My Life Started at the End of The World

Chapter 25 - How it Feels - Breaking Inside

Aidyn's POV

Walking into school is beyond awkward. I know everyone knows about Noah and me, but it feels like they also know about my dad. Noah walking with me hand in hand, people were giving us looks; I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Noah squeezed my hand. “Everything will be fine.” He reassured me.

We went to Noah's locker; surprisingly it wasn't covered in notes. “Surprised it's clear and safe.”

Noah laughed. “People know to not mess with me and my boyfriend.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek then turned to his locker.


He pulled the door open. “What?” Noah turned around. “Oh, not comfy with PDAs?”

I smiled awkwardly. “Pretty much. Holding hands is okay for now. You have to give me time with this stuff this time.”

“Okay, fair enough!” he bounced as we began our way down the hall. I'm happy he's not as pushy anymore. He's giving me my necessary space.

We were walking past the library when Chance spotted us and smiled. “Hey, guys!” Chance was super super happy about something. He was still beaming when he got to us. “You guys actually look super cute in person.”

Noah blushed, my face remained neutral. “Thanks, Chance...” Noah looked up at me. “Come on, at least try and look happy...” Noah was trying to help, but it really wasn't.

“What's going on guys?” Chance eyes transferred from one of us to the other. We looked at each other. “Oh, come on; don't tell me it's something to do with the bedroom.”

Noah laughed; I snickered. “No, it's much more serious than that,” I told him. “Not something I want to talk about in public...”

“Hey, guys!” Bryce's voice came from behind me. He took one look at us and knew there was something wrong. Pays to have a best friend I guess. “Nurse's office?”

“My mom isn't here today.”

Bryce thought for a moment. “Ummm... follow me.” Chance, Noah and I followed Bryce behind the gym. We actually went outside to talk. “Okay now spill it fast cause its cold outside.”

So I told them everything that happened after the party. They made their remarks as I continued. I managed to get out everything without dropping a single tear, which was harder than it sounds. Those tears weren't in my pity, or in my anger towards my dad, they were for Sky.

“So is Sky at school today?” Chance asked. Oh, I left out the part where Skylar told me he was into Greyson.

“No... he's taking it harder than I am.” Noah snuggled into my chest. “He's at Greyson's. I don't expect to see them at school today.”

“He must really care about you man. I'd kill to have my sister be that kind to me.” Bryce commented. He has an older sister, still in school, and a brother who's graduated.

I shook my head. “That's not it Bryce.” Bryce got a confused look on his face. “He thinks he's into Greyson.” Both Bryce and Chance's face transformed into shock. Bryce's jaw even dropped a bit.

“Seriously!?” They said in unison. I nodded.

Chance clenched his fist. “I went from sort of wanting to punch your father, to REALLY wanting to punch him.” Wow, I've never seen Chance like this. “I think I need to cool off. I'm going to go run around the school. I hope your dad gets some sense knocked into him soon dude.” And like that he was off. There were only 10 minutes before school started. He had to cool off quickly.

“Okay, let's get ready for class.” Bryce smiled. We made our way back inside and got to our classes. When I saw Chance, he looked a lot calmer than before he ran, so that’s a good thing.

The first class I barely paid attention. I was too worried about my dad and Skylar. I didn't know anything about what was going on with them. I really wanted to know something, even if it was something little. Just knowing something could calm my mind.

After class was over I found my way outside and took out my cell phone. There is a rule about having them inside the building for some reason. Finding Greyon's house number I called it immediately. Mrs. Payne answered. “Hello?”

“Hello Mrs. Payne, its Aidyn calling. Is Skylar awake?”

“Yes he is, just give me one moment.” The line quiet for a few moments. I could hear some talking in the background.

Then Skylar's voice came on. “Aidyn?”

“Hey bud, how's it going?”

“I'm okay...” He sounded empty in his speech. “Did you go to school today?”

“Ya, I did. Don't worry about me though Sky, I'm fine.” I wish I could be there for the little guy. Just be by him and give him a hug or something.

“Okay, is mom at work?”

“No, she called in sick.” Sky really does have a heart of gold. “She'll probably call or come over when she has the time bud. Until then try and have some fun with Greyson. I'll come over after school.”

“Kay, I'll see you then. Love you Aidyn.”

“Love you too, Skylar.” He hung up the phone. I think that was the first time we've ever actually said that we loved each other...

