Three Finger Cove: The Twins ~ Book Four

Chapter Ten

"Morning Ken," offered Dan, as the man walked into the Kitchen Nook.

"Morning, Dan. You're up awfully early" replied Ken, who then took a sip of his hot coffee and went back to reading the newspaper.

"Goods mornings, Mr. Dans. Ies hopes youse hads suches a goods Labor Days weekends," offered Momma Maria. "Whats cans Ies gets fors youse to eats?"

"Oh, Momma, surprise me, or … I'll have what he's having," smiled Dan, as he pointed over to Mr. Ken.

"Oks Ies makes youse whas Ies makes fors theys boys. Theys bes downs reals soons," replied Momma Maria, who then turned to go back over to the counter to add more eggs to make Dan's breakfast.

"So … have you figured out why Kyle was so clingy to you last night?" subtly asked Ken.

Dan looked over at his friend, smiled and replied, "Nope."

"You know … there is something going on there don't you?" nonchalantly commented Ken Thomas.

"Yeah … I know … I just wish … I wish I really knew what it was all about. It isn't like we interacted much, if at all, during the past three days," answered Dan.

Just then the four Cover lads came into the Kitchen Nook.

"Good morning 'dad'," called out Robert.

"Morning 'dad'," added Charles.

"Good morning, 'Dad Ken'," spoke up Kevin.

"Morning 'Dad Ken', morning Mr. Dan," said Kyle, who then went over and hugged Mr. Dan.

All Dan did was raise his eyebrows as he looked over to Ken who shrugged his shoulders and went back to reading his morning newspaper.

"Heres youse breaksfasts, eats ups," laughed Momma Maria, as she put plates of bacon and eggs in front of the twins, before going back for two more plates for Robert and Charles. When she placed the older Cover boys breakfast in front of them, she went back for two more plates for the adults.

The conversation was light during breakfast. Mr. Ken explained again to the twins what they were going to do that morning. Dan reminded the boys, that after he had lunch with Mr. Chris, he would leave for his apartment to get ready for his shift that evening. He also told the boys that he had the over-night shift for five nights before he'd have any time off.

"So, I, err, we won't get to see you before the weekend?" a somber Kyle got out.

"That's right, Kyle. My shift is 10-7 for the next five nights. And after that, I'll have to wash all my uniforms and iron them and then clean the apartment, go grocery shopping, get caught up on my sleep, since I then go on the morning shift after my days off. The life of a Sheriff's Deputy is not a glamorous one, for sure," replied Dan Fischer.

Kyle didn't say anything. He just put his head down and went back to eating his breakfast.

"Oh, look at the time. Charles, we got to hurry if we are going to catch the bus," spoke up Robert.

"Bye 'dad'; bye Mr. Dan. Oh, Kevin and Kyle, Doctor Rick is a good guy, trust him," said Robert, as he then drank down the last of his milk. Then he, and Charles, hurried out of the Kitchen Nook to catch the school bus at the top of the estate.

"Boys … I'll need to take you to your school pretty soon and get you registered. You'll get to meet your new principal, Ms. Chadwick, and you already met one of the teachers at your school, Mr. Chassen. He was the older man sitting at the table with Ms. Judy, Ms. Mary and Mr. Wayne at the picnic on Saturday, so don't be afraid to say 'Hi' to him if you pass him in the hallways," spoke up 'Dad Ken'.

"When will we leave, 'Dad Ken'?" asked Kevin.

"Oh, let's say in ten minutes. Will that work for you?" replied Mr. Ken.

"Yeah, I just want to use the bathroom and then wash my hands up to my elbows," laughed the twin, as he rushed out of the Kitchen Nook. Kyle quickly followed. The two new Covers were actually ready before the ten minute deadline 'Dad Ken' gave his new 'sons'.

"Good morning, Ms. Chadwick," said Ken Thomas, as he held out his hand to shake hers.

