Piano Forte

Chapter 24-Saturday Night Music





Austin’s alarm went off at quarter to seven. One of the things Austin didn’t like about camp was that there were events happening seven days a week which meant sleeping in was a rarity. William didn’t like that fact either, especially when Austin’s alarm went off on a morning that he could have slept in.
“Good morning, kiddo,” William said sleepily.
“Good morning, William. I’ll get out of your bed real fast so you can go back to sleep.”
“It’s nice and warm and comfy in my bed when you’re in it with me.”
“I’ll sleep with you again,” Austin promised as he untangled himself from William, pulled back the covers, and left the bed. William grabbed the covers and flipped them back over himself. 
Even if Austin hadn’t been in a hurry to get ready for the morning outing, he still would have found an excuse to get out of the bed in a hurry; and if Austin hadn’t found an excuse then William would have. Neither boy was ready to discuss what had happened the night before in William’s bed.  
Austin took a quick look out the window to see if the forecast for rain had come to pass. While the sky was gray, it wasn’t raining, and the ground looked dry. The last thing Austin wanted to do was go hiking in the rain, especially on a day he had a performance scheduled. He knew that when they went up into the mountains the chance of rain would increase; he prayed that wouldn’t happen.
After Austin left the room, William stared up at the ceiling. As much as he wanted to get into the shower with the sweet little redhead, he needed to think about his actions of the night before.
What the fuck did I do? William thought to himself. How could I lie next to him and tell him I loved him?  Was it because I had just had a mind-blowing orgasm with him? Was it because I love his red hair? Was it because he was a genius at the piano? Or was it because…because…William closed his eyes and envisioned the smaller, vulnerable body he had all but made love to last night. He saw the little boy who had taken him from feeling miserable to making him feel good and worthwhile.  Yeah, he was turned on sexually, but he had been turned on sexually by guys and girls what seemed like thousands of times and never got that kind of a sensation.
But the feeling that came up from inside of him and came out of him as he experienced more than sex and lust was something he’d never felt before. His thoughts went back to exactly what he had felt. He couldn’t help but feel that what he had said to the boy in his bed was because he really did love him.
But, if I love him, that must mean that I’m gay, right? He pondered that question for a moment and answered what had to be the right way. After how everything had changed between him and his roomie since the boy he knew he hated had come into the room for the first time to him, telling that same boy who was naked in his bed that he loved him didn’t mean that he was gay. What it meant was, he loved Austin Richards and now he had to decide what to do about it.
While William was trying to figure out what had happened the night before, Austin was in the shower trying to figure out the same thing. William said I was beautiful and that he totally loved me. Nobody’s ever said anything like that to me. My mom says she loves me, but she’s my mom. And James says, “I love you, bro,” but he’s my big brother. How can William, who’s like a big-time pianist and a teenager, like a little dude like me? Maybe he found some pot and got high on it. And he never said anything about it when we woke up. I wish I had somebody to talk to, somebody who knows what to do when somebody says he loves you and you don’t even know if he means it.
Austin shut off the water, dried himself, and opened the shower door. Vince and William were both waiting for the shower; Vince had a towel wrapped around him and William was naked.
“Are you guys going to shower together or what?” Austin asked irritably. He felt angry at William for wanting to shower with Vince and with Vince for stealing William. Stealing William? Austin thought. Fuck, am I, like, all jealous or something?
“No way am I showering with an older dude. I’m waiting for Max to come shower with me.” As if on cue, Max stepped into the bathroom. Unlike his roommate, he was naked and carrying his towel resulting in his goods being on display.
“We’ve got to be at our class by eight,” Max said. “Is it okay if we shower first?”
“No worries,” William responded. “I got nowhere to be until nine.”
“Wait. Austin is coming out of the shower and you haven’t showered yet? I thought you two always showed together.”
“Not always,” Austin said. “I have to be somewhere at eight, too, and like William said, he’s got it easy this morning.” Austin flashed William a smile, wondering if it would be returned. He was pleased when his roommate displayed a quick grin. William returned to their room while Austin stood at one of the sinks and brushed his teeth.
“Doesn’t it seem weird to brush your teeth before breakfast?” William inquired when Austin entered the room.
“I’ve got a bus to catch and you know that field trip buses leave on time no matter what. At least I got rid of morning breath.”
“Too bad your morning breath doesn’t taste like me.”
“Maybe next time.” Austin wondered how that came out of his mouth.
“Really? I mean you really want to do it?”
