Zal'Nim Prophecy

Chapter Three - Supplies

By mid-day, the foursome had become bored of their travel. Evan and Bjorn had been talking in the back of the wagon while Zal and Nim traded off driving the wagon. Nim was driving and Zim turned to the back and asked, "Evan, do you know anything more about the prophecy that Goldfan was telling us about?"

Evan nodded his head, then began to recite the opening of the prophecy:

Two lads of races three,

Shall come together in time of need.


Through strife, the pair shall well prevail,

If they alone attempt, will fail.

For twelve there must be at journey's end,

It will take them all, the world to mend.


Others around them will feel they sin,

But save us all they shall within.


Four Tasks they must endure,

Each will test them, Prove them to be pure.


The fifth and final shall come to pass,

If they falter, alas...


"Alas, what?" Bjorn was puzzled.

"I was not told exactly, maybe it's 'If they falter, alas, all is lost,' I'm not sure. Was Evan's reply.

They continued on their way when they heard men shouting, "They're over this way, I'm certain of it! They cannot be allowed to continue their sinful ways!"

They pulled the wagon off the road and hid it in a copse of trees, then went in search of who the men were after. All of them had an idea. The followed, staying well out of sight. They heard a noise off to the left of the men, who had heard it as well. The men started in the direction of the sound but Zim had a feeling that whoever was being hunted was in the opposite direction. He followed his instinct and moments later happened across two elf boys. They were close to his own age. They looked as if they were from different tribes. One had long ears and thick hair of a reddish hue. The other's hair was cropped close to his scalp, and had an almost greenish hue.

The two boys, dressed in usual Elven robes clung to one another as the four boys approached. The fear evident on their faces. Zal approached the two and knelt in front of them. He opened his arms to them. Seeing this was doing nothing to assuage their fears, he called Nim to him who knelt beside Zal, then they turned to one another and kissed.

The two Elven boys, shock apparent on their faces stared on as the two boys finished their passionate kiss. While still holding hands with Nim, Zal turned to the pair and said, "My name is Zal, this is my mate, Nim. These others are of our company, they are Evan and Bjorn. Would you tell us your names?"

The red-haired boy was still frightened as he said, "We need to be quiet, the men..."

"Worry not about them. I have placed in their minds the illusion that you are running to the east of here. They will not give up anytime soon." Evan explained.

The other Elf asked, "Are... are you a wizard?"

"I am by no means as accomplished as my master, Fangold, but he has been training me for several years."

The two elves looked at one another and silently agreed. The red-haired boy said, I am Elator, this is Faelar."

Bjorn tried to keep his dwarfish voice calm and kind as he said, "You have nothing to fear from us, we are all as you, we have all been in the same position you were running from men who didn't understand us." He then hopped into Evan's arms and kissed him deeply.

For the first time, Elator and Faelar didn't appear frightened and actually smiled. Zim offered to take them to their wagon and provide them with food, water..., and conversation.

An hour or so later, having been told of the quest the four were on, Faelar volunteered that he and Elator had been observed engaged in activities that were unacceptable to their families, village, and the men who were in the town trading meats they'd hunted in exchange for goods crafted in their village. They were to be taken by the men in payment for the goods they were trading. Elator related that one of the men said that Elf slaves could fetch a high price.

After seeing the expression on Zal's face, Nim offered the pair to join their company. The two young elves agreed and the now six of their company, half the number required for the prophecy to come to fruition loaded into the wagon and continued on their journey.

As they were riding, Bjorn started taking inventory of the bags and satchels in the rear of the wagon. He opened one and found it filled with coins. Gold, Silver, and Bronze. He informed the others and they decided it might be a good time to buy some additional supplies, and some weapons since none had any.

As they approached a village, Nim asked, "I do not think any of the merchants will agree to sell weapons to boys such as us. They will wonder why lads as young as us would be in need of weapons. What are we to do?"

