The boys gave me a quizzical look when the heard the phone, as if they wondered if I could read the future. Being the closest to it, Sammy picked it up.
“Hello, Currie residence. This is Sammy,” he stated, and then there was a pause. “Yes, he is. Just one second please.” At that moment, he turned toward me. “Dad, it’s for you,” he added, while reaching the phone in my direction.
“Hello, this is Josh Currie,” I answered.
“Josh, it’s Steve. I just wanted to check in to see if you’d heard anything about Cody’s situation,” he asked.
“Oh, hi, Steve,” I said, before noticing the boys release a collective sigh. “We’ve just learned that none of us was a match, so we’re waiting to hear from the doctor. He told me he’d call just as soon as the national registry comes up with a match.” As you may have noticed, I was trying to put a positive spin on this, to let Cody and the rest of the boys know I didn’t wonder IF they’d find a match, just WHEN the match would be found.
“Just let me know when you hear anything, all right?” Steve replied. “Mary and I are both concerned and we’ve made appointments to be tested too.”
“I know you’re both concerned, Steve, and I thank you for getting tested,” I told him. “That’s why I consider you such a good friend and a great uncle to all the boys. You’ll be among the first I contact when we hear anything.”
“Thanks, Josh, and we’ll say a couple of extra prayers for Cody too,” he added.
“We appreciate that, Steve. So long,” I told him, before hanging up.
When I set the phone down, I could tell I didn’t need to explain the call to the boys. They had pretty much pieced it together for themselves. However, Pat was the one who broke the silence.
“Damn, Dad, I think we were all beginning to believe you were psychic or something,” he teased. “You just said we’d hear from the doctor and then the phone rang. That was almost spooky, but it would have really been scary if it had been the doctor’s office calling.” Most of the boys all snickered when he said this.
“I might be good, but I don’t have those kinds of powers,” I shot back. “Otherwise, we’d never have to worry about anything. If that had been the doctor’s office calling, it would have just been a coincidence.” I smiled after saying this and then the phone rang again. This time Cole answered it.
“Hello, this is Cole Currie,” he stated and then his expression changed. He looked directly at me and continued. “Dad, it’s the doctor’s office calling.” I raced over to take the call.
“Josh, I have great news for you,” the doctor began, as I answered the phone. “The registry has found a donor match for Cody, so we’ve leaped the next major hurdle. I’ll set up a time for him to come in, say the day after tomorrow, so I can inject him with the cells that are harvested. Another doctor will remove them from the donor sometime late tomorrow, and seeing they should be used within twenty-four hours, according to acceptable medical procedures, we’ll inject them into Cody early the follow day. I have already made arrangements to have the delivery made overnight, so there should be no problem. Everything seems to be going our way right now, so I just hope this trend continues.”
“Me too, and that IS great news, doctor. I’m sure Cody will be glad to hear this too, and I can’t wait until we can put all of this behind us.” I looked at Cody and smiled, letting him know things were going our way, and the other boys began patting him on the back and congratulating him. “What time do you want us there?”
The doctor and I went on to discuss the details of the procedure, so I could prepare Cody for what he would be facing, and then I assured the doctor we’d meet him at the hospital early that morning. By the time I hung up the phone, the house was filled with joy, excitement and the noise of many boys expressing their happiness and relief.
The one who felt the most relief at this moment, other than Cody, was Andrew. Even though we’d talked about it and I thought he’d gotten past his issues concerning the portrait, I think subconsciously he still harbored bad feelings about it. I believe he felt that by drawing the picture of Cody he was indicating he didn’t think Cody was going to pull through and he’d feel responsible if something happened to Cody now.
I felt Cody had managed to ease Andrew’s apprehensions when he gave him the green light to enter the drawing, especially after he said he thought it was pretty special Andrew had selected him to be his model. Be that as it may, it was obvious Andrew still had some concerns. However, after hearing a donor had been found, things were looking up and he was no longer as deeply worried about something terrible happening. Now, he could allow his artwork to be entered, without feeling guilty.
