Emerald City Boys

Chapter 34-Ball Games and Party Games-Part 1

Note to Readers: The sections featuring Drake and Pierce were written by my editor and co-author, Larry G.
Pierce, Drake, Chase, Dillon, Eddie, and Nathan had gathered on the deck at Pierce’s house to decide on the choice of food for the Saturday Magnolia Madness party. Being the horny teens they were, they couldn’t resist stripping naked and spending a little time in the pool first. While there was some kissing, fondling, stroking, and ass grabbing, the event ended up not being overly sexual. After about an hour in the water, they climbed out of the pool, dried off, and sat together at the table. Pierce had a copy of the caterer’s menu laid out on the table - the boys looked it over closely and voiced their opinions.
“Eddie, I’ve got a question,” Pierce said. “When we had our Blowout back in May, you did a lot of the organizing and shit for that party and it was a total blast and a total success. So what would you choose for food for this party?”
“Thanks, dude,” Eddie said appreciatively. “That Blowout was a great party, no doubt.” He pointed at two items on the menu. “I think I’d go with the hamburgers and the Chicago hot dogs along with all the extras - you know, ketchup, mustard, onions, pickles, relish. Maybe, like, potato salad or macaroni salad on the side. And we gotta have baked beans. Just simple cookout food.”
“I have to go with Eddie on his choices,” Chase admitted. “I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. And we all know eating outside makes everything taste even better.”
Pierce looked at Drake and Dillon and Nathan - he got a thumbs-up from all of them.
“Shit, I almost forgot,” Eddie said. “Curt and I are in a play-in game tomorrow night against the Monroe Royals at Lynwood. If we win that game, we’ll be in the tournament over the weekend and we’ll have to pass on the party.”
“I wish you the best, bro,” Chase said. “For real I really do. It won’t be the same if you and Curt aren’t here but I still wish you the best.”
“Thanks, bro,” Eddie said. “I don’t know what their record is - I don’t know how good they are. All we can do is give it our best shot.”
“Do you know how they cook the hot dogs?” Chase asked Pierce. “Do they cook them on the grill?”
Pierce shook his head. “Well, kind of. My dad told me they have a thing called a roller grill. You’ve prolly seen them - heated steel rollers that revolve and the hot dogs lie          on the rollers and keep turning. They cook up great that way.”
“Those things are awesome,” Drake said. “We’ve got one at the deli where I work.”
“We gotta think about timing,” Eddie said. “The Dodgers are at T-Mobile for a day game on Saturday and I was checking out that new flat screen Walker got for the gazebo. That’s an awesome TV, by the way. I mean I want to get naked and horse around with you guys in the pool and, like, play water volleyball and cornhole and all that shit but I also want to keep checking out the game - especially when Marty’s batting. The game starts at 1:10pm - should we plan to eat at, like, 3:00pm? Or we could wait until the game is over.”
“Either one works for me,” Drake said. “But we gotta have, like, lemonade or Sprite or Coke or water - and snacks and shit to munch on, too.”
“They got tubs of chicken wings on the menu,” Pierce pointed out. “We could go with a couple of them. They come with celery sticks and ranch dip.”
“Get the boneless chicken bites,” Dillon suggested. “That way there’s no left over bones and stuff to get rid of.”
Pierce nodded. “Good idea.”
“And this isn’t like it’s going to be a formal buffet where everybody gets in line,” Nathan pointed out. “I mean if you’re, like, sitting in the gazebo watching the game and you want a hot dog or burger, you can just go to the serving table and get one. It’s like eat whenever you want.” Nathan’s point drew nods from the rest of the boys.
“Did your dad give you any spending limit on what all we can order?” Eddie asked Pierce.
“No, he just said to mark down what we wanted and then he’ll go over the list and be sure we haven’t ordered too much.”
Eddie burst out laughing. “Dude, there’s gonna be ten fucking guys here, plus the adults. Well, only eight guys if me and Curt win that Royals game - but either way, it’s impossible to order too much.”
“He knows that,” Pierce said with a big grin. “He was just yanking my chain. Trust me, he’ll go along with what we order - and knowing dad, he might increase the amounts.”
“I’ve got an idea,” Dillon said. “Let’s not take off our Speedos or Under Armours or whatever we’re wearing until everybody gets here. Then we’ll all go in the showers together, strip, get rinsed off, and then we all come out of the showers naked and jump in the pool together.”
“That is a cool idea,” Pierce said with a grin. “The only problem is with all ten of us in the shower together there might be some ass grabbing and chubbing going on.”
“What do you mean ‘might be’?” Chase said with a laugh. “And anyway - so what? This event is all about fun. Besides I think we’ve all seen each other totally boned up, let alone just chubbed.”
“And then add this idea,” Drake said with a wicked smile. “After we come out of the showers, we run around the pool once hollering ‘MAGNOLIA MADNESSS’ before we all jump in together.” Drake’s idea drew unanimous approval in the form of fist bumping and high fiving.
“Shit, Duck, I got you figured,” Pierce said with a grin. “You just want to give Cable a thrill with that big dick of yours flopping around.”
Drake leaned over and planted a kiss on his boyfriend’s lips. “Guilty as charged.”
“I’ll send a group text to the rest of the guys letting them know to stay covered up until we all go in the showers,” Pierce said.
“Has your dad said anything about house rules on sex stuff?” Dillon asked.
“Yeah, I talked with him about it,” Pierce said. “Same rules we had at the Blowout. He said if we want to jack off or suck cock or fuck just go inside to the guest bedroom or my bedroom.”
Dillon laughed out loud. “Sounds like he’s expecting us to jack off or suck cock or fuck.”
“Dad’s no dummy,” Pierce readily admitted. “He knows the score. He knows there’s going to be fondling and stroking and grab-ass shit going on under water. What he’s saying is no blow jobs or anything like that out in the open in the middle of the back yard - and I think we can buy into that just like we did for the Blowout. He told me he and Troy and Keegan and the caterers are figuring we’ll be naked the whole time we’re outside so don’t sweat that. Forecast is showing awesome weather for Saturday so get naked as much or as little as you want.”
“So what are the plans for everybody actually getting here?” Drake asked. “Chase and Dillon will be spending Friday night here so they can help me and Pierce with preliminary work first thing on Saturday morning.”
“Come on, Duck, get serious,” Eddie said with a laugh. “The only preliminary shit you guys will need to get done Saturday morning is washing the dried cum off your bodies. I know you’re gonna have a four way on Friday night.”
Drake and Pierce looked at each other and then at Chase and Dillon and shared a shrug. “I guess you can’t criticize a guy for being honest, can you?” Chase said with a smile.
“No - he is telling the truth,” Pierce chuckled.