Austin nodded. “It’s not like I haven’t done it before. There sure is more to learn at camp than music.” Austin grabbed his jacket and a hat. “See ya later,” he said as he headed out the door.
William never said he loved me all morning, Austin thought as he went down the stairs to the lobby. Maybe it’s because I never said it to him. But how can I tell him I love him when I don’t know what it means? 
William looked at the closed door after his roommate took off. He never said anything about loving me, William mused. I wonder if he is too young to know what it’s all about. Hell, I wonder if I know what it’s all about.
Ned and Titus were waiting for Austin in the lobby. “Where’s Gary?” Titus asked.
“I don’t know. I never saw him in the bathroom during my shower. The two newbies went right into the shower after I finished, so he would have to wait if he wanted to shower.”
“The newbies showered together? Wow, that’s very cool.”
Before they could decide whether to wait for Gary, the fourth member of the Master Quartet came down the stairs. “Yo, let’s go to breakfast,” Gary said without ceremony.
“I was afraid you slept in or something,” Austin told him as the foursome headed out the door.
“I should have set my alarm earlier. The newbies were in there showering together, but William let me go ahead of him, so here I am.”
“Why didn’t you guys shower together?”
“I dunno, we just didn’t.”
Austin wondered if that was it or if William just wanted to shower alone. What used to be simple had suddenly become very confusing.
“Those clouds are getting thicker and really dark,” Ned pointed out as they walked across the courtyard.
“It better not rain,” Gary said. The words had barely escaped his mouth when drops started falling out of the sky.
“Somebody up in the sky really disikes you, Gary,” Austin grumped.
Gary looked up at the gray clouds and yelled, “I took my shower in case you weren’t looking.”
“It’s just a sprinkle,” Titus pointed out.
“Maybe, but we’re in kind of a rain shadow here, and the trail we’re going to isn’t,” Austin told them.
“Don’t be all negative,” Gary said. “I wanted to see the ocean and the mountains and the lake and everything.”
“You can’t see the ocean from that trail.”
“Yes, you can, I’ve seen pictures.”
“That’s the Strait of Juan de Fuca,” Austin said knowledgeably.
“Same difference. It’s part of the ocean, right?”
“It’s a straight between the Olympic Peninsula and Vancouver Island,” Ned said. Ned lived in Vancouver, BC and Austin lived in Bellingham, and had a basic knowledge of local geography and how the waterways were interlocked. “It connects the Pacific Ocean with Puget Sound and a bunch of islands. It’s all very complicated, but I agree with Austin that the straight isn’t the ocean.”
The boys were grabbing a quick breakfast of cereal and breakfast pastry as they talked. “I don’t care what it is, I just wanted to see it. It’s way different than the Willamette Valley.”
“I don’t want to spoil anybody’s breakfast,” Titus said, “but the sprinkle has turned into real rain.”
“Well, crap,” Gary muttered. “Well, I don’t know much about rain shadows, but maybe it isn’t raining where we’re going.”
The words had barely left Gary’s mouth when Mr. Shepard, the camp director, entered the dining hall. When he stepped over to where the PA system was, the boys knew the trip was doomed.
“Like I said, somebody up in the sky doesn’t like Gary,” Austin said once again.
“Or doesn’t like all of us,” Gary said.
As soon as they saw him pick up the microphone, the dining hall quieted down and gave the director all their attention. Most of those currently eating were scheduled to take the field trip.
“I hate to say this,” Mr. Shepard said, “but we have had to cancel the trip. The trails are muddy and unusable, and this added rainfall will only make it worse. The gym and pool will be open and there are practice rooms available for those who want to work on their music. I have the schedule so you can sign up with me. And if all else fails, you can take a nice long morning nap.”
“I guess that means I can go to the buffet line for some hot French Toast,” Ned said eagerly.
After filling their plates with more food, the boys went back to eating. They decided it would be fun to get a practice room and listen to Ned and Austin have a final rehearsal for their program. “We can even play all of our instruments together if we want too,” Titus reminded them.
They agreed that ten would be a good time to get together and sent Gary to sign them up. “I got Practice Room 4 at ten,” he said when he returned.
With the field trip canceled, taking a nap sounded good. The boys ran back to the dormitory after finishing breakfast. They went to Gary’s room, where they stripped down to their underwear.
“Are we doing this naked?” Ned asked as he started pulling down on his black and gray briefs.
“If we get naked, I’m going to want to get off,” Gary said, “but what I really want is a nap.”