"I want you to meet my two newest foster sons. This is Kevin and this one is Kyle," was how The Cove's owner introduced his new foster sons as he placed his hand on the indicated shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Kyle and he's …" started Kyle, who didn't get too far with his misdirection when 'Dad Ken' to him, "Don't even go there."

"You see what I've had to put up with? But I know their secret," teased 'Dad Ken'. "It might take a you and their teachers a while to get used to figuring out who is whom," cautioned Mr. Ken.

Principal Chadwick and the twins talked for a few minutes while Ms. Jane Andrews, Chadwick's secretary, set up their classroom assignments. When the twins learned they would be in separate classrooms Kevin strongly voiced his objections.

It took Mr. Ken a few moments to explain to them that this way they'd get to know more of their classmates, and then they could have some brotherly competition between them to see who could get the better grades. The twins looked back and forth to one another and then Kevin relented to the separation. The twins then smiled at one another and agreed to the competition.

Mr. Ken thanked Abigail Chadwick for her time, and then explained the boys had a physical scheduled, but that they would be in their seats tomorrow. They all shook hands and then Mr. Ken and his new 'sons' headed back to the F-150 for the ride to Doctor Powers office.

Earlier that morning, when the older Covers arrived at school, they met up with their friends. Sam and Terran were also waiting at the school's Bus Stop corral and asked where Kevin and Kyle were. Robert explained Mr. Ken had to register them and then take them to get their physicals. The teen assured them the twins would be on the bus tomorrow. That cleared up, each group of kids headed over to where they usually hung out.

It was while Charles and his friends were talking in their 'private' corner of the schoolyard that a bunch of 7th-grade girls came by, led by Leah Hoalmes.

"Hi, Charles … I stopped by … because I want you to meet some of my friends," announced Leah, as she and four other girls walked up to the group of boys.

"Hello, Leah, isn't it?" replied Charles. "I sort of met you for a few moments that day at Six Flags, didn't I? And you were the one who gave me a great big welcoming hug on my first day of school. That was you wasn't it?"

"Yes, we met at Six Flags and yes … I gave you a big hug on the first day of school to welcome you. I thought we could become friends," replied Leah, with a big smile. "But, since school started," continued Leah, as she ran a finger along Charles' cheek, "I've only seen you hang with these … these Neanderthals," now snickered Leah, who then burst out in a laugh, as she pointed to the rest of the boys Charles was with. She was joined in her laugh by three of the four girls who accompanied her. The fourth girl began coughing when the others laughed.

"I thought it was time you met some of the women at this school, so … I figured it was time you met MY friends. That way you can hang out with US and not be so … stuck up. And, why it is you're even hanging with … with that loser (Leah pointed to Richard)? No one, and I mean NO one … likes him! He's so weird. So … are you ready to meet some of the best ladies in this school?" finished Leah.

Charles was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say, or do. He looked to his friends for some help. But they were just as bewildered as he was. It was then it dawned on Charles what Leah had said about his new friend Rich. Charles wasn't too happy with the way this girl approached him with her self-professed superior attitude, and he sure didn't like what she said about his friends, especially, Richard. Charles knew she expected a response, so he thought about what was said and then prepared one.

"Well, first of all, Leah … these ARE my friends. And, just so you know it, Richard is also ONE of my friends, as well. And another thing you really need to know is … is that the only loser here … is YOU! Yes, I said the real LOSER … is YOU! How dare you call anyone a Neanderthal … and then belittle a fellow student by calling him a loser. You don't even know Richard, and yet you label him. If I, or any of the boys in this class, labeled you, or one of your friends with you, there would be hell to pay, I am sure," spoke out Charles.

"If I wanted to meet and get to know the girls in this class, I would have made the effort to do so. This is only the second week of school, but I had more important things to do first. I made it my mission last week to make friends with Richard … after I heard the way you kids treated him last year after he arrived so late in the school year. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for ignoring him and making him feel so unwelcomed.