Eddie couldn’t help laughing. “You guys are so full of shit. So anyway, I talked with my dad about getting here. He and Drake’s dad will be in the front seats of the van and me and Curt and Trajan and Levi and Nathan and John will be in the back. We plan to leave for here at 1:00pm. Trajan’s Aunt Marne is going to drive him and Levi to our house.”
“And me and John are going to ride our bikes to your house,” Nathan said to Eddie. “And by the way, speaking of John, I told him he’s going to be partying with a whole bunch of naked gay dudes and he said not to worry about it - that he’s looking forward to an awesome time.”
“Nathan and I have both showered with John after baseball games,” Pierce said with a smile. “He’s got a nice body and a nice cock on him.”
Nathan nodded. “For sure. He sometimes seems a little standoffish, but I think he’s just shy.”
Drake chuckled. “Our parties are known for dealing with shyness.”
“OK - I think we’re locked in on this,” Pierce said. “I’ll let the caterers know to plan on putting the food out around three or three-thirty. I think we’ve got an awesome party planned.”
The boys all bumped fists. They were sure the Magnolia Madness party was going to be a rousing success.
Curt was surprised to wake up in Eddie’s bed naked. He snuggled up to his naked brother. He wasn’t surprised that he had climbed into the bed with his brother; what surprised him was that he had fallen asleep with him. They had enjoyed humping each other, as they had been doing more often during the summer, but usually Eddie or Curt returned to his own bed depending on which bed they had enjoyed their sex in. He checked the time and saw it was a little after nine o’clock. It was time to get up and grab some breakfast.
He rubbed his chest and abdomen and felt the dry cum left from his and Eddie’s emissions. Curt knew he should shower first, but teen hunger was calling and since Troy and Susan were away at work, he didn’t feel the need to dress before heading down to feed that hunger.
The brothers found Logan and Chase rummaging through the kitchen cabinets for dishes and glasses to set out for breakfast.
“Hey, bros, and good morning you ya,” Eddie said as he entered the kitchen with Curt.
“You guys are just in time to get the dishes on the table while the junior sex fiend and I finish cooking up breakfast,” Chase said.
“Hey, watch who you’re calling a sex fiend,” Logan protested. “You’re the one who almost knocked me off my bed while you fucked me.”
“It’s not my fault I outweigh you by forty pounds. Besides, you know you love getting FUCKED by your big brother.”
“Well, if you put it that way, then maybe I’m not a sex fiend…I’m just a horny twelve-year-old who loves sex with his big bro.”
“Are you guys ready for your game tonight?” Chase asked Eddie and Curt.
“We had a good practice, which makes us readier than you guys are,” Eddie replied. “You guys probably spent your whole practice thinking about sex while WE were serious about baseball.”
The Magnolia Vipers, Eddie and Curt’s team, would be playing a loser out playoff game starting at 6:00 against the Farber Motors Royals. The Royals were from Monroe, a town in Snohomish County, which was north of King County. The winner would move on to an eight team, double elimination regional tournament being played in Federal Way the coming weekend.
“If you guys get into the tournament you’re going to miss the Magnolia Madness at Pierce’s,” Chase reminded his brothers. Chase’s team, the Magnolia Rainiers had a playoff game on Wednesday. Because of the way the final standings came out, they would once again be playing the Lynwood Lions.
“As much as I like to party, playing in the regional tourney would be huge,” Eddie said. “Maybe if there were lots of naked girls there…nah, baseball rules.”
“I agree totally with Eddie,” Curt said.
“I was hoping that’s how you guys would see it,” Chase said. “It’s how the Miller brothers should see things…your commitment to your team comes first.”
“But at least there’s a big feast waiting for us to cry at if we lose,” Eddie said. “I just hope we don’t have to do that.”
“Let’s take a dip in the pool,” Curt said.
“Don’t tire yourselves out,” Chase told them.
“Fuck bro, we might be dumb, but we’re not stupid.”
“And on that note, GO VIPERS,” Logan shouted.
“GO VIPERS!” Curt and Eddie echoed in unison.
Logan’s Stampeders would be in their league’s playoff the coming weekend, but the Madness was for the older teens, so Logan wasn’t going to miss anything by playing baseball.
The play-in playoff game between the Vipers and the Monroe Royals was played at the Lynwood Baseball Complex. The Vipers couldn’t get anything going in their playoff game against the Royals from Monroe. The Vipers won the coin flip and chose to have the “hammer”, which meant the Royals would bat first. They scored a quick two runs when, with one out, Viper starter Roy Andrews gave up a home run to the Royals’ number two hitter followed by a walk and double to score the second run. Roy proceeded to walk the next batter, but a well-turned double play ended the threat.
The Vipers shut the Royals out over the next three innings, but only managed one hit. Two hits coupled with two errors in the top of the fifth led to the Royals scoring two more runs to take a 4-0 lead. The Vipers loaded the bases with nobody out in the bottom of the inning, getting their fans excited. Troy, Susan, and Logan cheered as loudly as anyone.
But after the team loaded the bases, the next batter struck out swinging, followed by a popup to second, with the second base umpire invoking the notorious infield fly rule. Eddie then hit a hard line drive to left center. The center fielder charged in and made a diving catch of the ball just before it hit the ground, ending the inning.
Curt gave him a pat on the back. “You’ll get them next time, bro,” he said.
“I can’t hit a ball much harder,” Eddie said as walked back to the dugout to put on his catching gear.
The Vipers held the Royals scoreless in the top of the seventh. The second batter for the Royals singled, but Eddie threw him out when he tried to steal second.
The Vipers were still in the ballgame, but this would be their last chance and scoring four runs would be tough but not impossible. The Royals’ closer was on the mound and he struck out the first two batters. The next batter walked, and Curt followed with a home run to left-center, making the score 4-2. The next batter hit a routine fly ball to right field to end the game and the season for the Vipers.
“That’s what I hate about being in the playoffs, everybody but one team is gonna lose their last game,” Roy Andrews said.
“Hey, we gave it a good shot at the end and we had a good season,” Eddie said. "But that still doesn't keep a guy from feeling shitty.”
“Amen to that,” Curt said.
Coach Henderson told the team the usual homilies used after a tough loss. “You guys played great, you never quit when things got tough. You were a great bunch to coach. I’ll see you all at the end of the season picnic or banquet or whatever we’re going to have. That’s up to the parents. You can turn in your uniforms then.”  
Eddie and Curt gave each other post-game comfort in Curt’s bed that night. Eddie was the bottom. As much as they appreciated the love making with their brother, they each secretly wished it was a girl who was comforting them.
The matchups for the final league game of the Metro Lacrosse League were determined by the league standings. The Falcons drew the Bothell Fury who had defeated them 11-7 the week before. This time the roles were reversed with the Falcons winning 12-9. They would be playing the Queen Anne Royals in a best of three series for the league championship starting on Monday.
