for guidance. His husband simply shook his head. Since Karl didn’t seem to be embarrassed by the nudity, Ryan decided letting them stay naked for dinner was doable.
Karl had never thought that being naked could be so much fun, even in front of Justin’s dads. They acted like being naked was no big deal—it was almost like everybody was wearing clothes instead of being naked. He did note that the dads stayed dressed. Karl got the impression that being naked was for kids only and he liked it that way.
After dinner Karl followed the three boys down to the game room. He discovered that playing ping pong, foosball, and pool in the nude was the best thing ever.
“This is the awesomest overnight I’ve ever been on,” Karl said as the boys straightened up their mess in the basement. Dessert plates, glasses, napkins, stray ping pong balls, they made sure everything was cleaned up.
“If my friends and I don’t leave a mess, my dads let me have more overnights,” Justin said. “They call it being responsible.”
One of the things the boys talked about while they played was the sleeping arrangements. “My bed is big enough for all four of us,” Justin said. He was proud of his king bed and what it could do. “So, we just need to decide who sleeps next to who.”
“Since we’ve been naked almost since I got here, are we gonna sleep naked, too?” Karl asked.
“Me, Marco, and Justin always sleep naked in Justin’s bed. We only do it sometimes in our own bed because we got moms who like to check on us,” Joey told Karl.
“If we can sleep naked here, then I think we should sleep naked,” Karl said. “I’ve never slept naked with somebody on an overnight.”
“Do you sleep naked at all?” Justin asked. Karl shook his head. “It’s the best way to sleep.”
“Then I guess I’d better try it,” Karl grinned.
It was decided that Joey would sleep on one side with Marco next to him. Justin would be next to Marco and Karl would be on the other side. The boys brought the dishes upstairs, rinsed them, and placed them in the dishwasher. They said their goodnights to Mike and Ryan and retired to Justin’s room.
“Karl is a nice kid,” Ryan said after the boys left.
“That he is. I’ll have to be sure to tell DK—although I suspect the first thing he will do in school on Monday is ask me how Karl behaved, if he doesn’t call me tomorrow first,” Mike chuckled.
“And you told him about the possible nudity, right?”
“Quit being such a worrywart, Dawg. I made sure to tell him and made sure he understood. He had a good attitude about it.”
“It was great Justin and his friends got to see that a black boy is no different from them,” Ryan said.
“I think they had a fairly good idea that was true. What tonight did was verify it. I believe our Donkey Dawg has found himself another good friend.”
“It looks like that friend has started his way into puberty.”
“Karl is a big kid in quite a few ways,” Mike nodded.
After the boys took care of washing, tooth business, peeing, and “accidently” bumping into each other’s naked bodies, they were ready to huddle in Justin’s bed.
Karl had popped wood in the bathroom and was worried about his new friends making fun of him. Instead, nobody commented, at least until Justin grew erect in his bedroom.
“You two guys could have a boner fight in bed,” Marco said.
“A boner fight?” Karl asked.
“Me and Justin have them all the time. I have them with Tony, too. You rub your boners together and push hard against each other. It feels good when you do it.”
There ended up being two boner fights in Justin’s bed. Joey and Marco rubbed their cocks together and, after Justin showed Karl how it worked, the two humped each other. Justin wanted to kiss Karl but remembered what Aiden had told him about not doing new sex things too fast with his friends.
Still, it ended up being another new experience that Karl loved. The feel of his boner rubbing against Justin’s boner and of their bodies being wrapped together was the next new best thing to ever happen to his favorite body part. After Karl squirted his three clear drops on Justin’s cock and belly, Justin had a dry cum. Joey and Marco had dry cums as well.
As Karl fell asleep cuddled to the skinny little white boy next him, he hoped that it wouldn’t be long until he had his next overnight at Justin’s house.
Next: Real Baseball