“I want to get off,” Ned stated. Austin was continually amazed as to how quickly Ned had turned into Super Horn Dog since he had shown his friend how to jerk off.
“Nap first, jerk off later,” Austin yawned as he clamored into Gary’s bed.
“What do you think Titus?”
Titus gave an exaggerated yawn and dropped onto what had been Brian’s bed. Ned shrugged and followed him. Austin and Gary had been right; a good nap was truly needed. Gary and Austin lay on top of the covers but there were no covers on the other bed. Outside of Titus giving Ned a chaste kiss on his cheek, there was no attempt at anything erotic. The boys were asleep within seconds.
William returned to his room after eating breakfast with John. John was becoming a good friend; sitting and talking with him helped William get over his brooding over the night before. What did bother him some was that he considered John as sexy. He’d always thought of girls as sexy, never boys—or so he thought.
He’d fucked his roommate, Kevin, regularly, but had never thought of him as sexy. Guys never thought of boys as being sexy, William thought, unless they were gay. But suddenly he had thought of John as sexy, and last night he had told Austin he loved him, and Austin certainly wasn’t sexy. Or was he?
John’s voice cut into his thoughts, “Earth to William.”
“Huh?” William grunted.
“You were sure lost in thought.”
“Yeah, I kind of have some serious things to think about.”
“Music related or girl related?”
Wow, how do I answer that one? William thought in a near panic. He decided to give a semi-honest answer. “Neither.”
John decided not to push the issue farther. He had learned enough about William to know that he would answer what he wanted when he wanted. Hmph, I guess that doesn’t make him all that different from me, John thought with a touch of amusement.
William cleaned his plate and started to get up from the table. He stopped and sat back down. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Go for it. I reserve the right not to answer, though.”
“Fair enough.” William paused for a moment and then said, “I know you’re gay and all, but does thinking of a boy as being sexy bother you?”
Ah, so he was thinking about boys, John thought. “Oh hell, no. It’s who I am. Boys are sexy, and I think of them as sexy, including you, because I think you’re very sexy. Which makes it my turn to ask a personal question, with the same rules, of course. Why do you want to know?”
“I was just curious is all,” William replied meekly as he wished he had never asked the question. “See ya later.” He quickly got up and left before he managed to stick his foot deeper into his mouth.
William ran back to the dorm; happy he had worn his waterproof jacket. Before he walked to the main building, he wanted to have his umbrella. He didn’t care that most Washingtonians seemed to think that umbrellas were for wimps. The way he saw it, getting soaked in the rain when you could prevent it, was for idiots.
As he grabbed his umbrella out of his closet, he wondered what the Master Quartet boys were doing with their unplanned time off. He wanted to pee before heading to the main building for a guitar session with Cole Davis, who had taken on the role as his teacher. He set the umbrella on his bed, walked into the bathroom, and took a satisfying piss.
On a whim, he checked the door to Gary’s room, wondering if was unlocked. He was surprised that it was. He noted that the curtains were closed, and the lights were off. He walked quietly through the small hall with the closets and drawers and into the actual bedroom. He felt a stirring in his groin when he saw the four boys asleep in the two beds. Their clothes were strewn on the floor or hung on chairs and in the ambient light he could see they were wearing nothing but underpants. Knowing what he did about the four horny tweens, he was surprised they weren’t naked.
His scanning stopped when he made out the red hair of Austin, who was sleeping with Gary. He knew he should back out of the room, but the sight of his roommate mesmerized him. His red hair stood out even in the dim light. It was not like the brilliant blond hair of Ned, but gingers were rare which made Austin’s red hair something rare. The almost naked boy in bed with his skinny little body, with his arm draped over Gary, with his white briefs standing out, with his sweet face and beautiful hair, answered William’s question. There was no doubt that Austin Richards was sexy and that he wanted to love it, to worship it, to make love to it.
His cock throbbing, William turned and left the room as quietly as he had entered, wondering what the fuck was wrong with him.
“Whoa, look, there’s some drums in this room,” Titus yelped as the four Master Quartet members entered Practice Room 4.
“That’s why I asked for this room,” Gary responded. “I figured since Austin and I both play the piano, we could all do something together if I had some percussion to play on.” Gary dabbled in percussion along with playing the piano, which was a form of percussion instrument.
“Well, we have talked about the quartet playing together only nobody ever wrote anything for piano, violin, flute, and percussion.” Austin noted.
“Ned’s pretty good at doing transcibbing,” Titus pointed out.
“It’s called transcribing.”