Chase and Dillon rode to the Capitol Hill sports complex with Chase’s mother, Susan. They arrived just before 5:20 for the 6:30 game, ten minutes before the time Coach Peters had told the team to be there. They scrambled out of the SUV and hustled over to Field #1 and headed to the third base dugout which the league had assigned to them.
Eight of the fourteen players on the Rainiers were already there. The other four arrived by 5:30. Dillon was the scheduled starting pitcher, Chase would be playing shortstop, Pierce was in left field, and Nathan in right.
The game started promptly at 6:30. The Lions had won the coin flip and, to nobody’s surprise, picked the hammer. That meant the Rainiers would bat first.
In the end it didn’t matter who had the hammer since the Rainiers played an outstanding all-around game, winning 5-3. Dillon pitched the first six innings for the win. Chase was 2 for 3 with a walk. He stole a base and scored 2 runs. Pierce was 1 for 4 with a double, a run scored, and 2 runs batted in.
While the Rainiers were playing on Field #1, the West Seattle Commodores and Kirkland Wolves were doing battle on Field #2. The Rainiers game finished before the Field #2 game and the Rainiers players hustled over to see who was winning. They sat in the third base side bleachers just in time to see the West Seattle Commodores score two runs in the bottom of the seventh for a 6-5 walk-off win over the Kirkland Wolves. The Commodores would be the Rainiers’ opponent at 6:00 the next day on Field #1. The Wolves would be playing the Lions in a loser out game at 6:00 on Field #2.
If the Rainiers won their game, they would play in the finals on Monday. If they lost, they would play the winner of the Wolves/Lions game. The winner of that game would play the winner of the Field #1 game on Monday in a best of three series for the league championship and the season would be over for the loser.
When the Rainiers arrived at Capitol Hill for the game, the tournament chairman met them at the central concession stand and comfort station, shaking Coach Peters’ hand. He told them they had been assigned to the first base dugout and the home team would be determined by pregame coin flip.
The Rainiers were nervous as they warmed up and went through infield practice. But they were an experienced, mature group of boys, and they reminded each other about what Coach Stone had said. “Act like you’ve done this before, boys.” That was exactly what they did, and their infield practice was lively and full of positive chatter. Much more so, they noted quietly to themselves, than the Commodores were.
Pierce accompanied Coach Peters to the pregame meeting at home plate with the umpires. Because Chase, who was the team’s elected captain, was the starting pitcher, he was finishing his warmups. Coach Peters picked Pierce to accompany him to the meeting.
Since the Rainiers had defeated the Commodores in both of their league games, they got to call the flip, which Pierce did. He called heads and the coin landed heads. Pierce chose the hammer. The coaches and captains shook hands and headed back to their respective dugouts. While the Rainiers were confident, they knew that both of their wins over the Commodores had been by a run. The two teams were evenly matched, and anything could happen.
The game was the even battle everyone expected. The score was 2-2 at the end of the fifth inning. Drew Perkins, the Commodore pitcher, gave up both runs in the third inning when Pierce hit a one-out triple with runners on the corners, giving the Rainiers a 2-0 lead. The Rainier fans got a big kick out of Drake who literally ran in place in front of his seat, matching Pierce’s steps as he accelerated into third. His teammates were unable to bring him in and he died at third.
The Commodores came back to score a run in the top of the fourth when Phillip Drucker hit a solo home run over the left field fence with one out. They scored again in the top of the fifth after Chase walked the leadoff man, who stole second and scored on a one out line drive single to right.
The Rainiers caught a break in the bottom of the seventh when the Commodore coach pulled Drew, who had kept the Rainiers off balance at the plate over the first six innings. He brought in Keith Farley, his set up man, to shut down the Rainiers for the seventh and then he would bring Mort Calloway, his closer, in to pitch the eighth when he hoped to have a lead after scoring the ghost runner. His closer could then pick up the save.
What happened, however, was not what the Commodore coach had planned. Chase, who had pitched all seven innings, led off the bottom of the seventh. The first pitch was high for ball one and the second pitch was a couple of inches outside for ball two. Farley’s 2-0 was middle-middle and Chase put a perfect swing on the fat pitch. As soon as it left the bat the only question was how far out of the park it would go before it landed. The Rainiers would be playing in the championship series on Monday.
Chase was mobbed as soon as he crossed home plate. Dillon, who’d been playing first base, led the mob who came charging out to greet him and didn’t care who saw him give his boyfriend a kiss on the lips.
After the ritual postgame handshake, the Rainiers picked up their gear and turned the dugout over to the Kirkland Wolves who had defeated the Lynwood Lions 4-1 on Field #2. The Rainiers would be playing the winner of that game on Monday.
Most of the Rainiers and their parents stayed to watch the game. And most of them left early as the Commodores picked up a relatively easy 7-2 win over the Wolves. The championship series would be a rematch of the game that morning.       Coach Stone said there would be no weekend practice and admonished his players to eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.
Chase, Dillon, Nathan, and Pierce would all be attending Magnolia Madness at Casa Pierce. Their teammate John Keene, who was Nathan’s best friend, would also be attending. They would certainly be eating well—the question was would they get a healthy amount of sleep?
Trajan woke up to the beeping of his phone at eight-fifteen. He looked over at Tony’s bed and saw his cousin was still asleep. They hadn’t even talked about sex the night before let alone had any. Trajan had slept in his own bed because the day before was a rare day in which he had no lacrosse practice or games, which meant Uncle Luigi had assigned him to work in the restaurant, so he wasn’t able to sleep over at Levi’s.
He rose from his bed and headed for the bathroom, hoping his morning wood would go down before he got there to piss. He had no such luck, but the situation wasn’t that dire. Often, he would have to spread his legs and push his erection down in order to piss. It was a procedure he had gotten used to, as much as he didn’t like it. Jerking off before getting out of bed was the best solution, but Aunt Marne had told him the night before she wanted him showered, dressed, and finished with his breakfast by nine. But he was able to use the second-best solution which was pissing in the shower.
Of course, after pissing his penis became flaccid as usually happened in that situation. As he soaped himself with his favorite body wash, he thought about heading home. He had talked on the phone to his parents on Sunday. While they said they would be returning home from Italy early next week, they avoided giving him a direct answer to his questions about when he would be returning home. School would be starting soon, and he didn’t want to end up coming home just a couple of days beforehand. He wanted more time than that to acclimatize himself to being back with his peers.
He thought about them as his peers since for the moment his friends were here in Seattle. This was where Levi, his best     friend, was. He was hit by a jolt of depression by the thought of leaving Levi behind. Nobody in East Harbor had affected him the way Levi had. Sure, there had been lots of sex along with a couple of bed buddies, but nobody had touched him deep inside the way Levi had. He wasn’t sure what love was, but he couldn’t help thinking his feeling for Levi was love, which had to mean that he was IN love with Levi Hanson. He sighed as he rinsed himself and turned off the water.