"And, after being in the assembly Principal Chadwick had last Friday about treating new kids better than YOU ALL did him and his brother, you STILL continue to denigrate Rich and all my other friends? What kind of girls are you, anyway?" asked Charles, with his hands on his hips? … "So … to me… if anyone here are losers … it is all of YOU who continue to think you are better than anyone else, and then classify people according to your own standards," chastised Charles.

"Harrump," uttered Leah, with her arms crossed and a look of contempt on her face. "So … with your little speech … you want US to think YOU are an expert on what we should do and how WE are to treat people. … Listen here MISTER, you are going to find out very soon and discover that you are a nothing, CHARLIE. Yeah, I know … you want everyone to call you CHARLES, but we're all going to call you Charlie from now on; and, we'll keep calling you CHARLIE … knowing how it will PISS YOU OFF!.

"Eventually, you'll do something or you'll say something to us that will get you in trouble … big trouble and you'll be less than that … that LOSER (Leah again points to Richard) you want to be friends with. And, as for him, your new friend Richie, you'll see. … I know people … who can make his life even more miserable than it already is. Come on ladies … let's leave this trash where they are. It is beginning to stink around here."

As Leah and her posse began to walk away with their noses up in the air, they heard, "Just stay right where you are ladies!" It was Principal Chadwick and Mr. Chassen.

The two educators had been made aware of a large group of boys and girls congregating in a far corner of the schoolyard, so they decided to go find out what was happening. As they approached they only heard Charles' angry reply to something that obviously had been said that set him off. Then they heard Leah respond with intimidations to Charles and Richard and they didn't like the tone or the perceived bullying against two fellow students.

To learn what was going on between both groups, Dan Chassen took all the girls names and Abigail Chadwick took the names of the boys. The principal then told the assembled group she would be calling them into her office, one by one. She then let them go back towards the school as she knew the first bell was about to ring.

"Hey, Chris," called out Dan, as he approached Chris Dominions, the Estate Manager.

"Hey, Dan … I thought you had already left," answered Chris, as he stood up to shake the Lieutenant's hand.

"Oh, I decided to enjoy the amenities The Cove had to offer to their fullest, thus I stayed until this morning. I start work tonight at 10," chuckled Dan.

The two men sat down and talked about The Cove and all the things it had to offer. Then, they got around to talking about all the boys who not only lived there, but their friends who spent the majority of the summer there. Dan talked about his interaction with the boys, and how it changed his outlook about being around kids.

Chris reluctantly told Dan he had to agree with him. He said that once he got to know the lads he began to see them in a different light. The Estate Manager also revealed how his being hired to work there changed his life. That was something Dan had to agree with by saying his living there showed him how much he missed out on by putting a lot of his time into his job, and thus being somewhat of a loner.

Over at Doctor Rick's, the twins had their blood taken, height and weight recorded, eyes examined, x-rays of their major bone groups taken, and, finally, their hearing checked. The last two exams required the boys be separated, while the other was being attended to. 'Dad Ken' took good advantage of the separation, while Kevin was having his hearing checked, he talked to Kyle.

"Kyle … can I ask you a question?" started 'Dad Ken'.

"Sure, but you already have," smiled Kyle.

"Yes, I guess I have," chuckled Mr. Ken. "Well, anyway … I want to ask you about last night. You know … when you jumped onto Mr. Dan …and then held on for dear life. … Can you tell me … why you did that?" asked 'Dad Ken'.

"Do I have to?" meekly responded Kyle.

"Well, Kyle … it could help me understand you better and … if there's ever a problem later on I … well, I might be able use that information to help straighten things out. … I'm not trying to embarrass you, Kyle. We've only known each other for a little more than three and a half days and … I need to know as much about you and your brother as I can. Seeing your interaction with Mr. Dan last night … well, it was an eye-opener for me. I never knew you two knew each other that well," explained Mr. Ken.

Kyle looked up to 'Dad Ken' and thought about how he wanted to answer him. After a few moments, he figured it was better to tell him the truth as it was harder to remember the lie. At least that was what his mom always told him.