“Whatever it’s called, Ned is good at it.”
“Before we do anything, I want to listen to Austin and Ned play what they’re going to play tonight. A little extra practice might get them into the final recital,” Gary said.
“I’ll do it, but only if we get naked,” Ned insisted.
“I don’t think any of us is into sex stuff as much as Ned is,” Titus giggled. “Which is good for me, because…well, because.”
“Are you two becoming, like, boyfriends?” Gary asked.
Titus looked over at Ned, who nodded. “I guess so.”
In answer to Ned’s request, Austin hung the NUDIST AT WORK sign outside of the door and started stripping. Ned grinned and followed suit and in less than a minute the Master Quartet had become the Naked Quartet.
While Ned and Austin started warming up, Titus and Gary squeezed onto the cushioned chair usually used by an instructor. Gary’s three plus inches was rock hard, and he situated himself to make sure nobody could miss that fact. He placed his arm around Titus’s shoulder, which Titus enjoyed.
“Ready?” Austin finally asked Ned.
“Go for it,” Ned replied.
The boys had been playing for about a minute when there was a knock at the door. “Who the fuck is knocking at the door when we’ve got the nudist sign out?” Austin mumbled.
“Oooh, Austin used a bad word,” Ned giggled.
“Who is it?” Austin yelled.
“William,” came the reply.
The boys looked at each other and nodded. “Okay, come in, but don’t let anybody else look in.”
William opened the door and quickly slid into the room. “Sorry if I scared you guys, but I wanted to see how you were doing after you got rained out.” He looked at the four naked bodies. “It looks like you’re doing just fine.” He slid his wet umbrella into the corner wastebasket.
“You use an umbrella?” Gary asked. “Umbrellas are for wusses.”
“Not to mention civilized gentlemen of culture who endeavor to stay dry in wet weather,” William said using a fake English accent.
“Me and Ned were starting to play what we’re playing tonight when you knocked,” Austin said.
“I thought so.” The walls and doors of the practice rooms had good soundproofing. “I put my ear against the door and thought that’s what I was hearing. I have a suggestion for you if you want to hear it.”
“Can’t hurt.”
William looked at Ned’s scorebook and asked them to start at a certain measure on the second page. “If Austin plays trills here, the whole thing is going to sound even more kickass than it does now.”
Austin pointed at the book. “Here? Show me.”
Placing the book on the stand, William sat at the piano and played the piano part with the trills he had suggested. “What do you think?”
“I think it sounds even more kickass, just like you said,” Austin replied.
“If Austin and Ned get this down, they will be playing in that last program,” Gary stated.
Austin then played the piano part with the trills added. Austin played them like that was how he’d practiced them from the beginning. He and Ned started the piece from the top and when the piano and flute played together, it produced an entirely different mood. They went through it four more times, with Ned adding his own improvisation the last time.
“Wow, you guys sound like pros doing that,” Titus bubbled.
Austin walked to where William was standing and wrapped his arms around him. “Thanks, William,” he said in a near whisper, “that was awesome.” Having Austin’s naked body wrapped around him and pressing against his crotch had William on the edge of creaming his shorts.
“If you don’t let me go, I’m going to have an accident,” William breathed.
Austin quickly broke his hug with a loud, “Oops. I guess that would have been exciting, at least.”
“It sounds like you guys have got the change down. I’ll let you get back to your fun,” William said.
“You can stay if you want,” Gary told him.
“You can even get naked if you want,” Austin added.
“Yeah, I want to see if your boner is bigger than John’s,” Ned said.
“Trust me, it is. Plus, I have pubic hair,” William boasted.
“I want to touch your hair.”
William shrugged and pulled off his shirt, then unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. “You’re sure now?” He wanted to make sure everybody was on board.
“Do it!” Ned begged.
William kicked off his shoes, then pulled off his shorts and boxers, his 4.5 inches pointing proudly up, a clear drop of precum leaking out. The young teen was standing naked in front of the nude boys of the Master Quartet. For some reason, he was feeling very self-conscious. He had just been on the brink of cumming; he knew it wouldn’t take much to put him over the edge and fire his load in front the four tweens.
The air was thick with sexual tension. The four quartet members were rubbing their hairless cocks hoping to see William jerk off to an explosion of cum. The mood was broken by a phone playing the opening bars of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto 1.
“Shit,” Austin groaned. “That’s my brother and I better answer it. I called home and told him and Mom about the rainout and Mom said they might come early.”