‘Why was life always so unfair?’ he thought. He couldn’t remember ever being so happy for so long. And it wasn’t just Levi, but also his lacrosse teammates, even Jack Johnson, who turned out to be a great teammate even though he could be a first-class asshole at times. And then there were his cousins Tony and Marco. Tony was a sexy horndog and Marco was a little cutie who was as pleasant as any little kid could be. And he mustn’t forget friends like Drake and Pierce who had invited him to the Fourth of July swimming party at the Miller house. Not only were they as sexy as the older teens he knew in East Harbor, but they were all genuine good guys whom he could trust.
Trajan dressed in bright blue shorts, a Seattle Mariners t-shirt, and his Gators. Marne was in the living room watching news on TV when he came in. “Good morning, Aunt Marne,” he said, giving her a peck on the cheek, something he never would have imagined doing when he had arrived in Seattle from East Harbor. He didn’t even do that to his mom. ‘Maybe that has to change, whenever it is I see her again,’ he thought.
“And a fine good morning to you, Trajan,” Marne responded. “How was work last night?”
“Well, it went okay for me. I met some nice people at the restaurant and saw my teammate Donovan who had dinner there with his parents and his little brother Calvin. Plus, I made some money,” Trajan grinned.
“I’ll go cook up some breakfast, unless you just want cereal.”
“You mean, like, cook up bacon and eggs and hash browns? Oh, and a big glass of your fresh squeezed orange juice, too?”
At that point Tony came in, dressed in a t-shirt and boxers. “I’ll take the same,” he said.
“If that’s what it takes to stoke your adolescent furnaces, then that’s what it will be. You like your eggs over easy, right?” she asked Trajan.
“Yep, and I’ll take three of them.”
“Ditto,” Tony said.
Marne smiled and headed into the kitchen with Trajan following her. “What’s so important at nine that I needed to be dressed and ready?” he asked.
“Actually, it’s nine-fifteen, but I know that as fast as you are on the athletic pitch, you’re not always as quick here, so I gave you some cushion. Your parents will be contacting us with a phone call from sunny Italy. I felt it appropriate that you should be dressed since it will be a visual call. Tony will set it up. He knows more about this stuff than I do, but then, I know nothing about setting up computers.  And before you ask, he will be asked to wear more than just his underwear.”
“It won’t matter to me since he won’t be the video.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if your parents asked to see their nephew.”
“Ahh, good point.”
“Do you think my parents going are to tell me when I’ll be going home?” Trajan asked with a mixture of dread and hope.
“They will be telling you what’s going to be happening soon,” Marne replied vaguely.
Tony made quick work of his breakfast. “I’ll go get the computer ready for the call. Do you want to use the desktop or one of the laptops?” he asked his mother.
“That’s up to Trajan.”
“If I use the lap    top I can sit on one of the big chairs and look comfy, even if I don’t feel that way,” Trajan said.
“I thought you’d be excited to hear news of your going home,” Marne said.
“If that’s what this is about. But you said you weren’t sure that’s what they were calling about.”
“Well, I’m not sure, but what else could it be?”
“Maybe they’re going to tell me they won’t be able to come back home until after school starts and I’ll have to live with some family in East Harbor that they’ll pick out. Or something like that.”
“Let’s quit worrying about something we don’t know anything about and get you ready for your chat at nine fifteen. That’s still fifteen minutes away.”
Tony set Trajan’s laptop on the coffee table in the living room and had set it up to take the phone call with five minutes to spare. “I’ve got it ready to go.” Trajan’s parents had been instructed not to call early.
“I wonder what time it is in Italy,” Trajan mused.
“It’s five after nine here, so it’s five after six in the evening there,” Marne said.
“Oh, that’s good to know. Thanks Aunt Marne. And since I just finished breakfast, I bet they just finished dinner.”
“That would be my guess, too.”
“Okay, I have everything hooked up,” Tony said. “I’m gonna call our phone to make sure it’s working.” He did so with his cell phone and the result was just as he expected as his picture appeared on the computer screen. “We could have done this phone to phone, but Uncle Giovanni and Aunt Trish wanted the bigger screen of a computer monitor. I guess they wanted to get a good look at my good-looking cousin,” he grinned.
“Whatever. It means I get to see my parents for the first time in a while. The times we’ve talked before was on the phone with no visual.”
Giovanni and Patricia DeLuca called right on time and Trajan saw their visages on the computer screen instantly. “Good morning, son,” Giovanni said. “At least, good morning where you are. It’s great to see you again.”
Trajan followed his father’s lead and replied, “Good evening to you dad and mom. It’s great to see both of you.”
“You’re looking very good,” Trish said. “Your Aunt Marne must be feeding you well.”
“Between eating her food and eating at the restaurant and having lots of dinners at my friend Levi’s house, yeah, I’ve been eating great.”
“I would be willing to guess that playing full-time on that lacrosse team hasn’t hurt your healthy look,” Giovanni added.
“Nope. And I’ve been working really hard and making really good friends, especially Levi. Plus, like, I’ve been emailing you and telling you on the phone that the Falcons are playing really good.”
“It sounds from what you’ve been telling us that you and   Levi have become very close,” Trish said.
“Yep. And I’m really going to miss him and all of my lacrosse friends when I come back home. And I guess that’s what this call is about.”
“In sense, you’re right, but it’s not the crux of what this call is about.” Trajan wasn’t sure what crux meant. Trajan’s mother was a history professor for Phoenix University, which was an online university and she kept him hopping on main topics, especially vocabulary. He knew if he did all of the things his mother suggested he do with the vocabulary she threw at him he would learn a lot. But it didn’t seem worth all of the extra work. He knew Levi had a lot of the same issues in dealing with his professor mom, only he looked up the words and kept them in a database. Levi’s dedication to learning was one of the differences between him and Trajan.
“What do you mean?” Trajan asked.
“As you know, Mama’s health is not very good. She will be coming home with your dad and me and…”
“You mean she’s going to live in our house?” Trajan asked incredulously.
“Don’t interrupt your mother, son,” Giovanni reproved.
“I’m not interrupting, I’m just confused, because we don’t have that much room and…”
“Trajan! Listen to what we have to say before you go off into one of your tirades!”
“Yes, sir,” Trajan responded meekly. Marne was surprised to see the wind taken out of her nephew’s sails so suddenly by his father.
“We won’t be moving back to that house. You’re correct when you say there isn’t enough room,” Trish said. “Plus, for the last couple of months, your father and I have been thinking about moving to a newer and larger house before you start high school.”