After analyzing the Andrew situation, I looked over and discovered Graham and Cody kissing and hugging. They were totally oblivious of the rest of us, even though we were excited for Cody too.
At this point, Jake came over, placed his arm around my shoulders and gave me a slight squeeze, in an effort to let me know he was there for me as well. He was aware of how worried I’ve been about all of this, since we’ve talked about it many times, so he must have decided it was an excellent opportunity to give me a little reassurance too. It was nice he did it, as it showed how much he cared, and I guess it’s the little things like this in a relationship that can help to strengthen it.
In our case, he always seems to be there when I need him the most, however I must admit I don’t always let him know how important his actions are to me. Regrettably, I’ve also missed a few chances to be there to reciprocate when he needed a little emotional support from me. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I’m so focused on the boys or my job that I tend to develop tunnel vision. On occasion, I’ve even taken him for granted. I’ll have to make it a point to correct my oversight and find an appropriate way to let him know how special he is to me.
The rest of the evening was just one big party at our house, as we celebrated our good fortune that a donor had been found. In the back of my mind I knew other things might still go wrong, but I didn’t think this was the time to focus on those possibilities. Instead, I acknowledged that Cody needed this type of celebration, if only to lift his spirits and put him in a positive mental mood, so I was more than willing to let it continue.
Whether you are aware of it or not, there was more to my decision than just the fact that it would make Cody feel better about his situation. I’ve often heard doctors and other medical professionals say that part of the healing process is psychological, so I used this opportunity to convince Cody that his chances for recovery were very good. I felt putting this positive spin on things might do as much for him as the fact that we’d just located a donor.
After letting the boys carry on for a while, I informed them it was time to go to bed. Although they grumbled for a while first, they finally did as they were told. As they began to head off to their rooms, I noticed Cody and Graham walking hand-in-hand up the stairs, so I thought maybe they’d continue the celebration on their own.
Later, as I walked around checking on things, I heard something going on in their room, so I put my ear to the door. It was then I realized what was making the noise I heard. It was the gentle hum of an electric razor. This made me conclude one of them felt a little trim was in order, before the games began. I eventually discovered that was indeed the case, since Cody’s pubes had been left unattended for a couple of weeks. However, once they were gone, the two boys got into it, pretty hot and heavy.
In an effort to show Cody how much he meant to him, Graham not only shaved his soul mate, but also followed that up by taking him into the shower, where he washed every inch of his body. Graham made sure it was lovingly offered and tenderly done, such as when a parent bathes a child. However, once he journeyed south of his waist, neither of them could control their raging hormones any longer.
It began innocently enough, as Graham began to wash Cody’s recently shaved pubic triangle, but once he began to clean Cody’s penis and scrotum, Cody’s little soldier sprang to attention. This alerted Graham that little Cody was ready for active duty, so Graham took the hint and did an immediate oral inspection of the area. He used his tongue to trace every inch of its surface and then began to determine cleanliness by taking Cody’s weapon deep into his mouth. Graham let his saliva wash over it, to test for a hint of any unwanted substance, but the saliva also gave it a smooth, glistening appearance, as if it had just been oiled.
When Graham began to polish Cody’s barrel, the clip slowly filled with ammunition, as little bullets of semen began to fall into place in the seminal tubes. After a few minutes of this activity, Cody’s weapon was fully loaded and Graham reached down and released the safety, when he rolled Cody’s balls around within the fleshy ammo pouch. Within seconds, Graham slowly squeezed the trigger. He did this by increasing his pace and doubling his suction, until the rounds began to fire.
Uncontrollably, shot after shot of Cody’s immature seed sprang from his barrel and hit the bulls-eye within Graham’s throat. His effort qualified him for his marksmanship badge, but he continued to fire until every round had been used up and the clip was emptied. When the ‘all clear’ signal was given on the firing line, Cody’s knees began to buckle, so Graham helped him switch from the standing to prone position. This round at the range was over and it was time for the next shooter to take his place.