That ended up being the case. Austin’s brother, James, was calling to tell Austin they were in Seattle getting ready to board the ferry. “I don’t know why Mom wanted to get here earlier,” John groused. “There still isn’t anything for us to do all afternoon.”
“You can start by you and Mom having lunch with us,” Austin told him. “After that, we’ll figure something out.”
“You’re always Mr. Positive. Oh, and mom says hi and says we’ll probably find more to do there than we would at home.”
“Call me when you get here,” Austin told him before they disconnected the call.
“Well, that kind of took the steam out of our boners,” William said with a sense of relief.
“I still want to see you shoot,” Ned insisted. “I bet you shoot way more than John.”
“Trust me one more time, Ned. I do shoot more.”
“Then show us.”
“You’re just going to have to wait. We have to get dressed because our time is almost up,” Gary pointed out.
The quartet followed William’s lead and started dressing. Like William they felt relieved as they started to realize how close they’d come to messing around and becoming more than just a group of nudists. That would have been okay in a bedroom, but might have been a bad idea in here, they all thought.
“Let’s all have lunch together with my mom and James,” Austin suggested. “James is pretty cool, and my mom doesn’t bite.”
“Sure, why not?” William said after pulling on his shirt. “It won’t hurt to get to know my roommate’s family.”
Austin met his big brother James and his mother, Valerie, in the visitors’ parking lot. Austin exchanged big hugs with James and his mother. Even though they had both met William, it had been under rushed and chaotic circumstances, so Austin took the opportunity to reintroduce everybody. The rain had stopped while Austin was rehearsing, so they could stand in the parking lot without getting drenched.
“I thought you had a whole sh…um…boatload of other friends,” James said.
“We’ll meet the rest of the Master Quartet in the dorm, and maybe Ned’s roommate John who wants to meet James.”
“Well, then, I guess that means I want to meet John,” James grinned.
William and James hit if off when they discovered their mutual interest in playing the guitar. William was impressed when he learned that James owned an Ibanez guitar. For William, it was proof that James was a serious guitarist.
Titus, Gary, and John were waiting for Austin and his contingent in the dorm lobby. Ned had gone with his sister Shannon to meet his parents and accompany them to the dining hall. They had come down from Vancouver. Instead of driving to Seattle and dealing with the traffic issues, they took, the Edmonds ferry to Kingston and then drove to Bainbridge Island via the bridge that connected the island and the Olympic Peninsula on the west side of the island.
John took one look at James and felt a wave of warmth sweep through him. Austin might be a little cutie, he thought, but his big brother is a fucking hottie. He got the idea from Austin that while his brother was straight, he had no problem messing around with boys. Knowing Austin’s family would be spending the night at the visitors’ quarters in the high school dorm, John wondered what it would take to get James into his bed for the night. Even though he claimed to be straight, James always had an eye for a sexy looking boy, and John fell right into his definition of sexy boy.
Introductions were made and the group headed for the dining hall for lunch. The cost of meals for James and Valerie was part of what they paid for their room. Just as they entered the foyer to the dining hall, Ned arrived with his family. It was understood that Ned and his family would be sitting on their own. Before entering the dining area, Ned introduced his friends to his family while Shannon looked on disapprovingly.
Austin’s contingent found one of the big tables to occupy. There was a bit of jockeying to see who would sit next to whom. Austin sat between James and his mother. John made sure to sit next to James while William took a seat directly across from Austin, sitting between Titus and Gary.
Austin was pleased to see that James was sitting with John instead of next to William. When James and William started discussing guitar playing, Austin felt emotions that almost felt like anger shooting through him. Had he been older and more cognizant of his emotions he may have deduced that he was experiencing feeling of jealously. As it was, he was happy when James and John paired up instead of James and William.
After lunch, John took James to the student lounge as well as to the gym. The rain had come back, taking away any outdoor recreation. Austin, William, and Ned showed the campus to Austin and Ned’s families. They found an unscheduled practice room where Ned and Austin gave them a sneak preview of their evening program. Titus and Gary had a workshop to attend and excused themselves after lunch since they had a practice room reserved first. They would be performing Sunday evening.
Ned’s parents gushed over how good their playing sounded. “You’ve certainly grown in your music the last couple of weeks,” Ned’s mother said. “Plus, you seem to have found some very nice friends.” Listening to her little brother receiving praise put Shannon into a sulk and when her mother praised Ned’s friends her mood grew even darker. Since she had a tutoring session coming up, she was finally able to leave, but not without shooting daggers at Ned first. Ned didn’t care, since so far the visit had been more about him than his sister.