"'Dad Ken' … I'll tell you … but could you make sure Kevin doesn't know?" asked Kyle with hopeful eyes.

"Well … I won't tell him as long as it doesn't have anything to do with him," assured 'Dad Ken'.

"Well … I did talk to Mr. Dan for a little … you know, during the picnic and … well, he was nice to talk to. He answered my questions and he was real nice to me. He told me he wasn't married and that he didn't have any kids. He told me he enjoyed being a guest there because it was like living in a dream, with there being so much to do. He also told me he liked being around the kids as he learned so much about what kids today were into and what they liked to do.

"I just thought that … that if he didn't have any kids that maybe … well … that maybe he would like to get to know me better and … and I could kinda … that I could like … be his kid when he was here. … Was I wrong to think that, 'Dad Ken'?" seriously asked Kyle, as he looked into 'Dad Ken's' eyes

"But you have a dad, Kyle. Why would you … well, you know, why would you want Mr. Dan to … to be like a dad to you. If that is what I think you are telling me" gently wondered Mr. Ken.

"I bet you're going to think this is funny but … yes, I have a real dad and now I have you 'Dad Ken' but … I don't really have a dad when I look back at it," finished Kyle, as a few tears came out from behind his eyes.

Mr. Ken grabbed Kyle into a hug and used his back rub magic to try to calm the twin down.

"I don't understand, Kyle. Can you sort of fill me in, you know, why you think that way?" quietly asked 'Dad Ken'.

Kyle looked into Mr. Ken's eyes to see if he was laughing at him. Seeing that the man looked like he was concerned about him, he decided to talk.

"'Dad Ken' … since we've been here … everybody seems to have a dad. Robert has you for his 'dad and even Charles … he has you as his 'dad', too. And Eric, I've heard how he wishes you were his dad, as well. All Robert's and Charles' friends all have nice dads as I met some of them at the picnic. My brother, Kevin, has our dad as his dad but … I don't feel like I have one," answered Kyle.

"Why don't you feel like you have a dad, Kyle? We visited him this past Sunday, and it looked like you were happy to see him," wondered Mr. Ken.

Kyle looked back to 'Dad Ken' and replied, "Well … yeah, I have a dad but … I know he doesn't like me as much as he does Kevin." Then a few more tears fell from the lad's eyes.

But the twin continued on. "Yeah … I see how much dad loves Kevin. Ever since we turned ten, they always go off somewhere and … Kevin comes back real happy … but my dad … he … he never takes me. I've asked Kev where they go … but … but he says he's not supposed to tell me, and he didn't want to disappoint daddy. So, he never told me.

"I just want a dad who will love me and … and talk to me and … and … hold me," almost yelled Kyle, while his tears began to flow strong and fast.

Mr. Ken grabbed the lad into his arms and let the boy cry his heart out at what had been building up inside of him, what must have been over a long time, finally came gushing out. The boy cried and he cried hard. Some nurses came over to see what the problem might be, but Mr. Ken just told them the lad was afraid to have to meet all those new kids at his new school tomorrow. The nurses said they understood and walked away.

The whole time Kyle was crying, Kevin was inside the sound-proof booth having his hearing checked. Kyle had already had his done which was why Mr. Ken waited until Kevin was inside the booth to talk to his twin about last night. With Kyle's crying, he was very glad he had waited.

When the twin had settled down, 'Dad Ken' told him he would not tell Kevin what he just told him. He also told the lad that even though he wasn't his 'real dad' he was his stand-in dad and if he wanted or needed a hug or someone to talk to, or do things with, he would be there for him as much as he is for Robert and Charles. Kyle was happy to hear that, but then he asked if it was still OK to talk to Mr. Dan. Mr. Ken told the lad that he thought Mr. Dan would enjoy talking to him. Hearing that made Kyle smile real big, as he wiped the tears off his cheeks with the back of his hands.