Evan smiled, lifted his arms and began chanting in the ancient Wizard's dialect. When he'd finished he said, "To any who gaze upon us now, and until this time tomorrow, we will appear to be double our current ages. None will question why we would be buying the supplies or weapons we need. Especially when we have the funds to pay handsomely for our purchases. I suggest that we not bargain too skillfully. They will feel as if they got the better end of the bargain; however, the second spell I cast will cause them to agree to the second price we mention, we will still get what we need at a fair price."

This satisfied the party and as they began to enter the village, young boys ran to the wagon begging for treats. One such boy, a small human boy of about 11 jumped onto the wagon and took a seat next to Nim. Nim looked down at the lad.

The boy said, "My name is William. I would offer my services as a guide for you gentlemen while you visit our village."

"How old are you, William, and why would we need a guide?" Nim inquired.

"I'm eleven summers, Sir. I know not what you are in search of, but I am known to all of the merchants. I can show you who has the highest quality goods, and, with me there, they will not try to take advantage of you."

"Do we truly need such services? Wouldn't the merchants be eager to sell their wares?"

"Surely, Sir, they would, but..." William paused and as he was about to continue, looked down and said quietly, "I am an orphan, sirs. I am too young yet to become an apprentice to anyone, and... this is the way I try to earn what I need to care for myself, rather than do as the other orphans do and either steal or..." William's expression was one of confusion for a moment as he looked at each of the four. He looked as if he was going to question something but before he could speak, Nim caught his attention.

Nim knew what the boy was going to say and stopped him before he could continue. "William, would you do us the honour of being our guide while we're in your town? We can offer you four silver coins for this service."

William's eyes went wide, "You must all be quite wealthy. In the months I have been offering this to visitors, most only offer me a single bronze. Four silver will keep me fed for nearly a fortnight."

With that, they discussed what they would need. Since none of the boys had much in the way of clothing, they agreed they'd need to purchase some, in addition to weapons. Bjorn wanted an axe, Faelar and Elator stated that both were expert bowmen, Zal and Nim decided to opt for bladed weapons.

In order to not give up their actual ages and sizes, they agreed that they would be buying clothing for their sons.

They purchased that which they needed, surprising William that the merchants seemed to agree to the offered prices too easily. At the end of their shopping trip, Zal asked, "Is there an inn where we might get a room for the night and some hot food? We would also ask that you join us for the meal, William. Your services have been above and beyond helpful."

"There is an innkeeper that is friendly to me; keep going to the end of the main road, the Inn is at the end of town."

Evan looked skeptical as he asked, "Will he not question you in the company of six men?"

"I do not think so. He knows that many of the boys will offer services to visitors. He will think you all hired me for the day... and night."

They arrived at the inn and Zal, accompanied by Nim and William entered to secure lodging. Faelar, Elator, Evan, and Bjorn stayed at the wagon to make sure nobody stole any of their supplies.

The three entered the Inn and William introduced the tall man who was the proprietor as Trask. Zal asked if he had lodging for his party sufficient to be able to store their belongings, and a place they could board their mule and horses.

As they were negotiating, William spied another boy, a year or so older than he. The two boys approached one another and spoke quietly.

"William, it surprises me to see you here with men. I know you do not usually offer those kinds of services."

"Erich, there is something about these six men, I just cannot fathom exactly what is going on, but they have not yet said anything about me being required to offer or perform those kinds of services. I was merely asked to be their guide whilst they are in our village."

"Did they pay you?"

William reached into the pocket of his trousers and removed the four silver coins, showing them to his friend.

"Four Silver? You must know they're going to want their pound of flesh... or to pound your flesh tonight for that kind of payment!"

William looked at Erich and said with a wink, "I do not get that feeling from these men. Besides, you know that the only one who has ever 'pounded' me was you."

They saw Zal and Nim shaking the Innkeeper's hand and looking around, probably looking for William. Seeing him speaking to Erich, they approached.

"There you are, William. Who is your friend?" Zal inquired.

"Sirs, this is my boyfriend..." William's eyes went wide when he realized that he'd just said something that could easily get him killed, not to mention Erich.