“Where are you thinking?” Trajan asked with a great deal more self-control. ‘Please don’t stay in East Harbor, I don’t want to go back. I gotta make a lot of apologies which I don’t want to do, even if I should,’ Trajan thought in a rare moment of self-evaluation ‘But I got good friends there, too, like the lunch table gang—we’ve been friends since we started school together when we were little kids.’ It sounded like his life was being knocked into a whole new direction which might be a good thing and might be a bad thing.
Trajan’s father answered his question just in case his son started flipping out again. “The family, and by that, I mean your mother and me and your Uncle Luigi and Aunt Marne, feel that caring for Mama should be a family endeavor.” Trajan wondered if this meant what he thought it meant and felt his heart speed up some in anticipation of what his father had to say next.
“Since owning the restaurant makes it impossible for Luigi’s family to move to East Harbor and since your mother and I work remotely for the most part, we will be moving to Seattle as soon as possible.” Giovanni worked as a product manager for an import/export business that dealt in European restaurant foods. Giovanni was the Italian expert, in part because he spoke fluent Italian, but mostly because he was good at his job.
“Seattle?” Trajan said in a loud whisper. “You mean like, here?”
“Yes, Seattle. And I mean like there—where you are,” Giovanni said. He understood his son’s confusion. He was sure that even in his wildest dreams Trajan never considered his summer stay in Seattle might morph into something permanent.
“Do you know what part? I mean it’s a big city.” Trajan was once again fighting conflicting emotions. He had made good friends in his brief stay in Seattle, was a key part of the Lake City Falcons who were fighting for a league championship, and had a special friend who, in Trajan’s mind, was becoming so special he considered him to be his boyfriend.
“No decision has been made. We looked at nine houses online and narrowed our choices to five. We have asked Luigi and Marne to look at those houses along with you and tell us what they think. And, of course, your opinion will be considered too.”
“Are any of the houses in Lake City?”
“No, they’re all in Seattle.”
“Lake City is, like, a district in Seattle. It’s the district Uncle Luigi and Aunt Marne live in.” ‘As well as Levi, although it’s on the east side and I’m on the west side,’ Trajan thought.
“Then the answer is yes. Two of them are in Lake City,” Giovanni replied.
‘I hope at least one of them is close to Levi. Fuck, how come I’m so Levi crazy all of a sudden. It’s like he’s become more than a BFF and I’m totally in love with him, whatever that means.’
Trajan sat quietly staring at the wall in front of him for close to fifteen seconds when Trish interrupted him. “Are you okay, Trajan?” she asked.
Trajan shook his head and answered. “Yeah, I’m fine mom. It’s just this was, like, a really, really, humungous big piece of news.”
“I know it’s a lot for you to deal with. Your father and I know you’re going to need help making new friends, starting a new school, and simply moving into a new house.”
“Mom, I’ve got new friends from my lacrosse team. Tony might be my cousin, but he’s become a really good friend, too.” Tony looked up and grinned on hearing Trajan’s comment. “And I have already made the best friend I’ve ever had. When you see him, I know you’re going to love him.”
“That’s Lyle, right?”
“It’s Levi, mom. But once you meet him, you’ll never mess up his name. I’ll miss some of the kids I know in East Harbor (‘but not many of them’) but I’ll be okay. I want to see the new houses and where they are so we’re ready to move as soon as possible.”
“Are you okay living with Mama?”
“Mama has always been special when I’ve seen her. I’ll help as much as I can and love her as much as I can.” Trish and Giovanni both wondered who had invaded their son’s body and made him the loving, caring, big-hearted boy who they were talking to on the phone.
Marne, however, had watched her nephew morph from a sullen loner when he first arrived in Seattle to the boy Trish and Giovanni had noticed for the first time during the phone call. She loved how he treated Tony and Marco, Tony in particular. The two had obviously become good friends. He had found a best friend in Levi and was surrounded by a positive group of teammates on his lacrosse team. It was obvious they respected and liked Trajan and that the feeling was mutual.
And now she would get to see him grow up along with her own two sons. She would have her brother-in-law and sister-in-law living close by. She would be getting to know her mother-in-law and help with her care. Tony and Marco would soon have a grandmother they had never met enter their lives. She would be their first long-term relationship with a grandparent. Marne’s parents lived in San Francisco and were normally just seen on holidays. Luigi would be having a full-time relationship with his brother for the first time since just before he and Marne were married. Life would be changing as much for Marne and her family as for Trajan, but Trajan would have the added burden of dealing with sudden and drastic change as an adolescent.
She could see that her nephew was in a state of shock as he rose from the couch after the phone call ended. Tears were glistening as he tried to fight them off. Marne couldn’t tell if they were tears of happiness or tears of sadness. She wrapped her arms around the young teen and gave him a loving, motherly hug. “I love you Trajan. I hope this change becomes very special for you.”
Since Marne and Trajan were close to the same height, he could look directly into her eyes. He took a deep breath and said, “Everybody says to be careful of what you ask for because you might get it. Well, I got what I’ve kinda been asking for the last few days. I feel so happy here and it looks like I got what I wished for. Now I gotta wonder if it’s what I really wanted.”
“Trust me, Trajan, it is what you want. You will have family here and you’ve made good friends here—friends like Levi who adores you. I feel deep inside of me that this is going to be exactly what you want. There will be problems, but that is how life works, but overall, you’re going to be happy. I promise you that. And please remember, if something makes you unhappy and you need to talk, your Aunt Marne will always be here for you.”
Trajan returned his Aunt’s hug and gave a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Aunt Marne. I love you.”
Marne stepped back saying she needed to check something on her computer and then leave for work. “Have some fun with your cousin and I’ll see you around dinner time.”
Marne sat at her worktable and wiped away tears of happiness. She then looked at the information on the five houses her in-laws were interested in. She had to leave for the restaurant, but when she returned home at four, she would set to work developing a plan for visiting the houses with Trajan.
As soon as Marne walked away, Trajan plopped down feeling better after receiving his aunt’s kiss and her words of comfort. He was pleased when Tony sat next to him.
“Thanks for your help with the phone call, cuz,” Trajan said.
“Not a problem,” Tony responded. “It’s what cousins who love their cousins are for. I’ve been thinking about how much I was going to miss you and your snoring when you went back to California, and now it looks like you’re staying close by.”
“Well, I won’t be sharing your bedroom anymore, you know.”
“I know, but you get the idea.”
“And I don’t snore!”
“That’s what you want to believe,” Tony grinned.
Trajan reached down and pulled down the zipper of Tony’s shorts. He reached inside and rubbed the twelve-year old’s cock through his boxer shorts.
“Hey, horn dog cousin, you might want to wait until mom leaves for work.” Tony said while sitting back to enjoy his older cousin’s ministrations.