It was while Kyle was still looking at Mr. Ken and smiling that Kevin came out of the room where the hearing booth was located. Kevin said he was done and wanted to know if there were any more tests. 'Dad Ken' told both boys that there were no more tests, but they would have to talk to and see the doctor, but that was going to be after lunch. Both boys' eyes grew big when they heard the word lunch and Mr. Ken knew it was time to take them out to eat.

While Mr. Ken had the twins over at Doctor Powers' office, Principle Abigail Chadwick talked to all the girls and boys whom she had intercepted out in the schoolyard. She didn't like what she had heard out in the schoolyard and wanted to get to the bottom of the conversation Leah Hoalmes had with Charles Lewis. The principal got the same story from all twelve boys but got conflicting stores from all the girls except one. It was the girl who didn't laugh when Leah called Charles' friends Neanderthals.

Abigail Chadwick had a decision to make. She knew from experience she had to get on top of this lapse in good behavior and attitude, so there won't be any further transgressions during the rest of the school year. But, she also knew she needed to make the punishment appropriate to the 'crime'. This would be the first of many disciplinary actions she would have to make, over the next 9 months, but she didn't want to be too harsh but she also needed to send a message.

It was now lunch time and already she knew the kids throughout her school knew about what happened out in the schoolyard. What she was concerned about was how much of the truth was actually getting out to the children. Legally, she could not identify the offender(s) nor release the punishment meted out, but she could make sure the offense was made known.

Principal Chadwick also knew, though, the kids who are punished will talk to their friends who in turn will talk to other kids which in-turn make it, so the all the kids in the school know what punishment they'd also receive if they ever found themselves doing that same thing, or something similar.

Principle Chadwick knew she had to be firm but fair. She checked the Teacher-Student Handbook for guidance, but she found none. The woman then decided to go talk to the one person she knew had a good handle on the pulse and tempo of what was happening out in the school. Not wanting to make an announcement to call the teacher to her office, she decided she needed to get up and away from her desk, get her blood flowing throughout her body, and get some fresh air after talking to seventeen boys and girls.

The Principal talked to a number of teachers as she walked around the halls. She didn't want anyone to know she was out wanting some advice from one particular teacher. Over the years she'd known this teacher, Abigail Chadwick had tried to talk them into taking some additional administrative courses in order to qualify to at least submit their name to be a vice-principal, but the teacher said they didn't want the hassles that came with the job. After stopping to talk to seven or eight teachers, Principal Chadwick ultimately stopped at next to Dan Chassen.

"Dan, how are things going now that we are in the second week of the school year?" innocently asked the principal.

"So you came to talk to me about what happened this morning, didn't you?" smiled Dan, was his answer to the woman's question.

"You see there Dan, that is why I think you'd make a good vice-principal and eventually a great Principal. You have that extra sense we administrators need in order to control a school like this one. I really wish you would reconsider taking those extra courses. Even if you never submit your name, you'd have all the qualifications to step in somewhere at a moment's notice," replied Abigail Chadwick, with a smile, while she continued to watch the students walk past.

"Abi, thank you for the confidence you have in me. You asked me before how was it that I had a handle on the pulse and tempo of the school. Well, the main reason is … is because I am out here watching what goes on and I make a mental note to watch more if something doesn't seem right. Like last year, when Logan was attacked.

"From my observations, that was something that was bound to happen because … well, I just saw something that made me take notice. If I was stuck in that big old office of yours, sitting behind that huge desk, surrounded by all those files, I'd never know what oddities were going on out here in the halls, or the yard," responded Dan.

"So, why did YOU stop by to talk to me," now teased Dan.

Abigail Chadwick laughed at what he asked and said, "You know me too well, Dan. Well … the reason I stopped to talk …" and at that point the first after lunch bell sounded.