As Erich was looking for a way to hastily flee, Nim wrapped his arm over the boy's shoulder and said, "Fear not, for you two have the same 'friendship' as Zal and I do."

As the two boys relaxed slightly, Zim offered Erich a meal and two silver to help unload their wagon into the cottage they'd rented for the night. The four exited the Inn and introduced Evan and Bjorn. Evan looked at both boys and immediately realized that they were a couple. The six 'men' and two boys hopped into the wagon as Nim drove it to the cottage immediately behind the inn. Together, the eight of them emptied the wagon, bringing everything inside.

Erich offered to bring the horses and mule to the smithy to board them for the night. Zal asked what it would cost and after being told the Smithy charged a bronze per horse or mule, Zal gave him the coins to pay for it. Bjorn walked with Erich to the Smithy with the animals, the others told them they'd be inside the Inn and they should meet them there.

The meal was excellent. Both William and Erich ate as if they hadn't eaten in days, which might not have been far from the truth. Conversation was light during the meal and when they'd finished, Faelar asked, "Do you two have shelter for the night?"

Erich said that the Smithy usually lets them sleep in the loft.

Again, silent communication happened between the six of them when Zal offered the boys one of the beds in their cottage. "We have four beds and one will be unused for the night, if you two wish, you may share it and sleep in a real bed in a warm place."

Erich looked at William before turning back and asking, "What do we have to do for you to allow that?"

That question wasn't lost on the party, Elator replied for the group, "You don't have to worry about having to do anything. You have both earned the right to a safe, warm place to sleep tonight."

William turned to Erich and said, "You see what I mean? I told you!"

The eight of them left the inn after paying for their supper and retired to the cottage. Once inside, they talked for a time and decided that they were going to be leaving shortly after sun-up and decided to go to bed.

Zal and Nim took one of the beds, stripped naked and climbed under the covers. Faelar and Elator followed suit as did Bjorn and Evan. William and Erich couldn't help but stare at how unconcerned the others were stripped naked in front of them, but, when they considered it, they couldn't think of a reason it should be odd. They shed their clothing and noticed that none of the others even glanced in their direction. They climbed into bed and cuddled next to one another.

Erich awoke sometime during the night and looked over at the 'men' in their beds. What he witnessed shocked him to his core. On each of the other three beds, the occupants were engaged in the act of love. What really shocked him most was the fact that each couple was bathed in a glow. Zal and Nim were glowing a rich golden hue, Evan and Bjorn were glowing purple, and Elator and Faelar were bathed in a bright reddish hue.

Of course, seeing this activity caused a part of Erich to wake up further. He tightened his hold on William, kissing the back of his head. Almost automatically, his body copied the act that was happening on the other beds, waking William. "Oh Erich, it's been too long since we've been able to do this!"

The room was bathed in an additional glow, a deep blue surrounding the young couple.

Early the following morning, as the group was having a light breakfast, Erich seemed a bit quiet. Evan picked up on this and asked, "Is there something on your mind, Erich?"

Erich was slightly startled. He wasn't used to people inquiring as to his moods, or show that they cared about what or how he was feeling. This made the 12-year-old feel very good. He smiled as he said, "William will tell you that I am not one to easily trust people, but since we've met, I haven't gotten even the slightest feeling that any of you couldn't be trusted. I guess I was just feeling a bit down that you were all going to be leaving soon."

A few moments of quiet followed as Evan began to sense the feelings of the rest of the party. Then, after a slight nod from Zal, he said, "Well, you are both orphans, I sense from you both, but slightly stronger from William that what I am about to suggest may be something you would both want. What would you say if we asked you two to join us on our journey? We know that in order to fulfill our obligations, we need to have twelve of us in the group, and, I feel that you two may be important to our quest."

William's excitement was palpable, however, Erich was more reserved. He thought about it for a few minutes then asked William to accompany him away from the table so they could chat.

Bjorn commented that he didn't understand how, but he could sort of sense what the others were feeling, and he, also without knowing how or why, feels that Evan was correct. Those two boys were going to become important to the quest.