Trajan slipped his hand through the waistband of his cousin’s underpants and rubbed his now rock hard three and a half inches of boy cock skin to skin. “You are the sexiest cousin anybody could ask for,” Trajan whispered as he reached down to fondle his smooth testicles.
“Sexier than Marco?”
“Oh, he’s a little cutie alright, but too young for my tastes.” Which wasn’t entirely true as a quick vision of ten-year-old Derek in East Harbor, whom he had called his boyfriend came to mind.
They heard Marne leave her office and Tony quickly zipped up. “I’m off to work boys,” Marne said. She gave each of the boys a quick peck on the cheek and headed out to her car. She had a pretty good idea of the purpose of the pillow on Tony’s lap and wondered how long the two would stay dressed after she left.
The answer was the pillow coming off as soon as Marne went out the door.
Tony and Trajan sat silently on the couch. As he looked at his silent cousin, Trajan wondered if he had gone too far with his cousin. The sudden change in his life made him want to do something that would take his mind totally off the serious world. He felt messing with his younger cousin would do just that. Levi would have been better, but Levi wasn’t there, and Tony was. He decided an apology might be in order.
“I’m sorry for attacking you like I did,” Trajan said. “I was totally wrong doing that.”
“How were you wrong?” Tony responded. “You didn’t see me try to stop you, did you? I was worried about mom catching us when you unzipped me but I got the pillow ready just in case. So don’t get all uptight, I mean it’s not like you and me haven’t touched each other’s privates and done more, right?”
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s just…well, it’s just, I didn’t care about how I hurt peeps when I was living in East Harbor, but now that I’m gonna be living in Seattle I want to do shit right.”
“You did right by me, but I guess that, yeah, next time as if I mind and then do it, cuz I’ll probably say yes, or just plain say wait until mom goes to work or whatever needs to be said,” Tony said. “Not, all of the talking is making my boner go away.”
Tony stood up and dropped his shorts and underpants to the floor. His tween cock looked plenty hard to Trajan. He took off his own shorts and boxers to free his leaking five-inch teen erection.
Wordlessly the cousins headed to their bedroom, shedding their clothes as they went. They flopped naked onto Trajan’s bed and adjusted their positions until Trajan was on his back and Tony was on top of him. They looked into each other’s eyes until Trajan broke the stalemate and pulled Tony’s head towards him. Tony knew what Trajan wanted and as soon as his head touched Trajan’s, Tony had his tongue out and pushed into his cousin’s open mouth.
That started a wild humping session. The cousins had never humped each other, but they’d each done it with other boys. Trajan had had intercourse with a number of boys. Tony’s experience with anal sex had only been with Logan. They rolled around the bed, kissing deeply, their saliva running down their chins, and rubbing their rock-hard teen cocks against each other, Tony’s rubbing Trajan’s precum around each other’s bellies and cocks.
“I wanna fuck you,” Trajan rasped.
“I gotta ask Logan first,” Tony panted. “Then you can fuck me I promise.” It was hard for Tony to turn is cousin down because he had become hyper-horny. But he and Logan had agreed that they would talk to each other before engaging in anal sex with another boy. Logan having sex with his brothers had already been discussed, but Tony hadn’t brought up his having anal sex with Trajan.
“Then can you fuck me?” Trajan asked. Tony nodded, even though he knew he shouldn’t do it. He figured topping was different from being a bottom.  “Sweet. Fuck me hard.” Trajan had enjoyed some cocks bigger than Tony’s, but right now it was Tony’s pubescent cock he desired. Down deep he felt like he and his cousin fucking would be the start of his being anchored to Seattle where he was now going to live.
Trajan got on his hands and knees and presented an exciting target for Tony to hit. But before Tony could move, Trajan rolled over on his side making it impossible for Tony to penetrate his ass.
“What’s wrong, don’t you want to do it?” Tony asked.
“I don’t got any lube,” Trajan moaned.
“I thought you used lube when you jerked off.”
“I do, but I took it to Levi’s house, and I didn’t bring it back, figuring if you and me messed around we’d suck each other off or do like we were just doing and dry hump.”
“My dick isn’t that big…yet…so it shouldn’t be a problem, should it?”
“Probably not, but there’s one other thing. What did you and Logan agree on about sex with other guys?”
“Pretty much whatever we want, except he gets to take my cherry. And whatever we do with other guys, we should tell each other so that we can get, like, turned on by it. I know him and his brothers are gonna fuck like crazy, so no reason I can’t fuck my cuz.”
“I agree, but not now. It felt really right to start and now it doesn’t. I got too much on my mind to do it right. But that doesn’t stop me from being horny, so how about we do a bigtime sixty-nine and take care the epic bigtime and fuck on another day.”
“Ok, I guess so. And what I think you mean is we do it sometime when we can plan it and do it totally right. So, the only thing I ask is that we do it before you move.”
“Sounds good to me, cuz. Now, let’s do some serious cock sucking,” Trajan said.
“I’m all for that, and we won’t even need any lube.”
“You are one kick ass cousin,” Trajan leered.
On that note they adjusted their positions.        Trajan was able to take in all of Tony’s cock down to his bare pubic region. Tony had four of Trajan’s five inches in his mouth. He also ran his right hand through Trajan’s thick pubic hair before moving it down to massage his balls.
It didn’t take long for Tony to shoot his clear, watery cum into his cousin’s mouth. Trajan finished seconds later, filling Tony’s mouth with his thicker teen cum. The two cousins pulled off of each other’s cocks as they became increasingly sensitive.
“That was really good,” Tony gushed after regaining his breath.
“Yeah, it was. You’ve become a good cocksucker, cuz. And I’m sure you’ve got the sweetest cum in Greater Seattle.”
“I don’t shoot much.”
“But what you shoot is a special treat.”
“And you’re serious about fucking before you move to your new house, right?”
“I hope you know me better than that dude. There’s no way I’d lie about something that important to you…and to me, too. But to be honest with you, I need to talk to Levi about what just happened, and when you and me go all the way I want to be thinking about you and not about all kinds of other stuff going on around me.”
“Sounds fair,” Tony said.
Fourteen-year-old Trajan and twelve-year-old Tony rose from the bed and wordlessly headed for the bathroom to shower together. It was like they had just read each other’s minds. But if they could truly read each other’s minds, they would have learned that both of them were happy they’d had some kind of sex together on what was in essence a life changing day for both of them. 
There were four teams from the 13-and-under Seattle Metro League ready to play at 6:00. They were the top four teams in the league and would be playing a four-team double elimination tournament. The four teams were the University Cubs, the Tukwila Titans, the Lake Washington Blue Sox, and the Magnolia Stampeders.