I got walked back into the school to see a bunch of the soccer team hanging out in a corner. Of course, Jackson was in the middle of it all. He always was a person who desired attention.

I was just leaving when Jackson opened his mouth. “Hey, Aidyn! Your brother should learn to hold his liquor!” I clenched my fist in anger. This was not the fucking time Jackson. Making my way down the hallway, I tried to leave them behind me. Somehow they caught up though. “Did you not hear me, Scott?”

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. The temptation to punch him was right at the edge of my fist... one wrong thing said, and it would go for a swing on instinct. “I heard you, chose to ignore you like I will continue to do.”

I took a look at those who were with him. Only four of the other players, none of them being the team captain. Bradley and Fredric our best defensemen, Colton the second best forward (only beat by Jackson himself), and our goalie Trevor.

Fredric had to start talking too. “Aww come on Aidyn, don't be like that.” Fredric and Jackson were best friends when one was a dickhead they both were.

“I'll see you guys at practice.” I waved the laziest wave imaginable and continued down the hall.

I had barely turned the corner when Booker stopped me. “Hey Aidyn, where's Skylar? He wasn't in his class this morning.”

I sighed. “He didn't come to...”

Jackson's smug voice overpowered mine. “Yes Aidyn, where is your precious little brother?” All but Colton had a smirk on their faces.

He managed to push me just enough to burst at him. “He's not coming to school today, and before you say he's still fucking hung over you can go fuck yourself, Jackson. You had no right to give my brother that much alcohol. If you ever pull that stunt again, neither of us are going to be on the soccer team.”

Booker had this very confused and panicked look on his face. People in the hallway had stopped and watched as I said my small rant. I marched off away from the scene. I was done with school for the day. Like really done.


Noah's POV

“Aidyn did what!?” Aaron and Bryce informed me of Aidyn yelling at Jackson and the other soccer players. Where the hell was he? It's lunch time for goodness sake! “Where is he?”

They both shrugged. “He apparently walked out of the school afterward. Booker being the source.” Bryce explained.

Aaron's Phone went off. “Oh, this might be Aidyn replying to my message from earlier.” She pulled out her phone as I impatiently waited for who it was from. “It's Aidyn; he took a walk for the class. He's coming back for lunch.”

“It's lunch now!” I'm angsty okay! I want my Aidyn to be okay again. We waited there for what felt like hours to me. It was actually only five minutes.

Aidyn came into the cafeteria and sat down right beside me. He told me everything that happened at recess with Jackson. I kind of wanted to punch him just hearing about it.

Once lunch was over I walked Aidyn to his next class. When he got inside, I walked off towards my class. I cut around a corner bumping right into someone. “Ouch!” I was knocked over on my ass. I started to speak as I looked up. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... Jackson.” I glared at him.

He had his stupid sly smile on his face. “You are just as dumb as your boyfriend aren't you?” Beside Jackson was Fredric, always at his side.

“Shut up!” I growled at him. I stood up and began walking around him. “I take back my apology.”

My arms were grabbed, and I was wiped around towards him. “Don't walk away from me Noah Wesley!” Jackson kept his grip on my arm, tightening it actually. “Tell your boyfriend to never talk to me like that again. I won't be as nice to him next time.”

If I could light him on fire, I would. “Tell him yourself.” I spat at his feet. “You'd get better results that way.”

Fredric slapped me. “You do not talk to Jackson like that!” He pinched my cheeks. “You're just a small fish in a big pond. Noah Wesley, we are the sharks. We can eat you alive!”

I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him away from my face. My glare went back and forth between the two of them.

They had picked the perfect time, in the perfect hallway. There were neither teachers nor students to see them do anything. I squirmed, but they were too strong for me to do anything. The longer they held on, the angrier I got.

“We should let the little fireball go, Freddie. He's not worth it right now,” and just like that they let me go and went on their way like nothing happened. I glared down the hallway as they walked away in 'glory'.

A teacher came around the corner. “You should be in class young man.”

“I'm heading there now,” I growled not specifically at him. I walked away before I would get myself in even more trouble.

Jackson is going to get into more trouble than he can handle if he keeps this up. First Skylar, then Aidyn and now this? He's getting more and more out of hand... Something bad could happen soon, something not very good for Aidyn.

Chapter End.


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Thanks for reading!