Once Cody regained his sensibility, he switched places with Graham, so he could return the favor. He was determined to put Graham through his own callisthenic routine and bring him as much pleasure as he had just received. Cody quickly volunteered to be Graham’s personal trainer and started off by putting him through a little stretching routine, as he rubbed and kneaded Graham’s penis, until he worked it out to its full length. Once that had been accomplished, Cody began to do oral push-ups on Graham’s pole, although he couldn’t count them off aloud at the time.
Next, Cody had Graham add a few thrusts to the routine, when he let his finger wander around Graham’s body, until it found its way in and out of Graham’s rear door. After that, he began to work on Graham’s endurance and increasing his stamina, to get him to last as long as he could. Cody tested Graham’s limits to the fullest and did everything in his power to make Graham give in to his training techniques, and eventually Graham was unable to hold out any longer.
Realizing fluids are also very important during an exercise cycle, Cody checked Graham’s fluid level, while refilling his own. Cody took careful measurements, as Graham released several strong volleys of his boy-juice into Cody’s mouth. Knowing how precious this nectar was, Cody made sure to swallow every drop, to avoid the effects of dehydration after such a strenuous workout. Once Graham’s orgasm had subsided, the boys finished up the exercise session with a quick rubdown, to make sure all the toxins were worked out of the muscles, especially the main muscle. Then they went back to their room, to unwind and rest, thus ending their night of wild abandon.
The hours passed quickly and it was soon time for Cody’s appointment. Although all of the boys wanted to go to the hospital and be with him when he received the donor’s cells, I decided it would be best if they carried on with their normal routines. There was nothing they could do for Cody and they wouldn’t be allowed to be in with him while the procedure was taking place, so the only thing they could do was spend their time in the waiting room.
I told them it would be best if they just expressed their support to Cody before he left that morning and then be there for him when he got back. I did have to handle a few minor confrontations about my stance on this issue, especially from Graham, but the boys finally realized I wasn’t about to give in and didn’t pursue it further.
When the time came, I was the only one who accompanied Cody to the hospital and we were only there for a few hours. The procedure didn’t take very long, but the doctor wanted Cody to stay there for a while longer, so he could see how Cody’s system was reacting to the introduction of cells from someone else. After a few hours of close observation, nothing unusual was noted, so we were allowed to return home. Now, it would just be a matter of time before we would know if this procedure worked any better than when Cody’s own cells had been reintroduced into his body.
The next few days went fairly smoothly and the entire family went back to their normal routines. When I took Cody to see the oncologist a few days later, the doctor told me Cody seemed to be doing well, but he’d wait before he’d say anything more definitive. He explained he couldn’t yet tell if the cells were beginning to duplicate as they should, but everything else looked fine and Cody seemed to be responding well. We thanked him for his help and told him we’d see him again in a few weeks, before we went back about our business.
The next day at school, I got some more good news, however this had nothing to do with Cody. It was a letter concerning Trey’s script and its entry into the regional competition. The letter had been sent to the school and addressed to the teacher that had submitted it into the competition, and at lunchtime she brought Trey over to my office, so she could read it to both of us at the same time.
What could I say? I was speechless. I had been sufficiently impressed when Trey had won the state competition, but having won the regional competition too, plus having it sent on to the national level, well, that was more than I think any of us ever expected. Now, Trey and I sat stunned by what we had just heard, but his teacher was beaming.
“Oh, I’m so proud of you,” she said. “I knew it was good, but now we have proof it was even better than just good… it was excellent!”
We both thanked his teacher for her kind words and for submitting Trey’s script in the first place, as well as her continued support. She took Trey back to school with her when she left and I had a few moments to contemplate what this meant for him in the long term.
Even though Trey had expressed an interest in working with computers, maybe even designing software, I think I’m going to discuss the possibly of him exploring his writing talent further. Under the circumstances, who knows what type of opportunities it might present for him? As I’ve mentioned before, this was going to look extremely good on his college transcripts and if he were to apply in a related field, it might even have more of an impact on his admission or ability to get into a better school. However, the final decision would be his alone, but I would make sure to point out all his options, before he made his choice.