The Stampeders would be playing the Blue Sox. The Blue Sox won the flip and were the home team. Bailey was the starting pitcher for the Stampeders. Logan started at third base and Madison was at shortstop. Bailey pitched a great four innings, but Coach Strong pulled him for Andy Grayson. The move meant Bailey would be eligible to pitch on Sunday. Andy entered the game with a 4-1 lead. He pitched a scoreless fifth inning and gave up a run in the sixth. The score going into the seventh inning was 4-2. The Stampeders scored in the top of the inning making the score 5-2. Luke Chung pitched a 1-2-3 seventh giving the Stampeders a 5-2 win. They would be playing the Tukwila Titans, 7-6 winners over University, at 9:00 the next morning.
After showering with Tony, Trajan dressed and sat in the living room. Tony had left to catch the bus to Logan’s house. Trajan had heard them making plans on the phone as he dressed. He wished the upcoming phone call to Levi would be that simple.
This was the first time Trajan had been alone since he woke up to what had become an emotional day. He was much more a person of action than one prone to introspection. But he realized he needed time to think and was thankful for the quiet.
The big thing he needed to think about was when and how to tell Levi. As he sat staring out the front window his mind went blank. It wasn’t his way to think about doing something—his way was to go out and do it. ‘But this is different, right?’ he asked himself. His answer to the question was to grab his phone, which was next to him on the couch and call Levi. ‘Thinking don’t make things happen, doing this does.’
Levi answered on the third ring. “Hey, Trajan. I guess you finally got out of bed,” Levi chuckled.
‘If you only knew.’ “Good morning to you, too. But, hey, I gotta talk to you as soon as we can get together, and that has to be, like, today.”
“So, let’s talk now as long as we’re on the phone.” Levi felt his hard flutter and his stomach churn. “Is this something I should be scared of?” he asked with trepidation.“I mean, like instead of leaving around the end of next month, you’re leaving tomorrow or something?”
“I can assure you it’s nothing you gotta be scared of. But it’s important. I just need a way to get to your house.” Trajan could tell that Levi was worried about whatever his news was, which made him feel better than if his friend had seemed indifferent.
My mom said she’d be home right about lunch. I’ll ask her if she can give me a ride to your house. What should I tell her we’re going to talk about?”
Trajan thought for a moment, and they decided he couldn’t keep the topic totally under wraps. He trusted Levi’s judgement more than he trusted his own and he had to show Levi his trust.  “Tell her it has to do with a change in my plans that I need to share with you. And after I tell you about it, you can tell her.”
“Whatever you say. I’m gonna eat before I come.”
“Then I’ll do the same. Call me when you leave.” Trajan ended the connection. ‘Wow, we planned that like we knew for sure that his mother would drive him over here. I guess that goes to show what a great mom she is.’
Trajan was tired of thinking, so he filled the next hour playing video games on his computer. A little before noon, he headed to the kitchen to enjoy one of the two ham and cheese sandwiches Marne had left for him and Tony. He ended up eating both of them. He figured since Tony was having lunch at Logan’s he wouldn’t need it.
As he was starting on the second sandwich Levi’s ringtone came up on his phone. Trajan answered the call and was elated when Levi told him his mother would give him a ride and they’d be leaving as soon as they finished lunch. “I figure we’ll leave in fifteen to twenty minutes,” Levi said.
Trajan was waiting on the front porch when Levi’s car arrived. He bounced down the stops and over to the car as Levi climbed out.
“Hello, Mrs. Hanson,” Trajan called out.
“Hello, Trajan,” Arlene Hanson grinned. ‘Trajan is such a polite boy’ she thought. “What time should I plan on picking Levi up?”
“I don’t know. It depends on how long this takes and if Aunt Marne doesn’t mind him staying for dinner. So, I guess we’ll let you know when we know, if that’s okay.”
“That sounds like pretty serious stuff,” Arlene said solemnly.
“Yeah, it is, but trust me, it’s a good serious.”
“I guess Levi and I will have to trust you on that one. Now, how about one of you closing the passenger door so I can head for home.”
“Thanks for giving Levi a ride over here. I promise you won’t be sorry.”
“Yeah, thanks mom. I’ll call you when I’m ready to be picked up. Although maybe Trajan’s aunt will give me a ride home. She’s always really helpful.”
“I’ll ask Marne if Levi can stay for dinner. He hasn’t had one of her famously delicious Italian home cooked dinners.”
Levi closed the door and Arlene drove off thinking about the workings of the minds of young teenage boys. ‘They can conspire however they want since their remaining time together is way too short. I’ve never seen Levi make friends with anyone as fast he had with Trajan.’
Arlene wasn’t sure understood how the boys’ mental gears meshed at times. But, one thing she had learned was that when Leiv said, “Trust me mom,” it was often a good indication she should do the opposite. She speculated as to whether the same was true when Trajan said it.
Trajan surprised Levi by grabbing his left hand as soon as the car was out of sight. When Trajan gave it a tight squeeze, Levi squeezed it back. He wasn’t sure if Trajan’s sudden gesture was a good or bad thing. He was hoping for good and that the next few minutes would tell the tale.
 After the boys entered the house, Trajan sat on the couch and invited Levi to sit next to him by patting the cushion next to him with his left hand while giving Levi a gentle pull with his right. Levi went with the flow and sat in the spot chosen for him.
“So, what’s with the hand holding?” he asked. Trajan hadn’t been fully aware that he had been holding Levi’s hand and quickly let it go. “Hey, it’s cool. I wasn’t complaining I was just wondering.” As if to back up his statement, Levi gently took hold of Trajan’s hand.
“Thanks, Levi,” Trajan whispered. He gently squeezed Levi’s hand.
“Now for the big question. What is this big face-to-face meeting about? I mean you’re keeping it so secret it’s hard for me to believe that what you have to say is good important news. I mean it feels like bad news the way you’re acting.”
Trajan took a deep breath and then said, “I’m sorry. It’s just I wasn’t prepared for the news I got from my parents and I’m not sure how to tell you. I know that sounds weird, since it really is good news. At least, I think it is.”
“I have two friends who are pretty good at saying what they think without talking around in circles like some teachers like to do. They just say what they mean and that’s the way it is. One of those friends is Jack Johnson and, yeah, he is a friend weird as he is. I just wish that sometimes he’d just keep his mouth shut. And the other one, if you haven’t guessed already, is you. Peeps usually want to hear what you have to say even if they don’t like it because you’re never an asshole about it.”
‘It’s a good thing you didn’t know me in East Harbor, or you would never have said that,’ Trajan thought. “Thanks,” he said as he gave Levi’s hand a squeeze. “Well, I don’t have to tell you that this is about when I go back to be with my parents in East Harbor.”