With everyone’s permission, William arranged for the group to have dinner in one of the private eating areas. The Master Quartet, along with William, John, and Austin’s and Ned’s families shared the room. Once again Shannon excused herself, saying that since she didn’t know her family was coming until a couple of days before she had made other arrangements for the evening with friends, which was a lie. Austin noticed Shannon and her mother having a serious discussion before everyone headed to dinner. Shannon did not look at all happy.
The highlight of the evening, of course, was the music program. The campers participating in the program had all been picked after each nightly program during the week. Four performances were picked from each nightly session, meaning there would be twelve performances Saturday night. Three performances would be picked from the first three Saturday sessions, making for nine performances the fourth and final Saturday.
Before they started backstage, William stopped Austin and Ned. He stood between them and put an arm on a shoulder of each of them. “You two dudes are going to kick some solid ass,” William told them gently. “Just play like you did this morning and people will be creaming their pants listening to you.”
Austin and Ned started to giggle as they listened to William’s crude pep talk. The reaction was what William expected. “I’m serious, you can’t be beat.”
“We’d be even better if we could go on stage and play naked,” Ned giggled.
“You’ll just have to slum it and wear clothes,” William said with mock seriousness.
“I’ll just pretend that Ned is naked,” Austin smirked.
“And I’ll pretend the same thing about Austin,” Ned assured them.
Austin and Ned drew the sixth slot. Alejandro and Denny were the fourth performance. Austin and Ned went to the backstage practice area to warm up as soon as the third performer finished.
When they came on stage they bowed to the applause. Austin sat at the piano and adjusted the bench, while Ned sat on the chair that had just been set out for him. Their performance went flawlessly with William’s suggested change adding another level to their sound. They finished to cheering and enthusiastic applause.
Nobody was surprised when Austin and Ned became one of the three performances voted to play on the final night of camp. Austin was pleased that Alejandro and Denny were one of the other two. He didn’t know Alejandro very well, but he liked the easy-going teen who was always nice to him.
There were lots of hugs and pats on the back from friends and family. Even Shannon shed some of her forced cool and had to acknowledge that her brother had done quite well. She even told him so, although her praise was a crisp, “Good job.” Ned thought that coming from Shannon that was like a half-hour’s worth of praise from anyone else.
Austin was pleased to see that William’s grandfather, Eugene, had attended the program. He thought he had seen his thick mane of gray hair from the stage and was happy to know he had been right.
“Great performance, boys—even better than your first one. The extra flourish was an outstanding touch and was well played,” Eugene praised.
“Thank you,” Austin replied shyly, before introducing the great pianist to the waiting parents. He thought Ned’s mother was going to faint from excitement when she found out who he was.
“Which of you came up with the enhancement?” Eugene asked after the excitement died down.
Austin pointed to William, who was standing away from the crowd. “It was William’s idea. He showed us during our rehearsal yesterday, and Ned and I both liked it—we thought it was a really awesome idea.”
Eugene was surprised by the answer. He usually saw his grandson as being more concerned with his own success than helping others to improve and succeed. That was especially true of his helping Austin since Gene understood that William had problems relating to his roommate and keyboard rival.
Gene turned toward his grandson and smiled. “Nice work, son. I am very proud of what you did. I think you helped the two make the final concert.”
William nodded in acknowledgement, but the praise that meant the most to him was that of Austin, and not just the verbal praise but the look of adoration on his roommate’s face. He still couldn’t figure out why he loved the little redhead, but he had almost no doubt that he loved him.
The evening sleeping arrangements were interesting. Ned’s parents and Austin’s mother stayed in the parents’ quarters in the high school dormitory. James cajoled permission from his mother to sleep with John. Since John now had company, Ned slept with Titus in Titus’s room. Carlos had no problem agreeing to sleep in the extra bed in Gary’s room and Austin and William became the only two roommates to sleep together.
Ned’s parents did what married couples often did on trips away from home, even though the bed wasn’t the most comfortable they could have asked for.
John and James sat off alone in the dining hall during snack time, getting to know each other. “So, you swear you’re not gay,” John queried after they had spent some time trading a brief recap of their life history.
“I swear on the crumbs of my lemon poppyseed muffin,” James replied.
“And you’ve never been fucked?” John asked in a hushed tone.
“I never said that.”
“That means you have been fucked. How come you didn’t tell me earlier?”