That evening, we informed the rest of the family about the good news and assumed it would also be mentioned in the morning announcements at school again. The boys really whooped it up in Trey’s honor and made sure they let him know just how impressed and proud they were of his accomplishments. There was also a lot of good-natured ribbing about Trey becoming rich and famous from writing a screenplay for a movie or possibly penning a best-selling novel.
The boys also kidded him about whether he’d even open his own Castaway Hotel some day, once he was financially independent, to give other boys a similar opportunity. Although he said he might, I wasn’t sure if he was serious about actually wanting to do something of that nature or if he was just trying to keep his brothers from gaining the upper hand at this point. I think I’ll also discuss this possibility with him sometime too.
The next day, as we suspected, the announcement was made in school and, once more, Trey got a standing ovation from his homeroom. From what I understood, he also got a standing ovation when he entered the cafeteria at lunchtime. I guess even the rest of the student body realized what an impressive achievement this was and were willing to give Trey his due, even though some of them might have been jealous of his new notoriety. It took a great deal of maturity for them to do this for Trey and I wish I were able to find out who first stood to applaud. We all owed him or her a huge vote of thanks, on Trey’s behalf.
The following weekend we decided to hold a special party for Trey, to give our extended family a chance to recognize his outstanding level of achievement. We invited the Shays, the Spences, Aunt Sally and the Beckers, but Mark would be there too, since he was currently living with us. We also invited my grown children and their families to join us, but knew the chances of their getting away would be slim. They did call to offer their apologies for not being able to attend and also took the chance to congratulate Trey personally, over the phone. As they told him how proud they were of his accomplishment and how special it was, they also told him they’d like to read his script, the next time they came for a visit. Hearing them say this made Trey feel good too.
When Saturday afternoon arrived, the festivities began with us having a meal together, although it was nothing fancy. After we ate, we topped the meal off with a congratulatory cake, which contained a special message for the honoree. We even gave Trey the privilege of cutting it.
Although we had informed everyone that presents weren’t required or expected, they still brought congratulatory cards to give Trey, to acknowledge his success and wish him well at the next level of competition. Having family and close friends around at times like this makes even the best of moments seem even better.
Before I decided to throw this party for Trey, I had questioned how appropriate it might seem. However, after weighing the pros and cons, I decided it would not only be good for Trey, but it might also have an impact on the other boys as well. By making such a big deal over Trey’s success, I hoped to do more than just let Trey know how proud we were of what he had accomplished. I hoped this would also inspire some of the others to go the extra mile and reach for that little something, which might seem just beyond their grasp.
Even though a couple of my boys had problems with school, others were flourishing. Trey, Dion and Andrew had all recently been singled out for their talents and Kevin had won a scholarship. The other college boys had their own share of success and were doing well, but there were others who talents were yet to be developed. I hoped this might inspire them to try just a little harder to reach their potential.
Who knows, Trey’s writing ability, Dion’s voice, Andrew’s artistic talent and the scholastic aptitude of some of the others might encourage them to put forth just that much extra effort and grab for the brass ring, thus bringing them to the same level of success the others were enjoying.
Later that evening, after the celebration had ended, we merely settled in for the rest of the night, that is everyone except Dion and Trey. While the rest of us watched a movie on television or did some other trivial types of activities, they went up to their room, so Dion could give Trey his personal reward. I think he must have mentioned this to Trey before they disappeared, because Trey seemed more distracted than usual and showed signs of being more than a little excited. Needless to say, I didn’t think any of that was a result of the party. Anyway, while the rest of us stayed downstairs, the two of them slipped away, so Dion could pay special attention to his chosen partner.
Once they got to their room and closed the door, Trey discovered some of the perks of fame. It began when Dion slowly began to remove Trey’s clothing, but he didn’t merely undress him. He had something more than that in mind. As Dion removed each article of Trey’s clothing, he also gave that area of the body a little special attention as well.
First, he removed Trey’s shirt and began to kiss and nuzzle the area around his neck, something he knew Trey was very fond of. He was now deeply engrossed in the part of the body the shirt collar had covered just a few minutes before, and Trey was loving the attention and sensations. After Dion removed Trey’s undershirt, he began to suck and nibble on Trey’s nipples, thus reminding him that even a boy can enjoy this type of stimulation.