"I'll be quick. I was trying to develop a couple of different punishments to deal out to Leah and her followers. By the way, one girl stood by the boys. Her story matched the boys almost 100%. I don't think it would be fair to punish her, but if I don't … I'm afraid the other girls will know she didn't stand by them and thus she could be snubbed, or worse. And you know how that can go; just using last year as an example. I sure don't want to have that same thing happen, again. So … I want your opinion. What would you do if you were in my position?" directly asked the principal.

"OK, I hear what you're asking. So … tell me what have you thought about doing? "Dan asked back.

"Oh, ahh, well for starters … Leah would get a three-day in-school suspension. She'd be restricted to the lunch room and no contact with her peers. The other three girls would get a one-day suspension like Leah's. The last girl wouldn't get any punishment," explained the principal.

"OK, I like the three-day suspension for Leah. From what we heard her say, she could start something like we saw last year with Joanna and Brody. This being her first offense, for the year, she learns a lesson, hopefully, but doesn't miss out on any studies. As for her punishment, her sentence isn't so restrictive that she has to get her parents in for a conference, although they could and probably will ask for one. Now … as for the other four girls. I also like the one-day suspension for them," agreed Dan Chassen.

"But … to keep the girls from knowing there was a turn-coat in their midst, I'd … I'd not punish them. I'd bring all the girls in separately and tell them that you didn't approve of their actions and that they would get a note in their school record that would be pulled if they keep their heads clean. For the girl who supported the boy's story, I'd explain to her not to say anything to the other girls that she didn't get the letter because she did what was right. I'd tell her that it would be in her best interest to just say, if her friends ask, she got a letter in her record leave it at that."

"You do know, though, we're going to have to watch Leah, and see who she hangs with now. We need to find out who she is talking about if she has someone who will do the heavy work for her," added Dan.

"Yes, I agree about Leah and our need to continue to watch her. On the other hand Dan, I like the way you think. I was wondering how I could keep the fourth girl from being shunned by the other girls, and your counsel gets me through that. Thank you," smiled Abigail Chadwick.

"So … you going to tell me who the girl is?" asked Dan.

"Nope," replied the principal. "This way only two of us know, she and I." The principal then walked away smiling as she did.

During lunch, Charles asked his friends if they thought Leah might get into trouble for what she said and, if she did, what might happen to her and her friends. None of his friends had ever heard of someone getting into trouble for saying what Leah said, so they didn't think she would ever get into trouble. They also told Charles that if she did get into trouble that she probably would have her parents come to the school and get her out of it.

His friends continued to tell the Cover that the girl's parents were really wealthy and that her parents usually got what they wanted. Charles just shook his head, not knowing how people with money could do what his friends said they could. He figured he'd talk to his dad when he got home.

That afternoon, after lunch, 'Dad Ken' took the twins back to Doctor Powers' office to finish up their physical. This time there was no woman and her son waiting to see the doctor. Mr. Ken figured he'd just read from the book he brought with him. The twins were satisfied to watch the television while they waited for their turn.

"Well, who do we have here, Mr. Ken?" chuckled Doctor Rick, when he came out to the waiting room to get his next patients.

"Doctor Rick, I want you to meet my two new foster sons," announced Ken Thomas.

Hearing them called 'sons' made Kyle feel real good inside, so he smiled first at 'dad Ken' and then at the doctor.

"You're beginning to collect boys like people collect thimbles or those small teaspoons, don't you think there Ken?" laughed the doctor. "How about you three follow me."

Mr. Ken and the twins followed Doctor Rick back to one of his examination rooms. When they were all inside and the door was closed, Doctor Rick asked the boys to disrobe down to their briefs.

Both lads quickly looked to 'Dad Ken' to see if the man was joking. Mr. Ken told the twins that the doctor needed to check them over for any bruises or abnormalities and a few other things. Kyle looked to Kevin who shrugged his shoulders and began to take his clothes off. Kyle shook his head and then, reluctantly followed suit.