After a few minutes of conversation, William and Erich returned. Erich asked, "Why would you want two small boys to accompany you? You are all much older than we are."

Zal visually polled each of the others in the party before replying, "What if I told you that we aren't truly as we appear?"

There was puzzlement on the faces of the two younger boys, but before they could answer, Faelar said, "When we decided to come to your village to buy supplies, we were afraid that we wouldn't be taken seriously by the merchants." He lowered his voice to a near whisper before saying, "Evan is a Wizard. He cast an enchantment that would make any who look upon us perceive us as grown men, not the young guys we are. Elator, Zal and I are thirteen. Evan and Nim are twelve, and Bjorn is eleven."

William and Erich weren't sure whether to believe them, however, they fell back to the feeling that these 'men' had not done or said anything to raise concern. William replied, "Well, I don't know for sure you are being truthful, but I do not have any reason to doubt you. If Erich agrees to join also, I would like to go with you. There's nothing really for us here, and I am afraid that soon, someone will realize that..."

Erich stopped him from saying what he knew William was going to say. Nim's voice lowered and said, "We know. As you saw last night, we're all the same in that regard."

Erich blushed at having been found out. That the others knew he witnessed their coupling during the night. However, he stated, "William is right, there are already several of the men who look upon William and me with suspicion and we know what they do to boys who don't choose the correct mate. I am nearly thirteen and would be expected to begin looking for a wife; this is something I do not feel I could do without being found out. We would be honoured to join your quest. I offer my fealty and pledge to aid any of you to the best of my ability."

William smiled then added, "I too offer my pledge of fealty, and on my honour I will do anything needed to further your goals."

With that, it was done. Zal and Nim's party was now eight strong. Four more would be needed before their party was complete.

They paid for their breakfast and left the inn. Erich and Faelar went to retrieve their horses and mule while the others went back to their cottage to pack up the wagon. They left the village at mid-morning and headed further east.

Once they'd reached the time of day where, on the previous day, Evan had cast his enchantment, William and Erich witnessed the transformation of the rest of the party's appearance back to the ages they'd been told. This served to confirm Erich's feeling that these boys could be trusted.

The group was quickly becoming bored of the long day's travel. They started conversing with one another. Bjorn seemed to be thinking about something when Elator asked, "Is something troubling you, Bjorn?"

"Not so much troubled, but confused. I seem to be developing an ability to sense things I haven't ever been able to before. It kind of scares me a little."

Zal asked, "What kinds of things?"

"Well, when Evan was saying how he could feel what Erich and William were thinking at breakfast, I got the same feeling. Other times, I get the impression from people we come in contact with if they are being truthful or deceptive when they talk to me."

This discussion went on for several minutes when Evan's eyes went wide. When prompted what he was thinking, he mumbled, I need to figure this out before I say. He moved to the other side of the wagon, grabbed one of the tomes he'd brought with him. The books he'd been studying as Fangold's apprentice and quietly, yet intently began reading. The others watched for a time, but eventually moved on to other conversations.

Shortly before sundown, Zal and Nim asked the group to look for a good place for them to make camp for the night. About half an hour later, they found a good secluded place, well off the road. They moved their wagon so it could not be seen from the road, as several trees seemed to block their being spotted from the road and began to make camp.

They prepared their evening meal and chatted for a time before deciding to go to sleep.

Each of the couples shared a bedroll and, after stripping naked, they climbed in and cuddled with their partner. This would be the third night Bjorn slept with Evan and each time he seemed to be drawn to the older boy. When the men had accosted him, before he was saved by the party, he feared the kind of coupling that he and Evan had done twice now. He was actually looking forward to it tonight.

He was not disappointed.

The group was sleeping soundly when they were awoken by the sounds of Bjorn's moans. Evan awoke and realized that Bjorn was burning with fever. He roused the rest of the group who grew concerned. They cared for him as best they could but agreed they would not continue on their journey until Bjorn had either recovered... or not.

[To Be Continued]