Next, he unbuckled Trey’s belt, unsnapped his pants, pulled down the zipper and then let gravity take Trey’s trousers to the floor. Now, Dion let his hands wander over Trey’s plentiful ass cheeks, so he could massage them through his underwear, and then Dion dropped to his knees, so he could massage Trey’s thighs and calves with his long, slender fingers. Once he had done this for several minutes, he reached up and lowered Trey’s boxers, exposing his genitals.
It was clearly evident that Trey was highly aroused at this point, which was exactly what Dion wanted. Once Trey’s penis was free, Dion wrapped his fingers around the shaft and pulled it gently toward his lips. As he did this, he used his other hand to play with Trey’s scrotum and manipulate the watery orbs inside. Trey began to moan audibly at this juncture, as he was definitely enjoying the stimulation Dion was giving him.
Encouraged by this obvious sign of pleasure, Dion flicked his tongue along the length of Trey’s engorged member and teased the helmet through the opening in his foreskin. After he had played with the glans for a while, he drew the foreskin back and exposed the head completely. Then he slid his mouth over the tip and swallowed as much of the shaft as he could. Eagerly, he now began to bob his head back and forth over its length, gently massaging Trey’s penis with his lips and tongue.
By this point, Trey was really moaning and caught up in the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling, but Dion knew there was more he wanted to do for his partner. Knowing the things that Trey enjoyed the most, Dion removed his hand from Trey’s ball sac and slid a finger up his crack, until he could insert it into Trey’s waiting chute. Quickly he located the prostate and began to draw little circles on it with that finger, which sent Trey to the pinnacle of excitement and made it impossible for him to holdout any longer.
As Dion initiated that now familiar shudder, which traveled throughout his lover’s body, Trey released his torrent of boy cream. It had raced up from the testicles and flowed through the tubes, before it flooded Dion’s mouth. Dion didn’t flinch or back off when this occurred, but, instead, began to lap and swallow the thick, warm liquid. He continued to add even more suction while he did this, until he was sure he had drained every ounce of liquid that Trey had to offer. Once he knew Trey had been completely siphoned of his pearly seed, Dion pushed Trey backward, toward the bed, until his legs were pressed up against it. Once he had Trey in that position, Dion gently nudged his lover onto the mattress, to put him in position for the next phase of his plan.
As Trey was making himself comfortable, Dion hurriedly shed his own garments, until he stood naked at the foot of the bed. Dion quickly added a dab of lube to his penis, knowing Trey didn’t require him to use much any more, and then he grabbed Trey’s ankles and lifted his legs, to let him know what was next. Enthusiastically, Trey pulled his knees back to his chest and awaited the entry of Dion’s long, slender tool. Carefully, Dion positioned himself to make his final approach, like a pilot guiding his aircraft in for a landing, and soon Dion’s nosecone was pushing against Trey’s portal.
Dion kept adding more and more pressure, until his slender craft slid down the runway, and he didn’t come to a stop until his own manhood had gone as far in as it possibly could. Now, Dion began to rock gently back and forth, like the pontoons of an amphibious plane riding up and down on the endless waves. Continually, he rode the crests of those swells, while stroking the sides of Trey’s hanger in the process, thus teasing his sensitive prostate. After several minutes of this energetic activity, Dion realized it was time to unload his cargo, so he made one final thrust and sent his creamy luggage sliding down the ramp and into Trey’s cargo hold.
It only took a few more thrusts, until the last of the freight was unloaded, and then Dion began to kiss Trey, while nuzzling his head in the crook of Trey’s neck one more time. The pair exchanged kisses and this passionate embrace lasted for several more minutes, as they continued to let each other know how much they appreciated and enjoyed this lovemaking session. Once they both came down from their sexual highs, Dion sidled up behind Trey, like two spoons in a drawer, and that’s the way they fell asleep.
I am so happy those two have such a close relationship, and one that I suspect will last, even though the going isn’t always smooth. I think they have finally admitted to themselves that they don’t want anyone else and are committed to remaining together for the long haul.