“I didn’t think about it. But if you want the details, I was eleven when my friend Frank and me decided to see what the butt fucking fuss was about. When we figured it out and realized it didn’t have to hurt, we were fuck buddies. Michael joined us just before summer and he was the best kisser I’ve ever made out with and was a wild top. Mikey went all-girl when he started ninth grade, but me and Frankie still go at it even though we both have girlfriends.
“A twelve-year old seventh grade neighbor showed me when I was ten and in fifth grade. I didn’t like it, but by sixth grade I was hooked on any sex with a guy I could get. When I was thirteen, I knew I was a gay boy and decided to come out. Nobody from my parents on down freaked over it, so it’s been good. I haven’t topped anybody since camp started. Um…if you’re willing, I’d sure like to…um…”
“My answer is yes,” James grinned.
“Cool. And you’ve never done it with your little brother? I mean really, a cute thing like him and you’ve left him a virgin.”
“Oh, we hump like crazy. And kiss. I think we’ll be sucking each other after he comes home when camp is over but going all the way hasn’t been seriously discussed.”
“My brother Liam is ten, and we’ve almost done it all. He’s been up my butt, but he’s not ready to take it. Probably the same thing you feel for Austin.”
“Yep.” James finished his muffin. “Now, let’s quit yapping and go to your room. I’m ready for action.”
James thought his sex with John was the best he’d had in a long time, Austin excepted. He let John top him first in what was a steamy and sweaty session of grabbing, petting, licking, kissing, stroking, wrestling, and fucking, which left them near exhaustion. However, James was fifteen and John was fourteen and they managed recover enough for a bit more sedate second session that ended when James shot his seed into John’s ass just before John made a mess of his bottom sheet. The naked teens ended up sleeping in Ned’s bed.
The sex between Ned and Titus was much different from that of the two teens. It had a sense of innocence about it as the two eleven-year-olds stripped naked and played with each other’s hard cocks. They finished up with a sixty-nine, which Ned thought was the greatest discovery since electricity. They sucked each other off to dry orgasms. Both boys were willing to do more, but were too tired to go on.
What they did discover during their first sex alone as a pair was that they really liked each other.  They talked about how they wished they were roommates after they finished their sex. They slept together in Titus’s bed hoping it wasn’t for the last time.
The weakness in Gary’s plan to let Carlos sleep on the empty bed was immediately apparent when the two twelve-year-olds walked into the bedroom. “I think you forgot that the bed had no bedding,” Carlos pointed out.
“I think you are right,” Gary responded with a straight face. Carlos wasn’t sure whether Gary was serious or if this was a setup.
“Well, I can’t go back to my room and bother Titus and Ned.”
“I’m sure you could. I bet they’re having sex together and might want a third.” He looked at Carlos with a sly grin. “OR, you could stay here and sleep with me in my bed.”
Carlos was now sure of the answer to his internal question; he had just been set up. And he didn’t mind one bit. “Oh, I suppose I could,” Carlos drawled, “but what if I have a wet dream?”
“You get those too? My brother, Steve, has them all the time, but he’s fourteen. And you’re what, thirteen? I guess that’s old enough.”
“I didn’t know you had to pass an age test to have a wet dream. I’m twelve and won’t be thirteen until August. But I make a lot of cum, and it’s gotta go somewhere.”
“Steve says there’s a way to keep them from happening, and I bet you know what that is.”
Carlos nodded. “Jerk off or have sex.”
“And since we’re going to be in the same bed, we might as well have sex,” Gary said enthusiastically.
“You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?”
“Duh. I mean, how could I not know there was nothing on that bed?”
The tweens stripped quickly and almost banged heads diving into Gary’s bed. When the three-orgasm trip in bed was over, they agreed that nobody was going to have a wet dream that night. “Yep, and you were right about shooting lots of cum. You not only shoot more and shoot it farther than Steve, you’ve got a bigger dick and more pubic hair. Are you sure you’re just twelve?”
“That’s what my birth certificate says.”
The boys had enjoyed the sex, which included dry humping, jerk each other from behind, and sixty-nine as their coda. They finished by enjoying a deep sleep wrapped together.
Austin and William stripped and took care of their evening business like it was just another evening at camp. They chatted about Austin and Ned’s playing, about William’s grandfather, before getting into the business of what the other six boys were doing right then.
“What do you think?” William asked as he put his toothbrush and toothpaste into his toilet case.
“I think Gary and Carlos for sure,” Austin replied. “I think John and James probably. They didn’t know each other at all, but they sure seemed to like each other, especially when they decided to spend the night together. I know James is really horny and likes sex with guys and John is really horny and is gay, so I’d say, yeah, they probably are having sex together right now.”