"Alright lads, the last time I had one of Mr. Ken's boys here was when Charles came to live with him back in July, I do believe. Even Collin and Robert had this sort of physical, so you are not being treated any differently than they were. Now, I want you both to jump up here on this exam table. That way I can look into your mouth, ears and nose. Then, I'll check you over for any marks or bruises. After that, I'll check your arms, legs, and chest, and then listen to your heart to make sure it is still beating," laughed Doctor Rick.

"You're silly," said Kyle, with a smile on his face.

'Dad Ken' was glad at least one lad wasn't too embarrassed to be sitting there in only in his boxer briefs. He had watched the boys as they took off their clothes and was looking to see if any of the marks he saw on them when they swam the other night were healing. From his distance he couldn't tell.

Dan and Chris had a great lunch prepared by none other than Momma Maria. She'd heard Dan tell Mr. Ken that today was his last day there and wanted to have lunch with Chris, so she decided to make a special meal for him. She started them off with homemade salsa and chips and cold iced tea. Then, while the two were enjoying their starter course, Momma Maria dished out Chicken Enchiladas with Roasted Tomatillo Chile salsa along with spicy black beans and yellow rice. The men ate heartily that lunchtime.

After Doctor Rick checked the twins' ears, nose, and mouth, he asked them to jump down. He then asked them if they ever had a doctor check their privates. Both Kevin and Kyle looked to 'Dad Ken' to see if he knew what the doctor was talking about.

"Boys … your privates are your, ahh, boy bits. You know, your, ahh, penis and testicles," replied Mr. Ken, while trying very hard not to laugh out loud.

"He's going to look at our … our dick and balls" asked Kevin, while looking at his new foster dad.

"Yes, young man, I am going to check your 'boy parts'. All Mr. Ken's boys have to have every part and piece checked, so if anything ever happens to them he has a starting point," Doctor Rick replied for 'Dad Ken'.

"Is that true, 'Dad Ken'?" quickly asked Kyle.

"Yes, lads, it is true. You can ask your 'brothers' when we get home. But believe me, they are going to tell you they both had to show Doctor Rick their boy parts and have him check that they are growing properly and do not have any abnormalities," honestly answered Mr. Ken.

"Come on, lads … please drop your briefs, so I can check your boy bits," calmly voiced Doctor Powers.

Kevin and then Kyle slowly lowered their boxer briefs. They'd seen each other naked so many times they weren't embarrassed to do that. It was having to show a strange man, and their foster dad, their dicks, and balls that they were a bit unsettled.

"Boys … I am putting on some rubber gloves in order to check you out. This is the proper procedure and your foster dad is here making sure I don't do anything that would be inappropriate," spoke up Doctor Rick.

"You mean … like what those men did to Robert?" asked Kevin.

"Oh … and what do you know about Robert and some men?" asked the doctor.

"Well … Robert told us this morning why he was in the foster care system. He told us that these men … they did sex things to him," replied Kevin.

Doctor Powers looked to Mr. Ken for guidance. Mr. Ken indicated the twins knew about some of what happened to Robert and left it at that.

"Yes … so I don't do things to you like … like happened to Robert. Now … please stand still and this shouldn't hurt," replied Doctor Rick.

The doctor did his usual inspection of the lads' penises. When he did that their boy part began to puff up and when the doctor was through their 'boy toy' did stand out and up a bit more from the lads' bodies. Then, he gently rolled each of their two testes between his thumb and index finger. When he finished those two checks, he told them how he would check for a hernia. After the lads coughed on each side of their groin, the doctor told them they could get dressed.

Mr. Ken took the twins by Dairy Queen for an ice cream. There he talked to the boys about their physical and got an ear full. The lads told him they didn't like not being told what would happen and that they didn't like some strange man looking and touching their boy parts.

Then, it was Kevin who said to 'Dad Ken', "At least my dad never made me cough like that."

Mr. Ken immediately raised his eyebrows, but decided not to say anything. He wanted to get back to The Cove and make a few calls. He was afraid what Robert had said about Parker Parchsons could very well be true. 

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