“As much as I don’t want to know the date because it makes me sad, I know I have to hear what it is, or I’ll feel even worse.” Levi returned Trajan’s squeeze. Trajan felt warm feelings shoot through him as he realized how much Levi really cared about him.
“Well, the date is, there is no date.”
“Say what?”
“I’m not going back to East Harbor.”
“But where are you going to live? Why aren’t…”
Trajan held up his free hand and Levi stopped short. “My parents are moving to Seattle to have the family back together to we can care for my grandma.”
Trajan’s statement was followed by a long silence as Levi tried to process what he had just heard. “You mean we’re to be, like, neighbors?” he finally uttered.
“Well, not next-door neighbors, but we’ll be living in the same city and still be able to see each other, like, almost all the time.”
There was another silence, which was broken when Levi scootched over to Trajan, leaned in to him, and gave him a kiss on the lips which he quickly broke off. “I’m sorry for that, but I had to do it because, well, because I’m…I’m so HAPPY!”
Trajan looked at the sparkle of Levi’s brown eyes and the brilliance of his thick red hair and thought of the amazing good times they already had together in the short time they had known each other and realized there was even more of the same and then some ahead of him.
The question he had been asking himself about what being in love with somebody meant had been answered for him right then as he sat on the DeLuca couch. Trajan knew that being in love with somebody meant having the kind of feelings he had for Levi Hansen as he sat next to him on the couch. This time Trajan scooted in close and leaned in to kiss the boy next to him.
Only his kiss wasn’t a short kiss on the lips followed by a shy retreat. His kiss was long and hard and punctuated by his tongue pushing on Levi’s lips.
While Levi had never French kissed anyone, he was in middle school, and he had heard all about French kissing from his friends and other kids he overheard talking. This small bit of knowledge along with his own instincts led him to open his mouth to let Trajan’s experienced tongue enter.
And as if he was a veteran kisser Levi pushed his tongue against Trajan’s and the two soon had their arms wrapped around each other as they kissed with an almost out of control passion. Both of the young teens felt their cocks throbbing in their shorts, pushing the fabric of their underwear in a vain attempt to escape their confines. The only sounds in the room were heavy breathing mixed with moans of pleasure and the wet smacking and slurping of their kisses.
With a bit of reluctance they broke their kiss but not their look of passion as they stared into each other’s eyes. “Levi,” Trajan whispered, their first spoken word in what seemed like hours.
“Yessss?” Levi hissed.
“I love you.”
The silence returned and for a moment Trajan was afraid he’d gone too far, too fast and lost his true love before he could even show him how much he loved him. But the silence was mercifully brief.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe you said that.” Trajan felt a jolt of panic on hearing Levi’s statement, but it went away almost instantly when Levi finished his statement. “Like I said, I’m so HAPPY and you said what I was so hoping you’d say, and I love you too and I want you to be my boyfriend.”
“For real? You love me and want us to be boyfriends?”
“I’ve never wanted anything so bad,” Levi said. “Trajan, will you be my boyfriend?”
Trajan wasn’t used to Levi taking the lead in their relationship and he thought it was wonderful that Levi was the one to bring up the boyfriend idea. It meant they were total equals in this endeavor. “I can’t think of anything I want more.”
Levi squealed with delight and wrapped his arms around his new boyfriend. Then their kissing resumed. This time the clothes started to come off and fly around the living room. The brand-new boyfriends found themselves stark naked on the couch as they deep kissed and felt each other’s boners and balls and asses and whatever else their wandering hands touched.
“Let’s go to my room,” Trajan suggested. “You never know who might come through a door in this place.”
They quickly picked up their clothes and padded to Trajan and Tony’s bedroom. Trajan knew that Tony wouldn’t be coming home that day and Marco probably wouldn’t either. He didn’t mind if one of those two caught them naked and making out on the couch since even though they weren’t teens yet they were sexually active boys. But his aunt and uncle had been known to show up unannounced.
“Are we going to fuck?” Levi asked.
“Let’s wait for a time we know we’ll be alone with nobody coming home to disturb us. I want to give all of my attention to you when I fu…no…when I make love to you.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
But they did lick and suck and hump and stroke and feel all they could of each other. They rolled around the bed until Levi was on top of Trajan humping him wildly as their tongues clashed in each other’s mouths. Levi moaned into Trajan’s mouth until for the first time in his young life he had an orgasm while kissing; and not just kissing but kissing his boyfriend whom he loved madly as he shot his watery cum over his belly.
The feel of his boyfriend’s warm cum set Trajan off and he squirted his thicker cum over Levi and himself. After spending a couple of minutes coming down from their sexual highs they snuggled and talked about what had just happened.
“That was fucking amazing,” Trajan said.
“Even without us fucking?” Levi grinned.
“That made it more amazing. Dammit, Levi, you don’t know how much in the last couple of weeks I wished I didn’t have to return to California and wished I could stay here in Seattle where you are. I think that’s when I figured out I loved you like I never knew I could love somebody.”
“And I kept thinking how unfair it was that somebody like you just dropped into my life and you’d only be in it for a couple of months. And now look at us, just like that we became boyfriends.”
“It could have happened earlier if we could tell the future,” Trajan said. 
“Well, as my dad likes to say, something things just have happen in their own time. And the time came.”
“Let’s shower and get dressed since Aunt Marne will be coming home soon if she comes when she says she was coming. We can ask her of you can stay for dinner and stay the night.”
“Stay the night? Very cool. It will be my first time ever staying in your bed. Mom pretty much told me staying for dinner would be okay, I’d just need to call her. And when I do that, I’ll ask if I can spend the night. After all, we’re going to the Magnolia Madness party tomorrow, so we might as well sleep together and be ready together.”
“You know, you sure have been talking a lot more than ever today. And that’s a good thing, by the way.”
“That’s because I’m so…”
“…HAPPY, just like I am.”
Levi ended up staying for dinner, a delicious feast of spaghetti and meatballs cooked in a thick, flavorful meat sauce. Luigi came home minutes before the food was served. “I can see why your restaurant is so great the way you cook,” Levi gushed.
Luigi and Marne listened as Trajan and Levi told their reactions to the news of the day (leaving out the sexual angle of course). Marne was pleased as to how close Trajan and Levi had become and how her moody, sullen nephew had softened around his mild mannered, polite, and very good looking friend. There was no doubt they had become best friends. The idea of them being boyfriends was hidden away—for now.
It was agreed that Levi could spend the night, and the boys chatted with Marne. Luigi had returned to the restaurant to close it up. Marne said she would be happy to drive the boys to the big party the next day.
When they finally got to bed, they were naked. Even after their intense sex that afternoon, they were horny for each other yet again. The took care of the sexual tension with a sixty-nine that included some finger fucking. They came within seconds of each other. That was followed by calm and beautiful sleep.
Next: Ball Games and Party Games (Part 2)