“We could always listen at their door,” William smirked.
“And proud of it. What about Titus and Ned?”
“Ned is getting to be a horn dog, but he’s still figuring things out. Titus acts like he does lots of messing around, but I don’t think he’s that much of a horn dog, yet. But, since they’ve messed around together when the quartet meets, I’d say probably yes to them, too.”
“Damn, that was the longest winded ‘yes’ I’ve ever heard,” William chuckled.
They each sat on his own bed and looked at each other. Austin finally broke the silence. “What are we going to do now?”
The fact that William was fully erect was his answer to the question. “Well, since I seem to have been attacked by a case of boneritis, we might as well at least jerk off.” William was hoping for more, of course.
“Can I sleep with you again?” Austin asked meekly. He had no idea why he was worried that William would say no; that had never bothered him before. But tonight, he wanted to sleep with his roommate in the worst way.
William dropped down onto the bed and adjusted himself, so he was lying the length of the bed. He patted the open area between the edge of the bed and himself. There was plenty of space for Austin to place his skinny little body. Austin didn’t hesitate to fill it.
“Do you still love me?” Austin asked almost submissively.
William rolled on his left side and draped his right arm around Austin’s warm, smooth torso. He gave Austin a light kiss on the cheek. “That would be an emphatic yes. But I will add this—I’ve never felt like this about anybody and I’ve never told anybody ‘I love you’ the way I told you last night. Now quit being a wuss and talk to me like you usually do.”
“I was scared.”
“Why? I haven’t bitten your head off for a few days,” William chuckled.
“Because nobody’s ever said he loved me like that.”
“And I’m scared because I’ve never loved anybody that way, so I guess that makes us equal in the frightened department.”
“I’m not trying to be wussy, but why do you like me? I’m just a little kid.”
“You’re way bigger than your size. You are one of the nicest people I have ever met. I treated you like shit and I knew you were mad at me a lot, but you never put me down. When I started playing the guitar, you encouraged me. You slept with me and showered with me when most kids would have told me to go fuck myself. And you play the piano like some fucking magician. Plus, you don’t hold back when we get sexy with each other.”
Austin shifted so he was looking directly into William’s face. “You were awesome today with your music idea. I never really got to thank you, so thanks a lot from Ned and me.”
“Your thanks came when you told gramps that I was the one who gave you the idea. He thinks I’m a selfish bastard—I know this because he’s told me—and it meant a lot that you were honest about whose idea the change was and that he told me he was proud of me.”
Austin was the one who initiated their kiss. He was the one whose tongue probed the other’s mouth first. William was soon letting his hand wander on Austin’s smooth ass, a finger finding his way into the young boy’s crack. They kissed long and hard and rubbed their cocks together. Their groans and grunts and moans and the sound of skin on skin were the only noises in the room until Austin broke off the kiss and scooted away from William.
“What’s wrong?” William asked with concern.
“Nothing. I want to do something for you.”
Before William could respond, Austin scooted down and licked William’s cock before placing the head into his mouth. William’s scattered pubes tickled Austin’s nose. William’s cock was just over an inch longer than Gary’s and a bit thicker. Austin took in more, but he was not yet ready to do any deep throating.
“Ohhh….fuck….Austin that feels so good. When did you learn to do this?” Then William remembered Austin’s skin flute comment to James on the phone, which told him exactly where Austin sucked his first cock.
Austin’s reply was to grunt with his mouth full of cock. The result of that for William was a vibration that felt extra good. The smells of William’s crotch were much different than any of the members of the Quartet and were turning Austin on even more. His head pumped and William let out a long moan. “Fuck, you’re good—you guys in the fucking quartet did this with your skin flutes and…ohhhhhhhhh…shit, do that again.”
Austin had started with few cock sucking tricks in his bag, but he seemed to be finding new things to do. When he took half of William’s cock into his mouth and rubbed his roommate’s smooth balls, William was ready to blow. “I’m gonna fire into your mouth…like…NOW…oh, shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiit.” Austin felt the older boy’s powerful spurts and tasted his emission. “You are so awesome, Austin, I love you,” William said as his orgasm died away.
Austin swallowed what he could and lost the rest down his chin. William licked Austin’s chin and then kissed him, professing his love once again.
“I can play your skin flute now,” Austin said proudly. Austin wanted to tell William that he loved him, too, but didn’t know if it was the right thing to say right then.
Next:  Boyfriends